array(nameold1 => namenew1, nameold2 => namenew2), * ... * ) * * @var array */ protected $changedSteps = []; /** * Map of parent http test id to child http test id. * * @var array */ protected $httpTestParents = []; /** * Array of parent item IDs indexed by parent httptest ID and item key. * * @var array */ private static $parent_itemids = []; /** * Save http test to db. * * @param array $httpTests * * @return array */ public function persist(array $httpTests) { $this->changedSteps = $this->findChangedStepNames($httpTests); $httpTests = $this->save($httpTests); $this->inherit($httpTests); return $httpTests; } /** * Find steps where name was changed. * * @return array */ protected function findChangedStepNames(array $httpTests) { $httpSteps = []; $result = []; foreach ($httpTests as $httpTest) { if (isset($httpTest['httptestid']) && isset($httpTest['steps'])) { foreach ($httpTest['steps'] as $step) { if (isset($step['httpstepid']) && isset($step['name'])) { $httpSteps[$step['httpstepid']] = $step['name']; } } } } if (!empty($httpSteps)) { $dbCursor = DBselect( 'SELECT hs.httpstepid,hs.httptestid,'. ' FROM httpstep hs'. ' WHERE '.dbConditionInt('hs.httpstepid', array_keys($httpSteps)) ); while ($dbStep = DBfetch($dbCursor)) { if ($httpSteps[$dbStep['httpstepid']] != $dbStep['name']) { $result[$dbStep['httptestid']][$httpSteps[$dbStep['httpstepid']]] = $dbStep['name']; } } } return $result; } /** * Create new HTTP tests. * * @param array $httptests * * @return array */ public function create(array $httptests) { $httptestids = DB::insert('httptest', $httptests); foreach ($httptests as &$httptest) { $httptest['httptestid'] = array_shift($httptestids); } unset($httptest); self::createItems($httptests); self::updateFields($httptests); self::updateSteps($httptests); self::updateTags($httptests); return $httptests; } /** * Update http tests. * * @param array $httptests * * @return array */ public function update(array $httptests) { $db_httptests = DBfetchArrayAssoc(DBselect( 'SELECT ht.httptestid,,ht.delay,ht.retries,ht.agent,ht.http_proxy,ht.status,ht.authentication,'. 'ht.http_user,ht.http_password,ht.verify_peer,ht.verify_host,ht.ssl_cert_file,ht.ssl_key_file,'. 'ht.ssl_key_password,ht.hostid,ht.templateid,h.status AS host_status'. ' FROM httptest ht,hosts h'. ' WHERE ht.hostid=h.hostid'. ' AND '.dbConditionId('ht.httptestid', array_column($httptests, 'httptestid')) ), 'httptestid'); self::addAffectedObjects($httptests, $db_httptests); $upd_httptests = []; foreach ($httptests as $httptest) { $upd_httptest = DB::getUpdatedValues('httptest', $httptest, $db_httptests[$httptest['httptestid']]); if ($upd_httptest) { $upd_httptests[] = [ 'values' => $upd_httptest, 'where' => ['httptestid' => $httptest['httptestid']] ]; } } if ($upd_httptests) { DB::update('httptest', $upd_httptests); } self::updateItems($httptests, $db_httptests); self::updateFields($httptests, $db_httptests); self::updateSteps($httptests, $db_httptests); self::updateTags($httptests, $db_httptests); return $httptests; } /** * @param array $httptests * @param array $db_httptests */ private static function addAffectedObjects(array $httptests, array &$db_httptests): void { self::addAffectedItems($httptests, $db_httptests); self::addAffectedFields($httptests, $db_httptests); self::addAffectedSteps($httptests, $db_httptests); self::addAffectedTags($httptests, $db_httptests); } /** * @param array $httptests * @param array $db_httptests */ private static function addAffectedItems(array $httptests, array &$db_httptests): void { $httptestids = []; foreach ($httptests as $httptest) { $db_httptest = $db_httptests[$httptest['httptestid']]; $name_updated = $httptest['name'] != $db_httptest['name']; $status_updated = array_key_exists('status', $httptest) && $httptest['status'] != $db_httptest['status']; $delay_updated = array_key_exists('delay', $httptest) && $httptest['delay'] !== $db_httptest['delay']; $templateid_updated = array_key_exists('templateid', $httptest) && bccomp($httptest['templateid'], $db_httptest['templateid']) != 0; if ($name_updated || $status_updated || $delay_updated || $templateid_updated || array_key_exists('tags', $httptest)) { $httptestids[] = $httptest['httptestid']; } } if (!$httptestids) { return; } $result = DBselect( 'SELECT hi.httptestid,hi.itemid,hi.type AS test_type,,i.key_,i.status,i.delay,i.templateid'. ' FROM httptestitem hi,items i'. ' WHERE hi.itemid=i.itemid'. ' AND '.dbConditionId('hi.httptestid', $httptestids) ); while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $db_httptests[$row['httptestid']]['items'][$row['itemid']] = array_diff_key($row, array_flip(['httptestid'])); } self::addAffectedItemTags($httptests, $db_httptests); } /** * @param array $httptests * @param array $db_httptests */ private static function addAffectedItemTags(array $httptests, array &$db_httptests): void { $httptestids = []; foreach ($httptests as $httptest) { if (!array_key_exists('tags', $httptest)) { continue; } $httptestids[] = $httptest['httptestid']; foreach ($db_httptests[$httptest['httptestid']]['items'] as &$db_item) { $db_item['tags'] = []; } unset($db_item); } if (!$httptestids) { return; } $result = DBselect( 'SELECT hti.httptestid,hti.itemid,it.itemtagid,it.tag,it.value'. ' FROM httptestitem hti,item_tag it'. ' WHERE hti.itemid=it.itemid'. ' AND '.dbConditionId('hti.httptestid', $httptestids) ); while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $db_httptests[$row['httptestid']]['items'][$row['itemid']]['tags'][$row['itemtagid']] = array_diff_key($row, array_flip(['httptestid', 'itemid'])); } } /** * @param array $httptests * @param array $db_httptests */ private static function addAffectedFields(array $httptests, array &$db_httptests): void { $httptestids = []; $types = []; foreach ($httptests as $httptest) { if (array_key_exists('headers', $httptest)) { $httptestids[$httptest['httptestid']] = true; $types[] = ZBX_HTTPFIELD_HEADER; $db_httptests[$httptest['httptestid']]['headers'] = []; } if (array_key_exists('variables', $httptest)) { $httptestids[$httptest['httptestid']] = true; $types[] = ZBX_HTTPFIELD_VARIABLE; $db_httptests[$httptest['httptestid']]['variables'] = []; } } if (!