zabbix_export: version: '7.0' template_groups: - uuid: 36bff6c29af64692839d077febfc7079 name: 'Templates/Network devices' templates: - uuid: 26674f62500e4e79b9f470bbf962130d template: 'Arista by SNMP' name: 'Arista by SNMP' description: | Template Net Arista MIBs used: ENTITY-SENSORS-MIB ENTITY-STATE-MIB IF-MIB EtherLike-MIB HOST-RESOURCES-MIB SNMPv2-MIB ENTITY-MIB Generated by official Zabbix template tool "Templator" 2.0.0 vendor: name: Zabbix version: 7.0-0 groups: - name: 'Templates/Network devices' items: - uuid: ace97814969841e9a3e2d8ac6b83aae7 name: 'Arista: ICMP ping' type: SIMPLE key: icmpping history: 1w valuemap: name: 'Service state' tags: - tag: component value: health - tag: component value: network triggers: - uuid: 736dc5694fc741e6bcb96e2ba27a0898 expression: 'max(/Arista by SNMP/icmpping,#3)=0' name: 'Arista: Unavailable by ICMP ping' priority: HIGH description: 'Last three attempts returned timeout. Please check device connectivity.' tags: - tag: scope value: availability - uuid: 643a2c6f8d724bd392dd97bada7d24c2 name: 'Arista: ICMP loss' type: SIMPLE key: icmppingloss history: 1w value_type: FLOAT units: '%' tags: - tag: component value: health - tag: component value: network triggers: - uuid: dfa6f280b6304bfdb0063be94f7a4c5e expression: 'min(/Arista by SNMP/icmppingloss,5m)>{$ICMP_LOSS_WARN} and min(/Arista by SNMP/icmppingloss,5m)<100' name: 'Arista: High ICMP ping loss' opdata: 'Loss: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: WARNING dependencies: - name: 'Arista: Unavailable by ICMP ping' expression: 'max(/Arista by SNMP/icmpping,#3)=0' tags: - tag: scope value: availability - tag: scope value: performance - uuid: e731e59672be40fa8ae7aced60ed3efc name: 'Arista: ICMP response time' type: SIMPLE key: icmppingsec history: 1w value_type: FLOAT units: s tags: - tag: component value: health - tag: component value: network triggers: - uuid: 18aeec70f72d43ceb4994501fb36d434 expression: 'avg(/Arista by SNMP/icmppingsec,5m)>{$ICMP_RESPONSE_TIME_WARN}' name: 'Arista: High ICMP ping response time' opdata: 'Value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: WARNING dependencies: - name: 'Arista: High ICMP ping loss' expression: 'min(/Arista by SNMP/icmppingloss,5m)>{$ICMP_LOSS_WARN} and min(/Arista by SNMP/icmppingloss,5m)<100' - name: 'Arista: Unavailable by ICMP ping' expression: 'max(/Arista by SNMP/icmpping,#3)=0' tags: - tag: scope value: availability - tag: scope value: performance - uuid: 8954dfa9dc4445ad987f764e35c7db6e name: 'Arista: Get sensors' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'discovery[{#SENSOR_TYPE},,{#SENSOR_INFO},,{#SENSOR_PRECISION},,{#THRESHOLD_LO_WARN},,{#THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT},,{#THRESHOLD_HI_WARN},,{#THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT},]' key: sensors.get delay: 1h history: '0' trends: '0' value_type: TEXT description: 'Gets sensors with type, description, and thresholds.' preprocessing: - type: JAVASCRIPT parameters: - | try { var data = JSON.parse(value); } catch (error) { throw 'Failed to parse JSON of Arista sensor discovery.'; } var fields = ['{#SNMPINDEX}','{#SENSOR_TYPE}','{#SENSOR_INFO}','{#SENSOR_PRECISION}','{#THRESHOLD_LO_WARN}','{#THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT}','{#THRESHOLD_HI_WARN}','{#THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT}']; data.forEach(function (element) { fields.forEach(function (field) { element[field] = element[field] || ''; }); }); return JSON.stringify(data); tags: - tag: component value: raw - uuid: e2d2516fb77f4e4faf13a69705d6af77 name: 'Arista: SNMP traps (fallback)' type: SNMP_TRAP key: snmptrap.fallback delay: '0' history: 2w trends: '0' value_type: LOG description: 'The item is used to collect all SNMP traps unmatched by other snmptrap items' logtimefmt: 'hh:mm:sszyyyy/MM/dd' tags: - tag: component value: network - uuid: 48446cefda57477eb19dfc6db23a5ee1 name: 'Arista: System contact details' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: '[sysContact.0]' delay: 15m history: 2w trends: '0' value_type: CHAR description: | MIB: SNMPv2-MIB The textual identification of the contact person for this managed node, together with information on how to contact this person. If no contact information is known, the value is the zero-length string. inventory_link: CONTACT preprocessing: - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 12h tags: - tag: component value: system - uuid: fde390cc8671441194fb274209a8c190 name: 'Arista: CPU utilization' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'discovery[{#CPU.UTIL},]' key: system.cpu.util history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: '%' description: | MIB: HOST-RESOURCES-MIB The average, over the last minute, of the percentage of time that processors was not idle. Implementations may approximate this one minute smoothing period if necessary. preprocessing: - type: JSONPATH parameters: - '$..[''{#CPU.UTIL}''].avg()' tags: - tag: component value: cpu triggers: - uuid: 6737f0672c244e048509358d220874a6 expression: 'min(/Arista by SNMP/system.cpu.util,5m)>{$CPU.UTIL.CRIT}' name: 'Arista: High CPU utilization' event_name: 'Arista: High CPU utilization (over {$CPU.UTIL.CRIT}% for 5m)' opdata: 'Current utilization: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: WARNING description: 'The CPU utilization is too high. The system might be slow to respond.' tags: - tag: scope value: performance - uuid: 861f3aef96e64cf0a68e0fc81693f118 name: 'Arista: System description' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: 'system.descr[sysDescr.0]' delay: 15m history: 2w trends: '0' value_type: CHAR description: | MIB: SNMPv2-MIB A textual description of the entity. This value should include the full name and version identification of the system's hardware type, software operating-system, and networking software. preprocessing: - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 12h tags: - tag: component value: system - uuid: 5bf4c90019ae41688336f83bcbb481bb name: 'Arista: Uptime (hardware)' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: 'system.hw.uptime[hrSystemUptime.0]' delay: 30s history: 2w trends: '0' units: uptime description: | MIB: HOST-RESOURCES-MIB The amount of time since this host was last initialized. Note that this is different from sysUpTime in the SNMPv2-MIB [RFC1907] because sysUpTime is the uptime of the network management portion of the system. preprocessing: - type: CHECK_NOT_SUPPORTED parameters: - '' error_handler: CUSTOM_VALUE error_handler_params: '0' - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '0.01' tags: - tag: component value: system - uuid: 55418095abea4f109476530af23e2829 name: 'Arista: System location' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: 'system.location[sysLocation.0]' delay: 15m history: 2w trends: '0' value_type: CHAR description: | MIB: SNMPv2-MIB The physical location of this node (e.g., `telephone closet, 3rd floor'). If the location is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. inventory_link: LOCATION preprocessing: - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 12h tags: - tag: component value: system - uuid: d4538fc49f554fb6a1514cd9487a7291 name: 'Arista: System name' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: delay: 15m history: 2w trends: '0' value_type: CHAR description: | MIB: SNMPv2-MIB An administratively-assigned name for this managed node.By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified domain name. If the name is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. inventory_link: NAME preprocessing: - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 12h tags: - tag: component value: system triggers: - uuid: 362d455c9d9944cea7c37d58bcabc0a0 expression: 'last(/Arista by SNMP/,#1)<>last(/Arista by SNMP/,#2) and length(last(/Arista by SNMP/>0' name: 'Arista: System name has changed' event_name: 'Arista: System name has changed (new name: {ITEM.VALUE})' priority: INFO description: 'The name of the system has changed. Acknowledge to close the problem manually.' manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: scope value: notice - tag: scope value: security - uuid: ed9ad1ae7fba4073bb80307dbd6849cd name: 'Arista: Uptime (network)' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: '[sysUpTime.0]' delay: 30s history: 2w trends: '0' units: uptime description: | MIB: SNMPv2-MIB The time (in hundredths of a second) since the network management portion of the system was last re-initialized. preprocessing: - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '0.01' tags: - tag: component value: system - uuid: 8f2e8b5fa0464e4d964253f361d1e033 name: 'Arista: System object ID' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: key: 'system.objectid[sysObjectID.0]' delay: 15m history: 2w trends: '0' value_type: CHAR description: | MIB: SNMPv2-MIB The vendor's authoritative identification of the network management subsystem contained in the entity. This value is allocated within the SMI enterprises subtree ( and provides an easy and unambiguous means for determining`what kind of box' is being managed. For example, if vendor`Flintstones, Inc.' was assigned the subtree1., it could assign the identifier to its `Fred Router'. preprocessing: - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 12h tags: - tag: component value: system - uuid: f57ed8cec3144effa6ffb2a4f604ab0b name: 'Arista: SNMP agent availability' type: INTERNAL key: 'zabbix[host,snmp,available]' history: 7d description: | Availability of SNMP checks on the host. The value of this item corresponds to availability icons in the host list. Possible value: 0 - not available 1 - available 2 - unknown valuemap: name: tags: - tag: component value: health - tag: component value: network triggers: - uuid: 53501c72392a4bbc8fa0f5ed086d2591 expression: 'max(/Arista by SNMP/zabbix[host,snmp,available],{$SNMP.TIMEOUT})=0' name: 'Arista: No SNMP data collection' opdata: 'Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: WARNING description: 'SNMP is not available for polling. Please check device connectivity and SNMP settings.' dependencies: - name: 'Arista: Unavailable by ICMP ping' expression: 'max(/Arista by SNMP/icmpping,#3)=0' tags: - tag: scope value: availability discovery_rules: - uuid: 54b839c0606741bfad5c84497cf1d295 name: 'Entity discovery' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'discovery[{#ENT_CLASS},,{#ENT_NAME},]' key: entity.discovery delay: 1h filter: conditions: - macro: '{#ENT_CLASS}' value: '3' formulaid: A item_prototypes: - uuid: 161777c6b77c4c91a11e90dda46d4ec5 name: '{#ENT_NAME}: Hardware model name' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: '{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'system.hw.model[entPhysicalModelName.