zabbix_export: version: '7.0' template_groups: - uuid: 748ad4d098d447d492bb935c907f652f name: Templates/Databases templates: - uuid: e19c120027e04da69b130e0f6cea29fc template: 'MySQL by ODBC' name: 'MySQL by ODBC' description: | Requirements for template operation: 1. Create MySQL user for monitoring. For example: CREATE USER 'zbx_monitor'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY ''; GRANT REPLICATION CLIENT,PROCESS,SHOW DATABASES,SHOW VIEW ON *.* TO 'zbx_monitor'@'%'; For more information read the MYSQL documentation , please. 2. Set the user name and password in host macros ({$MYSQL.USER} and {$MYSQL.PASSWORD}). You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum Generated by official Zabbix template tool "Templator" 2.0.0 vendor: name: Zabbix version: 7.0-0 groups: - name: Templates/Databases items: - uuid: 72e0f88741d746bf88e8951ef69681f9 name: 'MySQL: Get status variables' type: ODBC key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' history: '0' trends: '0' value_type: TEXT params: 'show global status' username: '{$MYSQL.USER}' password: '{$MYSQL.PASSWORD}' description: 'The item gets server global status information.' tags: - tag: component value: raw - uuid: 5b7c14e38799427cb6520f47bf8afe6c name: 'MySQL: Status' type: ODBC key: '[ping,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' history: 7d params: 'select "1"' username: '{$MYSQL.USER}' password: '{$MYSQL.PASSWORD}' valuemap: name: 'Service state' preprocessing: - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 10m tags: - tag: component value: application - tag: component value: health triggers: - uuid: e664e41d7b4f4336a3e5ef4720f6ee41 expression: 'last(/MySQL by ODBC/[ping,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"])=0' name: 'MySQL: Service is down' priority: HIGH tags: - tag: scope value: availability - uuid: b9fb80ca366e4d33801472bcd013f881 name: 'MySQL: Version' type: ODBC key: '[version,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' delay: 15m history: 7d trends: '0' value_type: CHAR params: 'select version()' username: '{$MYSQL.USER}' password: '{$MYSQL.PASSWORD}' preprocessing: - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 6h tags: - tag: component value: application triggers: - uuid: 4090a1d3d82d47ac85964baeae121b2b expression: 'last(/MySQL by ODBC/[version,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"],#1)<>last(/MySQL by ODBC/[version,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"],#2) and length(last(/MySQL by ODBC/[version,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]))>0' name: 'MySQL: Version has changed' event_name: 'MySQL: Version has changed (new version value received: {ITEM.VALUE})' priority: INFO description: 'MySQL version has changed. Acknowledge to close the problem manually.' manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: scope value: notice - uuid: 73235748ba4742c0aa3c4f29509a162d name: 'MySQL: Aborted clients per second' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.aborted_clients.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Number of connections that were aborted because the client died without closing the connection properly.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Aborted_clients'')].Value.first()' - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: connections - uuid: b6185e79abd744f78ce579a83381ba87 name: 'MySQL: Aborted connections per second' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.aborted_connects.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Number of failed attempts to connect to the MySQL server.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Aborted_connects'')].Value.first()' - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: connections triggers: - uuid: 5934cb80f9c3442d978c63780b1ebc9f expression: 'min(/MySQL by ODBC/mysql.aborted_connects.rate,5m)>{$MYSQL.ABORTED_CONN.MAX.WARN}' name: 'MySQL: Server has aborted connections' event_name: 'MySQL: Server has aborted connections (over {$MYSQL.ABORTED_CONN.MAX.WARN} for 5m)' priority: AVERAGE description: 'The number of failed attempts to connect to the MySQL server is more than {$MYSQL.ABORTED_CONN.MAX.WARN} in the last 5 minutes.' dependencies: - name: 'MySQL: Refused connections' expression: 'last(/MySQL by ODBC/mysql.connection_errors_max_connections.rate)>0' tags: - tag: scope value: availability - uuid: 9db77e72fd9d404a8e1fd4e72c92d75c name: 'MySQL: Binlog cache disk use' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.binlog_cache_disk_use delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Number of transactions that used a temporary disk cache because they could not fit in the regular binary log cache, being larger than binlog_cache_size.