$httptestids) { return; } $options = [ 'output' => ['httptest_fieldid', 'httptestid', 'type', 'name', 'value'], 'filter' => [ 'httptestid' => array_keys($httptestids), 'type' => $types ] ]; $result = DBselect(DB::makeSql('httptest_field', $options)); while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $field_name = ($row['type'] == ZBX_HTTPFIELD_HEADER) ? 'headers' : 'variables'; if (array_key_exists($field_name, $db_httptests[$row['httptestid']])) { $db_httptests[$row['httptestid']][$field_name][$row['httptest_fieldid']] = array_diff_key($row, array_flip(['httptestid'])); } } } /** * @param array $httptests * @param array $db_httptests */ private static function addAffectedSteps(array $httptests, array &$db_httptests): void { $httptestids = []; foreach ($httptests as $httptest) { $name_updated = $httptest['name'] != $db_httptests[$httptest['httptestid']]['name']; if (array_key_exists('steps', $httptest) || $name_updated) { $httptestids[] = $httptest['httptestid']; $db_httptests[$httptest['httptestid']]['steps'] = []; } } if ($httptestids) { $options = [ 'output' => ['httpstepid', 'httptestid', 'name', 'no', 'url', 'timeout', 'posts', 'required', 'status_codes','follow_redirects', 'retrieve_mode', 'post_type' ], 'filter' => ['httptestid' => $httptestids] ]; $result = DBselect(DB::makeSql('httpstep', $options)); while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $db_httptests[$row['httptestid']]['steps'][$row['httpstepid']] = array_diff_key($row, array_flip(['httptestid'])); } } self::addAffectedStepItems($httptests, $db_httptests); self::addAffectedStepFields($httptests, $db_httptests); } /** * @param array $httptests * @param array $db_httptests */ private static function addAffectedStepItems(array $httptests, array &$db_httptests): void { $httptestids = []; foreach ($httptests as $httptest) { $db_httptest = $db_httptests[$httptest['httptestid']]; $name_updated = $httptest['name'] != $db_httptest['name']; $status_updated = array_key_exists('status', $httptest) && $httptest['status'] != $db_httptest['status']; $delay_updated = array_key_exists('delay', $httptest) && $httptest['delay'] != $db_httptest['delay']; $templateid_updated = array_key_exists('templateid', $httptest) && bccomp($httptest['templateid'], $db_httptest['templateid']) != 0; if (array_key_exists('steps', $httptest) || $name_updated || $status_updated || $delay_updated || $templateid_updated || array_key_exists('tags', $httptest)) { $httptestids[] = $httptest['httptestid']; } } if (!$httptestids) { return; } $result = DBselect( 'SELECT hs.httptestid,hs.httpstepid,hsi.type AS test_type,hsi.itemid,,i.key_,i.status,i.delay,'. 'i.templateid'. ' FROM httpstep hs,httpstepitem hsi,items i'. ' WHERE hs.httpstepid=hsi.httpstepid'. ' AND hsi.itemid=i.itemid'. ' AND '.dbConditionId('hs.httptestid', $httptestids) ); while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $db_httptests[$row['httptestid']]['steps'][$row['httpstepid']]['items'][$row['itemid']] = array_diff_key($row, array_flip(['httptestid', 'httpstepid'])); } self::addAffectedStepItemTags($httptests, $db_httptests); } /** * @param array $httptests * @param array $db_httptests */ private static function addAffectedStepItemTags(array $httptests, array &$db_httptests): void { $httptestids = []; foreach ($httptests as $httptest) { if (!array_key_exists('tags', $httptest)) { continue; } $httptestids[] = $httptest['httptestid']; foreach ($db_httptests[$httptest['httptestid']]['steps'] as &$db_step) { if (!array_key_exists('items', $db_step)) { continue; } foreach ($db_step['items'] as &$db_item) { $db_item['tags'] = []; } unset($db_item); } unset($db_step); } if (!$httptestids) { return; } $result = DBselect( 'SELECT hs.httptestid,hs.httpstepid,hsi.itemid,it.itemtagid,it.tag,it.value'. ' FROM httpstep hs,httpstepitem hsi,item_tag it'. ' WHERE hs.httpstepid=hsi.httpstepid'. ' AND hsi.itemid=it.itemid'. ' AND '.dbConditionId('hs.httptestid', $httptestids) ); while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $db_httptests[$row['httptestid']]['steps'][$row['httpstepid']]['items'][$row['itemid']]['tags'][$row['itemtagid']] = array_diff_key($row, array_flip(['httptestid', 'httpstepid', 'itemid'])); } } /** * @param array $httptests * @param array $db_httptests */ private static function addAffectedStepFields(array $httptests, array &$db_httptests): void { $httpstepids = []; $types = []; $field_names = [ ZBX_HTTPFIELD_HEADER => 'headers', ZBX_HTTPFIELD_VARIABLE => 'variables', ZBX_HTTPFIELD_POST_FIELD => 'posts', ZBX_HTTPFIELD_QUERY_FIELD => 'query_fields' ]; foreach ($httptests as $httptest) { if (!array_key_exists('steps', $httptest)) { continue; } foreach ($httptest['steps'] as $step) { if (!array_key_exists('httpstepid', $step) || !array_key_exists($step['httpstepid'], $db_httptests[$httptest['httptestid']]['steps'])) { continue; } $db_step = &$db_httptests[$httptest['httptestid']]['steps'][$step['httpstepid']]; if (array_key_exists('headers', $step)) { $httpstepids[$step['httpstepid']] = true; $types[ZBX_HTTPFIELD_HEADER] = true; $db_step['headers'] = []; } if (array_key_exists('variables', $step)) { $httpstepids[$step['httpstepid']] = true; $types[ZBX_HTTPFIELD_VARIABLE] = true; $db_step['variables'] = []; } if (array_key_exists('posts', $step) && $db_step['post_type'] == ZBX_POSTTYPE_FORM) { $httpstepids[$step['httpstepid']] = true; $types[ZBX_HTTPFIELD_POST_FIELD] = true; $db_step['posts'] = []; } if (array_key_exists('query_fields', $step)) { $httpstepids[$step['httpstepid']] = true; $types[ZBX_HTTPFIELD_QUERY_FIELD] = true; $db_step['query_fields'] = []; } } } unset($db_step); if (!