page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=auditlog.list&filter_rst=1')->waitUntilReady(); // If the time selector is not visible - enable it. if ($this->query('xpath://li[@aria-labelledby="ui-id-1" and @aria-selected="false"]')->exists()) { $this->query('id:ui-id-1')->one()->click(); } // Check that filter set to display Last hour data. $this->assertEquals('selected', $this->query('xpath://a[@data-label="Last 1 hour"]')->one()->getAttribute('class')); // Press to display filter. $this->query('id:ui-id-2')->one()->click(); $form = $this->query('name:zbx_filter')->asForm()->one(); $table = $this->query('class:list-table')->asTable()->one(); $filter_actions = ['Add', 'Configuration refresh', 'Delete', 'Execute', 'Failed login', 'History clear', 'Login', 'Logout', 'Push', 'Update']; // Check filter buttons. foreach (['Apply', 'Reset'] as $button) { $this->assertTrue($form->query('xpath:.//div[@class="filter-forms"]/button[text()="'.$button.'"]') ->one()->isClickable() ); } // Check form labels. $this->assertEquals(['Users', 'Actions', 'Resource', 'Resource ID', 'Recordset ID'], $form->getLabels()->asText()); // Check that resource values set as All by default. $this->assertTrue($form->checkValue(['Resource' => 'All'])); // Check table headers. $this->assertEquals(['Time', 'User', 'IP', 'Resource', 'ID', 'Action', 'Recordset ID', 'Details'], $table->getHeadersText()); // Find action checkboxes and check labels. $this->assertEquals($filter_actions, $this->query('id:filter-actions')->asCheckboxList()->one()->getLabels()->asText()); // Check that table stats are present. $this->assertTableStats($table->getRows()->count()); // Resource name with checkboxes that are enabled. $resource_actions =[ 'API token' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'Action' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'Authentication' => ['Update'], 'Autoregistration' => ['Update'], 'Dashboard' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'Discovery rule' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'Event correlation' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'Graph' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'Graph prototype' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'High availability node' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'History' => ['Push'], 'Host' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'Host group' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'Host prototype' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'Housekeeping' => ['Update'], 'Icon mapping' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'Image' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'Item' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'History clear', 'Update'], 'Item prototype' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'Macro' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'Maintenance' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'Map' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'Media type' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'Module' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'Proxy' => ['Add', 'Configuration refresh', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'Regular expression' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'SLA' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'Scheduled report' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'Script' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Execute', 'Update'], 'Service' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'Settings' => ['Update'], 'Template' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'Template dashboard' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'Trigger' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'Trigger prototype' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'User' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Failed login', 'Login', 'Logout', 'Update'], 'User directory' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'User group' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'User role' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'Value map' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'], 'Web scenario' => ['Add', 'Delete', 'Update'] ]; // Check that actions checkboxes correctly enables/disables switching resources. $errors = []; foreach ($resource_actions as $resource => $actions) { $form->fill(['Resource' => $resource]); $left_actions = array_values(array_diff($filter_actions, $actions)); // At first, we need to check that correct checkboxes is enabled. Then we check that all others are disabled. foreach ([true, false] as $status) { if (!