# Redis by Zabbix agent 2 ## Overview This template is designed for the effortless deployment of Redis monitoring by Zabbix via Zabbix agent 2 and doesn't require any external scripts. ## Requirements Zabbix version: 7.0 and higher. ## Tested versions This template has been tested on: - Redis, version 3.0.6, 4.0.14, 5.0.6, 7.0.8 ## Configuration > Zabbix should be configured according to the instructions in the [Templates out of the box](https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/7.0/manual/config/templates_out_of_the_box) section. ## Setup Setup and configure zabbix-agent2 compiled with the Redis monitoring plugin (ZBXNEXT-5428-4.3). Test availability: `zabbix_get -s redis-master -k redis.ping` ### Macros used |Name|Description|Default| |----|-----------|-------| |{$REDIS.CONN.URI}|
Connection string in the URI format (password is not used). This param overwrites a value configured in the "Server" option of the configuration file (if it's set), otherwise, the plugin's default value is used: "tcp://localhost:6379"
|`tcp://localhost:6379`| |{$REDIS.PROCESS_NAME}|Redis server process name
|`redis-server`| |{$REDIS.LLD.PROCESS_NAME}|Redis server process name for LLD
|`redis-server`| |{$REDIS.LLD.FILTER.DB.MATCHES}|Filter of discoverable databases
|`.*`| |{$REDIS.LLD.FILTER.DB.NOT_MATCHES}|Filter to exclude discovered databases
|`CHANGE_IF_NEEDED`| |{$REDIS.REPL.LAG.MAX.WARN}|Maximum replication lag in seconds
|`30s`| |{$REDIS.SLOWLOG.COUNT.MAX.WARN}|Maximum number of slowlog entries per second
|`1`| |{$REDIS.CLIENTS.PRC.MAX.WARN}|Maximum percentage of connected clients
|`80`| |{$REDIS.MEM.PUSED.MAX.WARN}|Maximum percentage of memory used
|`90`| |{$REDIS.MEM.FRAG_RATIO.MAX.WARN}|Maximum memory fragmentation ratio
|`1.5`| ### Items |Name|Description|Type|Key and additional info| |----|-----------|----|-----------------------| |Redis: Get info||Zabbix agent|redis.info["{$REDIS.CONN.URI}"]| |Redis: Get config||Zabbix agent|redis.config["{$REDIS.CONN.URI}"]**Preprocessing**
Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `1h`
Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `10m`
JSON Path: `$.Clients`
⛔️Custom on fail: Discard value
JSON Path: `$.CPU`
⛔️Custom on fail: Discard value
JSON Path: `$.Keyspace`
⛔️Custom on fail: Discard value
JSON Path: `$.Memory`
⛔️Custom on fail: Discard value
JSON Path: `$.Persistence`
⛔️Custom on fail: Discard value
JSON Path: `$.Replication`
⛔️Custom on fail: Discard value
JSON Path: `$.Server`
⛔️Custom on fail: Discard value
JSON Path: `$.Stats`
⛔️Custom on fail: Discard value
System CPU consumed by the Redis server
|Dependent item|redis.cpu.sys**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.used_cpu_sys`
System CPU consumed by the background processes
|Dependent item|redis.cpu.sys_children**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.used_cpu_sys_children`
User CPU consumed by the Redis server
|Dependent item|redis.cpu.user**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.used_cpu_user`
User CPU consumed by the background processes
|Dependent item|redis.cpu.user_children**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.used_cpu_user_children`
The number of connections waiting on a blocking call
|Dependent item|redis.clients.blocked**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.blocked_clients`
The biggest input buffer among current client connections
|Dependent item|redis.clients.max_input_buffer**Preprocessing**
JavaScript: `The text is too long. Please see the template.`
The biggest output buffer among current client connections
|Dependent item|redis.clients.max_output_buffer**Preprocessing**
JavaScript: `The text is too long. Please see the template.`
The number of connected clients
|Dependent item|redis.clients.connected**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.connected_clients`
Indicate Redis cluster is enabled
|Dependent item|redis.cluster.enabled**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.Cluster.cluster_enabled`
Total number of bytes allocated by Redis using its allocator
|Dependent item|redis.memory.used_memory**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.used_memory`
Amount of memory used by the Lua engine
|Dependent item|redis.memory.used_memory_lua**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.used_memory_lua`
Peak memory consumed by Redis (in bytes)
|Dependent item|redis.memory.used_memory_peak**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.used_memory_peak`
Number of bytes that Redis allocated as seen by the operating system
|Dependent item|redis.memory.used_memory_rss**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.used_memory_rss`
This ratio is an indication of memory mapping efficiency:
- Value over 1.0 indicate that memory fragmentation is very likely. Consider restarting the Redis server so the operating system can recover fragmented memory, especially with a ratio over 1.5.
