openFormAndCheckBasics('LDAP'); // Check LDAP form default values. $ldap_form->checkValue([ 'Enable LDAP authentication' => false, 'Enable JIT provisioning' => false, 'Case-sensitive login' => true, 'Provisioning period' => '1h' ]); // Check LDAP form fields editability. foreach ([false, true] as $status) { $ldap_form->fill(['Enable LDAP authentication' => $status]); foreach (['Enable JIT provisioning', 'Servers', 'Case-sensitive login'] as $label) { $this->assertTrue($ldap_form->getField($label)->isEnabled($status)); } } $this->assertEquals(['Servers'], $ldap_form->getRequiredLabels()); // Check server table's headers. $server_table = [ 'Servers' => [ 'id' => 'ldap-servers', 'headers' => ['Name', 'Host', 'User groups', 'Default', ''] ] ]; $this->checkTablesHeaders($server_table, $ldap_form); // Check 'Provisioning period' field's editability. foreach ([false, true] as $jit_status) { $ldap_form->fill(['Enable JIT provisioning' => $jit_status]); $this->assertTrue($ldap_form->getField('Provisioning period')->isEnabled($jit_status)); } // Check default server popup fields. $ldap_form->getFieldContainer('Servers')->query('button:Add')->waitUntilClickable()->one()->click(); $server_dialog = COverlayDialogElement::find()->waitUntilReady()->one(); $this->assertEquals('New LDAP server', $server_dialog->getTitle()); $server_form = $server_dialog->asForm(); $server_fields = [ 'Name' => ['visible' => true, 'maxlength' => 128, 'value' => ''], 'Host' => ['visible' => true, 'maxlength' => 255, 'value' => ''], 'Port' => ['visible' => true, 'maxlength' => 5, 'value' => 389], 'Base DN' => ['visible' => true, 'maxlength' => 255, 'value' => ''], 'Search attribute' => ['visible' => true, 'maxlength' => 128, 'value' => ''], 'Bind DN' => ['visible' => true, 'maxlength' => 255, 'value' => ''], 'Bind password' => ['visible' => true, 'maxlength' => 128, 'value' => ''], 'Description' => ['visible' => true, 'maxlength' => 65535, 'value' => ''], 'Configure JIT provisioning' => ['visible' => true, 'value' => false], 'Advanced configuration' => ['visible' => true, 'value' => false], 'Group configuration' => ['visible' => false, 'value' => 'memberOf'], 'Group base DN' => ['visible' => false, 'maxlength' => 255, 'value' => ''], 'Group name attribute' => ['visible' => false, 'maxlength' => 255, 'value' => ''], 'Group member attribute' => ['visible' => false, 'maxlength' => 255, 'value' => ''], 'Reference attribute' => ['visible' => false, 'maxlength' => 255, 'value' => ''], 'Group filter' => ['visible' => false, 'maxlength' => 255, 'value' => '', 'placeholder' => '(%{groupattr}=%{user})'], 'User group membership attribute' => ['visible' => false, 'maxlength' => 255, 'value' => '', 'placeholder' => 'memberOf'], 'User name attribute' => ['visible' => false, 'maxlength' => 255, 'value' => ''], 'User last name attribute' => ['visible' => false, 'maxlength' => 255, 'value' => ''], 'User group mapping' => ['visible' => false], 'Media type mapping' => ['visible' => false ], 'StartTLS' => ['visible' => false, 'value' => false], 'Search filter' => ['visible' => false, 'maxlength' => 255, 'value' => '', 'placeholder' => '(%{attr}=%{user})'] ]; foreach ($server_fields as $label => $attributes) { $field = $server_form->getField($label); $this->assertEquals($attributes['visible'], $field->isVisible()); $this->assertTrue($field->isEnabled()); if (array_key_exists('value', $attributes)) { $this->assertEquals($attributes['value'], $field->getValue()); } if (array_key_exists('maxlength', $attributes)) { $this->assertEquals($attributes['maxlength'], $field->getAttribute('maxlength')); } if (array_key_exists('placeholder', $attributes)) { $this->assertEquals($attributes['placeholder'], $field->getAttribute('placeholder')); } } // Check visible mandatory fields. $this->assertEquals(['Name', 'Host', 'Port', 'Base DN', 'Search attribute'], $server_form->getRequiredLabels() ); // Check invisible mandatory field. $server_form->isRequired('User group mapping'); // Check JIT fields (memberOf). $server_form->fill(['Configure JIT provisioning' => true]); $server_form->query('xpath:.//label[text()="Group configuration"]')->waitUntilVisible(); $jit_fields_memberOf = [ 'Group base DN' => false, 'Group name attribute' => true, 'Group member attribute' => false, 'Reference attribute' => false, 'Group filter' => false, 'User group membership attribute' => true, 'User name attribute' => true, 'User last name attribute' => true, 'User group mapping' => true, 'Media type mapping' => true ]; foreach ($jit_fields_memberOf as $label => $visible) { $field = $server_form->getField($label); $this->assertEquals($visible, $field->isVisible()); $this->assertTrue($field->isEnabled()); } // Check JIT fields (groupOfNames). $server_form->fill(['Group configuration' => 'groupOfNames']); $server_form->query('xpath:.//label[text()="Group base DN"]')->waitUntilVisible(); $jit_fields_groupOfNames = [ 'Group base DN' => true, 'Group name attribute' => true, 'Group member attribute' => true, 'Reference attribute' => true, 'Group filter' => true, 'User group membership attribute' => false, 'User name attribute' => true, 'User last name attribute' => true, 'User group mapping' => true, 'Media type mapping' => true ]; foreach ($jit_fields_groupOfNames as $field => $visible) { $this->assertEquals($visible, $server_form->getField($field)->isVisible()); $this->assertTrue($server_form->getField($field)->isEnabled()); } // Check Advanced fields. $server_form->fill(['Advanced configuration' => true]); $server_form->query('xpath:.//label[text()="StartTLS"]')->waitUntilVisible(); $this->assertTrue($server_form->getField('Search filter')->isVisible()); $hintboxes = [ 'Group configuration' => 'memberOf is a preferable way to configure groups because it is faster. '. 'Use groupOfNames if your LDAP server does not support memberOf or group filtering is required.', 'Reference attribute' => 'Use %{ref} in group filter to reference value of this user attribute.', 'Media type mapping' => "Map user's LDAP media attributes (e.g. email) to Zabbix user media for sending". " notifications." ]; $mapping_tables = [ 'User group mapping' => [ 'id' => 'ldap-user-groups-table', 'headers' => ['LDAP group pattern', 'User groups', 'User role', 'Action'] ], 'Media type mapping' => [ 'id' => 'ldap-media-type-mapping-table', 'headers' => ['Name', 'Media type', 'Attribute', 'Action'] ] ]; $this->checkFormHintsAndMapping($server_form, $hintboxes, $mapping_tables, 'LDAP'); // Check footer buttons in Server form and close it. $this->checkFooterButtons($server_dialog, ['Add', 'Test', 'Cancel']); $server_dialog->close(); } public function getTestData() { return [ // #0 test without Host, Base DN and Search attribute. [ [ 'servers_settings' => [], 'test_error' => 'Invalid LDAP configuration', 'test_error_details' => [ 'Incorrect value for field "host": cannot be empty.', 'Incorrect value for field "base_dn": cannot be empty.', 'Incorrect value for field "search_attribute": cannot be empty.' ] ] ], // #1 test without Base DN and Search attribute. [ [ 'servers_settings' => [ 'Host' => '' ], 'test_error' => 