$status) { $actions = $left_actions; } foreach ($actions as $action) { $this->assertTrue($this->query('xpath://label[text()="'.$action.'"]/../input[@type="checkbox"]')-> one()->isEnabled($status) ); } } } } /** * Create media type and check audit page. */ public function testPageReportsAudit_Add() { $response = CDataHelper::call('mediatype.create', [ [ 'type' => 0, 'name' => 'AAA', 'smtp_server' => '', 'smtp_helo' => '', 'smtp_email' => '', 'content_type' => 1 ] ]); $this->assertArrayHasKey('mediatypeids', $response); self::$id = $response['mediatypeids'][0]; // Find media type id and check that audit info displayed correctly on frontend. $create_audit = "mediatype.mediatypeid: ".self::$id. "\ AAA". "\nmediatype.smtp_email:". "\nmediatype.smtp_helo:". "\nmediatype.smtp_server:"; $this->checkAuditValues('Media type', self::$id, ['Add' => $create_audit]); } /** * Update media type and check audit page. * * @depends testPageReportsAudit_Add */ public function testPageReportsAudit_Update() { CDataHelper::call('mediatype.update', [ [ 'mediatypeid' => self::$id, 'name' => 'AAA_update', 'smtp_helo' => '', 'smtp_email' => '' ] ]); // Check that audit info displayed correctly on frontend after update. $update_audit = " AAA => AAA_update". "\nmediatype.smtp_email: =>". "\nmediatype.smtp_helo: =>"; $this->checkAuditValues('Media type', self::$id, ['Update' => $update_audit]); } /** * Delete media type and check audit page. * * @depends testPageReportsAudit_Add */ public function testPageReportsAudit_Delete() { CDataHelper::call('mediatype.delete', [self::$id]); // Check that audit info displayed correctly on frontend after delete. $delete_audit = 'Description: AAA_update'; $this->checkAuditValues('Media type', self::$id, ['Delete' => $delete_audit]); } /** * Clear history and trends in item and check audit page. */ public function testPageReportsAudit_HistoryClear() { CDataHelper::call('history.clear', [99106]); // Check that audit info displayed correctly on frontend. $clear_audit = 'Description: Dynamic widgets H3I1'; $this->checkAuditValues('Item', 99106, ['History clear' => $clear_audit]); } /** * Check that Login, Logout and Failed login works and displayed correctly. */ public function testPageReportsAudit_LoginLogoutFailed() { $this->page->userLogin('Admin', 'zabbixaaa'); $this->page->userLogin('Admin', 'zabbix'); $this->query('link:Sign out')->waitUntilVisible()->one()->click(); $this->page->login(); // Check that all info displayed correctly in audit. $user_audit = ''; $this->checkAuditValues('User', 1, ['Failed login' => $user_audit, 'Login' => $user_audit, 'Logout' => $user_audit] ); } /** * Check that there is no audit logs after disabling audit. */ public function testPageReportsAudit_DisabledEnabled() { $this->page->login(); foreach ([false, true] as $status) { $this->page->open('zabbix.php?action=audit.settings.edit')->waitUntilReady(); // Disable audit. $settings_form = $this->query('id:audit-settings')->asForm()->one(); $settings_form->fill(['Enable audit logging' => $status])->submit(); $this->assertMessage(TEST_GOOD, 'Configuration updated'); // Save audit data from table in UI and database. $this->page->open('zabbix.php?action=auditlog.list&filter_rst=1')->waitUntilReady(); $table = $this->query('class:list-table')->asTable()->one(); $audit_values = $table->getRow(0)->getText(); $hash = CDBHelper::getHash('SELECT * FROM auditlog'); // Check information in audit page that audit is disabled/enabled. $audit_status = (!$status) ? 'settings.auditlog_enabled: 1 => 0' : 'settings.auditlog_enabled: 0 => 1'; $this->assertEquals($audit_status, $this->query('class:list-table')->asTable()->one()->getRow(0)-> getColumn('Details')->getText() ); // Update media type. If audit is disabled - no new data should appear in audit page/database. $name = (!$status) ? 'BBB' : 'CCC'; CDataHelper::call('mediatype.update', [ [ 'mediatypeid' => 1, 'name' => $name ] ]); // Compare audit after disabling/enabling audit and adding media type. $this->page->refresh()->waitUntilReady(); if (!