getLinesCount() * CSvgGraphLegend::LINE_HEIGHT : 0); if (0 > $svg_height) { $svg_height = 0; } $graph = (new CSvgGraph([ 'displaying' => $options['displaying'], 'time_period' => $options['time_period'], 'axes' => $options['axes'] ])) ->setSize($width, $svg_height) ->addMetrics($metrics) ->addSimpleTriggers(self::getSimpleTriggers($metrics, $options['displaying'])) ->addProblems(self::getProblems($metrics, $options['problems'], $options['time_period'], $options['templateid'], $options['dynamic_hostid']) ) ->draw(); // SBox available only for graphs without overridden relative time. if ($options['dashboard_time']) { $graph->addSBox(); } // Add mouse following helper line. $graph->addHelper(); return [ 'svg' => $graph, 'legend' => $legend ?? '', 'data' => [ 'dims' => [ 'x' => $graph->getCanvasX(), 'y' => $graph->getCanvasY(), 'w' => $graph->getCanvasWidth(), 'h' => $graph->getCanvasHeight() ], 'spp' => ($options['time_period']['time_to'] - $options['time_period']['time_from']) / $graph->getCanvasWidth() ], 'errors' => $errors ]; } private static function getMetricsPattern(array &$metrics, array $data_sets, string $templateid, string $dynamic_hostid): void { $max_metrics = SVG_GRAPH_MAX_NUMBER_OF_METRICS; foreach ($data_sets as $index => $data_set) { if ($data_set['dataset_type'] == CWidgetFieldGraphDataSet::DATASET_TYPE_SINGLE_ITEM) { continue; } if ($templateid === '') { if (!$data_set['hosts'] || !$data_set['items']) { continue; } } else { if (!$data_set['items']) { continue; } } if ($max_metrics == 0) { break; } $options = [ 'output' => ['itemid', 'hostid', 'name', 'history', 'trends', 'units', 'value_type'], 'selectHosts' => ['name'], 'webitems' => true, 'filter' => [ 'value_type' => [ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64, ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT] ], 'search' => [ 'name' => self::processPattern($data_set['items']) ], 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => true, 'searchByAny' => true, 'sortfield' => 'name', 'sortorder' => ZBX_SORT_UP, 'limit' => $max_metrics ]; if ($templateid === '') { // Find hosts. $hosts = API::Host()->get([ 'output' => [], 'search' => [ 'name' => self::processPattern($data_set['hosts']) ], 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => true, 'searchByAny' => true, 'preservekeys' => true ]); if ($hosts) { $options['hostids'] = array_keys($hosts); } } else { $options['hostids'] = $dynamic_hostid !== '' ? $dynamic_hostid : $templateid; } $items = null; if (array_key_exists('hostids', $options) && $options['hostids']) { $items = API::Item()->get($options); } if (!$items) { continue; } unset($data_set['itemids'], $data_set['items']); // The bigger transparency level, the less visible the metric is. $data_set['transparency'] = 10 - (int)$data_set['transparency']; $data_set['timeshift'] = ($data_set['timeshift'] !== '') ? (int)timeUnitToSeconds($data_set['timeshift']) : 0; $colors = getColorVariations('#' . $data_set['color'], count($items)); foreach ($items as $item) { $data_set['color'] = array_shift($colors); $metrics[] = $item + ['data_set' => $index, 'options' => $data_set]; $max_metrics--; } } } private static function getMetricsItems(array &$metrics, array $data_sets, string $templateid, string $dynamic_hostid): void { $max_metrics = SVG_GRAPH_MAX_NUMBER_OF_METRICS; foreach ($data_sets as $index => $data_set) { if ($data_set['dataset_type'] == CWidgetFieldGraphDataSet::DATASET_TYPE_PATTERN_ITEM) { continue; } if (!$data_set['itemids']) { continue; } if ($max_metrics == 0) { break; } if ($templateid !== '' && $dynamic_hostid !