# Apache ActiveMQ by JMX ## Overview This template is designed for the effortless deployment of Apache ActiveMQ monitoring by Zabbix via JMX and doesn't require any external scripts. ## Requirements Zabbix version: 7.0 and higher. ## Tested versions This template has been tested on: - Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.5 ## Configuration > Zabbix should be configured according to the instructions in the [Templates out of the box](https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/7.0/manual/config/templates_out_of_the_box) section. ## Setup Metrics are collected by JMX. 1. Enable and configure JMX access to Apache ActiveMQ. See documentation for [instructions](https://activemq.apache.org/jmx.html). 2. Set values in host macros {$ACTIVEMQ.USERNAME}, {$ACTIVEMQ.PASSWORD} and {$ACTIVEMQ.PORT}. ### Macros used |Name|Description|Default| |----|-----------|-------| |{$ACTIVEMQ.USER}|

User for JMX

|`admin`| |{$ACTIVEMQ.PASSWORD}|

Password for JMX

|`activemq`| |{$ACTIVEMQ.PORT}|

Port for JMX


Filter of discoverable discovered brokers


Filter to exclude discovered brokers


Filter of discoverable discovered destinations


Filter to exclude discovered destinations


The time for message enqueue/dequeue rate. Can be used with destination or broker name as context.


Memory threshold for AVERAGE trigger. Can be used with destination or broker name as context.


Memory threshold for HIGH trigger. Can be used with destination or broker name as context.


Time during which the metric can be above the threshold. Can be used with destination or broker name as context.


Storage threshold for AVERAGE trigger. Can be used with broker name as context.


Time during which the metric can be above the threshold. Can be used with destination or broker name as context.


Storage threshold for HIGH trigger. Can be used with broker name as context.


Temp threshold for AVERAGE trigger. Can be used with broker name as context.


Temp threshold for HIGH trigger. Can be used with broker name as context.


Time during which the metric can be above the threshold. Can be used with destination or broker name as context.


Time during which there may be no consumers in destination. Can be used with destination name as context.


Minimum amount of consumers for destination. Can be used with destination name as context.


Time during which there may be no producers on destination. Can be used with destination name as context.


Minimum amount of producers for destination. Can be used with destination name as context.


Time during which there may be no consumers on destination. Can be used with broker name as context.


Minimum amount of consumers for broker. Can be used with broker name as context.


Time during which there may be no producers on broker. Can be used with broker name as context.


Minimum amount of producers for broker. Can be used with broker name as context.


Attribute for TotalConsumerCount per destination. Used to suppress destination's triggers when the count of consumers on the broker is lower than threshold.


Attribute for TotalProducerCount per destination. Used to suppress destination's triggers when the count of consumers on the broker is lower than threshold.

|`TotalProducerCount`| |{$ACTIVEMQ.QUEUE.TIME}|

Time during which the QueueSize can be higher than threshold. Can be used with destination name as context.


Threshold for QueueSize. Can be used with destination name as context.


Use this to disable alerting for specific destination. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled. Can be used with destination name as context.


Threshold for expired messages count. Can be used with destination name as context.

|`0`| ### LLD rule Brokers discovery |Name|Description|Type|Key and additional info| |----|-----------|----|-----------------------| |Brokers discovery|

Discovery of brokers

|JMX agent|jmx.discovery[beans,"org.apache.activemq:type=Broker,brokerName=*"]| ### Item prototypes for Brokers discovery |Name|Description|Type|Key and additional info| |----|-----------|----|-----------------------| |Broker {#JMXBROKERNAME}: Version|

The version of the broker.

|JMX agent|jmx[{#JMXOBJ},BrokerVersion]


| |Broker {#JMXBROKERNAME}: Uptime|

The uptime of the broker.

|JMX agent|jmx[{#JMXOBJ},UptimeMillis]


| |Broker {#JMXBROKERNAME}: Memory limit|

Memory limit, in bytes, used for holding undelivered messages before paging to temporary storage.

