zabbix_export: version: '7.0' template_groups: - uuid: 846977d1dfed4968bc5f8bdb363285bc name: 'Templates/Operating systems' templates: - uuid: b1fd823d262042e08291313f72be9452 template: 'HP-UX by Zabbix agent' name: 'HP-UX by Zabbix agent' description: | It is an official HP-UX template. It requires Zabbix agent 7.0 or newer. You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum Generated by official Zabbix template tool "Templator" 2.0.0 vendor: name: Zabbix version: 7.0-0 groups: - name: 'Templates/Operating systems' items: - uuid: 27949a6910304d39b3d2a68c90525581 name: 'HP-UX: Host name of Zabbix agent running' key: agent.hostname delay: 1h history: 7d trends: '0' value_type: CHAR preprocessing: - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 1d tags: - tag: component value: system - uuid: 98507eac4f70420698dc234c2a6e3198 name: 'HP-UX: Zabbix agent ping' key: history: 7d description: 'The agent always returns 1 for this item. It could be used in combination with nodata() for the availability check.' valuemap: name: 'Zabbix agent ping status' tags: - tag: component value: system - uuid: 3f456ce86b284b089f545d8c72c64405 name: 'HP-UX: Version of Zabbix agent running' key: agent.version delay: 1h history: 7d trends: '0' value_type: CHAR preprocessing: - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 1d tags: - tag: component value: application - uuid: bcba4702a58d48339c6e7e49dea574c4 name: 'HP-UX: Processor load (1 min average per core)' key: 'system.cpu.load[percpu,avg1]' history: 1w value_type: FLOAT description: 'The processor load is calculated as the system CPU load divided by the number of CPU cores.' tags: - tag: component value: cpu triggers: - uuid: 6721e8fbe5ee45aa9d06b698210a268a expression: 'avg(/HP-UX by Zabbix agent/system.cpu.load[percpu,avg1],5m)>5' name: 'HP-UX: Processor load is too high' priority: WARNING tags: - tag: scope value: capacity - tag: scope value: performance - uuid: 60057d54b81342f4aaa0103a278bf7b6 name: 'HP-UX: Processor load (5 min average per core)' key: 'system.cpu.load[percpu,avg5]' history: 1w value_type: FLOAT description: 'The processor load is calculated as the system CPU load divided by the number of CPU cores.' tags: - tag: component value: cpu - uuid: 296dbd5148184004b26ac50ae5e6893b name: 'HP-UX: Processor load (15 min average per core)' key: 'system.cpu.load[percpu,avg15]' history: 1w value_type: FLOAT description: 'The processor load is calculated as the system CPU load divided by the number of CPU cores.' tags: - tag: component value: cpu - uuid: 2b82ccaf9eb1424593e2738a5512e182 name: 'HP-UX: CPU idle time' key: 'system.cpu.util[,idle]' history: 1w value_type: FLOAT units: '%' description: 'The time the CPU has spent doing nothing.' tags: - tag: component value: cpu - uuid: 8665bd2dc84e46daa081a379548b0603 name: 'HP-UX: CPU nice time' key: 'system.cpu.util[,nice]' history: 1w value_type: FLOAT units: '%' description: 'The time the CPU has spent running users'' processes that have been niced.' tags: - tag: component value: cpu - uuid: 8419321f4744476ea27b7d1acddcd365 name: 'HP-UX: CPU system time' key: 'system.cpu.util[,system]' history: 1w value_type: FLOAT units: '%' description: 'The time the CPU has spent running the kernel and its processes.' tags: - tag: component value: cpu - uuid: 611c9a3c70aa4455b6ec7bebe64b5316 name: 'HP-UX: CPU user time' key: 'system.cpu.util[,user]' history: 1w value_type: FLOAT units: '%' description: 'The time the CPU has spent running users'' processes that are not niced.' tags: - tag: component value: cpu - uuid: 6e3b32f3f92543759ef2f30834899ba0 name: 'HP-UX: Host name' key: system.hostname delay: 1h history: 1w trends: '0' value_type: CHAR description: 'A host name of the system.' inventory_link: NAME preprocessing: - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 1d tags: - tag: component value: os triggers: - uuid: 07215ae05345423d8625962b85d9d4ec expression: 'last(/HP-UX by Zabbix agent/system.hostname,#1)<>last(/HP-UX by Zabbix agent/system.hostname,#2)' name: 