{#SNMPINDEX}]' delay: 1h history: 2w trends: '0' value_type: CHAR description: 'MIB: ENTITY-MIB' preprocessing: - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 6h tags: - tag: component value: system - uuid: 2f25bd11644d4bd3917d6c6693e74c99 name: '{#ENT_NAME}: Hardware serial number' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: '{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'system.hw.serialnumber[entPhysicalSerialNum.{#SNMPINDEX}]' delay: 1h history: 2w trends: '0' value_type: CHAR description: 'MIB: ENTITY-MIB' preprocessing: - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 6h tags: - tag: component value: system trigger_prototypes: - uuid: 218209a40ec54a489738345c4485be83 expression: 'last(/Arista by SNMP/system.hw.serialnumber[entPhysicalSerialNum.{#SNMPINDEX}],#1)<>last(/Arista by SNMP/system.hw.serialnumber[entPhysicalSerialNum.{#SNMPINDEX}],#2) and length(last(/Arista by SNMP/system.hw.serialnumber[entPhysicalSerialNum.{#SNMPINDEX}]))>0' name: '{#ENT_NAME}: Device has been replaced' event_name: '{#ENT_NAME}: Device has been replaced (new serial number received)' priority: INFO description: 'Device serial number has changed. Acknowledge to close the problem manually.' manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: scope value: notice - uuid: c78a9f82601847338d687ed01577e958 name: 'Fan discovery' type: DEPENDENT key: fan.discovery delay: '0' filter: evaltype: OR conditions: - macro: '{#SENSOR_TYPE}' value: '10' formulaid: A description: 'ENTITY-SENSORS-MIB::EntitySensorDataType discovery with rpm filter' item_prototypes: - uuid: 7d86974a2de14ce3a254172b6bf0761f name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Fan speed' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: '{#SNMPINDEX}' key: '[entPhySensorValue.{#SNMPINDEX}]' history: 2w units: rpm description: | MIB: ENTITY-SENSORS-MIB The most recent measurement obtained by the agent for this sensor. To correctly interpret the value of this object, the associated entPhySensorType, entPhySensorScale, and entPhySensorPrecision objects must also be examined. tags: - tag: component value: fan trigger_prototypes: - uuid: 660fd32236464fd69409099c67478ff5 expression: 'min(/Arista by SNMP/[entPhySensorValue.{#SNMPINDEX}],5m) > {#THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT}' name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Fan speed is above the critical threshold' event_name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Fan speed is above the critical threshold of {#THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT}rpm for 5m' opdata: 'Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: HIGH description: 'This trigger uses fan sensor values defined in the device.' dependencies: - name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Fan is in critical state' expression: 'count(/Arista by SNMP/[entPhySensorOperStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}],#1,"eq","{$FAN_CRIT_STATUS}")=1' tags: - tag: scope value: notice - uuid: b1131f42627047ca9629693b91d9185e expression: 'min(/Arista by SNMP/[entPhySensorValue.{#SNMPINDEX}],5m) > {#THRESHOLD_HI_WARN}' name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Fan speed is above the warning threshold' event_name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Fan speed is above the warning threshold of {#THRESHOLD_HI_WARN}rpm for 5m' opdata: 'Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: WARNING description: 'This trigger uses fan sensor values defined in the device.' dependencies: - name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Fan is in critical state' expression: 'count(/Arista by SNMP/[entPhySensorOperStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}],#1,"eq","{$FAN_CRIT_STATUS}")=1' - name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Fan speed is above the critical threshold' expression: 'min(/Arista by SNMP/[entPhySensorValue.{#SNMPINDEX}],5m) > {#THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT}' tags: - tag: scope value: notice - uuid: 0cd8e252a77b4c90a155e57aab963e5e expression: 'max(/Arista by SNMP/[entPhySensorValue.{#SNMPINDEX}],5m) < {#THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT}' name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Fan speed is below the critical threshold' event_name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Fan speed is below the critical threshold of {#THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT}rpm for 5m' opdata: 'Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: HIGH description: 'This trigger uses fan sensor values defined in the device.' dependencies: - name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Fan is in critical state' expression: 'count(/Arista by SNMP/[entPhySensorOperStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}],#1,"eq","{$FAN_CRIT_STATUS}")=1' tags: - tag: scope value: notice - uuid: d37c360fea9143bab6ff07699ed4acb1 expression: 'max(/Arista by SNMP/[entPhySensorValue.{#SNMPINDEX}],5m) < {#THRESHOLD_LO_WARN}' name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Fan speed is below the warning threshold' event_name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Fan speed is below the warning threshold of {#THRESHOLD_LO_WARN}rpm for 5m' opdata: 'Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: WARNING description: 'This trigger uses fan sensor values defined in the device.' dependencies: - name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Fan is in critical state' expression: 'count(/Arista by SNMP/[entPhySensorOperStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}],#1,"eq","{$FAN_CRIT_STATUS}")=1' - name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Fan speed is below the critical threshold' expression: 'max(/Arista by SNMP/[entPhySensorValue.{#SNMPINDEX}],5m) < {#THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT}' tags: - tag: scope value: notice - uuid: c5e6aaebbf9d467488fdfa1127a31fd7 name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Fan status' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: '{#SNMPINDEX}' key: '[entPhySensorOperStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}]' delay: 3m history: 2w trends: '0' description: | MIB: ENTITY-SENSORS-MIB The operational status of the sensor {#SENSOR_INFO} valuemap: name: 'ENTITY-SENSORS-MIB::EntitySensorStatus' tags: - tag: component value: fan trigger_prototypes: - uuid: 11dddf9f12a0423bb886808759cd429d expression: 'count(/Arista by SNMP/[entPhySensorOperStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}],#1,"eq","{$FAN_CRIT_STATUS}")=1' name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Fan is in critical state' opdata: 'Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: AVERAGE description: 'Please check the fan unit' tags: - tag: scope value: availability - tag: scope value: performance master_item: key: sensors.get overrides: - name: 'trigger THRESHOLD_LO_WARN' step: '1' filter: conditions: - macro: '{#THRESHOLD_LO_WARN}' value: ^$ formulaid: A operations: - operationobject: TRIGGER_PROTOTYPE operator: REGEXP value: 'Fan speed is below the warning threshold' discover: NO_DISCOVER - name: 'trigger THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT' step: '2' filter: conditions: - macro: '{#THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT}' value: ^$ formulaid: A operations: - operationobject: TRIGGER_PROTOTYPE operator: REGEXP value: 'Fan speed is below the critical threshold' discover: NO_DISCOVER - name: 'trigger THRESHOLD_HI_WARN' step: '3' filter: conditions: - macro: '{#THRESHOLD_HI_WARN}' value: ^$ formulaid: A operations: - operationobject: TRIGGER_PROTOTYPE operator: REGEXP value: 'Fan speed is above the warning threshold' discover: NO_DISCOVER - name: 'trigger THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT' step: '4' filter: conditions: - macro: '{#THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT}' value: ^$ formulaid: A operations: - operationobject: TRIGGER_PROTOTYPE operator: REGEXP value: 'Fan speed is above the critical threshold' discover: NO_DISCOVER - uuid: 9b75135925654cedbd5a270b67e68d51 name: 'Network interfaces