null, 'hostids' => [ // Test host.delete if hosts are in maintenance. 'maintenance_1' => null, 'maintenance_2' => null, 'maintenance_3' => null, 'maintenance_4' => null, 'maintenance_5' => null, 'maintenance_6' => null, 'maintenance_7' => null, // Test host.get with tags. 'tags' => null, // Test host.get with write-only fields. 'write_only' => null, // Host with LLD rule and host prototype. 'with_lld_and_prototype' => null, // Discovered hosts to test host.update, host.massupdate, host.massadd, host.massremove. 'discovered_no_templates' => null, 'discovered_manual_templates' => null, 'discovered_auto_templates' => null, 'discovered_auto_and_manual_templates' => null, 'discovered_no_macros' => null, 'discovered_manual_macros' => null, 'discovered_auto_macros' => null, 'discovered_auto_and_manual_macros' => null, // Discovered host to test if items are cleared as well. 'discovered_clear' => null, // Discovered host to test host.get with limitSelects option. 'discovered_limit_selects' => null ], 'templategroupid' => null, 'templateids' => [ 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl' => null, 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl' => null, 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl' => null, 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl' => null, 'api_test_hosts_b_tpl' => null, 'api_test_hosts_d_tpl' => null, 'api_test_hosts_tpl_with_item' => null ], 'maintenanceids' => null, // Keys must match the macro names. For example discovered_macro_text_a => {$DISCOVERED_MACRO_TEXT_A} 'hostmacroids' => [ 'discovered_macro_text_a' => null, 'discovered_macro_secret_a' => null, 'discovered_macro_vault_a' => null, 'discovered_macro_text_b' => null, 'discovered_macro_secret_b' => null, 'discovered_macro_vault_b' => null, 'manual_macro_text_c' => null, 'manual_macro_secret_c' => null, 'manual_macro_vault_c' => null, 'manual_macro_text_d' => null, 'manual_macro_secret_d' => null, 'manual_macro_vault_d' => null ], // Created hosts during host.create test (deleted at the end). 'created' => [] ]; public function prepareHostsData() { // Create host group. $hostgroups = CDataHelper::call('hostgroup.create', [ [ 'name' => 'API test hosts' ] ]); $this->assertArrayHasKey('groupids', $hostgroups); self::$data['hostgroupid'] = $hostgroups['groupids'][0]; // Create hosts. $hosts_data = [ // Both hosts are in maintenance, so only one can be deleted. [ 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_maintenance_1', 'name' => 'API test hosts - maintenance 1', 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => self::$data['hostgroupid'] ] ] ], [ 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_maintenance_2', 'name' => 'API test hosts - maintenance 2', 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => self::$data['hostgroupid'] ] ] ], // Both hosts are in maintenance, so only one can be deleted. [ 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_maintenance_3', 'name' => 'API test hosts - maintenance 3', 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => self::$data['hostgroupid'] ] ] ], [ 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_maintenance_4', 'name' => 'API test hosts - maintenance 4', 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => self::$data['hostgroupid'] ] ] ], // Both hosts are in maintenance, both cannot be deleted at the same time. [ 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_maintenance_5', 'name' => 'API test hosts - maintenance 5', 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => self::$data['hostgroupid'] ] ] ], [ 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_maintenance_6', 'name' => 'API test hosts - maintenance 6', 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => self::$data['hostgroupid'] ] ] ], // One host is in maintenance. Used together with a group. [ 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_maintenance_7', 'name' => 'API test hosts - maintenance 7', 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => self::$data['hostgroupid'] ] ] ], // Host with tags. [ 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_tags', 'name' => 'API test hosts - tags', 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => self::$data['hostgroupid'] ] ], 'tags' => [ [ 'tag' => 'b', 'value' => 'b' ] ] ], // Host with write-only fields. [ 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_write_only_fields', 'name' => 'API test hosts - write-only fields', 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => self::$data['hostgroupid'] ] ] ], // Host with LLD rule and host prototype. [ 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_lld', 'name' => 'API test hosts - LLD', 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => self::$data['hostgroupid'] ] ] ] ]; $hosts = CDataHelper::call('host.create', $hosts_data); $this->assertArrayHasKey('hostids', $hosts); self::$data['hostids'] = [ 'maintenance_1' => $hosts['hostids'][0], 'maintenance_2' => $hosts['hostids'][1], 'maintenance_3' => $hosts['hostids'][2], 'maintenance_4' => $hosts['hostids'][3], 'maintenance_5' => $hosts['hostids'][4], 'maintenance_6' => $hosts['hostids'][5], 'maintenance_7' => $hosts['hostids'][6], 'tags' => $hosts['hostids'][7], 'write_only' => $hosts['hostids'][8], 'with_lld_and_prototype' => $hosts['hostids'][9] ]; // Create maintenances. Use same time period for all maintenances. $timeperiods = [ [ 'period' => 3600, 'timeperiod_type' => 3, 'start_time' => 64800, 'every' => 1, 'dayofweek' => 64 ] ]; $maintenances_data = [ [ 'name' => 'API test hosts - maintenance with one host', 'active_since' => '1539723600', 'active_till' => '1539810000', 'hosts' => [ [ 'hostid' => self::$data['hostids']['maintenance_1'] ] ], 'timeperiods' => $timeperiods ], [ 'name' => 'API test hosts - maintenance with host and group (deletable)', 'active_since' => '1539723600', 'active_till' => '1539810000', 'hosts' => [ [ 'hostid' => self::$data['hostids']['maintenance_2'] ] ], 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => self::$data['hostgroupid'] ] ], 'timeperiods' => $timeperiods ], [ 'name' => 'API test hosts - maintenance with two hosts (deletable)', 'active_since' => '1539723600', 'active_till' => '1539810000', 'hosts' => [ [ 'hostid' => self::$data['hostids']['maintenance_3'] ], [ 'hostid' => self::$data['hostids']['maintenance_4'] ] ], 'timeperiods' => $timeperiods ], [ 'name' => 'API test hosts - maintenance with two hosts (non-deletable)', 'active_since' => '1539723600', 'active_till' => '1539810000', 'hosts' => [ [ 'hostid' => self::$data['hostids']['maintenance_5'] ], [ 'hostid' => self::$data['hostids']['maintenance_6'] ] ], 'timeperiods' => $timeperiods ], [ 'name' => 'API test hosts - maintenance with host and group (non-deletable)', 'active_since' => '1539723600', 'active_till' => '1539810000', 'hosts' => [ [ 'hostid' => self::$data['hostids']['maintenance_7'] ] ], 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => self::$data['hostgroupid'] ] ], 'timeperiods' => $timeperiods ] ]; $maintenances = CDataHelper::call('maintenance.create', $maintenances_data); $this->assertArrayHasKey('maintenanceids', $maintenances); self::$data['maintenanceids'] = $maintenances['maintenanceids']; // Create template group. $templategroups = CDataHelper::call('templategroup.create', [ [ 'name' => 'API test templates' ] ]); $this->assertArrayHasKey('groupids', $templategroups); self::$data['templategroupid'] = $templategroups['groupids'][0]; // Create templates that will be added to host prototypes and essentially discovered hosts. $templates_data = [ // Templates for discovered hosts. When host.get "limitSelects" is used, templates should be sorted A-Z. [ 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'name' => 'API test hosts - F template', 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => self::$data['templategroupid'] ] ] ], [ 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'name' => 'API test hosts - C template', 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => self::$data['templategroupid'] ] ] ], [ 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'name' => 'API test hosts - A template', 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => self::$data['templategroupid'] ] ] ], [ 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl', 'name' => 'API test hosts - E template', 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => self::$data['templategroupid'] ] ] ], [ 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_b_tpl', 'name' => 'API test hosts - B template', 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => self::$data['templategroupid'] ] ] ], [ 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_d_tpl', 'name' => 'API test hosts - D template', 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => self::$data['templategroupid'] ] ] ], /* * Template for discovered host, but it has one item. Using "templates_clear" option, item should also be * removed from host, otherwise item should stay there. */ [ 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_tpl_with_item', 'name' => 'API test hosts - template with item', 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => self::$data['templategroupid'] ] ] ] ]; $templates = CDataHelper::call('template.create', $templates_data); $this->assertArrayHasKey('templateids', $templates); self::$data['templateids']['api_test_hosts_f_tpl'] = $templates['templateids'][0]; self::$data['templateids']['api_test_hosts_c_tpl'] = $templates['templateids'][1]; self::$data['templateids']['api_test_hosts_a_tpl'] = $templates['templateids'][2]; self::$data['templateids']['api_test_hosts_e_tpl'] = $templates['templateids'][3]; self::$data['templateids']['api_test_hosts_b_tpl'] = $templates['templateids'][4]; self::$data['templateids']['api_test_hosts_d_tpl'] = $templates['templateids'][5]; self::$data['templateids']['api_test_hosts_tpl_with_item'] = $templates['templateids'][6]; /* * Create item for that one template. Item IDs do not matter, because there is only one and it will removed * after tests are complete together with this template. */ $items = CDataHelper::call('item.create', [ 'hostid' => self::$data['templateids']['api_test_hosts_tpl_with_item'], 'name' => 'API test hosts - template item', 'key_' => 'api_test_hosts_tpl_item', 'type' => ITEM_TYPE_TRAPPER, 'value_type' => ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT ]); $this->assertArrayHasKey('itemids', $items); // Create LLD rule. $discoveryrules = CDataHelper::call('discoveryrule.create', [ 'name' => 'LLD rule', 'key_' => 'lld_rule', 'hostid' => self::$data['hostids']['with_lld_and_prototype'], 'type' => ITEM_TYPE_TRAPPER ]); $this->assertArrayHasKey('itemids', $discoveryrules); // Create host prototypes. $host_prototypes_data = [ [ 'host' => '{#HOST}_no_templates', 'ruleid' => $discoveryrules['itemids'][0], 'groupLinks' => [ [ 'groupid' => self::$data['hostgroupid'] ] ] ], [ 'host' => '{#HOST}_manual_templates', 'ruleid' => $discoveryrules['itemids'][0], 'groupLinks' => [ [ 'groupid' => self::$data['hostgroupid'] ] ] ], [ 'host' => '{#HOST}_auto_templates', 'ruleid' => $discoveryrules['itemids'][0], 'groupLinks' => [ [ 'groupid' => self::$data['hostgroupid'] ] ], // First two templates. 