window.template_edit_popup = new class { init({templateid, warnings}) { this.overlay = overlays_stack.getById('templates-form'); this.dialogue = this.overlay.$dialogue[0]; this.form = this.overlay.$dialogue.$body[0].querySelector('form'); this.templateid = templateid; this.linked_templateids = this.#getLinkedTemplates(); this.macros_templateids = null; if (warnings.length > 0) { const message_box = warnings.length > 1 ? makeMessageBox('warning', warnings, , true, false )[0] : makeMessageBox('warning', warnings, null, true, false)[0]; this.form.parentNode.insertBefore(message_box, this.form); } this.#initActions(); this.#initTemplateTab(); this.#initMacrosTab(); this.initial_form_fields = getFormFields(this.form); } #initActions() { this.form.addEventListener('click', (e) => { if ('js-edit-linked-template')) { this.#editLinkedTemplate(; } else if ('js-unlink')) { this.#unlink(e); } else if ('js-unlink-and-clear')) { this.#unlink(e); this.#clear(; } }); // Add visible name input field placeholder. const template_name = this.form.querySelector('#template_name'); const visible_name = this.form.querySelector('#visiblename'); template_name.addEventListener('input', () => visible_name.placeholder = template_name.value); template_name.dispatchEvent(new Event('input')); } #initTemplateTab() { const $groups_ms = $('#template_groups_', this.form); const $template_ms = $('#template_add_templates_', this.form); $template_ms.on('change', () => { $template_ms.multiSelect('setDisabledEntries', this.#getLinkedTemplates().concat(this.#getNewTemplates())); }); $groups_ms.on('change', () => { $groups_ms.multiSelect('setDisabledEntries', [...document.querySelectorAll('[name^="template_groups["]')] .map((input) => input.value) ); }); } #initMacrosTab() { this.macros_manager = new HostMacrosManager({ container: $('#template_macros_container .table-forms-td-right') }); let macros_initialized = false; $('#template-tabs', this.form).on('tabscreate tabsactivate', (event, ui) => { let panel = (event.type === 'tabscreate') ? ui.panel : ui.newPanel; const show_inherited_macros = this.form .querySelector('input[name=show_inherited_template_macros]:checked').value == 1; if (panel.attr('id') === 'template-macro-tab') { // Please note that macro initialization must take place once and only when the tab is visible. if (event.type === 'tabsactivate') { const templateids = this.linked_templateids.concat(this.#getNewTemplates()); if (this.macros_templateids === null) { this.macros_templateids = templateids; } // After initialization load inherited macros only if templates changed. if (show_inherited_macros && this.macros_templateids.xor(templateids).length > 0) { this.macros_templateids = templateids; this.macros_manager.load(show_inherited_macros, templateids); } } if (macros_initialized) { return; } // Initialize macros. this.macros_manager.initMacroTable(show_inherited_macros); macros_initialized = true; } }); this.form.querySelector('#show_inherited_template_macros').onchange = (e) => { this.macros_manager.load( == 1, this.linked_templateids.concat(this.#getNewTemplates())); } } #editLinkedTemplate(templateid) { const form_fields = getFormFields(this.form); if (JSON.stringify(this.initial_form_fields) !== JSON.stringify(form_fields)) { if (!window.confirm()) { return; } } overlayDialogueDestroy(this.overlay.dialogueid); const overlay = PopUp('template.edit', {templateid: templateid}, { dialogueid: 'templates-form', dialogue_class: 'modal-popup-large', prevent_navigation: true }); overlay.$dialogue[0].addEventListener('dialogue.submit', (e) => { this.dialogue.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('dialogue.submit', {detail: e.detail})); }); overlay.$dialogue[0].addEventListener('dialogue.close', () => { this.dialogue.