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yzl 93958d0fb0
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template_app_squid_snmp.yaml zabbix6.0 2 years ago

Squid by SNMP


This template is designed for the effortless deployment of Squid monitoring by Zabbix via SNMP and doesn't require any external scripts.


Zabbix version: 7.0 and higher.

Tested versions

This template has been tested on:

  • Squid 3.5.12


Zabbix should be configured according to the instructions in the Templates out of the box section.


Setup Squid

Enable SNMP support following official documentation. Required parameters in squid.conf:

snmp_port <port_number>
acl <zbx_acl_name> snmp_community <community_name>
snmp_access allow <zbx_acl_name> <zabbix_server_ip>

Setup Zabbix

1. Import the template template_app_squid_snmp.yaml into Zabbix.

2. Set values for {$SQUID.SNMP.COMMUNITY}, {$SQUID.SNMP.PORT} and {$SQUID.HTTP.PORT} as configured in squid.conf.

3. Link the imported template to a host with Squid.

4. Add SNMPv2 interface to Squid host. Set Port as {$SQUID.SNMP.PORT} and SNMP community as {$SQUID.SNMP.COMMUNITY}.

Macros used

Name Description Default

snmp_port configured in squid.conf (Default: 3401)


http_port configured in squid.conf (Default: 3128)


SNMP community allowed by ACL in squid.conf


The threshold for minimum number of available file descriptors


The threshold for sys page faults rate in percent of received HTTP requests



Name Description Type Key and additional info
Squid: Service ping Simple check net.tcp.service[tcp,,{$SQUID.HTTP.PORT}]


  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 10m

Squid: Uptime

The Uptime of the cache in timeticks (in hundredths of a second) with preprocessing

SNMP agent squid[cacheUptime]


  • Custom multiplier: 0.01

Squid: Version

Cache Software Version

SNMP agent squid[cacheVersionId]


  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 6h

Squid: CPU usage

The percentage use of the CPU

SNMP agent squid[cacheCpuUsage]
Squid: Memory maximum resident size

Maximum Resident Size

SNMP agent squid[cacheMaxResSize]


  • Custom multiplier: 1024

Squid: Memory maximum cache size

The value of the cache_mem parameter

SNMP agent squid[cacheMemMaxSize]


  • Custom multiplier: 1048576

Squid: Memory cache usage

Total accounted memory

SNMP agent squid[cacheMemUsage]


  • Custom multiplier: 1024

Squid: Cache swap low water mark

Cache Swap Low Water Mark

SNMP agent squid[cacheSwapLowWM]
Squid: Cache swap high water mark

Cache Swap High Water Mark

SNMP agent squid[cacheSwapHighWM]
Squid: Cache swap directory size

The total of the cache_dir space allocated

SNMP agent squid[cacheSwapMaxSize]


  • Custom multiplier: 1048576

Squid: Cache swap current size

Storage Swap Size

SNMP agent squid[cacheCurrentSwapSize]
Squid: File descriptor count - current used

Number of file descriptors in use

SNMP agent squid[cacheCurrentFileDescrCnt]
Squid: File descriptor count - current maximum

Highest number of file descriptors in use

SNMP agent squid[cacheCurrentFileDescrMax]
Squid: File descriptor count - current reserved

Reserved number of file descriptors

SNMP agent squid[cacheCurrentResFileDescrCnt]
Squid: File descriptor count - current available

Available number of file descriptors

SNMP agent squid[cacheCurrentUnusedFDescrCnt]
Squid: Byte hit ratio per 1 minute

Byte Hit Ratios

SNMP agent squid[cacheRequestByteRatio.1]
Squid: Byte hit ratio per 5 minutes

Byte Hit Ratios

SNMP agent squid[cacheRequestByteRatio.5]
Squid: Byte hit ratio per 1 hour

Byte Hit Ratios

SNMP agent squid[cacheRequestByteRatio.60]
Squid: Request hit ratio per 1 minute

Byte Hit Ratios

SNMP agent squid[cacheRequestHitRatio.1]
Squid: Request hit ratio per 5 minutes

Byte Hit Ratios

SNMP agent squid[cacheRequestHitRatio.5]
Squid: Request hit ratio per 1 hour

Byte Hit Ratios

SNMP agent squid[cacheRequestHitRatio.60]
Squid: Sys page faults per second

Page faults with physical I/O

SNMP agent squid[cacheSysPageFaults]


  • Change per second
Squid: HTTP requests received per second

Number of HTTP requests received

SNMP agent squid[cacheProtoClientHttpRequests]


  • Change per second
Squid: HTTP traffic received per second

Number of HTTP traffic received from clients

SNMP agent squid[cacheHttpInKb]


  • Custom multiplier: 1024

  • Change per second
Squid: HTTP traffic sent per second

Number of HTTP traffic sent to clients

SNMP agent squid[cacheHttpOutKb]


  • Custom multiplier: 1024

  • Change per second
Squid: HTTP Hits sent from cache per second

Number of HTTP Hits sent to clients from cache

SNMP agent squid[cacheHttpHits]


  • Change per second
Squid: HTTP Errors sent per second

Number of HTTP Errors sent to clients

SNMP agent squid[cacheHttpErrors]


  • Change per second
Squid: ICP messages sent per second

Number of ICP messages sent

SNMP agent squid[cacheIcpPktsSent]


  • Change per second
Squid: ICP messages received per second

Number of ICP messages received

SNMP agent squid[cacheIcpPktsRecv]


  • Change per second
Squid: ICP traffic transmitted per second

Number of ICP traffic transmitted

SNMP agent squid[cacheIcpKbSent]