$httpstepids) { return; } $result = DBselect( 'SELECT hs.httptestid,hs.httpstepid,hsf.httpstep_fieldid,hsf.type,,hsf.value'. ' FROM httpstep hs,httpstep_field hsf'. ' WHERE hs.httpstepid=hsf.httpstepid'. ' AND '.dbConditionId('hs.httpstepid', array_keys($httpstepids)). ' AND '.dbConditionInt('hsf.type', array_keys($types)) ); while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $field_name = $field_names[$row['type']]; $db_step = &$db_httptests[$row['httptestid']]['steps'][$row['httpstepid']]; if (array_key_exists($field_name, $db_step)) { $db_step[$field_name][$row['httpstep_fieldid']] = [ 'httpstep_fieldid' => $row['httpstep_fieldid'], 'name' => $row['name'], 'value' => $row['value'] ]; } } unset($db_step); } /** * @param array $httptests * @param array $db_httptests */ private static function addAffectedTags(array $httptests, array &$db_httptests): void { $httptestids = []; foreach ($httptests as $httptest) { $steps_to_create_exists = array_key_exists('steps', $httptest) && count($httptest['steps']) > count(array_column($httptest['steps'], 'httpstepid')); if (array_key_exists('tags', $httptest) || $steps_to_create_exists) { $httptestids[] = $httptest['httptestid']; $db_httptests[$httptest['httptestid']]['tags'] = []; } } if (!$httptestids) { return; } $options = [ 'output' => ['httptesttagid', 'httptestid', 'tag', 'value'], 'filter' => ['httptestid' => $httptestids] ]; $result = DBselect(DB::makeSql('httptest_tag', $options)); while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $db_httptests[$row['httptestid']]['tags'][$row['httptesttagid']] = array_diff_key($row, array_flip(['httptestid'])); } } /** * @param array $httptests */ private static function createItems(array $httptests): void { $items = []; $type_items = [ HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_IN => [ 'value_type' => ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT, 'units' => 'Bps' ], HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_LASTSTEP => [ 'value_type' => ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64, 'units' => '' ], HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_LASTERROR => [ 'value_type' => ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_STR, 'units' => '' ] ]; foreach ($httptests as $httptest) { if (!array_key_exists('status', $httptest)) { $httptest['status'] = DB::getDefault('httptest', 'status'); } $item_status = $httptest['status'] == HTTPTEST_STATUS_ACTIVE ? ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE : ITEM_STATUS_DISABLED; $item_tags = array_key_exists('tags', $httptest) ? $httptest['tags'] : []; if (!array_key_exists('delay', $httptest)) { $httptest['delay'] = DB::getDefault('httptest', 'delay'); } foreach ($type_items as $type => $type_item) { $item_key = self::getTestKey($type, $httptest['name']); $items[] = [ 'host_status' => $httptest['host_status'], 'flags' => ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL, 'hostid' => $httptest['hostid'], 'name' => self::getTestName($type, $httptest['name']), 'type' => ITEM_TYPE_HTTPTEST, 'key_' => $item_key, 'history' => self::ITEM_HISTORY, 'trends' => self::ITEM_TRENDS, 'status' => $item_status, 'tags' => $item_tags, 'delay' => $httptest['delay'], 'templateid' => array_key_exists('templateid', $httptest) ? self::$parent_itemids[$httptest['templateid']][$item_key] : 0 ] + $type_item; } } CItem::createForce($items); $itemids = array_column($items, 'itemid'); $ins_httptestitems = []; foreach ($httptests as $httptest) { foreach ($type_items as $type => $foo) { $ins_httptestitems[] = [ 'httptestid' => $httptest['httptestid'], 'itemid' => array_shift($itemids), 'type' => $type ]; } } DB::insertBatch('httptestitem', $ins_httptestitems); } /** * @param array $httptests * @param array $db_httptests */ private static function updateItems(array $httptests, array $db_httptests): void { $items = []; $db_items = []; foreach ($httptests as $httptest) { if (!array_key_exists('items', $db_httptests[$httptest['httptestid']])) { continue; } $db_httptest = $db_httptests[$httptest['httptestid']]; $db_items += $db_httptest['items']; foreach ($db_httptest['items'] as $db_item) { $item = []; if ($httptest['name'] != $db_httptest['name']) { $item += [ 'name' => self::getTestName($db_item['test_type'], $httptest['name']), 'key_' => self::getTestKey($db_item['test_type'], $httptest['name']) ]; } if (array_key_exists('status', $httptest) && $httptest['status'] != $db_httptest['status']) { $item['status'] = $httptest['status'] == HTTPTEST_STATUS_ACTIVE ? ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE : ITEM_STATUS_DISABLED; } if (array_key_exists('delay', $httptest) && $httptest['delay'] !== $db_httptest['delay']) { $item['delay'] = $httptest['delay']; } if (array_key_exists('templateid', $httptest) && bccomp($httptest['templateid'], $db_httptest['templateid']) != 0) { $item_key = array_key_exists('key_', $item) ? $item['key_'] : $db_item['key_']; $item['templateid'] = $httptest['templateid'] == 0 ? 0 : self::$parent_itemids[$httptest['templateid']][$item_key]; } if (array_key_exists('tags', $httptest)) { $item['tags'] = $httptest['tags']; } $items[] = ['itemid' => $db_item['itemid']] + $item; } if (array_key_exists('steps', $httptest)) { continue; } foreach ($db_httptest['steps'] as $db_step) { $db_items += $db_step['items']; foreach ($db_step['items'] as $db_item) { $item = []; if ($httptest['name'] != $db_httptest['name']) { $item += [ 'name' => self::getStepName($db_item['test_type'], $httptest['name'], $db_step['name']), 'key_' => self::getStepKey($db_item['test_type'], $httptest['name'], $db_step['name']) ]; } if (array_key_exists('status', $httptest) && $httptest['status'] != $db_httptest['status']) { $item['status'] = $httptest['status'] == HTTPTEST_STATUS_ACTIVE ? ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE : ITEM_STATUS_DISABLED; } if (array_key_exists('delay', $httptest) && $httptest['delay'] !