$status) { $this->assertEquals($audit_values, $table->getRow(0)->getText()); $this->assertEquals($hash, CDBHelper::getHash('SELECT * FROM auditlog')); } else { $this->assertNotEquals($audit_values, $table->getRow(0)->getText()); $this->assertNotEquals($hash, CDBHelper::getHash('SELECT * FROM auditlog')); } } } /** * @onBeforeOnce prepareLoginData */ public static function getCheckFilterData() { return [ // #0 [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Resource' => 'Media type', 'Actions' => 'Add' ], 'result_count' => 1 ] ], // #1 [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Resource' => 'Media type' ], 'result_count' => 4 ] ], // #2 [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Resource' => 'Media type', 'Users' => 'Admin' ], 'result_count' => 4 ] ], // #3 [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Users' => 'Admin' ], 'result_count' => 12 ] ], // #4 [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Users' => 'Admin', 'Actions' => 'Failed login' ], 'result_count' => 1 ] ], // #5 [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Users' => 'Admin', 'Actions' => [ 'Add', 'Delete', 'Failed login', 'Logout', 'Login' ] ], 'result_count' => 5 ] ], // #6 [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Actions' => [ 'Add', 'Delete', 'Failed login', 'History clear', 'Logout', 'Login', 'Update' ] ] ] ], // #7 [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Users' => ['test-timezone', 'Admin'] ], 'result_count' => 13 ] ], // #8 [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Resource ID' => 99106 ], 'result_count' => 1 ] ], // #9 [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Users' => 'Admin', 'Resource' => 'Item', 'Resource ID' => 99106, 'Actions' => 'History clear' ], 'result_count' => 1 ] ], // #10 [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Recordset ID' => 'cl7irkc1h00003pde7s7xxxxx' ], 'no_data' => true ] ], // #11 [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Users' => 'guest', 'Actions' => 'Add' ], 'no_data' => true ] ], // #12 [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Resource ID' => 77777777 ], 'no_data' => true ] ], // #13 [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Users' => 'filter-create' ], 'no_data' => true ] ], // #14 [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Actions' => 'Execute' ], 'no_data' => true ] ], // #15 [ [ 'fields' => [ 'Resource' => 'Web scenario' ], 'no_data' => true ] ] // TODO: uncomment after ZBX-21097 fix // #16 // [ // [ // 'fields' => [ // 'Resource ID' => 'aaaaaaaa' // ], // 'no_data' => true // ] // ], // #17 // [ // [ // 'fields' => [ // 'Recordset ID' => 'aaaaaaaa' // ], // 'no_data' => true // ] // ] ]; } /** * Check audit filter. This checks can be executed only after all other scenarios completed. * There are used values and data that was created before in this autotest. * * @dataProvider getCheckFilterData * * @onBeforeOnce prepareLoginData * * @depends testPageReportsAudit_Add * @depends testPageReportsAudit_Update * @depends testPageReportsAudit_Delete * @depends testPageReportsAudit_HistoryClear * @depends testPageReportsAudit_LoginLogoutFailed * @depends testPageReportsAudit_DisabledEnabled */ public function testPageReportsAudit_CheckFilter($data) { $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=auditlog.list&filter_rst=1')->waitUntilReady(); $form = $this->query('name:zbx_filter')->asForm()->one(); $table = $this->query('class:list-table')->asTable()->one(); $form->query('button:Reset')->one()->click(); $form->fill($data['fields'])->submit(); // If there is no result - "No data found" displayed in table. if (CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'no_data')) { $this->assertEquals(['No data found.'], $table->getRows()->asText()); } else { foreach ($data['fields'] as $column => $values) { if ($column === 'Users' || 'Actions') { $column = rtrim($column, 's'); } if ($column === 'Resource ID') { $column = 'ID'; } // If not array. if (!is_array($values)) { $values = [$values]; } // Get all results from column and remove existing values. $table_value = $this->getTableColumnData($column); foreach ($values as $value) { $this->assertTrue(in_array($value, $table_value)); // Remove existing value from the list. $table_value = array_values(array_diff($table_value, [$value])); } // If everything