[ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'name' => 'API LLD rule invalid permissions', 'key_' => 'apilldruleinvalidpermissions', 'hostid' => '1', 'type' => ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX, 'interfaceid' => '50022', 'delay' => '30s' ], 'expected_error' => 'No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!' ], 'Test invalid interface ID' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'name' => 'API LLD rule invalid interface', 'key_' => 'apilldruleinvalidinterface', 'hostid' => '50009', 'type' => ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX, 'interfaceid' => '1', 'delay' => '30s' ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/interfaceid": cannot be the host interface ID from another host.' ], 'Test if LLD rule name and key already exists' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'name' => 'API LLD rule 4', 'key_' => 'apilldrule4', 'hostid' => '50009', 'type' => ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX, 'interfaceid' => '50022', 'delay' => '30s' ], 'expected_error' => 'An LLD rule with key "apilldrule4" already exists on the host "API Host".' ], 'Test without update interval for mqtt.get key of Agent type' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'name' => 'API mqtt.get', 'key_' => 'mqtt.get[test]', 'hostid' => '50009', 'type' => ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX, 'interfaceid' => '50022' ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1": the parameter "delay" is missing.' ], 'Test 0 update interval for mqtt.get key of Agent type' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'name' => 'API mqtt.get', 'key_' => 'mqtt.get[test]', 'hostid' => '50009', 'type' => ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX, 'interfaceid' => '50022', 'delay' => '0' ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/delay": cannot be equal to zero without custom intervals.' ], 'Test 0 update interval for wrong mqtt key of Active agent type' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'name' => 'API mqtt.get', 'key_' => 'mqt.get[test]', 'hostid' => '50009', 'type' => ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX_ACTIVE, 'delay' => '0' ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/delay": cannot be equal to zero without custom intervals.' ], 'Test LLD rule with unsupported item type' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'name' => 'API LLD rule with unsupported item type', 'key_' => 'api_lld_rule_with_unsupported_item_type', 'hostid' => '50009', 'type' => '100', 'interfaceid' => '50022', 'delay' => '30s' ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/type": value must be one of '.implode(', ', [ ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX, ITEM_TYPE_TRAPPER, ITEM_TYPE_SIMPLE, ITEM_TYPE_INTERNAL, ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX_ACTIVE, ITEM_TYPE_EXTERNAL, ITEM_TYPE_DB_MONITOR, ITEM_TYPE_IPMI, ITEM_TYPE_SSH, ITEM_TYPE_TELNET, ITEM_TYPE_JMX, ITEM_TYPE_DEPENDENT, ITEM_TYPE_HTTPAGENT, ITEM_TYPE_SNMP, ITEM_TYPE_SCRIPT ]).'.' ] ]; // TODO: add other properties, multiple rules, duplicates etc. } public static function discoveryrule_create_data_valid() { $valid_item_types = [ ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX => '50022', ITEM_TYPE_TRAPPER => null, ITEM_TYPE_SIMPLE => '50022', ITEM_TYPE_INTERNAL => null, ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX_ACTIVE => null, ITEM_TYPE_EXTERNAL => '50022', ITEM_TYPE_DB_MONITOR => null, ITEM_TYPE_IPMI => '50031', ITEM_TYPE_SSH => '50022', ITEM_TYPE_TELNET => '50022', ITEM_TYPE_JMX => '50030', ITEM_TYPE_DEPENDENT => null, ITEM_TYPE_HTTPAGENT => '50022', ITEM_TYPE_SNMP => '50029' ]; $item_type_tests = []; foreach ($valid_item_types as $type => $interfaceid) { switch ($type) { case ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX: case ITEM_TYPE_SIMPLE: case ITEM_TYPE_INTERNAL: case ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX_ACTIVE: case ITEM_TYPE_EXTERNAL: $params = [ 'delay' => '30s' ]; break; case ITEM_TYPE_TRAPPER: $params = [ 'delay' => '0' ]; break; case ITEM_TYPE_DB_MONITOR: $params = [ 'params' => 'SELECT * FROM table', 'delay' => '30s' ]; break; case ITEM_TYPE_IPMI: $params = [ 'ipmi_sensor' => '1.2.3', 'delay' => '30s' ]; break; case ITEM_TYPE_SSH: $params = [ 'username' => 'username', 'authtype' => ITEM_AUTHTYPE_PASSWORD, 'params' => 'return true;', 'delay' => '30s' ]; break; case ITEM_TYPE_TELNET: $params = [ 'username' => 'username', 'params' => 'return true;', 'delay' => '30s' ]; break; case ITEM_TYPE_JMX: $params = [ 'username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password', 'delay' => '30s' ]; break; case ITEM_TYPE_DEPENDENT: $params = [ 'master_itemid' => '150151', 'delay' => '0' ]; break; case ITEM_TYPE_HTTPAGENT: $params = [ 'url' => '', 'delay' => '30s' ]; break; case ITEM_TYPE_SNMP: $params = [ 'snmp_oid' => '1.2.3', 'delay' => '30s' ]; break; case ITEM_TYPE_SCRIPT: $params = [ 'params' => 'script', 'timeout' => '30s', 'delay' => '30s' ]; break; default: $params = []; break; } if ($interfaceid) { $params['interfaceid'] = $interfaceid; } $item_type_tests['Test valid LLD rule with item type '.$type] = [ 'discoveryrule' => $params + [ 'name' => 'LLD rule of type '.$type, 'key_' => 'lld_rule_of_type_'.$type, 'hostid' => '50009', 'type' => (string) $type ], 'expected_error' => null ]; } return [ 'Test 0 update interval for mqtt.get key of Active agent type' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'name' => 'API LLD rule mqtt', 'key_' => 'mqtt.get[0]', 'hostid' => '50009', 'type' => ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX_ACTIVE, 'delay' => '0' ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test without update interval for mqtt.get key of Active agent type' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'name' => 'API LLD rule mqtt', 'key_' => 'mqtt.get[1]', 'hostid' => '50009', 'type' => ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX_ACTIVE ], 'expected_error' => null ] ] + $item_type_tests; // TODO: add other properties, multiple rules, duplicates etc. } /** * @dataProvider discoveryrule_create_data_invalid * @dataProvider discoveryrule_create_data_valid */ public function testDiscoveryRule_Create(array $discoveryrules, $expected_error) { $result = $this->call('discoveryrule.create', $discoveryrules, $expected_error); // if ($expected_error !== null) { // return; // } // Accept single and multiple LLD rules just like API method. Work with multi-dimensional array in result. if (!array_key_exists(0, $discoveryrules)) { $discoveryrules = zbx_toArray($discoveryrules); } if ($expected_error === null) { foreach ($result['result']['itemids'] as $num => $id) { $db_discoveryrule = CDBHelper::getRow( 'SELECT i.hostid,i.name,i.key_,i.type,i.delay'. ' FROM items i'. ' WHERE i.itemid='.zbx_dbstr($id) ); if ($discoveryrules[$num]['type'] === ITEM_TYPE_ZABBIX_ACTIVE && substr($discoveryrules[$num]['key_'], 0, 8) === 'mqtt.get') { $discoveryrules[$num]['delay'] = CTestArrayHelper::get($discoveryrules[$num], 'delay', '0'); } $this->assertSame($db_discoveryrule['hostid'], $discoveryrules[$num]['hostid']); $this->assertSame($db_discoveryrule['name'], $discoveryrules[$num]['name']); $this->assertSame($db_discoveryrule['key_'], $discoveryrules[$num]['key_']); $this->assertSame($db_discoveryrule['type'], strval($discoveryrules[$num]['type'])); $this->assertSame($db_discoveryrule['delay'], $discoveryrules[$num]['delay']); } } // TODO: perform advanced checks and other fields. } public static function discoveryrule_preprocessing_create_data_invalid() { $test_data = self::discoveryrule_preprocessing_data_invalid(); $default_options = [ 'name' => 'API LLD rule with preprocessing invalid', 'key_' => 'apilldrulewithpreprocessinginvalid', 'hostid' => '50009', 'type' => '0', 'interfaceid' => '50022', 'delay' => '30s' ]; foreach ($test_data as &$test) { $test['discoveryrule'] += $default_options; } unset($test); return $test_data; } public static function discoveryrule_preprocessing_create_data_valid() { $test_data = self::discoveryrule_preprocessing_data_valid(); $default_options = [ 'hostid' => '50009', 'type' => '0', 'interfaceid' => '50022', 'delay' => '30s' ]; $i = 1; foreach ($test_data as &$test) { $test['discoveryrule'] += $default_options + [ 'name' => 'API LLD rule with preprocessing valid '.$i, 'key_' => 'apilldrulewithpreprocessingvalid'.$i ]; $i++; } unset($test); return $test_data; } /** * @dataProvider discoveryrule_preprocessing_create_data_invalid * @dataProvider discoveryrule_preprocessing_create_data_valid */ public function testDiscoveryRulePreprocessing_Create(array $discoveryrules, $expected_error) { $result = $this->call('discoveryrule.create', $discoveryrules, $expected_error); // Accept single and multiple LLD rules just like API method. Work with multi-dimensional array in result. if (!array_key_exists(0, $discoveryrules)) { $discoveryrules = zbx_toArray($discoveryrules); } if ($expected_error === null) { foreach ($result['result']['itemids'] as $num => $id) { if (array_key_exists('preprocessing', $discoveryrules[$num])) { foreach ($discoveryrules[$num]['preprocessing'] as $idx => $preprocessing) { // Collect one step at a time. Steps should match the order in which they were given. $db_preprocessing = CDBHelper::getRow( 'SELECT ip.type,ip.params,ip.error_handler,ip.error_handler_params'. ' FROM item_preproc ip'. ' WHERE ip.itemid='.zbx_dbstr($id). ' AND ip.step='.zbx_dbstr($idx + 1) ); $this->assertEquals($db_preprocessing['type'], $preprocessing['type']); $this->assertSame($db_preprocessing['params'], $preprocessing['params']); $this->assertEquals($db_preprocessing['error_handler'], $preprocessing['error_handler']); $this->assertSame($db_preprocessing['error_handler_params'], $preprocessing['error_handler_params'] ); } } } } // TODO: Create a test to check if preprocessing steps are inherited on host. } // TODO: Create API tests for items and item prototypes. It uses the same function to validate pre-processing fields. public static function discoveryrule_lld_macro_paths_data_invalid() { return [ 'Test incorrect parameter type for lld_macro_paths' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'lld_macro_paths' => '' ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/lld_macro_paths": an array is expected.' ], 'Test incorrect parameter type for lld_macro' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'lld_macro_paths' => [ [ 'lld_macro' => false ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/lld_macro_paths/1/lld_macro": a character string is expected.' ], 'Test incorrect type for lld_macro (multiple macro path index)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'lld_macro_paths' => [ [ 'lld_macro' => '{#A}', 'path' => '$.list[:1].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#B}', 'path' => '$.list[:2].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => false ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/lld_macro_paths/3/lld_macro": a character string is expected.' ], 'Test empty lld_macro' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'lld_macro_paths' => [ [ 'lld_macro' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/lld_macro_paths/1/lld_macro": cannot be empty.' ], 'Test incorrect value for lld_macro' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'lld_macro_paths' => [ [ 'lld_macro' => 'abc' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/lld_macro_paths/1/lld_macro": a low-level discovery macro is expected.' ], 'Test missing path parameter for lld_macro_paths' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'lld_macro_paths' => [ [ 'lld_macro' => '{#A}' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/lld_macro_paths/1": the parameter "path" is missing.' ], 'Test incorrect type for path parameter in lld_macro_paths' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'lld_macro_paths' => [ [ 'lld_macro' => '{#A}', 'path' => false ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/lld_macro_paths/1/path": a character string is expected.' ], 'Test empty path parameter in lld_macro_paths' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'lld_macro_paths' => [ [ 'lld_macro' => '{#A}', 'path' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/lld_macro_paths/1/path": cannot be empty.' ], 'Test duplicate lld_macro entries' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'lld_macro_paths' => [ [ 'lld_macro' => '{#A}', 'path' => '$.list[:1].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#B}', 'path' => '$.list[:2].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#B}', 'path' => '$.list[:2].type' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/lld_macro_paths/3": value (lld_macro)=({#B}) already exists.' ], 'Test unexpected parameters lld_macro_paths' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'lld_macro_paths' => [ [ 'lld_macro' => '{#A}', 'path' => '$.list[:1].type', 'param' => 'value' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/lld_macro_paths/1": unexpected parameter "param".' ] ]; } public static function discoveryrule_lld_macro_paths_create_data_invalid() { $test_data = self::discoveryrule_lld_macro_paths_data_invalid(); $default_options = [ 'name' => 'API LLD rule with LLD macros invalid', 'key_' => 'apilldrulewithlldmacrosinvalid', 'hostid' => '50009', 'type' => '0', 'interfaceid' => '50022', 'delay' => '30s' ]; foreach ($test_data as &$test) { $test['discoveryrule'] += $default_options; } unset($test); return $test_data + [ 'Test multiple discovery rules and one is broken' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ $default_options + [ 'lld_macro_paths' => [ [ 'lld_macro' => '{#A}', 'path' => '$.list[:1].type' ] ] ], [ 'name' => 'API LLD rule 6', 'key_' => 'apilldrule6', 'hostid' => '50009', 'type' => '0', 'interfaceid' => '50022', 'delay' => '30s', 'lld_macro_paths' => '' ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/2/lld_macro_paths": an array is expected.' ], 'Test no parameters in lld_macro_paths (create)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => $default_options + [ 'lld_macro_paths' => [[]] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/lld_macro_paths/1": the parameter "lld_macro" is missing.' ] ]; } public static function discoveryrule_lld_macro_paths_update_data_invalid() { $test_data = self::discoveryrule_lld_macro_paths_data_invalid(); $default_options = ['itemid' => '110006']; foreach ($test_data as &$test) { $test['discoveryrule'] += $default_options; } unset($test); return $test_data + [ 'Test incorrect second lld_macro_paths type' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ [ 'itemid' => '110006', 'lld_macro_paths' => [] ], [ 'itemid' => '110007', 'lld_macro_paths' => '' ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/2/lld_macro_paths": an array is expected.' ], 'Test no parameters in lld_macro_paths (update)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => $default_options + [ 'lld_macro_paths' => [[]] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/lld_macro_paths/1": the parameter "lld_macro" is missing.' ], 'Test unexpected parameter lld_macro_pathid' => [ 'discoveryrule' => $default_options + [ 'lld_macro_paths' => [ [ 'lld_macro_pathid' => '999999' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/lld_macro_paths/1": unexpected parameter "lld_macro_pathid".' ], 'Test duplicate LLD macro paths entries by giving existing lld_macro' => [ 'discoveryrule' => $default_options + [ 'lld_macro_paths' => [ [ 'lld_macro' => '{#B}', 'path' => '$.list[:2].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#B}', 'path' => '$.list[:3].type' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/lld_macro_paths/2": value (lld_macro)=({#B}) already exists.' ], 'Test removal of LLD macro paths on templated discovery rule' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'itemid' => '110011', 'lld_macro_paths' => [] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1": cannot update readonly parameter "lld_macro_paths" of inherited object.' ] ]; } public static function discoveryrule_lld_macro_paths_create_data_valid() { $default_options = [ 'name' => 'API LLD rule with LLD macro paths on a host', 'key_' => 'apilldrulewithlldmacropathsonahost', 'hostid' => '50009', 'type' => '0', 'interfaceid' => '50022', 'delay' => '30s' ]; return [ 'Test successful creation of LLD rule with LLD macro paths on a host' => [ 'discoveryrule' => $default_options + [ 'lld_macro_paths' => [ [ 'lld_macro' => '{#A}', 'path' => '$.list[:1].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#B}', 'path' => '$.list[:2].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#C}', 'path' => '$.list[:3].type' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test successful creation of LLD rule with LLD macro paths on a template' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'name' => 'API LLD rule with LLD macro paths on a template', 'key_' => 'apilldrulewithlldmacropathsonatemplate', 'hostid' => '50010', 'type' => '0', 'delay' => '30s', 'lld_macro_paths' => [ [ 'lld_macro' => '{#A}', 'path' => '$.list[:1].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#B}', 'path' => '$.list[:2].