2 years ago | |
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README.md | 2 years ago | |
template_app_zookeeper_http.yaml | 2 years ago |
Zookeeper by HTTP
This template is designed for the effortless deployment of Zookeeper monitoring by Zabbix via HTTP and doesn't require any external scripts.
Zabbix version: 7.0 and higher.
Tested versions
This template has been tested on:
- Apache Zookeeper, version 3.6+, 3.8+
Zabbix should be configured according to the instructions in the Templates out of the box section.
This template works with standalone and cluster instances. Metrics are collected from each Zookeeper node by requests to AdminServer. By default AdminServer is enabled and listens on port 8080. You can enable or configure AdminServer parameters according official documentations. Don't forget to change macros {$ZOOKEEPER.COMMAND_URL}, {$ZOOKEEPER.PORT}, {$ZOOKEEPER.SCHEME}.
Macros used
Name | Description | Default |
{$ZOOKEEPER.PORT} | The port the embedded Jetty server listens on (admin.serverPort). |
8080 |
{$ZOOKEEPER.COMMAND_URL} | The URL for listing and issuing commands relative to the root URL (admin.commandURL). |
commands |
{$ZOOKEEPER.SCHEME} | Request scheme which may be http or https |
http |
{$ZOOKEEPER.FILE_DESCRIPTORS.MAX.WARN} | Maximum percentage of file descriptors usage alert threshold (for trigger expression). |
85 |
{$ZOOKEEPER.OUTSTANDING_REQ.MAX.WARN} | Maximum number of outstanding requests (for trigger expression). |
10 |
{$ZOOKEEPER.PENDING_SYNCS.MAX.WARN} | Maximum number of pending syncs from the followers (for trigger expression). |
10 |
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Zookeeper: Get server metrics | HTTP agent | zookeeper.get_metrics | |
Zookeeper: Get connections stats | Get information on client connections to server. Note, depending on the number of client connections this operation may be expensive (i.e. impact server performance). |
HTTP agent | zookeeper.get_connections_stats |
Zookeeper: Server mode | Mode of the server. In an ensemble, this may either be leader or follower. Otherwise, it is standalone |
Dependent item | zookeeper.server_state Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Uptime | Uptime that a peer has been in a table leading/following/observing state. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.uptime Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Version | Version of Zookeeper server. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.version Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Approximate data size | Data tree size in bytes.The size includes the znode path and its value. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.approximate_data_size Preprocessing
Zookeeper: File descriptors, max | Maximum number of file descriptors that a zookeeper server can open. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.max_file_descriptor_count Preprocessing
Zookeeper: File descriptors, open | Number of file descriptors that a zookeeper server has open. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.open_file_descriptor_count Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Outstanding requests | The number of queued requests when the server is under load and is receiving more sustained requests than it can process. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.outstanding_requests Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Commit per sec | The number of commits performed per second |
Dependent item | zookeeper.commit_count.rate Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Diff syncs per sec | Number of diff syncs performed per second |
Dependent item | zookeeper.diff_count.rate Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Snap syncs per sec | Number of snap syncs performed per second |
Dependent item | zookeeper.snap_count.rate Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Looking per sec | Rate of transitions into looking state. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.looking_count.rate Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Alive connections | Number of active clients connected to a zookeeper server. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.num_alive_connections Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Global sessions | Number of global sessions. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.global_sessions Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Local sessions | Number of local sessions. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.local_sessions Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Drop connections per sec | Rate of connection drops. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.connection_drop_count.rate Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Rejected connections per sec | Rate of connection rejected. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.connection_rejected.rate Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Revalidate connections per sec | Rate of connection revalidations. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.connection_revalidate_count.rate Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Revalidate per sec | Rate of revalidations. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.revalidate_count.rate Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Latency, max | The maximum amount of time it takes for the server to respond to a client request. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.max_latency Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Latency, min | The minimum amount of time it takes for the server to respond to a client request. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.min_latency Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Latency, avg | The average amount of time it takes for the server to respond to a client request. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.avg_latency Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Znode count | The number of znodes in the ZooKeeper namespace (the data) |