== $db_httptest['delay']) { $item['delay'] = $httptest['delay']; } if (array_key_exists('templateid', $httptest) && bccomp($httptest['templateid'], $db_httptest['templateid']) != 0) { $item_key = array_key_exists('key_', $item) ? $item['key_'] : $db_item['key_']; $item['templateid'] = $httptest['templateid'] == 0 ? 0 : self::$parent_itemids[$httptest['templateid']][$item_key]; } if (array_key_exists('tags', $httptest)) { $item['tags'] = $httptest['tags']; } $items[] = ['itemid' => $db_item['itemid']] + $item; } } } if ($items) { CItem::updateForce($items, $db_items); } } /** * @param array $httptests * @param array|null $db_httptests */ private static function updateFields(array &$httptests, array $db_httptests = null): void { $ins_fields = []; $upd_fields = []; $del_fieldids = []; foreach ($httptests as &$httptest) { if (array_key_exists('headers', $httptest)) { $db_headers = $db_httptests !== null ? $db_httptests[$httptest['httptestid']]['headers'] : []; foreach ($httptest['headers'] as &$header) { $db_fieldid = key(array_filter($db_headers, static function (array $db_header) use ($header): bool { return $header['name'] == $db_header['name'] && $header['value'] == $db_header['value']; } )); if ($db_fieldid !== null) { $header['httptest_fieldid'] = $db_fieldid; unset($db_headers[$db_fieldid]); } else { $ins_fields[] = [ 'httptestid' => $httptest['httptestid'], 'type' => ZBX_HTTPFIELD_HEADER ] + $header; } } unset($header); $del_fieldids = array_merge($del_fieldids, array_keys($db_headers)); } if (array_key_exists('variables', $httptest)) { $db_variables = $db_httptests !== null ? array_column($db_httptests[$httptest['httptestid']]['variables'], null, 'name') : []; foreach ($httptest['variables'] as &$variable) { if (array_key_exists($variable['name'], $db_variables)) { $db_variable = $db_variables[$variable['name']]; $upd_variable = DB::getUpdatedValues('httptest_field', $variable, $db_variable); if ($upd_variable) { $upd_fields[] = [ 'values' => $upd_variable, 'where' => ['httptest_fieldid' => $db_variable['httptest_fieldid']] ]; } $variable['httptest_fieldid'] = $db_variable['httptest_fieldid']; unset($db_variables[$variable['name']]); } else { $ins_fields[] = [ 'httptestid' => $httptest['httptestid'], 'type' => ZBX_HTTPFIELD_VARIABLE ] + $variable; } } unset($variable); $del_fieldids = array_merge($del_fieldids, array_column($db_variables, 'httptest_fieldid')); } } unset($httptest); if ($del_fieldids) { DB::delete('httptest_field', ['httptest_fieldid' => $del_fieldids]); } if ($upd_fields) { DB::update('httptest_field', $upd_fields); } if ($ins_fields) { DB::insertBatch('httptest_field', $ins_fields); } } /** * @param array $httptests * @param array|null $db_httptests */ private static function updateSteps(array &$httptests, array $db_httptests = null): void { $ins_steps = []; $upd_steps = []; $update_step_items = false; $del_stepids = []; $del_db_items = []; foreach ($httptests as $httptest) { if (!array_key_exists('steps', $httptest)) { continue; } $db_steps = $db_httptests !== null ? $db_httptests[$httptest['httptestid']]['steps'] : []; foreach ($httptest['steps'] as $step) { if (array_key_exists('httpstepid', $step)) { if (array_key_exists('posts', $step)) { if (is_array($step['posts'])) { if ($db_steps[$step['httpstepid']]['post_type'] == ZBX_POSTTYPE_RAW) { if ($step['posts']) { $step['post_type'] = ZBX_POSTTYPE_FORM; } $step['posts'] = ''; } else { if (!$step['posts']) { $step['post_type'] = ZBX_POSTTYPE_RAW; } unset($step['posts']); } } else { if ($db_steps[$step['httpstepid']]['post_type'] == ZBX_POSTTYPE_FORM) { $step['post_type'] = ZBX_POSTTYPE_RAW; $db_steps[$step['httpstepid']]['posts'] = ''; } } } $upd_step = DB::getUpdatedValues('httpstep', $step, $db_steps[$step['httpstepid']]); if ($upd_step) { $upd_steps[] = [ 'values' => $upd_step, 'where' => ['httpstepid' => $step['httpstepid']] ]; } if (array_key_exists('items', $db_steps[$step['httpstepid']])) { $update_step_items = true; } unset($db_steps[$step['httpstepid']]); } else { if (array_key_exists('posts', $step) && is_array($step['posts'])) { $step['post_type'] = ZBX_POSTTYPE_FORM; unset($step['posts']); } $ins_steps[] = ['httptestid' => $httptest['httptestid']] + $step; } } $del_stepids = array_merge($del_stepids, array_keys($db_steps)); foreach ($db_steps as $db_step) { if (!array_key_exists('items', $db_step)) { continue; } foreach ($db_step['items'] as $db_item) { $del_db_items[$db_item['itemid']] = $db_item; } } } if ($del_stepids) { if ($del_db_items) { CItem::addInheritedItems($del_db_items); DB::delete('httpstepitem', ['itemid' => array_keys($del_db_items)]); CItem::deleteForce($del_db_items); } DB::delete('httpstep_field', ['httpstepid' => $del_stepids]); DB::delete('httpstep', ['httpstepid' => $del_stepids]); } if ($upd_steps) { DB::update('httpstep', $upd_steps); } if ($update_step_items) { self::updateStepItems($httptests, $db_httptests); } if ($ins_steps) { $stepids = DB::insert('httpstep', $ins_steps); foreach ($httptests as &$httptest) { if (!array_key_exists('steps', $httptest)) { continue; } foreach ($httptest['steps'] as &$step) { if (!array_key_exists('httpstepid', $step)) { $step['httpstepid'] = current($stepids); next($stepids); } } unset($step); } unset($httptest); self::createStepItems($httptests, $stepids, $db_httptests); } self::updateStepFields($httptests, $db_httptests); } /** * @param array $httptests * @param array $db_httptests */ private static function updateStepItems(array $httptests, array $db_httptests): void { $items = []; $db_items = []; foreach ($httptests as $httptest) { if (!array_key_exists('steps', $httptest)) { continue; } $db_httptest = $db_httptests[$httptest['httptestid']]; foreach ($httptest['steps'] as $step) { if (!array_key_exists('httpstepid', $step) || !array_key_exists('items', $db_httptest['steps'][$step['httpstepid']])) { continue; } $db_step = $db_httptest['steps'][$step['httpstepid']]; if (!array_key_exists('name', $step)) { $step['name'] = $db_step['name']; } $db_items += $db_step['items']; foreach ($db_step['items'] as $db_item) { $item = []; if ($httptest['name'] != $db_httptest['name'] || $step['name'] !== $db_step['name']) { $item += [ 'name' => self::getStepName($db_item['test_type'], $httptest['name'], $step['name']), 'key_' => self::getStepKey($db_item['test_type'], $httptest['name'], $step['name']) ]; } if (array_key_exists('status', $httptest) && $httptest['status'] != $db_httptest['status']) { $item['status'] = $httptest['status'] == HTTPTEST_STATUS_ACTIVE ? ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE : ITEM_STATUS_DISABLED; } if (array_key_exists('delay', $httptest) && $httptest['delay'] !== $db_httptest['delay']) { $item['delay'] = $httptest['delay']; } if (array_key_exists('tags', $httptest)) { $item['tags'] = $httptest['tags']; } $items[] = ['itemid' => $db_item['itemid']] + $item; } } } if ($items) { CItem::updateForce($items, $db_items); } } /** * @param array $httptests * @param array $stepids * @param array|null $db_httptests */ private static function createStepItems(array $httptests, array $stepids, ?array $db_httptests): void { $items = []; $type_items = [ HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_RSPCODE => [ 'value_type' => ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64, 'units' => '' ], HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_TIME => [ 'value_type' => ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT, 'units' => 's' ], HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_IN => [ 'value_type' => ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT, 'units' => 'Bps' ] ]; foreach ($httptests as $httptest) { if (!array_key_exists('steps', $httptest)) { continue; } if ($db_httptests !== null) { $httptest['host_status'] = $db_httptests[$httptest['httptestid']]['host_status']; } if (!array_key_exists('status', $httptest)) { $httptest['status'] = ($db_httptests !== null) ? $db_httptests[$httptest['httptestid']]['status'] : DB::getDefault('httptest', 'status'); } $item_status = $httptest['status'] == HTTPTEST_STATUS_ACTIVE ? ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE : ITEM_STATUS_DISABLED; $item_tags = []; if (array_key_exists('tags', $httptest)) { $item_tags = $httptest['tags']; } elseif ($db_httptests !== null) { foreach ($db_httptests[$httptest['httptestid']]['tags'] as $tag) { $item_tags[] = array_intersect_key($tag, array_flip(['tag', 'value'])); } } if (!array_key_exists('delay', $httptest)) { $httptest['delay'] = ($db_httptests !== null) ? $db_httptests[$httptest['httptestid']]['delay'] : DB::getDefault('httptest', 'delay'); } foreach ($httptest['steps'] as $step) { if (!in_array($step['httpstepid'], $stepids)) { continue; } foreach ($type_items as $type => $type_item) { $item_key = self::getStepKey($type, $httptest['name'], $step['name']); $items[] = [ 'host_status' => $httptest['host_status'], 'flags' => ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL, 'hostid' => $httptest['hostid'], 'name' => self::getStepName($type, $httptest['name'], $step['name']), 'type' => ITEM_TYPE_HTTPTEST, 'key_' => $item_key, 'history' => self::ITEM_HISTORY, 'trends' => self::ITEM_TRENDS, 'status' => $item_status, 'tags' => $item_tags, 'delay' => $httptest['delay'], 'templateid' => array_key_exists('templateid', $httptest) ? self::$parent_itemids[$httptest['templateid']][$item_key] : 0 ] + $type_item; } } } CItem::createForce($items); $itemids = array_column($items, 'itemid'); $ins_httpstepitems = []; foreach ($httptests as $httptest) { if (!array_key_exists('steps', $httptest)) { continue; } foreach ($httptest['steps'] as $step) { if (!in_array($step['httpstepid'], $stepids)) { continue; } foreach ($type_items as $type => $foo) { $ins_httpstepitems[] = [ 'httpstepid' => $step['httpstepid'], 'itemid' => array_shift($itemids), 'type' => $type ]; } } } DB::insertBatch('httpstepitem', $ins_httpstepitems); } /** * @param array $httptests * @param array|null $db_httptests */ private static function updateStepFields(array &$httptests, ?array $db_httptests): void { $ins_fields = []; $upd_fields = []; $del_fieldids = []; foreach ($httptests as &$httptest) { if (!array_key_exists('steps', $httptest)) { continue; } $db_httptest = $db_httptests !== null ? $db_httptests[$httptest['httptestid']] : null; foreach ($httptest['steps'] as &$step) { $db_step = ($db_httptest !== null && array_key_exists($step['httpstepid'], $db_httptest['steps'])) ? $db_httptest['steps'][$step['httpstepid']] : null; if (array_key_exists('headers', $step)) { $db_headers = $db_step !== null ? $db_step['headers'] : []; foreach ($step['headers'] as &$header) { $db_fieldid = key(array_filter($db_headers, static function (array $db_header) use ($header): bool { return $header['name'] == $db_header['name'] && $header['value'] == $db_header['value']; } )); if ($db_fieldid !== null) { $header['httpstep_fieldid'] = $db_fieldid; unset($db_headers[$db_fieldid]); } else { $ins_fields[] = [ 'httpstepid' => $step['httpstepid'], 'type' => ZBX_HTTPFIELD_HEADER ] + $header; } } unset($header); $del_fieldids = array_merge($del_fieldids, array_keys($db_headers)); } if (array_key_exists('variables', $step)) { $db_variables = $db_step !== null ? array_column($db_step['variables'], null, 'name') : []; foreach ($step['variables'] as &$variable) { if (array_key_exists($variable['name'], $db_variables)) { $db_variable = $db_variables[$variable['name']]; $upd_variable = DB::getUpdatedValues('httpstep_field', $variable, $db_variable); if ($upd_variable) { $upd_fields[] = [ 'values' => $upd_variable, 'where' => ['httpstep_fieldid' => $db_variable['httpstep_fieldid']] ]; } $variable['httpstep_fieldid'] = $db_variable['httpstep_fieldid']; unset($db_variables[$variable['name']]); } else { $ins_fields[] = [ 'httpstepid' => $step['httpstepid'], 'type' => ZBX_HTTPFIELD_VARIABLE ] + $variable; } } unset($variable); $del_fieldids = array_merge($del_fieldids, array_column($db_variables, 'httpstep_fieldid')); } if (array_key_exists('posts', $step)) { if (is_array($step['posts'])) { $db_posts = $db_step !