<?php /* ** Zabbix ** Copyright (C) 2001-2023 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../include/CWebTest.php'; use Facebook\WebDriver\WebDriverKeys; /** * @dataSource Proxies * * @backup profiles, module, services, token, connector * * @onBefore prepareData */ class testDocumentationLinks extends CWebTest { public function prepareData() { self::$version = substr(ZABBIX_VERSION, 0, 3); // Create a service. CDataHelper::call('service.create', [ [ 'name' => 'Service_1', 'algorithm' => 1, 'sortorder' => 1 ] ]); // Create an API token. CDataHelper::call('token.create', [ [ 'name' => 'Admin token', 'userid' => 1 ] ]); // Create a Connector. CDataHelper::call('connector.create', [ [ 'name' => 'Default connector', 'url' => '{$URL}' ] ]); // Create event correlation. CDataHelper::call('correlation.create', [ [ 'name' => 'Event correlation for links check', 'filter' => [ 'evaltype' => 0, 'conditions' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_CORR_CONDITION_OLD_EVENT_TAG, 'tag' => 'links tag' ] ] ], 'operations' => [ [ 'type' => ZBX_CORR_OPERATION_CLOSE_OLD ] ] ] ]); } /** * Major version of Zabbix the test is executed on. */ private static $version; /** * Static start of each documentation link. */ private static $path_start = 'https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/'; public static function getGeneralDocumentationLinkData() { return [ // #0 Dashboard list. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.list', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards' ] ], // #1 Certain dashboard in view mode. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid=1', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards' ] ], // #2 Create dashboard popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Create dashboard' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards#creating-a-dashboard' ] ], // #3 Widget Create popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid=1', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Edit dashboard' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'id:dashboard-add-widget' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards/widgets/action_log' ] ], // #4 Widget edit form. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid=1', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards/widgets/top_hosts', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'xpath:(//button[contains(@class, "js-widget-edit")])[1]' ] ] ] ], // #5 Add dashboard page configuration popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid=1', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards#adding-pages', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Edit dashboard' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'xpath://button[@id="dashboard-add"]' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'xpath://a[text()="Add page"]' ] ] ] ], // #6 Global search view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=search&search=zabbix', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/global_search' ] ], // #7 Problems view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=problem.view', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/monitoring/problems' ] ], // #8 Event details view. [ [ 'url' => 'tr_events.php?triggerid=100028&eventid=95', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/monitoring/problems#viewing-details' ] ], // #9 Problems Mass update popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=problem.view', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openMassUpdate' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/acknowledgment#updating-problems' ] ], // #10 Problems acknowledge popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=problem.view', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'link:Update' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/acknowledgment#updating-problems' ] ], // #11 Monitoring -> Hosts view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=host.view', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/monitoring/hosts' ] ], // #12 Create host popup in Monitoring -> Hosts view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=host.view', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Create host' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/hosts/host#configuration' ] ], // #13 Monitoring -> Graphs view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=charts.view', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/monitoring/hosts/graphs' ] ], // #14 Monitoring -> Web monitoring view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=web.view', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/monitoring/hosts/web' ] ], // #15 Monitoring -> Host dashboards view (dashboards of Zabbix server host). [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=host.dashboard.view&hostid=10084', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/visualization/host_screens' ] ], // #16 Latest data view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=latest.view', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/monitoring/latest_data' ] ], // #17 Speccific item graph from latest data view. [ [ 'url' => 'history.php?action=showgraph&itemids%5B%5D=42237', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/monitoring/latest_data#graphs' ] ], // #18 Specific item history from latest data view. [ [ 'url' => 'history.php?action=showvalues&itemids%5B%5D=42242', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/monitoring/latest_data#graphs' ] ], // #19 Maps list view. [ [ 'url' => 'sysmaps.php', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/monitoring/maps' ] ], // #20 Create map form. [ [ 'url' => 'sysmaps.php?form=Create+map', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/visualization/maps/map#creating-a-map' ] ], // #21 Map import popup. [ [ 'url' => 'sysmaps.php', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Import' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/xml_export_import/maps#importing' ] ], // #22 View map view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=map.view&sysmapid=1', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/monitoring/maps#viewing-maps' ] ], // #23 Edit map view. [ [ 'url' => 'sysmap.php?sysmapid=1', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/visualization/maps/map#overview' ] ], // #24 Monitoring -> Discovery view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=discovery.view', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/monitoring/discovery' ] ], // #25 Monitoring -> Services in view mode. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=service.list', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/services/service#viewing-services' ] ], // #26 Monitoring -> Services in edit mode. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=service.list.edit', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/services/service#editing-services' ] ], // #27 Service configuration form popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=service.list.edit', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Create service' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/services/service#editing-services' ] ], // #28 Service mass update popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=service.list.edit', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openMassUpdate' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/services/service#editing-services' ] ], // #29 List of service actions. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=action.list&eventsource=4', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/alerts/actions' ] ], // #30 Create service action form popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=action.list&eventsource=4', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Create action' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/notifications/action#configuring-an-action' ] ], // #31 SLA list view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=sla.list', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/services/sla#overview' ] ], // #32 SLA create form popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=sla.