discovery' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'discovery[{#IFOPERSTATUS},,{#IFADMINSTATUS},,{#IFALIAS},,{#IFNAME},,{#IFDESCR},,{#IFTYPE},]' key: net.if.discovery delay: 1h filter: evaltype: AND conditions: - macro: '{#IFADMINSTATUS}' value: '{$NET.IF.IFADMINSTATUS.MATCHES}' formulaid: A - macro: '{#IFADMINSTATUS}' value: '{$NET.IF.IFADMINSTATUS.NOT_MATCHES}' operator: NOT_MATCHES_REGEX formulaid: B - macro: '{#IFOPERSTATUS}' value: '{$NET.IF.IFOPERSTATUS.MATCHES}' formulaid: I - macro: '{#IFOPERSTATUS}' value: '{$NET.IF.IFOPERSTATUS.NOT_MATCHES}' operator: NOT_MATCHES_REGEX formulaid: J - macro: '{#IFNAME}' value: '{$NET.IF.IFNAME.MATCHES}' formulaid: G - macro: '{#IFNAME}' value: '{$NET.IF.IFNAME.NOT_MATCHES}' operator: NOT_MATCHES_REGEX formulaid: H - macro: '{#IFDESCR}' value: '{$NET.IF.IFDESCR.MATCHES}' formulaid: E - macro: '{#IFDESCR}' value: '{$NET.IF.IFDESCR.NOT_MATCHES}' operator: NOT_MATCHES_REGEX formulaid: F - macro: '{#IFALIAS}' value: '{$NET.IF.IFALIAS.MATCHES}' formulaid: C - macro: '{#IFALIAS}' value: '{$NET.IF.IFALIAS.NOT_MATCHES}' operator: NOT_MATCHES_REGEX formulaid: D - macro: '{#IFTYPE}' value: '{$NET.IF.IFTYPE.MATCHES}' formulaid: K - macro: '{#IFTYPE}' value: '{$NET.IF.IFTYPE.NOT_MATCHES}' operator: NOT_MATCHES_REGEX formulaid: L description: 'Discovering interfaces from IF-MIB.' item_prototypes: - uuid: 5be3410cbb6e4c439198aa8f532c7d4f name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Inbound packets discarded' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: '{#SNMPINDEX}' key: '[ifInDiscards.{#SNMPINDEX}]' delay: 3m history: 7d description: | MIB: IF-MIB The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. preprocessing: - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' tags: - tag: component value: network - tag: description value: '{#IFALIAS}' - tag: interface value: '{#IFNAME}' - uuid: 32217efa18d74fef8d467eb1ffdffe77 name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Inbound packets with errors' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: '{#SNMPINDEX}' key: '[ifInErrors.{#SNMPINDEX}]' delay: 3m history: 7d description: | MIB: IF-MIB For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. preprocessing: - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' tags: - tag: component value: network - tag: description value: '{#IFALIAS}' - tag: interface value: '{#IFNAME}' - uuid: bb496495e10d4ba9b4e111df5f4c212c name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Bits received' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: '{#SNMPINDEX}' key: '[ifHCInOctets.{#SNMPINDEX}]' delay: 3m history: 7d units: bps description: | MIB: IF-MIB The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit version of ifInOctets. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. preprocessing: - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '8' tags: - tag: component value: network - tag: description value: '{#IFALIAS}' - tag: interface value: '{#IFNAME}' - uuid: 84763d17b876499d9a7a67f93b21a2a7 name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Outbound packets discarded' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: '{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'net.if.out.discards[ifOutDiscards.{#SNMPINDEX}]' delay: 3m history: 7d description: | MIB: IF-MIB The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. preprocessing: - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' tags: - tag: component value: network - tag: description value: '{#IFALIAS}' - tag: interface value: '{#IFNAME}' - uuid: 825e8d8d1528498ba11caa0152daa3f9 name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Outbound packets with errors' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: '{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'net.if.out.errors[ifOutErrors.{#SNMPINDEX}]' delay: 3m history: 7d description: | MIB: IF-MIB For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. preprocessing: - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' tags: - tag: component value: network - tag: description value: '{#IFALIAS}' - tag: interface value: '{#IFNAME}' - uuid: 9f54178529434f248bbba6eed46df8ac name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Bits sent' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: '{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'net.if.out[ifHCOutOctets.{#SNMPINDEX}]' delay: 3m history: 7d units: bps description: | MIB: IF-MIB The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit version of ifOutOctets.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. preprocessing: - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '8' tags: - tag: component value: network - tag: description value: '{#IFALIAS}' - tag: interface value: '{#IFNAME}' - uuid: 77a0e72b17bf4f04a813b224fba88156 name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Speed' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: '{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'net.if.speed[ifHighSpeed.{#SNMPINDEX}]' delay: 5m history: 7d trends: '0' units: bps description: | MIB: IF-MIB An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in units of 1,000,000 bits per second. If this object reports a value of `n' then the speed of the interface is somewhere in the range of `n-500,000' to`n+499,999'. For interfaces which do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this object should contain the nominal bandwidth. For a sub-layer which has no concept of bandwidth, this object should be zero. preprocessing: - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '1000000' - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 1h tags: - tag: component value: network - tag: description value: '{#IFALIAS}' - tag: interface value: '{#IFNAME}' - uuid: 57006254d61a411296021ee32924cce7 name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Operational status' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: '{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'net.if.status[ifOperStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}]' history: 7d trends: '0' description: | MIB: IF-MIB The current operational state of the interface. - The testing(3) state indicates that no operational packet scan be passed - If ifAdminStatus is down(2) then ifOperStatus should be down(2) - If ifAdminStatus is changed to up(1) then ifOperStatus should change to up(1) if the interface is ready to transmit and receive network traffic - It should change todormant(5) if the interface is waiting for external actions (such as a serial line waiting for an incoming connection) - It should remain in the down(2) state if and only if there is a fault that prevents it from going to the up(1) state - It should remain in the notPresent(6) state if the interface has missing(typically, hardware) components. valuemap: name: 'IF-MIB::ifOperStatus' tags: - tag: component value: network - tag: description value: '{#IFALIAS}' - tag: interface value: '{#IFNAME}' trigger_prototypes: - uuid: 11c5b8073b3540e4b0698a8db9e3c33e expression: '{$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 and last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.status[ifOperStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}])=2 and (last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.status[ifOperStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}],#1)<>last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.status[ifOperStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}],#2))' recovery_mode: RECOVERY_EXPRESSION recovery_expression: 'last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.status[ifOperStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}])<>2 or {$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=0' name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Link down' opdata: 'Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: AVERAGE description: | This trigger expression works as follows: 1. It can be triggered if the operations status is down. 2. `{$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1` - a user can redefine context macro to value - 0. That marks this interface as not important. No new trigger will be fired if this interface is down. 3. `{TEMPLATE_NAME:METRIC.diff()}=1` - the trigger fires only if the operational status was up to (1) sometime before (so, do not fire for the 'eternal off' interfaces.) WARNING: if closed manually - it will not fire again on the next poll, because of .diff. manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: scope value: availability - uuid: 9ccd7ecb83bf4ff387b8541d807e6a69 name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Interface type' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: '{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'net.if.type[ifType.{#SNMPINDEX}]' delay: 1h history: 7d trends: '0' description: | MIB: IF-MIB The type of interface. Additional values for ifType are assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), through updating the syntax of the IANAifType textual convention. valuemap: name: 'IF-MIB::ifType' preprocessing: - type: DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT parameters: - 1d tags: - tag: component value: network - tag: description value: '{#IFALIAS}' - tag: interface value: '{#IFNAME}' trigger_prototypes: - uuid: 9715da7cb2404bf2a3cb3e80d4bb3bde expression: | change(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.speed[ifHighSpeed.