'Invalid LDAP configuration', 'test_error_details' => [ 'Incorrect value for field "base_dn": cannot be empty.', 'Incorrect value for field "search_attribute": cannot be empty.' ] ] ], // #2 test without Search attribute. [ [ 'servers_settings' => [ 'Host' => '', 'Base DN' => 'dc=example,dc=com' ], 'test_error' => 'Invalid LDAP configuration', 'test_error_details' => [ 'Incorrect value for field "search_attribute": cannot be empty.' ] ] ], // #3 test with empty credentials. [ [ 'servers_settings' => [ 'Host' => '', 'Base DN' => 'dc=example,dc=com', 'Search attribute' => 'uid' ], 'test_settings' => [ 'Login' => '', 'User password' => '' ], 'test_error' => 'Invalid LDAP configuration', 'test_error_details' => [ 'Incorrect value for field "test_username": cannot be empty.', 'Incorrect value for field "test_password": cannot be empty.' ] ] ], // #4 test with empty password field. [ [ 'servers_settings' => [ 'Host' => '', 'Base DN' => 'dc=example,dc=com', 'Search attribute' => 'uid' ], 'test_settings' => [ 'Login' => 'galieleo', 'User password' => '' ], 'test_error' => 'Invalid LDAP configuration', 'test_error_details' => [ 'Incorrect value for field "test_password": cannot be empty.' ] ] ], // #5 test with empty username field. [ [ 'servers_settings' => [ 'Host' => '', 'Base DN' => 'dc=example,dc=com', 'Search attribute' => 'uid' ], 'test_settings' => [ 'Login' => '', 'User password' => 'password' ], 'test_error' => 'Invalid LDAP configuration', 'test_error_details' => [ 'Incorrect value for field "test_username": cannot be empty.' ] ] ], // #6 test with incorrect username and password values. [ [ 'servers_settings' => [ 'Host' => PHPUNIT_LDAP_HOST , 'Base DN' => 'cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=demo1,dc=freeipa,dc=org', 'Search attribute' => 'uid' ], 'test_settings' => [ 'Login' => PHPUNIT_LDAP_USERNAME, 'User password' => 'test' ], 'test_error' => 'Login failed', 'test_error_details' => [ 'Incorrect user name or password or account is temporarily blocked.' ] ] ], // #7 test with incorrect LDAP settings. [ [ 'servers_settings' => [ 'Host' => 'test', 'Base DN' => 'test', 'Search attribute' => 'test' ], 'test_settings' => [ 'Login' => 'test', 'User password' => 'test' ], 'test_error' => 'Login failed', 'test_error_details' => [ 'Cannot bind anonymously to LDAP server.' ] ] ], // #8 test with all available values. [ [ 'servers_settings' => [ 'Name' => 'Test Name', 'Host' => PHPUNIT_LDAP_HOST, 'Base DN' => 'DC=zbx,DC=local', 'Search attribute' => 'sAMAccountName', 'Bind DN' => ' CN=Admin,OU=Users,OU=Zabbix,DC=zbx,DC=local', 'Bind password' => PHPUNIT_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD, 'Description' => 'Test description', 'Advanced configuration' => true, 'StartTLS' => true, 'Search filter' => 'filter' ], 'test_settings' => [ 'Login' => PHPUNIT_LDAP_USERNAME, 'User password' => PHPUNIT_LDAP_USER_PASSWORD ], 'test_error' => 'Login failed', 'test_error_details' => [ 'Starting TLS failed.' ] ] ], // #9 test with Bind DN and Bind password. [ [ 'servers_settings' => [ 'Name' => 'Test Name', 'Host' => '', 'Base DN' => 'cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=demo1,dc=freeipa,dc=org', 'Search attribute' => 'uid', 'Bind DN' => 'test_DN', 'Bind password' => 'test_password', 'Description' => 'Test description' ], 'test_settings' => [ 'Login' => 'employee', 'User password' => 'Secret123' ], 'test_error' => 'Login failed', 'test_error_details' => [ 'Cannot bind to LDAP server.' ] ] ], // #10 test with correct LDAP settings and JIT settings. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'servers_settings' => [ 'Host' => PHPUNIT_LDAP_HOST, 'Base DN' => 'dc=zbx,dc=local', 'Search attribute' => 'uid', 'Bind DN' => 'cn=admin,dc=zbx,dc=local', 'Bind password' => PHPUNIT_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD, 'Configure JIT provisioning' => true, 'Group configuration' => 'groupOfNames', 'Group base DN' => 'ou=Groups,ou=Zabbix,dc=zbx,dc=local', 'Group name attribute' => 'cn', 'Group member attribute' => 'memberUid', 'Reference attribute' => '%{ref}', 'Group filter' => '(%{groupattr}=%{user})', 'User name attribute' => 'uid', 'User last name attribute' => 'sn' ], 'User group mapping' => [ [ 'LDAP group pattern' => 'Zabbix admins', 'User groups' => 'Zabbix administrators', 'User role' => 'Super admin role' ], [ 'LDAP group pattern' => 'Zabbix users', 'User groups' => 'Guests', 'User role' => 'Guest role' ] ], 'Media type mapping' => [ [ 'Name' => 'mail', 'Media type' => 'SMS', 'Attribute' => 'mobile' ] ], 'test_settings' => [ 'Login' => PHPUNIT_LDAP_USERNAME, 'User password' => PHPUNIT_LDAP_USER_PASSWORD ], 'check_provisioning' => [ 'role' => 'Super admin role', 'groups' => 'Zabbix administratorsGuests', 'medias' => 'mail' ] ] ] ]; } /** * Test LDAP settings. * * @dataProvider getTestData */ public function testUsersAuthenticationLdap_Test($data) { $form = $this->openLdapForm(); $form->fill(['Enable LDAP authentication' => true]); $form->query('button:Add')->waitUntilCLickable()->one()->click(); $server_form_dialog = COverlayDialogElement::find()->waitUntilReady()->one(); $server_form = $server_form_dialog->asForm(); $server_form->fill($data['servers_settings']); if (CTestArrayHelper::get($data['servers_settings'], 'Configure JIT provisioning')) { if (array_key_exists('User group mapping', $data)) { $this->setMapping($data['User group mapping'], $server_form, 'User group mapping'); } if (array_key_exists('Media type mapping', $data)) { $this->setMapping($data['Media type mapping'], $server_form, 'Media type mapping'); } } $this->query('button:Test')->waitUntilClickable()->one()->click(); $test_form_dialog = COverlayDialogElement::find()->waitUntilReady()->all()->last(); // Fill login and user password in Test authentication form. if (array_key_exists('test_settings', $data)) { $test_form_dialog->asForm()->fill($data['test_settings'])->submit(); $test_form_dialog->waitUntilReady(); } // Check error messages testing LDAP settings. if (CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'expected', TEST_BAD) === TEST_GOOD) { $this->assertMessage(TEST_GOOD, 'Login successful'); } else { $this->assertMessage(TEST_BAD, $data['test_error'], $data['test_error_details']); } if (array_key_exists('check_provisioning', $data)) { foreach ($data['check_provisioning'] as $id => $text) { $this->assertEquals($text, $test_form_dialog->query('id:provisioning_'.