yzl 93958d0fb0 zabbix6.0 2 years ago
.. zabbix6.0 2 years ago
template_db_mongodb_cluster.yaml zabbix6.0 2 years ago

MongoDB cluster by Zabbix agent 2


The template to monitor MongoDB sharded cluster by Zabbix that work without any external scripts. Most of the metrics are collected in one go, thanks to Zabbix bulk data collection.

MongoDB cluster by Zabbix agent 2 — collects metrics from mongos proxy(router) by polling zabbix-agent2.


Zabbix version: 7.0 and higher.

Tested versions

This template has been tested on:

  • MongoDB 4.0.21, 4.4.3


Zabbix should be configured according to the instructions in the Templates out of the box section.


  1. Setup and configure zabbix-agent2 compiled with the MongoDB monitoring plugin.
  2. Set the {$MONGODB.CONNSTRING} such as <protocol(host:port)> or named session of mongos proxy(router).
  3. Set the user name and password in host macros ({$MONGODB.USER}, {$MONGODB.PASSWORD}) if you want to override parameters from the Zabbix agent configuration file.

Note, depending on the number of DBs and collections discovery operation may be expensive. Use filters with macros {$MONGODB.LLD.FILTER.DB.MATCHES}, {$MONGODB.LLD.FILTER.DB.NOT_MATCHES}, {$MONGODB.LLD.FILTER.COLLECTION.MATCHES}, {$MONGODB.LLD.FILTER.COLLECTION.NOT_MATCHES}.

All sharded Mongodb nodes (mongod) will be discovered with attached template "MongoDB node by Zabbix agent 2".

Test availability: zabbix_get -s mongos.node -k '["{$MONGODB.CONNSTRING}","{$MONGODB.USER}","{$MONGODB.PASSWORD}"]"

Macros used

Name Description Default

Connection string in the URI format (password is not used). This param overwrites a value configured in the "Server" option of the configuration file (if it's set), otherwise, the plugin's default value is used: "tcp://localhost:27017"


MongoDB username


MongoDB user password


Minimum number of available connections


Filter of discoverable collections


Filter to exclude discovered collections


Filter of discoverable databases


Filter to exclude discovered databases


Maximum number of cursors timing out per second


Maximum number of open cursors



Name Description Type Key and additional info
MongoDB cluster: Get server status

The mongos statistic

Zabbix agent mongodb.server.status["{$MONGODB.CONNSTRING}","{$MONGODB.USER}","{$MONGODB.PASSWORD}"]
MongoDB cluster: Get mongodb.connpool.stats

Returns current info about connpool.stats.

Zabbix agent mongodb.connpool.stats["{$MONGODB.CONNSTRING}","{$MONGODB.USER}","{$MONGODB.PASSWORD}"]
MongoDB cluster: Ping

Test if a connection is alive or not.



  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 30m

MongoDB cluster: Jumbo chunks

Total number of 'jumbo' chunks in the mongo cluster.

Zabbix agent mongodb.jumbo_chunks.count["{$MONGODB.CONNSTRING}","{$MONGODB.USER}","{$MONGODB.PASSWORD}"]
MongoDB cluster: Mongos version

Version of the Mongos server

Dependent item mongodb.version


  • JSON Path: $.version

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 3h

MongoDB cluster: Uptime

Number of seconds since the Mongos server start.

Dependent item mongodb.uptime


  • JSON Path: $.uptime

MongoDB cluster: Operations: command

The number of commands issued to the database per second.

Counts all commands except the write commands: insert, update, and delete.

Dependent item mongodb.opcounters.command.rate


  • JSON Path: $.opcounters.command

  • Change per second
MongoDB cluster: Operations: delete

The number of delete operations the mongos instance per second.

Dependent item mongodb.opcounters.delete.rate


  • JSON Path: $.opcounters.delete

  • Change per second
MongoDB cluster: Operations: update, rate

The number of update operations the mongos instance per second.

Dependent item mongodb.opcounters.update.rate


  • JSON Path: $.opcounters.update

  • Change per second
MongoDB cluster: Operations: query, rate

The number of queries received the mongos instance per second.

Dependent item mongodb.opcounters.query.rate


  • JSON Path: $.opcounters.query

  • Change per second
MongoDB cluster: Operations: insert, rate

The number of insert operations received the mongos instance per second.