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => self::$data['templateids']['api_test_hosts_f_tpl'] ], [ 'templateid' => self::$data['templateids']['api_test_hosts_c_tpl'] ] ] ], [ 'host' => '{#HOST}_auto_and_manual_templates', 'ruleid' => $discoveryrules['itemids'][0], 'groupLinks' => [ [ 'groupid' => self::$data['hostgroupid'] ] ], // First two templates. Third and fourth templates are manually added. 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => self::$data['templateids']['api_test_hosts_f_tpl'] ], [ 'templateid' => self::$data['templateids']['api_test_hosts_c_tpl'] ] ] ], [ 'host' => '{#HOST}_clear', 'ruleid' => $discoveryrules['itemids'][0], 'groupLinks' => [ [ 'groupid' => self::$data['hostgroupid'] ] ], // Template that has item. 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => self::$data['templateids'][ 'api_test_hosts_tpl_with_item'] ] ] ], [ 'host' => '{#HOST}_limit_selects', 'ruleid' => $discoveryrules['itemids'][0], 'groupLinks' => [ [ 'groupid' => self::$data['hostgroupid'] ] ], // Does not matter if templates are manually added or automatically. Important is the order. 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => self::$data['templateids'][ 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl'] ], [ 'templateid' => self::$data['templateids'][ 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl'] ], [ 'templateid' => self::$data['templateids'][ 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl'] ], [ 'templateid' => self::$data['templateids'][ 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl'] ], [ 'templateid' => self::$data['templateids'][ 'api_test_hosts_b_tpl'] ], [ 'templateid' => self::$data['templateids'][ 'api_test_hosts_d_tpl'] ] ] ], [ 'host' => '{#HOST}_no_macros', 'ruleid' => $discoveryrules['itemids'][0], 'groupLinks' => [ [ 'groupid' => self::$data['hostgroupid'] ] ] ], [ 'host' => '{#HOST}_manual_macros', 'ruleid' => $discoveryrules['itemids'][0], 'groupLinks' => [ [ 'groupid' => self::$data['hostgroupid'] ] ] ], [ 'host' => '{#HOST}_auto_macros', 'ruleid' => $discoveryrules['itemids'][0], 'groupLinks' => [ [ 'groupid' => self::$data['hostgroupid'] ] ], 'macros' => [ [ 'macro' => '{$DISCOVERED_MACRO_TEXT_A}', 'value' => 'discovered_macro_text_value_a', 'description' => 'discovered_macro_text_description_a', 'type' => ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_TEXT ], [ 'macro' => '{$DISCOVERED_MACRO_SECRET_A}', 'value' => 'discovered_macro_secret_value_a', 'description' => 'discovered_macro_secret_description_a', 'type' => ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_SECRET ], [ 'macro' => '{$DISCOVERED_MACRO_VAULT_A}', 'value' => 'path/to:macro', 'description' => 'discovered_macro_vault_description_a', 'type' => ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_VAULT ] ] ], // First three macros are automatic. The rest are manually added. [ 'host' => '{#HOST}_auto_and_manual_macros', 'ruleid' => $discoveryrules['itemids'][0], 'groupLinks' => [ [ 'groupid' => self::$data['hostgroupid'] ] ], 'macros' => [ [ 'macro' => '{$DISCOVERED_MACRO_TEXT_B}', 'value' => 'discovered_macro_text_value_b', 'description' => 'discovered_macro_text_description_b', 'type' => ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_TEXT ], [ 'macro' => '{$DISCOVERED_MACRO_SECRET_B}', 'value' => 'discovered_macro_secret_value_b', 'description' => 'discovered_macro_secret_description_b', 'type' => ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_SECRET ], [ 'macro' => '{$DISCOVERED_MACRO_VAULT_B}', 'value' => 'path/to:macro', 'description' => 'discovered_macro_vault_description_b', 'type' => ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_VAULT ] ] ] ]; $host_prototypes = CDataHelper::call('hostprototype.create', $host_prototypes_data); $this->assertArrayHasKey('hostids', $host_prototypes); // Create discovered hosts. $hosts_data = []; foreach ($host_prototypes_data as $idx => $host_prototype) { $hosts_data[] = [ 'host' => str_replace('{#HOST}', 'discovered', $host_prototype['host']), 'groups' => $host_prototype['groupLinks'], 'macros' => array_key_exists('macros', $host_prototype) ? $host_prototype['macros'] : [], 'templates' => array_key_exists('templates', $host_prototype) ? $host_prototype['templates'] : [] ]; } $hosts = CDataHelper::call('host.create', $hosts_data); $this->assertArrayHasKey('hostids', $hosts); self::$data['hostids']['discovered_no_templates'] = $hosts['hostids'][0]; self::$data['hostids']['discovered_manual_templates'] = $hosts['hostids'][1]; self::$data['hostids']['discovered_auto_templates'] = $hosts['hostids'][2]; self::$data['hostids']['discovered_auto_and_manual_templates'] = $hosts['hostids'][3]; self::$data['hostids']['discovered_clear'] = $hosts['hostids'][4]; self::$data['hostids']['discovered_limit_selects'] = $hosts['hostids'][5]; self::$data['hostids']['discovered_no_macros'] = $hosts['hostids'][6]; self::$data['hostids']['discovered_manual_macros'] = $hosts['hostids'][7]; self::$data['hostids']['discovered_auto_macros'] = $hosts['hostids'][8]; self::$data['hostids']['discovered_auto_and_manual_macros'] = $hosts['hostids'][9]; $host_discovery = []; $upd_hosts = []; $upd_hosts_templates = []; $upd_hostmacro = []; foreach ($host_prototypes_data as $idx => $host_prototype) { $host_discovery[] = [ 'hostid' => $hosts['hostids'][$idx], 'parent_hostid' => $host_prototypes['hostids'][$idx], 'host' => $host_prototype['host'], 'lastcheck' => '1648726056' ]; $upd_hosts[] = [ 'values' => ['flags' => 4], 'where' => ['hostid' => $hosts['hostids'][$idx]] ]; if (array_key_exists('templates', $host_prototype) && $host_prototype['templates']) { foreach ($host_prototype['templates'] as $template) { $upd_hosts_templates[] = [ 'values' => ['link_type' => TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD], 'where' => [ 'hostid' => $hosts['hostids'][$idx], 'templateid' => $template['templateid'] ] ]; } } if (array_key_exists('macros', $host_prototype) && $host_prototype['macros']) { foreach ($host_prototype['macros'] as $macro) { $upd_hostmacro[] = [ 'values' => ['automatic' => ZBX_USERMACRO_AUTOMATIC], 'where' => [ 'hostid' => $hosts['hostids'][$idx], 'macro' => $macro['macro'] ] ]; } } } $ids = DB::insertBatch('host_discovery', $host_discovery, false); // Since insertBatch() parameter $getids is false, it will use existing IDs. Thus it will return empty array. $this->assertSame([], $ids); $res = DB::update('hosts', $upd_hosts); $this->assertSame(true, $res); $res = DB::update('hosts_templates', $upd_hosts_templates); $this->assertSame(true, $res); $res = DB::update('hostmacro', $upd_hostmacro); $this->assertSame(true, $res); // Add hostmacroid references using the macro name as key: {$MACRO_NAME} => macro_name. foreach ($upd_hostmacro as $hostmacro) { $db_hostmacro = CDBHelper::getRow( 'SELECT hm.hostmacroid'. ' FROM hostmacro hm'. ' WHERE hm.hostid='.zbx_dbstr($hostmacro['where']['hostid']). ' AND hm.macro='.zbx_dbstr($hostmacro['where']['macro']) ); $key = str_replace('{$', '', $hostmacro['where']['macro']); $key = str_replace('}', '', $key); $key = strtolower($key); self::$data['hostmacroids'][$key] = $db_hostmacro['hostmacroid']; } /* * Add few manual templates to discovered hosts to test the template removal. Do not use API at this point. * Cannot use CDBHelper::getValue, because it will add "LIMIT 1" at the end of query and MySQL does not support * a syntax like that. */ $nextid = CDBHelper::getAll( 'SELECT i.nextid'. ' FROM ids i'. ' WHERE i.table_name='.zbx_dbstr('hosts_templates'). ' AND i.field_name='.zbx_dbstr('hosttemplateid'). ' FOR UPDATE' )[0]['nextid'] + 1; $hosts_templates_data = [ // Host contains only manual templates. [ 'hostid' => self::$data['hostids']['discovered_manual_templates'], 'templateid' => self::$data['templateids']['api_test_hosts_a_tpl'], 'link_type' => TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'hostid' => self::$data['hostids']['discovered_manual_templates'], 'templateid' => self::$data['templateids']['api_test_hosts_e_tpl'], 'link_type' => TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], // Host contains automatically added templates and manually added templates. [ 'hostid' => self::$data['hostids']['discovered_auto_and_manual_templates'], 'templateid' => self::$data['templateids']['api_test_hosts_a_tpl'], 'link_type' => TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'hostid' => self::$data['hostids']['discovered_auto_and_manual_templates'], 'templateid' => self::$data['templateids']['api_test_hosts_e_tpl'], 'link_type' => TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ]; $ids = DB::insertBatch('hosts_templates', $hosts_templates_data); $newids = array_fill($nextid, count($hosts_templates_data), true); $this->assertEquals(array_keys($newids), $ids); // Add few manual macros to test host.update method. $nextid = CDBHelper::getAll( 'SELECT i.nextid'. ' FROM ids i'. ' WHERE i.table_name='.zbx_dbstr('hostmacro'). ' AND i.field_name='.zbx_dbstr('hostmacroid'). ' FOR UPDATE' )[0]['nextid'] + 1; $hostmacro_data = [ [ 'hostid' => self::$data['hostids']['discovered_manual_macros'], 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_TEXT_C}', 'value' => 'manual_macro_text_value_c', 'description' => 'manual_macro_text_description_c', 'type' => ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_TEXT, 'automatic' => ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ], [ 'hostid' => self::$data['hostids']['discovered_manual_macros'], 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_SECRET_C}', 'value' => 'manual_macro_secret_value_c', 'description' => 'manual_macro_secret_description_c', 'type' => ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_SECRET, 'automatic' => ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ], [ 'hostid' => self::$data['hostids']['discovered_manual_macros'], 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_VAULT_C}', 'value' => 'path/to:macro', 'description' => 'manual_macro_vault_description_c', 'type' => ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_VAULT, 'automatic' => ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ], [ 'hostid' => self::$data['hostids']['discovered_auto_and_manual_macros'], 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_TEXT_D}', 'value' => 'manual_macro_text_value_d', 'description' => 'manual_macro_text_description_d', 'type' => ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_TEXT, 'automatic' => ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ], [ 'hostid' => self::$data['hostids']['discovered_auto_and_manual_macros'], 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_SECRET_D}', 