$id)->waitUntilVisible() ->one()->getText() ); } } $test_form_dialog->query('button:Cancel')->waitUntilClickable()->one()->click(); $test_form_dialog->waitUntilNotVisible(); $server_form_dialog->close(); } /** * Check that remove button works. */ public function testUsersAuthenticationLdap_Remove() { $form = $this->openLdapForm(); $table = $form->query('id:ldap-servers')->asTable()->one(); // Add new LDAP server if it is not present. if ($table->getRows()->count() === 0) { $this->setLdap([], 'button:Add', 'atest'); $form->submit(); $this->assertMessage(TEST_GOOD, 'Authentication settings updated'); $form->selectTab('LDAP settings'); } // Check headers. $this->assertEquals(['Name', 'Host', 'User groups', 'Default', ''], $table->getHeadersText()); // Check that LDAP server added in DB. $this->assertEquals(1, CDBHelper::getCount('SELECT * FROM userdirectory_ldap')); // Check that the last server can't be removed while LDAP authentication is still on. $table->query('button:Remove')->one()->click(); $form->submit(); $this->assertMessage(TEST_BAD, 'Cannot update authentication', 'Cannot delete default user directory.'); $this->assertEquals(1, CDBHelper::getCount('SELECT * FROM userdirectory_ldap')); // Uncheck LDAP authentication and try saving again. Make sure the server is not deleted from DB before saving. $this->query('id:ldap_auth_enabled')->asCheckbox()->one()->set(false); $this->assertEquals(1, CDBHelper::getCount('SELECT 1 FROM userdirectory_ldap')); // Submit changes and check that LDAP server removed. $form->submit(); $this->assertMessage(TEST_GOOD, 'Authentication settings updated'); $this->assertEquals(0, CDBHelper::getCount('SELECT * FROM userdirectory_ldap')); } /** * Check default LDAP server change. */ public function testUsersAuthenticationLdap_Default() { $form = $this->openLdapForm(); $this->page->assertHeader('Authentication'); $this->page->assertTitle('Configuration of authentication'); $table = $form->query('id:ldap-servers')->asTable()->one(); // To check default we need at least 2 LDAP servers. for ($i = 0; $i <=1; $i++) { if ($table->getRows()->count() >= 2) { break; } $this->setLdap([], 'button:Add', 'test_'.$i); $form->submit(); $this->assertMessage(TEST_GOOD, 'Authentication settings updated'); $form->selectTab('LDAP settings'); } foreach ($table->getRows() as $row) { $radio = $row->getColumn('Default'); $user_directoryid = CDBHelper::getValue('SELECT userdirectoryid FROM userdirectory_ldap WHERE host=' .zbx_dbstr($row->getColumn('Host')->getText()) ); // Check if LDAP server is set as Default. if ($radio->query('name:ldap_default_row_index')->one()->isAttributePresent('checked') === true) { $this->assertEquals($user_directoryid, CDBHelper::getValue('SELECT ldap_userdirectoryid FROM config')); } else { // Set another LDAP server as default. $this->assertNotEquals($user_directoryid, CDBHelper::getValue('SELECT ldap_userdirectoryid FROM config')); $radio->query('name:ldap_default_row_index')->one()->click(); $form->submit(); $this->assertMessage(TEST_GOOD, 'Authentication settings updated'); $this->assertEquals($user_directoryid, CDBHelper::getValue('SELECT ldap_userdirectoryid FROM config')); } } // Default LDAP server host name. $hostname = CDBHelper::getValue('SELECT host FROM userdirectory_ldap WHERE userdirectoryid IN '. '(SELECT ldap_userdirectoryid FROM config)' ); $form->selectTab('LDAP settings'); // Find default LDAP server, delete it and check that another LDAP server set as default. $table->findRow('Host', $hostname)->getColumn('')->query('button:Remove')->one()->click(); $form->submit(); $this->assertMessage(TEST_GOOD, 'Authentication settings updated'); $new_hostname = CDBHelper::getValue('SELECT host FROM userdirectory_ldap udl INNER JOIN config co ON '. 'udl.userdirectoryid = co.ldap_userdirectoryid'); // Check that old LDAP server (by host name) is not default now. $this->assertNotEquals($hostname, $new_hostname); } public function getUpdateData() { return [ // #0 Update LDAP with empty strings. [ [ 'servers_settings' => [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Name' => '', 'Host' => '', 'Base DN' => '', 'Port' => '', 'Search attribute' => '' ] ] ], 'ldap_error' => 'Invalid LDAP configuration', 'ldap_error_details' => [ 'Incorrect value for field "name": cannot be empty.', 'Incorrect value for field "host": cannot be empty.', 'Incorrect value for field "base_dn": cannot be empty.', 'Incorrect value for field "search_attribute": cannot be empty.' ] ] ], // #1 Update LDAP with empty strings except host. [ [ 'servers_settings' => [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Name' => '', 'Host' => 'updated_host', 'Base DN' => '', 'Search attribute' => '' ] ] ], 'ldap_error' => 'Invalid LDAP configuration', 'ldap_error_details' => [ 'Incorrect value for field "name": cannot be empty.', 'Incorrect value for field "base_dn": cannot be empty.', 'Incorrect value for field "search_attribute": cannot be empty.' ] ] ], // #2 Update LDAP with empty strings except host and Base DN. [ [ 'servers_settings' => [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Name' => '', 'Host' => 'updated_host', 'Base DN' => 'updated_dn', 'Search attribute' => '' ] ] ], 'ldap_error' => 'Invalid LDAP configuration', 'ldap_error_details' => [ 'Incorrect value for field "name": cannot be empty.', 'Incorrect value for field "search_attribute": cannot be empty.' ] ] ], // #3 Update LDAP with empty strings in name only. [ [ 'servers_settings' => [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Name' => '', 'Host' => 'updated_host', 'Base DN' => 'updated_dn', 'Search attribute' => 'updated_search' ] ] ], 'ldap_error' => 'Invalid LDAP configuration', 'ldap_error_details' => [ 'Incorrect value for field "name": cannot be empty.' ] ] ], // #4 Update LDAP with changing Bind password. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'servers_settings' => [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Name' => 'updated_name', 'Host' => 'updated_host', 'Port' => 777, 'Base DN' => 'updated_dn', 'Search attribute' => 'updated_search', 'Bind DN' => 'updated_bin_dn', 'Description' => 'updated_description', 'Advanced configuration' => true, 'StartTLS' => true, 'Search filter' => 'search_filter' ], 'Bind password' => 'test_password' ] ], 'db_check' => [ 'userdirectory' => [ ['name' => 'updated_name', 'description' => 'updated_description'] ], 'userdirectory_ldap' => [ [ 'host' => 'updated_host', 'port' => 777, 'base_dn' => 'updated_dn', 'bind_password' => 'test_password', 'search_attribute' => 'updated_search', 'bind_dn' => 'updated_bin_dn', 'start_tls' => '1', 'search_filter' => 'search_filter' ] ] ] ] ], // #5 Update LDAP with adding JIT (memberOf). [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'servers_settings' => [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Name' => 'ldap_with_jit_memberOf', 'Host' => '111.222.666', 'Port' => 1234, 'Base DN' => 'new base dn', 'Search attribute' => 'new search attribute', 'Bind DN' => 'new bind dn test', 'Description' => 'new test description with jit', 'Configure JIT provisioning' => true, 'Group configuration' => 'memberOf', 'Group name attribute' => 'new test group name attribute', 'User group membership attribute' => 'new test group membership', 'User name attribute' => 'new user name attribute', 'User last name attribute' => 'new user last name' ], 'User group mapping' => [ [ 'LDAP group pattern' => 'NEW updated group pattern', 'User groups' => 'Test timezone', 'User role' => 'User role' ] ] ] ], 'db_check' => [ 'userdirectory' => [ ['name' => 'ldap_with_jit_memberOf', 'description' => 'new test description with jit', 'provision_status' => 1] ], 'userdirectory_ldap' => [ [ 'host' => '111.222.666', 'port' => 1234, 'base_dn' => 'new base dn', 'bind_dn' => 'new bind