'HP-UX: Hostname was changed' priority: INFO tags: - tag: scope value: notice - uuid: 16c6c420c710498083355361b104f7a2 name: 'HP-UX: Host local time' key: system.localtime history: 1w units: unixtime tags: - tag: component value: os - uuid: b66598337e0e4990a2776d2a42020e72 name: 'HP-UX: System information' key: system.uname delay: 1h history: 1w trends: '0' value_type: CHAR description: 'The information as normally returned by the ''uname -a''.' inventory_link: OS preprocessing: - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 1d tags: - tag: component value: os triggers: - uuid: 34f76014b2d3434a8d1f1f0657b5605f expression: 'last(/HP-UX by Zabbix agent/system.uname,#1)<>last(/HP-UX by Zabbix agent/system.uname,#2)' name: 'HP-UX: Host information was changed' priority: INFO tags: - tag: scope value: notice - uuid: bb698e97aa1b45ebadcb48da729b8e64 name: 'HP-UX: Number of logged in users' key: system.users.num history: 1w description: 'The number of users who are currently logged in.' tags: - tag: component value: os - uuid: 4e11e7c5d43a4566989b39dbc0c23266 name: 'HP-UX: Checksum of /etc/passwd' key: 'vfs.file.cksum[/etc/passwd,sha256]' delay: 15m history: 1w trends: '0' value_type: CHAR preprocessing: - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 1h tags: - tag: component value: security triggers: - uuid: f65c254d50e2454d9840784ff979f5d3 expression: 'last(/HP-UX by Zabbix agent/vfs.file.cksum[/etc/passwd,sha256],#1)<>last(/HP-UX by Zabbix agent/vfs.file.cksum[/etc/passwd,sha256],#2)' name: 'HP-UX: /etc/passwd has been changed' priority: WARNING tags: - tag: scope value: security - uuid: 05adecd1fb3e4c85b826dfdd601fa444 name: 'HP-UX: Get filesystems' key: vfs.fs.get history: '0' trends: '0' value_type: TEXT description: 'The `vfs.fs.get` key acquires raw information set about the file systems. Later to be extracted by preprocessing in dependent items.' tags: - tag: component value: raw - uuid: 767abadfa8be4bccb2c4c5a1d532ba87 name: 'HP-UX: Available memory' key: 'vm.memory.size[available]' history: 1w units: B description: 'The available memory is defined as free+cached+buffers memory.' tags: - tag: component value: memory triggers: - uuid: 005730efb6a94c4a83c4265f42aa8dff expression: 'last(/HP-UX by Zabbix agent/vm.memory.size[available])<20M' name: 'HP-UX: Lack of available memory on server' priority: AVERAGE tags: - tag: scope value: capacity - tag: scope value: performance - uuid: 6da082e7f822465592f66e2bd0a46947 name: 'HP-UX: Total memory' key: 'vm.memory.size[total]' delay: 1h history: 1w units: B tags: - tag: component value: memory - uuid: 5b0a1ce4ca4a441484eea38724eaf24d name: 'HP-UX: Zabbix agent availability' type: INTERNAL key: 'zabbix[host,agent,available]' history: 7d description: 'Monitoring the availability status of the agent.' valuemap: name: tags: - tag: component value: system triggers: - uuid: ce008290ad6341b98386adf9ea5c315b expression: 'max(/HP-UX by Zabbix agent/zabbix[host,agent,available],{$AGENT.TIMEOUT})=0' name: 'HP-UX: Zabbix agent is not available' event_name: 'Zabbix agent is not available (for {$AGENT.TIMEOUT})' priority: AVERAGE description: 'For passive checks only the availability of the agents and a host is used with {$AGENT.TIMEOUT} as the time threshold.' manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: scope value: availability discovery_rules: - uuid: 83058e954f1d497d8c33c82c771d2250 name: 'Network interface discovery' key: net.if.discovery delay: 1h filter: conditions: - macro: '{#IFNAME}' value: '@Network interfaces for discovery' formulaid: A description: 'The discovery of network interfaces as defined in the global regular expression "Network interfaces for discovery".' item_prototypes: - uuid: 1c1dc757da2a43c4827734e4b7b3fcd2 name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}: Incoming network traffic' key: '[{#IFNAME}]' history: 1w units: bps preprocessing: - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '8' tags: - tag: component value: interface - tag: interface value: '{#IFNAME}' - uuid: 4de64b1ecae344afa12f892937caa04e name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}: Outgoing network traffic' key: 'net.if.out[{#IFNAME}]' history: 1w units: bps preprocessing: - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '8' tags: - tag: component value: interface - tag: interface value: '{#IFNAME}' graph_prototypes: - uuid: dec3568ab5e7457da4a81d32a8ba2b72 name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}: Network traffic' graph_items: - color: 199C0D item: host: 'HP-UX by Zabbix agent' key: '[{#IFNAME}]' - sortorder: '1' color: F63100 item: host: 'HP-UX by Zabbix agent' key: 'net.if.out[{#IFNAME}]' - uuid: 883b3a5efab34685b9e6c9a84a6bec84 name: 'Mounted filesystem discovery' type: DEPENDENT key: vfs.fs.dependent.discovery delay: '0' filter: conditions: - macro: '{#FSTYPE}' value: '@File systems for discovery' formulaid: A description: 'The discovery of different types of file systems as defined in the global regular expression "File systems for discovery".' item_prototypes: - uuid: dbf8305aadb049a58b19a50d4e36fde9 name: '{#FSNAME}: Free inodes, %' type: DEPENDENT key: 'vfs.fs.dependent.inode[{#FSNAME},pfree]' delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: '%' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - $.inodes.pfree master_item: key: 'vfs.fs.dependent[{#FSNAME},data]' tags: - tag: component value: filesystem - tag: filesystem value: '{#FSNAME}' trigger_prototypes: - uuid: 9d7587a6cae149d69e90cdefa024d254 expression: 'last(/HP-UX by Zabbix agent/vfs.fs.dependent.inode[{#FSNAME},pfree])<20' name: '{#FSNAME}: Free inodes is less than 20%' priority: WARNING tags: - tag: scope value: capacity - tag: scope value: performance - uuid: 75efb4ab311848ec9bbb03cf05efef8b name: '{#FSNAME}: Free disk space' type: DEPENDENT key: 'vfs.fs.dependent.size[{#FSNAME},free]' delay: '0' history: 7d units: B preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - $ master_item: key: 'vfs.fs.dependent[{#FSNAME},data]' tags: - tag: component value: filesystem - tag: filesystem value: '{#FSNAME}' - uuid: 707d7dfb2dc243d49e4623f1d043a5b7 name: '{#FSNAME}: Free disk space, %' type: DEPENDENT key: 'vfs.fs.dependent.size[{#FSNAME},pfree]' delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: '%' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - $.bytes.pfree master_item: key: 'vfs.fs.dependent[{#FSNAME},data]' tags: - tag: component value: filesystem - tag: filesystem value: '{#FSNAME}' trigger_prototypes: - uuid: 07153df58e1a4a2bad7bf27a1ddf24a0 expression: 'last(/HP-UX by Zabbix agent/vfs.fs.dependent.size[{#FSNAME},pfree])<20' name: '{#FSNAME}: Free disk space is less than 20%' priority: WARNING tags: - tag: scope value: capacity - tag: scope value: performance - uuid: 3d75a99c05bf41a2b63ce2b0caf4a6cc name: '{#FSNAME}: Total disk space' type: DEPENDENT key: 'vfs.fs.dependent.size[{#FSNAME},total]' delay: '0' history: 7d units: B preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - $ master_item: key: 'vfs.fs.dependent[{#FSNAME},data]' tags: - tag: component value: filesystem - tag: filesystem value: '{#FSNAME}' - uuid: 0aa8dd5bbaea4f35808ef735f0cec18d name: '{#FSNAME}: Used disk space' type: DEPENDENT key: 'vfs.fs.dependent.size[{#FSNAME},used]' delay: '0' history: 7d units: B preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - $.bytes.used master_item: key: 'vfs.fs.dependent[{#FSNAME},data]' tags: - tag: component value: filesystem - tag: filesystem value: '{#FSNAME}' - uuid: 1c47446da541403b8c0a28edbca98278 name: '{#FSNAME}: Get filesystem data' type: DEPENDENT key: 'vfs.fs.dependent[{#FSNAME},data]' delay: '0' history: 1h trends: '0' value_type: TEXT preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$.[?(@.fsname==''{#FSNAME}'')].first()' master_item: key: vfs.fs.get tags: - tag: component value: filesystem - tag: component value: raw - tag: filesystem value: '{#FSNAME}' - uuid: f4fa51ffae1642889cd4d0003a1cd054 name: '{#FSNAME}: Filesystem is read-only' type: DEPENDENT key: 'vfs.fs.dependent[{#FSNAME},readonly]' delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'The filesystem is mounted as read-only. It is available only for Zabbix agents 6.4 and higher.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - $.options error_handler: DISCARD_VALUE - type: REGEX parameters: - '(?:^|,)ro\b' - '1' error_handler: CUSTOM_VALUE error_handler_params: '0' master_item: key: 'vfs.fs.dependent[{#FSNAME},data]' tags: - tag: component value: filesystem - tag: filesystem value: '{#FSNAME}' trigger_prototypes: - uuid: c678e20762674346932f0107b4f7ec8c expression: 'last(/HP-UX by Zabbix agent/vfs.fs.dependent[{#FSNAME},readonly],#2)=0 and last(/HP-UX by Zabbix agent/vfs.fs.dependent[{#FSNAME},readonly])=1' recovery_mode: RECOVERY_EXPRESSION recovery_expression: 'last(/HP-UX by Zabbix agent/vfs.fs.dependent[{#FSNAME},readonly])=0' name: '{#FSNAME}: Filesystem has become read-only' priority: AVERAGE description: 'The filesystem has become read-only. A possible reason is an I/O error. It is available only for Zabbix agents 6.4 and higher.' manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: scope value: availability - tag: scope value: performance graph_prototypes: - uuid: 92f6b017c10640b6bfe7cd68a949d2d5 name: '{#FSNAME}: Disk space usage' graph_items: - color: 199C0D item: host: 'HP-UX by Zabbix agent' key: 'vfs.fs.dependent.size[{#FSNAME},total]' - sortorder: '1' color: F63100 item: host: 'HP-UX by Zabbix agent' key: 'vfs.fs.dependent.size[{#FSNAME},free]' master_item: key: vfs.fs.get lld_macro_paths: - lld_macro: '{#FSNAME}' path: $.fsname - lld_macro: '{#FSTYPE}' path: $.fstype overrides: - name: 'Skip metadata collection for dynamic FS' step: '1' filter: conditions: - macro: '{#FSTYPE}' value: ^(btrfs|zfs)$ formulaid: A operations: - operationobject: ITEM_PROTOTYPE operator: LIKE value: inode discover: NO_DISCOVER tags: - tag: class value: os - tag: target value: hp-ux macros: - macro: '{$AGENT.TIMEOUT}' value: 3m description: 'The timeout after which the agent is considered unavailable. It works only for the agents reachable from Zabbix server/proxy (in passive mode).' dashboards: - uuid: cbac7a8959574b308d1c1e23cf3760ee name: 'System performance' pages: - widgets: - type: graph name: 'CPU load' width: '12' height: '5' fields: - type: GRAPH name: graphid value: host: 'HP-UX by Zabbix agent' name: 'HP-UX: CPU load' - type: graph name: 'CPU utilization' x: '12' width: '12' height: '5' fields: - type: GRAPH name: graphid value: host: 'HP-UX by Zabbix agent' name: 'HP-UX: CPU utilization' - type: graph name: 'Memory usage' 'y': '5' width: '12' height: '5' fields: - type: GRAPH name: graphid value: host: 'HP-UX by Zabbix agent' name: 'HP-UX: Memory usage' valuemaps: - uuid: 663bea44626447b5a72a71238dfda919 name: mappings: - value: '0' newvalue: 'not available' - value: '1' newvalue: available - value: '2' newvalue: unknown - uuid: 3f4bc88020d444e1b951aebfa8f3dfb8 name: 'Zabbix agent ping status' mappings: - value: '1' newvalue: Up graphs: - uuid: 808ceffbcb844def962b03d6fa7a3496 name: 'HP-UX: CPU load' graph_items: - color: 199C0D item: host: 'HP-UX by Zabbix agent' key: 'system.cpu.load[percpu,avg1]' - sortorder: '1' color: F63100 item: host: 'HP-UX by Zabbix agent' key: 'system.cpu.load[percpu,avg5]' - sortorder: '2' color: 00611C item: host: 'HP-UX by Zabbix agent' key: 'system.cpu.load[percpu,avg15]' - uuid: 8c47ac69fba642f4827fcad01b3a0379 name: 'HP-UX: CPU utilization' graph_items: - color: 199C0D item: host: 'HP-UX by Zabbix agent' key: 'system.cpu.util[,nice]' - sortorder: '1' color: F63100 item: host: 'HP-UX by Zabbix agent' key: 'system.cpu.util[,system]' - sortorder: '2' color: 00611C item: host: 'HP-UX by Zabbix agent' key: 'system.cpu.util[,user]' - sortorder: '3' color: F7941D item: host: 'HP-UX by Zabbix agent' key: 'system.cpu.util[,idle]' - uuid: 4cf12f1ea3934cb99f76c20916067a71 name: 'HP-UX: Memory usage' graph_items: - color: 199C0D item: host: 'HP-UX by Zabbix agent' key: 'vm.memory.size[available]'