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Create SLA' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/it_services/sla#configuration' ] ], // #33 SLA report view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=slareport.list', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/services/sla_report#overview' ] ], // #34 Inventory overview view. [ [ 'url' => 'hostinventoriesoverview.php', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/inventory/overview' ] ], // #35 Inventory hosts view. [ [ 'url' => 'hostinventories.php', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/inventory/hosts' ] ], // #36 System information report view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=report.status', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/reports/status_of_zabbix' ] ], // #37 Scheduled reports list view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=scheduledreport.list', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/reports/scheduled' ] ], // #38 Scheduled report configuration form. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=scheduledreport.edit', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/reports#configuration' ] ], // #39 Add scheduled report configuration popup from Dashboard view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid=1', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/reports#configuration', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'xpath://button[@id="dashboard-actions"]' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'xpath://a[text()="Create new report"]' ] ] ] ], // #40 Availability report view. [ [ 'url' => 'report2.php', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/reports/availability' ] ], // #41 Top 100 triggers report view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=toptriggers.list', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/reports/triggers_top' ] ], // #42 Audit log view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=auditlog.list', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/reports/audit_log' ] ], // #43 Action log view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=actionlog.list', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/reports/action_log' ] ], // #44 Notifications report view. [ [ 'url' => 'report4.php', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/reports/notifications' ] ], // #45 Host groups list view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=hostgroup.list', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/data_collection/hostgroups' ] ], // #46 Create host group popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=hostgroup.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Create host group' ] ], 'open_button' => 'button:Create host group', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/hosts/host#creating-a-host-group' ] ], // #47 Edit host group popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=hostgroup.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'xpath://a[text()="Zabbix servers"]' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/hosts/host#creating-a-host-group' ] ], // #48 Create host group form view (standalone). [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=hostgroup.edit', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/hosts/host#creating-a-host-group' ] ], // #49 Template list view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=template.list', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/data_collection/templates' ] ], // #50 Create template view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=template.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Create template' ] ], 'open_button' => 'button:Create template', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/templates/template#creating-a-template' ] ], // #51 Update template view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=template.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'xpath://a[text()="AIX by Zabbix agent"]' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/templates/template#creating-a-template' ] ], // #52 Template import popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=template.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Import' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/xml_export_import/templates#importing' ] ], // #53 Template mass update popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=template.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openMassUpdate' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/templates/mass#using-mass-update' ] ], // #54 Template items list view. [ [ 'url' => 'items.php?context=template', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/data_collection/templates/items' ] ], // #55 Template item create form. [ [ 'url' => 'items.php?form=create&hostid=15000&context=template', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/items/item#configuration' ] ], // #56 Template item update form. [ [ 'url' => 'items.php?form=update&hostid=15000&itemid=15000&context=template', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/items/item#configuration' ] ], // #57 Template item test form. [ [ 'url' => 'items.php?form=update&hostid=15000&itemid=15000&context=template', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Test' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/items/item#testing' ] ], // #58 Template item Mass update popup. [ [ 'url' => 'items.php?filter_set=1&filter_hostids%5B0%5D=15000&context=template', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openMassUpdate' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/items/itemupdate#using-mass-update' ] ], // #59 Template trigger list view. [ [ 'url' => 'triggers.php?context=template', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/data_collection/templates/triggers' ] ], // #60 Template trigger create form. [ [ 'url' => 'triggers.php?hostid=15000&form=create&context=template', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/triggers/trigger#configuration' ] ], // #61 Template trigger update form. [ [ 'url' => 'triggers.php?form=update&triggerid=99000&context=template', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/triggers/trigger#configuration' ] ], // #62 Template trigger Mass update popup. [ [ 'url' => 'triggers.php?filter_set=1&filter_hostids%5B0%5D=15000&context=template', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openMassUpdate' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/triggers/update#using-mass-update' ] ], // #63 Template graph list view. [ [ 'url' => 'graphs.php?context=template', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/data_collection/templates/graphs' ] ], // #64 Template graph create form. [ [ 'url' => 'graphs.php?hostid=15000&form=create&context=template', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/visualization/graphs/custom#configuring-custom-graphs' ] ], // #65 Template graph update form. [ [ 'url' => 'graphs.php?form=update&graphid=15000&context=template&filter_hostids%5B0%5D=15000', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/visualization/graphs/custom#configuring-custom-graphs' ] ], // #66 Template dashboards list view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=template.dashboard.list&templateid=10076&context=template', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/visualization/host_screens' ] ], // #67 Template dashboard create popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=template.dashboard.list&templateid=10076&context=template', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Create dashboard' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards#creating-a-dashboard' ] ], // #68 Template dashboards view mode. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=template.dashboard.edit&dashboardid=50', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards#creating-a-dashboard' ] ], // #69 Template dashboard widget create popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=template.dashboard.edit&dashboardid=50', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'xpath:(//button[contains(@class, "js-widget-edit")])[1]' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards/widgets/graph_classic' ] ], // #70 Template dashboard widget edit popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=template.dashboard.edit&dashboardid=50', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'id:dashboard-add-widget' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards/widgets/action_log' ] ], // #71 Add Template dashboard page configuration popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=template.dashboard.edit&dashboardid=50', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards#adding-pages', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'xpath://button[@id="dashboard-add"]' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'xpath://a[text()="Add page"]' ] ] ] ], // #72 Template LLD rule list view. [ [ 'url' => 'host_discovery.php?context=template', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/data_collection/templates/discovery' ] ], // #73 Template LLD rule configuration form. [ [ 'url' => 'host_discovery.php?form=create&hostid=15000&context=template', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/discovery/low_level_discovery#discovery-rule' ] ], // #74 Template LLD rule test form. [ [ 'url' => 'host_discovery.php?form=update&itemid=15011&context=template', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Test' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/items/item#testing' ] ], // #75 Template LLD item prototype list view. [ [ 'url' => 'disc_prototypes.php?parent_discoveryid=15011&context=template', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/data_collection/templates/discovery/item_prototypes' ] ], // #76 Template LLD item prototype create form. [ [ 'url' => 'disc_prototypes.php?form=create&parent_discoveryid=15011&context=template', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/discovery/low_level_discovery/item_prototypes' ] ], // #77 Template LLD item prototype edit form. [ [ 'url' => 'disc_prototypes.php?form=update&parent_discoveryid=15011&itemid=15021&context=template', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/discovery/low_level_discovery/item_prototypes' ] ], // #78 Template LLD item prototype test form. [ [ 'url' => 'items.php?form=update&hostid=40001&itemid=99102&context=host', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Test' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/items/item#testing' ] ], // #79 Template LLD item prototype mass update popup. [ [ 'url' => 'disc_prototypes.php?parent_discoveryid=15011&context=template', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openMassUpdate' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/items/itemupdate#using-mass-update' ] ], // #80 Template LLD trigger prototype list view. [ [ 'url' => 'trigger_prototypes.php?parent_discoveryid=15011&context=template', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/data_collection/templates/discovery/trigger_prototypes' ] ], // #81 Template LLD trigger prototype create form. [ [ 'url' => 'trigger_prototypes.php?parent_discoveryid=15011&form=create&context=template', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/discovery/low_level_discovery/trigger_prototypes' ] ], // #82 Template LLD trigger prototype edit form. [ [ 'url' => 'trigger_prototypes.php?form=update&parent_discoveryid=15011&triggerid=99008&context=template', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/discovery/low_level_discovery/trigger_prototypes' ] ], // #83 Template LLD trigger prototype mass update popup. [ [ 'url' => 'trigger_prototypes.php?parent_discoveryid=15011&context=template', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openMassUpdate' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/triggers/update#using-mass-update' ] ], // #84 Template LLD graph prototype list view. [ [ 'url' => 'graphs.php?parent_discoveryid=15011&context=template', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/data_collection/templates/discovery/graph_prototypes' ] ], // #85 Template LLD graph prototype create form. [ [ 'url' => 'graphs.php?form=create&parent_discoveryid=15011&context=template', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/discovery/low_level_discovery/graph_prototypes' ] ], // #86 Template LLD graph prototype edit form. [ [ 'url' => 'graphs.php?form=update&parent_discoveryid=15011&graphid=15008&context=template', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/discovery/low_level_discovery/graph_prototypes' ] ], // #87 Template LLD host prototype list view. [ [ 'url' => 'host_prototypes.php?parent_discoveryid=15011&context=template', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/data_collection/templates/discovery/host_prototypes' ] ], // #88 Template LLD host prototype create form. [ [ 'url' => 'host_prototypes.php?form=create&parent_discoveryid=15011&context=template', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/vm_monitoring#host-prototypes' ] ], // #89 Template LLD host prototype edit form. [ [ 'url' => 'host_prototypes.php?form=update&parent_discoveryid=15011&hostid=99000&context=template', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/vm_monitoring#host-prototypes' ] ], // #90 Template Web scenario list view. [ [ 'url' => 'httpconf.php?context=template', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/data_collection/templates/web' ] ], // #91 Template Web scenario create form. [ [ 'url' => 'httpconf.php?form=create&hostid=15000&context=template', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_monitoring#configuring-a-web-scenario' ] ], // #92 Template Web scenario edit form. [ [ 'url' => 'httpconf.php?form=update&hostid=15000&httptestid=15000&context=template', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_monitoring#configuring-a-web-scenario' ] ], // #93 Template Web scenario step configuration form popup. [ [ 'url' => 'httpconf.php?form=update&hostid=15000&httptestid=15000&context=template', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'xpath://a[@id="tab_steps-tab"]' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'xpath://div[@id="steps-tab"]//button[text()="Add"]' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_monitoring#configuring-steps' ] ], // #94 Host list view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=host.list', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/data_collection/hosts' ] ], // #95 Create host popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=host.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Create host' ] ], 'open_button' => 'button:Create host', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/hosts/host#configuration' ] ], // #96 Edit host popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=host.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'xpath://a[text()="Simple form test host"]' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/hosts/host#configuration' ] ], // #97 Create host form view (standalone). [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=host.edit', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/hosts/host#configuration' ] ], // #98 Host import popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=host.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Import' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/xml_export_import/hosts#importing' ] ], // #99 Host mass update popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=host.