dn test', 'search_attribute' => 'new search attribute', 'group_name' => 'new test group name attribute', 'group_membership' => 'new test group membership', 'user_username' => 'new user name attribute', 'user_lastname' => 'new user last name' ] ], 'userdirectory_idpgroup' => [ [ 'name' => 'NEW updated group pattern', 'roleid' => 1 ] ], 'userdirectory_usrgrp' => [ [ 'usrgrpid' => 92 ] ] ] ] ], // #6 Update LDAP with adding JIT (groupOfNames). [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'servers_settings' => [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Name' => 'ldap_with_jit_groupOfNames', 'Host' => '111.222.333', 'Port' => '', 'Base DN' => 'base dn', 'Search attribute' => 'search attribute', 'Bind DN' => 'bind dn test', 'Description' => 'test description with jit', 'Configure JIT provisioning' => true, 'Group configuration' => 'groupOfNames', 'Group base DN' => 'test group base dn', 'Group name attribute' => 'test group name attribute', 'Group member attribute' => 'test group member', 'Reference attribute' => 'test reference attribute', 'Group filter' => 'test group filter', 'User name attribute' => 'user name attribute', 'User last name attribute' => 'user last name' ], 'User group mapping' => [ [ 'LDAP group pattern' => 'NEW group pattern', 'User groups' => 'Test timezone', 'User role' => 'User role' ] ], 'Media type mapping' => [ [ 'Name' => 'Test Discord mapping', 'Media type' => 'Discord', 'Attribute' => 'test discord' ], [ 'Name' => 'Test iLert mapping', 'Media type' => 'iLert', 'Attribute' => 'test iLert' ] ] ] ], 'db_check' => [ 'userdirectory' => [ ['name' => 'ldap_with_jit_groupOfNames', 'description' => 'test description with jit', 'provision_status' => 1] ], 'userdirectory_ldap' => [ [ 'host' => '111.222.333', 'port' => 0, 'base_dn' => 'base dn', 'bind_dn' => 'bind dn test', 'search_attribute' => 'search attribute', 'group_basedn' => 'test group base dn', 'group_name' => 'test group name attribute', 'group_member' => 'test group member', 'user_ref_attr' => 'test reference attribute', 'group_filter' => 'test group filter', 'user_username' => 'user name attribute', 'user_lastname' => 'user last name' ] ], 'userdirectory_idpgroup' => [ [ 'name' => 'NEW group pattern', 'roleid' => 1 ] ], 'userdirectory_usrgrp' => [ [ 'usrgrpid' => 92 ] ], 'userdirectory_media' => [ [ 'name' => 'Test Discord mapping', 'mediatypeid' => 10, 'attribute' => 'test discord' ], [ 'name' => 'Test iLert mapping', 'mediatypeid' => 22, 'attribute' => 'test iLert' ] ] ] ] ], // #7 Update LDAP with JIT from memberOf to groupOfNames. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'start_ldap' => [ 'Name' => 'test_update_memberOf', 'Host' => '111.020.050', 'Port' => 888, 'Base DN' => 'test_update_memberOf', 'Search attribute' => 'test_update_memberOf', 'Bind DN' => 'test_update_memberOf', 'Description' => 'test_update_memberOf', 'Configure JIT provisioning' => true, 'Group configuration' => 'memberOf', 'Group name attribute' => 'test_update_memberOf', 'User group membership attribute' => 'test_update_memberOf', 'User name attribute' => 'test_update_memberOf', 'User last name attribute' => 'test_update_memberOf' ], 'start_group_mapping' => [ [ 'LDAP group pattern' => 'NEW group pattern', 'User groups' => 'Test timezone', 'User role' => 'User role' ] ], 'servers_settings' => [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Name' => 'test_update_to_groupOfNames', 'Host' => '111.030.060', 'Base DN' => 'test_update_to_groupOfNames', 'Search attribute' => 'test_update_to_groupOfNames', 'Bind DN' => 'test_update_to_groupOfNames', 'Description' => 'test_update_to_groupOfNames', 'Group configuration' => 'groupOfNames', 'Group base DN' => 'test_update_to_groupOfNames', 'Group name attribute' => 'test_update_to_groupOfNames', 'Group member attribute' => 'test_update_to_groupOfNames', 'Reference attribute' => 'test_update_to_groupOfNames', 'Group filter' => 'test_update_to_groupOfNames', 'User name attribute' => 'test_update_to_groupOfNames', 'User last name attribute' => 'test_update_to_groupOfNames' ] ] ], 'db_check' => [ 'userdirectory' => [ ['name' => 'test_update_to_groupOfNames', 'description' => 'test_update_to_groupOfNames', 'provision_status' => 1] ], 'userdirectory_ldap' => [ [ 'host' => '111.030.060', 'port' => 888, 'base_dn' => 'test_update_to_groupOfNames', 'bind_dn' => 'test_update_to_groupOfNames', 'search_attribute' => 'test_update_to_groupOfNames', 'group_basedn' => 'test_update_to_groupOfNames', 'group_name' => 'test_update_to_groupOfNames', 'group_member' => 'test_update_to_groupOfNames', 'user_ref_attr' => 'test_update_to_groupOfNames', 'group_filter' => 'test_update_to_groupOfNames', 'user_username' => 'test_update_to_groupOfNames', 'user_lastname' => 'test_update_to_groupOfNames' ] ], 'userdirectory_idpgroup' => [ [ 'name' => 'NEW group pattern', 'roleid' => 1 ] ], 'userdirectory_usrgrp' => [ [ 'usrgrpid' => 92 ] ] ] ] ] ]; } /** * Update LDAP server settings. * * @dataProvider getUpdateData */ public function testUsersAuthenticationLdap_Update($data) { if (CDBHelper::getCount('SELECT * FROM userdirectory_ldap') === 0) { $server_settings['servers_settings'][0]['fields'] = (CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'start_ldap', [ 'Name' => 'test_update', 'Host' => 'test_update', 'Base DN' => 'test_update', 'Bind password' => 'test_password', 'Search attribute' => 'test_update' ] )); if (array_key_exists('start_group_mapping', $data)) { $server_settings['servers_settings'][0]['User group mapping'] = $data['start_group_mapping']; } $this->checkLdap($server_settings, 'button:Add'); $this->assertMessage(TEST_GOOD, 'Authentication settings updated'); } if (!array_key_exists('expected', $data)) { $hash_before = CDBHelper::getHash('SELECT * FROM userdirectory_ldap'); } $this->checkLdap($data, 'xpath://table[@id="ldap-servers"]//a[contains(text(), "test_")]'); $this->assertMessage(TEST_GOOD, 'Authentication settings updated'); if (!array_key_exists('expected', $data)) { $this->assertEquals($hash_before, CDBHelper::getHash('SELECT * FROM userdirectory_ldap')); } else { foreach ($data['db_check'] as $table => $rows) { $all_rows = CDBHelper::getAll('SELECT * FROM '.