Dependent item | zookeeper.znode_count Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Ephemeral nodes count | Number of ephemeral nodes that a zookeeper server has in its data tree. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.ephemerals_count Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Watch count | Number of watches currently set on the local ZooKeeper process. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.watch_count Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Packets sent per sec | The number of zookeeper packets sent from a server per second. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.packets_sent Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Packets received per sec | The number of zookeeper packets received by a server per second. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.packets_received.rate Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Bytes received per sec | Number of bytes received per second. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.bytes_received_count.rate Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Election time, avg | Time between entering and leaving election. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.avg_election_time Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Elections | Number of elections happened. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.cnt_election_time Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Fsync time, avg | Time to fsync transaction log. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.avg_fsynctime Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Fsync | Count of performed fsyncs. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.cnt_fsynctime Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Snapshot write time, avg | Average time to write a snapshot. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.avg_snapshottime Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Snapshot writes | Count of performed snapshot writes. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.cnt_snapshottime Preprocessing
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
Zookeeper: Server mode has changed | Zookeeper node state has changed. Acknowledge to close the problem manually. |
last(/Zookeeper by HTTP/zookeeper.server_state,#1)<>last(/Zookeeper by HTTP/zookeeper.server_state,#2) and length(last(/Zookeeper by HTTP/zookeeper.server_state))>0 |
Info | Manual close: Yes |
Zookeeper: Failed to fetch info data | Zabbix has not received data for items for the last 10 minutes |
nodata(/Zookeeper by HTTP/zookeeper.uptime,10m)=1 |
Warning | Manual close: Yes |
Zookeeper: Version has changed | Zookeeper version has changed. Acknowledge to close the problem manually. |
last(/Zookeeper by HTTP/zookeeper.version,#1)<>last(/Zookeeper by HTTP/zookeeper.version,#2) and length(last(/Zookeeper by HTTP/zookeeper.version))>0 |
Info | Manual close: Yes |
Zookeeper: Too many file descriptors used | Number of file descriptors used more than {$ZOOKEEPER.FILE_DESCRIPTORS.MAX.WARN}% of the available number of file descriptors. |
min(/Zookeeper by HTTP/zookeeper.open_file_descriptor_count,5m) * 100 / last(/Zookeeper by HTTP/zookeeper.max_file_descriptor_count) > {$ZOOKEEPER.FILE_DESCRIPTORS.MAX.WARN} |
Warning | |
Zookeeper: Too many queued requests | Number of queued requests in the server. This goes up when the server receives more requests than it can process. |
min(/Zookeeper by HTTP/zookeeper.outstanding_requests,5m)>{$ZOOKEEPER.OUTSTANDING_REQ.MAX.WARN} |
Average | Manual close: Yes |
LLD rule Leader metrics discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Leader metrics discovery | Additional metrics for leader node |
Dependent item | zookeeper.metrics.leader Preprocessing
Item prototypes for Leader metrics discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Zookeeper: Pending syncs{#SINGLETON} | Number of pending syncs to carry out to ZooKeeper ensemble followers. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.pending_syncs[{#SINGLETON}] Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Quorum size{#SINGLETON} | Dependent item | zookeeper.quorum_size[{#SINGLETON}] Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Synced followers{#SINGLETON} | Number of synced followers reported when a node server_state is leader. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.synced_followers[{#SINGLETON}] Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Synced non-voting follower{#SINGLETON} | Number of synced voting followers reported when a node server_state is leader. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.synced_non_voting_followers[{#SINGLETON}] Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Synced observers{#SINGLETON} | Number of synced observers. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.synced_observers[{#SINGLETON}] Preprocessing
Zookeeper: Learners{#SINGLETON} | Number of learners. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.learners[{#SINGLETON}] Preprocessing
Trigger prototypes for Leader metrics discovery
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
Zookeeper: Too many pending syncs | min(/Zookeeper by HTTP/zookeeper.pending_syncs[{#SINGLETON}],5m)>{$ZOOKEEPER.PENDING_SYNCS.MAX.WARN} |
Average | Manual close: Yes | |
Zookeeper: Too few active followers | The number of followers should equal the total size of your ZooKeeper ensemble, minus 1 (the leader is not included in the follower count). If the ensemble fails to maintain quorum, all automatic failover features are suspended. |
last(/Zookeeper by HTTP/zookeeper.synced_followers[{#SINGLETON}]) < last(/Zookeeper by HTTP/zookeeper.quorum_size[{#SINGLETON}])-1 |
Average |
LLD rule Clients discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Clients discovery | Get list of client connections. Note, depending on the number of client connections this operation may be expensive (i.e. impact server performance). |
HTTP agent | zookeeper.clients Preprocessing
Item prototypes for Clients discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Zookeeper client {#TYPE} [{#CLIENT}]: Get client info | The item gets information about "{#CLIENT}" client of "{#TYPE}" type. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.client_info[{#TYPE},{#CLIENT}] Preprocessing
Zookeeper client {#TYPE} [{#CLIENT}]: Latency, max | The maximum amount of time it takes for the server to respond to a client request. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.max_latency[{#TYPE},{#CLIENT}] Preprocessing
Zookeeper client {#TYPE} [{#CLIENT}]: Latency, min | The minimum amount of time it takes for the server to respond to a client request. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.min_latency[{#TYPE},{#CLIENT}] Preprocessing
Zookeeper client {#TYPE} [{#CLIENT}]: Latency, avg | The average amount of time it takes for the server to respond to a client request. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.avg_latency[{#TYPE},{#CLIENT}] Preprocessing
Zookeeper client {#TYPE} [{#CLIENT}]: Packets sent per sec | The number of packets sent. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.packets_sent[{#TYPE},{#CLIENT}] Preprocessing
Zookeeper client {#TYPE} [{#CLIENT}]: Packets received per sec | The number of packets received. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.packets_received[{#TYPE},{#CLIENT}] Preprocessing
Zookeeper client {#TYPE} [{#CLIENT}]: Outstanding requests | The number of queued requests when the server is under load and is receiving more sustained requests than it can process. |
Dependent item | zookeeper.outstanding_requests[{#TYPE},{#CLIENT}] Preprocessing
Please report any issues with the template at https://support.zabbix.com
You can also provide feedback, discuss the template, or ask for help at ZABBIX forums