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#C}', 'path' => '$.list[:3].type' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test empty lld_macro_paths' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'name' => 'LLD rule with empty LLD macro paths', 'key_' => 'lld.rule.with.empty.lld.macro.paths', 'hostid' => '50009', 'type' => '0', 'interfaceid' => '50022', 'delay' => '30s', 'lld_macro_paths' => [] ], 'expected_error' => null ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider discoveryrule_lld_macro_paths_create_data_invalid * @dataProvider discoveryrule_lld_macro_paths_create_data_valid */ public function testDiscoveryRuleLLDMacroPaths_Create(array $discoveryrules, $expected_error) { $result = $this->call('discoveryrule.create', $discoveryrules, $expected_error); // Accept single and multiple LLD rules just like API method. Work with multi-dimensional array in result. if (!array_key_exists(0, $discoveryrules)) { $discoveryrules = zbx_toArray($discoveryrules); } if ($expected_error === null) { foreach ($result['result']['itemids'] as $num => $id) { if (array_key_exists('lld_macro_paths', $discoveryrules[$num])) { // "lld_macro" and "itemid" is a unique combination in the table. foreach ($discoveryrules[$num]['lld_macro_paths'] as $lld_macro_path) { $db_lld_macro_path = CDBHelper::getRow( 'SELECT lmp.lld_macro,lmp.path'. ' FROM lld_macro_path lmp'. ' WHERE lmp.itemid='.zbx_dbstr($id). ' AND lmp.lld_macro='.zbx_dbstr($lld_macro_path['lld_macro']) ); $this->assertSame($db_lld_macro_path['lld_macro'], $lld_macro_path['lld_macro']); $this->assertSame($db_lld_macro_path['path'], $lld_macro_path['path']); } } } } // TODO: Create a test to check if LLD macro paths are inherited on host. } // TODO: create a separate test to perform updates on discovery rules and its properties. public static function discoveryrule_preprocessing_data_invalid() { // Check preprocessing fields. return [ 'Test incorrect preprocessing type' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => '' ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing": an array is expected.' ], 'Test no preprocessing fields' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1": the parameter "type" is missing.' ], 'Test empty preprocessing fields (null)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => null, 'params' => '', 'error_handler' => null, 'error_handler_params' => null ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/type": an integer is expected.' ], 'Test empty preprocessing fields (bool)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => false, 'params' => '', 'error_handler' => null, 'error_handler_params' => null ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/type": an integer is expected.' ], 'Test empty preprocessing fields (string)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => '', 'params' => '', 'error_handler' => null, 'error_handler_params' => null ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/type": an integer is expected.' ], 'Test invalid preprocessing type (array)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => [], 'params' => '', 'error_handler' => null, 'error_handler_params' => null ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/type": an integer is expected.' ], 'Test invalid preprocessing type (string)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => 'abc', 'params' => '', 'error_handler' => '', 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/type": an integer is expected.' ], 'Test invalid preprocessing type (integer)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => 666, 'params' => '', 'error_handler' => '', 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/type": value must be one of 5, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29.' ], 'Test unallowed preprocessing type (integer)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_OCT2DEC, 'params' => '', 'error_handler' => '', 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/type": value must be one of 5, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29.' ], 'Test valid type but empty preprocessing params (bool)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB, 'params' => false, 'error_handler' => '', 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/params": a character string is expected.' ], 'Test valid type but empty preprocessing params (string)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB, 'params' => '', 'error_handler' => '', 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/params/1": cannot be empty.' ], 'Test valid type but incorrect preprocessing params (array)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB, 'params' => [], 'error_handler' => '', 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/params": a character string is expected.' ], 'Test preprocessing params second parameter' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB, 'params' => '^abc$', 'error_handler' => '', 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/params": the parameter "2" is missing.' ], 'Test empty preprocessing error handler (null)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB, 'params' => "^abc$\n123", 'error_handler' => null, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/error_handler": an integer is expected.' ], 'Test empty preprocessing error handler (bool)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB, 'params' => "^abc$\n123", 'error_handler' => false, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/error_handler": an integer is expected.' ], 'Test empty preprocessing error handler (string)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB, 'params' => "^abc$\n123", 'error_handler' => '', 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/error_handler": an integer is expected.' ], 'Test incorrect preprocessing error handler (array)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB, 'params' => "^abc$\n123", 'error_handler' => [], 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/error_handler": an integer is expected.' ], 'Test incorrect preprocessing error handler (string)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB, 'params' => "^abc$\n123", 'error_handler' => 'abc', 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/error_handler": an integer is expected.' ], 'Test incorrect preprocessing error handler (integer)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB, 'params' => "^abc$\n123", 'error_handler' => 666, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/error_handler": value must be one of 0, 1, 2, 3.' ], 'Test empty preprocessing error handler params (null)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB, 'params' => "^abc$\n123", 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_ERROR, 'error_handler_params' => null ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/error_handler_params": a character string is expected.' ], 'Test empty preprocessing error handler params (bool)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB, 'params' => "^abc$\n123", 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_ERROR, 'error_handler_params' => false ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/error_handler_params": a character string is expected.' ], 'Test empty preprocessing error handler params (string)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB, 'params' => "^abc$\n123", 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_ERROR, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/error_handler_params": cannot be empty.' ], 'Test incorrect preprocessing error handler params (array)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB, 'params' => "^abc$\n123", 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_ERROR, 'error_handler_params' => [] ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/error_handler_params": a character string is expected.' ], 'Test filled preprocessing error handler params (ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB + ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB, 'params' => "^abc$\n123", 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => 'abc' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/error_handler_params": value must be empty.' ], 'Test filled preprocessing error handler params (ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB + ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DISCARD_VALUE)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB, 'params' => "^abc$\n123", 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DISCARD_VALUE, 'error_handler_params' => 'abc' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/error_handler_params": value must be empty.' ], 'Test filled preprocessing error handler params (ZBX_PREPROC_JSONPATH + ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_JSONPATH, 'params' => '$.path.to.node', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => 'Error param' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/error_handler_params": value must be empty.' ], 'Test filled preprocessing error handler params (ZBX_PREPROC_JSONPATH + ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DISCARD_VALUE)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_JSONPATH, 'params' => '$.path.to.node', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DISCARD_VALUE, 'error_handler_params' => 'Error param' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/error_handler_params": value must be empty.' ], 'Test empty preprocessing error handler params (ZBX_PREPROC_VALIDATE_NOT_REGEX + ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_ERROR)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_VALIDATE_NOT_REGEX, 'params' => 'abc', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_ERROR, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/error_handler_params": cannot be empty.' ], 'Test filled preprocessing error handler params (ZBX_PREPROC_VALIDATE_NOT_REGEX + ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_VALIDATE_NOT_REGEX, 'params' => 'abc', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => 'Error param' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/error_handler_params": value must be empty.' ], 'Test filled preprocessing error handler params (ZBX_PREPROC_VALIDATE_NOT_REGEX + ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DISCARD_VALUE)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_VALIDATE_NOT_REGEX, 'params' => 'abc', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DISCARD_VALUE, 'error_handler_params' => 'Error param' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/error_handler_params": value must be empty.' ], 'Test filled preprocessing error handler params (ZBX_PREPROC_ERROR_FIELD_JSON + ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_ERROR_FIELD_JSON, 'params' => 'abc', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => 'Error param' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/error_handler_params": value must be empty.' ], 'Test incorrect preprocessing params for type ZBX_PREPROC_THROTTLE_TIMED_VALUE' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_THROTTLE_TIMED_VALUE, 'params' => 'abc', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/params/1": a time unit is expected.' ], 'Test unallowed preprocessing error handler (ZBX_PREPROC_THROTTLE_TIMED_VALUE + ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DISCARD_VALUE)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_THROTTLE_TIMED_VALUE, 'params' => '{#MACRO}', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DISCARD_VALUE, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/params/1": a time unit is expected.' ], 'Test unallowed preprocessing error handler (ZBX_PREPROC_THROTTLE_TIMED_VALUE + ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_VALUE)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_THROTTLE_TIMED_VALUE, 'params' => '{#MACRO}', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_VALUE, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/params/1": a time unit is expected.' ], 'Test unallowed preprocessing error handler (ZBX_PREPROC_THROTTLE_TIMED_VALUE + ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_ERROR)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_THROTTLE_TIMED_VALUE, 'params' => '1h', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_ERROR, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/error_handler": value must be 0.' ], 'Test two preprocessing steps for type ZBX_PREPROC_THROTTLE_TIMED_VALUE' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_THROTTLE_TIMED_VALUE, 'params' => '1h', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ], [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_THROTTLE_TIMED_VALUE, 'params' => '1h', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/2": only one object can exist within the combinations of (type)=((19, 20)).' ], 'Test filled preprocessing error handler params (ZBX_PREPROC_PROMETHEUS_TO_JSON + ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_PROMETHEUS_TO_JSON, 'params' => 'wmi_service_state{name="dhcp",state="running"} == 1', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => 'Error param' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/error_handler_params": value must be empty.' ], 'Test filled preprocessing error handler params (ZBX_PREPROC_PROMETHEUS_TO_JSON + ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DISCARD_VALUE)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_PROMETHEUS_TO_JSON, 'params' => 'wmi_service_state{name="dhcp",state="running"} == 1', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DISCARD_VALUE, 'error_handler_params' => 'Error param' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/error_handler_params": value must be empty.' ], 'Test two preprocessing steps for type ZBX_PREPROC_PROMETHEUS_TO_JSON' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_PROMETHEUS_TO_JSON, 'params' => 'wmi_service_state{name="dhcp",state="running"} == 1', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ], [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_PROMETHEUS_TO_JSON, 'params' => 'wmi_service_state{name="dhcp",state="running"} == 1', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/2": only one object can exist within the combinations of (type)=((22, 23)).' ], 'Test empty preprocessing parameters for ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_TO_JSON type' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_TO_JSON, 'params' => '', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/params": the parameter "2" is missing.' ], 'Test invalid (false) preprocessing parameters for ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_TO_JSON type' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_TO_JSON, 'params' => false, 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/params": a character string is expected.' ], 'Test invalid (array) preprocessing parameters for ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_TO_JSON type' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_TO_JSON, 'params' => [], 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/params": a character string is expected.' ], 'Test invalid (too many) preprocessing parameters for ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_TO_JSON type' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_TO_JSON, 'params' => "\n\n\n", 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/params": unexpected parameter "4".' ], 'Test missing third preprocessing parameter for ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_TO_JSON type' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_TO_JSON, 'params' => "\n", 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/params": the parameter "3" is missing.' ], 'Test first preprocessing parameter (too long) for ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_TO_JSON type' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_TO_JSON, 'params' => "xx\n\n1", 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/params/1": value is too long.' ], 'Test second preprocessing parameter (too long) for ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_TO_JSON type' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_TO_JSON, 'params' => ",\nyy\n1", 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/params/2": value is too long.' ], 'Test third preprocessing parameter (non-integer) for ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_TO_JSON type' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_TO_JSON, 'params' => "\n\n", 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/params/3": an integer is expected.' ], 'Test third preprocessing parameter (incorrect value) for ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_TO_JSON type' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_TO_JSON, 'params' => "\n\n2", 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/params/3": value must be one of '.implode(', ', [ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_NO_HEADER, ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_HEADER]).'