$table.' LIMIT '.count($rows)); foreach ($rows as $i => $row) { foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $this->assertEquals($value, $all_rows[$i][$key]); } } } $form = $this->openLdapForm(); $table = $form->query('id:ldap-servers')->asTable()->one(); foreach ($table->query('button:Remove')->all() as $button) { $button->click(); } $form->fill(['Enable LDAP authentication' => false]); $form->submit(); if ($this->page->isAlertPresent()) { $this->page->acceptAlert(); } } } public function getCreateValidationData() { return [ // #0 Only default authentication added. [ [ 'error' => 'Incorrect value for field "authentication_type": LDAP is not configured.' ] ], // #1 LDAP server without any parameters. [ [ 'servers_settings' => [ [ 'fields' => [] ] ], 'ldap_error' => 'Invalid LDAP configuration', 'ldap_error_details' => [ 'Incorrect value for field "name": cannot be empty.', 'Incorrect value for field "host": cannot be empty.', 'Incorrect value for field "base_dn": cannot be empty.', 'Incorrect value for field "search_attribute": cannot be empty.' ], 'error' => 'At least one LDAP server must exist.' ] ], // #2 LDAP server without name, Base DN and Search attribute. [ [ 'servers_settings' => [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Host' => '' ] ] ], 'ldap_error' => 'Invalid LDAP configuration', 'ldap_error_details' => [ 'Incorrect value for field "name": cannot be empty.', 'Incorrect value for field "base_dn": cannot be empty.', 'Incorrect value for field "search_attribute": cannot be empty.' ], 'error' => 'At least one LDAP server must exist.' ] ], // #3 LDAP server without name and search attribute. [ [ 'servers_settings' => [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Host' => '', 'Base DN' => 'cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=demo1,dc=freeipa,dc=org' ] ] ], 'ldap_error' => 'Invalid LDAP configuration', 'ldap_error_details' => [ 'Incorrect value for field "name": cannot be empty.', 'Incorrect value for field "search_attribute": cannot be empty.' ], 'error' => 'At least one LDAP server must exist.' ] ], // #4 LDAP server without name. [ [ 'servers_settings' => [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Host' => '', 'Base DN' => 'cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=demo1,dc=freeipa,dc=org', 'Search attribute' => 'uid' ] ] ], 'ldap_error' => 'Invalid LDAP configuration', 'ldap_error_details' => [ 'Incorrect value for field "name": cannot be empty.' ], 'error' => 'At least one LDAP server must exist.' ] ], // #5 LDAP server with too big integer in Port. [ [ 'servers_settings' => [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Name' => 'TEST', 'Host' => '', 'Port' => 99999, 'Base DN' => 'cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=demo1,dc=freeipa,dc=org', 'Search attribute' => 'uid' ] ] ], 'ldap_error' => 'Invalid LDAP configuration', 'ldap_error_details' => [ 'Incorrect value for field "port": value must be no greater than "65535".' ], 'error' => 'At least one LDAP server must exist.' ] ], // #6 Two LDAP servers with same names. [ [ 'servers_settings' => [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Name' => 'TEST', 'Host' => '', 'Base DN' => 'dc=example,dc=com', 'Search attribute' => 'uid' ] ], [ 'fields' => [ 'Name' => 'TEST', 'Host' => '', 'Base DN' => 'dc=example,dc=com', 'Search attribute' => 'uid' ] ] ], 'dialog_submit' => true, 'error' => 'Invalid parameter "/2": value (name)=(TEST) already exists.' ] ], // #7 LDAP server with JIT, but without Group mapping. [ [ 'servers_settings' => [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Name' => 'LDAP', 'Host' => 'test', 'Port' => '001', 'Base DN' => 'test', 'Search attribute' => 'tets', 'Configure JIT provisioning' => true ] ] ], 'ldap_error' => 'Invalid LDAP configuration', 'ldap_error_details' => [ 'Invalid user group mapping configuration.' ], 'error' => 'At least one LDAP server must exist.' ] ], // #8 Group mapping dialog form validation. [ [ 'servers_settings' => [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Name' => 'LDAP', 'Host' => 'test', 'Base DN' => 'test', 'Search attribute' => 'tets', 'Configure JIT provisioning' => true ], 'User group mapping' => [[]] ] ], 'mapping_error' => 'Invalid user group mapping configuration.', 'mapping_error_details' => [ 'Field "roleid" is mandatory.', 'Incorrect value for field "name": cannot be empty.', 'Field "user_groups" is mandatory.' ], 'ldap_error' => 'Invalid LDAP configuration', 'ldap_error_details' => [ 'Invalid user group mapping configuration.' ], 'error' => 'At least one LDAP server must exist.' ] ], // #9 Media mapping dialog form validation. [ [ 'servers_settings' => [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Name' => 'LDAP', 'Host' => 'test no media', 'Base DN' => 'test no media', 'Search attribute' => 'tets no media', 'Configure JIT provisioning' => true ], 'Media type mapping' => [[]] ] ], 'mapping_error' => 'Invalid media type mapping configuration.', 'mapping_error_details' => [ 'Incorrect value for field "name": cannot be empty.', 'Incorrect value for field "attribute": cannot be empty.' ], 'ldap_error' => 'Invalid LDAP configuration', 'ldap_error_details' => [ 'Invalid user group mapping configuration.' ], 'error' => 'At least one LDAP server must exist.' ] ] ]; } public function getCreateData() { return [ // #0 Using cyrillic symbols in fields (groupOfNames). [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'servers_settings' => [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Name' => 'кириллица', 'Host' => 'кириллица', 'Base DN' => 'кириллица', 'Search attribute' => 'кириллица', 'Bind DN' => 'кириллица', 'Description' => 'кириллица', 'Configure JIT provisioning' => true, 'Group configuration' => 'groupOfNames', 'Group base DN' => 'кириллица', 'Group name attribute' => 'кириллица', 'Group member attribute' => 'кириллица', 'Reference attribute' => 'кириллица', 'Group filter' => 'кириллица', 'User name attribute' => 'кириллица', 'User last name attribute' => 'кириллица', 'Advanced configuration' => true, 'Search filter' => 'кириллица' ], 'User group mapping' => [ [ 'LDAP group pattern' => 'кириллица', 'User groups' => 'Test timezone', 'User role' => 'User role' ] ], 'Media type mapping' => [ [ 'Name' => 'кириллица1', 'Media type' => 'Discord', 'Attribute' => 'кириллица' ], [ 'Name' => 'кириллица2', 'Media type' => 'iLert', 'Attribute' => 'кириллица' ] ] ] ], 'db_check' => [ 'userdirectory' => [ ['name' => 'кириллица', 'description' => 'кириллица', 'provision_status' => 1] ], 'userdirectory_ldap' => [ [ 'host' => 'кириллица', 'port' => 389, 'base_dn' => 'кириллица', 'bind_dn' => 'кириллица', 'bind_password' => '', 'search_attribute' => 'кириллица', 'group_basedn' => 'кириллица', 'group_name' => 'кириллица', 'group_member' => 'кириллица', 'user_ref_attr' => 'кириллица', 'group_filter' => 'кириллица', 'user_username' => 'кириллица', 'user_lastname' => 'кириллица', 'search_filter' => 'кириллица' ] ], 'userdirectory_idpgroup' => [ [ 'name' => 'кириллица', 'roleid' => 1 ] ], 'userdirectory_usrgrp' => [ [ 'usrgrpid' => 92 ] ], 'userdirectory_media' => [ [ 'name' => 'кириллица1', 'mediatypeid' => 10, 'attribute' => 'кириллица' ], [ 'name' => 'кириллица2', 'mediatypeid' => 22, 'attribute' => 'кириллица' ] ] ] ] ], // #1 Using cyrillic symbols in fields (memberOf). [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'servers_settings' => [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Name' => 'кириллица', 'Host' => 'кириллица', 'Base DN' => 'кириллица', 'Search attribute' => 'кириллица', 'Configure JIT provisioning' => true, 'Group name attribute' => 'кириллица', 'User group membership attribute' => 'кириллица', 'User name attribute' => 'кириллица', 'User last name attribute' => 'кириллица' ], 'User group mapping' => [ [ 'LDAP group pattern' => 'кириллица', 'User groups' => 'Test timezone', 'User role' => 'User role' ] ] ] ], 'db_check' => [ 'userdirectory' => [ ['name' => 'кириллица', 'description' => '', 