|JMX agent|jmx[{#JMXOBJ},MemoryLimit]


| |Broker {#JMXBROKERNAME}: Memory usage in percents|

Percent of memory limit used.

|JMX agent|jmx[{#JMXOBJ}, MemoryPercentUsage]| |Broker {#JMXBROKERNAME}: Storage limit|

Disk limit, in bytes, used for persistent messages before producers are blocked.

|JMX agent|jmx[{#JMXOBJ},StoreLimit]


| |Broker {#JMXBROKERNAME}: Storage usage in percents|

Percent of store limit used.

|JMX agent|jmx[{#JMXOBJ},StorePercentUsage]| |Broker {#JMXBROKERNAME}: Temp limit|

Disk limit, in bytes, used for non-persistent messages and temporary data before producers are blocked.

|JMX agent|jmx[{#JMXOBJ},TempLimit]


| |Broker {#JMXBROKERNAME}: Temp usage in percents|

Percent of temp limit used.

|JMX agent|jmx[{#JMXOBJ},TempPercentUsage]| |Broker {#JMXBROKERNAME}: Messages enqueue rate|

Rate of messages that have been sent to the broker.

|JMX agent|jmx[{#JMXOBJ},TotalEnqueueCount]


| |Broker {#JMXBROKERNAME}: Messages dequeue rate|

Rate of messages that have been delivered by the broker and acknowledged by consumers.

|JMX agent|jmx[{#JMXOBJ},TotalDequeueCount]


| |Broker {#JMXBROKERNAME}: Consumers count total|

Number of consumers attached to this broker.

|JMX agent|jmx[{#JMXOBJ},TotalConsumerCount]| |Broker {#JMXBROKERNAME}: Producers count total|

Number of producers attached to this broker.

|JMX agent|jmx[{#JMXOBJ},TotalProducerCount]| ### Trigger prototypes for Brokers discovery |Name|Description|Expression|Severity|Dependencies and additional info| |----|-----------|----------|--------|--------------------------------| |Broker {#JMXBROKERNAME}: Version has been changed|

The Broker {#JMXBROKERNAME} version has changed. Acknowledge to close the problem manually.

|`last(/Apache ActiveMQ by JMX/jmx[{#JMXOBJ},BrokerVersion],#1)<>last(/Apache ActiveMQ by JMX/jmx[{#JMXOBJ},BrokerVersion],#2) and length(last(/Apache ActiveMQ by JMX/jmx[{#JMXOBJ},BrokerVersion]))>0`|Info|**Manual close**: Yes| |Broker {#JMXBROKERNAME}: Broker has been restarted|

Uptime is less than 10 minutes.

|`last(/Apache ActiveMQ by JMX/jmx[{#JMXOBJ},UptimeMillis])<10m`|Info|**Manual close**: Yes| |Broker {#JMXBROKERNAME}: Memory usage is too high||`min(/Apache ActiveMQ by JMX/jmx[{#JMXOBJ}, MemoryPercentUsage],{$ACTIVEMQ.MEM.TIME:"{#JMXBROKERNAME}"})>{$ACTIVEMQ.MEM.MAX.WARN:"{#JMXBROKERNAME}"}`|Average|**Depends on**:
| |Broker {#JMXBROKERNAME}: Memory usage is too high||`min(/Apache ActiveMQ by JMX/jmx[{#JMXOBJ}, MemoryPercentUsage],{$ACTIVEMQ.MEM.TIME:"{#JMXBROKERNAME}"})>{$ACTIVEMQ.MEM.MAX.HIGH:"{#JMXBROKERNAME}"}`|High|| |Broker {#JMXBROKERNAME}: Storage usage is too high||`min(/Apache ActiveMQ by JMX/jmx[{#JMXOBJ},StorePercentUsage],{$ACTIVEMQ.STORE.TIME:"{#JMXBROKERNAME}"})>{$ACTIVEMQ.STORE.MAX.WARN:"{#JMXBROKERNAME}"}`|Average|**Depends on**:
| |Broker {#JMXBROKERNAME}: Storage usage is too high||`min(/Apache ActiveMQ by JMX/jmx[{#JMXOBJ},StorePercentUsage],{$ACTIVEMQ.STORE.TIME:"{#JMXBROKERNAME}"})>{$ACTIVEMQ.STORE.MAX.HIGH:"{#JMXBROKERNAME}"}`|High|| |Broker {#JMXBROKERNAME}: Temp usage is too high||`min(/Apache ActiveMQ by JMX/jmx[{#JMXOBJ},TempPercentUsage],{$ACTIVEMQ.TEMP.TIME:"{#JMXBROKERNAME}"})>{$ACTIVEMQ.TEMP.MAX.WARN}`|Average|**Depends on**:
| |Broker {#JMXBROKERNAME}: Temp usage is too high||`min(/Apache ActiveMQ by JMX/jmx[{#JMXOBJ},TempPercentUsage],{$ACTIVEMQ.TEMP.TIME:"{#JMXBROKERNAME}"})>{$ACTIVEMQ.TEMP.MAX.HIGH}`|High|| |Broker {#JMXBROKERNAME}: Message enqueue rate is higher than dequeue rate|

