][<+->N[/]]" format. */ class CRelativeTimeParser extends CParser { const ZBX_TOKEN_PRECISION = 0; const ZBX_TOKEN_OFFSET = 1; /** * @var array $tokens An array of tokens for relative date. */ private $tokens; private $user_macro_parser; private $lld_macro_parser; private $lld_macro_function_parser; /** * An options array. * * Supported options: * 'usermacros' => false Enable user macros usage in the periods. * 'lldmacros' => false Enable low-level discovery macros usage in the periods. * * @var array */ public $options = [ 'usermacros' => false, 'lldmacros' => false ]; /** * @param array $options */ public function __construct(array $options = []) { $this->options = $options + $this->options; if ($this->options['usermacros']) { $this->user_macro_parser = new CUserMacroParser(); } if ($this->options['lldmacros']) { $this->lld_macro_parser = new CLLDMacroParser(); $this->lld_macro_function_parser = new CLLDMacroFunctionParser(); } } /** * Parse the given period. * * @param string $source Source string that needs to be parsed. * @param int $pos Position offset. */ public function parse($source, $pos = 0) { $this->length = 0; $this->match = ''; $this->tokens = []; $p = $pos; if (!$this->parseRelativeTime($source, $p) && !$this->parseMacros($source, $p)) { return self::PARSE_FAIL; } $this->length = $p - $pos; $this->match = substr($source, $pos, $this->length); return isset($source[$p]) ? self::PARSE_SUCCESS_CONT : self::PARSE_SUCCESS; } /** * Parse relative time. * * @param string $source * @param int $pos * * @return bool */ private function parseRelativeTime($source, &$pos) { if (strncmp(substr($source, $pos), 'now', 3) != 0) { return false; } $pos += 3; while ($this->parsePrecision($source, $pos) || $this->parseOffset($source, $pos)) { } return true; } /** * Parse precision. * * @param string $source * @param int $pos * * @return bool */ private function parsePrecision($source, &$pos) { $p = $pos; if (!isset($source[$p]) || $source[$p] !== '/') { return false; } $p++; if (preg_match('/^[yMwdhm]/', substr($source, $p), $matches)) { $this->tokens[] = [ 'type' => self::ZBX_TOKEN_PRECISION, 'suffix' => $matches[0] ]; $p++; } elseif (!$this->parseMacros($source, $p)) { return false; } $pos = $p; return true; } /** * Parse offset. * * @param string $source * @param int $pos * * @return bool */ private function parseOffset($source, &$pos) { $p = $pos; if (!preg_match('/^[+-]/', substr($source, $p), $sign_matches)) { return false; } $p++; if (preg_match('/^(?P[0-9]+)(?P[yMwdhms])?/', substr($source, $p), $matches)) { $this->tokens[] = [ 'type' => self::ZBX_TOKEN_OFFSET, 'sign' => $sign_matches[0], 'value' => $matches['offset_value'], 'suffix' => array_key_exists('offset_suffix', $matches) ? $matches['offset_suffix'] : 's' ]; $p += strlen($matches[0]); } elseif (!$this->parseMacros($source, $p)) { return false; } $pos = $p; return true; } /** * Parse macros. * * @param string $source * @param int $pos * * @return bool */ private function parseMacros($source, &$pos) { if ($this->options['usermacros'] && $this->user_macro_parser->parse($source, $pos) !== CParser::PARSE_FAIL) { $pos += $this->user_macro_parser->length; } elseif ($this->options['lldmacros'] && $this->lld_macro_parser->parse($source, $pos) !== CParser::PARSE_FAIL) { $pos += $this->lld_macro_parser->length; } elseif ($this->options['lldmacros'] && $this->lld_macro_function_parser->parse($source, $pos) !== CParser::PARSE_FAIL) { $pos += $this->lld_macro_function_parser->length; } else { return false; } return true; } /** * Returns an array of tokens. * * @return array */ public function getTokens() { return $this->tokens; } /** * Get DateTime object with its value set to either start or end of the period derived from the date/time specified. * * @param $is_start * @param DateTimeZone|null $timezone * * @return DateTime|null */ public function getDateTime($is_start, DateTimeZone $timezone = null): ?DateTime { if ($this->match === '') { return null; } $date = new DateTime('now', $timezone); foreach ($this->getTokens() as $token) { switch ($token['type']) { case CRelativeTimeParser::ZBX_TOKEN_PRECISION: if ($token['suffix'] === 'm' || $token['suffix'] === 'h' || $token['suffix'] === 'd') { $formats = $is_start ? [ 'd' => 'Y-m-d 00:00:00', 'm' => 'Y-m-d H:i:00', 'h' => 'Y-m-d H:00:00' ] : [ 'd' => 'Y-m-d 23:59:59', 'm' => 'Y-m-d H:i:59', 'h' => 'Y-m-d H:59:59' ]; $date = new DateTime($date->format($formats[$token['suffix']]), $timezone); } else { $modifiers = $is_start ? [ 'w' => 'Monday this week 00:00:00', 'M' => 'first day of this month 00:00:00', 'y' => 'first day of January this year 00:00:00' ] : [ 'w' => 'Sunday this week 23:59:59', 'M' => 'last day of this month 23:59:59', 'y' => 'last day of December this year 23:59:59' ]; $date->modify($modifiers[$token['suffix']]); } break; case CRelativeTimeParser::ZBX_TOKEN_OFFSET: $units = [ 's' => 'second', 'm' => 'minute', 'h' => 'hour', 'd' => 'day', 'w' => 'week', 'M' => 'month', 'y' => 'year' ]; $date->modify($token['sign'].$token['value'].' '.$units[$token['suffix']]); break; } } return $date; } }