{#SNMPINDEX}])<0 and last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.speed[ifHighSpeed.{#SNMPINDEX}])>0 and ( last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.type[ifType.{#SNMPINDEX}])=6 or last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.type[ifType.{#SNMPINDEX}])=7 or last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.type[ifType.{#SNMPINDEX}])=11 or last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.type[ifType.{#SNMPINDEX}])=62 or last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.type[ifType.{#SNMPINDEX}])=69 or last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.type[ifType.{#SNMPINDEX}])=117 ) and (last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.status[ifOperStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}])<>2) recovery_mode: RECOVERY_EXPRESSION recovery_expression: | (change(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.speed[ifHighSpeed.{#SNMPINDEX}])>0 and last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.speed[ifHighSpeed.{#SNMPINDEX}],#2)>0) or (last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.status[ifOperStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}])=2) name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Ethernet has changed to lower speed than it was before' opdata: 'Current reported speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: INFO description: 'This Ethernet connection has transitioned down from its known maximum speed. This might be a sign of autonegotiation issues. Acknowledge to close the problem manually.' manual_close: 'YES' dependencies: - name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Link down' expression: '{$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 and last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.status[ifOperStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}])=2 and (last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.status[ifOperStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}],#1)<>last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.status[ifOperStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}],#2))' recovery_expression: 'last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.status[ifOperStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}])<>2 or {$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=0' tags: - tag: scope value: performance - uuid: 32c978fecfcb42738cd179c19bcd2360 expression: | (avg(/Arista by SNMP/[ifHCInOctets.{#SNMPINDEX}],15m)>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.speed[ifHighSpeed.{#SNMPINDEX}]) or avg(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.out[ifHCOutOctets.{#SNMPINDEX}],15m)>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.speed[ifHighSpeed.{#SNMPINDEX}])) and last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.speed[ifHighSpeed.{#SNMPINDEX}])>0 recovery_mode: RECOVERY_EXPRESSION recovery_expression: | avg(/Arista by SNMP/[ifHCInOctets.{#SNMPINDEX}],15m)<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.speed[ifHighSpeed.{#SNMPINDEX}]) and avg(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.out[ifHCOutOctets.{#SNMPINDEX}],15m)<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.speed[ifHighSpeed.{#SNMPINDEX}]) name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage' event_name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (>{$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}%)' opdata: 'In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2}' priority: WARNING description: 'The utilization of the network interface is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth.' manual_close: 'YES' dependencies: - name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Link down' expression: '{$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 and last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.status[ifOperStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}])=2 and (last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.status[ifOperStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}],#1)<>last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.status[ifOperStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}],#2))' recovery_expression: 'last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.status[ifOperStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}])<>2 or {$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=0' tags: - tag: scope value: performance - uuid: 47d5a599bc574ccea4baeebc3aad34f5 expression: | min(/Arista by SNMP/[ifInErrors.{#SNMPINDEX}],5m)>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} or min(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.out.errors[ifOutErrors.{#SNMPINDEX}],5m)>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} recovery_mode: RECOVERY_EXPRESSION recovery_expression: | max(/Arista by SNMP/[ifInErrors.{#SNMPINDEX}],5m)<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 and max(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.out.errors[ifOutErrors.{#SNMPINDEX}],5m)<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate' event_name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m)' opdata: 'errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2}' priority: WARNING description: 'It recovers when it is below 80% of the `{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}` threshold.' manual_close: 'YES' dependencies: - name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Link down' expression: '{$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 and last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.status[ifOperStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}])=2 and (last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.status[ifOperStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}],#1)<>last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.status[ifOperStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}],#2))' recovery_expression: 'last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.status[ifOperStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}])<>2 or {$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=0' tags: - tag: scope value: availability - tag: scope value: performance graph_prototypes: - uuid: ecce7b4f1bf844239328705e46958c85 name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Network traffic' graph_items: - drawtype: GRADIENT_LINE color: 199C0D item: host: 'Arista by SNMP' key: '[ifHCInOctets.{#SNMPINDEX}]' - sortorder: '1' drawtype: BOLD_LINE color: F63100 item: host: 'Arista by SNMP' key: 'net.if.out[ifHCOutOctets.{#SNMPINDEX}]' - sortorder: '2' color: 00611C yaxisside: RIGHT item: host: 'Arista by SNMP' key: 'net.if.out.errors[ifOutErrors.{#SNMPINDEX}]' - sortorder: '3' color: F7941D yaxisside: RIGHT item: host: 'Arista by SNMP' key: '[ifInErrors.{#SNMPINDEX}]' - sortorder: '4' color: FC6EA3 yaxisside: RIGHT item: host: 'Arista by SNMP' key: 'net.if.out.discards[ifOutDiscards.{#SNMPINDEX}]' - sortorder: '5' color: 6C59DC yaxisside: RIGHT item: host: 'Arista by SNMP' key: '[ifInDiscards.{#SNMPINDEX}]' - uuid: 4906974da5ab45cd9f7996d6d295165a name: 'EtherLike-MIB Discovery' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},,{#IFOPERSTATUS},,{#IFALIAS},,{#IFNAME},,{#IFDESCR},]' key: net.if.duplex.discovery delay: 1h filter: evaltype: AND conditions: - macro: '{#IFOPERSTATUS}' value: '1' formulaid: A - macro: '{#SNMPVALUE}' value: (2|3) formulaid: B description: 'Discovering interfaces from IF-MIB and EtherLike-MIB. Interfaces with up(1) Operational Status are discovered.' item_prototypes: - uuid: 065e407dcf1248d2827d0b199b271921 name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Duplex status' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: '{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'net.if.duplex[dot3StatsDuplexStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}]' history: 7d description: | MIB: EtherLike-MIB The current mode of operation of the MAC entity. 'unknown' indicates that the current duplex mode could not be determined. Management control of the duplex mode is accomplished through the MAU MIB. When an interface does not support autonegotiation, or when autonegotiation is not enabled, the duplex mode is controlled using ifMauDefaultType. When autonegotiation is supported and enabled, duplex mode is controlled using ifMauAutoNegAdvertisedBits. In either case, the currently operating duplex mode is reflected both in this object and in ifMauType. Note that this object provides redundant information with ifMauType. Normally, redundant objects are discouraged. However, in this instance, it allows a management application to determine the duplex status of an interface without having to know every possible value of ifMauType. This was felt to be sufficiently valuable to justify the redundancy. Reference: [IEEE 802.3 Std.],,aDuplexStatus. valuemap: name: 'EtherLike-MIB::dot3StatsDuplexStatus' tags: - tag: component value: network - tag: description value: '{#IFALIAS}' - tag: interface value: '{#IFNAME}' trigger_prototypes: - uuid: c1bddd15c68243aeb69dc47f57eb6631 expression: 'last(/Arista by SNMP/net.if.duplex[dot3StatsDuplexStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}])=2' name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): In half-duplex mode' priority: WARNING description: 'Please check autonegotiation settings and cabling' manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: scope value: performance preprocessing: - type: JAVASCRIPT parameters: - | try { var data = JSON.parse(value); } catch (error) { throw 'Failed to parse JSON of EtherLike-MIB discovery.'; } var fields = ['{#SNMPVALUE}','{#IFOPERSTATUS}','{#IFALIAS}','{#IFNAME}','{#IFDESCR}']; data.forEach(function (element) { fields.forEach(function (field) { element[field] = element[field] || ''; }); }); return JSON.stringify(data); - uuid: 01b83e46160a437da4345824f472cc3b name: 'PSU discovery' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'discovery[{#ENT_CLASS},,{#ENT_NAME},]' key: psu.discovery delay: 1h filter: conditions: - macro: '{#ENT_CLASS}' value: '6' formulaid: A item_prototypes: - uuid: 3ec518948c0d4472b55adc761ef7855d name: '{#ENT_NAME}: Power supply status' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: '{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'sensor.psu.status[entStateOper.