init(); $this->populateRawInput(); } /** * Initialization function that can be overridden later. */ protected function init() { } /** * Get content type of the POST request. * * @return int */ protected function getPostContentType(): int { return $this->post_content_type; } /** * Set content type of the POST request. * * @param int $post_content_type */ protected function setPostContentType(int $post_content_type): void { $this->post_content_type = $post_content_type; } /** * Return controller action name. * * @return string */ public function getAction() { return $this->action; } /** * Set controller action name. * * @param string $action */ public function setAction($action) { $this->action = $action; } /** * Return controller response object. * * @return CControllerResponse */ public function getResponse() { return $this->response; } /** * Set controller response. * * @param CControllerResponse $response */ protected function setResponse($response) { $this->response = $response; } /** * Return debug mode. * * @return bool */ protected function getDebugMode() { return CWebUser::getDebugMode(); } /** * Return user type. * * @return int */ protected function getUserType() { return CWebUser::getType(); } /** * Checks access of current user to specific access rule. * * @param string $rule_name Rule name. * * @return bool Returns true if user has access to rule, false - otherwise. */ protected function checkAccess(string $rule_name): bool { return CWebUser::checkAccess($rule_name); } /** * Disables CSRF token validation. * * @return void */ protected function disableCsrfValidation(): void { $this->validate_csrf_token = false; } /** * @throws Exception * * @return array */ private static function getFormInput(): array { static $input; if ($input === null) { $input = $_REQUEST; if (hasRequest('formdata')) { if (!hasRequest('data') || !is_string(getRequest('data')) || !hasRequest('sign') || !is_string(getRequest('sign'))) { throw new Exception(_('Operation cannot be performed due to unauthorized request.')); } $data = base64_decode(getRequest('data')); $sign = base64_decode(getRequest('sign')); $request_sign = CEncryptHelper::sign($data); if (CEncryptHelper::checkSign($sign, $request_sign)) { $data = json_decode($data, true); if ($data['messages']) { CMessageHelper::setScheduleMessages($data['messages']); } $input = array_replace($input, $data['form']); } else { info(_('Operation cannot be performed due to unauthorized request.')); } // Replace window.history to avoid resubmission warning dialog. zbx_add_post_js("history.replaceState({}, '');"); } } return $input; } /** * @return array */ private static function getJsonInput(): array { static $input; if ($input === null) { $input = $_REQUEST; $json_input = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true); if (is_array($json_input)) { $input += $json_input; } else { info(_('JSON array input is expected.')); } } return $input; } /** * Validate input parameters. * * @param array $validation_rules * * @return bool */ protected function validateInput(array $validation_rules): bool { if ($this->raw_input === null) { $this->validation_result = self::VALIDATION_FATAL_ERROR; return false; } $validator = new CNewValidator($this->raw_input, $validation_rules); foreach ($validator->getAllErrors() as $error) { info($error); } if ($validator->isErrorFatal()) { $this->validation_result = self::VALIDATION_FATAL_ERROR; } else { $this->input = $validator->getValidInput(); $this->validation_result = $validator->isError() ? self::VALIDATION_ERROR : self::VALIDATION_OK; } return $this->validation_result == self::VALIDATION_OK; } /** * Validate "from" and "to" parameters for allowed period. * * @return bool */ protected function validateTimeSelectorPeriod() { if (!$this->hasInput('from') || !$this->hasInput('to')) { return true; } try { $max_period = 'now-'.CSettingsHelper::get(CSettingsHelper::MAX_PERIOD); } catch (Exception $x) { access_deny(ACCESS_DENY_PAGE); return false; } $ts = []; $ts['now'] = time(); $range_time_parser = new CRangeTimeParser(); foreach (['from', 'to'] as $field) { $range_time_parser->parse($this->getInput($field)); $ts[$field] = $range_time_parser ->getDateTime($field === 'from') ->getTimestamp(); } $period = $ts['to'] - $ts['from'] + 1; $range_time_parser->parse($max_period); $max_period = 1 + $ts['now'] - $range_time_parser ->getDateTime(true) ->getTimestamp(); if ($period < ZBX_MIN_PERIOD) { info(_n('Minimum time period to display is %1$s minute.', 'Minimum time period to display is %1$s minutes.', (int) (ZBX_MIN_PERIOD / SEC_PER_MIN) )); return false; } elseif ($period > $max_period) { info(_n('Maximum time period to display is %1$s day.', 'Maximum time period to display is %1$s days.', (int) round($max_period / SEC_PER_DAY) )); return false; } return true; } /** * Return validation result. * * @return int */ protected function getValidationError() { return $this->validation_result; } /** * Check if input parameter exists. * * @param string $var * * @return bool */ protected function hasInput($var) { return array_key_exists($var, $this->input); } /** * Get single input parameter. * * @param string $var * @param mixed $default * * @return mixed */ protected function getInput($var, $default = null) { if ($default === null) { return $this->input[$var]; } else { return array_key_exists($var, $this->input) ? $this->input[$var] : $default; } } /** * Get several input parameters. * * @param array $var * @param array $names */ protected function getInputs(&$var, $names) { foreach ($names as $name) { if ($this->hasInput($name)) { $var[$name] = $this->getInput($name); } } } /** * Return all input parameters. * * @return array */ protected function getInputAll() { return $this->input; } /** * Check user permissions. * * @abstract * * @return bool */ abstract protected function checkPermissions(); /** * Validate input parameters. * * @abstract * * @return bool */ abstract protected function checkInput(); /** * Checks if CSRF token in the request is valid. * * @return bool */ private function checkCsrfToken(): bool { if (!isRequestMethod('post') || !is_array($this->raw_input) || !array_key_exists(CCsrfTokenHelper::CSRF_TOKEN_NAME, $this->raw_input)) { return false; } $skip = ['popup', 'massupdate']; $csrf_token_form = $this->raw_input[CCsrfTokenHelper::CSRF_TOKEN_NAME]; if (!is_string($csrf_token_form)) { return false; } foreach (explode('.', $this->action) as $segment) { if (!in_array($segment, $skip, true)) { return CCsrfTokenHelper::check($csrf_token_form, $segment); } } return false; } /** * Execute action and generate response object. * * @abstract */ abstract protected function doAction(); private function populateRawInput(): void { switch ($this->getPostContentType()) { case self::POST_CONTENT_TYPE_FORM: $this->raw_input = self::getFormInput(); break; case self::POST_CONTENT_TYPE_JSON: $this->raw_input = self::getJsonInput(); break; default: $this->raw_input = null; } } /** * Main controller processing routine. Returns response object: data, redirect or fatal redirect. * * @throws CAccessDeniedException * * @return CControllerResponse|null */ final public function run(): ?CControllerResponse { if ($this->validate_csrf_token && (!CWebUser::isLoggedIn() || !$this->checkCsrfToken())) { throw new CAccessDeniedException(); } if ($this->checkInput()) { if ($this->checkPermissions() !== true) { throw new CAccessDeniedException(); } $this->doAction(); } return $this->getResponse(); } }