== '') { $tmp_items = API::Item()->get([ 'output' => ['key_'], 'itemids' => $data_set['itemids'], 'webitems' => true ]); if ($tmp_items) { $items = API::Item()->get([ 'output' => ['itemid'], 'hostids' => [$dynamic_hostid], 'webitems' => true, 'filter' => [ 'key_' => array_column($tmp_items, 'key_') ] ]); $data_set['itemids'] = $items ? array_column($items, 'itemid') : null; } } $items_db = API::Item()->get([ 'output' => ['itemid', 'hostid', 'name', 'history', 'trends', 'units', 'value_type'], 'selectHosts' => ['name'], 'webitems' => true, 'filter' => [ 'value_type' => [ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64, ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT] ], 'itemids' => $data_set['itemids'], 'preservekeys' => true, 'limit' => $max_metrics ]); $items = []; foreach ($data_set['itemids'] as $itemid) { if (array_key_exists($itemid, $items_db)) { $items[] = $items_db[$itemid]; } } if (!$items) { continue; } unset($data_set['itemids']); // The bigger transparency level, the less visible the metric is. $data_set['transparency'] = 10 - (int) $data_set['transparency']; $data_set['timeshift'] = ($data_set['timeshift'] !== '') ? (int) timeUnitToSeconds($data_set['timeshift']) : 0; $colors = $data_set['color']; foreach ($items as $item) { $data_set['color'] = '#'.array_shift($colors); $metrics[] = $item + ['data_set' => $index, 'options' => $data_set]; $max_metrics--; } } } private static function sortByDataset(array &$metrics): void { usort($metrics, static function(array $a, array $b): int { return $a['data_set'] <=> $b['data_set']; }); } /** * Apply overrides for each pattern matching metric. */ private static function applyOverrides(array &$metrics, string $templateid, string $dynamic_hostid, array $overrides = []): void { if ($templateid !== '' && $dynamic_hostid !== '') { $dynamic_host = API::Host()->get([ 'output' => ['name'], 'hostids' => [$dynamic_hostid] ]); } foreach ($overrides as $override) { if ($templateid === '' || $templateid !== '' && $dynamic_hostid === '') { if ($override['hosts'] === '' || $override['items'] === '') { continue; } } else { if ($override['items'] === '') { continue; } } if ($templateid !== '' && $dynamic_hostid !== '') { $override['hosts'] = [$dynamic_host[0]['name']]; } // Convert timeshift to seconds. if (array_key_exists('timeshift', $override)) { $override['timeshift'] = ($override['timeshift'] !== '') ? (int) timeUnitToSeconds($override['timeshift']) : 0; } $hosts_patterns = self::processPattern($override['hosts']); $items_patterns = self::processPattern($override['items']); unset($override['hosts'], $override['items']); $metrics_matched = []; foreach ($metrics as $metric_num => $metric) { // If '*' used, apply options to all metrics. $host_matches = ($hosts_patterns === null); $item_matches = ($items_patterns === null); /** * Find if host and item names matches one of given patterns. * * It currently checks if at least one of host pattern and at least one of item pattern matches, * without checking relation between matching host and item. */ if ($hosts_patterns !== null) { for ($hosts_pattern = reset($hosts_patterns); !$host_matches && $hosts_pattern !== false; $hosts_pattern = next($hosts_patterns)) { $pattern = '/^'.str_replace('\*', '.*', preg_quote($hosts_pattern, '/')).'$/i'; $host_matches = (bool) preg_match($pattern, $metric['hosts'][0]['name']); } } if ($items_patterns !== null && $host_matches) { for ($items_pattern = reset($items_patterns); !$item_matches && $items_pattern !== false; $items_pattern = next($items_patterns)) { $pattern = '/^'.str_replace('\*', '.*', preg_quote($items_pattern, '/')).'$/i'; $item_matches = (bool) preg_match($pattern, $metric['name']); } } /** * We need to know total amount of matched metrics to calculate variations of colors. That's why we * first collect matching metrics and then override existing metric options. */ if ($host_matches && $item_matches) { $metrics_matched[] = $metric_num; } } // Apply override options to matching metrics. if ($metrics_matched) { $colors = (array_key_exists('color', $override) && $override['color'] !== '') ? getColorVariations('#'.