# Zookeeper by HTTP ## Overview This template is designed for the effortless deployment of Zookeeper monitoring by Zabbix via HTTP and doesn't require any external scripts. ## Requirements Zabbix version: 7.0 and higher. ## Tested versions This template has been tested on: - Apache Zookeeper, version 3.6+, 3.8+ ## Configuration > Zabbix should be configured according to the instructions in the [Templates out of the box](https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/7.0/manual/config/templates_out_of_the_box) section. ## Setup This template works with standalone and cluster instances. Metrics are collected from each Zookeeper node by requests to [AdminServer](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/zookeeperAdmin.html#sc_adminserver). By default AdminServer is enabled and listens on port 8080. You can enable or configure AdminServer parameters according [official documentations](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/zookeeperAdmin.html#sc_adminserver_config). Don't forget to change macros {$ZOOKEEPER.COMMAND_URL}, {$ZOOKEEPER.PORT}, {$ZOOKEEPER.SCHEME}. ### Macros used |Name|Description|Default| |----|-----------|-------| |{$ZOOKEEPER.PORT}|
The port the embedded Jetty server listens on (admin.serverPort).
|`8080`| |{$ZOOKEEPER.COMMAND_URL}|The URL for listing and issuing commands relative to the root URL (admin.commandURL).
|`commands`| |{$ZOOKEEPER.SCHEME}|Request scheme which may be http or https
|`http`| |{$ZOOKEEPER.FILE_DESCRIPTORS.MAX.WARN}|Maximum percentage of file descriptors usage alert threshold (for trigger expression).
|`85`| |{$ZOOKEEPER.OUTSTANDING_REQ.MAX.WARN}|Maximum number of outstanding requests (for trigger expression).
|`10`| |{$ZOOKEEPER.PENDING_SYNCS.MAX.WARN}|Maximum number of pending syncs from the followers (for trigger expression).
|`10`| ### Items |Name|Description|Type|Key and additional info| |----|-----------|----|-----------------------| |Zookeeper: Get server metrics||HTTP agent|zookeeper.get_metrics| |Zookeeper: Get connections stats|Get information on client connections to server. Note, depending on the number of client connections this operation may be expensive (i.e. impact server performance).
|HTTP agent|zookeeper.get_connections_stats| |Zookeeper: Server mode|Mode of the server. In an ensemble, this may either be leader or follower. Otherwise, it is standalone
|Dependent item|zookeeper.server_state**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.server_state`
Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `1h`
Uptime that a peer has been in a table leading/following/observing state.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.uptime**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.uptime`
Custom multiplier: `0.001`
Version of Zookeeper server.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.version**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.version`
Regular expression: `^([0-9\.]+) \1`
Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `3h`
Data tree size in bytes.The size includes the znode path and its value.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.approximate_data_size**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.approximate_data_size`
Maximum number of file descriptors that a zookeeper server can open.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.max_file_descriptor_count**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.max_file_descriptor_count`
Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `1h`
Number of file descriptors that a zookeeper server has open.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.open_file_descriptor_count**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.open_file_descriptor_count`
The number of queued requests when the server is under load and is receiving more sustained requests than it can process.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.outstanding_requests**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.outstanding_requests`
The number of commits performed per second
|Dependent item|zookeeper.commit_count.rate**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.commit_count`
Number of diff syncs performed per second
|Dependent item|zookeeper.diff_count.rate**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.diff_count`
Number of snap syncs performed per second
|Dependent item|zookeeper.snap_count.rate**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.snap_count`
Rate of transitions into looking state.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.looking_count.rate**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.looking_count`
Number of active clients connected to a zookeeper server.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.num_alive_connections**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.num_alive_connections`
Number of global sessions.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.global_sessions**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.global_sessions`
Number of local sessions.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.local_sessions**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.local_sessions`
Rate of connection drops.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.connection_drop_count.rate**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.connection_drop_count`
Rate of connection rejected.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.connection_rejected.rate**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.connection_rejected`
Rate of connection revalidations.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.connection_revalidate_count.rate**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.connection_revalidate_count`
Rate of revalidations.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.revalidate_count.rate**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.revalidate_count`
The maximum amount of time it takes for the server to respond to a client request.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.max_latency**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.max_latency`
The minimum amount of time it takes for the server to respond to a client request.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.min_latency**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.min_latency`
The average amount of time it takes for the server to respond to a client request.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.avg_latency**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.avg_latency`
The number of znodes in the ZooKeeper namespace (the data)
|Dependent item|zookeeper.znode_count**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.znode_count`
Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `1h`
Number of ephemeral nodes that a zookeeper server has in its data tree.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.ephemerals_count**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.ephemerals_count`
Number of watches currently set on the local ZooKeeper process.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.watch_count**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.watch_count`
The number of zookeeper packets sent from a server per second.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.packets_sent**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.packets_sent`
The number of zookeeper packets received by a server per second.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.packets_received.rate**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.packets_received`
Number of bytes received per second.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.bytes_received_count.rate**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.bytes_received_count`
Time between entering and leaving election.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.avg_election_time**Preprocessing**
JavaScript: `The text is too long. Please see the template.`
Number of elections happened.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.cnt_election_time**Preprocessing**
JavaScript: `The text is too long. Please see the template.`
Time to fsync transaction log.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.avg_fsynctime**Preprocessing**
JavaScript: `The text is too long. Please see the template.`
Count of performed fsyncs.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.cnt_fsynctime**Preprocessing**
JavaScript: `The text is too long. Please see the template.`
Average time to write a snapshot.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.avg_snapshottime**Preprocessing**
JavaScript: `The text is too long. Please see the template.`
Count of performed snapshot writes.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.cnt_snapshottime**Preprocessing**
JavaScript: `The text is too long. Please see the template.`
Zookeeper node state has changed. Acknowledge to close the problem manually.