'value' => 'manual_macro_secreat_value_d', 'description' => 'manual_macro_secret_description_d', 'type' => ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_SECRET, 'automatic' => ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ], [ 'hostid' => self::$data['hostids']['discovered_auto_and_manual_macros'], 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_VAULT_D}', 'value' => 'path/to:macro', 'description' => 'manual_macro_vault_description_d', 'type' => ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_VAULT, 'automatic' => ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ] ]; $ids = DB::insertBatch('hostmacro', $hostmacro_data); $newids = array_fill($nextid, count($hostmacro_data), true); $this->assertEquals(array_keys($newids), $ids); self::$data['hostmacroids']['manual_macro_text_c'] = $ids[0]; self::$data['hostmacroids']['manual_macro_secret_c'] = $ids[1]; self::$data['hostmacroids']['manual_macro_vault_c'] = $ids[2]; self::$data['hostmacroids']['manual_macro_text_d'] = $ids[3]; self::$data['hostmacroids']['manual_macro_secret_d'] = $ids[4]; self::$data['hostmacroids']['manual_macro_vault_d'] = $ids[5]; } /** * Data provider for host.delete. Array contains valid hosts that are possible to delete. * * @return array */ public static function getHostDeleteDataValid() { return [ 'Test host.delete host that has a group in same maintenance' => [ 'hostids' => [ 'maintenance_2' ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test host.delete host that another host in same maintenance' => [ 'hostids' => [ 'maintenance_3' ], 'expected_error' => null ] ]; } /** * Data provider for host.delete. Array contains invalid hosts that are not possible to delete. * * @return array */ public static function getHostDeleteDataInvalid() { return [ 'Test host.delete single host in maintenance' => [ 'hostids' => [ 'maintenance_1' ], 'expected_error' => 'Cannot delete host "api_test_hosts_maintenance_1" because maintenance "API test hosts - maintenance with one host" must contain at least one host or host group.' ], 'Test host.delete two hosts in maintenance, one is allowed, the other is not' => [ 'hostids' => [ 'maintenance_1', 'maintenance_7' ], 'expected_error' => 'Cannot delete host "api_test_hosts_maintenance_1" because maintenance "API test hosts - maintenance with one host" must contain at least one host or host group.' ], 'Test host.delete both from one maintenance' => [ 'hostids' => [ 'maintenance_5', 'maintenance_6' ], 'expected_error' => 'Cannot delete hosts "api_test_hosts_maintenance_5", "api_test_hosts_maintenance_6" because maintenance "API test hosts - maintenance with two hosts (non-deletable)" must contain at least one host or host group.' ] ]; } /** * Test host.delete if one host is in maintenance, more than one host is in maintenance, host and group is in * maintenance etc. * * @dataProvider getHostDeleteDataValid * @dataProvider getHostDeleteDataInvalid */ public function testHost_Delete($hostids, $expected_error) { // Replace ID placeholders with real IDs. foreach ($hostids as &$hostid) { $hostid = self::$data['hostids'][$hostid]; } unset($hostid); $sql_hosts = 'SELECT NULL FROM hosts'; $old_hash_hosts = CDBHelper::getHash($sql_hosts); $this->call('host.delete', $hostids, $expected_error); if ($expected_error === null) { $this->assertNotSame($old_hash_hosts, CDBHelper::getHash($sql_hosts)); $this->assertEquals(0, CDBHelper::getCount( 'SELECT h.hostid FROM hosts h WHERE '.dbConditionId('h.hostid', $hostids) )); // host.delete checks if given "hostid" exists, so they need to be removed from self::$data['hostids'] foreach ($hostids as $hostid) { $key = array_search($hostid, self::$data['hostids']); if ($key !== false) { unset(self::$data['hostids'][$key]); } } } else { $this->assertSame($old_hash_hosts, CDBHelper::getHash($sql_hosts)); } } /** * Data provider for host.create. Array contains invalid hosts with mandatory fields, invalid field types etc. * * @return array */ public static function getHostCreateDataCommonInvalid() { return [ 'Test host.create common error - empty request' => [ 'request' => [], 'expected_error' => 'Empty input parameter.' ], 'Test host.create common error - wrong fields' => [ 'request' => [ 'groups' => [] ], 'expected_error' => 'Wrong fields for host "".' ], 'Test host.create common error - missing "groups"' => [ 'request' => [ 'host' => 'API test hosts create fail' ], 'expected_error' => 'Host "API test hosts create fail" cannot be without host group.' ], 'Test host.create common error - empty group' => [ 'request' => [ 'host' => 'API test hosts create fail', 'groups' => [] ], 'expected_error' => 'Host "API test hosts create fail" cannot be without host group.' ], 'Test host.create common error - empty host name' => [ 'request' => [ 'host' => '', 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => 'ID' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Incorrect characters used for host name "".' ], 'Test host.create common error - invalid host name' => [ 'request' => [ 'host' => '&^@%#&^', 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => 'ID' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Incorrect characters used for host name "&^@%#&^".' ], 'Test host.create common error - missing "groupid"' => [ 'request' => [ 'host' => 'API test hosts create fail', 'groups' => [ [] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Incorrect value for field "groups": the parameter "groupid" is missing.' ], 'Test host.create common error - invalid group' => [ 'request' => [ 'host' => 'API test hosts create fail', 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => '01' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!' ], 'Test host.create common error - host already exists' => [ 'request' => [ 'host' => 'Zabbix server', 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => 'ID' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Host with the same name "Zabbix server" already exists.' ] ]; } /** * Data provider for host.create. Array contains invalid hosts with various optional fields. * * @return array */ public static function getHostCreateDataInvalid() { return [ // Test create interfaces. 'Test host.create interfaces (empty)' => [ 'request' => [ 'host' => 'API test hosts create fail', 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => 'ID' ] ], 'interfaces' => '' ], 'expected_error' => 'Incorrect arguments passed to function.' ], 'Test host.create interfaces (string)' => [ 'request' => [ 'host' => 'API test hosts create fail', 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => 'ID' ] ], 'interfaces' => 'string' ], 'expected_error' => 'Incorrect arguments passed to function.' ], 'Test host.create interfaces (integer)' => [ 'request' => [ 'host' => 'API test hosts create fail', 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => 'ID' ] ], 'interfaces' => '10' ], 'expected_error' => 'Incorrect arguments passed to function.' ], // Test create macros. 'Test host.create - macros (automatic)' => [ 'request' => [ 'host' => 'API test hosts create fail', 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => 'ID' ] ], 'macros' => [ [ 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_TEXT_NEW_FAIL_ONE}', 'value' => 'manual_macro_text_value_new_fail_one', 'description' => 'manual_macro_text_description_new_fail_one', 'type' => ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_TEXT, 'automatic' => ZBX_USERMACRO_AUTOMATIC ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/macros/1": unexpected parameter "automatic".' ], 'Test host.create - macros (manual)' => [ 'request' => [ 'host' => 'API test hosts create fail', 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => 'ID' ] ], 'macros' => [ [ 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_TEXT_NEW_FAIL_TWO}', 'value' => 'manual_macro_text_value_new_fail_two', 'description' => 'manual_macro_text_description_new_fail_two', 'type' => ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_TEXT, 'automatic' => ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ] ] ], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/macros/1": unexpected parameter "automatic".' ] ]; } /** * Data provider for host.create. Array contains valid hosts. * * @return array */ public static function getHostCreateDataValid() { return [ 'Test host.create minimal' => [ 'request' => [ 'host' => 'API test hosts create success minimal', 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => 'ID' ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test host.create empty interfaces' => [ 'request' => [ 'host' => 'API test hosts create success empty interfaces', 'groups' => [ [ 'groupid' => 'ID' ] ], 'interfaces' => [] ], 'expected_error' => null ] ]; } /** * Test host.create with common errors like missing fields, optional invalid fields and valid fields. * * @dataProvider getHostCreateDataCommonInvalid * @dataProvider getHostCreateDataInvalid * @dataProvider getHostCreateDataValid */ public function testHost_Create($hosts, $expected_error) { // Accept single and multiple hosts. if (!array_key_exists(0, $hosts)) { $hosts = zbx_toArray($hosts); } // Replace ID placeholders with real IDs. foreach ($hosts as &$host) { // Some tests that should fail may not have the required fields or they may be damaged. if (array_key_exists('groups', $host) && $host['groups']) { foreach ($host['groups'] as &$group) { if (array_key_exists('groupid', $group) && $group['groupid'] === 'ID') { $group['groupid'] = self::$data['hostgroupid']; } } unset($group); } } unset($host); $sql_hosts = 'SELECT NULL FROM hosts'; $old_hash_hosts = CDBHelper::getHash($sql_hosts); $result = $this->call('host.create', $hosts, $expected_error); if ($expected_error === null) { $this->assertNotSame($old_hash_hosts, CDBHelper::getHash($sql_hosts)); $this->assertEquals(count($result['result']['hostids']), count($hosts)); // Add host IDs to create array, so they can be deleted after tests are complete. self::$data['created'] = array_merge(self::$data['created'], $result['result']['hostids']); } else { $this->assertSame($old_hash_hosts, CDBHelper::getHash($sql_hosts)); } } /** * Data provider for host.get. Array contains valid host with tags. * * @return array */ public static function getHostGetTagsDataValid() { return [ 'Test host.get tag as extend' => [ 'params' => [ 'hostids' => 'tags', 'selectTags' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND ], 'expected_result' => [ 'tags' => [ [ 'tag' => 'b', 'value' => 'b', 'automatic' => '0' ] ] ] ], 'Test host.get tag excluding value' => [ 'params' => [ 'hostids' => 'tags', 'selectTags' => [ 'tag' ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'tags' => [ [ 'tag' => 'b' ] ] ] ], 'Test host.get tag excluding name' => [ 'params' => [ 'hostids' => 'tags', 'selectTags' => [ 'value' ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'tags' => [ [ 'value' => 'b' ] ] ] ] ]; } /** * Test host.get with "selectTags" option. * * @dataProvider getHostGetTagsDataValid */ public function testHost_SelectTags($params, $expected_result) { // Replace ID placeholders with real IDs. Host IDs can also be one host ID as string. $params['hostids'] = self::$data['hostids']['tags']; $result = $this->call('host.get', $params); foreach ($result['result'] as $host) { foreach ($expected_result as $field => $expected_value){ $this->assertArrayHasKey($field, $host, 'Field should be present.'); $this->assertEquals($host[$field], $expected_value, 'Returned value should match.'); } } } /** * Data provider for host.get to check field presence and exclusion. * * @return array */ public static function getHostGetFieldPresenceData() { return [ 'Check if {"output": "extend"} includes "inventory_mode" and excludes write-only properties' => [ 'request' => [ 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'hostids' => 'write_only' ], 'expected_result' => [ 'hostid' => '99013', 'inventory_mode' => '-1', // Write-only properties. 