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Binlog_cache_disk_use'')].Value.first()' - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 6h master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: cache - uuid: 05e7e91206bb4138a945ea0de2d8c01d name: 'MySQL: Buffer pool efficiency' type: CALCULATED key: mysql.buffer_pool_efficiency history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: '%' params: | last(//mysql.innodb_buffer_pool_reads) / ( last(//mysql.innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests) + ( last(//mysql.innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests) = 0 ) ) * 100 * ( last(//mysql.innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests) > 0 ) description: 'The item shows how effectively the buffer pool is serving reads.' tags: - tag: component value: memory - uuid: ad5520e067ea405eb939d319fa9690e9 name: 'MySQL: Buffer pool utilization' type: CALCULATED key: mysql.buffer_pool_utilization history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: '%' params: | ( last(//mysql.innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total) - last(//mysql.innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free) ) / ( last(//mysql.innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total) + ( last(//mysql.innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total) = 0 ) ) * 100 * ( last(//mysql.innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total) > 0 ) description: 'Ratio of used to total pages in the buffer pool.' tags: - tag: component value: memory triggers: - uuid: f4c2e4edf0c34bb1856ed392f2bc7c87 expression: 'max(/MySQL by ODBC/mysql.buffer_pool_utilization,5m)<{$MYSQL.BUFF_UTIL.MIN.WARN}' name: 'MySQL: Buffer pool utilization is too low' event_name: 'MySQL: Buffer pool utilization is too low (less than {$MYSQL.BUFF_UTIL.MIN.WARN}% for 5m)' priority: WARNING description: 'The buffer pool utilization is less than {$MYSQL.BUFF_UTIL.MIN.WARN}% in the last 5 minutes. This means that there is a lot of unused RAM allocated for the buffer pool, which you can easily reallocate at the moment.' tags: - tag: scope value: notice - uuid: f05d592e6ae74e64bc54c649418761a6 name: 'MySQL: Bytes received' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.bytes_received.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: Bps description: 'Number of bytes received from all clients.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Bytes_received'')].Value.first()' - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: network - uuid: ce737bc186f24014a70c75da2386986d name: 'MySQL: Bytes sent' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.bytes_sent.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: Bps description: 'Number of bytes sent to all clients.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Bytes_sent'')].Value.first()' - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: network - uuid: a43ec23dad9345a5a1b0ff8bda12ed77 name: 'MySQL: Command Delete per second' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.com_delete.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'The Com_delete counter variable indicates the number of times the delete statement has been executed.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Com_delete'')].Value.first()' - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: operations - uuid: cd924e3b51074b3baf642a7aa1eeb474 name: 'MySQL: Command Insert per second' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.com_insert.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'The Com_insert counter variable indicates the number of times the insert statement has been executed.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Com_insert'')].Value.first()' - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: operations - uuid: 31e6372d1249442ab3ebdd993f397e26 name: 'MySQL: Command Select per second' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.com_select.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'The Com_select counter variable indicates the number of times the select statement has been executed.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Com_select'')].Value.first()' - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: operations - uuid: 0f5f638777284093bcdc5f2dacc8e951 name: 'MySQL: Command Update per second' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.com_update.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'The Com_update counter variable indicates the number of times the update statement has been executed.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Com_update'')].Value.first()' - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: operations - uuid: fad5f4e1885341d1958f653afb85ff07 name: 'MySQL: Connections per second' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.connections.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Number of connection attempts (successful or not) to the MySQL server.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Connections'')].Value.first()' - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: connections - uuid: 4b67e0e6291b4e0c841334ac052d7253 name: 'MySQL: Connection errors accept per second' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.connection_errors_accept.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Number of errors that occurred during calls to accept() on the listening port.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Connection_errors_accept'')].Value.first()' - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: connections - uuid: 76ad3a39e89e44daad08cc00174d4918 name: 'MySQL: Connection errors internal per second' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.connection_errors_internal.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Number of refused connections due to internal server errors, for example, out of memory errors, or failed thread starts.