$override['color'], count($metrics_matched)) : null; if (array_key_exists('transparency', $override)) { // The bigger transparency level, the less visible the metric is. $override['transparency'] = 10 - (int) $override['transparency']; } foreach ($metrics_matched as $metric_num) { $metric = &$metrics[$metric_num]; if ($colors !== null) { $override['color'] = array_shift($colors); } $metric['options'] = $override + $metric['options']; // Fix missing options if draw type has changed. switch ($metric['options']['type']) { case SVG_GRAPH_TYPE_POINTS: if (!array_key_exists('pointsize', $metric['options'])) { $metric['options']['pointsize'] = SVG_GRAPH_DEFAULT_POINTSIZE; } break; case SVG_GRAPH_TYPE_LINE: case SVG_GRAPH_TYPE_STAIRCASE: if (!array_key_exists('fill', $metric['options'])) { $metric['options']['fill'] = SVG_GRAPH_DEFAULT_FILL; } if (!array_key_exists('missingdatafunc', $metric['options'])) { $metric['options']['missingdatafunc'] = SVG_GRAPH_MISSING_DATA_NONE; } if (!array_key_exists('width', $metric['options'])) { $metric['options']['width'] = SVG_GRAPH_DEFAULT_WIDTH; } break; } } unset($metric); } } } /** * Apply time period for each metric. */ private static function getTimePeriods(array &$metrics, array $options): void { foreach ($metrics as &$metric) { $metric['time_period'] = $options; if ($metric['options']['timeshift'] != 0) { $metric['time_period']['time_from'] += $metric['options']['timeshift']; $metric['time_period']['time_to'] += $metric['options']['timeshift']; } } unset($metric); } /** * Calculate what data source must be used for each metric. */ private static function getGraphDataSource(array &$metrics, array &$errors, int $data_source, int $width): void { /** * If data source is not specified, calculate it automatically. Otherwise, set given $data_source to each * $metric. */ if ($data_source == SVG_GRAPH_DATA_SOURCE_AUTO) { /** * First, if global configuration setting "Override item history period" is enabled, override globally * specified "Data storage period" value to each metric custom history storage duration, converting it * to seconds. If "Override item history period" is disabled, item level field 'history' will be used * later, but now we are just storing the field name 'history' in array $to_resolve. * * Do the same with trends. */ $to_resolve = []; if (CHousekeepingHelper::get(CHousekeepingHelper::HK_HISTORY_GLOBAL)) { foreach ($metrics as &$metric) { $metric['history'] = timeUnitToSeconds(CHousekeepingHelper::get(CHousekeepingHelper::HK_HISTORY)); } unset($metric); } else { $to_resolve[] = 'history'; } if (CHousekeepingHelper::get(CHousekeepingHelper::HK_TRENDS_GLOBAL)) { foreach ($metrics as &$metric) { $metric['trends'] = timeUnitToSeconds(CHousekeepingHelper::get(CHousekeepingHelper::HK_TRENDS)); } unset($metric); } else { $to_resolve[] = 'trends'; } // If no global history and trend override enabled, resolve 'history' and/or 'trends' values for given $metric. if ($to_resolve) { $metrics = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTimeUnitMacros($metrics, $to_resolve); $simple_interval_parser = new CSimpleIntervalParser(); foreach ($metrics as $num => &$metric) { // Convert its values to seconds. if (!CHousekeepingHelper::get(CHousekeepingHelper::HK_HISTORY_GLOBAL)) { if ($simple_interval_parser->parse($metric['history']) != CParser::PARSE_SUCCESS) { $errors[] = _s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.', 'history', _('invalid history storage period') ); unset($metrics[$num]); } else { $metric['history'] = timeUnitToSeconds($metric['history']); } } if (!CHousekeepingHelper::get(CHousekeepingHelper::HK_TRENDS_GLOBAL)) { if ($simple_interval_parser->parse($metric['trends']) != CParser::PARSE_SUCCESS) { $errors[] = _s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.', 'trends', _('invalid trend storage period') ); unset($metrics[$num]); } else { $metric['trends'] = timeUnitToSeconds($metric['trends']); } } } unset($metric); } foreach ($metrics as &$metric) { /** * History as a data source is used in 2 cases: * 1) if trends are disabled (set to 0) either for particular $metric item or globally; * 2) if period for requested data is newer than the period of keeping history for particular $metric * item. * * Use trends otherwise. */ $history = $metric['history']; $trends = $metric['trends']; $time_from = $metric['time_period']['time_from']; $period = $metric['time_period']['time_to'] - $time_from; $metric['source'] = ($trends == 0 || (time() - $history < $time_from && $period / $width <= ZBX_MAX_TREND_DIFF / ZBX_GRAPH_MAX_SKIP_CELL)) ? SVG_GRAPH_DATA_SOURCE_HISTORY : SVG_GRAPH_DATA_SOURCE_TRENDS; } } else { foreach ($metrics as &$metric) { $metric['source'] = $data_source; } } unset($metric); } /** * Select data to show in graph for each metric. */ private static function getMetricsData(array &$metrics, int $width): void { // To reduce number of requests, group metrics by time range. $tr_groups = []; foreach ($metrics as $index => &$metric) { if ($metric['options']['aggregate_function'] != AGGREGATE_NONE) { continue; } $metric['name'] = $metric['hosts'][0]['name'].NAME_DELIMITER.$metric['name']; $metric['points'] = []; $key = $metric['time_period']['time_from'].$metric['time_period']['time_to']; if (!array_key_exists($key, $tr_groups)) { $tr_groups[$key] = [ 'time' => [ 'from' => $metric['time_period']['time_from'], 'to' => $metric['time_period']['time_to'] ] ]; } $tr_groups[$key]['items'][$index] = [ 'itemid' => $metric['itemid'], 'value_type' => $metric['value_type'], 'source' => ($metric['source'] == SVG_GRAPH_DATA_SOURCE_HISTORY) ? 'history' : 'trends' ]; } unset($metric); // Request data. foreach ($tr_groups as $tr_group) { $results = Manager::History()->getGraphAggregationByWidth($tr_group['items'], $tr_group['time']['from'], $tr_group['time']['to'], $width ); if ($results) { foreach ($tr_group['items'] as $index => $item) { $metric = &$metrics[$index]; // Collect and sort data points. if (array_key_exists($item['itemid'], $results)) { foreach ($results[$item['itemid']]['data'] as $point) { $metric['points'][$point['clock']] = [ 'min' => $point['min'], 'avg' => $point['avg'], 'max' => $point['max'] ]; } ksort($metric['points'], SORT_NUMERIC); unset($metric['source'], $metric['history'], $metric['trends']); } } unset($metric); } } } /** * Select aggregated data to show in graph for each metric. */ private static function getMetricsAggregatedData(array &$metrics, int $width, array $data_sets): void { $dataset_metrics = []; foreach ($metrics as $metric_num => &$metric) { if ($metric['options']['aggregate_function'] == AGGREGATE_NONE) { continue; } $dataset_num = $metric['data_set']; if ($metric['options']['aggregate_grouping'] == GRAPH_AGGREGATE_BY_ITEM) { $name = graph_item_aggr_fnc2str($metric['options']['aggregate_function']). '('.$metric['hosts'][0]['name'].NAME_DELIMITER.$metric['name'].')'; } else { $name = $data_sets[$dataset_num]['data_set_label'] !== '' ? $data_sets[$dataset_num]['data_set_label'] : _('Data set').' #'.($dataset_num + 1); } $item = [ 'itemid' => $metric['itemid'], 'value_type' => $metric['value_type'], 'source' => ($metric['source'] == SVG_GRAPH_DATA_SOURCE_HISTORY) ? 'history' : 'trends' ]; if (!array_key_exists($dataset_num, $dataset_metrics)) { $metric = array_merge($metric, [ 'name' => $name, 'items' => [], 'points' => [] ]); $aggregate_interval = timeUnitToSeconds($metric['options']['aggregate_interval'], true); if ($aggregate_interval === null || $aggregate_interval < 1 || $aggregate_interval > ZBX_MAX_TIMESHIFT) { continue; } $metric['options']['aggregate_interval'] = (int) $aggregate_interval; if ($metric['options']['aggregate_grouping'] == GRAPH_AGGREGATE_BY_DATASET) { $dataset_metrics[$dataset_num] = $metric_num; } $metric['items'][] = $item; } else { $metrics[$dataset_metrics[$dataset_num]]['items'][] = $item; unset($metrics[$metric_num]); } } unset($metric); foreach ($metrics as &$metric) { if ($metric['options']['aggregate_function'] == AGGREGATE_NONE) { continue; } if (!