# ((OTRS)) Community Edition webhook ![](images/otrs_logo.png?raw=true) This guide describes how to integrate your Zabbix 7.0 installation with ((OTRS)) Community Edition, hereinafter - "((OTRS)) CE", using the Zabbix webhook feature. This guide will provide instructions on setting up a media type, a user and an action in Zabbix. ## Requirements - ((OTRS)) CE version 6 - Zabbix version 7.0 or higher ## Setting up a ((OTRS)) CE 1\. Import [ZabbixTicketConnector.yml](ZabbixTicketConnector.yml) in Admin > Web Services. [![](images/thumb.01.png?raw=true)](images/01.png) [![](images/thumb.02.png?raw=true)](images/02.png) [![](images/thumb.03.png?raw=true)](images/03.png) 2\. Create a **new user** for a Zabbix alerter with an **email address**. [![](images/thumb.04.png?raw=true)](images/04.png) [![](images/thumb.05.png?raw=true)](images/05.png) ## Zabbix Webhook configuration ### Create a global macro 1\. Before setting up the **Webhook**, you need to setup the global macro **{$ZABBIX.URL}**, which must contain the **URL** to the **Zabbix frontend**. [![](images/thumb.06.png?raw=true)](images/06.png) 2\. In the **Administration** > **Media types** section, import the [media_otrs_ce.yaml](media_otrs_ce.yaml) 3\. Open the added **((OTRS)) CE** media type and set: - **otrs_auth_user** to the your **Agent username** - **otrs_auth_password** to the your **Agent password** - **otrs_customer** to your **((OTRS)) CE customer email** - **otrs_queue** to your **((OTRS)) CE ticket queue** - **otrs_url** to the **frontend URL** of your **((OTRS)) CE** installation [![](images/thumb.07.png?raw=true)](images/07.png) 4\. If you want to prioritize issues according to **severity** values in Zabbix, you can define mapping parameters: - **severity_\**: ((OTRS)) CE priority ID [![](images/thumb.08.png?raw=true)](images/08.png) 5\. If you have **dynamic fields** in **((OTRS)) CE** and you want them to be filled with values from Zabbix, add parameters in the form **dynamicfield_\<((OTRS)) CE dynamic field name\>**. Dynamic fields can only be of the **text**, **textarea**, **checkbox**, or **date** types. 6\. Click the **Update** button to save the **Webhook** settings. 7\. To receive notifications in **((OTRS)) CE**, you need to create a **Zabbix user** and add **Media** with the **((OTRS)) CE** type. For **Send to**: enter any text, as this value is not used, but is required. [![](images/thumb.09.png?raw=true)](images/09.png) For more information, use the [Zabbix](https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/7.0/manual/config/notifications) and [((OTRS)) CE](https://otrscommunityedition.com/doc/) documentations. ## Supported Versions Zabbix 7.0