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Connection_errors_internal'')].Value.first()' - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: connections - uuid: 83dfb916c7674e1fbd300be444241e25 name: 'MySQL: Connection errors max connections per second' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.connection_errors_max_connections.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Number of refused connections due to the max_connections limit being reached.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Connection_errors_max_connections'')].Value.first()' - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: connections triggers: - uuid: ac781c951ac0453a9c1008b2cf801518 expression: 'last(/MySQL by ODBC/mysql.connection_errors_max_connections.rate)>0' name: 'MySQL: Refused connections' event_name: 'MySQL: Refused connections (max_connections limit reached)' priority: AVERAGE description: 'Number of refused connections due to the max_connections limit being reached.' tags: - tag: scope value: availability - uuid: 9be4cb9e209344d0869a56082d16ec53 name: 'MySQL: Connection errors peer address per second' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.connection_errors_peer_address.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Number of errors while searching for the connecting client IP address.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Connection_errors_peer_address'')].Value.first()' - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: connections - uuid: e50b9fea89cc440abc0155dc25346f05 name: 'MySQL: Connection errors select per second' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.connection_errors_select.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Number of errors during calls to select() or poll() on the listening port. The client would not necessarily have been rejected in these cases.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Connection_errors_select'')].Value.first()' - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: connections - uuid: a82a7ada012141c6bdff63bc8d615786 name: 'MySQL: Connection errors tcpwrap per second' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.connection_errors_tcpwrap.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Number of connections the libwrap library has refused.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Connection_errors_tcpwrap'')].Value.first()' - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: connections - uuid: 84d748ab80444e10bdb60bcfbdfa850a name: 'MySQL: Created tmp tables on disk per second' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.created_tmp_disk_tables.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Number of internal on-disk temporary tables created by the server while executing statements.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Created_tmp_disk_tables'')].Value.first()' - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: storage - tag: component value: tables triggers: - uuid: 8aec6a51fa3e4320b3c7c40858ac7f96 expression: 'min(/MySQL by ODBC/mysql.created_tmp_disk_tables.rate,5m)>{$MYSQL.CREATED_TMP_DISK_TABLES.MAX.WARN}' name: 'MySQL: Number of on-disk temporary tables created per second is high' event_name: 'MySQL: Number of on-disk temporary tables created per second is high (over {$MYSQL.CREATED_TMP_DISK_TABLES.MAX.WARN} for 5m)' priority: WARNING description: 'Possibly the application using the database is in need of query optimization.' tags: - tag: scope value: performance - uuid: c5f2ae1ef46e4f65842ab4a31625906a name: 'MySQL: Created tmp files on disk per second' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.created_tmp_files.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'How many temporary files mysqld has created.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Created_tmp_files'')].Value.first()' - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: storage triggers: - uuid: c1dbcf829bdf43fda3b4c2add576c8f0 expression: 'min(/MySQL by ODBC/mysql.created_tmp_files.rate,5m)>{$MYSQL.CREATED_TMP_FILES.MAX.WARN}' name: 'MySQL: Number of temporary files created per second is high' event_name: 'MySQL: Number of temporary files created per second is high (over {$MYSQL.CREATED_TMP_FILES.MAX.WARN} for 5m)' priority: WARNING description: 'Possibly the application using the database is in need of query optimization.' tags: - tag: scope value: performance - uuid: 95fa4f4f1db44b2bb65889da246c03b5 name: 'MySQL: Created tmp tables on memory per second' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.created_tmp_tables.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Number of internal temporary tables created by the server while executing statements.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Created_tmp_tables'')].Value.first()' - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: memory - tag: component value: tables triggers: - uuid: d65c3ec6cacd41c58f5e2b209ca5a810 expression: 'min(/MySQL by ODBC/mysql.created_tmp_tables.rate,5m)>{$MYSQL.CREATED_TMP_TABLES.MAX.WARN}' name: 'MySQL: Number of internal temporary tables created per second is high' event_name: 'MySQL: Number of internal temporary tables created per second is high (over {$MYSQL.CREATED_TMP_TABLES.MAX.WARN} for 5m)' priority: WARNING description: 'Possibly the application using the database is in need of query optimization.' tags: - tag: scope value: performance - uuid: e31f66bbc32b404c92debc4d9367162d name: 'MySQL: InnoDB buffer pool pages free' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'The total size of the InnoDB buffer pool, in pages.