- Value under 1.0 indicate that Redis likely has insufficient memory available. Consider optimizing memory usage or adding more RAM.
Note: If your peak memory usage is much higher than your current memory usage, the memory fragmentation ratio may be unreliable.
|Dependent item|redis.memory.fragmentation_ratio**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.mem_fragmentation_ratio`
Duration of the on-going AOF rewrite operation if any
|Dependent item|redis.persistence.aof_current_rewrite_time_sec**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.aof_current_rewrite_time_sec`
Flag indicating AOF logging is activated
|Dependent item|redis.persistence.aof_enabled**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.aof_enabled`
Status of the last AOF rewrite operation
|Dependent item|redis.persistence.aof_last_bgrewrite_status**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.aof_last_bgrewrite_status`
Duration of the last AOF rewrite
|Dependent item|redis.persistence.aof_last_rewrite_time_sec**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.aof_last_rewrite_time_sec`
Status of the last write operation to the AOF
|Dependent item|redis.persistence.aof_last_write_status**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.aof_last_write_status`
Flag indicating a AOF rewrite operation is on-going
|Dependent item|redis.persistence.aof_rewrite_in_progress**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.aof_rewrite_in_progress`
Flag indicating an AOF rewrite operation will be scheduled once the on-going RDB save is complete
|Dependent item|redis.persistence.aof_rewrite_scheduled**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.aof_rewrite_scheduled`
Flag indicating if the load of a dump file is on-going
|Dependent item|redis.persistence.loading**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.loading`
"1" if bgsave is in progress and "0" otherwise
|Dependent item|redis.persistence.rdb_bgsave_in_progress**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.rdb_bgsave_in_progress`
Number of changes since the last background save
|Dependent item|redis.persistence.rdb_changes_since_last_save**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.rdb_changes_since_last_save`
Duration of the on-going RDB save operation if any
|Dependent item|redis.persistence.rdb_current_bgsave_time_sec**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.rdb_current_bgsave_time_sec`
Status of the last RDB save operation
|Dependent item|redis.persistence.rdb_last_bgsave_status**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.rdb_last_bgsave_status`
Duration of the last bg_save operation
|Dependent item|redis.persistence.rdb_last_bgsave_time_sec**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.rdb_last_bgsave_time_sec`
Epoch-based timestamp of last successful RDB save
|Dependent item|redis.persistence.rdb_last_save_time**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.rdb_last_save_time`
Number of connected slaves
|Dependent item|redis.replication.connected_slaves**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.connected_slaves`
Flag indicating replication backlog is active
|Dependent item|redis.replication.repl_backlog_active**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.repl_backlog_active`
The master offset of the replication backlog buffer
|Dependent item|redis.replication.repl_backlog_first_byte_offset**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.repl_backlog_first_byte_offset`
Amount of data in the backlog sync buffer
|Dependent item|redis.replication.repl_backlog_histlen**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.repl_backlog_histlen`
Total size in bytes of the replication backlog buffer
|Dependent item|redis.replication.repl_backlog_size**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.repl_backlog_size`
Value is "master" if the instance is replica of no one, or "slave" if the instance is a replica of some master instance. Note that a replica can be master of another replica (chained replication).
