zabbix_export: version: '7.0' template_groups: - uuid: a571c0d144b14fd4a87a9d9b2aa9fcd6 name: Templates/Applications templates: - uuid: f445dac89ff74deabaae9dcb84815998 template: 'GitLab by HTTP' name: 'GitLab by HTTP' description: | Get GitLab metrics by HTTP agent from Prometheus metrics endpoint. To access the metrics, the client IP address must be explicitly allowed. See Or second method, using token variable from http://your.gitlab.address/admin/health_check (fill {$GITLAB.HEALTH.TOKEN} macro with variable path like "?token=your_token"). Don't forget change macros {$GITLAB.URL}. Some metrics may not be collected depending on your Gitlab instance version and configuration. See (Gitlab's documentation[)] for further information about its metric collection. You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum Generated by official Zabbix template tool "Templator" 2.0.0 vendor: name: Zabbix version: 7.0-0 groups: - name: Templates/Applications items: - uuid: 43a26551b0a6460cac3c43138ec5fd33 name: 'GitLab: Cache: Misses rate, total' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.cache.misses_total.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'The cache read miss count.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("gitlab_cache_misses_total")].value.sum()' - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: cache - uuid: 9c507412d4544a37bdad49ba47c48302 name: 'GitLab: Cache: Operations rate, total' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.cache.operations_total.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'The count of cache operations.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("gitlab_cache_operations_total")].value.sum()' - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: cache - uuid: 2d46dc855ca741839cfe1a19e0dc892f name: 'GitLab: Database: Connection pool, busy' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.database.connection_pool_busy delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'Connections to the main database in use where the owner is still alive.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("gitlab_database_connection_pool_busy" && @.labels.class == "ActiveRecord::Base")].value.sum()' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: database - uuid: 6ee7a1d3ab20463d83602b751381d821 name: 'GitLab: Database: Connection pool, current' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.database.connection_pool_connections delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'Current connections to the main database in the pool.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("gitlab_database_connection_pool_connections" && @.labels.class == "ActiveRecord::Base")].value.sum()' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: database - uuid: 561a1f54c98d4a2b828fe644961404be name: 'GitLab: Database: Connection pool, dead' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.database.connection_pool_dead delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'Connections to the main database in use where the owner is not alive.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("gitlab_database_connection_pool_dead" && @.labels.class == "ActiveRecord::Base")].value.sum()' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: database - uuid: 3a0b5c8de88b41fa9ebf6f3fca63833e name: 'GitLab: Database: Connection pool, idle' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.database.connection_pool_idle delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'Connections to the main database not in use.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("gitlab_database_connection_pool_idle" && @.labels.class == "ActiveRecord::Base")].value.sum()' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: database - uuid: fd1458232de34981a9a00be820e123f1 name: 'GitLab: Database: Connection pool, size' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.database.connection_pool_size delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'Total connection to the main database pool capacity.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("gitlab_database_connection_pool_size" && @.labels.class == "ActiveRecord::Base")].value.sum()' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: database - uuid: 501a2f646ced4207a32a24e900310440 name: 'GitLab: Database: Connection pool, waiting' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.database.connection_pool_waiting delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'Threads currently waiting on this queue.