'tls_psk_identity' => null, 'tls_psk' => null, 'name_upper' => null ] ], 'Check it is not possible to select write-only fields' => [ 'request' => [ 'output' => ['host', 'tls_psk', 'tls_psk_identity', 'name_upper'], 'hostids' => 'write_only' ], 'expected_result' => [ 'hostid' => 'write_only', // Sample of unspecified property. 'inventory_mode' => null, // Write-only properties. 'tls_psk_identity' => null, 'tls_psk' => null, 'name_upper' => null ] ], 'Check direct request of inventory_mode and other properties' => [ 'request' => [ 'output' => ['inventory_mode', 'tls_connect', 'name', 'name_upper'], 'hostids' => 'write_only' ], 'expected_result' => [ 'hostid' => 'write_only', 'inventory_mode' => '-1', // Samples of other specified properties. 'tls_connect' => '1', 'name' => 'API test hosts - write-only fields', 'name_upper' => null ] ] ]; } /** * Test host.get and field presence and exclusion. * * @dataProvider getHostGetFieldPresenceData */ public function testHost_GetFieldPresenceAndExclusion($request, $expected_result) { // Replace ID placeholders with real IDs. Host IDs can also be one host ID as string. $request['hostids'] = self::$data['hostids']['write_only']; $expected_result['hostid'] = self::$data['hostids']['write_only']; $result = $this->call('host.get', $request); foreach ($result['result'] as $host) { foreach ($expected_result as $key => $value) { if ($value !== null) { $this->assertArrayHasKey($key, $host, 'Key '.$key.' should be present in host output.'); $this->assertEquals($value, $host[$key], 'Value should match.'); } else { $this->assertArrayNotHasKey($key, $host, 'Key '.$key.' should NOT be present in host output'); } } } } /** * Data provider for host.update to check how templates are replaced. * * @return array */ public static function getHostUpdateTemplatesData() { return [ 'Test host.update - host has no templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_no_templates', 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ] ] ], // Replace the templates. 'Test host.update - host has manual templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_manual_templates', 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ] ] ], // Try to replace with manual templates, but it's not possible. They will remain auto. 'Test host.update - host has auto templates (same)' => [ 'request' => [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_auto_templates', 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ] ] ] ], // Try to replace the templates, but only manual templates are added, since original ones are auto. 'Test host.update - host has auto templates (different)' => [ 'request' => [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_auto_templates', 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ] ] ], // Try to replace the templates, but only manual templates are replaced. Auto templates remain. 'Test host.update - host has manual and auto templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_auto_and_manual_templates', 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_b_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_d_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_b_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_b_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_d_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_d_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ] ] ], /* * Possibly incorrect behavior in API in case templates that are added are same as the ones that should be * cleared. Currently templates that are added take priority. They do not cancel each other out. */ 'Test host.update with clear - host has no templates (same)' => [ 'request' => [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_no_templates', 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl' ] ], 'templates_clear' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ] ] ], 'Test host.update with clear - host has no templates (different)' => [ 'request' => [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_no_templates', 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl' ] ], 'templates_clear' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ] ] ], 'Test host.update with clear only - host has no templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_no_templates', 'templates_clear' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [] ] ], 'Test host.update with clear - host has manual templates (same)' => [ 'request' => [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_manual_templates', 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl' ] ], 'templates_clear' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ] ] ], 'Test host.update with clear non-existing - host has manual templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_manual_templates', 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl' ] ], 'templates_clear' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ] ] ], 'Test host.update with clear existing - host has manual templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_manual_templates', 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl' ] ], 'templates_clear' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ] ] ], 'Test host.update with clear non-existing - host has auto templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_auto_templates', 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl' ] ], 'templates_clear' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ] ] ] ], 'Test host.update with clear existing - host has auto templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_auto_templates', 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl' ] ], 'templates_clear' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ] ] ] ], 'Test host.update with clear - host has auto templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_auto_templates', 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ] ], 'templates_clear' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ] ] ] ]; } /** * Test host.update by adding new templates and replacing templates. * * @dataProvider getHostUpdateTemplatesData */ public function testHost_UpdateTemplates($request, $expected_result) { // Replace ID placeholders with real IDs. $request['hostid'] = self::$data['hostids'][$request['hostid']]; foreach (['templates', 'templates_clear'] as $field) { if (array_key_exists($field, $request)) { foreach ($request[$field] as &$template) { $template['templateid'] = self::$data['templateids'][$template['templateid']]; } unset($template); } } foreach ($expected_result['parentTemplates'] as &$template) { $template['templateid'] = self::$data['templateids'][$template['templateid']]; } unset($template); $hosts_old = $this->backupTemplates([$request['hostid']]); // Update templates on hosts. $hosts_upd = $this->call('host.update', $request); $this->assertArrayHasKey('hostids', $hosts_upd['result']); // Check data after update. $hosts = $this->call('host.get', [ 'output' => ['hostid', 'host'], 'selectParentTemplates' => ['templateid', 'host', 'link_type'], 'hostids' => $request['hostid'] ]); $host = reset($hosts['result']); $this->assertSame($expected_result['parentTemplates'], $host['parentTemplates'], 'host.update with templates failed for host "'.$host['host'].'".' ); $this->restoreTemplates($hosts_old); } /** * Data provider for host.massupdate to check how templates are replaced. * * @return array */ public static function getHostMassUpdateTemplatesData() { return [ 'Test host.massupdate - host has no templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'hosts' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_no_templates' ] ], 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ] ] ], // Replace the templates. 'Test host.massupdate - host has manual templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'hosts' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_manual_templates' ] ], 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ] ] ], // Try to replace with manual templates, but it's not possible. They will remain auto. 'Test host.massupdate - host has auto templates (same)' => [ 'request' => [ 'hosts' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_auto_templates' ] ], 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ] ] ] ], // Try to replace the templates, but only manual templates are added, since original ones are auto. 'Test host.massupdate - host has auto templates (different)' => [ 'request' => [ 'hosts' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_auto_templates' ] ], 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ] ] ], // Try to replace the templates, but only manual templates are replaced. Auto templates remain. 