{#SNMPINDEX}]' delay: 3m history: 2w trends: '0' description: 'MIB: ENTITY-STATE-MIB' valuemap: name: 'ENTITY-STATE-MIB::EntityOperState' tags: - tag: component value: power trigger_prototypes: - uuid: 4faa99278cd94abaace8b09529a6efaa expression: 'count(/Arista by SNMP/sensor.psu.status[entStateOper.{#SNMPINDEX}],#1,"eq","{$PSU_CRIT_STATUS}")=1' name: '{#ENT_NAME}: Power supply is in critical state' opdata: 'Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: AVERAGE description: 'Please check the power supply unit for errors' tags: - tag: scope value: availability - tag: scope value: performance - uuid: 50d834b15d7f4755b1ff89ddba90fa4d name: 'Temperature discovery' type: DEPENDENT key: temp.discovery delay: '0' filter: evaltype: AND conditions: - macro: '{#SENSOR_TYPE}' value: '8' formulaid: B - macro: '{#SENSOR_PRECISION}' value: '1' formulaid: A description: 'ENTITY-SENSORS-MIB::EntitySensorDataType discovery with temperature filter' item_prototypes: - uuid: 2851148fc01c4ba5afb5ab6a3deba5ff name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Temperature status' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: '{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'sensor.temp.status[entPhySensorOperStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}]' delay: 3m history: 2w trends: '0' description: | MIB: ENTITY-SENSORS-MIB The operational status of the sensor {#SENSOR_INFO} valuemap: name: 'ENTITY-SENSORS-MIB::EntitySensorStatus' tags: - tag: component value: temperature - uuid: 0f769e8ce0b647989085460beb9a2155 name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Temperature' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: '{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'sensor.temp.value[entPhySensorValue.{#SNMPINDEX}]' delay: 3m history: 2w value_type: FLOAT units: °C description: | MIB: ENTITY-SENSORS-MIB The most recent measurement obtained by the agent for this sensor. To correctly interpret the value of this object, the associated entPhySensorType, entPhySensorScale, and entPhySensorPrecision objects must also be examined. preprocessing: - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '0.1' tags: - tag: component value: temperature trigger_prototypes: - uuid: 791d55e21828472e93c97d8fa4f96d26 expression: 'min(/Arista by SNMP/sensor.temp.value[entPhySensorValue.{#SNMPINDEX}],5m) > {#THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT}' name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Temperature is above the critical threshold' event_name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Temperature is above the critical threshold of {#THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT}°C for 5m' opdata: 'Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: HIGH description: 'This trigger uses temperature sensor values defined in the device.' tags: - tag: scope value: notice - uuid: c65457a8a6d4427995626ff9ff12e339 expression: 'min(/Arista by SNMP/sensor.temp.value[entPhySensorValue.{#SNMPINDEX}],5m) > {#THRESHOLD_HI_WARN}' name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Temperature is above the warning threshold' event_name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Temperature is above the warning threshold of {#THRESHOLD_HI_WARN}°C for 5m' opdata: 'Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: WARNING description: 'This trigger uses temperature sensor values defined in the device.' dependencies: - name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Temperature is above the critical threshold' expression: 'min(/Arista by SNMP/sensor.temp.value[entPhySensorValue.{#SNMPINDEX}],5m) > {#THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT}' tags: - tag: scope value: notice - uuid: b521cd99d9fb4f6f9d1241ac33c01a86 expression: 'max(/Arista by SNMP/sensor.temp.value[entPhySensorValue.{#SNMPINDEX}],5m) < {#THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT}' name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Temperature is below the critical threshold' event_name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Temperature is below the critical threshold of {#THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT}°C for 5m' opdata: 'Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: HIGH description: 'This trigger uses temperature sensor values defined in the device.' tags: - tag: scope value: notice - uuid: 750888bd98fa475dba03591945416b89 expression: 'max(/Arista by SNMP/sensor.temp.value[entPhySensorValue.{#SNMPINDEX}],5m) < {#THRESHOLD_LO_WARN}' name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Temperature is below the warning threshold' event_name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Temperature is below the warning threshold of {#THRESHOLD_LO_WARN}°C for 5m' opdata: 'Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: WARNING description: 'This trigger uses temperature sensor values defined in the device.' dependencies: - name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Temperature is below the critical threshold' expression: 'max(/Arista by SNMP/sensor.temp.value[entPhySensorValue.{#SNMPINDEX}],5m) < {#THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT}' tags: - tag: scope value: notice master_item: key: sensors.get overrides: - name: 'trigger THRESHOLD_LO_WARN' step: '1' filter: conditions: - macro: '{#THRESHOLD_LO_WARN}' value: ^$ formulaid: A operations: - operationobject: TRIGGER_PROTOTYPE operator: REGEXP value: 'Temperature is below the warning threshold' discover: NO_DISCOVER - name: 'trigger THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT' step: '2' filter: conditions: - macro: '{#THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT}' value: ^$ formulaid: A operations: - operationobject: TRIGGER_PROTOTYPE operator: REGEXP value: 'Temperature is below the critical threshold' discover: NO_DISCOVER - name: 'trigger THRESHOLD_HI_WARN' step: '3' filter: conditions: - macro: '{#THRESHOLD_HI_WARN}' value: ^$ formulaid: A operations: - operationobject: TRIGGER_PROTOTYPE operator: REGEXP value: 'Temperature is above the warning threshold' discover: NO_DISCOVER - name: 'trigger THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT' step: '4' filter: conditions: - macro: '{#THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT}' value: ^$ formulaid: A operations: - operationobject: TRIGGER_PROTOTYPE operator: REGEXP value: 'Temperature is above the critical threshold' discover: NO_DISCOVER - uuid: 77e7bb250b714e8ea3fff7ec1f3ac2c3 name: 'Storage discovery' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'discovery[{#FSNAME},,{#FSTYPE},,{#ALLOC_UNITS},]' key: 'vfs.fs.discovery[snmp]' delay: 1h filter: evaltype: AND conditions: - macro: '{#FSTYPE}' value: '{$VFS.FS.FSTYPE.MATCHES}' formulaid: C - macro: '{#FSTYPE}' value: '{$VFS.FS.FSTYPE.NOT_MATCHES}' operator: NOT_MATCHES_REGEX formulaid: D - macro: '{#FSNAME}' value: '{$VFS.FS.FSNAME.MATCHES}' formulaid: A - macro: '{#FSNAME}' value: '{$VFS.FS.FSNAME.NOT_MATCHES}' operator: NOT_MATCHES_REGEX formulaid: B description: 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorage discovery with storage filter.' item_prototypes: - uuid: 676989796c6847ecb76732acce13126a name: '{#FSNAME}: Space utilization' type: CALCULATED key: 'vfs.fs.pused[storageUsedPercentage.{#SNMPINDEX}]' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: '%' params: '(last(//vfs.fs.used[hrStorageUsed.{#SNMPINDEX}])/last(//[hrStorageSize.{#SNMPINDEX}]))*100' description: 'The space utilization expressed in % for {#FSNAME}.' tags: - tag: component value: storage - tag: filesystem value: '{#FSNAME}' - uuid: 22bf8f2fc376489a9b3f65414fb10f47 name: '{#FSNAME}: Total space' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: '{#SNMPINDEX}' key: '[hrStorageSize.{#SNMPINDEX}]' history: 7d units: B description: | MIB: HOST-RESOURCES-MIB The size of the storage represented by this entry, in units of hrStorageAllocationUnits. This object is writable to allow remote configuration of the size of the storage area in those cases where such an operation makes sense and is possible on the underlying system. For example, the amount of main storage allocated to a buffer pool might be modified or the amount of disk space allocated to virtual storage might be modified. preprocessing: - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '{#ALLOC_UNITS}' tags: - tag: component value: storage - tag: filesystem value: '{#FSNAME}' - uuid: 967fce12f9b34723a5984d2f4c2a74f3 name: '{#FSNAME}: Used space' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: '{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'vfs.fs.used[hrStorageUsed.