.' ], 'Test non-empty preprocessing parameters for ZBX_PREPROC_XML_TO_JSON type' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_XML_TO_JSON, 'params' => 'abc', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1/params": value must be empty.' ] ]; } public static function discoveryrule_preprocessing_data_valid() { return [ 'Test two valid preprocessing steps (same)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_VALIDATE_NOT_REGEX, 'params' => 'abc', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ], [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_VALIDATE_NOT_REGEX, 'params' => 'def', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test two valid preprocessing steps (different)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_VALIDATE_NOT_REGEX, 'params' => 'abc', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ], [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_JSONPATH, 'params' => '$.path.to.node', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test valid preprocessing (ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB + ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_ERROR)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB, 'params' => "^abc\n123$", 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_ERROR, 'error_handler_params' => 'Error param' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test valid preprocessing (ZBX_PREPROC_JSONPATH + ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DISCARD_VALUE)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_JSONPATH, 'params' => '$.path.to.node', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DISCARD_VALUE, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test valid preprocessing (ZBX_PREPROC_JSONPATH + ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_VALUE)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_JSONPATH, 'params' => '$.path.to.node', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_VALUE, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test valid preprocessing (ZBX_PREPROC_JSONPATH + ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_JSONPATH, 'params' => '$.path.to.node', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test valid preprocessing (ZBX_PREPROC_VALIDATE_NOT_REGEX + ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_VALIDATE_NOT_REGEX, 'params' => 'abc', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test valid preprocessing (ZBX_PREPROC_ERROR_FIELD_JSON + ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_ERROR_FIELD_JSON, 'params' => 'abc', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test valid preprocessing (ZBX_PREPROC_ERROR_FIELD_JSON + ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DISCARD_VALUE)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_ERROR_FIELD_JSON, 'params' => 'abc', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DISCARD_VALUE, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test valid preprocessing (ZBX_PREPROC_ERROR_FIELD_JSON + ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_VALUE)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_ERROR_FIELD_JSON, 'params' => 'abc', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_VALUE, 'error_handler_params' => 'abc' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test valid preprocessing (ZBX_PREPROC_ERROR_FIELD_JSON + ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_ERROR)' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_ERROR_FIELD_JSON, 'params' => 'abc', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_ERROR, 'error_handler_params' => 'abc' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test valid preprocessing with user macro for type ZBX_PREPROC_THROTTLE_TIMED_VALUE' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_THROTTLE_TIMED_VALUE, 'params' => '{$MACRO}', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test valid preprocessing with LLD macro for type ZBX_PREPROC_THROTTLE_TIMED_VALUE' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_THROTTLE_TIMED_VALUE, 'params' => '{$MACRO}', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test valid preprocessing with time unit for type ZBX_PREPROC_THROTTLE_TIMED_VALUE' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_THROTTLE_TIMED_VALUE, 'params' => '1h', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test valid preprocessing with type ZBX_PREPROC_PROMETHEUS_TO_JSON' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_PROMETHEUS_TO_JSON, 'params' => 'wmi_service_state{name="dhcp",state="running"} == 1', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test valid empty preprocessing' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test valid preprocessing with type ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_TO_JSON having empty first two parameters' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_TO_JSON, 'params' => "\n\n1", 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test valid preprocessing with type ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_TO_JSON having empty first parameter' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_TO_JSON, 'params' => "\ny\n1", 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test valid preprocessing with type ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_TO_JSON having empty second parameter' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_TO_JSON, 'params' => "x\n\n1", 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test valid preprocessing with type ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_TO_JSON having all parameters' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_CSV_TO_JSON, 'params' => ",\n\"\n0", 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test valid preprocessing with type ZBX_PREPROC_XML_TO_JSON having empty parameters' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_XML_TO_JSON, 'params' => '', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ] ]; } public static function discoveryrule_preprocessing_update_data_invalid() { $test_data = self::discoveryrule_preprocessing_data_invalid(); $default_options = ['itemid' => '110006']; foreach ($test_data as &$test) { $test['discoveryrule'] += $default_options; } unset($test); return $test_data + [ 'Test individual preprocessing step update with only one parameter' => [ 'discoveryrule' => $default_options + [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'item_preprocid' => '5716', 'params' => '2h' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/preprocessing/1": unexpected parameter "item_preprocid".' ], 'Test templated discovery rule preprocessing step update' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'itemid' => '110011', 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB, 'params' => "^abc\n123$", 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_ERROR, 'error_handler_params' => 'Error param' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1": cannot update readonly parameter "preprocessing" of inherited object.' ] ]; } public static function discoveryrule_preprocessing_update_data_valid() { $test_data = self::discoveryrule_preprocessing_data_valid(); $default_options = ['itemid' => '110006']; foreach ($test_data as &$test) { $test['discoveryrule'] += $default_options; } unset($test); return [ 'Test replacing preprocessing steps' => [ 'discoveryrule' => $default_options + [ 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB, 'params' => "^jkl$\n123", 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_ERROR, 'error_handler_params' => 'error' ], [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB, 'params' => "^def$\n123", 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DISCARD_VALUE, 'error_handler_params' => '' ], [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB, 'params' => "^ghi$\n123", 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_VALUE, 'error_handler_params' => 'xxx' ], [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB, 'params' => "^abc\n123$", 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ] ] + $test_data + [ 'Test valid update by adding new preprocessing steps' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'itemid' => '110009', 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_THROTTLE_TIMED_VALUE, 'params' => '1h', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider discoveryrule_preprocessing_update_data_invalid * @dataProvider discoveryrule_preprocessing_update_data_valid */ public function testDiscoveryRulePreprocessing_Update($discoveryrules, $expected_error) { if ($expected_error === null) { // Before updating, collect old data for given discovery rules. $itemids = []; if (array_key_exists(0, $discoveryrules)) { foreach ($discoveryrules as $discoveryrule) { $itemids[$discoveryrule['itemid']] = true; } } else { $itemids[$discoveryrules['itemid']] = true; } $db_preprocessing = CDBHelper::getAll( 'SELECT ip.item_preprocid,ip.itemid,ip.step,i.templateid,ip.type,ip.params,ip.error_handler,'. 'ip.error_handler_params'. ' FROM item_preproc ip,items i'. ' WHERE '.dbConditionId('ip.itemid', array_keys($itemids)). ' AND ip.itemid=i.itemid'. ' ORDER BY ip.itemid ASC,ip.step ASC' ); $this->call('discoveryrule.update', $discoveryrules, $expected_error); $db_upd_preprocessing = CDBHelper::getAll( 'SELECT ip.item_preprocid,ip.itemid,ip.step,i.templateid,ip.type,ip.params,ip.error_handler,'. 'ip.error_handler_params'. ' FROM item_preproc ip,items i'. ' WHERE '.dbConditionId('ip.itemid', array_keys($itemids)). ' AND ip.itemid=i.itemid'. ' ORDER BY ip.itemid ASC,ip.step ASC' ); // Accept single and multiple LLD rules just like API method. Work with multi-dimensional array in result. if (!array_key_exists(0, $discoveryrules)) { $discoveryrules = zbx_toArray($discoveryrules); } // Compare records from DB before and after API call. foreach ($discoveryrules as $discoveryrule) { $old_preprocessing = []; $new_preprocessing = []; if ($db_preprocessing) { foreach ($db_preprocessing as $db_preproc_step) { $itemid = $db_preproc_step['itemid']; if (bccomp($itemid, $discoveryrule['itemid']) == 0) { $old_preprocessing[$itemid][$db_preproc_step['step']] = $db_preproc_step; } } } if ($db_upd_preprocessing) { foreach ($db_upd_preprocessing as $db_upd_preproc_step) { $itemid = $db_upd_preproc_step['itemid']; if (bccomp($itemid, $discoveryrule['itemid']) == 0) { $new_preprocessing[$itemid][$db_upd_preproc_step['step']] = $db_upd_preproc_step; } } } // If new pre-processing steps are set. if (array_key_exists('preprocessing', $discoveryrule)) { if ($discoveryrule['preprocessing']) { foreach ($discoveryrule['preprocessing'] as $num => $preprocessing_step) { if ($old_preprocessing) { $old_preproc_step = $old_preprocessing[$discoveryrule['itemid']][$num + 1]; if ($old_preproc_step['templateid'] == 0) { // If not templated discovery rule, it's allowed to change steps. $this->assertNotEmpty($new_preprocessing); // New steps must exist. $new_preproc_step = $new_preprocessing[$discoveryrule['itemid']][$num + 1]; $this->assertEquals($preprocessing_step['type'], $new_preproc_step['type']); $this->assertSame($preprocessing_step['params'], $new_preproc_step['params']); $this->assertEquals($preprocessing_step['error_handler'], $new_preproc_step['error_handler'] ); $this->assertSame($preprocessing_step['error_handler_params'], $new_preproc_step['error_handler_params'] ); } else { // Pre-processing steps for templated discovery rule should stay the same. $this->assertSame($old_preprocessing, $new_preprocessing); } } else { /* * If this is not a templated discovery rule, check if there are steps created and check * each step. */ $this->assertNotEmpty($new_preprocessing); // New steps must exist. $new_preproc_step = $new_preprocessing[$discoveryrule['itemid']][$num + 1]; $this->assertEquals($preprocessing_step['type'], $new_preproc_step['type']); $this->assertSame($preprocessing_step['params'], $new_preproc_step['params']); $this->assertEquals($preprocessing_step['error_handler'], $new_preproc_step['error_handler'] ); $this->assertSame($preprocessing_step['error_handler_params'], $new_preproc_step['error_handler_params'] ); } } } else { // No steps are set, so old records should be cleared. $this->assertEmpty($new_preprocessing); } } else { // No new pre-processing steps are set, so nothing should change at all. Arrays should be the same. $this->assertSame($old_preprocessing, $new_preprocessing); } } } else { // Call method and make sure it really returns the error. $this->call('discoveryrule.update', $discoveryrules, $expected_error); } } public static function discoveryrule_lld_macro_paths_update_data_valid() { return [ 'Test successful clearing of records for lld_macro_paths on host' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'itemid' => '110008', 'lld_macro_paths' => [] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test successful clearing of records for lld_macro_paths on template' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'itemid' => '110010', 'lld_macro_paths' => [] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test successful update by not changing existing records' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'itemid' => '110007', 'lld_macro_paths' => [ [ 'lld_macro' => '{#A}', 'path' => '$.list[:1].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#B}', 'path' => '$.list[:2].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#C}', 'path' => '$.list[:3].type' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test successful update of lld_macro and path for existing records' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'itemid' => '110007', 'lld_macro_paths' => [ [ 'lld_macro' => '{#X}', 'path' => '$.list[:9].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#Y}', 'path' => '$.list[:10].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#Z}', 'path' => '$.list[:11].type' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test successful update of lld_macro_paths by adding new records' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'itemid' => '110007', 'lld_macro_paths' => [ [ 'lld_macro' => '{#X}', 'path' => '$.list[:9].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#Y}', 'path' => '$.list[:10].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#Z}', 'path' => '$.list[:11].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#Q}', 'path' => '$.list[:13].type' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test successful update of lld_macro_paths by replaceing them with exact values' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'itemid' => '110006', 'lld_macro_paths' => [ [ 'lld_macro' => '{#A}', 'path' => '$.list[:1].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#B}', 'path' => '$.list[:2].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#C}', 'path' => '$.list[:3].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#D}', 'path' => '$.list[:4].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#E}', 'path' => '$.list[:5].type' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test successful update of lld_macro_paths by replacing only one with new value and leaving rest the same' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'itemid' => '110006', 'lld_macro_paths' => [ [ 'lld_macro' => '{#A}', 'path' => '$.list[:1].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#B}', 'path' => '$.list[:2].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#C}', 'path' => '$.list[:3].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#D}', 'path' => '$.list[:4].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#Z}', 'path' => '$.list[:10].type' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test successful update of lld_macro_paths by replace only one record with new path' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'itemid' => '110006', 'lld_macro_paths' => [ [ 'lld_macro' => '{#A}', 'path' => '$.list[:1].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#B}', 'path' => '$.list[:2].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#C}', 'path' => '$.list[:3].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#D}', 'path' => '$.list[:4].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#E}', 'path' => '$.list[:10].type' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test successful update of lld_macro_paths by deleting one record' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'itemid' => '110006', 'lld_macro_paths' => [ [ 'lld_macro' => '{#A}', 'path' => '$.list[:1].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#B}', 'path' => '$.list[:2].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#C}', 'path' => '$.list[:3].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#D}', 'path' => '$.list[:4].type' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider discoveryrule_lld_macro_paths_update_data_invalid * @dataProvider discoveryrule_lld_macro_paths_update_data_valid */ public function testDiscoveryRuleLLDMacroPaths_Update($discoveryrules, $expected_error) { if ($expected_error !