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("gitlab_database_connection_pool_waiting" && @.labels.class == "ActiveRecord::Base")].value.sum()' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: database - uuid: 71a5f82d11914b12a86008bfd488fb1e name: 'GitLab: Version' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.deployments.version delay: '0' history: 7d trends: '0' value_type: CHAR description: 'Version of the GitLab instance.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("deployments")].labels.version.first()' - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 3h master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: application triggers: - uuid: 88d7ceb3a683436da666e8802b2d29b5 expression: 'last(/GitLab by HTTP/gitlab.deployments.version,#1)<>last(/GitLab by HTTP/gitlab.deployments.version,#2) and length(last(/GitLab by HTTP/gitlab.deployments.version))>0' name: 'GitLab: Version has changed' event_name: 'GitLab: Version has changed (new version: {ITEM.VALUE})' priority: INFO description: 'The GitLab version has changed. Acknowledge to close the problem manually.' manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: scope value: notice - uuid: 3e409938aba24445a11012bcbf8aa113 name: 'GitLab: User CAPTCHA logins failed, total' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.failed_login_captcha_total delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'Counter of failed CAPTCHA attempts during login.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("failed_login_captcha_total")].value.first()' error_handler: DISCARD_VALUE master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: sessions - uuid: 2aa509b84dc14026b8ff8ed473add2d2 name: 'GitLab: Get instance metrics' type: HTTP_AGENT key: gitlab.get_metrics history: '0' trends: '0' value_type: TEXT preprocessing: - type: CHECK_NOT_SUPPORTED parameters: - '' - type: PROMETHEUS_TO_JSON parameters: - '' url: '{$GITLAB.URL}/-/metrics{$GITLAB.HEALTH.TOKEN}' tags: - tag: component value: raw - uuid: 3ff4d9793af94d339ca225aaf9200554 name: 'GitLab: HTTP requests rate, 4xx' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.http.requests.4xx.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: rps description: 'Number of handle failures of requests with code 4XX.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("http_requests_total" && @.labels.status =~ ''4..'' )].value.sum()' error_handler: DISCARD_VALUE - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: requests - tag: http-code value: 4xx - uuid: d0fa18012d6a4b0ba6620b0ef6cb9aef name: 'GitLab: HTTP requests rate, 5xx' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.http.requests.5xx.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: rps description: 'Number of handle failures of requests with HTTP-code 5xx.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("http_requests_total" && @.labels.status =~ ''5..'' )].value.sum()' error_handler: DISCARD_VALUE - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: requests - tag: http-code value: 5xx triggers: - uuid: 7021e3b0b49a4990a1d8ce356b7ae130 expression: 'min(/GitLab by HTTP/gitlab.http.requests.5xx.rate,5m)>{$GITLAB.HTTP.FAIL.MAX.WARN}' name: 'GitLab: Too many HTTP requests failures' event_name: 'GitLab: Too many HTTP requests failures (over {$GITLAB.HTTP.FAIL.MAX.WARN} for 5m)''' priority: WARNING description: '"Too many requests failed on GitLab instance with 5xx HTTP code"' tags: - tag: scope value: availability - uuid: 2d739e4bedb24b50ab6adfdfdeb39da9 name: 'GitLab: HTTP requests rate, total' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.http.requests.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: rps description: 'Number of requests received into the system.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("http_requests_total")].value.sum()' - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: requests - uuid: c48920e302ff4b9ab16f45b67775b440 name: 'GitLab: Application server status' type: HTTP_AGENT key: gitlab.liveness history: 7d description: 'Checks whether the application server is running. This probe is used to know if Rails Controllers are not deadlocked due to a multi-threading.' valuemap: name: 'GitLab healthcheck' preprocessing: - type: CHECK_NOT_SUPPORTED parameters: - '' error_handler: CUSTOM_VALUE error_handler_params: '{"status": "failed"}' - type: JSONPATH parameters: - $.status - type: BOOL_TO_DECIMAL parameters: - '' error_handler: CUSTOM_VALUE error_handler_params: '0' - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 30m url: '{$GITLAB.URL}/-/liveness{$GITLAB.HEALTH.TOKEN}' tags: - tag: component value: health triggers: - uuid: 2f1eb8d6c89a4d8cbda0e951d3f6a109 expression: 'last(/GitLab by HTTP/gitlab.liveness)=0' name: 'GitLab: Liveness check was failed' priority: HIGH description: 'The application server is not running or Rails Controllers are deadlocked.' tags: - tag: scope value: availability - uuid: 7ef7142babfd4bc2b5b25be541c0511f name: 'GitLab: Pipelines: Auto DevOps pipelines, total' type: DEPENDENT key: delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'Counter of completed Auto DevOps pipelines.