zabbix_export: version: '7.0' media_types: - name: GLPi type: WEBHOOK parameters: - name: alert_message value: '{ALERT.MESSAGE}' - name: alert_subject value: '{ALERT.SUBJECT}' - name: event_id value: '{EVENT.ID}' - name: event_nseverity value: '{EVENT.NSEVERITY}' - name: event_recovery_value value: '{EVENT.RECOVERY.VALUE}' - name: event_source value: '{EVENT.SOURCE}' - name: event_update_status value: '{EVENT.UPDATE.STATUS}' - name: event_value value: '{EVENT.VALUE}' - name: glpi_problem_id value: '{EVENT.TAGS.__zbx_glpi_problem_id}' - name: glpi_token value: '' - name: glpi_url value: '' - name: trigger_id value: '{TRIGGER.ID}' - name: zabbix_url value: '{$ZABBIX.URL}' attempts: '1' script: | var GLPi = { params: {}, setParams: function (params) { if (typeof params !== 'object') { return; } GLPi.params = params; }, setProxy: function (HTTPProxy) { GLPi.HTTPProxy = HTTPProxy; }, urlCheckFormat: function (url) { if (typeof url === 'string' && !url.endsWith('/')) { url += '/'; } if (url.indexOf('http://') === -1 && url.indexOf('https://') === -1) { url = 'https://' + url; } return url; }, getAuthToken: function (url, token) { var response, request = new HttpRequest(); request.addHeader('Content-Type: application/json'); request.addHeader('Authorization: user_token ' + token); response = request.get(url + "apirest.php/initSession"); if (response !== null) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); } catch (error) { Zabbix.log(4, '[ GLPi Webhook ] Failed to receive authentication token from GLPi.'); response = null; } } if (Array.isArray(response)) { if (response[1]) { throw 'Error received from GLPi: ' + response[1]; } else { throw 'Failed to receive authentication token from GLPi.'; } } if (typeof response !== 'object' || !response.session_token) { throw 'Failed to process response received from getting GLPi authentication token. Check debug log for more information.'; } return response.session_token; }, getProblemUrl: function (zabbix_url, triggerid, eventid, event_source) { var problem_url = zabbix_url; if (event_source === '0') { problem_url += 'tr_events.php?triggerid=' + triggerid + '&eventid=' + eventid; } return problem_url; }, request: function (method, url, data) { if (typeof GLPi.params !== 'object' || typeof GLPi.params.authToken === 'undefined' || GLPi.params.authToken === '') { throw 'Required GLPi param authToken is not set.'; } var response, request = new HttpRequest(); request.addHeader('Content-Type: application/json'); request.addHeader('Session-Token:' + GLPi.params.authToken); if (typeof GLPi.HTTPProxy !== 'undefined' && GLPi.HTTPProxy !== '') { request.setProxy(GLPi.HTTPProxy); } if (typeof data !== 'undefined') { data = JSON.stringify(data); } Zabbix.log(4, '[ GLPi Webhook ] Sending request: ' + url + ((typeof data === 'string') ? ('\n' + data) : '')); switch (method) { case 'post': response =, data); break; case 'put': response = request.put(url, data); break; default: throw 'Unsupported HTTP request method: ' + method; } Zabbix.log(4, '[ GLPi Webhook ] Received response with status code ' + request.getStatus() + '\n' + response); if (response !== null) { try { response = JSON.parse(response); } catch (error) { Zabbix.log(4, '[ GLPi Webhook ] Failed to parse response received from GLPi'); response = null; } } if (typeof response !== 'object' || typeof response === 'undefined' || response === null) { throw 'Failed to process response received from GLPi. Check debug log for more information.'; } if (request.getStatus() < 200 || request.getStatus() >= 300) { var message = 'Request failed with status code ' + request.getStatus(); if (response.message) { message += ': ' + response.message; } throw message + ' Check debug log for more information.'; } return response; } }; try { var params = JSON.parse(value), glpi = {}, url = '', data = {}, comment_data, result = { tags: {} }, required_params = [ 'alert_subject', 'alert_message', 'event_source', 'event_value', 'event_update_status', 'event_recovery_value', 'event_id', 'trigger_id', 'zabbix_url', 'glpi_token', 'glpi_url' ], method = 'post', process_tags = true, response; Object.keys(params) .forEach(function (key) { if (key.startsWith('glpi_')) { glpi[key.substring(5)] = params[key]; } else if (required_params.indexOf(key) !== -1 && params[key] === '') { throw 'Parameter "' + key + '" can\'t be empty.'; } }); if ([0, 1, 2, 3].indexOf(parseInt(params.event_source)) === -1) { throw 'Incorrect "event_source" parameter given: ' + params.event_source + '\nMust be 0-3.'; } // Check {EVENT.VALUE} for trigger-based and internal events. if (params.event_value !