== null) { $this->call('discoveryrule.update', $discoveryrules, $expected_error); return; } // Accept single and multiple LLD rules just like API method. Work with multi-dimensional array in result. if (!array_key_exists(0, $discoveryrules)) { $discoveryrules = zbx_toArray($discoveryrules); } // Before updating, collect old data for given discovery rules. $itemids = []; foreach ($discoveryrules as $discoveryrule) { $itemids[$discoveryrule['itemid']] = true; } $db_paths = CDBHelper::getAll( 'SELECT lmp.lld_macro_pathid,lmp.itemid,lmp.lld_macro,lmp.path'. ' FROM lld_macro_path lmp'. ' WHERE '.dbConditionId('lmp.itemid', array_keys($itemids)). ' ORDER BY lmp.lld_macro_pathid ASC' ); $db_paths_old = []; foreach ($db_paths as $db_path) { $db_paths_old[$db_path['itemid']][$db_path['lld_macro']] = $db_path; } $this->call('discoveryrule.update', $discoveryrules, $expected_error); $db_paths = CDBHelper::getAll( 'SELECT lmp.lld_macro_pathid,lmp.itemid,lmp.lld_macro,lmp.path'. ' FROM lld_macro_path lmp'. ' WHERE '.dbConditionId('lmp.itemid', array_keys($itemids)). ' ORDER BY lmp.lld_macro_pathid ASC' ); $db_paths_new = []; foreach ($db_paths as $db_path) { $db_paths_new[$db_path['itemid']][$db_path['lld_macro']] = $db_path; } // Compare records from DB before and after API call. foreach ($discoveryrules as $discoveryrule) { foreach ($discoveryrule['lld_macro_paths'] as $lld_macro_path) { $this->assertArrayHasKey($discoveryrule['itemid'], $db_paths_new); $this->assertArrayHasKey($lld_macro_path['lld_macro'], $db_paths_new[$discoveryrule['itemid']]); $db_lld_macro_path = $db_paths_new[$discoveryrule['itemid']][$lld_macro_path['lld_macro']]; if (array_key_exists($discoveryrule['itemid'], $db_paths_old) && array_key_exists($lld_macro_path['lld_macro'], $db_paths_old[$discoveryrule['itemid']])) { $this->assertSame( $db_paths_old[$discoveryrule['itemid']][$lld_macro_path['lld_macro']]['lld_macro_pathid'], $db_lld_macro_path['lld_macro_pathid'] ); unset($db_paths_old[$discoveryrule['itemid']][$lld_macro_path['lld_macro']]); } $this->assertSame($lld_macro_path['path'], $db_lld_macro_path['path']); } if ($discoveryrule['lld_macro_paths']) { if (array_key_exists($discoveryrule['itemid'], $db_paths_old)) { foreach ($db_paths_old[$discoveryrule['itemid']] as $lld_macro => $foo) { $this->assertArrayNotHasKey($lld_macro, $db_paths_new[$discoveryrule['itemid']]); } } } else { $this->assertArrayNotHasKey($discoveryrule['itemid'], $db_paths_new); } } } public static function discoveryrule_get_data_invalid() { return [ 'Test getting non-existing LLD rule' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'itemids' => '123456' ], 'get_result' => [ ], 'expected_error' => 'No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!' ] ]; // TODO: add other discovery rule properties. } public static function discoveryrule_get_data_valid() { return [ 'Test getting existing LLD rule' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'output' => ['itemid'], 'itemids' => ['110006'] ], 'get_result' => [ 'itemid' => '110006' ], 'expected_error' => null ] ]; // TODO: add other discovery rule properties. } /** * @dataProvider discoveryrule_get_data_invalid * @dataProvider discoveryrule_get_data_valid */ public function testDiscoveryRule_Get($discoveryrule, $get_result, $expected_error) { // TODO: fill this test with more fields to check. $result = $this->call('discoveryrule.get', $discoveryrule); if ($expected_error === null) { foreach ($result['result'] as $entry) { $this->assertSame($entry['itemid'], $get_result['itemid']); } } else { $this->assertSame($result['result'], $get_result); } } public static function discoveryrule_lld_macro_paths_get_data_valid() { $itemid = '110012'; return [ 'Test getting lld_macro and path' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'output' => ['itemid'], 'itemids' => [$itemid], 'selectLLDMacroPaths' => ['lld_macro', 'path'] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'itemid' => $itemid, 'lld_macro_paths' => [ [ 'lld_macro' => '{#A}', 'path' => '$.list[:1].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#B}', 'path' => '$.list[:2].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#C}', 'path' => '$.list[:3].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#D}', 'path' => '$.list[:4].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#E}', 'path' => '$.list[:5].type' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test getting lld_macro and path' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'output' => ['itemid'], 'itemids' => [$itemid], 'selectLLDMacroPaths' => ['lld_macro', 'path'] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'itemid' => $itemid, 'lld_macro_paths' => [ [ 'lld_macro' => '{#A}', 'path' => '$.list[:1].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#B}', 'path' => '$.list[:2].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#C}', 'path' => '$.list[:3].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#D}', 'path' => '$.list[:4].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#E}', 'path' => '$.list[:5].type' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test getting all LLD macro path fields' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'output' => ['itemid'], 'itemids' => [$itemid], 'selectLLDMacroPaths' => 'extend' ], 'expected_result' => [ 'itemid' => $itemid, 'lld_macro_paths' => [ [ 'lld_macro' => '{#A}', 'path' => '$.list[:1].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#B}', 'path' => '$.list[:2].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#C}', 'path' => '$.list[:3].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#D}', 'path' => '$.list[:4].type' ], [ 'lld_macro' => '{#E}', 'path' => '$.list[:5].type' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider discoveryrule_lld_macro_paths_get_data_valid */ public function testDiscoveryRuleLLDMacroPaths_Get($discoveryrule, $expected_result, $expected_error) { $result = $this->call('discoveryrule.get', $discoveryrule); if ($expected_error === null) { foreach ($result['result'] as $entry) { $this->assertSame($expected_result['itemid'], $entry['itemid']); // Check related objects. if (array_key_exists('selectLLDMacroPaths', $discoveryrule)) { $this->assertArrayHasKey('lld_macro_paths', $entry); CTestArrayHelper::usort($entry['lld_macro_paths'], ['lld_macro']); $this->assertSame($expected_result['lld_macro_paths'], $entry['lld_macro_paths']); } else { $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('lld_macro_paths', $entry); } } } else { $this->assertSame($result['result'], $expected_result); } } public static function discoveryrule_preprocessing_get_data_valid() { return [ 'Test getting type, params, error_handler and error_handler_params from preprocessing' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'output' => ['itemid'], 'itemids' => ['110013'], 'selectPreprocessing' => ['type', 'params', 'error_handler', 'error_handler_params'] ], 'get_result' => [ 'itemid' => '110013', 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB, 'params' => "^abc$\n123", 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ], [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB, 'params' => "^def$\n123", 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DISCARD_VALUE, 'error_handler_params' => '' ], [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB, 'params' => "^ghi$\n123", 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_VALUE, 'error_handler_params' => 'xxx' ], [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_REGSUB, 'params' => "^jkl$\n123", 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_ERROR, 'error_handler_params' => 'error' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test getting params from preprocessing' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'output' => ['itemid'], 'itemids' => ['110010'], 'selectPreprocessing' => ['params'] ], 'get_result' => [ 'itemid' => '110010', 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'params' => '$.path.to.node1' ], [ 'params' => '$.path.to.node2' ], [ 'params' => '$.path.to.node3' ], [ 'params' => '$.path.to.node4' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test getting all preprocessing fields' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'output' => ['itemid'], 'itemids' => ['110011'], 'selectPreprocessing' => 'extend' ], 'get_result' => [ 'itemid' => '110011', 'preprocessing' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_JSONPATH, 'params' => '$.path.to.node1', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DEFAULT, 'error_handler_params' => '' ], [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_JSONPATH, 'params' => '$.path.to.node2', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_DISCARD_VALUE, 'error_handler_params' => '' ], [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_JSONPATH, 'params' => '$.path.to.node3', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_VALUE, 'error_handler_params' => 'xxx' ], [ 'type' => ZBX_PREPROC_JSONPATH, 'params' => '$.path.to.node4', 'error_handler' => ZBX_PREPROC_FAIL_SET_ERROR, 'error_handler_params' => 'error' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider discoveryrule_preprocessing_get_data_valid */ public function testDiscoveryRulePreprocessing_Get($discoveryrule, $get_result, $expected_error) { $result = $this->call('discoveryrule.get', $discoveryrule); if ($expected_error === null) { foreach ($result['result'] as $entry) { $this->assertSame($entry['itemid'], $get_result['itemid']); // Check related objects. if (array_key_exists('selectPreprocessing', $discoveryrule)) { $this->assertArrayHasKey('preprocessing', $get_result); if (array_key_exists('preprocessing', $get_result)) { $this->assertEquals($entry['preprocessing'], $get_result['preprocessing']); } } else { $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('preprocessing', $get_result); } } } else { $this->assertSame($result['result'], $get_result); } } public static function discoveryrule_copy_data_invalid() { return [ 'Test no discoveryids given when copying LLD rule' => [ 'params' => [ 'hostids' => ['50009'] ], 'expected_error' => 'No discovery rule IDs given.' ], 'Test empty discoveryids when copying LLD rule' => [ 'params' => [ 'discoveryids' => '', 'hostids' => ['50009'] ], 'expected_error' => 'No discovery rule IDs given.' ], 'Test incorrect discoveryids type when copying LLD rule' => [ 'params' => [ 'discoveryids' => [], 'hostids' => ['50009'] ], 'expected_error' => 'No discovery rule IDs given.' ], 'Test no hostids given when copying LLD rule' => [ 'params' => [ 'discoveryids' => ['110006'] ], 'expected_error' => 'No host IDs given.' ], 'Test empty hostids when copying LLD rule' => [ 'params' => [ 'discoveryids' => ['110006'], 'hostids' => '' ], 'expected_error' => 'No host IDs given.' ], 'Test incorrect hostids type when copying LLD rule' => [ 'params' => [ 'discoveryids' => ['110006'], 'hostids' => [] ], 'expected_error' => 'No host IDs given.' ], 'Test copying on same host or when destination host already has that key' => [ 'params' => [ 'discoveryids' => ['110006'], 'hostids' => ['50009'] ], 'expected_error' => 'An LLD rule with key "apilldrule1" already exists on the host "API Host".' ], 'Test copying on non-existing host' => [ 'params' => [ 'discoveryids' => ['110006'], 'hostids' => ['1'] ], 'expected_error' => 'No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!' ], 'Test copying a non-existing LLD rule' => [ 'params' => [ 'discoveryids' => ['1'], 'hostids' => ['50012'] ], 'expected_error' => 'No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!' ], 'Test copying LLD rule to a template' => [ 'params' => [ 'discoveryids' => ['110006'], 'hostids' => ['50010'] ], 'expected_error' => 'Cannot find host interface on "API Template" for item key "apilldrule1".' ], 'Test duplicate hosts in request' => [ 'params' => [ 'discoveryids' => ['110006'], 'hostids' => ['50012', '50012'] ], 'expected_error' => 'An LLD rule with key "apilldrule1" already exists on the host "API Host for read permissions".' ], 'Test duplicate LLD rules in request' => [ 'params' => [ 'discoveryids' => ['110006', '110006'], 'hostids' => ['50012'] ], 'expected_error' => 'No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!' // TODO: Error is very strange and API should be checked for bugs. ], 'Test LLD dependent on master which does not exists on destination host.' => [ 'params' => [ // test.discovery.rule.1:dependent.lld.3 'discoveryids' => ['2605'], // test.discovery.rule.2 'hostids' => ['1018'] ], 'expected_error' => 'Discovery rule "dependent.lld.3" cannot be copied without its master item.' ], 'Test LLD dependent on master having max dependency levels.' => [ 'params' => [ // test.discovery.rule.1:dependent.lld.1 'discoveryids' => ['2601'], // test.discovery.rule.2 'hostids' => ['1018'] ], 'expected_error' => 'Cannot set dependency for LLD rule with key "dependent.lld.1" on the master item with key "item." on the host "test.discovery.rule.host.2": allowed count of dependency levels would be exceeded.' ] ]; } public static function discoveryrule_copy_data_valid() { return [ 'Test successful LLD rule copy to two hosts' => [ 'params' => [ 'discoveryids' => ['110006'], 'hostids' => ['50012', '50013'] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test copy LLD dependent to host having master item with same key_' => [ 'params' => [ // test.discovery.rule.1:dependent.lld.2 'discoveryids' => ['2603'], // test.discovery.rule.2 'hostids' => ['1018'] ], 'expected_error' => null ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider discoveryrule_copy_data_invalid * @dataProvider discoveryrule_copy_data_valid */ public function testDiscoveryRule_Copy($params, $expected_error) { $result = $this->call('discoveryrule.copy', $params, $expected_error); if ($expected_error === null) { $this->assertTrue($result['result']); // Get all discovery rule fields. $src_items = CDBHelper::getAll( 'SELECT i.type,i.snmp_oid,i.name,i.key_,i.delay,'. 'i.status,i.value_type,i.trapper_hosts,i.units,i.logtimefmt,i.valuemapid,'. 'i.params,i.ipmi_sensor,i.authtype,i.username,i.password,i.publickey,i.privatekey,'. 'i.flags,i.description,i.inventory_link,i.lifetime,i.jmx_endpoint,i.url,i.query_fields,i.timeout,'. 'i.posts,i.status_codes,i.follow_redirects,i.post_type,i.http_proxy,i.headers,i.retrieve_mode,'. 'i.request_method,i.ssl_cert_file,i.ssl_key_file,i.ssl_key_password,i.verify_peer,'. 'i.verify_host,i.allow_traps'. ' FROM items i'. ' WHERE '.dbConditionId('i.itemid', $params['discoveryids']) ); $src_items = zbx_toHash($src_items, 'key_'); /* * NOTE: Metadata like lastlogsize, mtime should not be copied. Fields like hostid, interfaceid, itemid * are not selected, since they will be different. */ // Find same items on destination hosts. foreach ($params['discoveryids'] as $itemid) { $dst_items = CDBHelper::getAll( 'SELECT src.type,src.snmp_oid,src.name,src.key_,'. 'src.delay,src.status,src.value_type,src.trapper_hosts,src.units,'. 'src.logtimefmt,src.valuemapid,src.params,'. 'src.ipmi_sensor,src.authtype,src.username,src.password,src.publickey,src.privatekey,'. 'src.flags,src.description,src.inventory_link,src.lifetime,src.jmx_endpoint,'. 'src.url,src.query_fields,src.timeout,src.posts,src.status_codes,src.follow_redirects,'. 'src.post_type,src.http_proxy,src.headers,src.retrieve_mode,src.request_method,'. 'src.ssl_cert_file,src.ssl_key_file,src.ssl_key_password,src.verify_peer,src.verify_host,'. 