== null && is_array($db_step['posts']) ? $db_step['posts'] : []; foreach ($step['posts'] as &$post) { $db_fieldid = key(array_filter($db_posts, static function (array $db_post) use ($post): bool { return $post['name'] == $db_post['name'] && $post['value'] == $db_post['value']; } )); if ($db_fieldid !== null) { $post['httpstep_fieldid'] = $db_fieldid; unset($db_posts[$db_fieldid]); } else { $ins_fields[] = [ 'httpstepid' => $step['httpstepid'], 'type' => ZBX_HTTPFIELD_POST_FIELD ] + $post; } } unset($post); $del_fieldids = array_merge($del_fieldids, array_keys($db_posts)); } elseif ($db_step !== null && is_array($db_step['posts'])) { $del_fieldids = array_merge($del_fieldids, array_keys($db_step['posts'])); } } if (array_key_exists('query_fields', $step)) { $db_query_fields = $db_step !== null ? $db_step['query_fields'] : []; foreach ($step['query_fields'] as &$query_field) { $db_fieldid = key(array_filter($db_query_fields, static function (array $db_query_field) use ($query_field): bool { return $query_field['name'] == $db_query_field['name'] && $query_field['value'] == $db_query_field['value']; } )); if ($db_fieldid !== null) { $query_field['httpstep_fieldid'] = $db_fieldid; unset($db_query_fields[$db_fieldid]); } else { $ins_fields[] = [ 'httpstepid' => $step['httpstepid'], 'type' => ZBX_HTTPFIELD_QUERY_FIELD ] + $query_field; } } unset($query_field); $del_fieldids = array_merge($del_fieldids, array_keys($db_query_fields)); } } unset($step); } unset($httptest); if ($del_fieldids) { DB::delete('httpstep_field', ['httpstep_fieldid' => $del_fieldids]); } if ($upd_fields) { DB::update('httpstep_field', $upd_fields); } if ($ins_fields) { DB::insertBatch('httpstep_field', $ins_fields); } } /** * @param array $httptests * @param array|null $db_httptests */ private static function updateTags(array &$httptests, array $db_httptests = null): void { $ins_tags = []; $del_tagids = []; foreach ($httptests as &$httptest) { if (!array_key_exists('tags', $httptest)) { continue; } $db_tags = $db_httptests !== null ? $db_httptests[$httptest['httptestid']]['tags'] : []; foreach ($httptest['tags'] as &$tag) { $db_tagid = key(array_filter($db_tags, static function (array $db_tag) use ($tag): bool { return $tag['tag'] == $db_tag['tag'] && (!array_key_exists('value', $tag) || $tag['value'] == $db_tag['value']); })); if ($db_tagid !== null) { $tag['httptesttagid'] = $db_tagid; unset($db_tags[$db_tagid]); } else { $ins_tags[] = ['httptestid' => $httptest['httptestid']] + $tag; } } unset($tag); $del_tagids = array_merge($del_tagids, array_keys($db_tags)); } unset($httptest); if ($del_tagids) { DB::delete('httptest_tag', ['httptesttagid' => $del_tagids]); } if ($ins_tags) { DB::insert('httptest_tag', $ins_tags); } } /** * Link http tests in template to hosts. * * @param $templateId * @param $hostIds */ public function link($templateId, $hostIds) { $hostIds = zbx_toArray($hostIds); $httpTests = API::HttpTest()->get([ 'output' => ['httptestid', 'name', 'delay', 'status', 'agent', 'authentication', 'http_user', 'http_password', 'hostid', 'templateid', 'http_proxy', 'retries', 'ssl_cert_file', 'ssl_key_file', 'ssl_key_password', 'verify_peer', 'verify_host', 'variables', 'headers' ], 'hostids' => $templateId, 'selectSteps' => ['httpstepid', 'name', 'no', 'url', 'timeout', 'posts', 'required', 'status_codes', 'follow_redirects', 'retrieve_mode', 'variables', 'headers', 'query_fields' ], 'selectTags' => ['tag', 'value'], 'preservekeys' => true, 'nopermissions' => true ]); $this->inherit($httpTests, $hostIds); } /** * Inherit passed http tests to hosts. * If $hostids is empty that means that we need to inherit all $httptests to hosts which are linked to templates * where $httptests belong. * * @param array $httptests * @param array $hostIds * * @return bool */ public function inherit(array $httptests, array $hostids = []) { $template_hosts = $this->getTemplateHosts($httptests, $hostids); if (!$template_hosts) { return true; } foreach ($httptests as $i => $httptest) { if (!array_key_exists($httptest['hostid'], $template_hosts)) { unset($httptests[$i]); } } self::$parent_itemids = self::getItemIds($httptests); $preparedHttpTests = $this->prepareInheritedHttpTests($httptests, $template_hosts); $inheritedHttpTests = $this->save($preparedHttpTests); $this->inherit($inheritedHttpTests); return true; } /** * Get hosts to which is necessary to inherit the given web scenarios indexed by template ID. * * @param array $httptests * @param array $hostids * * @return array */ private static function getTemplateHosts(array $httptests, array $hostids): array { $template_hosts = []; $hostids_condition = $hostids ? ' AND '.dbConditionId('ht.hostid', $hostids) : ''; $result = DBselect( 'SELECT ht.templateid,ht.hostid,h.status'. ' FROM hosts_templates ht,hosts h'. ' WHERE ht.hostid=h.hostid'. ' AND '.dbConditionId('ht.templateid', array_column($httptests, 'hostid')). $hostids_condition ); while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $template_hosts[$row['templateid']][$row['hostid']] = array_diff_key($row, array_flip(['templateid'])); } return $template_hosts; } /** * Get item IDs array of the given web scenarios and their steps indexed by httptest ID and item key. * * @param array $httptests * * @return array */ private static function getItemIds(array $httptests): array { $httptest_itemids = []; $httptestids = array_column($httptests, 'httptestid'); $result = DBselect( 'SELECT hti.httptestid,hti.itemid,i.key_'. ' FROM httptestitem hti,items i'. ' WHERE hti.itemid=i.itemid'. ' AND '.dbConditionId('hti.httptestid', $httptestids) ); while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $httptest_itemids[$row['httptestid']][$row['key_']] = $row['itemid']; } $result = DBselect( 'SELECT hs.httptestid,hsi.itemid,i.key_'. ' FROM httpstep hs,httpstepitem hsi,items i'. ' WHERE hs.httpstepid=hsi.httpstepid'. ' AND hsi.itemid=i.itemid'. ' AND '.dbConditionId('hs.httptestid', $httptestids) ); while ($row = DBfetch($result)) { $httptest_itemids[$row['httptestid']][$row['key_']] = $row['itemid']; } return $httptest_itemids; } /** * Generate http tests data for inheritance. * Using passed parameters decide if new http tests must be created on host or existing ones must be updated. * * @param array $httpTests which we need to inherit * @param array $template_hosts * * @throws Exception * @return array with http tests, existing apps have 'httptestid' key. */ protected function prepareInheritedHttpTests(array $httpTests, array $template_hosts) { $hostHttpTests = $this->getHostHttpTests($template_hosts); $result = []; foreach ($httpTests as $httpTest) { $httpTestId = $httpTest['httptestid']; foreach ($hostHttpTests as $hostId => $hostHttpTest) { // if http test template is not linked to host we skip it if (!array_key_exists($hostId, $template_hosts[$httpTest['hostid']])) { continue; } $exHttpTest = null; // update by templateid if (isset($hostHttpTest['byTemplateId'][$httpTestId])) { $exHttpTest = $hostHttpTest['byTemplateId'][$httpTestId]; /* * 'templateid' needs to be checked here too in case we update linked httptest to name * that already exists on a linked host. */ if (isset($httpTest['name']) && isset($hostHttpTest['byName'][$httpTest['name']]) && !idcmp($exHttpTest['templateid'], $hostHttpTest['byName'][$httpTest['name']]['templateid'])) { $host = DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT FROM hosts h WHERE h.hostid='.zbx_dbstr($hostId))); throw new Exception( _s('Web scenario "%1$s" already exists on host "%2$s".', $exHttpTest['name'], $host['name']) ); } } // update by name elseif (isset($hostHttpTest['byName'][$httpTest['name']])) { $exHttpTest = $hostHttpTest['byName'][$httpTest['name']]; if (bccomp($exHttpTest['templateid'], $httpTestId) == 0 || $exHttpTest['templateid'] != 0 || !$this->compareHttpSteps($httpTest, $exHttpTest)) { $host = DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT FROM hosts h WHERE h.hostid='.zbx_dbstr($hostId))); throw new Exception( _s('Web scenario "%1$s" already exists on host "%2$s".', $exHttpTest['name'], $host['name']) ); } } $newHttpTest = $httpTest; $newHttpTest['uuid'] = ''; $newHttpTest['hostid'] = $hostId; $newHttpTest['templateid'] = $httpTestId; if ($exHttpTest) { $newHttpTest['httptestid'] = $exHttpTest['httptestid']; if (array_key_exists('variables', $newHttpTest)) { foreach ($newHttpTest['variables'] as &$variable) { unset($variable['httptest_fieldid']); } unset($variable); } if (isset($hostHttpTest['byTemplateId'][$httpTestId])) { $this->setHttpTestParent($exHttpTest['httptestid'], $httpTestId); if (isset($newHttpTest['steps'])) { $newHttpTest['steps'] = $this->prepareHttpSteps($httpTest['steps'], $exHttpTest['httptestid'] ); } } elseif (isset($hostHttpTest['byName'][$httpTest['name']])) { unset($newHttpTest['steps']); } } else { unset($newHttpTest['httptestid']); $newHttpTest['host_status'] = $template_hosts[$httpTest['hostid']][$hostId]['status']; foreach ($newHttpTest['steps'] as &$step) { unset($step['httpstepid']); } unset($step); } $result[] = $newHttpTest; } } return $result; } /** * Find and set first parent id for http test. * * @param $id * @param $parentId */ protected function setHttpTestParent($id, $parentId) { while (isset($this->httpTestParents[$parentId])) { $parentId = $this->httpTestParents[$parentId]; } $this->httpTestParents[$id] = $parentId; } /** * Get hosts http tests for each passed hosts. * Each host has two hashes with http tests, one with name keys other with templateid keys. * * Resulting structure is: * array( * 'hostid1' => array( * 'byName' => array(ht1data, ht2data, ...), * 'nyTemplateId' => array(ht1data, ht2data, ...) * ), ... * ); * * @param array $template_hosts * * @return array */ protected function getHostHttpTests(array $template_hosts) { $hostHttpTests = []; foreach ($template_hosts as $hosts) { foreach ($hosts as $hostid => $foo) { $hostHttpTests[$hostid] = ['byName' => [], 'byTemplateId' => []]; } } $dbCursor = DBselect( 'SELECT ht.httptestid,,ht.delay,ht.agent,ht.hostid,ht.templateid,ht.http_proxy,ht.retries'. ' FROM httptest ht'. ' WHERE '.dbConditionId('ht.hostid', array_keys($hostHttpTests)) ); while ($dbHttpTest = DBfetch($dbCursor)) { $hostHttpTests[$dbHttpTest['hostid']]['byName'][$dbHttpTest['name']] = $dbHttpTest; if ($dbHttpTest['templateid']) { $hostHttpTests[$dbHttpTest['hostid']]['byTemplateId'][$dbHttpTest['templateid']] = $dbHttpTest; } } return $hostHttpTests; } /** * Compare steps for http tests. * * @param array $httpTest steps must be included under 'steps' * @param array $exHttpTest * * @return bool */ protected function compareHttpSteps(array $httpTest, array $exHttpTest) { $firstHash = ''; $secondHash = ''; CArrayHelper::sort($httpTest['steps'], ['no']); foreach ($httpTest['steps'] as $step) { $firstHash .= $step['no'].$step['name']; } $dbHttpTestSteps = DBfetchArray(DBselect( 'SELECT,'. ' FROM httpstep hs'. ' WHERE hs.httptestid='.zbx_dbstr($exHttpTest['httptestid']) )); CArrayHelper::sort($dbHttpTestSteps, ['no']); foreach ($dbHttpTestSteps as $dbHttpStep) { $secondHash .= $dbHttpStep['no'].