'Test host.massupdate - host has manual and auto templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'hosts' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_auto_and_manual_templates' ] ], 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_b_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_d_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_b_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_b_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_d_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_d_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ] ] ], /* * Possibly incorrect behavior in API in case templates that are added are same as the ones that should be * cleared. Currently templates that are added take priority. They do not cancel each other out. */ 'Test host.massupdate with clear - host has no templates (same)' => [ 'request' => [ 'hosts' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_no_templates' ] ], 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl' ] ], 'templates_clear' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ] ] ], 'Test host.massupdate with clear - host has no templates (different)' => [ 'request' => [ 'hosts' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_no_templates' ] ], 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl' ] ], 'templates_clear' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ] ] ], 'Test host.massupdate with clear only - host has no templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'hosts' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_no_templates' ] ], 'templates_clear' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [] ] ], 'Test host.massupdate with clear - host has manual templates (same)' => [ 'request' => [ 'hosts' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_manual_templates' ] ], 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl' ] ], 'templates_clear' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ] ] ], 'Test host.massupdate with clear non-existing - host has manual templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'hosts' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_manual_templates' ] ], 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl' ] ], 'templates_clear' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ] ] ], 'Test host.massupdate with clear existing - host has manual templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'hosts' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_manual_templates' ] ], 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl' ] ], 'templates_clear' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ] ] ], 'Test host.massupdate with clear non-existing - host has auto templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'hosts' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_auto_templates' ] ], 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl' ] ], 'templates_clear' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ] ] ] ], 'Test host.massupdate with clear existing - host has auto templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'hosts' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_auto_templates' ] ] , 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl' ] ], 'templates_clear' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ] ] ] ], 'Test host.massupdate with clear - host has auto templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'hosts' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_auto_templates' ] ], 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ] ], 'templates_clear' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ] ] ], 'Test host.massupdate with clear - host has manual and auto templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'hosts' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_auto_and_manual_templates' ] ], 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_b_tpl' ] ], 'templates_clear' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_d_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_b_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_b_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ] ] ] ]; } /** * Test host.massupdate by adding new templates and replacing templates. * * @dataProvider getHostMassUpdateTemplatesData */ public function testHost_MassUpdateTemplates($request, $expected_result) { // Replace ID placeholders with real IDs. $hostids = []; foreach ($request['hosts'] as &$host) { $host['hostid'] = self::$data['hostids'][$host['hostid']]; $hostids[] = $host['hostid']; } unset($host); foreach (['templates', 'templates_clear'] as $field) { if (array_key_exists($field, $request)) { foreach ($request[$field] as &$template) { $template['templateid'] = self::$data['templateids'][$template['templateid']]; } unset($template); } } foreach ($expected_result['parentTemplates'] as &$template) { $template['templateid'] = self::$data['templateids'][$template['templateid']]; } unset($template); $hosts_old = $this->backupTemplates($hostids); // Update templates on hosts. $hosts_upd = $this->call('host.massupdate', $request); $this->assertArrayHasKey('hostids', $hosts_upd['result']); // Check data after update. $hosts = $this->call('host.get', [ 'output' => ['hostid', 'host'], 'selectParentTemplates' => ['templateid', 'host', 'link_type'], 'hostids' => $hostids ]); $hosts = $hosts['result']; foreach ($hosts as $host) { $this->assertSame($expected_result['parentTemplates'], $host['parentTemplates'], 'host.massupdate with templates failed for host "'.$host['host'].'".' ); } $this->restoreTemplates($hosts_old); } /** * Data provider for host.massadd to check how templates are added. * * @return array */ public static function getHostMassAddTemplatesData() { return [ 'Test host.massadd - host has no templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'hosts' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_no_templates' ] ], 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ] ] ], // Add templates to existing manual templates. 'Test host.massadd - host has manual templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'hosts' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_manual_templates' ] ], 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ] ] ], // Add same templates to existing auto templates. Not possible, since those templates are already auto. 'Test host.massadd - host has auto templates (same)' => [ 'request' => [ 'hosts' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_auto_templates' ] ], 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ] ] ] ], // Add different templates to existing auto templates. 'Test host.massadd - host has auto templates (different)' => [ 'request' => [ 'hosts' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_auto_templates' ] ], 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ] ] ], // Add templates to existing auto and manual templates. 'Test host.massadd - host has manual and auto templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'hosts' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_auto_and_manual_templates' ] ], 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_b_tpl' ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_d_tpl' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_b_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_b_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_d_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_d_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ] ] ] ]; } /** * Test host.massadd by adding new templates to existing manual and auto templates. * * @dataProvider getHostMassAddTemplatesData */ public function testHost_MassAddTemplates($request, $expected_result) { // Replace ID placeholders with real IDs. $hostids = []; foreach ($request['hosts'] as &$host) { $host['hostid'] = self::$data['hostids'][$host['hostid']]; $hostids[] = $host['hostid']; } unset($host); foreach ($request['templates'] as &$template) { $template['templateid'] = self::$data['templateids'][$template['templateid']]; } unset($template); foreach ($expected_result['parentTemplates'] as &$template) { $template['templateid'] = self::$data['templateids'][$template['templateid']]; } unset($template); $hosts_old = $this->backupTemplates($hostids); // Add templates on hosts. $hosts_upd = $this->call('host.massadd', $request); $this->assertArrayHasKey('hostids', $hosts_upd['result']); // Check data after update. $hosts = $this->call('host.get', [ 'output' => ['hostid', 'host'], 'selectParentTemplates' => ['templateid', 'host', 'link_type'], 'hostids' => $hostids ]); $hosts = $hosts['result']; foreach ($hosts as $host) { $this->assertSame($expected_result['parentTemplates'], $host['parentTemplates'], 'host.massadd with templates failed for host "'.$host['host'].'".' ); } $this->restoreTemplates($hosts_old); } /** * Data provider for host.massremove to check how templates are removed. * * @return array */ public static function getHostMassRemoveTemplatesData() { return [ 'Test host.massremove - host has no templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'hostids' => [ 'discovered_no_templates' ], 'templateids' => [ 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl' ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [] ] ], 'Test host.massremove - host has manual templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'hostids' => [ 'discovered_manual_templates' ], 'templateids' => [ 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl' ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ] ] ], 'Test host.massremove - host has auto templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'hostids' => [ 'discovered_auto_templates' ], 'templateids' => [ 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl' ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ] ] ] ], 'Test host.massremove - host has manual and auto templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'hostids' => [ 'discovered_auto_and_manual_templates' ], 'templateids' => [ 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl' ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ] ] ] ]; } /** * Test host.massremove to remove the templates from hosts. * * @dataProvider getHostMassRemoveTemplatesData */ public function testHost_MassRemoveTemplates($request, $expected_result) { // Replace ID placeholders with real IDs. foreach ($request['hostids'] as &$hostid) { $hostid = self::$data['hostids'][$hostid]; } unset($hostid); foreach ($request['templateids'] as &$templateid) { $templateid = self::$data['templateids'][$templateid]; } unset($templateid); foreach ($expected_result['parentTemplates'] as &$template) { $template['templateid'] = self::$data['templateids'][$template['templateid']]; } unset($template); $hosts_old = $this->backupTemplates($request['hostids']); // Add templates on hosts. $hosts_upd = $this->call('host.massremove', $request); $this->assertArrayHasKey('hostids', $hosts_upd['result']); // Check data after update. $hosts = $this->call('host.get', [ 'output' => ['hostid', 'host'], 'selectParentTemplates' => ['templateid', 'host', 'link_type'], 'hostids' => $request['hostids'] ]); $hosts = $hosts['result']; foreach ($hosts as $host) { $this->assertSame($expected_result['parentTemplates'], $host['parentTemplates'], 'host.massremove with templates failed for host "'.$host['host'].'".' ); } $this->restoreTemplates($hosts_old); } /** * Data provider for host.update to check inheritance. * * @return array */ public static function getHostInheritanceData() { return [ 'Test host.update inheritance - host has no templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_no_templates', // Add template and then check if results match. 'templates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_tpl_with_item' ] ] ], 'expected_results' => [ 'update' => [ 'item_keys' => [ 'api_test_hosts_tpl_item' ] ], 'unlink' => [ 'item_keys' => [ 'api_test_hosts_tpl_item' ] ], 'clear' => [ 'item_keys' => [] ] ] ], 'Test host.update inheritance - host has auto templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_clear', // This does not matter because auto templates cannot be replaced. 