call('host.get', [ 'selectTags' => ['tag', 'value'] ]); $this->assertArrayHasKey('result', $response, 'Failed to discover host before timeout'); $this->assertCount(1, $response['result'], 'Failed to discover host before timeout'); $this->assertArrayHasKey('tags', $response['result'][0], 'Failed to discover host before timeout'); $discoveredHost = $response['result'][0]; $this->assertArrayHasKey('hostid', $discoveredHost, 'Failed to get host ID of the discovered host'); self::$discoveredHostId = $discoveredHost['hostid']; $tags = $discoveredHost['tags']; $this->assertCount(count($expectedTags), $tags, 'Unexpected tags count was detected'); foreach($expectedTags as $expectedTag) { $this->assertContains($expectedTag, $tags, 'Expected tag was not found after discovery'); } foreach($notExpectedTags as $notExpectedTag) { $this->assertNotContains($notExpectedTag, $tags, 'Unexpected tag was found after discovery'); } break; } catch (Exception $e) { if ($i == $max_attempts - 1) throw $e; else sleep($sleep_time); } } } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function prepareData() { $response = $this->call('host.get', []); $hostids = array(); foreach ($response['result'] as $host) { $hostids[] = $host['hostid']; } $this->call('host.delete', $hostids); $response = $this->call('host.get', []); $this->assertArrayHasKey('result', $response, 'Failed to clear existing hosts during test setup'); $this->assertCount(0, $response['result'], 'Failed to clear existing hosts during test setup'); $response = $this->call('drule.create', [ 'name' => self::DRULE_NAME, 'delay' => '5s', 'iprange' => '', 'dchecks' => [ [ 'type' => SVC_HTTP, 'ports' => '80' ] ] ]); $this->assertArrayHasKey('result', $response, 'Failed to create a discovery rule'); $this->assertArrayHasKey('druleids', $response['result'], 'Failed to create a discovery rule'); $this->assertCount(1, $response['result'], 'Failed to create a discovery rule'); self::$discoveryRuleId = $response['result']['druleids'][0]; $response = $this->call('action.create', [ 'name' => self::DACTION_NAME, 'eventsource' => EVENT_SOURCE_DISCOVERY, 'status' => ACTION_STATUS_ENABLED, 'filter' => [ 'conditions' => [ [ 'conditiontype' => CONDITION_TYPE_DRULE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_EQUAL, 'value' => self::$discoveryRuleId ], [ 'conditiontype' => CONDITION_TYPE_DSTATUS, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_EQUAL, 'value' => DOBJECT_STATUS_UP ] ], 'evaltype' => CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_AND_OR ], 'operations' => [ /* OPERATION_TYPE_HOST_ADD is intentionally missing. It is expected to be run by */ /* Zabbix server, because OPERATION_TYPE_HOST_TAGS_ADD is present. */ [ 'operationtype' => OPERATION_TYPE_HOST_TAGS_ADD, 'optag' => [ [ 'tag' => 'add_tag1', 'value' => 'add_value1' ], [ 'tag' => 'add_tag2', 'value' => 'add_value2' ] ] ] ] ]); $this->assertArrayHasKey('result', $response, 'Failed to create a discovery action'); $this->assertArrayHasKey('actionids', $response['result'], 'Failed to create a discovery action'); $this->assertCount(1, $response['result'], 'Failed to create a discovery action'); $response = $this->call('action.get', [ 'filter' => [ 'name' => self::DACTION_NAME ] ]); $this->assertArrayHasKey('result', $response, 'Failed to retrieve the discovery action'); $this->assertCount(1, $response['result'], 'Failed to retrieve the discovery action'); $discoveryAction = $response['result'][0]; $this->assertArrayHasKey('actionid', $discoveryAction, 'Failed to get actionid of the discovery action'); self::$discoveryActionId = $discoveryAction['actionid']; } public function testDiscoveryRules_opAddHostTags() { $this->waitForDiscovery([ ['tag' => 'add_tag1', 'value' => 'add_value1'], ['tag' => 'add_tag2', 'value' => 'add_value2'] ]); } /** * @depends testDiscoveryRules_opAddHostTags */ public function testDiscoveryRules_opDelHostTags() { /* Replace tags at the discovered host */ $response = $this->call('host.update', [ 'hostid' => self::$discoveredHostId, 'tags' => [ [ 'tag' => 'del_tag3', 'value' => 'del_value3' ], [ 'tag' => 'del_tag4', 'value' => 'del_value4' ] ] ]); $this->assertArrayHasKey('result', $response); $this->assertCount(1, $response['result']); $response = $this->call('action.update', [ 'actionid' => self::$discoveryActionId, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationtype' => OPERATION_TYPE_HOST_TAGS_ADD, 'optag' => [ [ 'tag' => 'add_tag1', 'value' => 'add_value1' ], [ 'tag' => 'add_tag2', 'value' => 'add_value2' ] ] ], [ 'operationtype' => OPERATION_TYPE_HOST_TAGS_REMOVE, 'optag' => [ [ 'tag' => 'del_tag3', 'value' => 'del_value3' ], [ 'tag' => 'del_tag4', 'value' => 'del_value4' ] ] ] ] ]); $this->waitForDiscovery([ ['tag' => 'add_tag1', 'value' => 'add_value1'], ['tag' => 'add_tag2', 'value' => 'add_value2'] ], [ ['tag' => 'del_tag3', 'value' => 'del_value3'], ['tag' => 'del_tag4', 'value' => 'del_value4'] ]); } }