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("auto_devops_pipelines_completed_total")].value.sum()' error_handler: DISCARD_VALUE master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: pipelines - uuid: 0ffa0a5c108644508252a03469e4f394 name: 'GitLab: Pipelines: Auto DevOps pipelines, failed' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.pipeline.auto_devops_completed_total.failed delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'Counter of completed Auto DevOps pipelines with status "failed".' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("auto_devops_pipelines_completed_total" && @.labels.status == "failed")].value.sum()' error_handler: DISCARD_VALUE master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: pipelines - uuid: f4265a3167a245c4998958106f6ee265 name: 'GitLab: Pipelines: Created, total' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.pipeline.created_total delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'Counter of pipelines created.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("pipelines_created_total")].value.sum()' error_handler: DISCARD_VALUE master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: pipelines - uuid: 23cb22f8f81e461c86f72a92cdfde7a5 name: 'GitLab: Pipelines: CI/CD creation duration' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.pipeline.pipeline_creation delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: s description: 'The sum of the time in seconds it takes to create a CI/CD pipeline.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("gitlab_ci_pipeline_creation_duration_seconds_sum")].value.first()' error_handler: DISCARD_VALUE master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: pipelines - uuid: 91c3acbb82524244a1ac400587641ffa name: 'GitLab: Pipelines: Pipelines: CI/CD creation count' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.pipeline.pipeline_creation.count delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'The count of the time it takes to create a CI/CD pipeline.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("gitlab_ci_pipeline_creation_duration_seconds_count")].value.first()' error_handler: DISCARD_VALUE master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: pipelines - uuid: c80453c338814951a9e97d9f37e7d68f name: 'GitLab: Pipelines: Processing events, total' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.pipeline.processing_events_total delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'Total amount of pipeline processing events.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("gitlab_ci_pipeline_processing_events_total")].value.first()' error_handler: DISCARD_VALUE master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: pipelines - uuid: 794a8d7f474d490c96e714dac810140d name: 'GitLab: Instance readiness check' type: HTTP_AGENT key: gitlab.readiness history: 7d description: 'The readiness probe checks whether the GitLab instance is ready to accept traffic via Rails Controllers.' valuemap: name: 'GitLab healthcheck' preprocessing: - type: CHECK_NOT_SUPPORTED parameters: - '' error_handler: CUSTOM_VALUE error_handler_params: '{"master_check":[{"status":"failed"}]}' - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$.master_check[0].status' - type: BOOL_TO_DECIMAL parameters: - '' error_handler: CUSTOM_VALUE error_handler_params: '0' - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 30m url: '{$GITLAB.URL}/-/readiness{$GITLAB.HEALTH.TOKEN}' tags: - tag: component value: health triggers: - uuid: 11ff325698534dcd8bbaa12c86704069 expression: 'last(/GitLab by HTTP/gitlab.readiness)=0' name: 'GitLab: Gitlab instance is not able to accept traffic' priority: HIGH dependencies: - name: 'GitLab: Liveness check was failed' expression: 'last(/GitLab by HTTP/gitlab.liveness)=0' tags: - tag: scope value: availability - uuid: 173b8d5e108f471fbf4c1267dcb9cc37 name: 'GitLab: Redis: Client exceptions rate, cache' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.redis.client_exceptions.cache.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Number of Redis client exceptions per second. (Instance: cache)' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("gitlab_redis_client_exceptions_total" && == "cache")].value.first()' error_handler: DISCARD_VALUE - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: redis triggers: - uuid: a7e460f174fd4e16b2358fd3867390b4 expression: 'min(/GitLab by HTTP/gitlab.redis.client_exceptions.cache.rate,5m)>{$GITLAB.REDIS.FAIL.MAX.WARN}' name: 'GitLab: Too many Redis cache client exceptions' event_name: 'GitLab: Too many Redis cache client exceptions (over {$GITLAB.REDIS.FAIL.MAX.WARN} for 5m)' priority: WARNING description: '"Too many Redis client exceptions during the requests to Redis instance cache."' tags: - tag: scope value: availability - uuid: 0bff591252dc4cc497527afb1f7d96b2 name: 'GitLab: Redis: Client exceptions rate, queues' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.redis.client_exceptions.queues.