'src.allow_traps'. ' FROM items src,items dest'. ' WHERE dest.itemid='.zbx_dbstr($itemid). ' AND src.key_=dest.key_'. ' AND '.dbConditionInt('src.hostid', $params['hostids']) ); foreach ($dst_items as $dst_item) { $this->assertSame($src_items[$dst_item['key_']], $dst_item); } } } } public static function discoveryrule_lld_macro_paths_copy_data_valid() { return [ 'Test successful LLD rule with macro paths copy to two hosts' => [ 'params' => [ 'discoveryids' => ['110012'], 'hostids' => ['50012', '50013'] ], 'expected_error' => null ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider discoveryrule_copy_data_invalid * @dataProvider discoveryrule_lld_macro_paths_copy_data_valid */ public function testDiscoveryRuleLLDMacroPaths_Copy($params, $expected_error) { $result = $this->call('discoveryrule.copy', $params, $expected_error); if ($expected_error === null) { $this->assertTrue($result['result']); // Get discovery rule and LLD macro path fields. $src_lld_macro_paths = CDBHelper::getAll( 'SELECT lmp.lld_macro,lmp.path,i.key_'. ' FROM lld_macro_path lmp,items i'. ' WHERE i.itemid=lmp.itemid'. ' AND '.dbConditionId('i.itemid', $params['discoveryids']) ); $src = []; foreach ($src_lld_macro_paths as $src_lld_macro_path) { $src[$src_lld_macro_path['key_']][] = $src_lld_macro_path; } // Find same items on destination hosts. foreach ($params['discoveryids'] as $itemid) { $dst_lld_macro_paths = CDBHelper::getAll( 'SELECT lmp.lld_macro,lmp.path,src.key_,src.hostid'. ' FROM lld_macro_path lmp,items src,items dest'. ' WHERE dest.itemid='.zbx_dbstr($itemid). ' AND src.key_=dest.key_'. ' AND lmp.itemid=dest.itemid'. ' AND '.dbConditionInt('src.hostid', $params['hostids']) ); $dst = []; foreach ($dst_lld_macro_paths as $dst_lld_macro_path) { $dst[$dst_lld_macro_path['hostid']][$dst_lld_macro_path['key_']][] = $dst_lld_macro_path; } foreach ($dst as $discoveryrules) { foreach ($discoveryrules as $key => $lld_macro_paths) { foreach ($lld_macro_paths as &$lld_macro_path) { unset($lld_macro_path['hostid']); } unset($lld_macro_path); $this->assertSame($src[$key], $lld_macro_paths); } } } } } public static function discoveryrule_preprocessing_copy_data_valid() { return [ 'Test successful LLD rule with preprocessing copy to two hosts' => [ 'params' => [ 'discoveryids' => ['110013'], 'hostids' => ['50012', '50013'] ], 'expected_error' => null ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider discoveryrule_copy_data_invalid * @dataProvider discoveryrule_preprocessing_copy_data_valid */ public function testDiscoveryRulePreprocessing_Copy($params, $expected_error) { $result = $this->call('discoveryrule.copy', $params, $expected_error); if ($expected_error === null) { $this->assertTrue($result['result']); // Get discovery rule and pre-processing fields. $src_preprocessing = CDBHelper::getAll( 'SELECT ip.step,ip.type,ip.params,ip.error_handler,ip.error_handler_params,i.key_'. ' FROM item_preproc ip,items i'. ' WHERE i.itemid=ip.itemid'. ' AND '.dbConditionId('i.itemid', $params['discoveryids']) ); $src = []; foreach ($src_preprocessing as $src_preproc_step) { $src[$src_preproc_step['key_']][$src_preproc_step['step']] = $src_preproc_step; } // Find same items on destination hosts. foreach ($params['discoveryids'] as $itemid) { $dst_preprocessing = CDBHelper::getAll( 'SELECT ip.step,ip.type,ip.params,ip.error_handler,ip.error_handler_params,src.key_,src.hostid'. ' FROM item_preproc ip,items src,items dest'. ' WHERE dest.itemid='.zbx_dbstr($itemid). ' AND src.key_=dest.key_'. ' AND ip.itemid=dest.itemid'. ' AND '.dbConditionInt('src.hostid', $params['hostids']) ); $dst = []; foreach ($dst_preprocessing as $dst_preproc_step) { $dst[$dst_preproc_step['hostid']][$dst_preproc_step['key_']][$dst_preproc_step['step']] = $dst_preproc_step; } foreach ($dst as $discoveryrules) { foreach ($discoveryrules as $key => $preprocessing) { foreach ($preprocessing as &$preprocessing_step) { unset($preprocessing_step['hostid']); } unset($preprocessing_step); $this->assertSame($src[$key], $preprocessing); } } } } } public static function discoveryrule_preprocessing_delete_data() { return [ 'Test successful delete of LLD rule and preprocessing data' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ '110006' ], 'expected_error' => null ] ]; // TODO: add templated discovery rules. } /** * @dataProvider discoveryrule_preprocessing_delete_data */ public function testDiscoveryRulePreprocessing_Delete($discoveryrule, $expected_error) { $result = $this->call('discoveryrule.delete', $discoveryrule, $expected_error); if ($expected_error === null) { foreach ($result['result']['ruleids'] as $id) { $this->assertEquals(0, CDBHelper::getCount( 'SELECT i.itemid FROM items i WHERE i.itemid='.zbx_dbstr($id) )); // Check related tables - preprocessing. $this->assertEquals(0, CDBHelper::getCount( 'SELECT ip.item_preprocid'. ' FROM item_preproc ip'. ' WHERE ip.itemid='.zbx_dbstr($id) )); } } // TODO: add templated discovery rules and check on errors. } public static function discoveryrule_lld_macro_paths_delete_data() { return [ 'Test successful delete of LLD rule and LLD macro paths' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ '110009' ], 'expected_error' => null ] ]; // TODO: add templated discovery rules. } /** * @dataProvider discoveryrule_lld_macro_paths_delete_data */ public function testDiscoveryRuleLLDMacroPaths_Delete($discoveryrule, $expected_error) { $result = $this->call('discoveryrule.delete', $discoveryrule, $expected_error); if ($expected_error === null) { foreach ($result['result']['ruleids'] as $id) { $this->assertEquals(0, CDBHelper::getCount( 'SELECT i.itemid FROM items i WHERE i.itemid='.zbx_dbstr($id) )); // Check related tables - LLD macro paths. $this->assertEquals(0, CDBHelper::getCount( 'SELECT lmp.lld_macro_pathid'. ' FROM lld_macro_path lmp'. ' WHERE lmp.itemid='.zbx_dbstr($id) )); } } // TODO: add templated discovery rules and check on errors. } public static function discoveryrule_overrides_delete_data() { return [ 'Test cannot delete nothing.' => [ [], [], [], 'Invalid parameter "/": cannot be empty.' ], 'Test cannot delete what does not exist.' => [ ['9999999999'], [], [], 'No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!' ], 'Test overrides and override operations are deleted.' => [ ['133763'], ['10001', '10002'], ['10001', '10002', '10003', '10004', '10005', '10006'], null ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider discoveryrule_overrides_delete_data */ public function testDiscoveryRuleOverrides_Delete(array $itemids, array $overrideids, array $operationids, $error) { $result = $this->call('discoveryrule.delete', $itemids, $error); if ($error === null) { $this->assertEquals($result['result']['ruleids'], $itemids); $db_lld_overrides = CDBHelper::getAll('SELECT * from lld_override WHERE '. dbConditionId('lld_overrideid', $overrideids) ); $this->assertEmpty($db_lld_overrides); $lld_override_conditions = CDBHelper::getAll('SELECT * from lld_override_condition WHERE '. dbConditionId('lld_overrideid', $overrideids) ); $this->assertEmpty($lld_override_conditions); $lld_override_operations = CDBHelper::getAll('SELECT * from lld_override_operation WHERE '. dbConditionId('lld_overrideid', $overrideids) ); $this->assertEmpty($lld_override_operations); $lld_override_opdiscover = CDBHelper::getAll('SELECT * from lld_override_opdiscover WHERE '. dbConditionId('lld_override_operationid', $operationids) ); $this->assertEmpty($lld_override_opdiscover); $lld_override_opstatus = CDBHelper::getAll('SELECT * from lld_override_opstatus WHERE '. dbConditionId('lld_override_operationid', $operationids) ); $this->assertEmpty($lld_override_opstatus); $lld_override_ophistory = CDBHelper::getAll('SELECT * from lld_override_ophistory WHERE '. dbConditionId('lld_override_operationid', $operationids) ); $this->assertEmpty($lld_override_ophistory); $lld_override_opinventory = CDBHelper::getAll('SELECT * from lld_override_opinventory WHERE '. dbConditionId('lld_override_operationid', $operationids) ); $this->assertEmpty($lld_override_opinventory); $lld_override_opperiod = CDBHelper::getAll('SELECT * from lld_override_opperiod WHERE '. dbConditionId('lld_override_operationid', $operationids) ); $this->assertEmpty($lld_override_opperiod); $lld_override_opseverity = CDBHelper::getAll('SELECT * from lld_override_opseverity WHERE '. dbConditionId('lld_override_operationid', $operationids) ); $this->assertEmpty($lld_override_opseverity); $lld_override_optag = CDBHelper::getAll('SELECT * from lld_override_optag WHERE '. dbConditionId('lld_override_operationid', $operationids) ); $this->assertEmpty($lld_override_optag); $lld_override_optemplate = CDBHelper::getAll('SELECT * from lld_override_optemplate WHERE '. dbConditionId('lld_override_operationid', $operationids) ); $this->assertEmpty($lld_override_optemplate); $lld_override_optrends = CDBHelper::getAll('SELECT * from lld_override_optrends WHERE '. dbConditionId('lld_override_operationid', $operationids) ); $this->assertEmpty($lld_override_optrends); } } public static function discoveryrule_overrides_create_data_invalid() { $num = 0; $new_lld_overrides = function(array $overrides) use (&$num) { return [ 'name' => 'Overrides (invalid)', 'key_' => 'invalid.lld.with.overrides.'.($num ++), 'hostid' => '50009', 'type' => ITEM_TYPE_TRAPPER, 'overrides' => $overrides ]; }; return [ // LLD rule overrides 'Test /1/overrides/2/name is mandatory.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 2 ], [ 'step' => 1 ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/2": the parameter "name" is missing.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/2/step must be numeric.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 'A' ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/step": an integer is expected.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/2/step is mandatory.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 2 ], [ 'name' => 'override 2' ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/2": the parameter "step" is missing.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/2/step must be unique.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 2 ], [ 'name' => 'override 2', 'step' => 2 ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/2": value (step)=(2) already exists.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/2/name must be unique.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 4 ], [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 2 ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/2": value (name)=(override) already exists.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/stop field is validated.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'stop' => 2 ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/stop": value must be one of '.implode(', ', [ZBX_LLD_OVERRIDE_STOP_NO, ZBX_LLD_OVERRIDE_STOP_YES]).'.' ], // LLD rule override filter 'Test /1/overrides/1/filter/evaltype is mandatory.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'filter' => [] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/filter": the parameter "evaltype" is missing.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/filter/evaltype is validated.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'filter' => [ 'evaltype' => 4 ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/filter/evaltype": value must be one of '.implode(', ', [CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_AND_OR, CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_AND, CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_OR, CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_EXPRESSION]).'.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/filter/formula is required if /1/overrides/1/filter/evaltype == 3 (custom expression).' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'filter' => [ 'evaltype' => CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_EXPRESSION, 'conditions' => [ [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO}', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'value' => '' ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/filter": the parameter "formula" is missing.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/filter/formula cannot be empty.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'filter' => [ 'evaltype' => CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_EXPRESSION, 'formula' => '', 'conditions' => [ [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO}', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'value' => '' ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/filter/formula": cannot be empty.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/filter/formula cannot be incorrect.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'filter' => [ 'evaltype' => CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_EXPRESSION, 'formula' => 'x', 'conditions' => [ [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO}', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'value' => '' ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/filter/formula": incorrect syntax near "x".' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/filter/formula refers to undefined condition (missing formulaid field).' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'filter' => [ 'evaltype' => CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_EXPRESSION, 'formula' => 'B or A', 'conditions' => [ [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO}', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'value' => '' ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/filter/conditions/1": the parameter "formulaid" is missing.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/filter/formula refers to undefined condition (missing another condition).' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'filter' => [ 'evaltype' => CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_EXPRESSION, 'formula' => 'B or A', 'conditions' => [ [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO}', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'value' => '', 'formulaid' => 'B' ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/filter/formula": missing filter condition "A".' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/filter/eval_formula is read_only.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'filter' => [ 'evaltype' => CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_EXPRESSION, 'eval_formula' => 'A', 'formula' => 'A', 'conditions' => [ [ 'macro' => '{#CORRECT}', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'value' => '', 'formulaid' => 'A' ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/filter": unexpected parameter "eval_formula".' ], // LLD rule override filter conditions 'Test /1/overrides/1/filter/formula field is mandatory.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'filter' => [ 'evaltype' => CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_EXPRESSION ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/filter": the parameter "formula" is missing.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/filter/conditions/1/macro field is mandatory.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'filter' => [ 'evaltype' => CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_AND_OR, 'conditions' => [ [] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/filter/conditions/1": the parameter "macro" is missing.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/filter/conditions/1/macro is validated.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'filter' => [ 'evaltype' => CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_EXPRESSION, 'formula' => 'A', 'conditions' => [ [ 'macro' => '{##INCORRECT}', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'value' => '', 'formulaid' => 'A' ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/filter/conditions/1/macro": a low-level discovery macro is expected.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/filter/conditions/1/value is mandatory.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'filter' => [ 'evaltype' => CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_AND_OR, 'conditions' => [ [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO}', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/filter/conditions/1": the parameter "value" is missing.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/filter/conditions/1/operator type is validated.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'filter' => [ 'evaltype' => CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_AND_OR, 'conditions' => [ [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO}', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_YES ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/filter/conditions/1/operator": value must be one of '.implode(', ', [CONDITION_OPERATOR_REGEXP, CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, CONDITION_OPERATOR_EXISTS, CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_EXISTS]).'.' ], // LLD rule override operation 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/operationobject type is validated.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => 4 ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/operationobject": value must be one of '.implode(', ', [OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, OPERATION_OBJECT_TRIGGER_PROTOTYPE, OPERATION_OBJECT_GRAPH_PROTOTYPE, OPERATION_OBJECT_HOST_PROTOTYPE]).'.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/operator type is validated.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_YES ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/operator": value must be one of '.implode(', ', [CONDITION_OPERATOR_EQUAL, CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_EQUAL, CONDITION_OPERATOR_LIKE, CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_LIKE, CONDITION_OPERATOR_REGEXP, CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP]).'.' ], // LLD rule override operation status 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/opstatus/status is mandatory.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'opstatus' => [] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/opstatus": the parameter "status" is missing.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/opstatus/status is validated.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'opstatus' => [ 'status' => 2 ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/opstatus/status": value must be one of '.implode(', ', [ZBX_PROTOTYPE_STATUS_ENABLED, ZBX_PROTOTYPE_STATUS_DISABLED]).'.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/opstatus is not supported for graph prototype object.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_GRAPH_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'opstatus' => [ 'status' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_STATUS_ENABLED ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/opstatus": should be empty.' ], // LLD rule override operation discover 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/opdiscover/discover is mandatory.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'opdiscover' => [] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/opdiscover": the parameter "discover" is missing.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/opdiscover/discover is validated.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'opdiscover' => [ 'discover' => 2 ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/opdiscover/discover": value must be one of '.implode(', ', [ZBX_PROTOTYPE_DISCOVER, ZBX_PROTOTYPE_NO_DISCOVER]).'