{#SNMPINDEX}]' history: 7d units: B description: | MIB: HOST-RESOURCES-MIB The amount of the storage represented by this entry that is allocated, in units of hrStorageAllocationUnits. preprocessing: - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '{#ALLOC_UNITS}' tags: - tag: component value: storage - tag: filesystem value: '{#FSNAME}' trigger_prototypes: - uuid: f4bfac8d247144b3bebac7245248553e expression: | last(/Arista by SNMP/vfs.fs.pused[storageUsedPercentage.{#SNMPINDEX}])>{$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.CRIT:"{#FSNAME}"} and ((last(/Arista by SNMP/[hrStorageSize.{#SNMPINDEX}])-last(/Arista by SNMP/vfs.fs.used[hrStorageUsed.{#SNMPINDEX}]))<{$VFS.FS.FREE.MIN.CRIT:"{#FSNAME}"} or timeleft(/Arista by SNMP/vfs.fs.pused[storageUsedPercentage.{#SNMPINDEX}],1h,100)<1d) name: '{#FSNAME}: Disk space is critically low' event_name: '{#FSNAME}: Disk space is critically low (used > {$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.CRIT:"{#FSNAME}"}%)' opdata: 'Space used: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3} of {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} ({ITEM.LASTVALUE1})' priority: AVERAGE description: | Two conditions should match: 1. The first condition - utilization of the space should be above `{$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.CRIT:"{#FSNAME}"}`. 2. The second condition should be one of the following: - the disk free space is less than `{$VFS.FS.FREE.MIN.CRIT:"{#FSNAME}"}`; - the disk will be full in less than 24 hours. manual_close: 'YES' tags: - tag: scope value: availability - tag: scope value: capacity - uuid: 9912ab9619ce46b88afe358ab50a2c4f expression: | last(/Arista by SNMP/vfs.fs.pused[storageUsedPercentage.{#SNMPINDEX}])>{$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.WARN:"{#FSNAME}"} and ((last(/Arista by SNMP/[hrStorageSize.{#SNMPINDEX}])-last(/Arista by SNMP/vfs.fs.used[hrStorageUsed.{#SNMPINDEX}]))<{$VFS.FS.FREE.MIN.WARN:"{#FSNAME}"} or timeleft(/Arista by SNMP/vfs.fs.pused[storageUsedPercentage.{#SNMPINDEX}],1h,100)<1d) name: '{#FSNAME}: Disk space is low' event_name: '{#FSNAME}: Disk space is low (used > {$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.WARN:"{#FSNAME}"}%)' opdata: 'Space used: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3} of {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} ({ITEM.LASTVALUE1})' priority: WARNING description: | Two conditions should match: 1. The first condition - utilization of the space should be above `{$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.WARN:"{#FSNAME}"}`. 2. The second condition should be one of the following: - the disk free space is less than `{$VFS.FS.FREE.MIN.WARN:"{#FSNAME}"}`; - the disk will be full in less than 24 hours. manual_close: 'YES' dependencies: - name: '{#FSNAME}: Disk space is critically low' expression: | last(/Arista by SNMP/vfs.fs.pused[storageUsedPercentage.{#SNMPINDEX}])>{$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.CRIT:"{#FSNAME}"} and ((last(/Arista by SNMP/[hrStorageSize.{#SNMPINDEX}])-last(/Arista by SNMP/vfs.fs.used[hrStorageUsed.{#SNMPINDEX}]))<{$VFS.FS.FREE.MIN.CRIT:"{#FSNAME}"} or timeleft(/Arista by SNMP/vfs.fs.pused[storageUsedPercentage.{#SNMPINDEX}],1h,100)<1d) tags: - tag: scope value: availability - tag: scope value: capacity graph_prototypes: - uuid: 9d5287bdf6cb4bbb9cada4c24b9ecd17 name: '{#FSNAME}: Disk space usage' width: '600' height: '340' type: PIE show_3d: 'YES' graph_items: - color: '969696' calc_fnc: LAST type: GRAPH_SUM item: host: 'Arista by SNMP' key: '[hrStorageSize.{#SNMPINDEX}]' - sortorder: '1' color: C80000 calc_fnc: LAST item: host: 'Arista by SNMP' key: 'vfs.fs.used[hrStorageUsed.{#SNMPINDEX}]' - uuid: 58bc77f12c17410bbba1cefb5e5fac3d name: 'Memory discovery' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: 'discovery[{#MEMNAME},,{#MEMTYPE},,{#ALLOC_UNITS},]' key: vm.memory.discovery delay: 1h filter: evaltype: AND conditions: - macro: '{#MEMTYPE}' value: '{$MEMORY.TYPE.MATCHES}' formulaid: C - macro: '{#MEMTYPE}' value: '{$MEMORY.TYPE.NOT_MATCHES}' operator: NOT_MATCHES_REGEX formulaid: D - macro: '{#MEMNAME}' value: '{$MEMORY.NAME.MATCHES}' formulaid: A - macro: '{#MEMNAME}' value: '{$MEMORY.NAME.NOT_MATCHES}' operator: NOT_MATCHES_REGEX formulaid: B description: 'HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorage discovery with memory filter' item_prototypes: - uuid: 321107495a2d4f4cb2b9aea7bd62a238 name: '{#MEMNAME}: Total memory' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: '{#SNMPINDEX}' key: '[hrStorageSize.{#SNMPINDEX}]' history: 7d units: B description: | MIB: HOST-RESOURCES-MIB The size of the storage represented by this entry, in units of hrStorageAllocationUnits. This object is writable to allow remote configuration of the size of the storage area in those cases where such an operation makes sense and is possible on the underlying system. For example, the amount of main memory allocated to a buffer pool might be modified or the amount of disk space allocated to virtual memory might be modified. preprocessing: - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '{#ALLOC_UNITS}' tags: - tag: component value: memory - uuid: 520fa8a8954e4992ba18d6d2c1f18259 name: '{#MEMNAME}: Used memory' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: '{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'vm.memory.used[hrStorageUsed.{#SNMPINDEX}]' history: 7d units: B description: | MIB: HOST-RESOURCES-MIB The amount of the storage represented by this entry that is allocated, in units of hrStorageAllocationUnits. preprocessing: - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '{#ALLOC_UNITS}' tags: - tag: component value: memory - uuid: d85df76fd2b7409c84f77459bf037f0e name: '{#MEMNAME}: Memory utilization' type: CALCULATED key: 'vm.memory.util[memoryUsedPercentage.{#SNMPINDEX}]' history: 7d value_type: FLOAT units: '%' params: 'last(//vm.memory.used[hrStorageUsed.{#SNMPINDEX}])/last(//[hrStorageSize.{#SNMPINDEX}])*100' description: 'Memory utilization in %.' tags: - tag: component value: memory trigger_prototypes: - uuid: 6b9010e0ad4e4549ac91a91d4bb3983a expression: 'min(/Arista by SNMP/vm.memory.util[memoryUsedPercentage.{#SNMPINDEX}],5m)>{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX}' name: '{#MEMNAME}: High memory utilization' event_name: '{#MEMNAME}: High memory utilization (>{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX}% for 5m)' priority: AVERAGE description: 'The system is running out of free memory.' tags: - tag: scope value: capacity - tag: scope value: performance graph_prototypes: - uuid: 1094490b59674fb58ca36cf6543b3bdb name: '{#MEMNAME}: Memory utilization' ymin_type_1: FIXED ymax_type_1: FIXED graph_items: - drawtype: GRADIENT_LINE color: 199C0D item: host: 'Arista by SNMP' key: 'vm.memory.util[memoryUsedPercentage.{#SNMPINDEX}]' - uuid: 3002dbe2caa042dcb2beb058b25500f8 name: 'Voltage discovery' type: DEPENDENT key: voltage.discovery delay: '0' filter: evaltype: OR conditions: - macro: '{#SENSOR_TYPE}' value: 3|4 formulaid: A description: 'ENTITY-SENSORS-MIB::EntitySensorDataType discovery with volts filter' item_prototypes: - uuid: 7f66af7d12864f2cbaa8a106979ec427 name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Voltage' type: SNMP_AGENT snmp_oid: '{#SNMPINDEX}' key: 'sensor.voltage.value[entPhySensorValue.{#SNMPINDEX}]' history: 2w value_type: FLOAT units: V description: | MIB: ENTITY-SENSORS-MIB The most recent measurement obtained by the agent for this sensor. To correctly interpret the value of this object, the associated entPhySensorType, entPhySensorScale, and entPhySensorPrecision objects must also be examined. tags: - tag: component value: voltage trigger_prototypes: - uuid: 1c78dea0380a4bf68b05c1323a208c3a expression: 'min(/Arista by SNMP/sensor.voltage.value[entPhySensorValue.{#SNMPINDEX}],5m) > {#THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT}' name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Voltage is above the critical threshold' event_name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Voltage is above the critical threshold of {#THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT}V for 5m' opdata: 'Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: HIGH description: 'This trigger uses voltage sensor values defined in the device.' tags: - tag: scope value: notice - uuid: 08b4f59d66ea45eaa95426a27586c4bd expression: 'min(/Arista by SNMP/sensor.voltage.value[entPhySensorValue.{#SNMPINDEX}],5m) > {#THRESHOLD_HI_WARN}' name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Voltage is above the warning threshold' event_name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Voltage is above the warning threshold of {#THRESHOLD_HI_WARN}V for 5m' opdata: 'Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: WARNING description: 'This trigger uses voltage sensor values defined in the device.' dependencies: - name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Voltage is above the critical threshold' expression: 'min(/Arista by SNMP/sensor.voltage.value[entPhySensorValue.{#SNMPINDEX}],5m) > {#THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT}' tags: - tag: scope value: notice - uuid: d2df35a764234716a286a8019e6c9411 expression: 'max(/Arista by SNMP/sensor.voltage.value[entPhySensorValue.