/* ** Zabbix ** Copyright (C) 2001-2023 Zabbix SIA ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ #include "zbxmocktest.h" #include "zbxmockdata.h" #include "zbxmockassert.h" #include "zbxmockutil.h" #include "zbxlog.h" #include "zbxexpr.h" static unsigned char mock_get_cycle(const char *path) { const char *value; value = zbx_mock_get_parameter_string(path); if (0 == strcmp(value, "ZBX_REPORT_CYCLE_DAILY")) return ZBX_REPORT_CYCLE_DAILY; if (0 == strcmp(value, "ZBX_REPORT_CYCLE_WEEKLY")) return ZBX_REPORT_CYCLE_WEEKLY; if (0 == strcmp(value, "ZBX_REPORT_CYCLE_MONTHLY")) return ZBX_REPORT_CYCLE_MONTHLY; if (0 == strcmp(value, "ZBX_REPORT_CYCLE_YEARLY")) return ZBX_REPORT_CYCLE_YEARLY; fail_msg("Unsupported report cycle: %s", value); return 0; } static unsigned char mock_get_weekdays(const char *path) { zbx_mock_handle_t hweekdays, hvalue; zbx_mock_error_t err; unsigned char weekdays = 0; hweekdays = zbx_mock_get_parameter_handle(path); while (ZBX_MOCK_END_OF_VECTOR != (err = (zbx_mock_vector_element(hweekdays, &hvalue)))) { const char *value; if (ZBX_MOCK_SUCCESS != err || ZBX_MOCK_SUCCESS != (err = zbx_mock_string(hvalue, &value))) fail_msg("Cannot read weekday flag"); weekdays |= (1 << atoi(value)); } return weekdays; } void zbx_mock_test_entry(void **state) { unsigned char cycle, weekdays; zbx_timespec_t ts; time_t now, nextcheck; int start_time, step = 1; zbx_mock_handle_t htimes, htime; zbx_mock_error_t err; char buf[MAX_STRING_LEN]; const char *report_tz; ZBX_UNUSED(state); report_tz = zbx_mock_get_parameter_string("in.timezone"); if (0 != setenv("TZ", report_tz, 1)) fail_msg("Cannot set 'TZ' environment variable: %s", zbx_strerror(errno)); tzset(); cycle = mock_get_cycle("in.cycle"); weekdays = mock_get_weekdays("in.weekdays"); if (ZBX_MOCK_SUCCESS != zbx_strtime_to_timespec(zbx_mock_get_parameter_string("in.now"), &ts)) fail_msg("Invalid time format for 'now' parameter"); now = ts.sec; if (ZBX_MOCK_SUCCESS != zbx_strtime_to_timespec(zbx_mock_get_parameter_string("in.start_time"), &ts)) fail_msg("Invalid time format for 'start_time' parameter"); start_time = ts.sec; htimes = zbx_mock_get_parameter_handle("out.reports"); while (ZBX_MOCK_END_OF_VECTOR != (err = (zbx_mock_vector_element(htimes, &htime)))) { const char *value; if (ZBX_MOCK_SUCCESS != err || ZBX_MOCK_SUCCESS != (err = zbx_mock_string(htime, &value))) fail_msg("[%d] cannot read nextcheck timestamp", step); if (ZBX_MOCK_SUCCESS != (err = zbx_strtime_to_timespec(value, &ts))) fail_msg("[%d] cannot parse nextcheck timestamp: %s", step, zbx_mock_error_string(err)); if (FAIL == (nextcheck = zbx_get_report_nextcheck(now, cycle, weekdays, start_time, report_tz))) fail_msg("[%d] cannot calculate report nextcheck", step); zbx_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "[%d] invalid report nextchek value", step++); zbx_mock_assert_time_eq(buf, ts.sec, nextcheck); now = nextcheck; } }