# VictorOps webhook This guide describes how to integrate Zabbix 7.0 installation with VictorOps using the Zabbix webhook feature. This guide provides instructions on setting up a media type, a user and an action in Zabbix.
## Setting up VictorOps 1\. Go to *Integrations -> 3rd Party Integrations*
2\. Create *REST* integration. See VictorOps [documentation](https://help.victorops.com/knowledge-base/rest-endpoint-integration-guide/) for the information.
3\. Save endpoint URL from *URL to notify* field. ## Setting up the webhook in Zabbix 1\. In the *Administration > Media types* section, import [media_victorops.yaml](media_victorops.yaml). 2\. Open the newly added **VictorOps** media type and replace *<PLACE ENDPOINT URL HERE>* placeholder with your REST integration endpoint URL.
The following parameters should be filled:
**vops_endpoint** - URL of your VictorOps REST endpoint.
**vops_routing_key** - routing key of the escalation policy.
3\. The following parameters can help you customize the alerts ([documentation](https://help.victorops.com/knowledge-base/incident-fields-glossary/#glossary-of-fields) for the information):
**priority_severity** - value for the VictorOps *message_type* field. *severity* is the severity's name in the default Zabbix installation.
*priority_update* is a mandatory field set as *"INFO"* by default. If you want to create an incident for every event on update operation (include manual close), pass *"ACKNOWLEDGMENT"* as the value of this parameter.
*message_type* is used to determine the behavior of the alert when it arrives.
**field:Hostname** or **field_p:Hostname** - contains data for custom fields. "Field" parameters with another format or empty value will be ignored.
Format explanation:
- *field* - prefix of the parameter with field info. - *p* - optional. Used if the field should be sent only on problem/recovery/update operation. Possible values: - *p* - problem - *r* - recovery - *u* - update - *Host* - the title of the field. There can be any text that contains characters and "_" symbol. Whitespaces and special symbols are not allowed. 4\. Create a **Zabbix user** and add **Media** with the **VictorOps** media type. "Send to" field should be filled as "Default" or your routing key.
Make sure this user has access to all hosts, for which you would like problem notifications to be converted into VictorOps tasks. For more information see [Zabbix](https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/7.0/manual/config/notifications) and [VictorOps](https://help.victorops.com/) documentations. ## Supported versions Zabbix 7.0 and higher