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openMassUpdate' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/hosts/hostupdate#using-mass-update' ] ], // #100 Host items list view. [ [ 'url' => 'items.php?context=host', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/data_collection/hosts/items' ] ], // #101 Host item create form. [ [ 'url' => 'items.php?form=create&hostid=40001&context=host', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/items/item#configuration' ] ], // #102 Host item update form. [ [ 'url' => 'items.php?form=update&hostid=40001&itemid=99102&context=host', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/items/item#configuration' ] ], // #103 Host item test form. [ [ 'url' => 'items.php?form=update&hostid=40001&itemid=99102&context=host', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Test' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/items/item#testing' ] ], // #104 Host item Mass update popup. [ [ 'url' => 'items.php?filter_set=1&filter_hostids%5B0%5D=40001&context=host', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openMassUpdate' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/items/itemupdate#using-mass-update' ] ], // #105 Host trigger list view. [ [ 'url' => 'triggers.php?context=host', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/data_collection/hosts/triggers' ] ], // #106 Host trigger create form. [ [ 'url' => 'triggers.php?hostid=40001&form=create&context=host', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/triggers/trigger#configuration' ] ], // #107 Host trigger update form. [ [ 'url' => 'triggers.php?form=update&triggerid=14000&context=host', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/triggers/trigger#configuration' ] ], // #108 Host trigger Mass update popup. [ [ 'url' => 'triggers.php?filter_set=1&filter_hostids%5B0%5D=40001&context=host', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openMassUpdate' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/triggers/update#using-mass-update' ] ], // #109 Host graph list view. [ [ 'url' => 'graphs.php?context=host', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/data_collection/hosts/graphs' ] ], // #110 Host graph create form. [ [ 'url' => 'graphs.php?hostid=40001&form=create&context=host', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/visualization/graphs/custom#configuring-custom-graphs' ] ], // #111 Host graph update form. [ [ 'url' => 'graphs.php?form=update&graphid=300000&context=host&filter_hostids%5B0%5D=40001', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/visualization/graphs/custom#configuring-custom-graphs' ] ], // #112 Host LLD rule list view. [ [ 'url' => 'host_discovery.php?context=host', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/data_collection/hosts/discovery' ] ], // #113 Host LLD rule configuration form. [ [ 'url' => 'host_discovery.php?form=create&hostid=40001&context=host', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/discovery/low_level_discovery#discovery-rule' ] ], // #114 Host LLD rule test form. [ [ 'url' => 'host_discovery.php?form=update&itemid=90001&context=host', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Test' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/items/item#testing' ] ], // #115 Host LLD item prototype list view. [ [ 'url' => 'disc_prototypes.php?parent_discoveryid=133800&context=host', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/data_collection/hosts/discovery/item_prototypes' ] ], // #116 Host LLD item prototype create form. [ [ 'url' => 'disc_prototypes.php?form=create&parent_discoveryid=133800&context=host', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/discovery/low_level_discovery/item_prototypes' ] ], // #117 Host LLD item prototype edit form. [ [ 'url' => 'disc_prototypes.php?form=update&parent_discoveryid=133800&itemid=23800&context=host', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/discovery/low_level_discovery/item_prototypes' ] ], // #118 Host LLD item prototype test form. [ [ 'url' => 'disc_prototypes.php?form=update&parent_discoveryid=133800&itemid=23800&context=host', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Test' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/items/item#testing' ] ], // #119 Host LLD item prototype mass update popup. [ [ 'url' => 'disc_prototypes.php?cancel=1&parent_discoveryid=133800&context=host', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openMassUpdate' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/items/itemupdate#using-mass-update' ] ], // #120 Host LLD trigger prototype list view. [ [ 'url' => 'trigger_prototypes.php?parent_discoveryid=133800&context=host', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/data_collection/hosts/discovery/trigger_prototypes' ] ], // #121 Host LLD trigger prototype create form. [ [ 'url' => 'trigger_prototypes.php?parent_discoveryid=133800&form=create&context=host', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/discovery/low_level_discovery/trigger_prototypes' ] ], // #122 Host LLD trigger prototype edit form. [ [ 'url' => 'trigger_prototypes.php?form=update&parent_discoveryid=133800&triggerid=99518&context=host', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/discovery/low_level_discovery/trigger_prototypes' ] ], // #123 Host LLD trigger prototype mass update popup. [ [ 'url' => 'trigger_prototypes.php?cancel=1&parent_discoveryid=133800&context=host', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openMassUpdate' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/triggers/update#using-mass-update' ] ], // #124 Host LLD graph prototype list view. [ [ 'url' => 'graphs.php?parent_discoveryid=133800&context=host', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/data_collection/hosts/discovery/graph_prototypes' ] ], // #125 Host LLD graph prototype create form. [ [ 'url' => 'graphs.php?form=create&parent_discoveryid=133800&context=host', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/discovery/low_level_discovery/graph_prototypes' ] ], // #126 Host LLD graph prototype edit form. [ [ 'url' => 'graphs.php?form=update&parent_discoveryid=133800&graphid=600000&context=host', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/discovery/low_level_discovery/graph_prototypes' ] ], // #127 Host LLD host prototype list view. [ [ 'url' => 'host_prototypes.php?parent_discoveryid=90001&context=host', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/data_collection/hosts/discovery/host_prototypes' ] ], // #128 Host LLD host prototype create form. [ [ 'url' => 'host_prototypes.php?form=create&parent_discoveryid=90001&context=host', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/vm_monitoring#host-prototypes' ] ], // #129 Host LLD host prototype edit form. [ [ 'url' => 'host_prototypes.php?form=update&parent_discoveryid=90001&hostid=99200&context=host', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/vm_monitoring#host-prototypes' ] ], // #130 Host Web scenario list view. [ [ 'url' => 'httpconf.php?filter_set=1&filter_hostids%5B0%5D=50001&context=host', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/data_collection/hosts/web' ] ], // #131 Host Web scenario create form. [ [ 'url' => 'httpconf.php?form=create&hostid=50001&context=host', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_monitoring#configuring-a-web-scenario' ] ], // #132 Host Web scenario edit form. [ [ 'url' => 'httpconf.php?form=update&hostid=50001&httptestid=102&context=host', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_monitoring#configuring-a-web-scenario' ] ], // #133 Host Web scenario step configuration form popup. [ [ 'url' => 'httpconf.php?form=update&hostid=50001&httptestid=102&context=host', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'xpath://a[@id="tab_steps-tab"]' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'xpath://div[@id="steps-tab"]//button[text()="Add"]' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_monitoring#configuring-steps' ] ], // #134 Maintenance list view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=maintenance.list', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/data_collection/maintenance' ] ], // #135 Create maintenance form popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=maintenance.