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Number of Redis client exceptions per second. (Instance: queues)' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("gitlab_redis_client_exceptions_total" && == "queues")].value.first()' error_handler: DISCARD_VALUE - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: redis triggers: - uuid: 36ec79901f324f27992ea68274eedb71 expression: 'min(/GitLab by HTTP/gitlab.redis.client_exceptions.queues.rate,5m)>{$GITLAB.REDIS.FAIL.MAX.WARN}' name: 'GitLab: Too many Redis queues client exceptions' event_name: 'GitLab: Too many Redis queues client exceptions (over {$GITLAB.REDIS.FAIL.MAX.WARN} for 5m)' priority: WARNING description: '"Too many Redis client exceptions during the requests to Redis instance queues."' tags: - tag: scope value: availability - uuid: 800b429ea1d044e6a685bc51706f8547 name: 'GitLab: Redis: client exceptions rate, shared_state' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.redis.client_exceptions.shared_state.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Number of Redis client exceptions per second. (Instance: shared_state)' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("gitlab_redis_client_exceptions_total" && == "shared_state")].value.first()' error_handler: DISCARD_VALUE - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: redis triggers: - uuid: b475d6ecbc564f9b8f7fe9b24bcdf013 expression: 'min(/GitLab by HTTP/gitlab.redis.client_exceptions.shared_state.rate,5m)>{$GITLAB.REDIS.FAIL.MAX.WARN}' name: 'GitLab: Too many Redis shared_state client exceptions' event_name: 'GitLab: Too many Redis shared_state client exceptions (over {$GITLAB.REDIS.FAIL.MAX.WARN} for 5m)' priority: WARNING description: '"Too many Redis client exceptions during the requests to Redis instance shared_state."' tags: - tag: scope value: availability - uuid: 7dcc638e1c174dd5975f85551211a3ba name: 'GitLab: Redis: Client requests rate, cache' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.redis.client_requests.cache.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: rps description: 'Number of Redis client requests per second. (Instance: cache)' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("gitlab_redis_client_requests_total" && == "cache")].value.first()' error_handler: DISCARD_VALUE - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: redis - uuid: f613303925db46958d181c379e22f942 name: 'GitLab: Redis: Client requests rate, queues' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.redis.client_requests.queues.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: rps description: 'Number of Redis client requests per second. (Instance: queues)' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("gitlab_redis_client_requests_total" && == "queues")].value.first()' error_handler: DISCARD_VALUE - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: redis - uuid: 3ae46654b46e4c769a7308879bc64890 name: 'GitLab: Redis: Client requests rate, shared_state' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.redis.client_requests.shared_state.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: rps description: 'Number of Redis client requests per second. (Instance: shared_state)' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("gitlab_redis_client_requests_total" && == "shared_state")].value.first()' error_handler: DISCARD_VALUE - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: redis - uuid: 950d48c3b5034e769b2bf6a7110ece02 name: 'GitLab: Ruby: File descriptors opened, avg' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.ruby.file_descriptors.avg delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Average number of opened file descriptors.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("ruby_file_descriptors")].value.avg()' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: fds - uuid: 67ed35c3f5f444b2b10fb462838758ac name: 'GitLab: Ruby: File descriptors opened, max' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.ruby.file_descriptors.max delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Maximum number of opened file descriptors.