|Dependent item|redis.replication.role**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.role`
Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `1d`
Replication offset reported by the master
|Dependent item|redis.replication.master_repl_offset**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.master_repl_offset`
PID of the server process
|Dependent item|redis.server.process_id**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.process_id`
Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `1d`
The server's mode ("standalone", "sentinel" or "cluster")
|Dependent item|redis.server.redis_mode**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.redis_mode`
Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `1d`
Version of the Redis server
|Dependent item|redis.server.redis_version**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.redis_version`
Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `1d`
TCP/IP listen port
|Dependent item|redis.server.tcp_port**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.tcp_port`
Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `1d`
Number of seconds since Redis server start
|Dependent item|redis.server.uptime**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.uptime_in_seconds`
Number of evicted keys due to maxmemory limit
|Dependent item|redis.stats.evicted_keys**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.evicted_keys`
Total number of key expiration events
|Dependent item|redis.stats.expired_keys**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.expired_keys`
The network's read rate per second in KB/sec
|Dependent item|redis.stats.instantaneous_input.rate**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.instantaneous_input_kbps`
Custom multiplier: `1024`
Number of commands processed per second
|Dependent item|redis.stats.instantaneous_ops.rate**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.instantaneous_ops_per_sec`
The network's write rate per second in KB/sec
|Dependent item|redis.stats.instantaneous_output.rate**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.instantaneous_output_kbps`
Custom multiplier: `1024`
Number of successful lookup of keys in the main dictionary
|Dependent item|redis.stats.keyspace_hits**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.keyspace_hits`
Number of failed lookup of keys in the main dictionary
|Dependent item|redis.stats.keyspace_misses**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.keyspace_misses`
Duration of the latest fork operation in microseconds
|Dependent item|redis.stats.latest_fork_usec**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.latest_fork_usec`
Custom multiplier: `1e-05`
The number of sockets open for MIGRATE purposes
|Dependent item|redis.stats.migrate_cached_sockets**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.migrate_cached_sockets`
Global number of pub/sub channels with client subscriptions
|Dependent item|redis.stats.pubsub_channels**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.pubsub_channels`
Global number of pub/sub pattern with client subscriptions
|Dependent item|redis.stats.pubsub_patterns**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.pubsub_patterns`
Number of connections rejected because of maxclients limit
|Dependent item|redis.stats.rejected_connections**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.rejected_connections`
The number of full resyncs with replicas
|Dependent item|redis.stats.sync_full**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.sync_full`
The number of denied partial resync requests
|Dependent item|redis.stats.sync_partial_err**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.sync_partial_err`
The number of accepted partial resync requests
|Dependent item|redis.stats.sync_partial_ok**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.sync_partial_ok`
Total number of commands processed by the server
|Dependent item|redis.stats.total_commands_processed**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.total_commands_processed`
Total number of connections accepted by the server
|Dependent item|redis.stats.total_connections_received**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.total_connections_received`
The total number of bytes read from the network
|Dependent item|redis.stats.total_net_input_bytes**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.total_net_input_bytes`
The total number of bytes written to the network
|Dependent item|redis.stats.total_net_output_bytes**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.total_net_output_bytes`
Max number of connected clients at the same time.