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Create maintenance period' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/maintenance#configuration' ] ], // #136 Edit maintenance form popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=maintenance.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'xpath://a[text()="Maintenance for update (data collection)"]' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/maintenance#configuration' ] ], // #137 Trigger actions list view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=action.list&eventsource=0', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/alerts/actions' ] ], // #138 Create trigger action form popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=action.list&eventsource=0', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Create action' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/notifications/action#configuring-an-action' ] ], // #139 Edit trigger action form popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=action.list&eventsource=0', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'xpath://a[text()="Report problems to Zabbix administrators"]' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/notifications/action#configuring-an-action' ] ], // #140 Discovery actions list view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=action.list&eventsource=1', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/alerts/actions' ] ], // #141 Create discovery action form popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=action.list&eventsource=1', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Create action' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/notifications/action#configuring-an-action' ] ], // #142 Edit discovery action form popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=action.list&eventsource=1', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'xpath://a[text()="Auto discovery. Linux servers."]' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/notifications/action#configuring-an-action' ] ], // #143 Autoregistration actions list view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=action.list&eventsource=2', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/alerts/actions' ] ], // #144 Create autoregistration action form popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=action.list&eventsource=2', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Create action' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/notifications/action#configuring-an-action' ] ], // #145 Edit autoregistration action form popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=action.list&eventsource=2', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'xpath://a[text()="Autoregistration action 1"]' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/notifications/action#configuring-an-action' ] ], // #146 Internal actions list view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=action.list&eventsource=3', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/alerts/actions' ] ], // #147 Create internal action form popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=action.list&eventsource=3', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Create action' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/notifications/action#configuring-an-action' ] ], // #148 Edit internal action form popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=action.list&eventsource=3', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'xpath://a[text()="Report not supported items"]' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/notifications/action#configuring-an-action' ] ], // #149 Event correlation list view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=correlation.list', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/data_collection/correlation' ] ], // #150 Create event correlation form view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=correlation.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Create event correlation' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/event_correlation/global#configuration' ] ], // #151 Edit event correlation form view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=correlation.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'link:Event correlation for links check' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/event_correlation/global#configuration' ] ], // #152 Network discovery list view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=discovery.list', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/data_collection/discovery' ] ], // #153 Create network discovery form view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=discovery.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Create discovery rule' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/discovery/network_discovery/rule#rule-attributes' ] ], // #154 Edit network discovery form view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=discovery.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'link:Local network' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/discovery/network_discovery/rule#rule-attributes' ] ], // #155 Administration -> General -> GUI view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=gui.edit', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/administration/general#gui' ] ], // #156 Administration -> General -> Autoregistration view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=autoreg.edit', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/administration/general#autoregistration' ] ], // #157 Administration -> General -> Housekeeping view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=housekeeping.edit', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/administration/housekeeping' ] ], // #158 Administration -> General -> Audit log view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=audit.settings.edit', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/administration/audit_log' ] ], // #159 Administration -> General -> Images -> Icon view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=image.list', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/administration/general#images' ] ], // #160 Administration -> General -> Images -> Background view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=image.list&imagetype=2', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/administration/general#images' ] ], // #161 Administration -> General -> Images -> Create image view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=image.edit&imagetype=1', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/administration/general#images' ] ], // #162 Administration -> General -> Images -> Edit image view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=image.edit&imageid=2', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/administration/general#images' ] ], // #163 Administration -> General -> Images -> Create background view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=image.list&imagetype=2', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Create background' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/administration/general#images' ] ], // #164 Administration -> General -> Icon mapping list view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=iconmap.list', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/administration/general#icon-mapping' ] ], // #165 Administration -> General -> Icon mapping -> Create form view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=iconmap.edit', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/administration/general#icon-mapping' ] ], // #166 