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("ruby_file_descriptors")].value.max()' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: fds - uuid: b1576e2b47bd448293c3e88885bfc87e name: 'GitLab: Ruby: File descriptors opened, min' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.ruby.file_descriptors.min delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Minimum number of opened file descriptors.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("ruby_file_descriptors")].value.min()' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: fds - uuid: 98feff3bfe0d4a9ea88733ae8fef8769 name: 'GitLab: Ruby: CPU usage per second' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.ruby.process_cpu_seconds.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: s description: 'Average CPU time util in seconds.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("ruby_process_cpu_seconds_total")].value.avg()' error_handler: DISCARD_VALUE - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: cpu - uuid: 91ed44c1738745119e892eadb88b417f name: 'GitLab: Ruby: File descriptors, max' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.ruby.process_max_fds delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT description: 'Maximum number of open file descriptors per process.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("ruby_process_max_fds")].value.avg()' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: fds - uuid: 8de84a159b864ed791c07835aa0ec39a name: 'GitLab: Ruby: RSS memory, avg' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.ruby.process_resident_memory_bytes.avg delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: B description: 'Average RSS Memory usage in bytes.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("ruby_process_resident_memory_bytes")].value.avg()' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: memory - uuid: 27285f7d3c344d68b7945edde3cb8ecf name: 'GitLab: Ruby: RSS memory, max' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.ruby.process_resident_memory_bytes.max delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: B description: 'Maximum RSS Memory usage in bytes.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("ruby_process_resident_memory_bytes")].value.max()' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: memory - uuid: 0cf8d21bcb8d4fb7880784dc82ba8229 name: 'GitLab: Ruby: RSS memory, min' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.ruby.process_resident_memory_bytes.min delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: B description: 'Minimum RSS Memory usage in bytes.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("ruby_process_resident_memory_bytes")].value.min()' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: memory - uuid: 68267621a5e14494bf57225e71e05ff4 name: 'GitLab: Ruby: First process start time' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.ruby.process_start_time_seconds.first delay: '0' history: 7d units: unixtime description: 'Minimum UNIX timestamp of ruby processes start time.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("ruby_process_start_time_seconds")].value.min()' - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 3h master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: application - uuid: be88084e9b544af68f78c013caf6b59a name: 'GitLab: Ruby: Last process start time' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.ruby.process_start_time_seconds.last delay: '0' history: 7d units: unixtime description: 'Maximum UNIX timestamp ruby processes start time.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("ruby_process_start_time_seconds")].value.max()' - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 3h master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: application - uuid: f23849bd9716444f8bf65d3964e3be15 name: 'GitLab: Ruby: Running_threads' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.ruby.threads_running delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'Number of running Ruby threads.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("gitlab_ruby_threads_running_threads")].value.sum()' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: system triggers: - uuid: e24496a9499447b2bbdf70f85bbf2113 expression: 'nodata(/GitLab by HTTP/gitlab.ruby.threads_running,30m)=1' name: 'GitLab: Failed to fetch info data' event_name: 'GitLab: Failed to fetch info data (or no data for 30m)' priority: WARNING description: 'Zabbix has not received a metrics data for the last 30 minutes' manual_close: 'YES' dependencies: - name: 'GitLab: Liveness check was failed' expression: 'last(/GitLab by HTTP/gitlab.liveness)=0' tags: - tag: scope value: availability - uuid: 56af56ccc23d44bcb636871229fbcde2 name: 'GitLab: User CAPTCHA logins, total' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.successful_login_captcha_total delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'Counter of successful CAPTCHA attempts during login.