page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=actionlog.list')->waitUntilReady(); // Check header and title. $this->page->assertHeader('Action log'); $this->page->assertTitle('Action log'); $form = $this->query('name:zbx_filter')->asForm()->one(); // If the time selector is not visible - enable it. if ($this->query('xpath://li[@aria-labelledby="ui-id-1" and @aria-selected="false"]')->exists()) { $this->query('id:ui-id-1')->one()->click(); } // Check that filter set to display Last hour data. $this->assertEquals('selected', $this->query('xpath://a[@data-label="Last 1 hour"]')->one() ->getAttribute('class') ); // Check data set values in input field. $this->assertEquals('now-1h', $this->query('id:from')->one()->getValue()); $this->assertEquals('now', $this->query('id:to')->one()->getValue()); // Press to display filter. $this->query('id:ui-id-2')->one()->click(); // Check filter buttons. foreach (['Apply', 'Reset'] as $button) { $this->assertTrue($form->query('xpath:.//div[@class="filter-forms"]/button[text()="'.$button.'"]') ->one()->isClickable() ); } // Check that Export to CSV button is clickable. $this->assertTrue($this->query('button:Export to CSV')->one()->isClickable()); // Check form labels. $this->assertEquals(['Recipients', 'Actions', 'Media types', 'Status', 'Search string'], $form->getLabels()->asText()); // Check Search string field max length. $this->assertEquals(255, $form->getField('Search string')->waitUntilVisible()->getAttribute('maxlength')); // Check table headers. $this->assertEquals(['Time', 'Action', 'Media type', 'Recipient', 'Message', 'Status', 'Info'], $this->query('class:list-table')->asTable()->one()->getHeadersText() ); // Check status available values. $this->assertEquals(['In progress', 'Sent/Executed', 'Failed'], $this->query('id:filter_status') ->asCheckboxList()->one()->getLabels()->asText() ); } public static function getCheckFilterData() { return [ // #0. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Recipients' => ['test-timezone'] ], 'result' => [ ['Recipient' => "test-timezone\n77777777"], ['Recipient' => "test-timezone\n77777777"] ] ] ], // #1. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Actions' => ['Trigger action 2'] ], 'result' => [ ['Action' => 'Trigger action 2'], ['Action' => 'Trigger action 2'], ['Action' => 'Trigger action 2'], ['Action' => 'Trigger action 2'], ['Action' => 'Trigger action 2'], ['Action' => 'Trigger action 2'], ['Action' => 'Trigger action 2'] ] ] ], // #2. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Actions' => ['Simple action'] ], 'result' => [] ] ], // #3. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Recipients' => ['filter-update'] ], 'result' => [] ] ], // #4. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Media types' => ['Discord'] ], 'result' => [ ['Media type' => 'Discord'] ] ] ], // #5. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Media types' => ['Discord', 'SMS'] ], 'result' => [ ['Media type' => 'SMS'], ['Media type' => 'SMS'], ['Media type' => 'Discord'] ] ] ], // #6. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Media types' => ['Github'] ], 'result' => [] ] ], // #7. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Actions' => ['Trigger action 2'], 'Media types' => ['Discord'] ], 'result' => [] ] ], // #8. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Actions' => ['Trigger action 3'], 'Media types' => ['Discord'] ], 'result' => [ ['Action' => 'Trigger action 3', 'Media type' => 'Discord'] ] ] ], // #9. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Recipients' => ['Administrator'], 'Actions' => ['Trigger action 3'] ], 'result' => [ ['Action' => 'Trigger action 3', 'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\"] ] ] ], // #10. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Recipients' => ['Administrator'], 'Media types' => ['Email'] ], 'result' => [ ['Media type' => 'Email', 'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\"], ['Media type' => 'Email', 'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\"], ['Media type' => 'Email', 'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\"], ['Media type' => 'Email', 'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\"], ['Media type' => 'Email', 'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\"] ] ] ], // #11. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Recipients' => ['Administrator', 'test-timezone'], 'Media types' => ['Email', 'Discord', 'SMS'], 'Actions' => ['Trigger action 2', 'Trigger action 3'] ], 'result' => [ [ 'Action' => 'Trigger action 3', 'Media type' => 'SMS', 'Recipient' => "test-timezone\n77777777" ], [ 'Action' => 'Trigger action 3', 'Media type' => 'SMS', 'Recipient' => "test-timezone\n77777777" ], [ 'Action' => 'Trigger action 3', 'Media type' => 'Discord', 'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\" ], [ 'Action' => 'Trigger action 2', 'Media type' => 'Email', 'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\" ], [ 'Action' => 'Trigger action 2', 'Media type' => 'Email', 'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\" ], [ 'Action' => 'Trigger action 2', 'Media type' => 'Email', 'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\" ], [ 'Action' => 'Trigger action 2', 'Media type' => 'Email', 'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\" ], [ 'Action' => 'Trigger action 2', 'Media type' => 'Email', 'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\" ] ] ] ], // #12. [ [ 'fields' => ['Failed' => true], 'result' => [ ['Status' => 'Failed'] ] ] ], // #13. [ [ 'fields' => ['Sent/Executed' => true], 'result' => [ ['Status' => 'Sent'], ['Status' => 'Sent'], ['Status' => 'Sent'], ['Status' => 'Executed'], ['Status' => 'Executed'], ['Status' => 'Sent'], ['Status' => 'Sent'], ['Status' => 'Sent'] ] ] ], // #14. [ [ 'fields' => ['In progress' => true], 'result' => [ ['Status' => "In progress:\n3 retries left"] ] ] ], // #15. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Failed' => true, 'In progress' => true ], 'result' => [ ['Status' => "In progress:\n3 retries left"], ['Status' => 'Failed'] ] ] ], // #16. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'In progress' => true, 'Sent/Executed' => true, 'Failed' => true ], 'result' => [ ['Status' => 'Sent'], ['Status' => 'Sent'], ['Status' => 'Sent'], ['Status' => 'Executed'], ['Status' => 'Executed'], ['Status' => "In progress:\n3 retries left"], ['Status' => 'Failed'], ['Status' => 'Sent'], ['Status' => 'Sent'], ['Status' => 'Sent'] ] ] ], // #17. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Actions' => ['Trigger action 3'], 'Sent/Executed' => true ], 'result' => [ ['Action' => 'Trigger action 3', 'Status' => 'Sent'], ['Action' => 'Trigger action 3', 'Status' => 'Sent'], ['Action' => 'Trigger action 3', 'Status' => 'Sent'] ] ] ], // #18. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Actions' => ['Trigger action 3'], 'In progress' => true ], 'result' => [] ] ], // #19. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Recipients' => ['Administrator', 'test-timezone'], 'In progress' => true ], 'result' => [ [ 'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\", 'Status' => "In progress:\n3 retries left" ] ] ] ], // #20. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Recipients' => ['test-timezone'], 'In progress' => true ], 'result' => [] ] ], // #21. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Media types' => ['Email'], 'In progress' => true ], 'result' => [ ['Media type' => 'Email', 'Status' => "In progress:\n3 retries left"] ] ] ], // #22. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Media types' => ['Email'], 'Sent/Executed' => true ], 'result' => [ ['Media type' => 'Email', 'Status' => 'Sent'], ['Media type' => 'Email', 'Status' => 'Sent'], ['Media type' => 'Email', 'Status' => 'Sent'] ] ] ], // #23. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Media types' => ['Email'], 'Failed' => true ], 'result' => [ ['Media type' => 'Email', 'Status' => 'Failed'] ] ] ], // #24. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Media types' => ['Email'], 'Actions' => ['Trigger action 2'], 'Recipients' => ['Administrator'], 'Sent/Executed' => true ], 'result' => [ [ 'Action' => 'Trigger action 2', 'Media type' => 'Email', 'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\", 'Status' => 'Sent' ], [ 'Action' => 'Trigger action 2', 'Media type' => 'Email', 'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\", 'Status' => 'Sent' ], [ 'Action' => 'Trigger action 2', 'Media type' => 'Email', 'Recipient' => "Admin (Zabbix Administrator)\", 'Status' => 'Sent' ] ] ] ], // #25. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Search string' => 'test' ], 'result' => [] ] ], // #26. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Search string' => '10:00:40' ], 'result' => [ [ 'Message' => "Subject:\nPROBLEM: Value of item key1 > 20\n\nMessage:\nEvent ". "at 2012.02.20 10:00:40 Hostname: H1 Value of item key1 > 20: PROBLEM" ] ] ] ], // #27. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Search string' => '.' ], 'result' => [ [ 'Message' => "Subject:\nPROBLEM: Value of item key1 > 20\n\nMessage:\nEvent at 2012.02.20 ". "10:00:40 Hostname: H1 Value of item key1 > 20: PROBLEM" ], [ 'Message' => "Subject:\nPROBLEM: Value of item key1 > 10\n\nMessage:\nEvent at 2012.02.20 ". "10:00:30 Hostname: H1 Value of item key1 > 10: PROBLEM" ], [ 'Message' => "Subject:\nPROBLEM: Value of item key1 > 7\n\nMessage:\nEvent at 2012.02.20 ". "10:00:20 Hostname: H1 Value of item key1 > 7: PROBLEM" ], [ 'Message' => "Subject:\nPROBLEM: Value of item key1 > 6\n\nMessage:\nEvent at 2012.02.20 ". "10:00:10 Hostname: H1 Value of item key1 > 6: PROBLEM" ], [ 'Message' => "Subject:\nPROBLEM: Value of item key1 > 5\n\nMessage:\nEvent at 2012.02.20 ". "10:00:00 Hostname: H1 Value of item key1 > 5: PROBLEM Last value: 6" ] ] ] ], // #28. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Search string' => '5' ], 'result' => [ [ 'Message' => "Subject:\nPROBLEM: Value of item key1 > 5\n\nMessage:\nEvent at 2012.02.20 ". "10:00:00 Hostname: H1 Value of item key1 > 5: PROBLEM Last value: 6" ] ] ] ], // #29. [ [ 'result' => [ ['Time' => '2012-02-20 10:01:30'], ['Time' => '2012-02-20 10:01:20'], ['Time' => '2012-02-20 10:01:10'], ['Time' => '2012-02-20 10:01:00'], ['Time' => '2012-02-20 10:00:50'], ['Time' => '2012-02-20 10:00:40'], ['Time' => '2012-02-20 10:00:30'], ['Time' => '2012-02-20 10:00:20'], ['Time' => '2012-02-20 10:00:10'], ['Time' => '2012-02-20 10:00:00'] ] ] ], // #30. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Search string' => ' ' ], 'result' => [ [ 'Message' => "Subject:\nsubject here\n\nMessage:\nmessage here" ], [ 'Message' => "Subject:\nsubject here\n\nMessage:\nmessage here" ], [ 'Message' => "Command:\nCommand: H1:ls -la" ], [ 'Message' => "Command:\nCommand: H1:ls -la" ], [ 'Message' => "Subject:\nPROBLEM: Value of item key1 > 20\n\nMessage:\nEvent at 2012.02.20 ". "10:00:40 Hostname: H1 Value of item key1 > 20: PROBLEM" ], [ 'Message' => "Subject:\nPROBLEM: Value of item key1 > 10\n\nMessage:\nEvent at 2012.02.20 ". "10:00:30 Hostname: H1 Value of item key1 > 10: PROBLEM" ], [ 'Message' => "Subject:\nPROBLEM: Value of item key1 > 7\n\nMessage:\nEvent at 2012.02.20 ". "10:00:20 Hostname: H1 Value of item key1 > 7: PROBLEM" ], [ 'Message' => "Subject:\nPROBLEM: Value of item key1 > 6\n\nMessage:\nEvent at 2012.02.20 ". "10:00:10 Hostname: H1 Value of item key1 > 6: PROBLEM" ], [ 'Message' => "Subject:\nPROBLEM: Value of item key1 > 5\n\nMessage:\nEvent at 2012.02.20 ". "10:00:00 Hostname: H1 Value of item key1 > 5: PROBLEM Last value: 6" ] ] ] ], // #31. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Search string' => ' ' ], 'result' => [] ] ], // #32. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Search string' => 'Event at 2012.02.20 10:00:30 Hostname: H1 Value of item key1 > 10: PROBLEM' ], 'result' => [ [ 'Message' => "Subject:\nPROBLEM: Value of item key1 > 10\n\nMessage:\nEvent at 2012.02.20 ". "10:00:30 Hostname: H1 Value of item key1 > 10: PROBLEM" ] ], 'result_count' => 1 ] ], // #33. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Search string' => '2012-02-20 10:01:00' ], 'result' => [] ] ], // 34. [ [ 'time' => [ 'id:from' => '2020-08-15 00:00:00', 'id:to' => '2020-08-15 01:0:00' ], 'result' => [ ['Time' => '2020-08-15 00:20:00'], ['Time' => '2020-08-15 00:10:00'] ] ] ], // 35. [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Actions' => 'Trigger action 2' ], 'time' => [ 'id:from' => '2020-08-15 00:00:00', 'id:to' => '2020-08-15 01:0:00' ], 'result' => [ ['Time' => '2020-08-15 00:20:00', 'Action' => 'Trigger action 2'] ] ] ] ]; } /** * Filter action log and check results. * * @dataProvider getCheckFilterData */ public function testPageReportsActionLog_CheckFilter($data) { $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=actionlog.list&from=2012-02-20+09:01:00&to=2012-02-20+11:01:00&'. 'filter_messages=&filter_set=1')->waitUntilReady(); // Filter by time. $form = $this->query('name:zbx_filter')->asForm()->one(); if (array_key_exists('time', $data)) { // Enable time tab. $time_tab = $this->query('xpath:.//li[@aria-labelledby="ui-id-1" and @aria-selected="false"]'); if ($time_tab->exists()) { $time_tab->one()->click(); } $this->query('id:from')->one()->fill($data['time']['id:from']); $this->query('id:to')->one()->fill($data['time']['id:to']); $this->query('id:apply')->one()->click(); $this->page->waitUntilReady(); } // Fill filter. $filter_tab = $this->query('xpath:.//li[@aria-labelledby="ui-id-2" and @aria-selected="false"]'); if (array_key_exists('fields', $data)) { // If the filter is not visible - enable it. if ($filter_tab->exists()) { $filter_tab->one()->click(); } $form->fill($data['fields'])->submit(); } $this->page->waitUntilReady(); $this->assertTableHasData($data['result']); $this->assertTableStats(count($data['result'])); // Reset filter for the next checks. if ($filter_tab->exists()) { $filter_tab->one()->click(); } $form->query('button:Reset')->one()->click(); } /** * Check Status column colors and Info column hintbox. */ public function testPageReportsActionLog_CheckStatusInfo() { $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=actionlog.list&from=2012-02-20+09:01:00&to=2012-02-20+11:01:00&'. 'filter_messages=&filter_set=1')->waitUntilReady(); // Check status color correctness. $table = $this->query('class:list-table')->asTable()->one(); $statuses = ['Executed' => 'green', 'In progress:' => 'yellow', 'Failed' => 'red', 'Sent' => 'green']; foreach ($statuses as $status => $color) { $this->assertEquals($color, $table->query("xpath:(//td/span[text()=".CXPathHelper::escapeQuotes($status)."])[1]") ->one()->getAttribute('class') ); } // Check hintbox. $table->findRow('Status', 'Failed')->getColumn('Info')->query("xpath:.//button[@data-hintbox]") ->waitUntilClickable()->one()->click(); $hintbox = $this->query('xpath://div[@class="overlay-dialogue"]')->waitUntilPresent(); $this->assertEquals('Get value from agent failed: cannot connect to [[]:10050]: [111] Connection refused', $hintbox->one()->getText() ); // Close hintbox. $hintbox->query('xpath:.//button[@class="btn-overlay-close"]')->one()->click()->waitUntilNotPresent(); } /** * Check Reset button. */ public function testPageReportsActionLog_CheckResetButton() { $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=actionlog.list&from=2012-02-20+09:01:00&to=2012-02-20+11:01:00&'. 'filter_messages=&filter_set=1')->waitUntilReady(); // If the filter is not visible - enable it. $filter_tab = $this->query('xpath:.//li[@aria-labelledby="ui-id-2" and @aria-selected="false"]'); if ($filter_tab->exists()) { $filter_tab->one()->click(); } $form = $this->query('name:zbx_filter')->asForm()->one(); $empty_form = [ 'Recipients' => '', 'Actions' => '', 'Media types' => '', 'Search string' => '', 'In progress' => false, 'Sent/Executed' => false, 'Failed' => false ]; $filled_form = [ 'Recipients' => 'test-timezone', 'Actions' => 'Trigger action 3', 'Media types' => 'SMS', 'Search string' => 'test', 'In progress' => true, 'Sent/Executed' => true, 'Failed' => true ]; // Check reset button with/without filter submit. foreach ([true, false] as $submit) { $this->assertTableStats(10); $form->checkValue($empty_form); $form->fill($filled_form); if ($submit) { $form->submit(); $this->page->waitUntilReady(); $this->assertTableStats(0); } $form->invalidate()->checkValue($filled_form); $form->query('button:Reset')->one()->click(); $this->page->waitUntilReady(); $form->invalidate()->checkValue($empty_form); $this->assertTableStats(10); } } }