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('dialogue.close')); }); } /** * Removes the linked template row and the template ID from linked templates object, triggers multiselect change * event. * * @param {object} e Event object. */ #unlink(e) {'tr').remove(); this.linked_templateids = this.linked_templateids.filter(value => value != ); $('#template_add_templates_', this.form).trigger('change'); } /** * Adds template ID s a hidden input to form within the clear_templates array. * * @param {string} templateid */ #clear(templateid) { const clear_template = document.createElement('input'); clear_template.type = 'hidden'; = 'clear_templates[]'; clear_template.value = templateid; this.form.appendChild(clear_template); } /** * Helper to get linked template IDs as an array. * * @return {array} Templateids. */ #getLinkedTemplates() { const linked_templateids = []; this.form.querySelectorAll('[name^="templates["').forEach((input) => { linked_templateids.push(input.value); }); return linked_templateids; } /** * Helper to get added template IDs as an array. * * @return {array} Templateids. */ #getNewTemplates() { const $template_multiselect = $('#template_add_templates_', this.form); const templateids = []; if ($template_multiselect.length) { $template_multiselect.multiSelect('getData').forEach(template => { templateids.push(; }); } return templateids; } clone() { this.overlay.setLoading(); const parameters = this.#trimFields(getFormFields(this.form)); parameters.clone = 1; parameters.templateid = this.templateid; this.#prepareFields(parameters); PopUp('template.edit', parameters, { dialogueid: 'templates-form' }); } deleteAndClear() { this.delete(true); } delete(clear = false) { const curl = new Curl('zabbix.php'); curl.setArgument('action', 'template.delete'); curl.setArgument('', ); let data = {templateids: [this.templateid]} if (clear) { data.clear = 1; } this.#post(curl.getUrl(), data, (response) => { overlayDialogueDestroy(this.overlay.dialogueid); this.dialogue.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('dialogue.submit', {detail: response})); }); } submit() { const fields = getFormFields(this.form); if (this.templateid !== null) { fields.templateid = this.templateid; } this.#prepareFields(fields); this.#trimFields(fields); this.overlay.setLoading(); const curl = new Curl('zabbix.php'); curl.setArgument('action', this.templateid === null ? 'template.create' : 'template.update'); this.#post(curl.getUrl(), fields, (response) => { overlayDialogueDestroy(this.overlay.dialogueid); this.dialogue.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('dialogue.submit', {detail: response})); }); } #prepareFields(parameters) { const mappings = [ {from: 'template_groups', to: 'groups'}, {from: 'template_add_templates', to: 'add_templates'}, {from: 'show_inherited_template_macros', to: 'show_inherited_macros'} ]; for (const mapping of mappings) { parameters[] = parameters[mapping.from]; delete parameters[mapping.from]; } return parameters; } #trimFields(fields) { // Trim all string fields. for (let key in fields) { if (typeof fields[key] === 'string') { fields[key] = fields[key].trim(); } } // Trim tag input fields. if ('tags' in fields) { for (const key in fields.tags) { const tag = fields.tags[key]; tag.tag = tag.tag.trim(); if ('name' in tag) { =; } if ('value' in tag) { tag.value = tag.value.trim(); } delete tag.automatic; } } // Trim macro input fields. if ('macros' in fields) { for (const key in fields.macros) { const macro = fields.macros[key]; macro.macro = macro.macro.trim(); if ('value' in macro) { macro.value = macro.value.trim(); } if ('description' in macro) { macro.description = macro.description.trim(); } } } return fields; } /** * Sends a POST request to the specified URL with the provided data and executes the success_callback function. * * @param {string} url The URL to send the POST request to. * @param {object} data The data to send with the POST request. * @param {callback} success_callback The function to execute when a successful response is received. */ #post(url, data, success_callback) { fetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, body: JSON.stringify(data) }) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((response) => { if ('error' in response) { throw {error: response.error}; } return response; }) .then(success_callback) .catch((exception) => { for (const element of this.form.parentNode.children) { if (element.matches('.msg-good, .msg-bad, .msg-warning')) { element.parentNode.removeChild(element); } } let title, messages; if (typeof exception === 'object' && 'error' in exception) { title = exception.error.title; messages = exception.error.messages; } else { messages = []; } const message_box = makeMessageBox('bad', messages, title)[0]; this.form.parentNode.insertBefore(message_box, this.form); }) .finally(() => { this.overlay.unsetLoading(); }); } }