'provision_status' => 1] ], 'userdirectory_ldap' => [ [ 'host' => 'кириллица', 'port' => 389, 'base_dn' => 'кириллица', 'search_attribute' => 'кириллица', 'group_name' => 'кириллица', 'user_username' => 'кириллица', 'user_lastname' => 'кириллица' ] ], 'userdirectory_idpgroup' => [ [ 'name' => 'кириллица', 'roleid' => 1 ] ], 'userdirectory_usrgrp' => [ [ 'usrgrpid' => 92 ] ] ] ] ], // #2 Using symbols in settings (groupOfNames). [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'servers_settings' => [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Name' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'Host' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'Base DN' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'Search attribute' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'Bind DN' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'Bind password' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'Description' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'Configure JIT provisioning' => true, 'Group configuration' => 'groupOfNames', 'Group base DN' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'Group name attribute' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'Group member attribute' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'Reference attribute' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'Group filter' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'User name attribute' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'User last name attribute' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'Advanced configuration' => true, 'Search filter' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ' ], 'User group mapping' => [ [ 'LDAP group pattern' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'User groups' => 'Test timezone', 'User role' => 'User role' ] ], 'Media type mapping' => [ [ 'Name' => '~`!@#$%^7*()_+=/1', 'Media type' => 'Discord', 'Attribute' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ' ], [ 'Name' => '~`!@#$%^7*()_+=/2', 'Media type' => 'iLert', 'Attribute' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ' ] ] ] ], 'db_check' => [ 'userdirectory' => [ ['name' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'description' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'provision_status' => 1] ], 'userdirectory_ldap' => [ [ 'host' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'port' => '389', 'base_dn' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'bind_dn' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'bind_password' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'search_attribute' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'group_basedn' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'group_name' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'group_member' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'user_ref_attr' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'group_filter' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'user_username' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'user_lastname' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'search_filter' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ' ] ], 'userdirectory_idpgroup' => [ [ 'name' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'roleid' => 1 ] ], 'userdirectory_usrgrp' => [ [ 'usrgrpid' => 92 ] ], 'userdirectory_media' => [ [ 'name' => '~`!@#$%^7*()_+=/1', 'mediatypeid' => 10, 'attribute' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ' ], [ 'name' => '~`!@#$%^7*()_+=/2', 'mediatypeid' => 22, 'attribute' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ' ] ] ] ] ], // #3 Using symbols in settings (memberOf). [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'servers_settings' => [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Name' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'Host' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'Base DN' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'Search attribute' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'Configure JIT provisioning' => true, 'Group name attribute' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'User group membership attribute' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'User name attribute' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'User last name attribute' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ' ], 'User group mapping' => [ [ 'LDAP group pattern' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'User groups' => 'Test timezone', 'User role' => 'User role' ] ] ] ], 'db_check' => [ 'userdirectory' => [ ['name' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'description' => '', 'provision_status' => 1] ], 'userdirectory_ldap' => [ [ 'host' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'port' => 389, 'base_dn' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'search_attribute' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'group_name' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'user_username' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'user_lastname' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ' ] ], 'userdirectory_idpgroup' => [ [ 'name' => '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:"|,./<>?Ž©µÆ', 'roleid' => 1 ] ], 'userdirectory_usrgrp' => [ [ 'usrgrpid' => 92 ] ] ] ] ], // #4 Checking trim of the leading and trailing settings (groupOfNames). [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'trim' => true, 'servers_settings' => [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Name' => ' leading.trailing ', 'Host' => ' leading.trailing ', 'Base DN' => ' leading.trailing ', 'Search attribute' => ' leading.trailing ', 'Bind DN' => ' leading.trailing ', 'Bind password' => ' leading.trailing ', 'Description' => ' leading.trailing ', 'Configure JIT provisioning' => true, 'Group configuration' => 'groupOfNames', 'Group base DN' => ' leading.trailing ', 'Group name attribute' => ' leading.trailing ', 'Group member attribute' => ' leading.trailing ', 'Reference attribute' => ' leading.trailing ', 'Group filter' => ' leading.trailing ', 'User name attribute' => ' leading.trailing ', 'User last name attribute' => ' leading.trailing ', 'Advanced configuration' => true, 'Search filter' => ' leading.trailing ' ], 'User group mapping' => [ [ 'LDAP group pattern' => ' leading.trailing ', 'User groups' => 'Test timezone', 'User role' => 'User role' ] ], 'Media type mapping' => [ [ 'Name' => ' leading.trailing ', 'Media type' => 'Discord', 'Attribute' => ' leading.trailing ' ] ] ] ], 'db_check' => [ 'userdirectory' => [ ['name' => 'leading.trailing', 'description' => 'leading.trailing', 'provision_status' => 1] ], 'userdirectory_ldap' => [ [ 'host' => 'leading.trailing', 'port' => 389, 'base_dn' => 'leading.trailing', 'bind_dn' => 'leading.trailing', 'bind_password' => ' leading.trailing ', 'search_attribute' => 'leading.trailing', 'group_basedn' => 'leading.trailing', 'group_name' => 'leading.trailing', 'group_member' => 