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("successful_login_captcha_total")].value.first()' error_handler: DISCARD_VALUE master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: sessions - uuid: 95deb1dc93d34935930b154d1222c8a4 name: 'GitLab: Transactions per second' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.transactions.rate delay: '0' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: rps description: 'Transactions per second (gitlab_transaction_* metrics).' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("gitlab_transaction_.*_count_total")].value.sum()' error_handler: DISCARD_VALUE - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: transactions - uuid: d1a346edc81d487da115105333e8992d name: 'GitLab: Upload file does not exist' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.upload_file_does_not_exist delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'Number of times an upload record could not find its file.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("upload_file_does_not_exist")].value.first()' error_handler: DISCARD_VALUE master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: application - uuid: 62c9c5a8886e431bb04c40a8045fe207 name: 'GitLab: User logins, total' type: DEPENDENT key: gitlab.user_session_logins_total delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'Counter of how many users have logged in since GitLab was started or restarted.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?("user_session_logins_total")].value.first()' error_handler: DISCARD_VALUE master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: sessions discovery_rules: - uuid: acd3e31daa8f497bb1ce0f91d104d928 name: 'Puma metrics discovery' type: HTTP_AGENT key: gitlab.puma.discovery delay: 3h description: 'Discovery of Puma specific metrics when Puma is used.' item_prototypes: - uuid: 6b6ebfe9326247c8a57fb8c96125bcee name: 'GitLab: Active connections' type: DEPENDENT key: 'gitlab.puma.active_connections[{#SINGLETON}]' delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'Number of puma threads processing a request.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(''puma_active_connections'')].value.sum()' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: puma - uuid: 14194f273b4e47d98cfdcbefff64cc68 name: 'GitLab: Idle threads' type: DEPENDENT key: 'gitlab.puma.idle_threads[{#SINGLETON}]' delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'The number of spawned puma threads which are not processing a request.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(''puma_idle_threads'')].value.sum()' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: puma - uuid: 33a1be2938e24ce2a3fb650efa4f98d6 name: 'GitLab: Killer terminations, total' type: DEPENDENT key: 'gitlab.puma.killer_terminations_total[{#SINGLETON}]' delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'The number of workers terminated by PumaWorkerKiller.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(''puma_killer_terminations_total'')].value.sum()' error_handler: DISCARD_VALUE master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: puma - uuid: 7d93438afd73422d90b03e78b1c0f998 name: 'GitLab: Max threads' type: DEPENDENT key: 'gitlab.puma.max_threads[{#SINGLETON}]' delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'The maximum number of puma worker threads.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(''puma_max_threads'')].value.sum()' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: puma - uuid: fe381c99c2464e95bac63da2df994b8a name: 'GitLab: Pool capacity' type: DEPENDENT key: 'gitlab.puma.pool_capacity[{#SINGLETON}]' delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'The number of requests the puma worker is capable of taking right now.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(''puma_pool_capacity'')].value.sum()' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: puma - uuid: 8c375d8323f9459a8b2a6254b7afed5b name: 'GitLab: Queued connections' type: DEPENDENT key: 'gitlab.puma.queued_connections[{#SINGLETON}]' delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'The number of connections in that puma worker''s "todo" set waiting for a worker thread.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(''puma_queued_connections'')].value.sum()' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: puma trigger_prototypes: - uuid: 356c8dc915d84382b3f8dfe45b901f46 expression: 'min(/GitLab by HTTP/gitlab.puma.queued_connections[{#SINGLETON}],15m)>{$GITLAB.PUMA.QUEUE.MAX.WARN}' name: 'GitLab: Puma is queueing requests' event_name: 'GitLab: Puma is queueing requests (over {$GITLAB.PUMA.QUEUE.MAX.WARN}% for 15m)' priority: WARNING tags: - tag: scope value: performance - uuid: 02b27e8a68884f399a8359ed6967d614 name: 'GitLab: Running threads' type: DEPENDENT key: 'gitlab.puma.running[{#SINGLETON}]' delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'The number of running puma threads.