Enqueue rate is higher than dequeue rate. It may indicate performance problems.

|`avg(/Apache ActiveMQ by JMX/jmx[{#JMXOBJ},TotalEnqueueCount],{$ACTIVEMQ.MSG.RATE.WARN.TIME:"{#JMXBROKERNAME}"})>avg(/Apache ActiveMQ by JMX/jmx[{#JMXOBJ},TotalEnqueueCount],{$ACTIVEMQ.MSG.RATE.WARN.TIME:"{#JMXBROKERNAME}"})`|Average|| |Broker {#JMXBROKERNAME}: Consumers count is too low||`max(/Apache ActiveMQ by JMX/jmx[{#JMXOBJ},TotalConsumerCount],{$ACTIVEMQ.BROKER.CONSUMERS.MIN.TIME:"{#JMXBROKERNAME}"})<{$ACTIVEMQ.BROKER.CONSUMERS.MIN.HIGH:"{#JMXBROKERNAME}"}`|High|| |Broker {#JMXBROKERNAME}: Producers count is too low||`max(/Apache ActiveMQ by JMX/jmx[{#JMXOBJ},TotalProducerCount],{$ACTIVEMQ.BROKER.PRODUCERS.MIN.TIME:"{#JMXBROKERNAME}"})<{$ACTIVEMQ.BROKER.PRODUCERS.MIN.HIGH:"{#JMXBROKERNAME}"}`|High|| ### LLD rule Destinations discovery |Name|Description|Type|Key and additional info| |----|-----------|----|-----------------------| |Destinations discovery|

Discovery of destinations

|JMX agent|jmx.discovery[beans,"org.apache.activemq:type=Broker,brokerName=*,destinationType=*,destinationName=*"]| ### Item prototypes for Destinations discovery |Name|Description|Type|Key and additional info| |----|-----------|----|-----------------------| |{#JMXBROKERNAME}: {#JMXDESTINATIONTYPE} {#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}: Consumers count|

Number of consumers attached to this destination.


Number of consumers attached to the broker of this destination. Used to suppress destination's triggers when the count of consumers on the broker is lower than threshold.

|JMX agent|jmx["org.apache.activemq:type=Broker,brokerName={#JMXBROKERNAME}",{$ACTIVEMQ.TOTAL.CONSUMERS.COUNT: "{#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}"}]



Number of producers attached to this destination.


