call('host.create', [ 'host' => self::HOST_NAME, 'interfaces' => [ [ 'type' => 1, 'main' => 1, 'useip' => 1, 'ip' => '', 'dns' => '', 'port' => $this->getConfigurationValue(self::COMPONENT_AGENT, 'ListenPort') ] ], 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => 4 ] ] ]); $this->assertArrayHasKey('hostids', $response['result']); $this->assertArrayHasKey(0, $response['result']['hostids']); self::$hostid = $response['result']['hostids'][0]; // Get host interface ids. $response = $this->call('host.get', [ 'output' => ['host'], 'hostids' => [self::$hostid], 'selectInterfaces' => ['interfaceid'] ]); $this->assertArrayHasKey(0, $response['result']); $this->assertArrayHasKey('interfaces', $response['result'][0]); $this->assertArrayHasKey(0, $response['result'][0]['interfaces']); // Create trapper item $response = $this->call('item.create', [ 'hostid' => self::$hostid, 'name' => self::TRAPPER_ITEM_NAME, 'key_' => self::TRAPPER_ITEM_NAME, 'type' => ITEM_TYPE_TRAPPER, 'value_type' => ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64 ]); $this->assertArrayHasKey('itemids', $response['result']); $this->assertEquals(1, count($response['result']['itemids'])); // Create trigger $response = $this->call('trigger.create', [ 'description' => 'Trapper received 1', 'expression' => 'last(/'.self::HOST_NAME.'/'.self::TRAPPER_ITEM_NAME.')=1' ]); $this->assertArrayHasKey('triggerids', $response['result']); $this->assertEquals(1, count($response['result']['triggerids'])); self::$triggerid = $response['result']['triggerids'][0]; return true; } private function validateTriggerParams($expected_state, $expected_value) { $response = $this->call('trigger.get', [ 'triggerids' => [self::$triggerid] ]); $this->assertArrayHasKey(0, $response['result']); $this->assertEquals($expected_state, $response['result'][0]['state']); $this->assertEquals($expected_value, $response['result'][0]['value']); } private function recoverTrigger() { $this->sendSenderValue(self::HOST_NAME, self::TRAPPER_ITEM_NAME, 0); $this->validateTriggerParams(TRIGGER_STATE_NORMAL, TRIGGER_VALUE_FALSE); } private function fireTrigger() { $this->sendSenderValue(self::HOST_NAME, self::TRAPPER_ITEM_NAME, 1); $this->validateTriggerParams(TRIGGER_STATE_NORMAL, TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE); } /** * Scenario description: * 1. trigger state is NORMAL, trigger value is OK * fire trigger * expect trigger state to be NORMAL and trigger value to be PROBLEM * * 2. send unsupported value type * expect trigger state to be UNKNOWN and trigger value to be PROBLEM * * 3. recover trigger * expect trigger state to be NORMAL and trigger value to be OK * */ public function testTriggerState_checkScenario1() { // Reload configuration cache before sending values $this->reloadConfigurationCache(); // Send first value $this->recoverTrigger(); $this->fireTrigger(); $this->sendSenderValue(self::HOST_NAME, self::TRAPPER_ITEM_NAME, 'a'); $this->validateTriggerParams(TRIGGER_STATE_UNKNOWN, TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE); $this->recoverTrigger(); } /** * Scenario description: * 1. trigger state is NORMAL, trigger value is OK * send unsupported value type * expect trigger state to be UNKNOWN and trigger value to be OK * * 2. fire trigger * expect trigger state to be NORMAL and trigger value to be PROBLEM * * @depends testTriggerState_checkScenario1 */ public function testTriggerState_checkScenario2() { $this->sendSenderValue(self::HOST_NAME, self::TRAPPER_ITEM_NAME, 'a'); $this->validateTriggerParams(TRIGGER_STATE_UNKNOWN, TRIGGER_VALUE_FALSE); $this->fireTrigger(); } }