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free'')].Value.first()' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: innodb - tag: component value: memory - uuid: 41019c084618404db183326c215d71f6 name: 'MySQL: InnoDB buffer pool pages total' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'The total size of the InnoDB buffer pool, in pages.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total'')].Value.first()' - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 1h master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: innodb - tag: component value: memory - uuid: 441b718148974e289db93299f869feba name: 'MySQL: InnoDB buffer pool reads' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.innodb_buffer_pool_reads delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'Number of logical reads that InnoDB could not satisfy from the buffer pool, and had to read directly from the disk.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Innodb_buffer_pool_reads'')].Value.first()' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: innodb - tag: component value: memory - uuid: 22ae5946fc2548cf8eee39a57ce8512b name: 'MySQL: InnoDB buffer pool reads per second' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.innodb_buffer_pool_reads.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Number of logical reads per second that InnoDB could not satisfy from the buffer pool, and had to read directly from the disk.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Innodb_buffer_pool_reads'')].Value.first()' - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: innodb - tag: component value: memory - uuid: 0a1775a7de33464e9ce8134950527021 name: 'MySQL: InnoDB buffer pool read requests' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'Number of logical read requests.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests'')].Value.first()' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: innodb - tag: component value: memory - uuid: 98684abf32e642bd8784e68e64357dc9 name: 'MySQL: InnoDB buffer pool read requests per second' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Number of logical read requests per second.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests'')].Value.first()' - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: innodb - tag: component value: memory - uuid: 4e829cbb3cc2485dac2757867badd0f4 name: 'MySQL: Innodb buffer pool wait free' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Number of times InnoDB waited for a free page before reading or creating a page. Normally, writes to the InnoDB buffer pool happen in the background. When no clean pages are available, dirty pages are flushed first in order to free some up. This counts the numbers of wait for this operation to finish. If this value is not small, look at the increasing innodb_buffer_pool_size.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free'')].Value.first()' - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 6h master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: innodb - tag: component value: memory - uuid: 4680fd31a2514e3f827b0060a6d5bfc4 name: 'MySQL: Calculated value of innodb_log_file_size' type: CALCULATED key: mysql.innodb_log_file_size history: 7d value_type: FLOAT params: '(last(//mysql.innodb_os_log_written) - last(//mysql.innodb_os_log_written,#1:now-1h)) / {$MYSQL.INNODB_LOG_FILES}' description: 'Calculated by (innodb_os_log_written-innodb_os_log_written(time shift -1h))/{$MYSQL.INNODB_LOG_FILES} value of the innodb_log_file_size. Innodb_log_file_size is the size in bytes of the each InnoDB redo log file in the log group. The combined size can be no more than 512GB. Larger values mean less disk I/O due to less flushing checkpoint activity, but also slower recovery from a crash.' preprocessing: - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 6h tags: - tag: component value: system - uuid: 79218a1068394ce69dfc6eeb626e83bc name: 'MySQL: Innodb number open files' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.innodb_num_open_files delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Number of open files held by InnoDB. InnoDB only.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Innodb_num_open_files'')].Value.first()' - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 6h master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: innodb - tag: component value: system - uuid: fc561c5392bb43a4842977bdf4b882a8 name: 'MySQL: Innodb log written' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.innodb_os_log_written delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: B description: 'Number of bytes written to the InnoDB log.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Innodb_os_log_written'')].Value.first()' - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 6h master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: system - uuid: a62951afcfbd44e595a4d294b24056e5 name: 'MySQL: InnoDB row lock time' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.innodb_row_lock_time delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: s description: 'The total time spent in acquiring row locks for InnoDB tables, in milliseconds.