Once the limit is reached Redis will close all the new connections sending an error "max number of clients reached".
|Dependent item|redis.config.maxclients**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.maxclients`
Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `30m`
Zabbix has not received any data for items for the last 30 minutes.
|`nodata(/Redis by Zabbix agent 2/redis.info["{$REDIS.CONN.URI}"],30m)=1`|Warning|**Manual close**: YesRedis configuration has changed. Acknowledge to close the problem manually.
|`last(/Redis by Zabbix agent 2/redis.config["{$REDIS.CONN.URI}"],#1)<>last(/Redis by Zabbix agent 2/redis.config["{$REDIS.CONN.URI}"],#2) and length(last(/Redis by Zabbix agent 2/redis.config["{$REDIS.CONN.URI}"]))>0`|Info|**Manual close**: Yes| |Redis: Service is down||`last(/Redis by Zabbix agent 2/redis.ping["{$REDIS.CONN.URI}"])=0`|Average|**Manual close**: Yes| |Redis: Too many entries in the slowlog||`min(/Redis by Zabbix agent 2/redis.slowlog.count["{$REDIS.CONN.URI}"],5m)>{$REDIS.SLOWLOG.COUNT.MAX.WARN}`|Info|| |Redis: Total number of connected clients is too high|When the number of clients reaches the value of the "maxclients" parameter, new connections will be rejected.
This ratio is an indication of memory mapping efficiency:
- Value over 1.0 indicate that memory fragmentation is very likely. Consider restarting the Redis server so the operating system can recover fragmented memory, especially with a ratio over 1.5.
- Value under 1.0 indicate that Redis likely has insufficient memory available. Consider optimizing memory usage or adding more RAM.
Note: If your peak memory usage is much higher than your current memory usage, the memory fragmentation ratio may be unreliable.
Detailed information about persistence: https://redis.io/topics/persistence
|`last(/Redis by Zabbix agent 2/redis.persistence.aof_last_write_status)=0`|Warning|| |Redis: Last RDB save operation failed|Detailed information about persistence: https://redis.io/topics/persistence
|`last(/Redis by Zabbix agent 2/redis.persistence.rdb_last_bgsave_status)=0`|Warning|| |Redis: Number of slaves has changed|Redis number of slaves has changed. Acknowledge to close the problem manually.
|`last(/Redis by Zabbix agent 2/redis.replication.connected_slaves,#1)<>last(/Redis by Zabbix agent 2/redis.replication.connected_slaves,#2)`|Info|**Manual close**: Yes| |Redis: Replication role has changed|Redis replication role has changed. Acknowledge to close the problem manually.
|`last(/Redis by Zabbix agent 2/redis.replication.role,#1)<>last(/Redis by Zabbix agent 2/redis.replication.role,#2) and length(last(/Redis by Zabbix agent 2/redis.replication.role))>0`|Warning|**Manual close**: Yes| |Redis: Version has changed|The Redis version has changed. Acknowledge to close the problem manually.
|`last(/Redis by Zabbix agent 2/redis.server.redis_version,#1)<>last(/Redis by Zabbix agent 2/redis.server.redis_version,#2) and length(last(/Redis by Zabbix agent 2/redis.server.redis_version))>0`|Info|**Manual close**: Yes| |Redis: Host has been restarted|The host uptime is less than 10 minutes.
|`last(/Redis by Zabbix agent 2/redis.server.uptime)<10m`|Info|**Manual close**: Yes| |Redis: Connections are rejected|The number of connections has reached the value of "maxclients".
Individual keyspace metrics
|Dependent item|redis.keyspace.discovery**Preprocessing**
JavaScript: `The text is too long. Please see the template.`
The item gets information about keyspace of {#DB} database.