'leading.trailing', 'user_ref_attr' => ' leading.trailing ', 'group_filter' => 'leading.trailing', 'user_username' => 'leading.trailing', 'user_lastname' => 'leading.trailing', 'search_filter' => 'leading.trailing' ] ], 'userdirectory_idpgroup' => [ [ 'name' => 'leading.trailing', 'roleid' => 1 ] ], 'userdirectory_usrgrp' => [ [ 'usrgrpid' => 92 ] ], 'userdirectory_media' => [ [ 'name' => 'leading.trailing', 'mediatypeid' => 10, 'attribute' => 'leading.trailing' ] ] ] ] ], // #5 Checking trim of the leading and trailing settings (memberOf). [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'trim' => true, 'servers_settings' => [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Name' => ' leading.trailing ', 'Host' => ' leading.trailing ', 'Base DN' => ' leading.trailing ', 'Search attribute' => ' leading.trailing ', 'Configure JIT provisioning' => true, 'Group name attribute' => ' leading.trailing ', 'User group membership attribute' => ' leading.trailing ', 'User name attribute' => ' leading.trailing ', 'User last name attribute' => ' leading.trailing ' ], 'User group mapping' => [ [ 'LDAP group pattern' => ' leading.trailing ', 'User groups' => 'Test timezone', 'User role' => 'User role' ] ] ] ], 'db_check' => [ 'userdirectory' => [ ['name' => 'leading.trailing', 'description' => '', 'provision_status' => 1] ], 'userdirectory_ldap' => [ [ 'host' => 'leading.trailing', 'port' => 389, 'base_dn' => 'leading.trailing', 'search_attribute' => 'leading.trailing', 'group_name' => 'leading.trailing', 'user_username' => 'leading.trailing', 'user_lastname' => 'leading.trailing' ] ], 'userdirectory_idpgroup' => [ [ 'name' => 'leading.trailing', 'roleid' => 1 ] ], 'userdirectory_usrgrp' => [ [ 'usrgrpid' => 92 ] ] ] ] ], // #6 Long values. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'servers_settings' => [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Name' => STRING_128, 'Host' => STRING_255, 'Port' => 65535, 'Base DN' => STRING_255, 'Search attribute' => STRING_255, 'Bind password' => STRING_128, 'Bind DN' => STRING_255, 'Description' => STRING_6000, 'Configure JIT provisioning' => true, 'Group configuration' => 'groupOfNames', 'Group base DN' => STRING_255, 'Group name attribute' => STRING_255, 'Group member attribute' => STRING_255, 'Reference attribute' => STRING_255, 'Group filter' => STRING_255, 'User name attribute' => STRING_255, 'User last name attribute' => STRING_255, 'Advanced configuration' => true, 'StartTLS' => true, 'Search filter' => STRING_255 ], 'User group mapping' => [ [ 'LDAP group pattern' => STRING_255, 'User groups' => 'Test timezone', 'User role' => 'User role' ] ], 'Media type mapping' => [ [ 'Name' => '1ong_value_long_value_long_value_long_value_long_value_long_valu', 'Media type' => 'Discord', 'Attribute' => STRING_255 ], [ 'Name' => '2ong_value_long_value_long_value_long_value_long_value_long_valu', 'Media type' => 'iLert', 'Attribute' => STRING_255 ] ] ] ], 'db_check' => [ 'userdirectory' => [ [ 'name' => STRING_128, 'description' => STRING_6000, 'provision_status' => 1 ] ], 'userdirectory_ldap' => [ [ 'host' => STRING_255, 'port' => 65535, 'base_dn' => STRING_255, 'bind_dn' => STRING_255, 'bind_password' => STRING_128, 'search_attribute' => STRING_128, 'group_basedn' => STRING_255, 'group_name' => STRING_255, 'group_member' => STRING_255, 'user_ref_attr' => STRING_255, 'group_filter' => STRING_255, 'user_username' => STRING_255, 'user_lastname' => STRING_255, 'start_tls' => 1, 'search_filter' => STRING_255 ] ], 'userdirectory_idpgroup' => [ [ 'name' => STRING_255, 'roleid' => 1 ] ], 'userdirectory_usrgrp' => [ [ 'usrgrpid' => 92 ] ], 'userdirectory_media' => [ [ 'name' => '1ong_value_long_value_long_value_long_value_long_value_long_valu', 'mediatypeid' => 10, 'attribute' => STRING_255 ], [ 'name' => '2ong_value_long_value_long_value_long_value_long_value_long_valu', 'mediatypeid' => 22, 'attribute' => STRING_255 ] ] ] ] ], // #7 LDAP server with every field filled (no JIT). [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'servers_settings' => [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Name' => 'LDAP', 'Host' => '', 'Port' => 389, 'Base DN' => 'cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=demo1,dc=freeipa,dc=org', 'Search attribute' => 'uid', 'Bind DN' => 'uid=admin,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=demo1,dc=freeipa,dc=org', 'Bind password' => 'Secret123', 'Description' => 'description', 'Advanced configuration' => true, 'StartTLS' => true, 'Search filter' => 'filter' ] ] ], 'db_check' => [ 'userdirectory' => [ ['name' => 'LDAP', 'description' => 'description', 'provision_status' => 0] ], 'userdirectory_ldap' => [ [ 'host' => '', 'port' => 389, 'base_dn' => 'cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=demo1,dc=freeipa,dc=org', 'bind_dn' => 'uid=admin,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=demo1,dc=freeipa,dc=org', 'bind_password' => 'Secret123', 'search_attribute' => 'uid', 'start_tls' => 1, 'search_filter' => 'filter' ] ] ] ] ], // #8 LDAP server with every field filled with JIT (groupOfNames). [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'servers_settings' => [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Name' => 'create_ldap_with_jit', 'Host' => '111.222.444', 'Port' => '', 'Base DN' => 'create base dn', 'Search attribute' => 'create search attribute', 'Bind DN' => 'create bin dn test', 'Description' => 'create test description with jit', 'Configure JIT provisioning' => true, 'Group configuration' => 'groupOfNames', 'Group base DN' => 'create test group base dn', 'Group name attribute' => 'create test group name attribute', 'Group member attribute' => 'create test group member', 'Reference attribute' => 'create test reference attribute', 'Group filter' => 'create test group filter', 'User name attribute' => 'create user name attribute', 'User last name attribute' => 'create user last name', 'Advanced configuration' => true, 'StartTLS' => true, 'Search filter' => 'search filter' ], 'User group mapping' => [ [ 'LDAP group pattern' => 'create group pattern', 'User groups' => 'Test timezone', 'User role' => 'User role' ] ], 'Media type mapping' => [ [ 'Name' => 'Create Test Discord mapping', 'Media type' => 'Discord', 'Attribute' => 'test discord' ], [ 'Name' => 'Create Test iLert mapping', 'Media type' => 'iLert', 'Attribute' => 'test iLert' ] ] ] ], 'db_check' => [ 'userdirectory' => [ ['name' => 'create_ldap_with_jit', 'description' => 'create test description with jit', 'provision_status' => 1] ], 'userdirectory_ldap' => [ [ 'host' => '111.222.444', 'port' => '0', 'base_dn' => 'create base dn', 'bind_dn' => 'create bin dn test', 'search_attribute' => 'create search attribute', 'group_basedn' => 'create test group base dn', 'group_name' => 'create test group name attribute', 'group_member' => 'create test group member', 'user_ref_attr' => 'create test reference attribute', 'group_filter' => 'create test group filter', 'user_username' => 'create user name attribute', 'user_lastname' => 'create user last name', 'start_tls' => true, 