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Innodb_row_lock_time'')].Value.first()' - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '0.001' - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 1h master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: innodb - tag: component value: tables - uuid: 22277695b7154c019a76ca730e68e833 name: 'MySQL: InnoDB row lock time max' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.innodb_row_lock_time_max delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: s description: 'The maximum time to acquire a row lock for InnoDB tables, in milliseconds.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Innodb_row_lock_time_max'')].Value.first()' - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '0.001' - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 1h master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: innodb - tag: component value: tables - uuid: 17c4270927a74d8388da8c25d9065556 name: 'MySQL: InnoDB row lock waits' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.innodb_row_lock_waits delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'Number of times operations on InnoDB tables had to wait for a row lock.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Innodb_row_lock_waits'')].Value.first()' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: innodb - tag: component value: tables - uuid: 6106ebf4cae842c1a5acc2f13518de4f name: 'MySQL: Max used connections' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.max_used_connections delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'The maximum number of connections that have been in use simultaneously since the server start.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Max_used_connections'')].Value.first()' - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 1h master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: connections - uuid: 85e17b6b196e4916838e0318992fe33c name: 'MySQL: Open tables' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.open_tables delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Number of tables that are open.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Open_tables'')].Value.first()' - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 6h master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: tables - uuid: c23ce7b2689745728465c5b405d7b3ba name: 'MySQL: Open table definitions' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.open_table_definitions delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Number of cached table definitions.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Open_table_definitions'')].Value.first()' - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 6h master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: tables - uuid: 2f0ced88c4524455bf790b3bc6512d04 name: 'MySQL: Queries per second' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.queries.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Number of statements executed by the server. This variable includes statements executed within stored programs, unlike the Questions variable.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Queries'')].Value.first()' - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: queries - uuid: 8d0fc2eb0be94d68966e09fca88e8deb name: 'MySQL: Questions per second' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.questions.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Number of statements executed by the server. This includes only statements sent to the server by clients and not statements executed within stored programs, unlike the Queries variable.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Questions'')].Value.first()' - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: queries - uuid: b0227399437f4219b65ab1511d5e67c6 name: 'MySQL: Slow queries per second' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.slow_queries.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Number of queries that have taken more than long_query_time seconds.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Slow_queries'')].Value.first()' - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: queries triggers: - uuid: b981c7a2ffed4eddbc9f1d6913c2e4b0 expression: 'min(/MySQL by ODBC/mysql.slow_queries.rate,5m)>{$MYSQL.SLOW_QUERIES.MAX.WARN}' name: 'MySQL: Server has slow queries' event_name: 'MySQL: Server has slow queries (over {$MYSQL.SLOW_QUERIES.MAX.WARN} for 5m)' priority: WARNING description: 'The number of slow queries is more than {$MYSQL.SLOW_QUERIES.MAX.WARN} in the last 5 minutes.' tags: - tag: scope value: performance - uuid: b675fd71138a4845965309dc5d6428d9 name: 'MySQL: Threads cached' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.threads_cached delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'Number of threads in the thread cache.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Threads_cached'')].Value.first()' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: threads - uuid: af56c636c8b94e4f9976d0d6cf60fcbb name: 'MySQL: Threads connected' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.threads_connected delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'Number of currently open connections.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Threads_connected'')].Value.first()' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: threads - uuid: 8a50d5788f8a449b994dbe76536076a2 name: 'MySQL: Threads created per second' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.threads_created.