{#SNMPINDEX}],5m) < {#THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT}' name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Voltage is below the critical threshold' event_name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Voltage is below the critical threshold of {#THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT}V for 5m' opdata: 'Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: HIGH description: 'This trigger uses voltage sensor values defined in the device.' tags: - tag: scope value: notice - uuid: 481908babd3f44b3a73f3e0a628fe6d4 expression: 'max(/Arista by SNMP/sensor.voltage.value[entPhySensorValue.{#SNMPINDEX}],5m) < {#THRESHOLD_LO_WARN}' name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Voltage is below the warning threshold' event_name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Voltage is below the warning threshold of {#THRESHOLD_LO_WARN}V for 5m' opdata: 'Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}' priority: WARNING description: 'This trigger uses voltage sensor values defined in the device.' dependencies: - name: '{#SENSOR_INFO}: Voltage is below the critical threshold' expression: 'max(/Arista by SNMP/sensor.voltage.value[entPhySensorValue.{#SNMPINDEX}],5m) < {#THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT}' tags: - tag: scope value: notice master_item: key: sensors.get overrides: - name: 'trigger THRESHOLD_LO_WARN' step: '1' filter: conditions: - macro: '{#THRESHOLD_LO_WARN}' value: ^$ formulaid: A operations: - operationobject: TRIGGER_PROTOTYPE operator: REGEXP value: 'Voltage is below the warning threshold' discover: NO_DISCOVER - name: 'trigger THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT' step: '2' filter: conditions: - macro: '{#THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT}' value: ^$ formulaid: A operations: - operationobject: TRIGGER_PROTOTYPE operator: REGEXP value: 'Voltage is below the critical threshold' discover: NO_DISCOVER - name: 'trigger THRESHOLD_HI_WARN' step: '3' filter: conditions: - macro: '{#THRESHOLD_HI_WARN}' value: ^$ formulaid: A operations: - operationobject: TRIGGER_PROTOTYPE operator: REGEXP value: 'Voltage is above the warning threshold' discover: NO_DISCOVER - name: 'trigger THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT' step: '4' filter: conditions: - macro: '{#THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT}' value: ^$ formulaid: A operations: - operationobject: TRIGGER_PROTOTYPE operator: REGEXP value: 'Voltage is above the critical threshold' discover: NO_DISCOVER tags: - tag: class value: network - tag: target value: arista macros: - macro: '{$CPU.UTIL.CRIT}' value: '90' - macro: '{$FAN_CRIT_STATUS}' value: '3' - macro: '{$ICMP_LOSS_WARN}' value: '20' - macro: '{$ICMP_RESPONSE_TIME_WARN}' value: '0.15' - macro: '{$IF.ERRORS.WARN}' value: '2' - macro: '{$IF.UTIL.MAX}' value: '90' - macro: '{$IFCONTROL}' value: '1' - macro: '{$MEMORY.NAME.MATCHES}' value: '.*' description: 'This macro is used in memory discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$MEMORY.NAME.NOT_MATCHES}' value: (Buffer|Cache) description: 'Filter is overridden to ignore RAM(Cache) and RAM(Buffers) memory objects.' - macro: '{$MEMORY.TYPE.MATCHES}' value: '.*(\.2|hrStorageRam)$' description: 'This macro is used in memory discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$MEMORY.TYPE.NOT_MATCHES}' value: CHANGE_IF_NEEDED description: 'This macro is used in memory discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level if you need to filter out results.' - macro: '{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX}' value: '90' description: 'The warning threshold of the "Physical memory: Memory utilization" item.' - macro: '{$NET.IF.IFADMINSTATUS.MATCHES}' value: '^.*' description: 'Ignore notPresent(6)' - macro: '{$NET.IF.IFADMINSTATUS.NOT_MATCHES}' value: ^2$ description: 'Ignore down(2) administrative status' - macro: '{$NET.IF.IFALIAS.MATCHES}' value: '.*' - macro: '{$NET.IF.IFALIAS.NOT_MATCHES}' value: CHANGE_IF_NEEDED - macro: '{$NET.IF.IFDESCR.MATCHES}' value: '.*' - macro: '{$NET.IF.IFDESCR.NOT_MATCHES}' value: CHANGE_IF_NEEDED - macro: '{$NET.IF.IFNAME.MATCHES}' value: '^.*$' - macro: '{$NET.IF.IFNAME.NOT_MATCHES}' value: '(^Software Loopback Interface|^NULL[0-9.]*$|^[Ll]o[0-9.]*$|^[Ss]ystem$|^Nu[0-9.]*$|^veth[0-9a-z]+$|docker[0-9]+|br-[a-z0-9]{12})' description: 'Filter out loopbacks, nulls, docker veth links and docker0 bridge by default' - macro: '{$NET.IF.IFOPERSTATUS.MATCHES}' value: '^.*$' - macro: '{$NET.IF.IFOPERSTATUS.NOT_MATCHES}' value: ^6$ description: 'Ignore notPresent(6)' - macro: '{$NET.IF.IFTYPE.MATCHES}' value: '.*' - macro: '{$NET.IF.IFTYPE.NOT_MATCHES}' value: CHANGE_IF_NEEDED - macro: '{$PSU_CRIT_STATUS}' value: '2' - macro: '{$SNMP.TIMEOUT}' value: 5m - macro: '{$VFS.FS.FREE.MIN.CRIT}' value: 5G description: 'The critical threshold of the filesystem utilization.' - macro: '{$VFS.FS.FREE.MIN.WARN}' value: 10G description: 'The warning threshold of the filesystem utilization.' - macro: '{$VFS.FS.FSNAME.MATCHES}' value: .+ description: 'This macro is used in filesystems discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$VFS.FS.FSNAME.NOT_MATCHES}' value: ^(/dev|/sys|/run|/proc|.+/shm$) description: 'This macro is used in filesystems discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$VFS.FS.FSTYPE.MATCHES}' value: '.*(\.4|\.9|hrStorageFixedDisk|hrStorageFlashMemory)$' description: 'This macro is used in filesystems discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$VFS.FS.FSTYPE.NOT_MATCHES}' value: CHANGE_IF_NEEDED description: 'This macro is used in filesystems discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level.' - macro: '{$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.CRIT}' value: '90' - macro: '{$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.WARN}' value: '80' dashboards: - uuid: 9bde3ce1f1d1405387969ab19b8620af name: 'Arista: General' pages: - name: 'Arista: General' widgets: - type: graph name: 'cpu utilization' width: '12' height: '5' fields: - type: GRAPH name: graphid value: host: 'Arista by SNMP' name: 'Arista: CPU utilization' - type: graphprototype name: 'disk space usage' 'y': '5' width: '12' height: '5' fields: - type: INTEGER name: columns value: '1' - type: INTEGER name: rows value: '1' - type: GRAPH_PROTOTYPE name: graphid value: host: 'Arista by SNMP' name: '{#FSNAME}: Disk space usage' - type: graphprototype name: 'memory utilization' x: '12' width: '12' height: '5' fields: - type: INTEGER name: columns value: '1' - type: INTEGER name: rows value: '1' - type: GRAPH_PROTOTYPE name: graphid value: host: 'Arista by SNMP' name: '{#MEMNAME}: Memory utilization' - type: graphprototype name: 'network traffic' x: '12' 'y': '5' width: '12' height: '5' fields: - type: INTEGER name: columns value: '1' - type: INTEGER name: rows value: '1' - type: GRAPH_PROTOTYPE name: graphid value: host: 'Arista by SNMP' name: 'Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Network traffic' valuemaps: - uuid: 318f3041aea04848a223de86e589c232 name: 'ENTITY-SENSORS-MIB::EntitySensorStatus' mappings: - value: '1' newvalue: ok - value: '2' newvalue: unavailable - value: '3' newvalue: nonoperational - uuid: 15ba17df88eb435d9d48145fba8d9029 name: 'ENTITY-STATE-MIB::EntityOperState' mappings: - value: '1' newvalue: unknown - value: '2' newvalue: disabled - value: '3' newvalue: enabled - value: '4' newvalue: testing - uuid: 322511c8bbf34b8da79b98e47067db64 name: 'EtherLike-MIB::dot3StatsDuplexStatus' mappings: - value: '1' newvalue: unknown - value: '2' newvalue: halfDuplex - value: '3' newvalue: fullDuplex - uuid: 97fa6952fa0a4a2a965ba1e88eebe706 name: 'IF-MIB::ifOperStatus' mappings: - value: '1' newvalue: up - value: '2' newvalue: down - value: '4' newvalue: unknown - value: '5' newvalue: dormant - value: '6' newvalue: notPresent - value: '7' newvalue: lowerLayerDown - uuid: 629b7642da57472ea36074d43e45ce8e name: 'IF-MIB::ifType' mappings: - value: '1' newvalue: other - value: '2' newvalue: regular1822 - value: '3' newvalue: hdh1822 - value: '4' newvalue: ddnX25 - value: '5' newvalue: rfc877x25 - value: '6' newvalue: ethernetCsmacd - value: '7' newvalue: iso88023Csmacd - value: '8' newvalue: iso88024TokenBus - value: '9' newvalue: iso88025TokenRing - value: '10' newvalue: iso88026Man - value: '11' newvalue: starLan - value: '12' newvalue: proteon10Mbit - value: '13' newvalue: proteon80Mbit - value: '14' newvalue: hyperchannel - value: '15' newvalue: fddi - value: '16' newvalue: lapb - value: '17' newvalue: sdlc - value: '18' newvalue: ds1 - value: '19' newvalue: e1 - value: '20' newvalue: basicISDN - value: '21' newvalue: primaryISDN - value: '22' newvalue: propPointToPointSerial - value: '23' newvalue: ppp - value: '24' newvalue: softwareLoopback - value: '25' newvalue: eon - value: '26' newvalue: ethernet3Mbit - value: '27' newvalue: nsip - value: '28' newvalue: slip - value: '29' newvalue: ultra - value: '30' newvalue: ds3 - value: '31' newvalue: sip - value: '32' newvalue: frameRelay - value: '33' newvalue: rs232 - value: '34' newvalue: para - value: '35' newvalue: arcnet - value: '36' newvalue: arcnetPlus - value: '37' newvalue: atm - value: '38' newvalue: miox25 - value: '39' newvalue: sonet - value: '40' newvalue: x25ple - value: '41' newvalue: iso88022llc - value: '42' newvalue: localTalk - value: '43' newvalue: smdsDxi - value: '44' newvalue: frameRelayService - value: '45' newvalue: v35 - value: '46' newvalue: hssi - value: '47' newvalue: hippi - value: '48' newvalue: modem - value: '49' newvalue: aal5 - value: '50' newvalue: sonetPath - value: '51' newvalue: sonetVT - value: '52' newvalue: smdsIcip - value: '53' newvalue: propVirtual - value: '54' newvalue: propMultiplexor - value: '55' newvalue: ieee80212 - value: '56' newvalue: fibreChannel - value: '57' newvalue: hippiInterface - value: '58' newvalue: frameRelayInterconnect - value: '59' newvalue: aflane8023 - value: '60' newvalue: aflane8025 - value: '61' newvalue: cctEmul - value: '62' newvalue: fastEther - value: '63' newvalue: isdn - value: '64' newvalue: v11 - value: '65' newvalue: v36 - value: '66' newvalue: g703at64k - value: '67' newvalue: g703at2mb - value: '68' newvalue: qllc - value: '69' newvalue: fastEtherFX - value: '70' newvalue: channel - value: '71' newvalue: ieee80211 - value: '72' newvalue: ibm370parChan - value: '73' newvalue: escon - value: '74' newvalue: dlsw - value: '75' newvalue: isdns - value: '76' newvalue: isdnu - value: '77' newvalue: lapd - value: '78' newvalue: ipSwitch - value: '79' newvalue: rsrb - value: '80' newvalue: atmLogical - value: '81' newvalue: ds0 - value: '82' newvalue: ds0Bundle - value: '83' newvalue: bsc - value: '84' newvalue: async - value: '85' newvalue: cnr - value: '86' newvalue: iso88025Dtr - value: '87' newvalue: eplrs - value: '88' newvalue: arap - value: '89' newvalue: propCnls - value: '90' newvalue: hostPad - value: '91' newvalue: termPad - value: '92' newvalue: frameRelayMPI - value: '93' newvalue: x213 - value: '94' newvalue: adsl - value: '95' newvalue: radsl - value: '96' newvalue: sdsl - value: '97' newvalue: vdsl - value: '98' newvalue: iso88025CRFPInt - value: '99' newvalue: myrinet - value: '100' newvalue: voiceEM - value: '101' newvalue: voiceFXO - value: '102' newvalue: voiceFXS - value: '103' newvalue: voiceEncap - value: '104' newvalue: voiceOverIp - value: '105' newvalue: atmDxi - value: '106' newvalue: atmFuni - value: '107' newvalue: atmIma - value: '108' newvalue: pppMultilinkBundle - value: '109' newvalue: ipOverCdlc - value: '110' newvalue: ipOverClaw - value: '111' newvalue: stackToStack - value: '112' newvalue: virtualIpAddress - value: '113' newvalue: mpc - value: '114' newvalue: ipOverAtm - value: '115' newvalue: iso88025Fiber - value: '116' newvalue: tdlc - value: '117' newvalue: gigabitEthernet - value: '118' newvalue: hdlc - value: '119' newvalue: lapf - value: '120' newvalue: v37 - value: '121' newvalue: x25mlp - value: '122' newvalue: x25huntGroup - value: '123' newvalue: trasnpHdlc - value: '124' newvalue: interleave - value: '125' newvalue: fast - value: '126' newvalue: ip - value: '127' newvalue: docsCableMaclayer - value: '128' newvalue: docsCableDownstream - value: '129' newvalue: docsCableUpstream - value: '130' newvalue: a12MppSwitch - value: '131' newvalue: tunnel - value: '132' newvalue: coffee - value: '133' newvalue: ces - value: '134' newvalue: atmSubInterface - value: '135' newvalue: l2vlan - value: '136' newvalue: l3ipvlan - value: '137' newvalue: l3ipxvlan - value: '138' newvalue: digitalPowerline - value: '139' newvalue: mediaMailOverIp - value: '140' newvalue: dtm - value: '141' newvalue: dcn - value: '142' newvalue: ipForward - value: '143' newvalue: msdsl - value: '144' newvalue: ieee1394 - value: '145' newvalue: if-gsn - value: '146' newvalue: dvbRccMacLayer - value: '147' newvalue: dvbRccDownstream - value: '148' newvalue: dvbRccUpstream - value: '149' newvalue: atmVirtual - value: '150' newvalue: mplsTunnel - value: '151' newvalue: srp - value: '152' newvalue: voiceOverAtm - value: '153' newvalue: voiceOverFrameRelay - value: '154' newvalue: idsl - value: '155' newvalue: compositeLink - value: '156' newvalue: ss7SigLink - value: '157' newvalue: propWirelessP2P - value: '158' newvalue: frForward - value: '159' newvalue: rfc1483 - value: '160' newvalue: usb - value: '161' newvalue: ieee8023adLag - value: '162' newvalue: bgppolicyaccounting - value: '163' newvalue: frf16MfrBundle - value: '164' newvalue: h323Gatekeeper - value: '165' newvalue: h323Proxy - value: '166' newvalue: mpls - value: '167' newvalue: mfSigLink - value: '168' newvalue: hdsl2 - value: '169' newvalue: shdsl - value: '170' newvalue: ds1FDL - value: '171' newvalue: pos - value: '172' newvalue: dvbAsiIn - value: '173' newvalue: dvbAsiOut - value: '174' newvalue: plc - value: '175' newvalue: nfas - value: '176' newvalue: tr008 - value: '177' newvalue: gr303RDT - value: '178' newvalue: gr303IDT - value: '179' newvalue: isup - value: '180' newvalue: propDocsWirelessMaclayer - value: '181' newvalue: propDocsWirelessDownstream - value: '182' newvalue: propDocsWirelessUpstream - value: '183' newvalue: hiperlan2 - value: '184' newvalue: propBWAp2Mp - value: '185' newvalue: sonetOverheadChannel - value: '186' newvalue: digitalWrapperOverheadChannel - value: '187' newvalue: aal2 - value: '188' newvalue: radioMAC - value: '189' newvalue: atmRadio - value: '190' newvalue: imt - value: '191' newvalue: mvl - value: '192' newvalue: reachDSL - value: '193' newvalue: frDlciEndPt - value: '194' newvalue: atmVciEndPt - value: '195' newvalue: opticalChannel - value: '196' newvalue: opticalTransport - value: '197' newvalue: propAtm - value: '198' newvalue: voiceOverCable - value: '199' newvalue: infiniband - value: '200' newvalue: teLink - value: '201' newvalue: q2931 - value: '202' newvalue: virtualTg - value: '203' newvalue: sipTg - value: '204' newvalue: sipSig - value: '205' newvalue: docsCableUpstreamChannel - value: '206' newvalue: econet - value: '207' newvalue: pon155 - value: '208' newvalue: pon622 - value: '209' newvalue: bridge - value: '210' newvalue: linegroup - value: '211' newvalue: voiceEMFGD - value: '212' newvalue: voiceFGDEANA - value: '213' newvalue: voiceDID - value: '214' newvalue: mpegTransport - value: '215' newvalue: sixToFour - value: '216' newvalue: gtp - value: '217' newvalue: pdnEtherLoop1 - value: '218' newvalue: pdnEtherLoop2 - value: '219' newvalue: opticalChannelGroup - value: '220' newvalue: homepna - value: '221' newvalue: gfp - value: '222' newvalue: ciscoISLvlan - value: '223' newvalue: actelisMetaLOOP - value: '224' newvalue: fcipLink - value: '225' newvalue: rpr - value: '226' newvalue: qam - value: '227' newvalue: lmp - value: '228' newvalue: cblVectaStar - value: '229' newvalue: docsCableMCmtsDownstream - value: '230' newvalue: adsl2 - value: '231' newvalue: macSecControlledIF - value: '232' newvalue: macSecUncontrolledIF - value: '233' newvalue: aviciOpticalEther - value: '234' newvalue: atmbond - value: '235' newvalue: voiceFGDOS - value: '236' newvalue: mocaVersion1 - value: '237' newvalue: ieee80216WMAN - value: '238' newvalue: adsl2plus - value: '239' newvalue: dvbRcsMacLayer - value: '240' newvalue: dvbTdm - value: '241' newvalue: dvbRcsTdma - value: '242' newvalue: x86Laps - value: '243' newvalue: wwanPP - value: '244' newvalue: wwanPP2 - value: '245' newvalue: voiceEBS - value: '246' newvalue: ifPwType - value: '247' newvalue: ilan - value: '248' newvalue: pip - value: '249' newvalue: aluELP - value: '250' newvalue: gpon - value: '251' newvalue: vdsl2 - value: '252' newvalue: capwapDot11Profile - value: '253' newvalue: capwapDot11Bss - value: '254' newvalue: capwapWtpVirtualRadio - value: '255' newvalue: bits - value: '256' newvalue: docsCableUpstreamRfPort - value: '257' newvalue: cableDownstreamRfPort - value: '258' newvalue: vmwareVirtualNic - value: '259' newvalue: ieee802154 - value: '260' newvalue: otnOdu - value: '261' newvalue: otnOtu - value: '262' newvalue: ifVfiType - value: '263' newvalue: g9981 - value: '264' newvalue: g9982 - value: '265' newvalue: g9983 - value: '266' newvalue: aluEpon - value: '267' newvalue: aluEponOnu - value: '268' newvalue: aluEponPhysicalUni - value: '269' newvalue: aluEponLogicalLink - value: '270' newvalue: aluGponOnu - value: '271' newvalue: aluGponPhysicalUni - value: '272' newvalue: vmwareNicTeam - value: '277' newvalue: docsOfdmDownstream - value: '278' newvalue: docsOfdmaUpstream - value: '279' newvalue: gfast - value: '280' newvalue: sdci - value: '281' newvalue: xboxWireless - value: '282' newvalue: fastdsl - value: '283' newvalue: docsCableScte55d1FwdOob - value: '284' newvalue: docsCableScte55d1RetOob - value: '285' newvalue: docsCableScte55d2DsOob - value: '286' newvalue: docsCableScte55d2UsOob - value: '287' newvalue: docsCableNdf - value: '288' newvalue: docsCableNdr - value: '289' newvalue: ptm - value: '290' newvalue: ghn - uuid: ab33ce8c3fff400eb49d274d76143a37 name: 'Service state' mappings: - value: '0' newvalue: Down - value: '1' newvalue: Up - uuid: 564ef39203334aff99b78aa8fb3fd2da name: mappings: - value: '0' newvalue: 'not available' - value: '1' newvalue: available - value: '2' newvalue: unknown triggers: - uuid: e3907a8b6aba4512a24a677ed31e4362 expression: '(last(/Arista by SNMP/system.hw.uptime[hrSystemUptime.0])>0 and last(/Arista by SNMP/system.hw.uptime[hrSystemUptime.0])<10m) or (last(/Arista by SNMP/system.hw.uptime[hrSystemUptime.0])=0 and last(/Arista by SNMP/[sysUpTime.0])<10m)' name: 'Arista: Host has been restarted' event_name: 'Arista: {HOST.NAME} has been restarted (uptime < 10m)' priority: WARNING description: 'Uptime is less than 10 minutes.' manual_close: 'YES' dependencies: - name: 'Arista: No SNMP data collection' expression: 'max(/Arista by SNMP/zabbix[host,snmp,available],{$SNMP.TIMEOUT})=0' tags: - tag: scope value: notice graphs: - uuid: 9d75893b596e448e9fe0fb3a851b0ab2 name: 'Arista: CPU utilization' ymin_type_1: FIXED ymax_type_1: FIXED graph_items: - drawtype: GRADIENT_LINE color: 199C0D item: host: 'Arista by SNMP' key: system.cpu.util