Dependent item mongodb.opcounters.insert.rate


  • JSON Path: $.opcounters.insert

  • Change per second
MongoDB cluster: Operations: getmore, rate

The number of "getmore" operations the mongos per second. This counter can be high even if the query count is low.

Secondary nodes send getMore operations as part of the replication process.

Dependent item mongodb.opcounters.getmore.rate


  • JSON Path: $.opcounters.getmore

  • Change per second
MongoDB cluster: Last seen configserver

The latest optime of the CSRS primary that the mongos has seen.

Dependent item mongodb.last_seen_config_server


  • JSON Path: $.sharding.lastSeenConfigServerOpTime.ts.T

MongoDB cluster: Configserver heartbeat

Difference between the latest optime of the CSRS primary that the mongos has seen and cluster time.

Dependent item mongodb.config_server_heartbeat


  • JavaScript: The text is too long. Please see the template.

MongoDB cluster: Bytes in, rate

The total number of bytes that the server has received over network connections initiated by clients or other mongod/mongos instances per second.

Dependent item


  • JSON Path: $.network.bytesIn

  • Change per second
MongoDB cluster: Bytes out, rate

The total number of bytes that the server has sent over network connections initiated by clients or other mongod/mongos instances per second.

Dependent item


  • JSON Path: $.network.bytesOut

  • Change per second
MongoDB cluster: Requests, rate

Number of distinct requests that the server has received per second.

Dependent item


  • JSON Path: $.network.numRequests

  • Change per second
MongoDB cluster: Connections, current

The number of incoming connections from clients to the database server.

This number includes the current shell session.

Dependent item mongodb.connections.current


  • JSON Path: $.connections.current

MongoDB cluster: New connections, rate

"Rate of all incoming connections created to the server."

Dependent item mongodb.connections.rate


  • JSON Path: $.connections.totalCreated

  • Change per second
MongoDB cluster: Connections, active

The number of active client connections to the server.

Active client connections refers to client connections that currently have operations in progress.

Available starting in 4.0.7, 0 for older versions.

Dependent item


  • JSON Path: $

    Custom on fail: Set value to: 0

MongoDB cluster: Connections, available

"The number of unused incoming connections available."

Dependent item mongodb.connections.available


  • JSON Path: $.connections.available

MongoDB cluster: Connection pool: client connections

The number of active and stored outgoing synchronous connections from the current mongos instance to other members of the sharded cluster.

Dependent item mongodb.connection_pool.client


  • JSON Path: $.numClientConnections

MongoDB cluster: Connection pool: scoped

Number of active and stored outgoing scoped synchronous connections from the current mongos instance to other members of the sharded cluster.

Dependent item mongodb.connection_pool.scoped


  • JSON Path: $.numAScopedConnections

MongoDB cluster: Connection pool: created, rate

The total number of outgoing connections created per second by the current mongos instance to other members of the sharded cluster.

Dependent item mongodb.connection_pool.created.rate


  • JSON Path: $.totalCreated

  • Change per second
MongoDB cluster: Connection pool: available

The total number of available outgoing connections from the current mongos instance to other members of the sharded cluster.

Dependent item mongodb.connection_pool.available


  • JSON Path: $.totalAvailable

MongoDB cluster: Connection pool: in use

Reports the total number of outgoing connections from the current mongos instance to other members of the sharded cluster set that are currently in use.

Dependent item mongodb.connection_pool.in_use


  • JSON Path: $.totalInUse

MongoDB cluster: Connection pool: refreshing

Reports the total number of outgoing connections from the current mongos instance to other members of the sharded cluster that are currently being refreshed.

Dependent item mongodb.connection_pool.refreshing


  • JSON Path: $.totalRefreshing

MongoDB cluster: Cursor: open no timeout

Number of open cursors with the option DBQuery.Option.noTimeout set to prevent timeout after a period of inactivity.

Dependent item


  • JSON Path: $

    Custom on fail: Discard value

MongoDB cluster: Cursor: open pinned

Number of pinned open cursors.

Dependent item


  • JSON Path: $

MongoDB cluster: Cursor: open total

Number of cursors that MongoDB is maintaining for clients.

Dependent item


  • JSON Path: $

MongoDB cluster: Cursor: timed out, rate

Number of cursors that time out, per second.

Dependent item mongodb.cursor.timed_out.rate


  • JSON Path: $.metrics.cursor.timedOut

  • Change per second
MongoDB cluster: Architecture

A number, either 64 or 32, that indicates whether the MongoDB instance is compiled for 64-bit or 32-bit architecture.

Dependent item mongodb.mem.bits


  • JSON Path: $.mem.bits

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 3h

MongoDB cluster: Memory: resident

Amount of memory currently used by the database process.

Dependent item mongodb.mem.resident


  • JSON Path: $.mem.resident

  • Custom multiplier: 1048576

MongoDB cluster: Memory: virtual

Amount of virtual memory used by the mongos process.

Dependent item mongodb.mem.virtual


  • JSON Path: $.mem.virtual

  • Custom multiplier: 1048576


Name Description Expression Severity Dependencies and additional info
MongoDB cluster: Connection to mongos proxy is unavailable

Connection to mongos proxy instance is currently unavailable.

last(/MongoDB cluster by Zabbix agent 2/["{$MONGODB.CONNSTRING}","{$MONGODB.USER}","{$MONGODB.PASSWORD}"])=0 High
MongoDB cluster: Version has changed

MongoDB cluster version has changed. Acknowledge to close the problem manually.

last(/MongoDB cluster by Zabbix agent 2/mongodb.version,#1)<>last(/MongoDB cluster by Zabbix agent 2/mongodb.version,#2) and length(last(/MongoDB cluster by Zabbix agent 2/mongodb.version))>0 Info Manual close: Yes
MongoDB cluster: Mongos server has been restarted

Uptime is less than 10 minutes.

last(/MongoDB cluster by Zabbix agent 2/mongodb.uptime)<10m Info Manual close: Yes
MongoDB cluster: Failed to fetch info data

Zabbix has not received data for items for the last 10 minutes

nodata(/MongoDB cluster by Zabbix agent 2/mongodb.uptime,10m)=1 Warning Manual close: Yes
Depends on:
  • MongoDB cluster: Connection to mongos proxy is unavailable
MongoDB cluster: Available connections is low

Too few available connections.
Consider this value in combination with the value of connections current to understand the connection load on the database.

max(/MongoDB cluster by Zabbix agent 2/mongodb.connections.available,5m)<{$MONGODB.CONNS.AVAILABLE.MIN.WARN} Warning
MongoDB cluster: Too many cursors opened by MongoDB for clients min(/MongoDB cluster by Zabbix agent 2/,5m)>{$MONGODB.CURSOR.OPEN.MAX.WARN} Warning
MongoDB cluster: Too many cursors are timing out min(/MongoDB cluster by Zabbix agent 2/mongodb.cursor.timed_out.rate,5m)>{$MONGODB.CURSOR.TIMEOUT.MAX.WARN} Warning

LLD rule Database discovery

Name Description Type Key and additional info
Database discovery

Collect database metrics.

Note, depending on the number of DBs this discovery operation may be expensive. Use filters with macros {$MONGODB.LLD.FILTER.DB.MATCHES}, {$MONGODB.LLD.FILTER.DB.NOT_MATCHES}.

Zabbix agent mongodb.db.discovery["{$MONGODB.CONNSTRING}","{$MONGODB.USER}","{$MONGODB.PASSWORD}"]

Item prototypes for Database discovery

Name Description Type Key and additional info
MongoDB {#DBNAME}: Get db stats {#DBNAME}

Returns statistics reflecting the database system's state.

Zabbix agent mongodb.db.stats["{$MONGODB.CONNSTRING}","{$MONGODB.USER}","{$MONGODB.PASSWORD}","{#DBNAME}"]
MongoDB {#DBNAME}: Objects, avg size

The average size of each document in bytes.

Dependent item mongodb.db.size["{#DBNAME}"]


  • JSON Path: $.avgObjSize

MongoDB {#DBNAME}: Size, data

Total size of the data held in this database including the padding factor.

Dependent item mongodb.db.data_size["{#DBNAME}"]


  • JSON Path: $.dataSize

MongoDB {#DBNAME}: Size, file

Total size of the data held in this database including the padding factor (only available with the mmapv1 storage engine).

Dependent item mongodb.db.file_size["{#DBNAME}"]


  • JSON Path: $.fileSize

    Custom on fail: Discard value

MongoDB {#DBNAME}: Size, index

Total size of all indexes created on this database.

Dependent item mongodb.db.index_size["{#DBNAME}"]


  • JSON Path: $.indexSize

MongoDB {#DBNAME}: Size, storage

Total amount of space allocated to collections in this database for document storage.

Dependent item mongodb.db.storage_size["{#DBNAME}"]


  • JSON Path: $.storageSize

MongoDB {#DBNAME}: Objects, count

Number of objects (documents) in the database across all collections.

Dependent item mongodb.db.objects["{#DBNAME}"]


  • JSON Path: $.objects

MongoDB {#DBNAME}: Extents

Contains a count of the number of extents in the database across all collections.

Dependent item mongodb.db.extents["{#DBNAME}"]


  • JSON Path: $.numExtents

    Custom on fail: Discard value

LLD rule Collection discovery

Name Description Type Key and additional info
Collection discovery

Collect collections metrics.

Note, depending on the number of DBs and collections this discovery operation may be expensive. Use filters with macros {$MONGODB.LLD.FILTER.DB.MATCHES}, {$MONGODB.LLD.FILTER.DB.NOT_MATCHES}, {$MONGODB.LLD.FILTER.COLLECTION.MATCHES}, {$MONGODB.LLD.FILTER.COLLECTION.NOT_MATCHES}.

Zabbix agent mongodb.collections.discovery["{$MONGODB.CONNSTRING}","{$MONGODB.USER}","{$MONGODB.PASSWORD}"]

Item prototypes for Collection discovery

Name Description Type Key and additional info
MongoDB {#DBNAME}.{#COLLECTION}: Get collection stats {#DBNAME}.{#COLLECTION}

Returns a variety of storage statistics for a given collection.

Zabbix agent mongodb.collection.stats["{$MONGODB.CONNSTRING}","{$MONGODB.USER}","{$MONGODB.PASSWORD}","{#DBNAME}","{#COLLECTION}"]

The total size in bytes of the data in the collection plus the size of every indexes on the mongodb.collection.

Dependent item mongodb.collection.size["{#DBNAME}","{#COLLECTION}"]


  • JSON Path: $.size

MongoDB {#DBNAME}.{#COLLECTION}: Objects, avg size

The size of the average object in the collection in bytes.

Dependent item mongodb.collection.avg_obj_size["{#DBNAME}","{#COLLECTION}"]


  • JSON Path: $.avgObjSize

    Custom on fail: Discard value

MongoDB {#DBNAME}.{#COLLECTION}: Objects, count

Total number of objects in the collection.

Dependent item mongodb.collection.count["{#DBNAME}","{#COLLECTION}"]


  • JSON Path: $.count

MongoDB {#DBNAME}.{#COLLECTION}: Capped, max number

Maximum number of documents in a capped collection.

Dependent item mongodb.collection.max["{#DBNAME}","{#COLLECTION}"]


  • JSON Path: $.max

    Custom on fail: Discard value

MongoDB {#DBNAME}.{#COLLECTION}: Capped, max size

Maximum size of a capped collection in bytes.

Dependent item mongodb.collection.max_size["{#DBNAME}","{#COLLECTION}"]


  • JSON Path: $.maxSize

    Custom on fail: Discard value

MongoDB {#DBNAME}.{#COLLECTION}: Storage size

Total storage space allocated to this collection for document storage.

Dependent item mongodb.collection.storage_size["{#DBNAME}","{#COLLECTION}"]


  • JSON Path: $.storageSize

MongoDB {#DBNAME}.{#COLLECTION}: Indexes

Total number of indices on the collection.

Dependent item mongodb.collection.nindexes["{#DBNAME}","{#COLLECTION}"]


  • JSON Path: $.nindexes


Whether or not the collection is capped.

Dependent item mongodb.collection.capped["{#DBNAME}","{#COLLECTION}"]


  • JSON Path: $.capped

  • Boolean to decimal
  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 3h

LLD rule Shards discovery

Name Description Type Key and additional info
Shards discovery

Discovery shared cluster hosts.


LLD rule Config servers discovery

Name Description Type Key and additional info
Config servers discovery

Discovery shared cluster config servers.

Zabbix agent mongodb.cfg.discovery["{$MONGODB.CONNSTRING}","{$MONGODB.USER}","{$MONGODB.PASSWORD}"]


Please report any issues with the template at

You can also provide feedback, discuss the template, or ask for help at ZABBIX forums