page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=authentication.edit'); $form = $this->query('id:authentication-form')->asForm()->one(); $form->selectTab($auth_type.' settings'); $this->page->assertHeader('Authentication'); $this->page->assertTitle('Configuration of authentication'); $enable_auth_checkbox = $form->getField('Enable '.$auth_type.' authentication'); $this->assertTrue($enable_auth_checkbox->isEnabled()); $this->assertTrue($enable_auth_checkbox->isVisible()); $form->checkValue(['Enable '.$auth_type.' authentication' => false]); // Check that Update button is clickable and no other buttons present. $this->assertTrue($form->query('button:Update')->one()->isClickable()); $this->assertEquals(1, $form->query('xpath:.//ul[@class="table-forms"]//button')->count()); return $form; } /** * Check hints and form fields in mapping popups. * * @param CFormElement $form given form * @param array $hintboxes hintboxes to be checked * @param array $mapping_tables mapping tables to be checked * @param string $auth_type LDAP or SAML */ protected function checkFormHintsAndMapping($form, $hintboxes, $mapping_tables, $auth_type) { // Open hintboxes and compare text. $this->checkHints($hintboxes, $form); // Check mapping tables headers. $this->checkTablesHeaders($mapping_tables, $form); // Check group mapping popup. $this->checkMappingDialog('User group mapping', 'New user group mapping', $form, [$auth_type.' group pattern', 'User groups', 'User role'], $auth_type ); // Check media type mapping popup. $this->checkMappingDialog('Media type mapping', 'New media type mapping', $form, ['Name', 'Media type', 'Attribute'], $auth_type ); } /** * Check headers in mapping tables. * * @param array $tables given tables * @param CFormElement $form given form */ protected function checkTablesHeaders($tables, $form) { foreach ($tables as $name => $attributes) { $this->assertEquals($attributes['headers'], $form->getFieldContainer($name) ->query('id', $attributes['id'])->asTable()->waitUntilVisible()->one()->getHeadersText() ); } } /** * Check mapping form in dialog. * * @param string $field field which mapping is checked * @param string $title title in dialog * @param CFormElement $form given LDAP or SAML form * @param array $labels labels in mapping form * @param string $auth_type LDAP or SAML */ protected function checkMappingDialog($field, $title, $form, $labels, $auth_type) { $form->getFieldContainer($field)->query('button:Add')->waitUntilClickable()->one()->click(); $mapping_dialog = COverlayDialogElement::find()->waitUntilReady()->all()->last(); $this->assertEquals($title, $mapping_dialog->getTitle()); $mapping_form = $mapping_dialog->asForm(); foreach ($labels as $label) { $mapping_field = $mapping_form->getField($label); $this->assertTrue($mapping_field->isVisible()); $this->assertTrue($mapping_field->isEnabled()); } $this->assertEquals($labels, $mapping_form->getRequiredLabels()); $values = ($field === 'Media type mapping') ? ['Name' => '', 'Media type' => '', 'Attribute' => ''] : [$auth_type.' group pattern' => '', 'User groups' => '', 'User role' => '']; $mapping_form->checkValue($values); // Check group mapping popup footer buttons. $this->assertTrue($mapping_dialog->getFooter()->query('button:Add')->one()->isClickable()); // Check mapping dialog footer buttons. $footer = $this->checkFooterButtons($mapping_dialog, ['Add', 'Cancel']); // Check hint in group mapping popup. if ($field === 'User group mapping') { $this->checkHints([$auth_type.' group pattern' => "Naming requirements:\ngroup name must match ".$auth_type. " group name\nwildcard patterns with '*' may be used"], $mapping_dialog->asForm() ); } // Close mapping dialog. $footer->query('button:Cancel')->waitUntilClickable()->one()->click(); } /** * Check buttons in dialog footer. * * @param COverlayDialogElement $dialog given dialog * @param array $buttons checked buttons array */ protected function checkFooterButtons($dialog, $buttons) { $footer = $dialog->getFooter(); // Check that there are correct buttons count in the footer. $this->assertEquals(count($buttons), $footer->query('xpath:.//button')->all()->count()); // Check that all footer buttons are clickable. $this->assertEquals(count($buttons), $footer->query('button', $buttons)->all() ->filter(new CElementFilter(CElementFilter::CLICKABLE))->count() ); return $footer; } /** * Check hints for labels in form. * * @param array $hintboxes given hintboxes to check * @param CFormElement $form given form */ protected function checkHints($hintboxes, $form) { foreach ($hintboxes as $label => $text) { $form->getLabel($label)->query('xpath:./button[@data-hintbox]')->one()->click(); $hint = $this->query('xpath://div[@class="overlay-dialogue"]')->waitUntilPresent()->all()->last(); $this->assertEquals($text, $hint->getText()); $hint->query('xpath:.//button[@title="Close"]')->waitUntilClickable()->one()->click(); } } /** * Set mapping for LDAP server. * * @param array $mappings given mappings * @param CFormElement $form LDAP or SAML form * @param string $field mapping field which is being filled * @param boolean $success true if mapping submits successfully, false if not */ protected function setMapping($mappings, $form, $field, $success = true) { foreach ($mappings as $mapping) { $form->getFieldContainer($field)->query('button:Add')->waitUntilClickable()->one()->click(); $dialog = COverlayDialogElement::find()->waitUntilReady()->all()->last(); $param_form = $dialog->asForm(); $param_form->fill($mapping); $param_form->submit(); if ($success) { $dialog->waitUntilNotVisible(); } } } }