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Number of threads created to handle connections. If Threads_created is big, you may want to increase the thread_cache_size value. The cache miss rate can be calculated as Threads_created/Connections.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Threads_created'')].Value.first()' - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: threads - uuid: c41afa83f6a94efda34d7b41c95c89ac name: 'MySQL: Threads running' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.threads_running delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'Number of threads which are not sleeping.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Threads_running'')].Value.first()' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: threads - uuid: 8fbad224ebdf46e7b25a0be015f21972 name: 'MySQL: Uptime' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.uptime delay: '0' history: 7d units: uptime description: 'The amount of seconds that the server has been up.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Uptime'')].Value.first()' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: application triggers: - uuid: ba9eb4fc244b41a6a30237e7a382fa54 expression: 'nodata(/MySQL by ODBC/mysql.uptime,30m)=1' name: 'MySQL: Failed to fetch info data' event_name: 'MySQL: Failed to fetch info data (or no data for 30m)' priority: INFO description: 'Zabbix has not received any data for items for the last 30 minutes.' dependencies: - name: 'MySQL: Service is down' expression: 'last(/MySQL by ODBC/[ping,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"])=0' tags: - tag: scope value: availability - uuid: cd8f5996bd85434998595e041d6b0908 expression: 'last(/MySQL by ODBC/mysql.uptime)<10m' name: 'MySQL: Service has been restarted' event_name: 'MySQL: Service has been restarted (uptime < 10m)' priority: INFO description: 'MySQL uptime is less than 10 minutes.' tags: - tag: scope value: notice discovery_rules: - uuid: 0987fb6afdae4587bc32864fa42728f2 name: 'Database discovery' type: ODBC key: 'db.odbc.discovery[databases,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' delay: 1h params: 'show databases' username: '{$MYSQL.USER}' password: '{$MYSQL.PASSWORD}' filter: conditions: - macro: '{#DATABASE}' value: information_schema operator: NOT_MATCHES_REGEX formulaid: A description: 'Scanning databases in DBMS.' item_prototypes: - uuid: f358179ef78b4a31affa9e049b4048b8 name: 'MySQL: Size of database {#DATABASE}' type: ODBC key: '[{#DATABASE}_size,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' delay: 5m history: 7d units: B params: 'SELECT COALESCE(SUM(DATA_LENGTH + INDEX_LENGTH),0) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA="{#DATABASE}"' username: '{$MYSQL.USER}' password: '{$MYSQL.PASSWORD}' preprocessing: - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 1h tags: - tag: component value: storage - tag: database value: '{#DATABASE}' preprocessing: - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 1d - uuid: d0a235c0267c48e28bc6ecb99fb2380d name: 'Replication discovery' type: ODBC key: 'db.odbc.discovery[replication,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' delay: 1h params: 'show slave status' username: '{$MYSQL.USER}' password: '{$MYSQL.PASSWORD}' description: 'If "show slave status" returns Master_Host, "Replication: *" items are created.' item_prototypes: - uuid: d88f65c4bee84e74bb6e00061ab27f0c name: 'MySQL: Replication Slave status {#MASTER_HOST}' type: ODBC key: 'db.odbc.get["{#MASTER_HOST}","{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' history: '0' trends: '0' value_type: TEXT params: 'show slave status' username: '{$MYSQL.USER}' password: '{$MYSQL.PASSWORD}' description: 'The item gets status information on the essential parameters of the slave threads.' tags: - tag: component value: raw - uuid: 15f7b22867f54551afbed139d746e210 name: 'MySQL: Replication Seconds Behind Master {#MASTER_HOST}' type: DEPENDENT key: 'mysql.seconds_behind_master["{#MASTER_HOST}"]' delay: '0' history: 7d units: s description: 'The amount of seconds the slave SQL thread has been behind processing the master binary log. A high number (or an increasing one) can indicate that the slave is unable to handle events from the master in a timely fashion.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$.[?(@.Master_Host==''{#MASTER_HOST}'')][''Seconds_Behind_Master''].first()' - type: MATCHES_REGEX parameters: - \d+ error_handler: CUSTOM_ERROR error_handler_params: 'Replication is not performed.' - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 1h master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get["{#MASTER_HOST}","{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: replication trigger_prototypes: - uuid: f2188a73bbf34ffcb95b3e11e2824feb expression: 'min(/MySQL by ODBC/mysql.seconds_behind_master["{#MASTER_HOST}"],5m)>{$MYSQL.REPL_LAG.MAX.WARN}' name: 'MySQL: Replication lag is too high' event_name: 'MySQL: Replication lag is too high (over {$MYSQL.REPL_LAG.MAX.WARN} for 5m)' priority: WARNING tags: - tag: scope value: notice - uuid: e063b116753d4124a88443fe4de20d41 name: 'MySQL: Replication Slave IO Running {#MASTER_HOST}' type: DEPENDENT key: 'mysql.slave_io_running["{#MASTER_HOST}"]' delay: '0' history: 7d trends: '0' value_type: CHAR description: 'Whether the I/O thread for reading the master''s binary log is running. Normally, you want this to be Yes unless you have not yet started a replication or have explicitly stopped it with STOP SLAVE.