== '0' && params.event_value !== '1' && (params.event_source === '0' || params.event_source === '3')) { throw 'Incorrect "event_value" parameter given: ' + params.event_value + '\nMust be 0 or 1.'; } // Check {EVENT.UPDATE.STATUS} only for trigger-based events. if (params.event_update_status !== '0' && params.event_update_status !== '1' && params.event_source === '0') { throw 'Incorrect "event_update_status" parameter given: ' + params.event_update_status + '\nMust be 0 or 1.'; } if (params.event_source !== '0' && params.event_recovery_value === '0') { throw 'Recovery operations are supported only for trigger-based actions.'; } if (typeof params.zabbix_url !== 'string' || params.zabbix_url.trim() === '' || params.zabbix_url === '{$ZABBIX.URL}') { throw 'Field "zabbix_url" cannot be empty.'; } // Check for backslash in the end of url and schema. glpi.url = GLPi.urlCheckFormat(glpi.url); params.zabbix_url = GLPi.urlCheckFormat(params.zabbix_url); glpi.authToken = GLPi.getAuthToken(glpi.url, glpi.token); GLPi.setParams(glpi); data = { 'input': { 'name': params.alert_subject, 'content': params.alert_message + '\nLink to problem in Zabbix', 'status': 1, // Set status "New" 'urgency': params.event_nseverity } }; // In case of resolve if (params.event_source === '0' && params.event_value === '0') { process_tags = false; dataFollowup = { 'input': { 'items_id': glpi.problem_id, 'itemtype': 'Problem', 'content': params.alert_message + '\nLink to problem in Zabbix' } }; dataProblem = { 'id': glpi.problem_id, 'input': { 'name': params.alert_subject, 'status': 5, // Set status "Solved" 'urgency': params.event_nseverity } }; GLPi.request('put', glpi.url + 'apirest.php/Problem/' + glpi.problem_id, dataProblem); GLPi.request('post', glpi.url + 'apirest.php/Problem/' + glpi.problem_id + '/ITILFollowup', dataFollowup); } // In case of update else if (params.event_source === '0' && params.event_update_status === '1') { process_tags = false; dataFollowup = { 'input': { 'items_id': glpi.problem_id, 'itemtype': 'Problem', 'content': params.alert_message + '\nLink to problem in Zabbix' } }; dataProblem = { 'id': glpi.problem_id, 'input': { 'name': params.alert_subject, 'urgency': params.event_nseverity } }; GLPi.request('put', glpi.url + 'apirest.php/Problem/' + glpi.problem_id, dataProblem); GLPi.request('post', glpi.url + 'apirest.php/Problem/' + glpi.problem_id + '/ITILFollowup', dataFollowup); } // In case of problem else { response = GLPi.request('post', glpi.url + 'apirest.php/Problem/', data); } if (process_tags) { result.tags.__zbx_glpi_problem_id =; result.tags.__zbx_glpi_link = glpi.url + 'front/problem.form.php?id=' +; } Zabbix.log(4, '[ GLPi Webhook ] Result: ' + JSON.stringify(result)); return JSON.stringify(result); } catch (error) { Zabbix.log(4, '[ GLPi Webhook ] ERROR: ' + error); throw 'Sending failed: ' + error; } process_tags: 'YES' show_event_menu: 'YES' event_menu_url: '{EVENT.TAGS.__zbx_glpi_link}' event_menu_name: 'GLPi: Problem {EVENT.TAGS.__zbx_glpi_problem_id}' message_templates: - event_source: TRIGGERS operation_mode: PROBLEM subject: '[{EVENT.STATUS}] {EVENT.NAME}' message: | Problem started at {EVENT.TIME} on {EVENT.DATE} Problem name: {EVENT.NAME} Host: {HOST.NAME} Severity: {EVENT.SEVERITY} Operational data: {EVENT.OPDATA} Original problem ID: {EVENT.ID} {TRIGGER.URL} - event_source: TRIGGERS operation_mode: RECOVERY subject: '[{EVENT.STATUS}] {EVENT.NAME}' message: | Problem has been resolved in {EVENT.DURATION} at {EVENT.RECOVERY.TIME} on {EVENT.RECOVERY.DATE} Problem name: {EVENT.NAME} Host: {HOST.NAME} Severity: {EVENT.SEVERITY} Original problem ID: {EVENT.ID} {TRIGGER.URL} - event_source: TRIGGERS operation_mode: UPDATE subject: '[{EVENT.STATUS}] {EVENT.NAME}' message: | {USER.FULLNAME} {EVENT.UPDATE.ACTION} problem at {EVENT.UPDATE.DATE} {EVENT.UPDATE.TIME}. {EVENT.UPDATE.MESSAGE} Current problem status is {EVENT.STATUS}, acknowledged: {EVENT.ACK.STATUS}. - event_source: DISCOVERY operation_mode: PROBLEM subject: 'Discovery: {DISCOVERY.DEVICE.STATUS} {DISCOVERY.DEVICE.IPADDRESS}' message: | Discovery rule: {DISCOVERY.RULE.NAME} Device IP: {DISCOVERY.DEVICE.IPADDRESS} Device DNS: {DISCOVERY.DEVICE.DNS} Device status: {DISCOVERY.DEVICE.STATUS} Device uptime: {DISCOVERY.DEVICE.UPTIME} Device service name: {DISCOVERY.SERVICE.NAME} Device service port: {DISCOVERY.SERVICE.PORT} Device service status: {DISCOVERY.SERVICE.STATUS} Device service uptime: {DISCOVERY.SERVICE.UPTIME} - event_source: AUTOREGISTRATION operation_mode: PROBLEM subject: 'Autoregistration: {HOST.HOST}' message: | Host name: {HOST.HOST} Host IP: {HOST.IP} Agent port: {HOST.PORT}