'templates' => [] ], 'expected_results' => [ 'update' => [ 'item_keys' => [ 'api_test_hosts_tpl_item' ] ], 'unlink' => [ 'item_keys' => [ 'api_test_hosts_tpl_item' ] ], 'clear' => [ 'item_keys' => [ 'api_test_hosts_tpl_item' ] ] ] ] ]; } /** * Test host.update and check if item(s) exist on host after template has been added. Test unlink and check if items * remain on host. Test clear and check if items are removed from host as well. * * @dataProvider getHostInheritanceData */ public function testHost_Inheritance($host, $expected_results) { // Replace ID placeholder with real ID. $host['hostid'] = self::$data['hostids'][$host['hostid']]; foreach ($host['templates'] as &$template) { $template['templateid'] = self::$data['templateids'][$template['templateid']]; } unset($template); $hosts_old = $this->backupTemplates([$host['hostid']]); // Add/replace templates on host and check if items are inherited on host. $this->call('host.update', $host); $item_keys = $this->getItemKeysOnHost($host['hostid']); $this->assertSame($expected_results['update']['item_keys'], $item_keys, 'Updating templates failed: mismatching results on host with ID "'.$host['hostid'].'".' ); // Then unlink the template from host and check if item still exists on host. $this->restoreTemplates($hosts_old); $item_keys = $this->getItemKeysOnHost($host['hostid']); $this->assertSame($expected_results['unlink']['item_keys'], $item_keys, 'Unlinking templates failed: mismatching results on host with ID "'.$host['hostid'].'".' ); // Add/replace templates on host again to make the link and check if items are still on host. $this->call('host.update', $host); $item_keys = $this->getItemKeysOnHost($host['hostid']); $this->assertSame($expected_results['update']['item_keys'], $item_keys, 'Re-updating templates failed: mismatching results on host with ID "'.$host['hostid'].'".' ); // Then clear the template from host and check if items no longer exist on host. $hosts = $this->call('host.get', [ 'output' => ['hostid', 'host'], 'selectParentTemplates' => ['templateid'], 'hostids' => [$host['hostid']] ]); $this->restoreTemplates($hosts['result'], true); $item_keys = $this->getItemKeysOnHost($host['hostid']); $this->assertSame($expected_results['clear']['item_keys'], $item_keys, 'Clearing templates failed: mismatching results on host with ID "'.$host['hostid'].'".' ); } /** * Data provider for host.get to check templates. * * @return array */ public static function getHostGetTemplatesData() { return [ 'Test host.get - host has no templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'output' => ['hostid'], 'hostids' => [ 'discovered_no_templates' ], 'selectParentTemplates' => [ 'templateid', 'host', 'link_type' ] ], 'expected_results' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_no_templates', 'parentTemplates' => [] ] ] ], 'Test host.get - host has manual templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'output' => ['hostid'], 'hostids' => [ 'discovered_manual_templates' ], 'selectParentTemplates' => [ 'templateid', 'host', 'link_type' ] ], 'expected_results' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_manual_templates', 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ] ] ] ], 'Test host.get - host has auto templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'output' => ['hostid'], 'hostids' => [ 'discovered_auto_templates' ], 'selectParentTemplates' => [ 'templateid', 'host', 'link_type' ] ], 'expected_results' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_auto_templates', 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ] ] ] ] ], 'Test host.get - host has auto and manual templates' => [ 'request' => [ 'output' => ['hostid'], 'hostids' => [ 'discovered_auto_and_manual_templates' ], 'selectParentTemplates' => [ 'templateid', 'host', 'link_type' ] ], 'expected_results' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_auto_and_manual_templates', 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_MANUAL ] ] ] ] ], 'Test host.get with limits null' => [ 'request' => [ 'output' => ['hostid'], 'hostids' => [ 'discovered_limit_selects' ], 'selectParentTemplates' => [ 'templateid', 'host', 'link_type' ], 'limitSelects' => null ], 'expected_results' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_limit_selects', 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_b_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_b_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_d_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_d_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ] ] ] ] ], 'Test host.get with limits zero' => [ 'request' => [ 'output' => ['hostid'], 'hostids' => [ 'discovered_limit_selects' ], 'selectParentTemplates' => [ 'templateid', 'host', 'link_type' ], 'limitSelects' => '0' ], 'expected_results' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_limit_selects', 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_b_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_b_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_d_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_d_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_e_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_f_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ] ] ] ] ], 'Test host.get with limits three' => [ 'request' => [ 'output' => ['hostid'], 'hostids' => [ 'discovered_limit_selects' ], 'selectParentTemplates' => [ 'templateid', 'host', 'link_type' ], 'limitSelects' => '3' ], 'expected_results' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_limit_selects', 'parentTemplates' => [ [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_a_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_b_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_b_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ], [ 'templateid' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'host' => 'api_test_hosts_c_tpl', 'link_type' => (string) TEMPLATE_LINK_LLD ] ] ] ] ] ]; } /** * Test host.get to check if hosts have the necessary templates and order. * * @dataProvider getHostGetTemplatesData */ public function testHost_GetTemplates($request, $expected_results) { // Replace ID placeholder with real ID. foreach ($request['hostids'] as &$hostid) { $hostid = self::$data['hostids'][$hostid]; } unset($hostid); foreach ($expected_results as &$result) { $result['hostid'] = self::$data['hostids'][$result['hostid']]; foreach ($result['parentTemplates'] as &$template) { $template['templateid'] = self::$data['templateids'][$template['templateid']]; } unset($template); } unset($result); $host = $this->call('host.get', $request); $this->assertSame($expected_results, $host['result']); } /** * Data provider for host.get to check macros. * * @return array */ public static function getHostGetMacrosData() { return [ 'Test host.get - host has no macros' => [ 'request' => [ 'output' => ['hostid'], 'hostids' => [ 'discovered_no_macros' ], 'selectMacros' => [ 'macro', 'value', 'description', 'type', 'automatic' ] ], 'expected_results' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_no_macros', 'macros' => [] ] ] ], 'Test host.get - host has manual macros' => [ 'request' => [ 'output' => ['hostid'], 'hostids' => [ 'discovered_manual_macros' ], 'selectMacros' => [ 'macro', 'value', 'description', 'type', 'automatic' ] ], 'expected_results' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_manual_macros', 'macros' => [ [ 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_TEXT_C}', 'value' => 'manual_macro_text_value_c', 'description' => 'manual_macro_text_description_c', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_TEXT, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ], [ 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_SECRET_C}', 'description' => 'manual_macro_secret_description_c', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_SECRET, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ], [ 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_VAULT_C}', 'value' => 'path/to:macro', 'description' => 'manual_macro_vault_description_c', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_VAULT, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ] ] ] ] ], 'Test host.get - host has auto macros' => [ 'request' => [ 'output' => ['hostid'], 'hostids' => [ 'discovered_auto_macros' ], 'selectMacros' => [ 'macro', 'value', 'description', 'type', 'automatic' ] ], 'expected_results' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_auto_macros', 'macros' => [ [ 'macro' => '{$DISCOVERED_MACRO_TEXT_A}', 'value' => 'discovered_macro_text_value_a', 'description' => 'discovered_macro_text_description_a', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_TEXT, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_AUTOMATIC ], [ 'macro' => '{$DISCOVERED_MACRO_SECRET_A}', 'description' => 'discovered_macro_secret_description_a', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_SECRET, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_AUTOMATIC ], [ 'macro' => '{$DISCOVERED_MACRO_VAULT_A}', 'value' => 'path/to:macro', 'description' => 'discovered_macro_vault_description_a', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_VAULT, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_AUTOMATIC ] ] ] ] ], 'Test host.get - host has auto and manual macros' => [ 'request' => [ 'output' => ['hostid'], 'hostids' => [ 'discovered_auto_and_manual_macros' ], 'selectMacros' => [ 'macro', 'value', 'description', 'type', 'automatic' ] ], 'expected_results' => [ [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_auto_and_manual_macros', 'macros' => [ [ 'macro' => '{$DISCOVERED_MACRO_TEXT_B}', 'value' => 'discovered_macro_text_value_b', 'description' => 'discovered_macro_text_description_b', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_TEXT, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_AUTOMATIC ], [ 'macro' => '{$DISCOVERED_MACRO_SECRET_B}', 'description' => 'discovered_macro_secret_description_b', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_SECRET, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_AUTOMATIC ], [ 'macro' => '{$DISCOVERED_MACRO_VAULT_B}', 'value' => 'path/to:macro', 'description' => 'discovered_macro_vault_description_b', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_VAULT, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_AUTOMATIC ], [ 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_TEXT_D}', 'value' => 'manual_macro_text_value_d', 'description' => 'manual_macro_text_description_d', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_TEXT, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ], [ 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_SECRET_D}', 'description' => 'manual_macro_secret_description_d', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_SECRET, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ], [ 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_VAULT_D}', 'value' => 'path/to:macro', 'description' => 'manual_macro_vault_description_d', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_VAULT, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ] ] ] ] ] ]; } /** * Test host.get to check if hosts have various macros and their properties. * * @dataProvider getHostGetMacrosData */ public function testHost_GetMacros($request, $expected_results) { // Replace ID placeholder with real ID. foreach ($request['hostids'] as &$hostid) { $hostid = self::$data['hostids'][$hostid]; } unset($hostid); foreach ($expected_results as &$result) { $result['hostid'] = self::$data['hostids'][$result['hostid']]; } unset($result); $host = $this->call('host.get', $request); // Ignore the order due to MySQL returning macros in different order. $this->assertEqualsCanonicalizing($expected_results, $host['result']); } /** * Data provider for host.update to check how macros are replaced and converted from automatic to manual. * * @return array */ public static function getHostUpdateMacrosDataValid() { return [ // Add manual macros to discovered host. 