  • Custom multiplier: 1024

  • Change per second
Squid: ICP traffic received per second

Number of ICP traffic received

SNMP agent squid[cacheIcpKbRecv]


  • Custom multiplier: 1024

  • Change per second
Squid: DNS server requests per second

Number of external dns server requests

SNMP agent squid[cacheDnsRequests]


  • Change per second
Squid: DNS server replies per second

Number of external dns server replies

SNMP agent squid[cacheDnsReplies]


  • Change per second
Squid: FQDN cache requests per second

Number of FQDN Cache requests

SNMP agent squid[cacheFqdnRequests]


  • Change per second
Squid: FQDN cache hits per second

Number of FQDN Cache hits

SNMP agent squid[cacheFqdnHits]


  • Change per second
Squid: FQDN cache misses per second

Number of FQDN Cache misses

SNMP agent squid[cacheFqdnMisses]


  • Change per second
Squid: IP cache requests per second

Number of IP Cache requests

SNMP agent squid[cacheIpRequests]


  • Change per second
Squid: IP cache hits per second

Number of IP Cache hits

SNMP agent squid[cacheIpHits]


  • Change per second
Squid: IP cache misses per second

Number of IP Cache misses

SNMP agent squid[cacheIpMisses]


  • Change per second
Squid: Objects count

Number of objects stored by the cache

SNMP agent squid[cacheNumObjCount]
Squid: Objects LRU expiration age

Storage LRU Expiration Age

SNMP agent squid[cacheCurrentLRUExpiration]


  • Custom multiplier: 0.01

Squid: Objects unlinkd requests

Requests given to unlinkd

SNMP agent squid[cacheCurrentUnlinkRequests]
Squid: HTTP all service time per 5 minutes

HTTP all service time per 5 minutes

SNMP agent squid[cacheHttpAllSvcTime.5]


  • Custom multiplier: 0.001

Squid: HTTP all service time per hour

HTTP all service time per hour

SNMP agent squid[cacheHttpAllSvcTime.60]


  • Custom multiplier: 0.001

Squid: HTTP miss service time per 5 minutes

HTTP miss service time per 5 minutes

SNMP agent squid[cacheHttpMissSvcTime.5]


  • Custom multiplier: 0.001

Squid: HTTP miss service time per hour

HTTP miss service time per hour

SNMP agent squid[cacheHttpMissSvcTime.60]


  • Custom multiplier: 0.001

Squid: HTTP hit service time per 5 minutes

HTTP hit service time per 5 minutes

SNMP agent squid[cacheHttpHitSvcTime.5]


  • Custom multiplier: 0.001

Squid: HTTP hit service time per hour

HTTP hit service time per hour

SNMP agent squid[cacheHttpHitSvcTime.60]


  • Custom multiplier: 0.001

Squid: ICP query service time per 5 minutes

ICP query service time per 5 minutes

SNMP agent squid[cacheIcpQuerySvcTime.5]


  • Custom multiplier: 0.001

Squid: ICP query service time per hour

ICP query service time per hour

SNMP agent squid[cacheIcpQuerySvcTime.60]


  • Custom multiplier: 0.001

Squid: ICP reply service time per 5 minutes

ICP reply service time per 5 minutes

SNMP agent squid[cacheIcpReplySvcTime.5]


  • Custom multiplier: 0.001

Squid: ICP reply service time per hour

ICP reply service time per hour

SNMP agent squid[cacheIcpReplySvcTime.60]


  • Custom multiplier: 0.001

Squid: DNS service time per 5 minutes

DNS service time per 5 minutes

SNMP agent squid[cacheDnsSvcTime.5]


  • Custom multiplier: 0.001

Squid: DNS service time per hour

DNS service time per hour

SNMP agent squid[cacheDnsSvcTime.60]


  • Custom multiplier: 0.001


Name Description Expression Severity Dependencies and additional info
Squid: Port {$SQUID.HTTP.PORT} is down last(/Squid by SNMP/net.tcp.service[tcp,,{$SQUID.HTTP.PORT}])=0 Average Manual close: Yes
Squid: Squid has been restarted

Uptime is less than 10 minutes.

last(/Squid by SNMP/squid[cacheUptime])<10m Info Manual close: Yes
Squid: Squid version has been changed

Squid version has changed. Acknowledge to close the problem manually.

last(/Squid by SNMP/squid[cacheVersionId],#1)<>last(/Squid by SNMP/squid[cacheVersionId],#2) and length(last(/Squid by SNMP/squid[cacheVersionId]))>0 Info Manual close: Yes
Squid: Swap usage is more than low watermark last(/Squid by SNMP/squid[cacheCurrentSwapSize])>last(/Squid by SNMP/squid[cacheSwapLowWM])*last(/Squid by SNMP/squid[cacheSwapMaxSize])/100 Warning
Squid: Swap usage is more than high watermark last(/Squid by SNMP/squid[cacheCurrentSwapSize])>last(/Squid by SNMP/squid[cacheSwapHighWM])*last(/Squid by SNMP/squid[cacheSwapMaxSize])/100 High
Squid: Squid is running out of file descriptors last(/Squid by SNMP/squid[cacheCurrentUnusedFDescrCnt])<{$SQUID.FILE.DESC.WARN.MIN} Warning
Squid: High sys page faults rate avg(/Squid by SNMP/squid[cacheSysPageFaults],5m)>avg(/Squid by SNMP/squid[cacheProtoClientHttpRequests],5m)/100*{$SQUID.PAGE.FAULT.WARN} Warning


Please report any issues with the template at

You can also provide feedback, discuss the template, or ask for help at ZABBIX forums