'search_filter' => 'search filter' ] ], 'userdirectory_idpgroup' => [ [ 'name' => 'create group pattern', 'roleid' => 1 ] ], 'userdirectory_usrgrp' => [ [ 'usrgrpid' => 92 ] ], 'userdirectory_media' => [ [ 'name' => 'Create Test Discord mapping', 'mediatypeid' => 10, 'attribute' => 'test discord' ], [ 'name' => 'Create Test iLert mapping', 'mediatypeid' => 22, 'attribute' => 'test iLert' ] ] ] ] ], // #9 Two LDAP servers with different names. [ [ 'expected' => TEST_GOOD, 'servers_settings' => [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Name' => 'ldap1', 'Host' => '111.222.444', 'Port' => '123', 'Base DN' => 'base dn 1', 'Search attribute' => 'search attribute 1', 'Bind DN' => 'bin dn test 1' ] ], [ 'fields' => [ 'Name' => 'ldap2', 'Host' => '111.222.555', 'Port' => '999', 'Base DN' => 'base dn 2', 'Search attribute' => 'search attribute 2', 'Bind DN' => 'bin dn test 2' ] ] ], 'db_check' => [ 'userdirectory' => [ ['name' => 'ldap1'], ['name' => 'ldap2'] ], 'userdirectory_ldap' => [ [ 'host' => '111.222.444', 'port' => '123', 'base_dn' => 'base dn 1', 'search_attribute' => 'search attribute 1', 'bind_dn' => 'bin dn test 1' ], [ 'host' => '111.222.555', 'port' => '999', 'base_dn' => 'base dn 2', 'search_attribute' => 'search attribute 2', 'bind_dn' => 'bin dn test 2' ] ] ] ] ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider getCreateValidationData */ public function testUsersAuthenticationLdap_CreateValidation($data) { $this->testLdapCreate($data); } /** * @backup config * * @dataProvider getCreateData */ public function testUsersAuthenticationLdap_Create($data) { $this->testLdapCreate($data); } private function testLdapCreate($data) { $this->checkLdap($data, 'button:Add'); // Check error messages. if (CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'expected', TEST_BAD) === TEST_GOOD) { $this->assertMessage(TEST_GOOD, 'Authentication settings updated'); // Check LDAP configuration in DB. foreach ($data['db_check'] as $table => $rows) { foreach ($rows as $i => $row) { if (CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'trim', false)) { $rows = array_map('trim', $row); } $sql = 'SELECT '.implode(",", array_keys($row)).' FROM '.$table.' LIMIT 1 OFFSET '.$i; $this->assertEquals([$row], CDBHelper::getAll($sql)); } } } else { $this->assertMessage(TEST_BAD, 'Cannot update authentication', $data['error']); } } /** * Check that User Group value in table changes after adding LDAP server to any user group. */ public function testUsersAuthenticationLdap_UserGroups() { $form = $this->openLdapForm(); $table = $form->query('id:ldap-servers')->asTable()->one(); // Add new LDAP server if it is not present. if ($table->getRows()->count() === 0) { $this->setLdap([], 'button:Add', 'atest'); $form->submit(); $this->assertMessage(TEST_GOOD, 'Authentication settings updated'); $form->selectTab('LDAP settings'); } // Check that there is no User groups with added LDAP server. $row = $table->getRow(0); $ldap_name = $row->getColumn('Name')->getText(); $this->assertEquals('0', $row->getColumn('User groups')->getText()); // Open existing User group and change it LDAP server. $usrgrpid = CDataHelper::get('LoginUsers.usrgrpids.LDAP user group'); $this->page->open('zabbix.php?action=usergroup.edit&usrgrpid='.$usrgrpid)->waitUntilReady(); $this->query('name:userdirectoryid')->asDropdown()->one()->fill($ldap_name); $this->query('button:Update')->one()->click(); // Check that value in table is changed and display that there exists group with LDAP server. $this->page->open('zabbix.php?action=authentication.edit')->waitUntilReady(); $form->selectTab('LDAP settings'); $this->assertEquals('1', $row->getColumn('User groups')->getText()); $this->assertFalse($this->query('xpath://button[text()="Remove"][1]')->one()->isEnabled()); } /** * Function for opening LDAP configuration form. * * @param string $auth default authentication field value */ private function openLdapForm($auth = 'Internal') { $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=authentication.edit'); $form = $this->query('id:authentication-form')->asForm()->one(); $form->fill(['Default authentication' => $auth]); $form->selectTab('LDAP settings'); return $form; } /** * Fill and submit LDAP server settings. * * @param string $data data provider * @param string $query object to click for LDAP creating or updating * @param string $values simple LDAP server values */ private function setLdap($data, $query, $values = null) { $form = $this->query('id:authentication-form')->asForm()->one(); // Select LDAP setting tab if it is not selected. if ($form->getSelectedTab() !== 'LDAP settings') { $form->selectTab('LDAP settings'); } // Open and fill LDAP settings form. $this->query('id:ldap_auth_enabled')->asCheckbox()->one()->set(true); if ($values !== null) { $data['servers_settings'][0]['fields'] = [ 'Name' => $values, 'Host' => $values, 'Base DN' => $values, 'Search attribute' => $values ]; } // Fill LDAP server form. foreach ($data['servers_settings'] as $i => $ldap) { if ($i > 0) { $query = 'button:Add'; } $form->query($query)->waitUntilClickable()->one()->click(); $dialog = COverlayDialogElement::find()->waitUntilReady()->one(); $ldap_form = $dialog->asForm(); $ldap_form->fill($ldap['fields']); if (array_key_exists('Bind password', $ldap)) { $ldap_form->getFieldContainer('Bind password')->query('button:Change password')->waitUntilClickable() ->one()->click(); $ldap_form->query('id:bind_password')->one()->waitUntilVisible()->fill($ldap['Bind password']); } if (CTestArrayHelper::get($ldap['fields'], 'Configure JIT provisioning')) { $success = (array_key_exists('mapping_error', $data)) ? false : true; if (array_key_exists('User group mapping', $ldap)) { $this->setMapping($ldap['User group mapping'], $ldap_form, 'User group mapping', $success); } if (array_key_exists('Media type mapping', $ldap)) { $this->setMapping($ldap['Media type mapping'], $ldap_form, 'Media type mapping', $success); } } // Check error message in ldap creation form. if (array_key_exists('mapping_error', $data)) { $this->assertMessage(TEST_BAD, $data['mapping_error'], $data['mapping_error_details']); COverlayDialogElement::find()->all()->last()->query('button:Cancel')->one()->click(); } $ldap_form->submit(); if (CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'expected') === TEST_GOOD || CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'dialog_submit')) { $dialog->ensureNotPresent(); } } } /** * Create or update LDAP server values. * * @param array $data data provider * @param string $query object to click for LDAP creating or updating */ private function checkLdap($data, $query) { $form = $this->openLdapForm('LDAP'); // Configuration at 'LDAP settings' tab. if (array_key_exists('servers_settings', $data)) { $this->setLdap($data, $query); // Check error message in ldap creation form. if (array_key_exists('ldap_error', $data)) { $this->assertMessage(TEST_BAD, $data['ldap_error'], $data['ldap_error_details']); COverlayDialogElement::find()->all()->last()->close(); } } $form->submit(); if ($this->page->isAlertPresent()) { $this->page->acceptAlert(); } } }