$metric['items']) { continue; } $result = Manager::History()->getAggregationByInterval( $metric['items'], $metric['time_period']['time_from'], $metric['time_period']['time_to'], $metric['options']['aggregate_function'], $metric['options']['aggregate_interval'] ); if ($result) { $metric_points = []; $period = $metric['time_period']['time_to'] - $metric['time_period']['time_from']; $approximation_tick_delta = ($period / $metric['options']['aggregate_interval']) > $width ? ceil($period / $width) : 0; foreach ($result as $points) { $tick = 0; usort($points['data'], static function (array $point_a, array $point_b): int { return $point_a['clock'] <=> $point_b['clock']; } ); foreach ($points['data'] as $point) { if ($point['tick'] > ($tick + $approximation_tick_delta)) { $tick = $point['tick']; } if (array_key_exists('count', $point)) { $metric_points[$tick]['value'][] = $point['count']; } if (array_key_exists('value', $point)) { $metric_points[$tick]['value'][] = $point['value']; } } } foreach ($metric_points as $tick => $point) { $metric['points'][$tick] = [ 'min' => min($point['value']), 'avg' => CMathHelper::safeAvg($point['value']), 'max' => max($point['value']) ]; } ksort($metric['points'], SORT_NUMERIC); } } } private static function getLegend(array $metrics, array $legend_options): ?CSvgGraphLegend { if ($legend_options['show_legend'] != SVG_GRAPH_LEGEND_ON) { return null; } $items = []; foreach ($metrics as $metric) { $item = [ 'name' => $metric['name'], 'color' => $metric['options']['color'] ]; if ($metric['points']) { switch ($metric['options']['approximation']) { case APPROXIMATION_MIN: $values = array_column($metric['points'], 'min'); break; case APPROXIMATION_MAX: $values = array_column($metric['points'], 'max'); break; default: $values = array_column($metric['points'], 'avg'); } $item += [ 'units' => $metric['units'], 'min' => min($values), 'avg' => array_sum($values) / count($values), 'max' => max($values) ]; } $items[] = $item; } return (new CSvgGraphLegend($items)) ->setColumnsCount($legend_options['legend_columns']) ->setLinesCount($legend_options['legend_lines']) ->showStatistic($legend_options['legend_statistic']); } /** * @throws Exception */ private static function getSimpleTriggers(array $metrics, $displaying_options): array { if ($displaying_options['show_simple_triggers'] != SVG_GRAPH_SIMPLE_TRIGGERS_ON) { return []; } $number_parser = new CNumberParser(['with_size_suffix' => true, 'with_time_suffix' => true]); $simple_triggers = []; $limit = 3; foreach ($metrics as &$metric) { if ($metric['options']['stacked'] == SVG_GRAPH_STACKED_ON) { continue; } $db_triggers = DBselect( 'SELECT DISTINCT,tr.description,tr.triggerid,tr.expression,tr.priority,tr.value'. ' FROM triggers tr,functions f,items i,hosts h'. ' WHERE tr.triggerid=f.triggerid'. " AND IN ('last','min','avg','max')". ' AND tr.status='.TRIGGER_STATUS_ENABLED. ' AND i.itemid=f.itemid'. ' AND h.hostid=i.hostid'. ' AND f.itemid='.zbx_dbstr($metric['itemid']). ' ORDER BY tr.priority' ); while ($limit && ($trigger = DBfetch($db_triggers))) { $functions_count = DBfetch(DBselect( 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt'. ' FROM functions f'. ' WHERE f.triggerid='.zbx_dbstr($trigger['triggerid']) )); if ($functions_count['cnt'] != 1) { continue; } $trigger['expression'] = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerExpressions([$trigger], ['resolve_usermacros' => true, 'resolve_functionids' => false] )[0]['expression']; if (!preg_match('/^\{\d+\}\s*(?[><]=?|=)\s*(?.