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$.[?(@.Master_Host==''{#MASTER_HOST}'')][''Slave_IO_Running''].first()' - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 1h master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get["{#MASTER_HOST}","{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: replication trigger_prototypes: - uuid: 6f216036f4f14ae7adc8c70126bb315a expression: 'count(/MySQL by ODBC/mysql.slave_io_running["{#MASTER_HOST}"],#1,"ne","Yes")=1' name: 'MySQL: The slave I/O thread is not connected to a replication master' priority: WARNING dependencies: - name: 'MySQL: The slave I/O thread is not running' expression: 'count(/MySQL by ODBC/mysql.slave_io_running["{#MASTER_HOST}"],#1,"eq","No")=1' tags: - tag: scope value: availability - uuid: ba08061a61df4bbb8bac516ecec91b70 expression: 'count(/MySQL by ODBC/mysql.slave_io_running["{#MASTER_HOST}"],#1,"eq","No")=1' name: 'MySQL: The slave I/O thread is not running' priority: AVERAGE description: 'Whether the I/O thread for reading the master''s binary log is running.' tags: - tag: scope value: notice - uuid: 113be79554c14c2aad08036febb15d71 name: 'MySQL: Replication Slave SQL Running {#MASTER_HOST}' type: DEPENDENT key: 'mysql.slave_sql_running["{#MASTER_HOST}"]' delay: '0' history: 7d trends: '0' value_type: CHAR description: | Whether the SQL thread for executing events in the relay log is running. As with the I/O thread, this should normally be Yes. preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$.[?(@.Master_Host==''{#MASTER_HOST}'')][''Slave_SQL_Running''].first()' - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 1h master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get["{#MASTER_HOST}","{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: replication trigger_prototypes: - uuid: 39d229e5e3f34e8b828b4a0e2eaa0026 expression: 'count(/MySQL by ODBC/mysql.slave_sql_running["{#MASTER_HOST}"],#1,"eq","No")=1' name: 'MySQL: The SQL thread is not running' priority: WARNING description: 'Whether the SQL thread for executing events in the relay log is running.' dependencies: - name: 'MySQL: The slave I/O thread is not running' expression: 'count(/MySQL by ODBC/mysql.slave_io_running["{#MASTER_HOST}"],#1,"eq","No")=1' tags: - tag: scope value: notice - uuid: a88eb463bb9740a4a4256306f11816bf name: 'MySQL: Replication Slave SQL Running State {#MASTER_HOST}' type: DEPENDENT key: 'mysql.slave_sql_running_state["{#MASTER_HOST}"]' delay: '0' history: 7d trends: '0' value_type: TEXT description: 'This shows the state of the SQL driver threads.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$.[?(@.Master_Host==''{#MASTER_HOST}'')][''Slave_SQL_Running_State''].first()' - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 6h master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get["{#MASTER_HOST}","{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: replication preprocessing: - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 1d - uuid: ad12522557df499e9a78b8b3c07733dd name: 'MariaDB discovery' type: DEPENDENT key: mysql.extra_metric.discovery delay: '0' description: 'Additional metrics if MariaDB is used.' item_prototypes: - uuid: eb8713584314461488b8769f1081d48d name: 'MySQL: Binlog commits' type: DEPENDENT key: 'mysql.binlog_commits[{#SINGLETON}]' delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Total number of transactions committed to the binary log.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Binlog_commits'')].Value.first()' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: transactions - uuid: cbb7c1fadd934420b47950f52751795f name: 'MySQL: Binlog group commits' type: DEPENDENT key: 'mysql.binlog_group_commits[{#SINGLETON}]' delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Total number of group commits done to the binary log.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Binlog_group_commits'')].Value.first()' master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: transactions - uuid: 278488a9c0f543f6815a24592766d9bb name: 'MySQL: Master GTID wait count' type: DEPENDENT key: 'mysql.master_gtid_wait_count[{#SINGLETON}]' delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'The number of times MASTER_GTID_WAIT called.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Master_gtid_wait_count'')].Value.first()' - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 6h master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: transactions - uuid: 93ad282dc3b24dba9f0351b0d0a59d39 name: 'MySQL: Master GTID wait timeouts' type: DEPENDENT key: 'mysql.master_gtid_wait_timeouts[{#SINGLETON}]' delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Number of timeouts occurring in MASTER_GTID_WAIT.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Master_gtid_wait_timeouts'')].Value.first()' - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 6h master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: transactions - uuid: fd8bf7e639af4d3291030cdb9dd37bc9 name: 'MySQL: Master GTID wait time' type: DEPENDENT key: 'mysql.master_gtid_wait_time[{#SINGLETON}]' delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Total number of time spent in MASTER_GTID_WAIT.