|Dependent item|redis.db.info_raw["{#DB}"]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.Keyspace["{#DB}"]`
⛔️Custom on fail: Discard value
Average TTL
|Dependent item|redis.db.avg_ttl["{#DB}"]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.avg_ttl`
Custom multiplier: `0.001`
Number of keys with an expiration
|Dependent item|redis.db.expires["{#DB}"]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.expires`
Total number of keys
|Dependent item|redis.db.keys["{#DB}"]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.keys`
If AOF is activated, additional metrics will be added
|Dependent item|redis.persistence.aof.discovery**Preprocessing**
JavaScript: `The text is too long. Please see the template.`
AOF current file size
|Dependent item|redis.persistence.aof_current_size[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.aof_current_size`
AOF file size on latest startup or rewrite
|Dependent item|redis.persistence.aof_base_size[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.aof_base_size`
Flag indicating an AOF rewrite operation will
|Dependent item|redis.persistence.aof_pending_rewrite[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.aof_pending_rewrite`
Size of the AOF buffer
|Dependent item|redis.persistence.aof_buffer_length[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.aof_buffer_length`
Size of the AOF rewrite buffer
|Dependent item|redis.persistence.aof_rewrite_buffer_length[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.aof_rewrite_buffer_length`
⛔️Custom on fail: Discard value
Number of fsync pending jobs in background I/O queue
|Dependent item|redis.persistence.aof_pending_bio_fsync[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.aof_pending_bio_fsync`
Delayed fsync counter
|Dependent item|redis.persistence.aof_delayed_fsync[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.aof_delayed_fsync`
If the instance is a replica, additional metrics are provided
|Dependent item|redis.replication.slave.discovery**Preprocessing**
JavaScript: `The text is too long. Please see the template.`
Host or IP address of the master
|Dependent item|redis.replication.master_host[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.master_host`
Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `1d`
Master listening TCP port
|Dependent item|redis.replication.master_port[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.master_port`
Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `1d`
Status of the link (up/down)
|Dependent item|redis.replication.master_link_status[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.master_link_status`
Number of seconds since the last interaction with master
|Dependent item|redis.replication.master_last_io_seconds_ago[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.master_last_io_seconds_ago`
Indicate the master is syncing to the replica
|Dependent item|redis.replication.master_sync_in_progress[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.master_sync_in_progress`
The replication offset of the replica instance
|Dependent item|redis.replication.slave_repl_offset[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.slave_repl_offset`
The priority of the instance as a candidate for failover
|Dependent item|redis.replication.slave_priority[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.slave_priority`
Flag indicating if the replica is read-only
|Dependent item|redis.replication.slave_read_only[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.slave_read_only`
Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `1d`
If the instance is the master and the slaves are connected, additional metrics are provided
|Dependent item|redis.replication.master.discovery**Preprocessing**
JavaScript: `The text is too long. Please see the template.`
Replication lag in bytes
|Dependent item|redis.replication.lag_bytes["{#SLAVE_IP}:{#SLAVE_PORT}"]**Preprocessing**
JavaScript: `The text is too long. Please see the template.`
Collect metrics by Zabbix agent if it exists
|Zabbix agent|proc.num["{$REDIS.LLD.PROCESS_NAME}"]**Preprocessing**
JavaScript: `The text is too long. Please see the template.`
Resident set size memory used by process in bytes.
|Zabbix agent|proc.mem["{$REDIS.PROCESS_NAME}{#SINGLETON}",,,,rss]| |Redis: Memory usage (vsize)|Virtual memory size used by process in bytes.
|Zabbix agent|proc.mem["{$REDIS.PROCESS_NAME}{#SINGLETON}",,,,vsize]| |Redis: CPU utilization|Process CPU utilization percentage.