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(''puma_running'')].value.sum()' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: puma - uuid: b43e4275dd64427bb6eb4890c556c513 name: 'GitLab: Running workers' type: DEPENDENT key: 'gitlab.puma.running_workers[{#SINGLETON}]' delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'The number of booted puma workers.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(''puma_running_workers'')].value.sum()' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: puma - uuid: 0169db2581ba48579edc911cad4b41d7 name: 'GitLab: Stale workers' type: DEPENDENT key: 'gitlab.puma.stale_workers[{#SINGLETON}]' delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'The number of old puma workers.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(''puma_stale_workers'')].value.sum()' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: puma - uuid: 19e0149a6de846c7a39b305037469ecb name: 'GitLab: Workers' type: DEPENDENT key: 'gitlab.puma.workers[{#SINGLETON}]' delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'Total number of puma workers.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(''puma_workers'')].value.sum()' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: puma trigger_prototypes: - uuid: b69fe81449bd4b6cb6dfddeb333e8898 expression: 'min(/GitLab by HTTP/gitlab.puma.active_connections[{#SINGLETON}],5m)/last(/GitLab by HTTP/gitlab.puma.max_threads[{#SINGLETON}])*100>{$GITLAB.PUMA.UTILIZATION.MAX.WARN}' name: 'GitLab: Puma instance thread utilization is too high' event_name: 'GitLab: Puma instance thread utilization is too high (over {$GITLAB.PUMA.UTILIZATION.MAX.WARN}% for 5m)' priority: WARNING tags: - tag: scope value: capacity url: '{$GITLAB.URL}/-/metrics{$GITLAB.HEALTH.TOKEN}' preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_TO_JSON parameters: - puma_workers - type: JAVASCRIPT parameters: - 'return JSON.stringify(value != "[]" ? [{''{#SINGLETON}'': ''''}] : []);' - uuid: 912723d1837641cf9b84996788bd6b54 name: 'Unicorn metrics discovery' type: HTTP_AGENT key: gitlab.unicorn.discovery delay: 3h description: 'DiscoveryUnicorn specific metrics, when Unicorn is used.' item_prototypes: - uuid: 7461ee7fad7f4597825644b80cce2ec2 name: 'GitLab: Unicorn: Active connections' type: DEPENDENT key: 'gitlab.unicorn.active_connections[{#SINGLETON}]' delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'The number of active Unicorn connections.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(''unicorn_active_connections'')].value.sum()' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: unicorn - uuid: 31e0f545c6c6428c8f9f46426cb97ca7 name: 'GitLab: Unicorn: Queued connections' type: DEPENDENT key: 'gitlab.unicorn.queued_connections[{#SINGLETON}]' delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'The number of queued Unicorn connections.' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(''unicorn_queued_connections'')].value.sum()' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: unicorn trigger_prototypes: - uuid: 84142d0996c0420c8b07c7e17d1b9a47 expression: 'min(/GitLab by HTTP/gitlab.unicorn.queued_connections[{#SINGLETON}],5m)>{$GITLAB.UNICORN.QUEUE.MAX.WARN}' name: 'GitLab: Unicorn is queueing requests' event_name: 'GitLab: Unicorn is queueing requests (over {$GITLAB.UNICORN.QUEUE.MAX.WARN}% for 5m)' priority: WARNING tags: - tag: scope value: performance - uuid: 44a12fd548b742069cae53a78f7f8ab0 name: 'GitLab: Unicorn: Workers' type: DEPENDENT key: 'gitlab.unicorn.unicorn_workers[{#SINGLETON}]' delay: '0' history: 7d description: 'The number of Unicorn workers' preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$[?(''unicorn_workers'')].value.sum()' master_item: key: gitlab.get_metrics tags: - tag: component value: unicorn trigger_prototypes: - uuid: 731bf8eb456c49739a3fcd7aec24c7d7 expression: 'min(/GitLab by HTTP/gitlab.unicorn.active_connections[{#SINGLETON}],5m)/last(/GitLab by HTTP/gitlab.unicorn.unicorn_workers[{#SINGLETON}])*100>{$GITLAB.UNICORN.UTILIZATION.MAX.WARN}' name: 'GitLab: Unicorn worker utilization is too high' event_name: 'GitLab: Unicorn worker utilization is too high (over {$GITLAB.UNICORN.UTILIZATION.MAX.WARN}% for 5m)' priority: WARNING tags: - tag: scope value: capacity url: '{$GITLAB.URL}/-/metrics{$GITLAB.HEALTH.TOKEN}' preprocessing: - type: PROMETHEUS_TO_JSON parameters: - unicorn_workers error_handler: DISCARD_VALUE - type: JAVASCRIPT parameters: - 'return JSON.stringify(value != "[]" ? [{''{#SINGLETON}'': ''''}] : []);' tags: - tag: class value: application - tag: target value: gitlab macros: - macro: '{$GITLAB.HEALTH.TOKEN}' description: 'The token path for Gitlab health check. Example `?token=your_token`' - macro: '{$GITLAB.HTTP.FAIL.MAX.WARN}' value: '2' description: 'The maximum number of HTTP request failures for a trigger expression.' - macro: '{$GITLAB.OPEN.FDS.MAX.WARN}' value: '90' description: 'The maximum percentage of used file descriptors for a trigger expression.' - macro: '{$GITLAB.PUMA.QUEUE.MAX.WARN}' value: '1' description: 'The maximum number of Puma queued requests for a trigger expression.' - macro: '{$GITLAB.PUMA.UTILIZATION.MAX.WARN}' value: '90' description: 'The maximum percentage of Puma thread utilization for a trigger expression.' - macro: '{$GITLAB.REDIS.FAIL.MAX.WARN}' value: '2' description: 'The maximum number of Redis client exceptions for a trigger expression.' - macro: '{$GITLAB.UNICORN.QUEUE.MAX.WARN}' value: '1' description: 'The maximum number of Unicorn queued requests for a trigger expression.' - macro: '{$GITLAB.UNICORN.UTILIZATION.MAX.WARN}' value: '90' description: 'The maximum percentage of Unicorn workers utilization for a trigger expression.' - macro: '{$GITLAB.URL}' value: 'http://localhost' description: 'URL of a GitLab instance.' valuemaps: - uuid: 3b40391bb8b6472e9c3fd8e1f001fe04 name: 'GitLab healthcheck' mappings: - value: '0' newvalue: Failed - value: '1' newvalue: Ok triggers: - uuid: 4ac37991b2ca4edd9329fff1e752b05b expression: 'min(/GitLab by HTTP/gitlab.ruby.file_descriptors.max,5m)/last(/GitLab by HTTP/gitlab.ruby.process_max_fds)*100>{$GITLAB.OPEN.FDS.MAX.WARN}' name: 'GitLab: Current number of open files is too high' event_name: 'GitLab: Current number of open files is too high (over {$GITLAB.OPEN.FDS.MAX.WARN}% for 5m)' priority: WARNING tags: - tag: scope value: capacity graphs: - uuid: f6c30e56b54e478ea2708e302197b83b name: 'GitLab: Database: Connection pool' graph_items: - color: 199C0D item: host: 'GitLab by HTTP' key: gitlab.database.connection_pool_busy - sortorder: '1' color: F63100 item: host: 'GitLab by HTTP' key: gitlab.database.connection_pool_connections - sortorder: '2' color: 00611C item: host: 'GitLab by HTTP' key: gitlab.database.connection_pool_dead - sortorder: '3' color: F7941D item: host: 'GitLab by HTTP' key: gitlab.database.connection_pool_idle - sortorder: '4' color: FC6EA3 item: host: 'GitLab by HTTP' key: gitlab.database.connection_pool_waiting - sortorder: '5' drawtype: BOLD_LINE color: 6C59DC item: host: 'GitLab by HTTP' key: gitlab.database.connection_pool_size - uuid: ebffb6f63cf5400ab6a518612c5e857f name: 'GitLab: HTTP requests rate' graph_items: - color: 199C0D item: host: 'GitLab by HTTP' key: gitlab.http.requests.4xx.rate - sortorder: '1' color: F63100 item: host: 'GitLab by HTTP' key: gitlab.http.requests.5xx.rate - sortorder: '2' color: 00611C item: host: 'GitLab by HTTP' key: gitlab.http.requests.rate - uuid: 14d4a4cc843e4c15bd72b680c18ffdd6 name: 'GitLab: Redis requests rate' graph_items: - drawtype: BOLD_LINE color: 199C0D item: host: 'GitLab by HTTP' key: gitlab.redis.client_requests.shared_state.rate - sortorder: '1' drawtype: BOLD_LINE color: F63100 item: host: 'GitLab by HTTP' key: gitlab.redis.client_requests.cache.rate - sortorder: '2' drawtype: BOLD_LINE color: 00611C item: host: 'GitLab by HTTP' key: gitlab.redis.client_requests.queues.rate - sortorder: '3' color: F7941D yaxisside: RIGHT item: host: 'GitLab by HTTP' key: gitlab.redis.client_exceptions.shared_state.rate - sortorder: '4' color: FC6EA3 yaxisside: RIGHT item: host: 'GitLab by HTTP' key: gitlab.redis.client_exceptions.cache.rate - sortorder: '5' color: 6C59DC yaxisside: RIGHT item: host: 'GitLab by HTTP' key: gitlab.redis.client_exceptions.queues.rate - uuid: 2eafabff82a240258c50a77655f77fd9 name: 'GitLab: Ruby: File descriptors' graph_items: - color: 199C0D item: host: 'GitLab by HTTP' key: gitlab.ruby.file_descriptors.avg - sortorder: '1' color: F63100 item: host: 'GitLab by HTTP' key: gitlab.ruby.file_descriptors.max - sortorder: '2' color: 00611C item: host: 'GitLab by HTTP' key: gitlab.ruby.file_descriptors.min - sortorder: '3' drawtype: BOLD_LINE color: F7941D item: host: 'GitLab by HTTP' key: gitlab.ruby.process_max_fds - uuid: 1c6b8a24e76f4b7390e8e8742afbedec name: 'GitLab: Ruby: RSS memory' graph_items: - color: 199C0D item: host: 'GitLab by HTTP' key: gitlab.ruby.process_resident_memory_bytes.avg - sortorder: '1' color: F63100 item: host: 'GitLab by HTTP' key: gitlab.ruby.process_resident_memory_bytes.min - sortorder: '2' color: 00611C item: host: 'GitLab by HTTP' key: gitlab.ruby.process_resident_memory_bytes.max