$dbHttpStep['name']; } return ($firstHash === $secondHash); } /** * Save http tests. If http test has httptestid it gets updated otherwise a new one is created. * * @param array $http_tests * * @return array */ protected function save(array $http_tests) { $http_tests_to_create = []; $http_tests_to_update = []; foreach ($http_tests as $num => $http_test) { if (array_key_exists('httptestid', $http_test)) { $http_tests_to_update[] = $http_test; } else { $http_tests_to_create[] = $http_test; } /* * Unset $http_tests and (later) put it back with actual httptestid as a key right after creating/updating * it. This is done in such a way because $http_tests array holds items with incremental keys which are not * a real httptestids. */ unset($http_tests[$num]); } if ($http_tests_to_create) { $new_http_tests = $this->create($http_tests_to_create); foreach ($new_http_tests as $new_http_test) { $http_tests[$new_http_test['httptestid']] = $new_http_test; } } if ($http_tests_to_update) { $updated_http_tests = $this->update($http_tests_to_update); foreach ($updated_http_tests as $updated_http_test) { $http_tests[$updated_http_test['httptestid']] = $updated_http_test; } } return $http_tests; } /** * @param array $steps * @param $exHttpTestId * * @return array */ protected function prepareHttpSteps(array $steps, $exHttpTestId) { $exSteps = []; $dbCursor = DBselect( 'SELECT hs.httpstepid,'. ' FROM httpstep hs'. ' WHERE hs.httptestid='.zbx_dbstr($exHttpTestId) ); while ($dbHttpStep = DBfetch($dbCursor)) { $exSteps[$dbHttpStep['name']] = $dbHttpStep['httpstepid']; } $result = []; foreach ($steps as $step) { $parentTestId = $this->httpTestParents[$exHttpTestId]; if (isset($this->changedSteps[$parentTestId][$step['name']])) { $stepName = $this->changedSteps[$parentTestId][$step['name']]; } else { $stepName = $step['name']; } if (isset($exSteps[$stepName])) { $step['httpstepid'] = $exSteps[$stepName]; } else { unset($step['httpstepid']); } if (array_key_exists('variables', $step)) { foreach ($step['variables'] as &$variable) { unset($variable['httpstep_fieldid']); } unset($variable); } $result[] = $step; } return $result; } /** * Get item key for test item. * * @param int $type * @param string $test_name * * @return string */ protected static function getTestKey(int $type, string $test_name): string { switch ($type) { case HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_IN: return '['.quoteItemKeyParam($test_name).',,bps]'; case HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_LASTSTEP: return '['.quoteItemKeyParam($test_name).']'; case HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_LASTERROR: return 'web.test.error['.quoteItemKeyParam($test_name).']'; } return 'unknown'; } /** * Get item name for test item. * * @param int $type * @param string $test_name * * @return string */ private static function getTestName(int $type, string $test_name): string { switch ($type) { case HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_IN: return 'Download speed for scenario "'.$test_name.'".'; case HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_LASTSTEP: return 'Failed step of scenario "'.$test_name.'".'; case HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_LASTERROR: return 'Last error message of scenario "'.$test_name.'".'; } return 'unknown'; } /** * Get item key for step item. * * @param int $type * @param string $test_name * @param string $step_name * * @return string */ private static function getStepKey(int $type, string $test_name, string $step_name): string { switch ($type) { case HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_IN: return '['.quoteItemKeyParam($test_name).','.quoteItemKeyParam($step_name).',bps]'; case HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_TIME: return 'web.test.time['.quoteItemKeyParam($test_name).','.quoteItemKeyParam($step_name).',resp]'; case HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_RSPCODE: return 'web.test.rspcode['.quoteItemKeyParam($test_name).','.quoteItemKeyParam($step_name).']'; } return 'unknown'; } /** * Get item name for step item. * * @param int $type * @param string $test_name * @param string $step_name * * @return string */ private static function getStepName(int $type, string $test_name, string $step_name): string { switch ($type) { case HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_IN: return 'Download speed for step "'.$step_name.'" of scenario "'.$test_name.'".'; case HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_TIME: return 'Response time for step "'.$step_name.'" of scenario "'.$test_name.'".'; case HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_RSPCODE: return 'Response code for step "'.$step_name.'" of scenario "'.$test_name.'".'; } return 'unknown'; } /** * Returns the data about the last execution of the given HTTP tests. * * The following values will be returned for each executed HTTP test: * - lastcheck - time when the test has been executed last * - lastfailedstep - number of the last failed step * - error - error message * * If a HTTP test has not been executed in last CSettingsHelper::HISTORY_PERIOD, no value will be returned. * * @param array $httpTestIds * * @return array an array with HTTP test IDs as keys and arrays of data as values */ public function getLastData(array $httpTestIds) { $httpItems = DBfetchArray(DBselect( 'SELECT hti.httptestid,hti.type,i.itemid,i.value_type'. ' FROM httptestitem hti,items i'. ' WHERE hti.itemid=i.itemid'. ' AND hti.type IN ('.HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_LASTSTEP.','.HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_LASTERROR.')'. ' AND '.dbConditionInt('hti.httptestid', $httpTestIds) )); $history = Manager::History()->getLastValues($httpItems, 1, timeUnitToSeconds(CSettingsHelper::get( CSettingsHelper::HISTORY_PERIOD ))); $data = []; foreach ($httpItems as $httpItem) { if (isset($history[$httpItem['itemid']])) { if (!isset($data[$httpItem['httptestid']])) { $data[$httpItem['httptestid']] = [ 'lastcheck' => null, 'lastfailedstep' => null, 'error' => null ]; } $itemHistory = $history[$httpItem['itemid']][0]; if ($httpItem['type'] == HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_LASTSTEP) { $data[$httpItem['httptestid']]['lastcheck'] = $itemHistory['clock']; $data[$httpItem['httptestid']]['lastfailedstep'] = $itemHistory['value']; } else { $data[$httpItem['httptestid']]['error'] = $itemHistory['value']; } } } return $data; } }