*)$/', $trigger['expression'], $matches)) { continue; } if ($number_parser->parse($matches['constant']) != CParser::PARSE_SUCCESS) { continue; } $simple_triggers[] = [ 'axisy' => $metric['options']['axisy'], 'value' => $number_parser->calcValue(), 'color' => CSeverityHelper::getColor((int) $trigger['priority']), 'description' => _('Trigger').NAME_DELIMITER.CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerName($trigger), 'constant' => $matches['operator'].' '.$matches['constant'] ]; $limit--; } } return $simple_triggers; } /** * Find problems at given time period that matches specified problem options. */ private static function getProblems(array $metrics, array $problem_options, array $time_period, string $templateid, string $dynamic_hostid): array { if ($problem_options['show_problems'] == SVG_GRAPH_PROBLEMS_OFF) { return []; } if ($templateid !== '' && $dynamic_hostid !== '') { $dynamic_host = API::Host()->get([ 'output' => ['name'], 'hostids' => [$dynamic_hostid] ]); $problem_options['problemhosts'] = [$dynamic_host[0]['name']]; } $options = [ 'output' => ['eventid', 'objectid', 'name', 'severity', 'clock', 'r_eventid'], 'selectAcknowledges' => ['action'], 'problem_time_from' => $time_period['time_from'], 'problem_time_till' => $time_period['time_to'], 'symptom' => false, 'preservekeys' => true ]; // Find triggers involved. if ($problem_options['problemhosts'] !== '') { $options['hostids'] = array_keys(API::Host()->get([ 'output' => [], 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => true, 'searchByAny' => true, 'search' => [ 'name' => self::processPattern($problem_options['problemhosts']) ], 'preservekeys' => true ])); // Return if no hosts found. if (!$options['hostids']) { return []; } } if ($problem_options['graph_item_problems'] == SVG_GRAPH_SELECTED_ITEM_PROBLEMS) { $itemids = []; foreach ($metrics as $metric) { $itemids += $metric['options']['aggregate_function'] != AGGREGATE_NONE ? array_column($metric['items'], 'itemid', 'itemid') : [$metric['itemid'] => $metric['itemid']]; } $itemids = array_values($itemids); } else { $itemids = null; } $options['objectids'] = array_keys(API::Trigger()->get([ 'output' => [], 'hostids' => $options['hostids'] ?? null, 'itemids' => $itemids, 'monitored' => true, 'preservekeys' => true ])); unset($options['hostids']); // Return if no triggers found. if (!$options['objectids']) { return []; } // Add severity filter. if ($problem_options['severities']) { $options['severities'] = $problem_options['severities']; } // Add problem name filter. if ($problem_options['problem_name'] !== '') { $options['searchWildcardsEnabled'] = true; $options['search']['name'] = $problem_options['problem_name']; } // Add tags filter. if ($problem_options['tags']) { $options['evaltype'] = $problem_options['evaltype']; $options['tags'] = $problem_options['tags']; } $events = API::Event()->get($options); // Find end time for each problem. if ($events) { $r_events = API::Event()->get([ 'output' => ['clock'], 'eventids' => array_column($events, 'r_eventid'), 'preservekeys' => true ]); // Add recovery times for each problem event. foreach ($events as &$event) { $event['r_clock'] = array_key_exists($event['r_eventid'], $r_events) ? $r_events[$event['r_eventid']]['clock'] : 0; } unset($event); } CArrayHelper::sort($events, [['field' => 'clock', 'order' => ZBX_SORT_DOWN]]); return $events; } /** * Prepare an array to be used for hosts/items filtering. * * @param array $patterns Array of strings containing hosts/items patterns. * * @return array|mixed Returns array of patterns. * Returns NULL if array contains '*' (so any possible host/item search matches). */ private static function processPattern(array $patterns): ?array { return in_array('*', $patterns, true) ? null : $patterns; } /** * Sort data points by clock field. * Do not use this function directly. It serves as value_compare_func function for usort. */ private static function sortByClock(array $a, array $b): int { if ($a['clock'] == $b['clock']) { return 0; } return ($a['clock'] < $b['clock']) ? -1 : 1; } }