Administration -> General -> Icon mapping -> Edit form view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=iconmap.edit&iconmapid=101', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/administration/general#icon-mapping' ] ], // #167 Administration -> General -> Regular expressions list view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=regex.list', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/administration/general#regular-expressions' ] ], // #168 Administration -> General -> Regular expressions -> Create form view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=regex.edit', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/regular_expressions#global-regular-expressions' ] ], // #169 Administration -> General -> Regular expressions -> Edit form view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=regex.edit®exid=3', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/regular_expressions#global-regular-expressions' ] ], // #170 Administration -> General -> Macros view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=macros.edit', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/administration/macros' ] ], // #171 Administration -> General -> Trigger displaying options view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=trigdisplay.edit', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/administration/general#trigger-displaying-options' ] ], // #172 Administration -> General -> Geographical maps view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=geomaps.edit', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/administration/general#geographical-maps' ] ], // #173 Administration -> General -> Modules list view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=module.list', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/administration/general#modules' ] ], // #174 Administration -> General -> Module edit view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=module.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Scan directory' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'link:1st Module name' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/extensions/frontendmodules#manifest-preparation' ] ], // #175 Administration -> General -> Api tokens list view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=token.list', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/users/api_tokens' ] ], // #176 Administration -> General -> Api tokens -> Create Api token popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=token.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Create API token' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/users/api_tokens' ] ], // #177 Administration -> General -> Api tokens -> Edit Api token popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=token.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'link:Admin token' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/users/api_tokens' ] ], // #178 Administration -> General -> Other view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=miscconfig.edit', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/administration/general#other-parameters' ] ], // #179 Administration -> Proxy list view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=proxy.list', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/administration/proxies' ] ], // #180 Administration -> Create proxy view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=proxy.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Create proxy' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/distributed_monitoring/proxies#configuration' ] ], // #181 Administration -> Proxies -> Edit proxy view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=proxy.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'link:Proxy for Actions' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/distributed_monitoring/proxies#configuration' ] ], // #182 Administration -> Authentication view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=authentication.edit', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/users/authentication' ] ], // #183 Administration -> User groups list view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=usergroup.list', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/users/user_groups' ] ], // #184 Administration -> User groups -> Create user group view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=usergroup.edit', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/users_and_usergroups/usergroup#configuration' ] ], // #185 Administration -> User groups -> Edit user group view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=usergroup.edit&usrgrpid=7', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/users_and_usergroups/usergroup#configuration' ] ], // #186 Administration -> User roles list view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=userrole.list', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/users/user_roles' ] ], // #187 Administration -> User roles -> Create form view. [ [ 'url' => '/zabbix.php?action=userrole.edit', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/users/user_roles#default-user-roles' ] ], // #188 Administration -> User roles -> Edit form view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=userrole.edit&roleid=3', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/users/user_roles#default-user-roles' ] ], // #189 Administration -> Users list view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=user.list', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/users/user_list' ] ], // #190 Administration -> Users -> Create form view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=user.edit', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/users_and_usergroups/user' ] ], // #191 Administration -> Users -> Edit form view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=user.edit&userid=1', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/users_and_usergroups/user' ] ], // #192 Administration -> Media type list view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=mediatype.list', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/alerts/mediatypes' ] ], // #193 Alerts -> Media type -> Create form view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=mediatype.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Create media type' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/notifications/media#common-parameters' ] ], // #194 Alerts -> Media type -> Edit form view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=mediatype.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'link:Email' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/notifications/media#common-parameters' ] ], // #195 Alerts -> Media type -> Import view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=mediatype.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Import' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/xml_export_import/media#importing' ] ], // #196 Alerts -> Scripts list view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=script.list', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/alerts/scripts' ] ], // #197 Alerts -> Scripts -> Create form view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=script.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Create script' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/alerts/scripts#configuring-a-global-script' ] ], // #198 Alerts -> Scripts -> Edit form view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=script.