|Zabbix agent|proc.cpu.util["{$REDIS.PROCESS_NAME}{#SINGLETON}"]| ### Trigger prototypes for Process metrics discovery |Name|Description|Expression|Severity|Dependencies and additional info| |----|-----------|----------|--------|--------------------------------| |Redis: Process is not running||`last(/Redis by Zabbix agent 2/proc.num["{$REDIS.PROCESS_NAME}{#SINGLETON}"])=0`|High|| ### LLD rule Version 4+ metrics discovery |Name|Description|Type|Key and additional info| |----|-----------|----|-----------------------| |Version 4+ metrics discovery|Additional metrics for versions 4+
|Dependent item|redis.metrics.v4.discovery**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.redis_version`
JavaScript: `The text is too long. Please see the template.`
The path to the server's executable
|Dependent item|redis.server.executable[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.executable`
Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `1d`
The percentage of used_memory_peak out of used_memory
|Dependent item|redis.memory.used_memory_peak_perc[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.used_memory_peak_perc`
Regular expression: `(.+)% \1`
The sum in bytes of all overheads that the server allocated for managing its internal data structures
|Dependent item|redis.memory.used_memory_overhead[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.used_memory_overhead`
Initial amount of memory consumed by Redis at startup in bytes
|Dependent item|redis.memory.used_memory_startup[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.used_memory_startup`
The size in bytes of the dataset
|Dependent item|redis.memory.used_memory_dataset[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.used_memory_dataset`
The percentage of used_memory_dataset out of the net memory usage (used_memory minus used_memory_startup)
|Dependent item|redis.memory.used_memory_dataset_perc[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.used_memory_dataset_perc`
Regular expression: `(.+)% \1`
The total amount of memory that the Redis host has
|Dependent item|redis.memory.total_system_memory[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.total_system_memory`
Maximum amount of memory allocated to the Redisdb system
|Dependent item|redis.memory.maxmemory[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.maxmemory`
The value of the maxmemory-policy configuration directive
|Dependent item|redis.memory.maxmemory_policy[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.maxmemory_policy`
Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `1d`
Flag indicating if active defragmentation is active
|Dependent item|redis.memory.active_defrag_running[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.active_defrag_running`
The number of objects waiting to be freed (as a result of calling UNLINK, or FLUSHDB and FLUSHALL with the ASYNC option)
|Dependent item|redis.memory.lazyfree_pending_objects[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.lazyfree_pending_objects`
The size in bytes of copy-on-write allocations during the last RDB save operation
|Dependent item|redis.persistence.rdb_last_cow_size[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.rdb_last_cow_size`
The size in bytes of copy-on-write allocations during the last AOF rewrite operation
|Dependent item|redis.persistence.aof_last_cow_size[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.aof_last_cow_size`
JSON Path: `$.expired_stale_perc`
JSON Path: `$.expired_time_cap_reached_count`
The number of keys tracked for expiry purposes (applicable only to writable replicas)
|Dependent item|redis.stats.slave_expires_tracked_keys[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.slave_expires_tracked_keys`
Number of value reallocations performed by active the defragmentation process
|Dependent item|redis.stats.active_defrag_hits[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.active_defrag_hits`
Number of aborted value reallocations started by the active defragmentation process
|Dependent item|redis.stats.active_defrag_misses[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.active_defrag_misses`
Number of keys that were actively defragmented
|Dependent item|redis.stats.active_defrag_key_hits[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.active_defrag_key_hits`
Number of keys that were skipped by the active defragmentation process
|Dependent item|redis.stats.active_defrag_key_misses[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.active_defrag_key_misses`
Offset up to which replication IDs are accepted
|Dependent item|redis.replication.second_repl_offset[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.second_repl_offset`
Additional metrics for versions 5+
|Dependent item|redis.metrics.v5.discovery**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.redis_version`
JavaScript: `The text is too long. Please see the template.`
JSON Path: `$.allocator_active`
JSON Path: `$.allocator_allocated`
JSON Path: `$.allocator_resident`
JSON Path: `$.used_memory_scripts`
JSON Path: `$.number_of_cached_scripts`
JSON Path: `$.allocator_frag_bytes`
JSON Path: `$.allocator_frag_ratio`
JSON Path: `$.allocator_rss_bytes`
JSON Path: `$.allocator_rss_ratio`
JSON Path: `$.rss_overhead_bytes`
JSON Path: `$.rss_overhead_ratio`
JSON Path: `$.mem_fragmentation_bytes`
JSON Path: `$.mem_not_counted_for_evict`
JSON Path: `$.mem_replication_backlog`
JSON Path: `$.mem_clients_normal`
JSON Path: `$.mem_clients_slaves`
Size of the AOF buffer
|Dependent item|redis.memory.mem_aof_buffer[{#SINGLETON}]**Preprocessing**
JSON Path: `$.mem_aof_buffer`