Number of producers attached to the broker of this destination. Used to suppress destination's triggers when the count of producers on the broker is lower than threshold.

|JMX agent|jmx["org.apache.activemq:type=Broker,brokerName={#JMXBROKERNAME}",{$ACTIVEMQ.TOTAL.PRODUCERS.COUNT: "{#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}"}]



The percentage of the memory limit used.

|JMX agent|jmx[{#JMXOBJ},MemoryPercentUsage]| |{#JMXBROKERNAME}: {#JMXDESTINATIONTYPE} {#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}: Messages enqueue rate|

Rate of messages that have been sent to the destination.

|JMX agent|jmx[{#JMXOBJ},EnqueueCount]



Rate of messages that has been acknowledged (and removed) from the destination.

|JMX agent|jmx[{#JMXOBJ},DequeueCount]



Number of messages on this destination, including any that have been dispatched but not acknowledged.

|JMX agent|jmx[{#JMXOBJ},QueueSize]| |{#JMXBROKERNAME}: {#JMXDESTINATIONTYPE} {#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}: Expired messages count|

Number of messages that have been expired.

|JMX agent|jmx[{#JMXOBJ},ExpiredCount]


| ### Trigger prototypes for Destinations discovery |Name|Description|Expression|Severity|Dependencies and additional info| |----|-----------|----------|--------|--------------------------------| |{#JMXBROKERNAME}: {#JMXDESTINATIONTYPE} {#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}: Consumers count is too low||`max(/Apache ActiveMQ by JMX/jmx[{#JMXOBJ},ConsumerCount],{$ACTIVEMQ.DESTINATION.CONSUMERS.MIN.TIME:"{#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}"})<{$ACTIVEMQ.DESTINATION.CONSUMERS.MIN.HIGH:"{#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}"} and last(/Apache ActiveMQ by JMX/jmx["org.apache.activemq:type=Broker,brokerName={#JMXBROKERNAME}",{$ACTIVEMQ.TOTAL.CONSUMERS.COUNT: "{#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}"}])>{$ACTIVEMQ.BROKER.CONSUMERS.MIN.HIGH:"{#JMXBROKERNAME}"}`|Average|**Manual close**: Yes| |{#JMXBROKERNAME}: {#JMXDESTINATIONTYPE} {#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}: Producers count is too low||`max(/Apache ActiveMQ by JMX/jmx[{#JMXOBJ},ProducerCount],{$ACTIVEMQ.DESTINATION.PRODUCERS.MIN.TIME:"{#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}"})<{$ACTIVEMQ.DESTINATION.PRODUCERS.MIN.HIGH:"{#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}"} and last(/Apache ActiveMQ by JMX/jmx["org.apache.activemq:type=Broker,brokerName={#JMXBROKERNAME}",{$ACTIVEMQ.TOTAL.PRODUCERS.COUNT: "{#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}"}])>{$ACTIVEMQ.BROKER.PRODUCERS.MIN.HIGH:"{#JMXBROKERNAME}"}`|Average|**Manual close**: Yes| |{#JMXBROKERNAME}: {#JMXDESTINATIONTYPE} {#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}: Memory usage is too high||`last(/Apache ActiveMQ by JMX/jmx[{#JMXOBJ},MemoryPercentUsage])>{$ACTIVEMQ.MEM.MAX.WARN:"{#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}"}`|Average|| |{#JMXBROKERNAME}: {#JMXDESTINATIONTYPE} {#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}: Memory usage is too high||`last(/Apache ActiveMQ by JMX/jmx[{#JMXOBJ},MemoryPercentUsage])>{$ACTIVEMQ.MEM.MAX.HIGH:"{#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}"}`|High|| |{#JMXBROKERNAME}: {#JMXDESTINATIONTYPE} {#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}: Message enqueue rate is higher than dequeue rate|

Enqueue rate is higher than dequeue rate. It may indicate performance problems.


Queue size is higher than threshold. It may indicate performance problems.


This metric represents the number of messages that expired before they could be delivered. If you expect all messages to be delivered and acknowledged within a certain amount of time, you can set an expiration for each message, and investigate if your ExpiredCount metric rises above zero.

|`last(/Apache ActiveMQ by JMX/jmx[{#JMXOBJ},ExpiredCount])>{$ACTIVEMQ.EXPIRED.WARN:"{#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}"}`|Average|| ## Feedback Please report any issues with the template at [`https://support.zabbix.com`](https://support.zabbix.com) You can also provide feedback, discuss the template, or ask for help at [`ZABBIX forums`](https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback)