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Jenkins by HTTP


The template to monitor Apache Jenkins by Zabbix that work without any external scripts. Most of the metrics are collected in one go, thanks to Zabbix bulk data collection.


Zabbix version: 7.0 and higher.

Tested versions

This template has been tested on:

  • Jenkins 2.263.1


Zabbix should be configured according to the instructions in the Templates out of the box section.


Metrics are collected by requests to Metrics API. For common metrics: Install and configure Metrics plugin parameters according official documentations. Do not forget to configure access to the Metrics Servlet by issuing API key and change macro {$JENKINS.API.KEY}.

For monitoring computers and builds: Create API token for monitoring user according official documentations and change macro {$JENKINS.USER}, {$JENKINS.API.TOKEN}. Don't forget to change macros {$JENKINS.URL}.

Macros used

Name Description Default

Jenkins URL in the format <scheme>://<host>:<port>


API key to access Metrics Servlet


Username for HTTP BASIC authentication


API token for HTTP BASIC authentication.


Expected reply to the ping.


Maximum percentage of file descriptors usage alert threshold (for trigger expression).


Minimum job's health score (for trigger expression).



Name Description Type Key and additional info
Jenkins: Get service metrics HTTP agent jenkins.get_metrics


  • Check for not supported value

    Custom on fail: Discard value

Jenkins: Get healthcheck HTTP agent jenkins.healthcheck


  • Check for not supported value

    Custom on fail: Discard value

Jenkins: Get jobs info HTTP agent jenkins.job_info


  • Check for not supported value

    Custom on fail: Discard value

Jenkins: Get computer info HTTP agent jenkins.computer_info


  • Check for not supported value

    Custom on fail: Discard value

Jenkins: Disk space check message

The message will reference the first node which fails this check. There may be other nodes that fail the check, but this health check is designed to fail fast.

Dependent item jenkins.disk_space.message


  • JSON Path: $['disk-space'].message

    Custom on fail: Set value to

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 3h

Jenkins: Temporary space check message

The message will reference the first node which fails this check. There may be other nodes that fail the check, but this health check is designed to fail fast.

Dependent item jenkins.temporary_space.message


  • JSON Path: $['temporary-space'].message

    Custom on fail: Set value to

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 3h

Jenkins: Plugins check message

The message of plugins health check.

Dependent item jenkins.plugins.message


  • JSON Path: $['plugins'].message

    Custom on fail: Set value to

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 3h

Jenkins: Thread deadlock check message

The message of thread deadlock health check.

Dependent item jenkins.thread_deadlock.message


  • JSON Path: $['thread-deadlock'].message

    Custom on fail: Set value to

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 3h

Jenkins: Disk space check

Returns FAIL if any of the Jenkins disk space monitors are reporting the disk space as less than the configured threshold.

Dependent item jenkins.disk_space


  • JSON Path: $['disk-space'].healthy

  • Boolean to decimal
  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Jenkins: Plugins check

Returns FAIL if any of the Jenkins plugins failed to start.

Dependent item jenkins.plugins


  • JSON Path: $.plugins.healthy

  • Boolean to decimal
  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Jenkins: Temporary space check

Returns FAIL if any of the Jenkins temporary space monitors are reporting the temporary space as less than the configured threshold.

Dependent item jenkins.temporary_space


  • JSON Path: $['temporary-space'].healthy

  • Boolean to decimal
  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Jenkins: Thread deadlock check

Returns FAIL if there are any deadlocked threads in the Jenkins master JVM.

Dependent item jenkins.thread_deadlock


  • JSON Path: $['thread-deadlock'].healthy

  • Boolean to decimal
  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Jenkins: Get gauges

Raw items for gauges metrics.

Dependent item jenkins.gauges.raw


  • JSON Path: $.gauges

Jenkins: Executors count

The number of executors available to Jenkins. This is corresponds to the sum of all the executors of all the online nodes.

Dependent item jenkins.executor.count


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.executor.count.value'].value

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Jenkins: Executors free

The number of executors available to Jenkins that are not currently in use.

Dependent item


  • JSON Path: $.[''].value

Jenkins: Executors in use

The number of executors available to Jenkins that are currently in use.

Dependent item jenkins.executor.in_use


  • JSON Path: $.[''].value

Jenkins: Nodes count

The number of build nodes available to Jenkins, both online and offline.

Dependent item jenkins.node.count


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.node.count.value'].value

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Jenkins: Nodes offline

The number of build nodes available to Jenkins but currently offline.

Dependent item jenkins.node.offline


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.node.offline.value'].value

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Jenkins: Nodes online

The number of build nodes available to Jenkins and currently online.

Dependent item


  • JSON Path: $.[''].value

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Jenkins: Plugins active

The number of plugins in the Jenkins instance that started successfully.

Dependent item


  • JSON Path: $.[''].value

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Jenkins: Plugins failed

The number of plugins in the Jenkins instance that failed to start. A value other than 0 is typically indicative of a potential issue within the Jenkins installation that will either be solved by explicitly disabling the plugin(s) or by resolving the plugin dependency issues.

Dependent item jenkins.plugins.failed


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.plugins.failed'].value

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Jenkins: Plugins inactive

The number of plugins in the Jenkins instance that are not currently enabled.

Dependent item jenkins.plugins.inactive


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.plugins.inactive'].value

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Jenkins: Plugins with update

The number of plugins in the Jenkins instance that have a newer version reported as available in the current Jenkins update center metadata held by Jenkins. This value is not indicative of an issue with Jenkins but high values can be used as a trigger to review the plugins with updates with a view to seeing whether those updates potentially contain fixes for issues that could be affecting your Jenkins instance.

Dependent item jenkins.plugins.with_update


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.plugins.withUpdate'].value

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Jenkins: Projects count

The number of projects.

Dependent item jenkins.project.count


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.project.count.value'].value

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Jenkins: Jobs count

The number of jobs in Jenkins.

Dependent item jenkins.job.count.value


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.job.count.value'].value

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 3h

Jenkins: Get meters

Raw items for meters metrics.

Dependent item jenkins.meters.raw


  • JSON Path: $.meters

Jenkins: Job scheduled, m1 rate

The rate at which jobs are scheduled. If a job is already in the queue and an identical request for scheduling the job is received then Jenkins will coalesce the two requests. This metric gives a reasonably pure measure of the load requirements of the Jenkins master as it is unaffected by the number of executors available to the system.

Dependent item jenkins.job.scheduled.m1.rate


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.job.scheduled'].m1_rate

Jenkins: Jobs scheduled, m5 rate

The rate at which jobs are scheduled. If a job is already in the queue and an identical request for scheduling the job is received then Jenkins will coalesce the two requests. This metric gives a reasonably pure measure of the load requirements of the Jenkins master as it is unaffected by the number of executors available to the system.

Dependent item jenkins.job.scheduled.m5.rate


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.job.scheduled'].m5_rate

Jenkins: Get timers

Raw items for timers metrics.

Dependent item jenkins.timers.raw


  • JSON Path: $.timers

Jenkins: Job blocked, m1 rate

The rate at which jobs in the build queue enter the blocked state.

Dependent item jenkins.job.blocked.m1.rate


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.job.blocked.duration'].m1_rate

Jenkins: Job blocked, m5 rate

The rate at which jobs in the build queue enter the blocked state.

Dependent item jenkins.job.blocked.m5.rate


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.job.blocked.duration'].m5_rate

Jenkins: Job blocked duration, p95

The amount of time which jobs spend in the blocked state.

Dependent item jenkins.job.blocked.duration.p95


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.job.blocked.duration'].p95

Jenkins: Job blocked duration, median

The amount of time which jobs spend in the blocked state.

Dependent item jenkins.job.blocked.duration.p50


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.job.blocked.duration'].p50

Jenkins: Job building, m1 rate

The rate at which jobs are built.

Dependent item jenkins.job.building.m1.rate


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.job.building.duration'].m1_rate

Jenkins: Job building, m5 rate

The rate at which jobs are built.

Dependent item jenkins.job.building.m5.rate


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.job.building.duration'].m5_rate

Jenkins: Job building duration, p95

The amount of time which jobs spend building.

Dependent item jenkins.job.building.duration.p95


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.job.building.duration'].p95

Jenkins: Job building duration, median

The amount of time which jobs spend building.

Dependent item jenkins.job.building.duration.p50


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.job.building.duration'].p50

Jenkins: Job buildable, m1 rate

The rate at which jobs in the build queue enter the buildable state.

Dependent item jenkins.job.buildable.m1.rate


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.job.buildable.duration'].m1_rate

Jenkins: Job buildable, m5 rate

The rate at which jobs in the build queue enter the buildable state.

Dependent item jenkins.job.buildable.m5.rate


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.job.buildable.duration'].m5_rate

Jenkins: Job buildable duration, p95

The amount of time which jobs spend in the buildable state.

Dependent item jenkins.job.buildable.duration.p95


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.job.buildable.duration'].p95

Jenkins: Job buildable duration, median

The amount of time which jobs spend in the buildable state.

Dependent item jenkins.job.buildable.duration.p50


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.job.buildable.duration'].p50

Jenkins: Job queuing, m1 rate

The rate at which jobs are queued.

Dependent item jenkins.job.queuing.m1.rate


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.job.queuing.duration'].m1_rate

Jenkins: Job queuing, m5 rate

The rate at which jobs are queued.

Dependent item jenkins.job.queuing.m5.rate


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.job.queuing.duration'].m5_rate

Jenkins: Job queuing duration, p95

The total time which jobs spend in the build queue.

Dependent item jenkins.job.queuing.duration.p95


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.job.queuing.duration'].p95

Jenkins: Job queuing duration, median

The total time which jobs spend in the build queue.

Dependent item jenkins.job.queuing.duration.p50


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.job.queuing.duration'].p50

Jenkins: Job total, m1 rate

The rate at which jobs are queued.

Dependent item


  • JSON Path: $.[''].m1_rate

Jenkins: Job total, m5 rate

The rate at which jobs are queued.

Dependent item


  • JSON Path: $.[''].m5_rate

Jenkins: Job total duration, p95

The total time which jobs spend from entering the build queue to completing building.

Dependent item


  • JSON Path: $.[''].p95

Jenkins: Job total duration, median

The total time which jobs spend from entering the build queue to completing building.

Dependent item


  • JSON Path: $.[''].p50

Jenkins: Job waiting, m1 rate

The rate at which jobs enter the quiet period.

Dependent item jenkins.job.waiting.m1.rate


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.job.waiting.duration'].m1_rate

Jenkins: Job waiting, m5 rate

The rate at which jobs enter the quiet period.

Dependent item jenkins.job.waiting.m5.rate


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.job.waiting.duration'].m5_rate

Jenkins: Job waiting duration, p95

The total amount of time that jobs spend in their quiet period.

Dependent item jenkins.job.waiting.duration.p95


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.job.waiting.duration'].p95

Jenkins: Job waiting duration, median

The total amount of time that jobs spend in their quiet period.

Dependent item jenkins.job.waiting.duration.p50


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.job.waiting.duration'].p50

Jenkins: Build queue, blocked

The number of jobs that are in the Jenkins build queue and currently in the blocked state.

Dependent item jenkins.queue.blocked


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.queue.blocked.value'].value

Jenkins: Build queue, size

The number of jobs that are in the Jenkins build queue.

Dependent item jenkins.queue.size


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.queue.size.value'].value

Jenkins: Build queue, buildable

The number of jobs that are in the Jenkins build queue and currently in the blocked state.

Dependent item jenkins.queue.buildable


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.queue.buildable.value'].value

Jenkins: Build queue, pending

The number of jobs that are in the Jenkins build queue and currently in the blocked state.

Dependent item jenkins.queue.pending


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.queue.pending.value'].value

Jenkins: Build queue, stuck

The number of jobs that are in the Jenkins build queue and currently in the blocked state.

Dependent item jenkins.queue.stuck


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.queue.stuck.value'].value

Jenkins: HTTP active requests, rate

The number of currently active requests against the Jenkins master Web UI.

Dependent item jenkins.http.active_requests.rate


  • JSON Path: $.counters.['http.activeRequests'].count

  • Change per second
Jenkins: HTTP response 400, rate

The rate at which the Jenkins master Web UI is responding to requests with an HTTP/400 status code.

Dependent item jenkins.http.bad_request.rate


  • JSON Path: $.['http.responseCodes.badRequest'].count

  • Change per second
Jenkins: HTTP response 500, rate

The rate at which the Jenkins master Web UI is responding to requests with an HTTP/500 status code.

Dependent item jenkins.http.server_error.rate


  • JSON Path: $.['http.responseCodes.serverError'].count

  • Change per second
Jenkins: HTTP response 503, rate

The rate at which the Jenkins master Web UI is responding to requests with an HTTP/503 status code.

Dependent item jenkins.http.service_unavailable.rate


  • JSON Path: $.['http.responseCodes.serviceUnavailable'].count

  • Change per second
Jenkins: HTTP response 200, rate

The rate at which the Jenkins master Web UI is responding to requests with an HTTP/200 status code.

Dependent item jenkins.http.ok.rate


  • JSON Path: $.['http.responseCodes.ok'].count

  • Change per second
Jenkins: HTTP response other, rate

The rate at which the Jenkins master Web UI is responding to requests with a non-informational status code that is not in the list: HTTP/200, HTTP/201, HTTP/204, HTTP/304, HTTP/400, HTTP/403, HTTP/404, HTTP/500, or HTTP/503.

Dependent item jenkins.http.other.rate


  • JSON Path: $.['http.responseCodes.other'].count

  • Change per second
Jenkins: HTTP response 201, rate

The rate at which the Jenkins master Web UI is responding to requests with an HTTP/201 status code.

Dependent item jenkins.http.created.rate


  • JSON Path: $.['http.responseCodes.created'].count

  • Change per second
Jenkins: HTTP response 204, rate

The rate at which the Jenkins master Web UI is responding to requests with an HTTP/204 status code.

Dependent item jenkins.http.no_content.rate


  • JSON Path: $.['http.responseCodes.noContent'].count

  • Change per second
Jenkins: HTTP response 404, rate

The rate at which the Jenkins master Web UI is responding to requests with an HTTP/404 status code.

Dependent item jenkins.http.not_found.rate


  • JSON Path: $.['http.responseCodes.notFound'].count

  • Change per second
Jenkins: HTTP response 304, rate

The rate at which the Jenkins master Web UI is responding to requests with an HTTP/304 status code.

Dependent item jenkins.http.not_modified.rate


  • JSON Path: $.['http.responseCodes.notModified'].count

  • Change per second
Jenkins: HTTP response 403, rate

The rate at which the Jenkins master Web UI is responding to requests with an HTTP/403 status code.

Dependent item jenkins.http.forbidden.rate


  • JSON Path: $.['http.responseCodes.forbidden'].count

  • Change per second
Jenkins: HTTP requests, rate

The rate at which the Jenkins master Web UI is receiving requests.

Dependent item jenkins.http.requests.rate


  • JSON Path: $.['http.requests'].count

  • Change per second
Jenkins: HTTP requests, p95

The time spent generating the corresponding responses.

Dependent item jenkins.http.requests_p95.rate


  • JSON Path: $.['http.requests'].p95

Jenkins: HTTP requests, median

The time spent generating the corresponding responses.

Dependent item jenkins.http.requests_p50.rate


  • JSON Path: $.['http.requests'].p50

Jenkins: Version

Version of Jenkins server.

Dependent item jenkins.version


  • JSON Path: $.['jenkins.versions.core'].value

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 3h

Jenkins: CPU Load

The system load on the Jenkins master as reported by the JVM's Operating System JMX bean. The calculation of system load is operating system dependent. Typically this is the sum of the number of processes that are currently running plus the number that are waiting to run. This is typically comparable against the number of CPU cores.

Dependent item jenkins.system.cpu.load


  • JSON Path: $.['system.cpu.load'].value

Jenkins: Uptime

The number of seconds since the Jenkins master JVM started.

Dependent item jenkins.system.uptime


  • JSON Path: $.['vm.uptime.milliseconds'].value

  • Custom multiplier: 0.001

Jenkins: File descriptor ratio

The ratio of used to total file descriptors

Dependent item jenkins.descriptor.ratio


  • JSON Path: $.['vm.file.descriptor.ratio'].value

  • Custom multiplier: 100

Jenkins: Service ping HTTP agent


  • Check for not supported value

    Custom on fail: Set value to: 0

  • Regular expression: {$JENKINS.PING.REPLY} 1

    Custom on fail: Set value to: 0

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 30m


Name Description Expression Severity Dependencies and additional info
Jenkins: Disk space is too low

Jenkins disk space monitors are reporting the disk space as less than the configured threshold. The message will reference the first node which fails this check.
Health check message: {{ITEM.LASTVALUE2}.regsub("(.*)",\1)}

last(/Jenkins by HTTP/jenkins.disk_space)=0 and length(last(/Jenkins by HTTP/jenkins.disk_space.message))>0 Warning
Jenkins: One or more Jenkins plugins failed to start

A failure is typically indicative of a potential issue within the Jenkins installation that will either be solved by explicitly disabling the failing plugin(s) or by resolving the corresponding plugin dependency issues.
Health check message: {{ITEM.LASTVALUE2}.regsub("(.*)",\1)}

last(/Jenkins by HTTP/jenkins.plugins)=0 and length(last(/Jenkins by HTTP/jenkins.plugins.message))>0 Info Manual close: Yes
Jenkins: Temporary space is too low

Jenkins temporary space monitors are reporting the temporary space as less than the configured threshold. The message will reference the first node which fails this check.
Health check message: {{ITEM.LASTVALUE2}.regsub("(.*)",\1)}

last(/Jenkins by HTTP/jenkins.temporary_space)=0 and length(last(/Jenkins by HTTP/jenkins.temporary_space.message))>0 Warning
Jenkins: There are deadlocked threads in Jenkins master JVM

There are any deadlocked threads in the Jenkins master JVM.
Health check message: {{ITEM.LASTVALUE2}.regsub('(.*)',\1)}

last(/Jenkins by HTTP/jenkins.thread_deadlock)=0 and length(last(/Jenkins by HTTP/jenkins.thread_deadlock.message))>0 Warning
Jenkins: Service has no online nodes last(/Jenkins by HTTP/ Average
Jenkins: Version has changed

The Jenkins version has changed. Acknowledge to close the problem manually.

last(/Jenkins by HTTP/jenkins.version,#1)<>last(/Jenkins by HTTP/jenkins.version,#2) and length(last(/Jenkins by HTTP/jenkins.version))>0 Info Manual close: Yes
Jenkins: Host has been restarted

Uptime is less than 10 minutes.

last(/Jenkins by HTTP/jenkins.system.uptime)<10m Info Manual close: Yes
Jenkins: Current number of used files is too high min(/Jenkins by HTTP/jenkins.descriptor.ratio,5m)>{$JENKINS.FILE_DESCRIPTORS.MAX.WARN} Warning
Jenkins: Service is down last(/Jenkins by HTTP/ Average Manual close: Yes

LLD rule Jobs discovery

Name Description Type Key and additional info
Jobs discovery HTTP agent


  • JSON Path: $.jobs.[*]

Item prototypes for Jobs discovery

Name Description Type Key and additional info
Jenkins job [{#NAME}]: Get job

Raw data for a job.

Dependent item jenkins.job.get[{#NAME}]


  • JSON Path: $.jobs.[?( == "{#NAME}")].first()

    Custom on fail: Discard value

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 30m

Jenkins job [{#NAME}]: Health score

Represents health of project. A number between 0-100.

Job Description: {#DESCRIPTION}

Job Url: {#URL}

Dependent item[{#NAME}]


  • JSON Path: $.healthReport..score.first()

    Custom on fail: Discard value

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 30m

Jenkins job [{#NAME}]: Last Build number

Details: {#URL}/lastBuild/

Dependent item jenkins.last_build.number[{#NAME}]


  • JSON Path: $.lastBuild.number

    Custom on fail: Discard value

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 30m

Jenkins job [{#NAME}]: Last Build duration

Build duration (in seconds).

Dependent item jenkins.last_build.duration[{#NAME}]


  • JSON Path: $.lastBuild.duration

    Custom on fail: Discard value

  • Custom multiplier: 0.001

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 30m

Jenkins job [{#NAME}]: Last Build timestamp Dependent item jenkins.last_build.timestamp[{#NAME}]


  • JSON Path: $.lastBuild.timestamp

    Custom on fail: Discard value

  • Custom multiplier: 0.001

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 30m

Jenkins job [{#NAME}]: Last Build result Dependent item jenkins.last_build.result[{#NAME}]


  • JSON Path: $.lastBuild.result

    Custom on fail: Discard value

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 30m

Jenkins job [{#NAME}]: Last Failed Build number

Details: {#URL}/lastFailedBuild/

Dependent item jenkins.last_failed_build.number[{#NAME}]


  • JSON Path: $.lastFailedBuild.number

    Custom on fail: Discard value

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 30m

Jenkins job [{#NAME}]: Last Failed Build duration

Build duration (in seconds).

Dependent item jenkins.last_failed_build.duration[{#NAME}]


  • JSON Path: $.lastFailedBuild.duration

    Custom on fail: Discard value

  • Custom multiplier: 0.001

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 30m

Jenkins job [{#NAME}]: Last Failed Build timestamp Dependent item jenkins.last_failed_build.timestamp[{#NAME}]


  • JSON Path: $.lastFailedBuild.timestamp

    Custom on fail: Discard value

  • Custom multiplier: 0.001

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 30m

Jenkins job [{#NAME}]: Last Successful Build number

Details: {#URL}/lastSuccessfulBuild/

Dependent item jenkins.last_successful_build.number[{#NAME}]


  • JSON Path: $.lastSuccessfulBuild.number

    Custom on fail: Discard value

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 30m

Jenkins job [{#NAME}]: Last Successful Build duration

Build duration (in seconds).

Dependent item jenkins.last_successful_build.duration[{#NAME}]


  • JSON Path: $.lastSuccessfulBuild.duration

    Custom on fail: Discard value

  • Custom multiplier: 0.001

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 30m

Jenkins job [{#NAME}]: Last Successful Build timestamp Dependent item jenkins.last_successful_build.timestamp[{#NAME}]


  • JSON Path: $.lastSuccessfulBuild.timestamp

    Custom on fail: Discard value

  • Custom multiplier: 0.001

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 30m

Trigger prototypes for Jobs discovery

Name Description Expression Severity Dependencies and additional info
Jenkins job [{#NAME}]: Job is unhealthy last(/Jenkins by HTTP/[{#NAME}])<{$JENKINS.JOB.HEALTH.SCORE.MIN.WARN} Warning Manual close: Yes

LLD rule Computers discovery

Name Description Type Key and additional info
Computers discovery HTTP agent jenkins.computers


  • JSON Path: $.computer.[*]

Item prototypes for Computers discovery

Name Description Type Key and additional info
Jenkins: Computer [{#DISPLAY_NAME}]: Get computer

Raw data for a computer.

Dependent item[{#DISPLAY_NAME}]


  • JSON Path: $.computer.[?(@.displayName == "{#DISPLAY_NAME}")].first()

    Custom on fail: Discard value

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Jenkins: Computer [{#DISPLAY_NAME}]: Executors

The maximum number of concurrent builds that Jenkins may perform on this node.

Dependent item[{#DISPLAY_NAME}]


  • JSON Path: $.numExecutors

    Custom on fail: Discard value

Jenkins: Computer [{#DISPLAY_NAME}]: State

Represents the actual online/offline state.

Node description: {#DESCRIPTION}

Dependent item[{#DISPLAY_NAME}]


  • JSON Path: $.offline

  • Boolean to decimal
  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Jenkins: Computer [{#DISPLAY_NAME}]: Offline cause reason

If the computer was offline (either temporarily or not), will return the cause as a string (without user info). Empty string if the system was put offline without given a cause.

Dependent item[{#DISPLAY_NAME}]


  • JSON Path: $.offlineCauseReason

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 3h

Jenkins: Computer [{#DISPLAY_NAME}]: Idle

Returns true if all the executors of this computer are idle.

Dependent item[{#DISPLAY_NAME}]


  • JSON Path: $.idle

  • Boolean to decimal
  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Jenkins: Computer [{#DISPLAY_NAME}]: Temporarily offline

Returns true if this node is marked temporarily offline.

Dependent item[{#DISPLAY_NAME}]


  • JSON Path: $.temporarilyOffline

  • Boolean to decimal
  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 1h

Jenkins: Computer [{#DISPLAY_NAME}]: Available disk space

The available disk space of $JENKINS_HOME on agent.

Dependent item[{#DISPLAY_NAME}]


  • JSON Path: $.monitorData['hudson.node_monitors.DiskSpaceMonitor'].size

    Custom on fail: Discard value

Jenkins: Computer [{#DISPLAY_NAME}]: Available temp space

The available disk space of the temporary directory. Java tools and tests/builds often create files in the temporary directory, and may not function properly if there's no available space.

Dependent item[{#DISPLAY_NAME}]


  • JSON Path: The text is too long. Please see the template.

    Custom on fail: Discard value

Jenkins: Computer [{#DISPLAY_NAME}]: Response time average

The round trip network response time from the master to the agent

Dependent item[{#DISPLAY_NAME}]


  • JSON Path: The text is too long. Please see the template.

    Custom on fail: Discard value

  • Custom multiplier: 0.001

Jenkins: Computer [{#DISPLAY_NAME}]: Available physical memory

The total physical memory of the system, available bytes.

Dependent item[{#DISPLAY_NAME}]


  • JSON Path: The text is too long. Please see the template.

    Custom on fail: Discard value

Jenkins: Computer [{#DISPLAY_NAME}]: Available swap space

Available swap space in bytes.

Dependent item[{#DISPLAY_NAME}]


  • JSON Path: The text is too long. Please see the template.

    Custom on fail: Discard value

Jenkins: Computer [{#DISPLAY_NAME}]: Total physical memory

Total physical memory of the system, in bytes.

Dependent item[{#DISPLAY_NAME}]


  • JSON Path: The text is too long. Please see the template.

    Custom on fail: Discard value

Jenkins: Computer [{#DISPLAY_NAME}]: Total swap space

Total number of swap space in bytes.

Dependent item[{#DISPLAY_NAME}]


  • JSON Path: The text is too long. Please see the template.

    Custom on fail: Discard value

Jenkins: Computer [{#DISPLAY_NAME}]: Clock difference

The clock difference between the master and nodes.

Dependent item[{#DISPLAY_NAME}]


  • JSON Path: $.monitorData['hudson.node_monitors.ClockMonitor'].diff

    Custom on fail: Discard value

  • Custom multiplier: 0.001

Trigger prototypes for Computers discovery

Name Description Expression Severity Dependencies and additional info
Jenkins: Computer [{#DISPLAY_NAME}]: Node is down

Node down with reason: {{ITEM.LASTVALUE2}.regsub("(.*)",\1)}

last(/Jenkins by HTTP/[{#DISPLAY_NAME}])=1 and length(last(/Jenkins by HTTP/[{#DISPLAY_NAME}]))>0 Average Depends on:
  • Jenkins: Service has no online nodes
  • Jenkins: Computer [{#DISPLAY_NAME}]: Node is temporarily offline
Jenkins: Computer [{#DISPLAY_NAME}]: Node is temporarily offline

Node is temporarily Offline with reason: {{ITEM.LASTVALUE2}.regsub("(.*)",\1)}

last(/Jenkins by HTTP/[{#DISPLAY_NAME}])=1 and length(last(/Jenkins by HTTP/[{#DISPLAY_NAME}]))>0 Info Manual close: Yes


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