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(@.Variable_name==''Master_gtid_wait_time'')].Value.first()' - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 6h master_item: key: 'db.odbc.get[get_status_variables,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' tags: - tag: component value: transactions master_item: key: '[version,"{$MYSQL.DSN}"]' preprocessing: - type: JAVASCRIPT parameters: - 'return JSON.stringify(''MariaDB'')>-1 ? [{''{#SINGLETON}'': ''''}] : []);' tags: - tag: class value: database - tag: target value: mysql macros: - macro: '{$MYSQL.ABORTED_CONN.MAX.WARN}' value: '3' description: 'Number of failed attempts to connect to the MySQL server for trigger expression.' - macro: '{$MYSQL.BUFF_UTIL.MIN.WARN}' value: '50' description: 'The minimum buffer pool utilization in percentage for trigger expression.' - macro: '{$MYSQL.CREATED_TMP_DISK_TABLES.MAX.WARN}' value: '10' description: 'The maximum number of created tmp tables on a disk per second for trigger expressions.' - macro: '{$MYSQL.CREATED_TMP_FILES.MAX.WARN}' value: '10' description: 'The maximum number of created tmp files on a disk per second for trigger expressions.' - macro: '{$MYSQL.CREATED_TMP_TABLES.MAX.WARN}' value: '30' description: 'The maximum number of created tmp tables in memory per second for trigger expressions.' - macro: '{$MYSQL.DSN}' value: '' description: 'System data source name.' - macro: '{$MYSQL.INNODB_LOG_FILES}' value: '2' description: 'Number of physical files in the InnoDB redo log for calculating innodb_log_file_size.' - macro: '{$MYSQL.PASSWORD}' value: '' description: 'MySQL user password.' - macro: '{$MYSQL.REPL_LAG.MAX.WARN}' value: 30m description: 'The lag of slave from master for trigger expression.' - macro: '{$MYSQL.SLOW_QUERIES.MAX.WARN}' value: '3' description: 'Number of slow queries for trigger expression.' - macro: '{$MYSQL.USER}' value: '' description: 'MySQL username.' dashboards: - uuid: d56c53704c264552a09cf3e59a1835f3 name: 'MySQL performance' pages: - widgets: - type: graph name: 'MySQL: Bandwidth' x: '12' 'y': '5' width: '12' height: '5' fields: - type: GRAPH name: graphid value: host: 'MySQL by ODBC' name: 'MySQL: Bandwidth' - type: graph name: 'MySQL: Connections' 'y': '5' width: '12' height: '5' fields: - type: GRAPH name: graphid value: host: 'MySQL by ODBC' name: 'MySQL: Connections' - type: graph name: 'MySQL: InnoDB buffer pool' 'y': '10' width: '12' height: '5' fields: - type: GRAPH name: graphid value: host: 'MySQL by ODBC' name: 'MySQL: InnoDB buffer pool' - type: graph name: 'MySQL: Operations' width: '12' height: '5' fields: - type: GRAPH name: graphid value: host: 'MySQL by ODBC' name: 'MySQL: Operations' - type: graph name: 'MySQL: Queries' x: '12' width: '12' height: '5' fields: - type: GRAPH name: graphid value: host: 'MySQL by ODBC' name: 'MySQL: Queries' - type: graph name: 'MySQL: Threads' x: '12' 'y': '10' width: '12' height: '5' fields: - type: GRAPH name: graphid value: host: 'MySQL by ODBC' name: 'MySQL: Threads' valuemaps: - uuid: 622c38d0af2a4b6ea7a640a5d1a22b93 name: 'Service state' mappings: - value: '0' newvalue: Down - value: '1' newvalue: Up graphs: - uuid: 3522a11cae374d08a751f419e51748e1 name: 'MySQL: Bandwidth' graph_items: - drawtype: GRADIENT_LINE color: 199C0D item: host: 'MySQL by ODBC' key: mysql.bytes_received.rate - sortorder: '1' drawtype: GRADIENT_LINE color: F63100 item: host: 'MySQL by ODBC' key: mysql.bytes_sent.rate - uuid: 51a6827371434314b76eaed17db0e09e name: 'MySQL: Connections' graph_items: - color: 199C0D item: host: 'MySQL by ODBC' key: mysql.aborted_clients.rate - sortorder: '1' color: F63100 item: host: 'MySQL by ODBC' key: mysql.aborted_connects.rate - sortorder: '2' color: 00611C item: host: 'MySQL by ODBC' key: mysql.connections.rate - sortorder: '3' color: F7941D item: host: 'MySQL by ODBC' key: mysql.max_used_connections - uuid: 07edad9e34394a689dc294c8ec27a37e name: 'MySQL: InnoDB buffer pool' graph_items: - color: 199C0D item: host: 'MySQL by ODBC' key: mysql.innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free - sortorder: '1' color: F63100 item: host: 'MySQL by ODBC' key: mysql.innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total - sortorder: '2' color: 00611C item: host: 'MySQL by ODBC' key: mysql.innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests.rate - sortorder: '3' color: F7941D item: host: 'MySQL by ODBC' key: mysql.innodb_buffer_pool_reads.rate - uuid: 93bb7077e60047e59ac3fd308044722a name: 'MySQL: Operations' graph_items: - color: 199C0D item: host: 'MySQL by ODBC' key: mysql.com_delete.rate - sortorder: '1' color: F63100 item: host: 'MySQL by ODBC' key: mysql.com_insert.rate - sortorder: '2' color: 00611C item: host: 'MySQL by ODBC' key: mysql.com_select.rate - sortorder: '3' color: F7941D item: host: 'MySQL by ODBC' key: mysql.com_update.rate - uuid: 172ad44d7cef4c20b08b4babf8969805 name: 'MySQL: Queries' graph_items: - color: 199C0D item: host: 'MySQL by ODBC' key: mysql.queries.rate - sortorder: '1' color: F63100 item: host: 'MySQL by ODBC' key: mysql.questions.rate - sortorder: '2' color: 00611C item: host: 'MySQL by ODBC' key: mysql.slow_queries.rate - uuid: 1ce62612e1174b3fa91bde29ccaa27ef name: 'MySQL: Threads' graph_items: - color: 199C0D item: host: 'MySQL by ODBC' key: mysql.threads_cached - sortorder: '1' color: F63100 item: host: 'MySQL by ODBC' key: mysql.threads_connected - sortorder: '2' color: 00611C item: host: 'MySQL by ODBC' key: mysql.threads_created.rate - sortorder: '3' color: F7941D item: host: 'MySQL by ODBC' key: mysql.threads_running