.' ], // LLD rule override operation period 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/opperiod/delay is mandatory.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'opperiod' => [] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/opperiod": the parameter "delay" is missing.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/opperiod/delay is validated.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'opperiod' => [ 'delay' => 'www' ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/opperiod/delay": a time unit is expected.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/opperiod/delay cannot be 0.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'opperiod' => [ 'delay' => '0' ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/opperiod/delay": cannot be equal to zero without custom intervals.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/opperiod/delay has to be correct update interval.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'opperiod' => [ 'delay' => '2w' ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/opperiod/delay": value must be one of 0-86400.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/opperiod/delay has to be correct flexible interval.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'opperiod' => [ 'delay' => '0;0/1,00:00-23:00' ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/opperiod/delay": must have at least one interval greater than 0.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/opperiod is not supported for trigger prototype object.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_TRIGGER_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'opperiod' => [ 'delay' => '1d' ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/opperiod": should be empty.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/opperiod is not supported for graph prototype object.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_GRAPH_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'opperiod' => [ 'delay' => '1d' ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/opperiod": should be empty.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/opperiod is not supported for host prototype object.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_HOST_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'opperiod' => [ 'delay' => '1d' ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/opperiod": should be empty.' ], // LLD rule override operation history 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/ophistory/history is mandatory.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'ophistory' => [] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/ophistory": the parameter "history" is missing.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/ophistory/history is validated.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'ophistory' => [ 'history' => 'www' ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/ophistory/history": a time unit is expected.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/ophistory/history max value is validated.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'ophistory' => [ 'history' => 25 * SEC_PER_YEAR + 1 ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/ophistory/history": value must be one of 0, '.SEC_PER_HOUR.'-'.(25 * SEC_PER_YEAR).'.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/ophistory/history min value is validated.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'ophistory' => [ 'history' => SEC_PER_HOUR - 1 ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/ophistory/history": value must be one of 0, '.SEC_PER_HOUR.'-'.(25 * SEC_PER_YEAR).'.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/ophistory is not supported for trigger prototype object.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_TRIGGER_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'ophistory' => [ 'history' => '1d' ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/ophistory": should be empty.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/ophistory is not supported for graph prototype object.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_GRAPH_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'ophistory' => [ 'history' => '1d' ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/ophistory": should be empty.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/ophistory is not supported for host prototype object.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_HOST_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'ophistory' => [ 'history' => '1d' ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/ophistory": should be empty.' ], // LLD rule override operation trends 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/optrends/trends is mandatory.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'optrends' => [] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/optrends": the parameter "trends" is missing.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/optrends/trends is validated.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'optrends' => [ 'trends' => 'www' ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/optrends/trends": a time unit is expected.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/optrends/trends max value is validated.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'optrends' => [ 'trends' => 25 * SEC_PER_YEAR + 1 ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/optrends/trends": value must be one of 0, '.SEC_PER_DAY.'-'.(25 * SEC_PER_YEAR).'.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/optrends/trends min value is validated.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'optrends' => [ 'trends' => SEC_PER_DAY - 1 ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/optrends/trends": value must be one of 0, '.SEC_PER_DAY.'-'.(25 * SEC_PER_YEAR).'.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/optrends is not supported for trigger prototype object.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_TRIGGER_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'optrends' => [ 'trends' => '1d' ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/optrends": should be empty.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/optrends is not supported for graph prototype object.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_GRAPH_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'optrends' => [ 'trends' => '1d' ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/optrends": should be empty.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/optrends is not supported for host prototype object.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_HOST_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'optrends' => [ 'trends' => '1d' ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/optrends": should be empty.' ], // LLD rule override operation severity 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/opseverity/severity is validated.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'opseverity' => [ 'severity' => 999 ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/opseverity": should be empty.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/opseverity is not supported for item prototype object.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'opseverity' => [ 'severity' => TRIGGER_SEVERITY_INFORMATION ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/opseverity": should be empty.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/opseverity is not supported for graph prototype object.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_GRAPH_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'opseverity' => [ 'severity' => TRIGGER_SEVERITY_WARNING ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/opseverity": should be empty.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/opseverity is not supported for host prototype object.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_HOST_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'opseverity' => [ 'severity' => TRIGGER_SEVERITY_WARNING ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/opseverity": should be empty.' ], // LLD rule override operation tag 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/optag/1/tag is mandatory.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'optag' => [ [] ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/optag/1": the parameter "tag" is missing.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/optag/1/tag cannot be empty.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'optag' => [ [ 'tag' => '' ] ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/optag/1/tag": cannot be empty.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/optag is not supported for graph prototype object.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_GRAPH_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'optag' => [ ['tag' => 'www'] ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/optag": should be empty.' ], // LLD rule override operation template 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/optemplate/1/templateid is mandatory.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_HOST_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'optemplate' => [ [] ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/optemplate/1": the parameter "templateid" is missing.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/optemplate/1/templateid type is validated.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_HOST_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'optemplate' => [ [ 'templateid' => '' ] ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/optemplate/1/templateid": a number is expected.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/optemplate/1/templateid must exist.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_HOST_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'optemplate' => [ [ 'templateid' => '1' ] ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/optemplate/1/templateid": a template ID is expected.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/optemplate/1/templateid cannot exist twice.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_HOST_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'optemplate' => [ [ 'templateid' => '50010' ], [ 'templateid' => '50010' ] ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/optemplate/2": value (templateid)=(50010) already exists.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/optemplate is not supported for item prototype object.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'optemplate' => [ ['template' => '1'] ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/optemplate": should be empty.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/optemplate is not supported for trigger prototype object.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_TRIGGER_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'optemplate' => [ ['template' => '1'] ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/optemplate": should be empty.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/optemplate is not supported for graph prototype object.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_GRAPH_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'optemplate' => [ ['template' => '1'] ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/optemplate": should be empty.' ], // LLD rule override operation inventory 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/opinventory/inventory_mode is mandatory.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_HOST_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'opinventory' => [] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/opinventory": the parameter "inventory_mode" is missing.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/opinventory/inventory_mode is validated.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_HOST_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'opinventory' => [ 'inventory_mode' => -2 ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/opinventory/inventory_mode": value must be one of '.implode(', ', [HOST_INVENTORY_DISABLED, HOST_INVENTORY_MANUAL, HOST_INVENTORY_AUTOMATIC]).'.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/opinventory is not supported for item prototype object.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'opinventory' => [ 'inventory_mode' => HOST_INVENTORY_MANUAL ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/opinventory": should be empty.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/opinventory is not supported for trigger prototype object.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_TRIGGER_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'opinventory' => [ 'inventory_mode' => HOST_INVENTORY_MANUAL ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/opinventory": should be empty.' ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/opinventory is not supported for graph prototype object.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_GRAPH_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'opinventory' => [ 'inventory_mode' => HOST_INVENTORY_MANUAL ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1/operations/1/opinventory": should be empty.' ] ]; } public static function discoveryrule_overrides_create_data_valid() { $num = 0; $new_lld_overrides = function(array $overrides) use (&$num) { return [ 'name' => 'Overrides (valid)', 'key_' => 'valid.lld.with.overrides.'.($num ++), 'hostid' => '50009', 'type' => ITEM_TYPE_TRAPPER, 'overrides' => $overrides ]; }; $data = [ // LLD rule overrides 'Test /1/overrides/1/filter and /1/overrides/1/operations are not mandatory.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override 1', 'step' => 2 ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations can be empty.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override 1', 'step' => 2, 'operations' => [] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/stop default value is set correctly.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override 1', 'step' => 2 ], [ 'name' => 'override 2', 'step' => 3, 'stop' => ZBX_LLD_OVERRIDE_STOP_NO ], [ 'name' => 'override 3', 'step' => 1, 'stop' => ZBX_LLD_OVERRIDE_STOP_YES ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => null ], // LLD rule override filter 'Test /1/overrides/1/filter/evaltype with three conditions where two are unique.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'filter' => [ 'evaltype' => CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_AND_OR, 'conditions' => [ [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO}', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'value' => '' ], [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO}', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_REGEXP, 'value' => '' ], [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO}', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_REGEXP, 'value' => '' ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => null ], // LLD rule override filter condition 'Test /1/overrides/1/filter/conditions/3/operator default value is set correctly.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'filter' => [ 'evaltype' => CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_EXPRESSION, 'formula' => 'B or A or C', 'conditions' => [ [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO}', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'value' => '', 'formulaid' => 'B' ], [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO}', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_REGEXP, 'value' => '', 'formulaid' => 'C' ], [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO}', 'value' => '', 'formulaid' => 'A' ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/filter/conditions/3/operator default value is set correctly (field ordering issue #2).' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'filter' => [ 'evaltype' => CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_EXPRESSION, 'formula' => 'B or A or C', 'conditions' => [ [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO}', 'value' => '', 'formulaid' => 'B' ], [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO}', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_REGEXP, 'value' => '', 'formulaid' => 'C' ], [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO}', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'value' => '', 'formulaid' => 'A' ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/filter/conditions/3/operator default value is set correctly (field ordering issue #3).' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'step' => 1, 'name' => 'override', 'filter' => [ 'evaltype' => CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_EXPRESSION, 'formula' => 'B or A or C', 'conditions' => [ [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO}', 'value' => '', 'formulaid' => 'B', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_REGEXP ], [ 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_REGEXP, 'macro' => '{#MACRO}', 'value' => '', 'formulaid' => 'C' ], [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO}', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'value' => '', 'formulaid' => 'A' ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/filter/formula is set correctly if ./evaltype is custom_expression.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'filter' => [ 'evaltype' => CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_EXPRESSION, 'formula' => 'B or (A or C)', 'conditions' => [ [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO}', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'value' => '', 'formulaid' => 'B' ], [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO}', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_REGEXP, 'value' => '', 'formulaid' => 'C' ], [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO}', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_REGEXP, 'value' => '', 'formulaid' => 'A' ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/filter/formula and formulaid of conditions can pass with default values if ./evaltype is not custom_expression.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'filter' => [ 'evaltype' => CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_OR, 'formula' => '', 'conditions' => [ [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO}', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'value' => '', 'formulaid' => '' ], [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO}', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_REGEXP, 'value' => '', 'formulaid' => '' ], [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO}', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'value' => '', 'formulaid' => '' ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => null ], // LLD rule override operation 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations ./operator and ./value defaults are set.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'opstatus' => [ 'status' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_STATUS_ENABLED ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations two similar operations can be set.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_REGEXP, 'opstatus' => [ 'status' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_STATUS_ENABLED ] ], [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_LIKE, 'opstatus' => [ 'status' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_STATUS_ENABLED ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations (ordering issue #2).' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'opstatus' => [ 'status' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_STATUS_ENABLED ] ], [ 'opstatus' => [ 'status' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_STATUS_ENABLED ], 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_LIKE ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/ all operation objects are set correctly for item_prototype.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'opstatus' => [ 'status' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_STATUS_DISABLED ], 'opdiscover' => [ 'discover' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_DISCOVER ], 'opperiod' => [ 'delay' => '1d' ], 'ophistory' => [ 'history' => '1d' ], 'optrends' => [ 'trends' => '1d' ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/ all operation objects are set correctly for item_prototype.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_TRIGGER_PROTOTYPE, 'opstatus' => [ 'status' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_STATUS_DISABLED ], 'opdiscover' => [ 'discover' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_DISCOVER ], 'opseverity' => [ 'severity' => TRIGGER_SEVERITY_WARNING ], 'optag' => [ [ 'tag' => 'tag', 'value' => 'tag value' ], [ 'tag' => 'tag 2' ] ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/ all operation objects are set correctly for graph_prototype.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_GRAPH_PROTOTYPE, 'opdiscover' => [ 'discover' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_NO_DISCOVER ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/1/ all operation objects are set correctly for host_prototype.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_HOST_PROTOTYPE, 'opstatus' => [ 'status' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_STATUS_DISABLED ], 'opdiscover' => [ 'discover' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_DISCOVER ], 'optemplate' => [ [ 'templateid' => '50010' ] ], 'optag' => [ [ 'tag' => 'tag1', 'value' => 'value1' ], [ 'tag' => 'tag2', 'value' => 'value2' ] ], 'opinventory' => [ 'inventory_mode' => HOST_INVENTORY_AUTOMATIC ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test /1/overrides/1/operations/ multiple operations are set correctly.' => [ 'discoveryrules' => [ $new_lld_overrides([ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'opstatus' => [ 'status' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_STATUS_DISABLED ], 'opdiscover' => [ 'discover' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_DISCOVER ], 'opperiod' => [ 'delay' => '1d' ], 'ophistory' => [ 'history' => '1d' ], 'optrends' => [ 'trends' => '1d' ] ], [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_TRIGGER_PROTOTYPE, 'opstatus' => [ 'status' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_STATUS_DISABLED ], 'opdiscover' => [ 'discover' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_DISCOVER ], 'opseverity' => [ 'severity' => TRIGGER_SEVERITY_WARNING ], 'optag' => [ [ 'tag' => 'tag', 'value' => 'tag value' ], [ 'tag' => 'tag 2' ] ] ], [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_GRAPH_PROTOTYPE, 'opdiscover' => [ 'discover' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_NO_DISCOVER ] ], [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_HOST_PROTOTYPE, 'opstatus' => [ 'status' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_STATUS_DISABLED ], 'opdiscover' => [ 'discover' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_DISCOVER ], 'optemplate' => [ [ 'templateid' => '50010' ] ], 'optag' => [ [ 'tag' => 'tag1', 'value' => 'value1' ], [ 'tag' => 'tag2', 'value' => 'value2' ] ], 'opinventory' => [ 'inventory_mode' => HOST_INVENTORY_AUTOMATIC ] ] ] ] ]) ], 'expected_error' => null ] ]; return $data; } /** * @dataProvider discoveryrule_overrides_create_data_invalid * @dataProvider discoveryrule_overrides_create_data_valid */ public function testDiscoveryRuleOverrides_Create(array $request, $expected_error) { $result = $this->call('discoveryrule.create', $request, $expected_error); if ($expected_error === null) { foreach ($result['result']['itemids'] as $num => $itemid) { $db_lld_overrides = CDBHelper::getAll('SELECT * from lld_override WHERE '. dbConditionId('itemid', (array) $itemid) ); $request_lld_overrides = $request[$num]['overrides']; foreach ($request_lld_overrides as $override_num => $request_lld_override) { $this->assertLLDOverride($db_lld_overrides[$override_num], $request_lld_override); } } } } /** * @param array $db_lld_override Table "lld_override" row (all fields). * @param array $db_lld_override['lld_overrideid'] * @param array $db_lld_override['itemid'] * @param array $db_lld_override['name'] * @param array $db_lld_override['step'] * @param array $db_lld_override['evaltype'] * @param array $db_lld_override['formula'] * @param array $db_lld_override['stop'] * @param array $request_lld_override * @param array $request_lld_override['name'] * @param array $request_lld_override['step'] * @param array $request_lld_override['stop'] (optional) * @param array $request_lld_override['filter'] (optional) * @param array $request_lld_override['operations'] (optional) */ private function assertLLDOverride(array $db_lld_override, array $request_lld_override) { $this->assertEquals($db_lld_override['name'], $request_lld_override['name']); $this->assertEquals($db_lld_override['step'], $request_lld_override['step'], 'Override step value.'); $stop = array_key_exists('stop', $request_lld_override) ? $request_lld_override['stop'] : ZBX_LLD_OVERRIDE_STOP_NO; $this->assertEquals($db_lld_override['stop'], $stop, 'Override stop value.'); if (array_key_exists('filter', $request_lld_override)) { $this->assertLLDOverrideFilter($db_lld_override, $request_lld_override['filter']); } else { $this->assertEmpty($db_lld_override['formula']); $this->assertEquals($db_lld_override['evaltype'], CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_AND_OR); } $db_lld_operations_count = CDBHelper::getCount('SELECT * from lld_override_operation WHERE '. dbConditionId('lld_overrideid', (array) $db_lld_override['lld_overrideid']) ); if (array_key_exists('operations', $request_lld_override)) { $this->assertEquals(count($request_lld_override['operations']), $db_lld_operations_count, 'Expected count of operations.' ); foreach ($request_lld_override['operations'] as $num => $operation) { $db_lld_operations = CDBHelper::getAll('SELECT * from lld_override_operation WHERE '. dbConditionId('lld_overrideid', (array) $db_lld_override['lld_overrideid']) ); CTestArrayHelper::usort($db_lld_operations, ['lld_override_operationid']); $this->assertLLDOverrideOperation($db_lld_operations[$num], $operation); } } else { $this->assertEquals(0, $db_lld_operations_count, 'Expected no operations.'); } } /** * @param array $db_lld_override Table "lld_override" row (all fields). * @param array $filter LLD rule override filter request object. * @param array $filter['evaltype'] * @param array $filter['eval_formula'] (optional) * @param array $filter['formula'] (optional) if evaltype is CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_EXPRESSION * @param array $filter['conditions'] * @param array $filter['conditions'][] LLD rule override filter condition object. * @param array $filter['conditions'][]['macro'] * @param array $filter['conditions'][]['value'] * @param array $filter['conditions'][]['formulaid'] (optional) if evaltype is CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_EXPRESSION * @param array $filter['conditions'][]['operator'] (optional) */ private function assertLLDOverrideFilter(array $db_lld_override, array $filter) { $db_lld_conditions = CDBHelper::getAll('SELECT * from lld_override_condition WHERE '. dbConditionId('lld_overrideid', (array) $db_lld_override['lld_overrideid']) ); CTestArrayHelper::usort($db_lld_conditions, ['lld_override_conditionid']); $this->assertEquals($db_lld_override['evaltype'], $filter['evaltype'], 'Override evaltype value.'); if ($filter['evaltype'] == CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_EXPRESSION) { $conditionid_by_formulaid = array_combine( array_column($filter['conditions'], 'formulaid'), array_column($db_lld_conditions, 'lld_override_conditionid') ); $formula = CConditionHelper::replaceLetterIds($filter['formula'], $conditionid_by_formulaid); $this->assertEquals($db_lld_override['formula'], $formula); } foreach ($filter['conditions'] as $num => $condition) { $this->assertEquals($db_lld_conditions[$num]['macro'], $condition['macro']); $this->assertEquals($db_lld_conditions[$num]['value'], $condition['value']); $operator = array_key_exists('operator', $condition) ? $condition['operator'] : CONDITION_OPERATOR_REGEXP; $this->assertEquals($db_lld_conditions[$num]['operator'], $operator); } } /** * @param array $db_lld_override_op Table "lld_override_operation" row (all fields). * @param string $db_lld_override_op['lld_override_operationid'] * @param string $db_lld_override_op['lld_overrideid'] * @param string $db_lld_override_op['operationobject'] * @param string $db_lld_override_op['operator'] * @param array $operation LLD rule override operation object. * @param string $operation['operationobject'] * @param string $operation['operator'] (optional) * @param string $operation['value'] (optional) * @param string $operation['opstatus'] (optional) * @param string $operation['opdiscover'] (optional) * @param string $operation['opperiod'] (optional) * @param string $operation['ophistory'] (optional) * @param string $operation['optrends'] (optional) * @param string $operation['opseverity'] (optional) * @param string $operation['optag'] (optional) * @param string $operation['optemplate'] (optional) * @param string $operation['opinventory'] (optional) */ private function assertLLDOverrideOperation(array $db_lld_override_op, array $operation) { $this->assertEquals($db_lld_override_op['operationobject'], $operation['operationobject'], 'Operation object.'); $condition_operator = array_key_exists('operator', $operation) ? $operation['operator'] : CONDITION_OPERATOR_EQUAL; $this->assertEquals($db_lld_override_op['operator'], $condition_operator, 'Operation operator.'); $condition_value = array_key_exists('value', $operation) ? $operation['value'] : ''; $this->assertEquals($db_lld_override_op['value'], $condition_value); $this->assertLLDOverrideOperationStatus($db_lld_override_op, $operation); $this->assertLLDOverrideOperationDiscover($db_lld_override_op, $operation); $this->assertLLDOverrideOperationHistory($db_lld_override_op, $operation); $this->assertLLDOverrideOperationPeriod($db_lld_override_op, $operation); $this->assertLLDOverrideOperationSeverity($db_lld_override_op, $operation); $this->assertLLDOverrideOperationTags($db_lld_override_op, $operation); $this->assertLLDOverrideOperationTemplates($db_lld_override_op, $operation); $this->assertLLDOverrideOperationTrends($db_lld_override_op, $operation); $this->assertLLDOverrideOperationInventory($db_lld_override_op, $operation); } /** * @param array $db_lld_override_op * @param array $operation */ private function assertLLDOverrideOperationStatus(array $db_lld_override_op, array $operation) { $operationid = $db_lld_override_op['lld_override_operationid']; $db_opstatus = CDBHelper::getRow('SELECT * from lld_override_opstatus WHERE '. dbConditionId('lld_override_operationid', (array) $operationid) ); if (array_key_exists('opstatus', $operation)) { $this->assertEquals($db_opstatus['status'], $operation['opstatus']['status'], 'Operation status.'); } else { $this->assertEmpty($db_opstatus, 'Expected opstatus.'); } } /** * @param array $db_lld_override_op * @param array $operation */ private function assertLLDOverrideOperationDiscover(array $db_lld_override_op, array $operation) { $operationid = $db_lld_override_op['lld_override_operationid']; $db_opdiscover = CDBHelper::getRow('SELECT * from lld_override_opdiscover WHERE '. dbConditionId('lld_override_operationid', (array) $operationid) ); if (array_key_exists('opdiscover', $operation)) { $this->assertEquals($db_opdiscover['discover'], $operation['opdiscover']['discover']); } else { $this->assertEmpty($db_opdiscover, 'Discovery operation.'); } } /** * @param array $db_lld_override_op * @param array $operation */ private function assertLLDOverrideOperationHistory(array $db_lld_override_op, array $operation) { $operationid = $db_lld_override_op['lld_override_operationid']; $db_ophistory = CDBHelper::getRow('SELECT * from lld_override_ophistory WHERE '. dbConditionId('lld_override_operationid', (array) $operationid) ); if (array_key_exists('ophistory', $operation)) { $this->assertEquals($db_ophistory['history'], $operation['ophistory']['history']); } else { $this->assertEmpty($db_ophistory, 'ophistory.'); } } /** * @param array $db_lld_override_op * @param array $operation */ private function assertLLDOverrideOperationPeriod(array $db_lld_override_op, array $operation) { $operationid = $db_lld_override_op['lld_override_operationid']; $db_opperiod = CDBHelper::getRow('SELECT * from lld_override_opperiod WHERE '. dbConditionId('lld_override_operationid', (array) $operationid) ); if (array_key_exists('opperiod', $operation)) { $this->assertEquals($db_opperiod['delay'], $operation['opperiod']['delay']); } else { $this->assertEmpty($db_opperiod); } } /** * @param array $db_lld_override_op * @param array $operation */ private function assertLLDOverrideOperationSeverity(array $db_lld_override_op, array $operation) { $operationid = $db_lld_override_op['lld_override_operationid']; $db_opseverity = CDBHelper::getRow('SELECT * from lld_override_opseverity WHERE '. dbConditionId('lld_override_operationid', (array) $operationid) ); if (array_key_exists('opseverity', $operation)) { $this->assertEquals($db_opseverity['severity'], $operation['opseverity']['severity']); } else { $this->assertEmpty($db_opseverity); } } /** * @param array $db_lld_override_op * @param array $operation */ private function assertLLDOverrideOperationTags(array $db_lld_override_op, array $operation) { $db_optags = CDBHelper::getAll( 'SELECT tag,value'. ' FROM lld_override_optag'. ' WHERE '.dbConditionId('lld_override_operationid', [$db_lld_override_op['lld_override_operationid']]) ); CTestArrayHelper::usort($db_optags, ['tag', 'value']); $operation['optag'] = array_key_exists('optag', $operation) ? array_map(function($a) { if (!array_key_exists('value', $a)) { $a['value'] = ''; } return $a; }, $operation['optag']) : []; CTestArrayHelper::usort($operation['optag'], ['tag', 'value']); $this->assertSame($db_optags, $operation['optag']); } /** * @param array $db_lld_override_op * @param array $operation */ private function assertLLDOverrideOperationTemplates(array $db_lld_override_op, array $operation) { $db_optemplates = CDBHelper::getAll( 'SELECT templateid'. ' FROM