correct, there should not be left any values. $this->assertEquals($table_value, []); } // TODO: remove IF condition after ZBX-19918 fix. Add result_count to test case #6 // There is some scenarios with known result amount. if (array_key_exists('result_count', $data)) { $this->assertEquals($data['result_count'], $table->getRows()->count()); } } } /** * Check that audit log can be filtered by recordsetid. */ public function testPageReportsAudit_CheckRecordsetFilter() { $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=auditlog.list&filter_rst=1')->waitUntilReady(); $form = $this->query('name:zbx_filter')->asForm()->one(); $table = $this->query('class:list-table')->asTable()->one(); $form->query('button:Reset')->one()->click(); // Click on Recordset ID in first row. $table->getRow(0)->getColumn('Recordset ID')->query('xpath:.//a')->one()->click(); $recordsetid = $table->getRow(0)->getColumn('Recordset ID')->getText(); // Check that correct Recordset ID displayed in filter form. $this->assertTrue($form->checkValue(['Recordset ID' => $recordsetid])); // Compare result cout on page and in DB. $recordsetid_count = CDBHelper::getCount('SELECT NULL FROM auditlog WHERE recordsetid='.zbx_dbstr($recordsetid)); $this->assertEquals($recordsetid_count, $table->getRows()->count()); } /** * Filter and compare audit log. * * @param string $resource_name resource parameter on audit page. * @param integer $resourceid parameter resource ID. * @param array $actions action name as key and audit details as value. */ private function checkAuditValues($resource_name, $resourceid, $actions) { $this->page->login()->open('zabbix.php?action=auditlog.list')->waitUntilReady(); // If the filter is not visible - enable it. if ($this->query('xpath://li[@aria-labelledby="ui-id-2" and @aria-selected="false"]')->exists()) { $this->query('id:ui-id-2')->one()->click(); } // Find filter form and fill with correct resource values. $form = $this->query('name:zbx_filter')->asForm()->one(); $form->query('button:Reset')->one()->click(); foreach ($actions as $action => $audit) { $form->fill(['Resource' => $resource_name, 'Resource ID' => $resourceid]); $form->query("xpath:.//label[text()=".CXPathHelper::escapeQuotes($action). ']/../input[contains(@id, "filter_actions")]' )->asCheckbox()->one()->check(); $form->submit()->waitUntilReloaded(); // Check that action column has correct action value. $table = $this->query('class:list-table')->asTable()->one(); $this->assertEquals($action, $table->getRow(0)->getColumn('Action')->getText()); // Check audit details in overlay window or in details column. $details_link = $table->getRow(0)->getColumn('Details')->query('link:Details')->one(false); if ($details_link->isValid()) { $details_link->click(); $dialog = COverlayDialogElement::find()->waitUntilReady()->one(); $this->assertEquals($audit, $dialog->getContent()->getText()); $dialog->close(); } else { $this->assertEquals($audit, $table->getRow(0)->getColumn('Details')->getText()); } // Values taken from column after filtering audit. $columns = ['Time', 'User', 'IP', 'Resource', 'ID', 'Recordset ID']; $result = []; foreach ($columns as $column) { $column_value = $table->getRow(0)->getColumn($column)->getText(); // Need to convert time to epoch format and change to string. if ($column === 'Time') { $column_value = strval(strtotime($column_value)); } // Every resource has its value in database. if ($column === 'Resource') { $column_value = ($column_value === 'User') ? 0 : (($column_value === 'Item') ? 15 : 3); } $result[] = $column_value; } // Compare values from DB and audit page. $action_ids = [ 'Failed login' => 9, 'Login' => 8, 'Logout' => 4, 'Add' => 0, 'Update' => 1, 'Delete' => 2, 'History clear' => 10 ]; $dbaudit = CDBHelper::getAll('SELECT clock, username, ip, resourcetype, resourceid, recordsetid FROM auditlog WHERE (resourceid, action)=('.zbx_dbstr($resourceid).','.zbx_dbstr($action_ids[$action]).') ORDER BY clock DESC LIMIT 1' ); $this->assertEquals([], array_diff($result, $dbaudit[0])); } } /** * Clear auditlog table. */ public function deleteAuditlog() { DBexecute('DELETE FROM auditlog'); } /** * Login as test-timezone user to create new data in autotest for filter scenario. */ public function prepareLoginData() { CAPITest::disableAuthorization(); CDataHelper::call('user.login', [ 'username' => 'test-timezone', 'password' => 'zabbix' ] ); } }