window.script_edit_popup = new class { init({script}) { this.overlay = overlays_stack.getById('script-form'); this.dialogue = this.overlay.$dialogue[0]; this.form = this.overlay.$dialogue.$body[0].querySelector('form'); this.script = script; this.scriptid = script.scriptid; this.#loadView(script); this.#initActions(); for (const parameter of script.parameters) { this.#addParameter(parameter); } } #initActions() { this.form.querySelector('#scope').dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); this.form.querySelector('#type').dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); this.form.querySelector('#enable-confirmation').dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); this.form.querySelector('.js-parameter-add').addEventListener('click', () => { const template = new Template(this.form.querySelector('#script-parameter-template').innerHTML); this.form .querySelector('#parameters-table tbody') .insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', template.evaluate({})); }); this.dialogue.addEventListener('click', (e) => { if ('js-remove')) {'tr').remove(); } }); } /** * Adds a new row to the Parameters table with the given parameter data (name, value). * * @param {object} parameter The parameter object. */ #addParameter(parameter) { const template = new Template(this.form.querySelector('#script-parameter-template').innerHTML); this.form .querySelector('#parameters-table tbody') .insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', template.evaluate(parameter)); } /** * Compiles necessary fields for popup based on scope, type, confirmation and host group type fields. * * @param {object} script The script object. */ #loadView(script) { this.scope = parseInt(script.scope); this.type = parseInt(script.type); this.confirmation = script.enable_confirmation; const type = this.form.querySelector('#type'); // Load scope fields. this.form.querySelector('#scope').onchange = (e) => { this.#hideFormFields('all'); this.#loadScopeFields(e); type.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); }; // Load type fields. type.onchange = (e) => this.#loadTypeFields(script, e); // Update confirmation fields. this.form.querySelector('#enable-confirmation').onchange = (e) => this.#loadConfirmationFields(e); // Test confirmation button. this.form.querySelector('#test-confirmation').addEventListener('click', (e) => executeScript(null, this.form.querySelector('#confirmation').value, ); // Host group selection. const hgstype = this.form.querySelector('#hgstype-select'); const hostgroup_selection = this.form.querySelector('#host-group-selection'); hgstype.onchange = () => = hgstype.value === '1' ? '' : 'none'; hgstype.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); this.form.removeAttribute('style'); this.overlay.recoverFocus(); } clone({title, buttons}) { this.scriptid = null; this.overlay.setProperties({title, buttons}); this.overlay.unsetLoading(); this.overlay.recoverFocus(); } delete() { const curl = new Curl('zabbix.php'); curl.setArgument('action', 'script.delete'); curl.setArgument('', ); this.#post(curl.getUrl(), {scriptids: [this.scriptid]}, (response) => { overlayDialogueDestroy(this.overlay.dialogueid); this.dialogue.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('dialogue.submit', {detail: response.success})); }); } submit() { const fields = getFormFields(this.form); for (let key in fields) { if (typeof fields[key] === 'string' && key !== 'confirmation') { fields[key] = fields[key].trim(); } } if (typeof fields.parameters !== 'undefined') { = => name.trim()); fields.parameters.value = => value.trim()); } const curl = new Curl('zabbix.php'); curl.setArgument('action', this.scriptid === null ? 'script.create' : 'script.update'); this.#post(curl.getUrl(), fields, (response) => { overlayDialogueDestroy(this.overlay.dialogueid); this.dialogue.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('dialogue.submit', {detail: response.success})); }); } /** * Sends a POST request to the specified URL with the provided data and executes the success_callback function. * * @param {string} url The URL to send the POST request to. * @param {object} data The data to send with the POST request. * @param {callback} success_callback The function to execute when a successful response is received. */ #post(url, data, success_callback) { fetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, body: JSON.stringify(data) }) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((response) => { if ('error' in response) { throw {error: response.error}; } return response; }) .then(success_callback) .catch((exception) => { for (const element of this.form.parentNode.children) { if (element.matches('.msg-good, .msg-bad, .msg-warning')) { element.parentNode.removeChild(element); } } let title; let messages; if (typeof exception === 'object' && 'error' in exception) { title = exception.error.title; messages = exception.error.messages; } else { messages = []; } const message_box = makeMessageBox('bad', messages, title)[0]; this.form.parentNode.insertBefore(message_box, this.form); }) .finally(() => this.overlay.unsetLoading()); } /** * Displays or hides fields in the popup based on the value of selected scope. * * @param {object} event The event object. */ #loadScopeFields(event) { if ( { this.scope = parseInt(; } const url_radio_button = this.form.querySelector( `#type input[type="radio"][value="${}"]` ); switch (this.scope) { case : case : const show_fields = [ '#menu-path', '#menu-path-label', '#usergroup-label', '#usergroup', '#host-access-label', '#host-access-field', '#enable-confirmation-label', '#enable-confirmation-field', '#confirmation-label', '#confirmation-field' ]; show_fields.forEach((field) => { this.form.querySelector(field).style.display = ''; }); url_radio_button.closest('li').style.display = ''; break; case : const hide_fields = ['#menu-path', '#menu-path-label']; hide_fields.forEach((field) => { this.form.querySelector(field).style.display = 'none'; }); url_radio_button.closest('li').style.display = 'none'; if (this.form.querySelector('input[name="type"]:checked').value == ) { const webhook = this.form.querySelector(`#type [value="${}"]`); webhook.checked = true; this.type = parseInt(); } break; } } /** * Displays or hides fields in the popup based on the value of selected type. * * @param {object} script The script object. * @param {object} event The event object. */ #loadTypeFields(script, event) { if ( { this.type = parseInt(; } let show_fields = []; const hide_fields = [ '#command-ipmi-label', '#command-ipmi', '#webhook-parameters', '#webhook-parameters-label', '#js-item-script-field', '#script-label', '#timeout-label', '#timeout-field', '#auth-type-label', '#auth-type', '#username-label', '#username-field', '#password-label', '#password-field', '#publickey-label', '#publickey-field', '#privatekey-label', '#privatekey-field', '#passphrase-label', '#passphrase-field', '#port-label', '#port-field', '#url', '#url-label', '#new-window-label', '#new-window', '#execute-on-label', '#execute-on', '#commands-label', '#commands' ]; hide_fields.forEach((field) => { this.form.querySelector(field).style.display = 'none'; }) const command_ipmi = this.form.querySelector('#commandipmi'); const command = this.form.querySelector('#command'); switch (this.type) { case : if (command_ipmi.value !== '') { command.value = command_ipmi.value; command_ipmi.value = ''; } show_fields = ['#execute-on-label', '#execute-on', '#commands-label', '#commands']; break; case : if (command.value !== '') { command_ipmi.value = command.value; command.value = ''; } show_fields = ['#command-ipmi-label', '#command-ipmi']; break; case : if (command_ipmi.value !== '') { command.value = command_ipmi.value; command_ipmi.value = ''; } show_fields = [ '#auth-type-label', '#auth-type', '#username-label', '#username-field', '#port-label', '#port-field', '#commands-label', '#commands' ]; // Load authentication fields. this.authtype = parseInt(script.authtype); const authtype = this.form.querySelector('#authtype'); authtype.onchange = (e) => this.#loadAuthFields(e); authtype.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); break; case : if (command_ipmi.value !== '') { command.value = command_ipmi.value; command_ipmi.value = ''; } show_fields = [ '#username-label', '#username-field', '#port-label', '#port-field', '#password-label', '#password-field', '#commands-label', '#commands' ]; break; case : show_fields = [ '#webhook-parameters', '#webhook-parameters-label', '#js-item-script-field', '#script-label', '#timeout-label', '#timeout-field' ]; break; case : show_fields = ['#url', '#url-label', '#new-window-label', '#new-window']; break; } show_fields.forEach((field) => this.form.querySelector(field).style.display = ''); } /** * Displays or hides fields in the popup based on the value of selected authentication method. * This is relevant only when the script type is SSH. * * @param {object} event The event object. */ #loadAuthFields(event) { this.#hideFormFields('auth'); let show_fields = []; if ( { this.authtype = parseInt(; } switch (this.authtype) { case : show_fields = ['#password-label', '#password-field', '#commands-label', '#commands']; break; case : show_fields = [ '#publickey-label', '#publickey-field', '#privatekey-label', '#privatekey-field', '#passphrase-label', '#passphrase-field' ]; break; } show_fields.forEach((field) => this.form.querySelector(field).style.display = ''); } /** * Displays or hides confirmation fields in the popup based on the value of selected scope. * This is relevant only when scope value is ZBX_SCRIPT_SCOPE_HOST or ZBX_SCRIPT_SCOPE_ACTION. * * @param {object} event The event object. */ #loadConfirmationFields(event) { if ( { this.confirmation =; } const confirmation = this.form.querySelector('#confirmation'); const test_confirmation = this.form.querySelector('#test-confirmation'); if (this.confirmation) { confirmation.removeAttribute('disabled'); confirmation.onkeyup = () => confirmation.value !== '' ? test_confirmation.removeAttribute('disabled') : test_confirmation.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); confirmation.dispatchEvent(new Event('keyup')); } else { confirmation.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); test_confirmation.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } } /** * Hides the specified fields from the form based on input parameter type. * * @param {string} type A string indicating the type of fields to hide. */ #hideFormFields(type) { let fields = []; if (type === 'auth') { fields = [ '#privatekey-label', '#privatekey-field', '#privatekey-label', '#privatekey-field', '#passphrase-label', '#passphrase-field', '#publickey-label', '#publickey-field', '#password-label', '#password-field' ]; } if (type === 'all') { this.form.querySelector(`#type input[type="radio"][value="${}"]`) .closest('li').style.display = 'none'; fields = [ '#menu-path', '#menu-path-label', '#url', '#url-label', '#new-window-label', '#new-window', '#webhook-parameters', '#webhook-parameters-label', '#js-item-script-field', '#script-label', '#timeout-label', '#timeout-field', '#commands-label', '#commands', '#command-ipmi-label', '#command-ipmi', '#auth-type-label', '#auth-type', '#username-label', '#username-field', '#password-label', '#password-field', '#port-label', '#port-field', '#publickey-label', '#publickey-field', '#privatekey-label', '#privatekey-field', '#passphrase-label', '#passphrase-field', '#usergroup-label', '#usergroup', '#host-access-label', '#host-access-field', '#enable-confirmation-label', '#enable-confirmation-field', '#confirmation-label', '#confirmation-field' ]; } fields.forEach((field) => this.form.querySelector(field).style.display = 'none'); } }