lld_override_optemplate'. ' WHERE '.dbConditionId('lld_override_operationid', [$db_lld_override_op['lld_override_operationid']]) ); CTestArrayHelper::usort($db_optemplates, ['templateid']); if (!array_key_exists('optemplate', $operation)) { $operation['optemplate'] = []; } CTestArrayHelper::usort($operation['optemplate'], ['templateid']); $this->assertSame($db_optemplates, $operation['optemplate']); } /** * @param array $db_lld_override_op * @param array $operation */ private function assertLLDOverrideOperationTrends(array $db_lld_override_op, array $operation) { $operationid = $db_lld_override_op['lld_override_operationid']; $db_optrends = CDBHelper::getRow('SELECT * from lld_override_optrends WHERE '. dbConditionId('lld_override_operationid', (array) $operationid) ); if (array_key_exists('optrends', $operation)) { $this->assertEquals($db_optrends['trends'], $operation['optrends']['trends']); } else { $this->assertEmpty($db_optrends, 'optrends'); } } /** * @param array $db_lld_override_op * @param array $operation */ private function assertLLDOverrideOperationInventory(array $db_lld_override_op, array $operation) { $operationid = $db_lld_override_op['lld_override_operationid']; $db_opinventory = CDBHelper::getRow('SELECT * from lld_override_opinventory WHERE '. dbConditionId('lld_override_operationid', (array) $operationid) ); if (array_key_exists('opinventory', $operation)) { $this->assertEquals($db_opinventory['inventory_mode'], $operation['opinventory']['inventory_mode']); } else { $this->assertEmpty($db_opinventory); } } public function testDiscoveryRuleOverrides_TemplateConstraint() { $templateid = '131001'; $itemid = '133766'; $request_lld_overrides = [ [ 'stop' => ZBX_LLD_OVERRIDE_STOP_NO, 'name' => 'Only template operation', 'step' => 1, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_HOST_PROTOTYPE, 'optemplate' => [ ['templateid' => $templateid] ] ] ] ], [ 'stop' => ZBX_LLD_OVERRIDE_STOP_NO, 'name' => 'Not only template operation', 'step' => 2, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_HOST_PROTOTYPE, 'opinventory' => [ 'inventory_mode' => HOST_INVENTORY_MANUAL ], 'optemplate' => [ ['templateid' => $templateid] ] ] ] ] ]; $db_lld_overrides = CDBHelper::getAll('SELECT * from lld_override WHERE '. dbConditionId('itemid', (array) $itemid) ); CTestArrayHelper::usort($db_lld_overrides, ['lld_overrideid']); // Assertion confirms existing request. foreach ($request_lld_overrides as $override_num => $request_lld_override) { $this->assertLLDOverride($db_lld_overrides[$override_num], $request_lld_override); } $result = $this->call('template.delete', [131001]); $this->assertEquals($result['result'], ['templateids' => [$templateid]]); $db_lld_overrides = CDBHelper::getAll('SELECT * from lld_override WHERE '. dbConditionId('itemid', (array) $itemid) ); CTestArrayHelper::usort($db_lld_overrides, ['lld_overrideid']); // Operation that had only optemplate is deleted. unset($request_lld_overrides[0]['operations']); // Operation that had not only optemplate is not deleted. unset($request_lld_overrides[1]['operations'][0]['optemplate']); foreach ($request_lld_overrides as $override_num => $request_lld_override) { $this->assertLLDOverride($db_lld_overrides[$override_num], $request_lld_override); } } public function testDiscoveryRuleOverrides_Copy() { $itemid = '133764'; $hostids = ['90020', '90021']; $result = $this->call('discoveryrule.copy', [ 'discoveryids' => [$itemid], 'hostids' => $hostids ]); $this->assertTrue($result['result']); $result = $this->call('discoveryrule.get', [ 'output' => [], 'selectOverrides' => 'extend', 'itemids' => $itemid ]); $expected_overrides = $result['result'][0]['overrides']; CTestArrayHelper::usort($expected_overrides, ['step']); foreach ($expected_overrides as &$override) { CTestArrayHelper::usort($override['filter']['conditions'], ['formulaid']); CTestArrayHelper::usort($override['operations'], ['operationobject', 'operator', 'value']); foreach ($override['operations'] as &$operation) { if (array_key_exists('optag', $operation)) { CTestArrayHelper::usort($operation['optag'], ['tag']); } if (array_key_exists('optemplate', $operation)) { CTestArrayHelper::usort($operation['optemplate'], ['templateid']); } } unset($operation); } unset($override); $db_lld_ruleids = array_column(CDBHelper::getAll( 'SELECT itemid FROM items WHERE flags=1 AND '.dbConditionId('hostid', $hostids).' ORDER BY itemid' ), 'itemid'); $this->assertSame(count($db_lld_ruleids), count($hostids)); $result = $this->call('discoveryrule.get', [ 'output' => [], 'selectOverrides' => 'extend', 'itemids' => $db_lld_ruleids ]); foreach ($result['result'] as $lld_rule) { CTestArrayHelper::usort($lld_rule['overrides'], ['step']); foreach ($lld_rule['overrides'] as &$override) { CTestArrayHelper::usort($override['filter']['conditions'], ['formulaid']); CTestArrayHelper::usort($override['operations'], ['operationobject', 'operator', 'value']); foreach ($override['operations'] as &$operation) { if (array_key_exists('optag', $operation)) { CTestArrayHelper::usort($operation['optag'], ['tag']); } if (array_key_exists('optemplate', $operation)) { CTestArrayHelper::usort($operation['optemplate'], ['templateid']); } } unset($operation); } unset($override); $this->assertSame($expected_overrides, $lld_rule['overrides']); } } public static function discoveryrule_overrides_get_data_valid() { $itemid = '133763'; return [ 'Test getting lld_overrides extended output.' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'output' => ['itemid'], 'selectOverrides' => ['name', 'step', 'stop', 'operations'], 'itemids' => [$itemid] ], 'get_result' => [ 'itemid' => $itemid, 'overrides' => [ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => '1', 'stop' => ZBX_LLD_OVERRIDE_STOP_YES, 'filter' => [ 'evaltype' => CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_EXPRESSION, 'formula' => 'A or B or C', 'conditions' => [ [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO1}', 'value' => 'd{3}$', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_REGEXP, 'formulaid' => 'A' ], [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO2}', 'value' => 'd{2}$', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_REGEXP, 'formulaid' => 'B' ], [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO3}', 'value' => 'd{1}$', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_REGEXP, 'formulaid' => 'C' ] ], 'eval_formula' => 'A or B or C' ], 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_LIKE, 'value' => '8', 'opstatus' => [ 'status' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_STATUS_DISABLED ] ], [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_EQUAL, 'value' => 'wW', 'opstatus' => [ 'status' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_STATUS_ENABLED ], 'opdiscover' => [ 'discover' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_NO_DISCOVER ], 'ophistory' => [ 'history' => '92d' ], 'optrends' => [ 'trends' => '36d' ], 'opperiod' => [ 'delay' => '1m;wd1-3h4-16;10s/1-5,00:00-20:00;5s/5-7,00:00-24:00' ] ], [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_TRIGGER_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_REGEXP, 'value' => '^c+$', 'opstatus' => [ 'status' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_STATUS_DISABLED ], 'opdiscover' => [ 'discover' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_NO_DISCOVER ], 'opseverity' => [ 'severity' => TRIGGER_SEVERITY_AVERAGE ], 'optag' => [ [ 'tag' => 'tag1', 'value' => 'value1' ], [ 'tag' => 'tag2', 'value' => 'value2' ] ] ], [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_GRAPH_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_LIKE, 'value' => '123', 'opdiscover' => [ 'discover' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_NO_DISCOVER ] ], [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_HOST_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_EQUAL, 'value' => '', 'opstatus' => [ 'status' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_STATUS_DISABLED ], 'opdiscover' => [ 'discover' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_NO_DISCOVER ], 'optemplate' => [ [ 'templateid' => '10264' ], [ 'templateid' => '10265' ], [ 'templateid' => '50010' ] ], 'optag' => [ [ 'tag' => 'tag1', 'value' => 'value1' ], [ 'tag' => 'tag2', 'value' => 'value2' ] ], 'opinventory' => [ 'inventory_mode' => HOST_INVENTORY_AUTOMATIC ] ] ] ], [ 'name' => 'override 2', 'step' => '2', 'stop' => ZBX_LLD_OVERRIDE_STOP_YES, 'filter' => [ 'evaltype' => CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_AND_OR, 'formula' => '', 'conditions' => [], 'eval_formula' => '' ], 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_EQUAL, 'value' => '', 'optrends' => [ 'trends' => '5d' ] ] ] ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test getting lld_overrides queried output.' => [ 'discoveryrule' => [ 'output' => ['itemid'], 'selectOverrides' => ['step', 'operations'], 'itemids' => [$itemid] ], 'get_result' => [ 'itemid' => $itemid, 'overrides' => [ [ 'step' => '1', 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_LIKE, 'value' => '8', 'opstatus' => [ 'status' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_STATUS_DISABLED ] ], [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_EQUAL, 'value' => 'wW', 'opstatus' => [ 'status' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_STATUS_ENABLED ], 'opdiscover' => [ 'discover' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_NO_DISCOVER ], 'ophistory' => [ 'history' => '92d' ], 'optrends' => [ 'trends' => '36d' ], 'opperiod' => [ 'delay' => '1m;wd1-3h4-16;10s/1-5,00:00-20:00;5s/5-7,00:00-24:00' ] ], [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_TRIGGER_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_REGEXP, 'value' => '^c+$', 'opstatus' => [ 'status' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_STATUS_DISABLED ], 'opdiscover' => [ 'discover' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_NO_DISCOVER ], 'opseverity' => [ 'severity' => TRIGGER_SEVERITY_AVERAGE ], 'optag' => [ [ 'tag' => 'tag1', 'value' => 'value1' ], [ 'tag' => 'tag2', 'value' => 'value2' ] ] ], [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_GRAPH_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_LIKE, 'value' => '123', 'opdiscover' => [ 'discover' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_NO_DISCOVER ] ], [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_HOST_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_EQUAL, 'value' => '', 'opstatus' => [ 'status' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_STATUS_DISABLED ], 'opdiscover' => [ 'discover' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_NO_DISCOVER ], 'optemplate' => [ [ 'templateid' => '10264' ], [ 'templateid' => '10265' ], [ 'templateid' => '50010' ] ], 'optag' => [ [ 'tag' => 'tag1', 'value' => 'value1' ], [ 'tag' => 'tag2', 'value' => 'value2' ] ], 'opinventory' => [ 'inventory_mode' => HOST_INVENTORY_AUTOMATIC ] ] ] ], [ 'step' => '2', 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_EQUAL, 'value' => '', 'optrends' => [ 'trends' => '5d' ] ] ] ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider discoveryrule_overrides_get_data_valid */ public function testDiscoveryRuleOverrides_Get($discoveryrule, $get_result, $expected_error) { $result = $this->call('discoveryrule.get', $discoveryrule); if ($expected_error === null) { foreach ($result['result'] as $entry) { $this->assertSame($entry['itemid'], $get_result['itemid']); if (array_key_exists('selectOverrides', $discoveryrule)) { $this->assertArrayHasKey('overrides', $get_result); $this->assertSame($entry['overrides'], $get_result['overrides']); } else { $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('overrides', $get_result); } } } } public static function discoveryrule_overrides_update_data() { $itemid = '133765'; $initial_overrides = [ [ 'name' => 'override', 'step' => '1', 'stop' => ZBX_LLD_OVERRIDE_STOP_YES, 'filter' => [ 'evaltype' => CONDITION_EVAL_TYPE_EXPRESSION, 'formula' => 'A or B or C', 'conditions' => [ [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO1}', 'value' => 'd{3}$', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_REGEXP, 'formulaid' => 'A' ], [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO2}', 'value' => 'd{2}$', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_REGEXP, 'formulaid' => 'B' ], [ 'macro' => '{#MACRO3}', 'value' => 'd{1}$', 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_REGEXP, 'formulaid' => 'C' ] ] ], 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_LIKE, 'value' => '8', 'opstatus' => [ 'status' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_STATUS_DISABLED ] ], [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_NOT_EQUAL, 'value' => 'wW', 'opstatus' => [ 'status' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_STATUS_ENABLED ], 'opdiscover' => [ 'discover' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_NO_DISCOVER ], 'ophistory' => [ 'history' => '92d' ], 'optrends' => [ 'trends' => '36d' ], 'opperiod' => [ 'delay' => '1m;wd1-3h4-16;10s/1-5,00:00-20:00;5s/5-7,00:00-24:00' ] ], [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_TRIGGER_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_REGEXP, 'value' => '^c+$', 'opstatus' => [ 'status' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_STATUS_DISABLED ], 'opdiscover' => [ 'discover' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_NO_DISCOVER ], 'opseverity' => [ 'severity' => TRIGGER_SEVERITY_AVERAGE ], 'optag' => [ [ 'tag' => 'tag1', 'value' => 'value1' ], [ 'tag' => 'tag2', 'value' => 'value2' ] ] ], [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_GRAPH_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_LIKE, 'value' => '123', 'opdiscover' => [ 'discover' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_NO_DISCOVER ] ], [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_HOST_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_EQUAL, 'value' => '', 'opstatus' => [ 'status' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_STATUS_DISABLED ], 'opdiscover' => [ 'discover' => ZBX_PROTOTYPE_NO_DISCOVER ], 'optemplate' => [ [ 'templateid' => '10264' ], [ 'templateid' => '10265' ], [ 'templateid' => '50010' ] ], 'optag' => [ [ 'tag' => 'tag1', 'value' => 'value1' ], [ 'tag' => 'tag2', 'value' => 'value2' ] ], 'opinventory' => [ 'inventory_mode' => HOST_INVENTORY_AUTOMATIC ] ] ] ], [ 'name' => 'override 2', 'step' => '2', 'stop' => ZBX_LLD_OVERRIDE_STOP_YES, 'operations' => [ [ 'operationobject' => OPERATION_OBJECT_ITEM_PROTOTYPE, 'operator' => CONDITION_OPERATOR_EQUAL, 'value' => '', 'optrends' => [ 'trends' => '5d' ] ] ] ] ]; $edited_overrides = $initial_overrides; unset($edited_overrides[1]); $edited_overrides[0]['name'] = 'edited override'; $edited_invalid_overrides = $initial_overrides; $edited_invalid_overrides[1]['operations'][0]['optrends']['trends'] = 'incorrect date value'; return [ 'Test update override expects array.' => [ 'request' => [ 'itemid' => $itemid, 'overrides' => [ 'incorrect' => '123' ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1": unexpected parameter "incorrect".', 'current_overrides' => null ], 'Test override object is validated.' => [ 'request' => [ 'itemid' => $itemid, 'overrides' => [ [] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/1": the parameter "name" is missing.', 'current_overrides' => null ], 'Test that overrides remain untouched if update request omits overrides field.' => [ 'request' => [ 'itemid' => $itemid ], 'expected_error' => null, 'current_overrides' => $initial_overrides ], 'Test all overrides array can only be completely rewritten.' => [ 'request' => [ 'itemid' => $itemid, 'overrides' => $edited_overrides ], 'expected_error' => null, 'current_overrides' => $edited_overrides ], 'Test overrides/2/operations/1/optrends/trends is validated.' => [ 'request' => [ 'itemid' => $itemid, 'overrides' => $edited_invalid_overrides ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/overrides/2/operations/1/optrends/trends": a time unit is expected.', 'current_overrides' => null ], 'Test all overrides can deleted.' => [ 'request' => [ 'itemid' => $itemid, 'overrides' => [] ], 'expected_error' => null, 'current_overrides' => [] ], 'Test all overrides can be recreated.' => [ 'request' => [ 'itemid' => $itemid, 'overrides' => $initial_overrides ], 'expected_error' => null, 'current_overrides' => $initial_overrides ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider discoveryrule_overrides_update_data */ public function testDiscoveryRuleOverrides_Update($request, $expected_error, $current_overrides) { $this->call('discoveryrule.update', $request, $expected_error); if ($expected_error === null) { $itemid = $request['itemid']; $db_lld_overrides = CDBHelper::getAll('SELECT * from lld_override WHERE '. dbConditionId('itemid', (array) $itemid) ); CTestArrayHelper::usort($db_lld_overrides, ['lld_overrideid']); if (array_key_exists('overrides', $request)) { $this->assertEquals(count($current_overrides), count($request['overrides'])); } foreach ($current_overrides as $override_num => $override) { $this->assertLLDOverride($db_lld_overrides[$override_num], $override); } } } // TODO: add more tests to check other related discovery rule properties and perform more tests on templates and templated objects. }