'Test host.update - host has no macros' => [ 'request' => [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_no_macros', 'macros' => [ [ 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_TEXT_NEW}', 'value' => 'manual_macro_text_value_new', 'description' => 'manual_macro_text_description_new', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_TEXT ], [ 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_SECRET_NEW}', 'value' => 'manual_macro_secret_value_new', 'description' => 'manual_macro_secret_description_new', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_SECRET ], [ 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_VAULT_NEW}', 'value' => 'path/to:macro', 'description' => 'manual_macro_vault_description_new', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_VAULT ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'macros' => [ [ 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_TEXT_NEW}', 'value' => 'manual_macro_text_value_new', 'description' => 'manual_macro_text_description_new', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_TEXT, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ], [ 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_SECRET_NEW}', 'value' => 'manual_macro_secret_value_new', 'description' => 'manual_macro_secret_description_new', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_SECRET, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ], [ 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_VAULT_NEW}', 'value' => 'path/to:macro', 'description' => 'manual_macro_vault_description_new', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_VAULT, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], // Replace macros leaving some old, changing and adding new. 'Test host.update - host has manual macros' => [ 'request' => [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_manual_macros', 'macros' => [ // Leave macro as is. [ 'hostmacroid' => 'manual_macro_text_c' ], // Change macro name {$MANUAL_MACRO_SECRET_C}. [ 'hostmacroid' => 'manual_macro_secret_c', 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_SECRET_C_CHANGED_NAME}' ], // Replace macro {$MANUAL_MACRO_VAULT_C} with this one. [ 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_VAULT_C_NEW}', 'value' => 'path/to:macro', 'description' => 'manual_macro_vault_description_c_new', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_VAULT ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'macros' => [ [ 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_TEXT_C}', 'value' => 'manual_macro_text_value_c', 'description' => 'manual_macro_text_description_c', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_TEXT, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ], [ 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_SECRET_C_CHANGED_NAME}', 'value' => 'manual_macro_secret_value_c', 'description' => 'manual_macro_secret_description_c', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_SECRET, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ], [ 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_VAULT_C_NEW}', 'value' => 'path/to:macro', 'description' => 'manual_macro_vault_description_c_new', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_VAULT, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], // Don't change host macros, leave them automatic. 'Test host.update - host has auto macros (same)' => [ 'request' => [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_auto_macros', 'macros' => [ [ 'hostmacroid' => 'discovered_macro_text_a' ], [ 'hostmacroid' => 'discovered_macro_secret_a' ], [ 'hostmacroid' => 'discovered_macro_vault_a' ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'macros' => [ [ 'macro' => '{$DISCOVERED_MACRO_TEXT_A}', 'value' => 'discovered_macro_text_value_a', 'description' => 'discovered_macro_text_description_a', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_TEXT, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_AUTOMATIC ], [ 'macro' => '{$DISCOVERED_MACRO_SECRET_A}', 'value' => 'discovered_macro_secret_value_a', 'description' => 'discovered_macro_secret_description_a', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_SECRET, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_AUTOMATIC ], [ 'macro' => '{$DISCOVERED_MACRO_VAULT_A}', 'value' => 'path/to:macro', 'description' => 'discovered_macro_vault_description_a', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_VAULT, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_AUTOMATIC ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], // Change host macros from automatic to manual. 'Test host.update - host has auto macros (convert)' => [ 'request' => [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_auto_macros', 'macros' => [ // Just convert the macro to manual. [ 'hostmacroid' => 'discovered_macro_text_a', 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ], // Convert macro to manual and change value and description. [ 'hostmacroid' => 'discovered_macro_secret_a', 'value' => 'discovered_macro_secret_value_a_changed', 'description' => 'discovered_macro_secret_description_a_changed', 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ], // Convert macro to manual and change macro name. [ 'hostmacroid' => 'discovered_macro_vault_a', 'macro' => '{$DISCOVERED_MACRO_VAULT_A_CHANGED}', 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'macros' => [ [ 'macro' => '{$DISCOVERED_MACRO_TEXT_A}', 'value' => 'discovered_macro_text_value_a', 'description' => 'discovered_macro_text_description_a', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_TEXT, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ], [ 'macro' => '{$DISCOVERED_MACRO_SECRET_A}', 'value' => 'discovered_macro_secret_value_a_changed', 'description' => 'discovered_macro_secret_description_a_changed', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_SECRET, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ], [ 'macro' => '{$DISCOVERED_MACRO_VAULT_A_CHANGED}', 'value' => 'path/to:macro', 'description' => 'discovered_macro_vault_description_a', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_VAULT, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], // Convert automatic macros to manual, leave some original, add new. 'Test host.update - host has auto and manual macros' => [ 'request' => [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_auto_and_manual_macros', 'macros' => [ [ // Converts automatic macro to manual with no changes. 'hostmacroid' => 'discovered_macro_text_b' ], [ // Converts automatic macro to manual with no changes (value is the same). 'hostmacroid' => 'discovered_macro_secret_b', 'value' => 'discovered_macro_secret_value_b', 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ], [ // Converts automatic macro to manual with new name and description. 'hostmacroid' => 'discovered_macro_vault_b', 'macro' => '{$DISCOVERED_MACRO_VAULT_B_CHANGED}', 'description' => 'discovered_macro_vault_description_b_changed', 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ], [ // No conversion will happen, because it's already manual macro. 'hostmacroid' => 'manual_macro_text_d', 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ], [ // No conversion will happen, because it's already manual macro. 'hostmacroid' => 'manual_macro_secret_d', 'value' => 'manual_macro_secret_value_d', 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ], [ // Change macro name and description. No conversion will happen. Already manual macro. 'hostmacroid' => 'manual_macro_vault_d', 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_VAULT_D_CHANGED}', 'description' => 'manual_macro_vault_description_d_changed', 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ], [ // Add new macro. No conversion possible. Already manual macro. 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_TEXT_E_NEW}', 'value' => 'manual_macro_text_value_e_new', 'description' => 'manual_macro_text_description_e_new', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_TEXT ],[ // Add new macro and try to add the property. No conversion possible. Already manual macro. 