--- test case: Decode fail '' in: data: '' size: 1024 out: offset: 0 --- test case: Decode fail 'a b' in: data: 'a b' size: 1024 out: offset: 0 --- test case: Decode fail ' 1' in: data: ' 1' size: 1024 out: offset: 0 --- test case: Decode fail '+1' in: data: '+1' size: 1024 out: offset: 0 --- test case: Decode fail '--1' in: data: '--1' size: 1024 out: offset: 0 --- test case: Decode fail '.5' in: data: '.5' size: 1024 out: offset: 0 --- test case: Decode fail '01' in: data: '01' size: 1024 out: offset: 0 --- test case: Decode fail '"a\X"' in: data: '"a\X"' size: 1024 out: offset: 0 --- test case: Decode fail '"a\' in: data: '"a\' size: 1024 out: offset: 0 --- test case: Decode fail '"a' in: data: '"a' size: 1024 out: offset: 0 --- test case: Decode fail '"' in: data: '"' size: 1024 out: offset: 0 --- test case: Decode fail '[1, 2]' in: data: '[1, 2]' size: 1024 out: offset: 0 --- test case: Decode fail '{"a":1}' in: data: '{"a":1}' size: 1024 out: offset: 0 --- test case: Decode fail 'NULL' in: data: 'NULL' size: 1024 out: offset: 0 --- test case: Decode fail 'TRUE' in: data: 'TRUE' size: 1024 out: offset: 0 --- test case: Decode fail 'FALSE' in: data: 'FALSE' size: 1024 out: offset: 0 --- test case: Decode success '"longer value"' with small output buffer in: data: '"longer value"' size: 10 out: offset: 14 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_STRING value: longer value --- test case: Decode success '12345678901234567890' with small output buffer in: data: '12345678901234567890' size: 10 out: offset: 20 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_INT value: 12345678901234567890 --- test case: Decode fail 'true' with small output buffer in: data: 'true' size: 2 out: offset: 4 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_TRUE value: true --- test case: Decode fail 'false' with small output buffer in: data: 'false' size: 2 out: offset: 5 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_FALSE value: false --- test case: Decode fail 'null' with small output buffer in: data: 'null' size: 0 out: offset: 4 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_NULL value: '' --- test case: Decode fail '"text"' with 0 output buffer in: data: '"text"' size: 0 out: offset: 6 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_STRING value: text --- test case: Decode fail 'true' with 0 output buffer in: data: 'true' size: 0 out: offset: 4 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_TRUE value: true --- test case: Decode fail 'false' with 0 output buffer in: data: 'false' size: 0 out: offset: 5 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_FALSE value: false --- test case: Decode fail 'null' with 0 output buffer in: data: 'null' size: 0 out: offset: 4 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_NULL value: '' --- test case: Decode fail '12345' with 0 output buffer in: data: '12345' size: 0 out: offset: 5 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_INT value: 12345 --- test case: Decode success '1' in: data: '1' size: 1024 out: offset: 1 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_INT value: '1' --- test case: Decode success '1.5' in: data: '1.5' size: 1024 out: offset: 3 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_INT value: '1.5' --- test case: Decode success '-1' in: data: '-1' size: 1024 out: offset: 2 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_INT value: '-1' --- test case: Decode success '0' in: data: '0' size: 1024 out: offset: 1 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_INT value: '0' --- test case: Decode success '1e5' in: data: '1e5' size: 1024 out: offset: 3 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_INT value: '1e5' --- test case: Decode success '1e-2' in: data: '1e-2' size: 1024 out: offset: 4 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_INT value: '1e-2' --- test case: Decode success '-0.5E10' in: data: '-0.5E10' size: 1024 out: offset: 7 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_INT value: '-0.5E10' --- test case: Decode success '-0.5E+10' in: data: '-0.5E+10' size: 1024 out: offset: 8 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_INT value: '-0.5E+10' --- test case: Decode success '1e03' in: data: '1e03' size: 1024 out: offset: 4 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_INT value: '1e03' --- test case: Decode success 'true' in: data: 'true' size: 5 out: offset: 4 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_TRUE value: 'true' --- test case: Decode fail 'true' with output buffer 1 byte less than needed in: data: 'true' size: 4 out: offset: 4 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_TRUE value: 'true' --- test case: Decode success 'false' in: data: 'false' size: 6 out: offset: 5 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_FALSE value: 'false' --- test case: Decode fail 'false' with output buffer 1 byte less than needed in: data: 'false' size: 5 out: offset: 5 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_FALSE value: 'false' --- test case: Decode success 'null' in: data: 'null' size: 1 out: offset: 4 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_NULL value: '' --- test case: Decode success '"a"' in: data: '"a"' size: 1024 out: offset: 3 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_STRING value: 'a' --- test case: Decode success '"\\/"' in: data: '"\\/"' size: 1024 out: offset: 5 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_STRING value: '\/' --- test case: Decode success '"value \"1\""' in: data: '"value \"1\""' size: 1024 out: offset: 13 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_STRING value: 'value "1"' --- test case: Decode success '"value \"1\""'with output buffer having the required size in: data: '"value \"1\""' size: 10 out: offset: 13 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_STRING value: 'value "1"' --- test case: Decode fail '"value \"1\""' with output buffer 1 byte less than needed in: data: '"value \"1\""' size: 9 out: offset: 13 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_STRING value: 'value "1"' --- test case: Decode success '"\u0420\u0435\u0433\u0438\u043e\u043d"' in: data: '"\u0420\u0435\u0433\u0438\u043e\u043d"' size: 1024 out: offset: 38 type: ZBX_JSON_TYPE_STRING value: 'Регион' ...