|`last(/Zookeeper by HTTP/zookeeper.server_state,#1)<>last(/Zookeeper by HTTP/zookeeper.server_state,#2) and length(last(/Zookeeper by HTTP/zookeeper.server_state))>0`|Info|**Manual close**: Yes| |Zookeeper: Failed to fetch info data|Zabbix has not received data for items for the last 10 minutes
|`nodata(/Zookeeper by HTTP/zookeeper.uptime,10m)=1`|Warning|**Manual close**: Yes| |Zookeeper: Version has changed|Zookeeper version has changed. Acknowledge to close the problem manually.
|`last(/Zookeeper by HTTP/zookeeper.version,#1)<>last(/Zookeeper by HTTP/zookeeper.version,#2) and length(last(/Zookeeper by HTTP/zookeeper.version))>0`|Info|**Manual close**: Yes| |Zookeeper: Too many file descriptors used|Number of file descriptors used more than {$ZOOKEEPER.FILE_DESCRIPTORS.MAX.WARN}% of the available number of file descriptors.
|`min(/Zookeeper by HTTP/zookeeper.open_file_descriptor_count,5m) * 100 / last(/Zookeeper by HTTP/zookeeper.max_file_descriptor_count) > {$ZOOKEEPER.FILE_DESCRIPTORS.MAX.WARN}`|Warning|| |Zookeeper: Too many queued requests|Number of queued requests in the server. This goes up when the server receives more requests than it can process.
|`min(/Zookeeper by HTTP/zookeeper.outstanding_requests,5m)>{$ZOOKEEPER.OUTSTANDING_REQ.MAX.WARN}`|Average|**Manual close**: Yes| ### LLD rule Leader metrics discovery |Name|Description|Type|Key and additional info| |----|-----------|----|-----------------------| |Leader metrics discovery|Additional metrics for leader node
|Dependent item|zookeeper.metrics.leader**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.server_state`
JavaScript: `The text is too long. Please see the template.`
Number of pending syncs to carry out to ZooKeeper ensemble followers.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.pending_syncs[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.pending_syncs`
JSON Path: `$.quorum_size`
Number of synced followers reported when a node server_state is leader.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.synced_followers[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.synced_followers`
Number of synced voting followers reported when a node server_state is leader.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.synced_non_voting_followers[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.synced_non_voting_followers`
Number of synced observers.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.synced_observers[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.synced_observers`
Number of learners.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.learners[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.learners`
The number of followers should equal the total size of your ZooKeeper ensemble, minus 1 (the leader is not included in the follower count). If the ensemble fails to maintain quorum, all automatic failover features are suspended.
|`last(/Zookeeper by HTTP/zookeeper.synced_followers[{#SINGLETON}]) < last(/Zookeeper by HTTP/zookeeper.quorum_size[{#SINGLETON}])-1`|Average|| ### LLD rule Clients discovery |Name|Description|Type|Key and additional info| |----|-----------|----|-----------------------| |Clients discovery|Get list of client connections.
Note, depending on the number of client connections this operation may be expensive (i.e. impact server performance).
|HTTP agent|zookeeper.clients**Preprocessing**
JavaScript: `The text is too long. Please see the template.`
The item gets information about "{#CLIENT}" client of "{#TYPE}" type.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.client_info[{#TYPE},{#CLIENT}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `The text is too long. Please see the template.`
⛔️Custom on fail: Discard value
The maximum amount of time it takes for the server to respond to a client request.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.max_latency[{#TYPE},{#CLIENT}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.max_latency`
The minimum amount of time it takes for the server to respond to a client request.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.min_latency[{#TYPE},{#CLIENT}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.min_latency`
The average amount of time it takes for the server to respond to a client request.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.avg_latency[{#TYPE},{#CLIENT}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.avg_latency`
The number of packets sent.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.packets_sent[{#TYPE},{#CLIENT}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.packets_sent`
The number of packets received.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.packets_received[{#TYPE},{#CLIENT}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.packets_received`
The number of queued requests when the server is under load and is receiving more sustained requests than it can process.
|Dependent item|zookeeper.outstanding_requests[{#TYPE},{#CLIENT}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.outstanding_requests`