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_TEXT_F_NEW}', 'value' => 'manual_macro_text_value_f_new', 'description' => 'manual_macro_text_description_f_new', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_TEXT, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'macros' => [ [ 'macro' => '{$DISCOVERED_MACRO_TEXT_B}', 'value' => 'discovered_macro_text_value_b', 'description' => 'discovered_macro_text_description_b', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_TEXT, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_AUTOMATIC ], [ 'macro' => '{$DISCOVERED_MACRO_SECRET_B}', 'value' => 'discovered_macro_secret_value_b', 'description' => 'discovered_macro_secret_description_b', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_SECRET, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ], [ 'macro' => '{$DISCOVERED_MACRO_VAULT_B_CHANGED}', 'value' => 'path/to:macro', 'description' => 'discovered_macro_vault_description_b_changed', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_VAULT, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ], [ 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_TEXT_D}', 'value' => 'manual_macro_text_value_d', 'description' => 'manual_macro_text_description_d', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_TEXT, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ], [ 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_SECRET_D}', 'value' => 'manual_macro_secret_value_d', 'description' => 'manual_macro_secret_description_d', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_SECRET, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ], [ 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_VAULT_D_CHANGED}', 'value' => 'path/to:macro', 'description' => 'manual_macro_vault_description_d_changed', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_VAULT, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ], [ 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_TEXT_E_NEW}', 'value' => 'manual_macro_text_value_e_new', 'description' => 'manual_macro_text_description_e_new', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_TEXT, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ], [ 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_TEXT_F_NEW}', 'value' => 'manual_macro_text_value_f_new', 'description' => 'manual_macro_text_description_f_new', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_TEXT, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL ] ] ], 'expected_error' => null ], 'Test host.update - remove automatic and manual macros' => [ 'request' => [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_auto_and_manual_macros', 'macros' => [] ], 'expected_result' => [ 'macros' => [] ], 'expected_error' => null ] ]; } public static function getHostUpdateMacrosDataInvalid() { return [ 'Test host.update - automatic new macro' => [ 'request' => [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_no_macros', 'macros' => [ [ 'macro' => '{$MANUAL_MACRO_TEXT_NEW}', 'value' => 'manual_macro_text_value_new', 'description' => 'manual_macro_text_description_new', 'type' => (string) ZBX_MACRO_TYPE_TEXT, 'automatic' => (string) ZBX_USERMACRO_AUTOMATIC ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/macros/1/automatic": value must be '.ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL.'.' ], 'Test host.update - change existing automatic macro (missing param)' => [ 'request' => [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_auto_macros', 'macros' => [ [ 'hostmacroid' => 'discovered_macro_text_a', 'macro' => '{$DISCOVERED_MACRO_TEXT_A_NEW}' // Parameter "automatic" is mandatory if something needs to be changed on automatic macro. ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [], 'expected_error' => 'Not allowed to modify automatic user macro "{$DISCOVERED_MACRO_TEXT_A}".' ], 'Test host.update - change existing automatic macro (incorrect value)' => [ 'request' => [ 'hostid' => 'discovered_auto_macros', 'macros' => [ [ 'hostmacroid' => 'discovered_macro_text_a', 'macro' => '{$DISCOVERED_MACRO_TEXT_A_NEW}', 'automatic' => ZBX_USERMACRO_AUTOMATIC ] ] ], 'expected_result' => [], 'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/macros/1/automatic": value must be '.ZBX_USERMACRO_MANUAL.'.' ] ]; } /** * Test host macro update. Check if 'automatic' property is changed for discovered host macros, macros are properly * updated to new macros etc. * * @dataProvider getHostUpdateMacrosDataValid * @dataProvider getHostUpdateMacrosDataInvalid */ public function testHost_UpdateMacros($request, $expected_result, $expected_error) { // Replace ID placeholders with real IDs. $request['hostid'] = self::$data['hostids'][$request['hostid']]; foreach ($request['macros'] as &$macro) { if (array_key_exists('hostmacroid', $macro)) { $macro['hostmacroid'] = self::$data['hostmacroids'][$macro['hostmacroid']]; } } unset($macro); $hosts_old = $this->backupMacros([$request['hostid']]); $hosts_upd = $this->call('host.update', $request, $expected_error); if ($expected_error === null) { $this->assertArrayHasKey('hostids', $hosts_upd['result']); $db_hosts = $this->getMacros([$request['hostid']]); $db_host = reset($db_hosts); foreach ($db_host['macros'] as &$macro) { unset($macro['hostid'], $macro['hostmacroid']); } unset($macro); // Ignore the order in which $db_host macros are returned when comparing. $this->assertEqualsCanonicalizing($expected_result['macros'], $db_host['macros'], 'host.update with macros failed for host "'.$db_host['host'].'".' ); $this->restoreMacros($hosts_old); } } /** * Get a list of items keys on host. * * @param string $hostid */ private function getItemKeysOnHost(string $hostid) { $items_new = $this->call('item.get', [ 'output' => ['key_'], 'hostids' => $hostid ]); $items_new = $items_new['result']; $items = []; foreach ($items_new as $item) { $items[] = $item['key_']; } return $items; } /** * Get the original host templates. * * @param array $hostids * * @return array */ private function backupTemplates(array $hostids) { // Get data before update. $db_hosts = $this->call('host.get', [ 'output' => ['hostid', 'host'], 'selectParentTemplates' => ['templateid'], 'hostids' => $hostids ]); return $db_hosts['result']; } /** * Get current host macros. Due the host.get selectMacros not returning secret values, use regular DB function. * * @param array $hostids * * @return array */ private function getMacros(array $hostids) { $db_hosts = CDBHelper::getAll( 'SELECT,h.hostid,hm.hostmacroid,hm.macro,hm.value,hm.description,hm.type,hm.automatic'. ' FROM hosts h'. ' LEFT JOIN hostmacro hm ON hm.hostid=h.hostid'. ' WHERE '.dbConditionId('h.hostid', $hostids) ); $result = []; foreach ($db_hosts as $db_host) { if (!array_key_exists($db_host['hostid'], $result)) { $result[$db_host['hostid']] = [ 'hostid' => $db_host['hostid'], 'host' => $db_host['host'], 'macros' => [] ]; } if ($db_host['hostmacroid'] != 0) { $result[$db_host['hostid']]['macros'][] = [ 'hostmacroid' => $db_host['hostmacroid'], 'hostid' => $db_host['hostid'], 'macro' => $db_host['macro'], 'value' => $db_host['value'], 'description' => $db_host['description'], 'type' => $db_host['type'], 'automatic' => $db_host['automatic'] ]; } } return $result; } /** * Get the original host macros before update. * * @param array $hostids * * @return array */ private function backupMacros(array $hostids) { return $this->getMacros($hostids); } /** * Revert host templates back to original state before the update to test other cases like massupdate, massremove * and other methods. * * @param array $hosts Array of hosts. * @param string $hosts[]['hostid'] Host ID that will have the data reverted. * @param string $hosts[]['host'] Host technical name in case of error. * @param string $hosts[]['parentTemplates'] Array of host original templates. */ private function restoreTemplates(array $hosts, $clear = false) { foreach ($hosts as $host) { $name = $host['host']; if ($clear) { $host['templates_clear'] = $host['parentTemplates']; } else { $host['templates'] = $host['parentTemplates']; } unset($host['host'], $host['parentTemplates']); $host_upd = $this->call('host.update', $host); $this->assertArrayHasKey('hostids', $host_upd['result'], 'host.update failed for host "'.$name.'"'); } } /** * Revert host macros back to original state before the update. Instead of using @backup that will backup and * restore all related tables that could take hours, focus only on host macros. * * @param array $hosts Array of hosts and their macros. * @param string $hosts[]['host'] Host technical name in case of error. * @param string $hosts[]['hostid'] Host ID. * @param string $hosts[]['macros'] Array of host original macros. */ private function restoreMacros(array $hosts) { $res = true; // Records after update has been made. Possibly new macros are stored. $records_current = CDBHelper::getAll( 'SELECT hm.hostmacroid,hm.hostid,hm.macro,hm.value,hm.description,hm.type,hm.automatic'. ' FROM hostmacro hm'. ' WHERE '.dbConditionId('hm.hostid', array_keys($hosts)) ); // Otherwise if no records exist, they must have been deleted, so in any case old recods need to be restored. foreach ($hosts as $host) { $host['macros'] = zbx_toHash($host['macros'], 'hostmacroid'); $records_current = zbx_toHash($records_current, 'hostmacroid'); // Host had macros before. Try to restore them. if ($host['macros']) { $ins_macros = []; $del_macros = []; $ins_macros = array_diff_key($host['macros'], $records_current); $del_macros = array_diff_key($records_current, $host['macros']); if ($ins_macros) { // Remove old host macro IDs from references that will be re-instertd. foreach (self::$data['hostmacroids'] as $key => $hostmacroid) { foreach ($ins_macros as $macro) { if (bccomp($macro['hostmacroid'], $hostmacroid) == 0) { unset(self::$data['hostmacroids'][$key]); } } } foreach ($ins_macros as &$macro) { unset($macro['hostmacroid']); } unset($macro); // Prepare the new host macro IDs. $nextid = CDBHelper::getAll( 'SELECT i.nextid'. ' FROM ids i'. ' WHERE i.table_name='.zbx_dbstr('hostmacro'). ' AND i.field_name='.zbx_dbstr('hostmacroid'). ' FOR UPDATE' )[0]['nextid'] + 1; $ids = DB::insertBatch('hostmacro', $ins_macros); $newids = array_fill($nextid, count($ins_macros), true); $this->assertEquals(array_keys($newids), array_values($ids), 'host.update with macros failed for host "'.$host['host'].'".' ); // Again the macro name must match the key. foreach ($ins_macros as $macro) { $db_hostmacro = CDBHelper::getRow( 'SELECT hm.hostmacroid'. ' FROM hostmacro hm'. ' WHERE hm.hostid='.zbx_dbstr($macro['hostid']). ' AND hm.macro='.zbx_dbstr($macro['macro']) ); $key = str_replace('{$', '', $macro['macro']); $key = str_replace('}', '', $key); $key = strtolower($key); } // Add macros to references just like in data preparation. self::$data['hostmacroids'][$key] = $db_hostmacro['hostmacroid']; } if ($del_macros) { // Delete the macros that were inserted in host.update method. $res = $res && DB::delete('hostmacro', [ 'hostmacroid' => array_column($del_macros, 'hostmacroid') ]); // Inserted macros during tests were not added to references. So there is nothing to remove. } // Check the old records. foreach ($host['macros'] as $macro) { // If old host macro ID still exists, update it. if (in_array($macro['hostmacroid'], self::$data['hostmacroids'])) { // Update the macro to previous value regardless of what it was before. $hostmacroid = $macro['hostmacroid']; unset($macro['hostmacroid']); $res = $res && DB::update('hostmacro', [ 'values' => $macro, 'where' => [ 'hostmacroid' => $hostmacroid ] ]); } } } // Host did not have macros, but new were added in host.update method. Remove the added ones. elseif ($records_current) { $res = $res && DB::delete('hostmacro', [ 'hostmacroid' => array_column($records_current, 'hostmacroid') ]); } $this->assertSame(true, $res, 'host.update failed for host "'.$host['host'].'"'); } } /** * Delete all created data after test. */ public static function clearData() { // Delete maintenances. CDataHelper::call('maintenance.delete', self::$data['maintenanceids']); // Delete hosts and templates. $hostids = array_values(self::$data['hostids']); $hostids = array_merge($hostids, self::$data['created']); CDataHelper::call('host.delete', $hostids); CDataHelper::call('template.delete', array_values(self::$data['templateids'])); // Delete groups. CDataHelper::call('hostgroup.delete', [self::$data['hostgroupid']]); CDataHelper::call('templategroup.delete', [self::$data['templategroupid']]); } }