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'link:Detect operating system' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/alerts/scripts#configuring-a-global-script' ] ], // #199 Administration -> Queue overview view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=queue.overview', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/administration/queue#overview-by-item-type' ] ], // #200 Administration -> Queue overview by proxy view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=queue.overview.proxy', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/administration/queue#overview-by-proxy' ] ], // #201 Administration -> Queue details view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=queue.details', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/administration/queue#list-of-waiting-items' ] ], // #202 User profile view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=userprofile.edit', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/user_profile#user-profile' ] ], // #203 User settings -> Api tokens list view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=user.token.list', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/user_profile#api-tokens' ] ], // #204 User settings -> Api tokens -> Create Api token popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=user.token.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Create API token' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/users/api_tokens' ] ], // #205 User settings -> Api tokens -> Edit Api token popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=user.token.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'link:Admin token' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/users/api_tokens' ] ], // #206 Template groups list view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=templategroup.list', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/data_collection/templategroups' ] ], // #207 Create template group popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=templategroup.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Create template group' ] ], 'open_button' => 'button:Create template group', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/templates/template#creating-a-template-group' ] ], // #208 Edit template group popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=templategroup.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'xpath://a[text()="Templates/Applications"]' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/templates/template#creating-a-template-group' ] ], // #209 Create template group form view (standalone). [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=templategroup.edit', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/templates/template#creating-a-template-group' ] ], // #210 Start creating Discovery status widget. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid=1', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Edit dashboard' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'id:dashboard-add-widget' ] ], 'widget_type' => 'Discovery status', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards/widgets/discovery_status' ] ], // #211 Start creating Favorite Graphs widget. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid=1', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Edit dashboard' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'id:dashboard-add-widget' ] ], 'widget_type' => 'Favorite graphs', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards/widgets/favorite_graphs' ] ], // #212 Start creating Favorite maps widget. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid=1', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Edit dashboard' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'id:dashboard-add-widget' ] ], 'widget_type' => 'Favorite maps', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards/widgets/favorite_maps' ] ], // #213 Start creating Geomap widget. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid=1', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Edit dashboard' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'id:dashboard-add-widget' ] ], 'widget_type' => 'Geomap', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards/widgets/geomap' ] ], // #214 Start creating Graph widget. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid=1', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Edit dashboard' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'id:dashboard-add-widget' ] ], 'widget_type' => 'Graph', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards/widgets/graph' ] ], // #215 Start creating Graph (Classic) widget. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid=1', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Edit dashboard' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'id:dashboard-add-widget' ] ], 'widget_type' => 'Graph (classic)', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards/widgets/graph_classic' ] ], // #216 Start creating Graph prototype widget. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid=1', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Edit dashboard' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'id:dashboard-add-widget' ] ], 'widget_type' => 'Graph prototype', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards/widgets/graph_prototype' ] ], // #217 Start creating Host availability widget. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid=1', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Edit dashboard' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'id:dashboard-add-widget' ] ], 'widget_type' => 'Host availability', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards/widgets/host_availability' ] ], // #218 Start creating Item value widget. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid=1', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Edit dashboard' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'id:dashboard-add-widget' ] ], 'widget_type' => 'Item value', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards/widgets/item_value' ] ], // #219 Start creating Map widget. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid=1', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Edit dashboard' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'id:dashboard-add-widget' ] ], 'widget_type' => 'Map', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards/widgets/map' ] ], // #220 Start creating Map tree widget. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid=1', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Edit dashboard' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'id:dashboard-add-widget' ] ], 'widget_type' => 'Map navigation tree', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards/widgets/map_tree' ] ], // #221 Start creating Plain text widget. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid=1', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Edit dashboard' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'id:dashboard-add-widget' ] ], 'widget_type' => 'Plain text', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards/widgets/plain_text' ] ], // #222 Start creating Problem hosts widget. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid=1', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Edit dashboard' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'id:dashboard-add-widget' ] ], 'widget_type' => 'Problem hosts', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards/widgets/problem_hosts' ] ], // #223 Start creating Problems widget. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid=1', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Edit dashboard' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'id:dashboard-add-widget' ] ], 'widget_type' => 'Problems', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards/widgets/problems' ] ], // #224 Start creating Problems severity widget. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid=1', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Edit dashboard' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'id:dashboard-add-widget' ] ], 'widget_type' => 'Problems by severity', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards/widgets/problems_severity' ] ], // #225 Start creating SLA report widget. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid=1', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Edit dashboard' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'id:dashboard-add-widget' ] ], 'widget_type' => 'SLA report', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards/widgets/sla_report' ] ], // #226 Start creating System widget. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid=1', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Edit dashboard' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'id:dashboard-add-widget' ] ], 'widget_type' => 'System information', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards/widgets/system' ] ], // #227 Start creating Top hosts widget. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid=1', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Edit dashboard' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'id:dashboard-add-widget' ] ], 'widget_type' => 'Top hosts', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards/widgets/top_hosts' ] ], // #228 Start creating Top triggers widget. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid=1', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Edit dashboard' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'id:dashboard-add-widget' ] ], 'widget_type' => 'Top triggers', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards/widgets/top_triggers' ] ], // #229 Start creating Trigger overview widget. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid=1', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Edit dashboard' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'id:dashboard-add-widget' ] ], 'widget_type' => 'Trigger overview', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards/widgets/trigger_overview' ] ], // #230 Start creating URL widget. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid=1', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Edit dashboard' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'id:dashboard-add-widget' ] ], 'widget_type' => 'URL', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards/widgets/url' ] ], // #231 Start creating Web monitoring widget. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid=1', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Edit dashboard' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'id:dashboard-add-widget' ] ], 'widget_type' => 'Web monitoring', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards/widgets/web_monitoring' ] ], // #232 Start creating Data overview widget. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid=1', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Edit dashboard' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'id:dashboard-add-widget' ] ], 'widget_type' => 'Data overview', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards/widgets/data_overview' ] ], // #233 Start creating Gauge widget. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&dashboardid=1', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Edit dashboard' ], [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'id:dashboard-add-widget' ] ], 'widget_type' => 'Gauge', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/dashboards/widgets/gauge' ] ], // #234 Connectors list view. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=connector.list', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/web_interface/frontend_sections/administration/general#connectors' ] ], // #235 Create connectors popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=connector.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'button:Create connector' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/export/streaming#configuration' ] ], // #236 Edit connectors popup. [ [ 'url' => 'zabbix.php?action=connector.list', 'actions' => [ [ 'callback' => 'openFormWithLink', 'element' => 'link:Default connector' ] ], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/export/streaming#configuration' ] ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider getGeneralDocumentationLinkData */ public function testDocumentationLinks_checkGeneralLinks($data) { $this->page->login()->open($data['url'])->waitUntilReady(); // Execute the corresponding callback function to open the form with doc link. if (array_key_exists('actions', $data)) { foreach ($data['actions'] as $action) { call_user_func_array([$this, $action['callback']], [CTestArrayHelper::get($action, 'element', null)]); } } $dialog = COverlayDialogElement::find()->one(false); $location = ($dialog->isValid()) ? $dialog->waitUntilReady() : $this; // Check all widget documentation links. if (array_key_exists('widget_type', $data)) { $form = $dialog->asForm(); $form->fill(['Type' => CFormElement::RELOADABLE_FILL($data['widget_type'])]); } // Get the documentation link and compare it with expected result. $link = $location->query('class', ['btn-icon zi-help', 'btn-icon zi-help-small'])->one(); $this->assertEquals(self::$path_start.self::$version.$data['doc_link'], $link->getAttribute('href')); // If the link was located in a popup - close this popup. if ($dialog->isValid()) { $location->close(); } // Cancel element creation/update if it impacts execution of next cases and close alert. $cancel_button = $this->query('id:dashboard-cancel')->one(false); if ($cancel_button->isClickable()) { $cancel_button->click(); // Close alert if it prevents cancellation of element creation/update. if ($this->page->isAlertPresent()) { $this->page->acceptAlert(); } } } /** * Find and click on the element that leads to the form with the link. * * @param string $locator locator of the element that needs to be clicked to open form with doc link */ private function openFormWithLink($locator) { $this->query($locator)->waitUntilPresent()->one()->click(); } /* * Open the Mass update overlay dialog. */ private function openMassUpdate() { $this->query('xpath://input[contains(@id, "all_")]')->asCheckbox()->one()->set(true); $this->query('button:Mass update')->waitUntilClickable()->one()->click(); } public static function getMapDocumentationLinkData() { return [ // #0 Edit element form. [ [ 'element' => 'xpath://div[@data-id="3"]', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/visualization/maps/map#adding-elements' ] ], // #1 Edit shape form. [ [ 'element' => 'xpath://div[@data-id="101"]', 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/visualization/maps/map#adding-shapes' ] ], // #2 Edit element selection. [ [ 'element' => ['xpath://div[@data-id="7"]', 'xpath://div[@data-id="5"]'], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/visualization/maps/map#selecting-elements' ] ], // #3 Edit shape selection. [ [ 'element' => ['xpath://div[@data-id="100"]', 'xpath://div[@data-id="101"]'], 'doc_link' => '/en/manual/config/visualization/maps/map#adding-shapes' ] ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider getMapDocumentationLinkData */ public function testDocumentationLinks_checkMapElementLinks($data) { $this->page->login()->open('sysmap.php?sysmapid=3')->waitUntilReady(); // Checking element selection documentation links requires pressing control key when selecting elements. if (is_array($data['element'])) { $keyboard = CElementQuery::getDriver()->getKeyboard(); $keyboard->pressKey(WebDriverKeys::LEFT_CONTROL); foreach ($data['element'] as $element) { $this->query($element)->one()->click(); } $keyboard->releaseKey(WebDriverKeys::LEFT_CONTROL); } else { $this->query($data['element'])->one()->click(); } $dialog = $this->query('id:map-window')->one()->waitUntilVisible(); // Maps contain headers for all map elements, so only the visible one should be checked. $link = $dialog->query('class:zi-help-small')->all()->filter(new CElementFilter(CElementFilter::VISIBLE))->first(); $this->assertEquals(self::$path_start.self::$version.$data['doc_link'], $link->getAttribute('href')); } }