1 year ago | |
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README.md | 1 year ago | |
template_app_ceph_agent2.yaml | 1 year ago |
Ceph by Zabbix agent 2
The template to monitor Ceph cluster by Zabbix that work without any external scripts. Most of the metrics are collected in one go, thanks to Zabbix bulk data collection.
Template Ceph by Zabbix agent 2
— collects metrics by polling zabbix-agent2.
Zabbix version: 7.0 and higher.
Tested versions
This template has been tested on:
- Ceph 14.2
Zabbix should be configured according to the instructions in the Templates out of the box section.
- Setup and configure zabbix-agent2 compiled with the Ceph monitoring plugin.
- Set the {$CEPH.CONNSTRING} such as <protocol(host:port)> or named session.
- Set the user name and password in host macros ({$CEPH.USER}, {$CEPH.API.KEY}) if you want to override parameters from the Zabbix agent configuration file.
Test availability: zabbix_get -s ceph-host -k ceph.ping["{$CEPH.CONNSTRING}","{$CEPH.USER}","{$CEPH.API.KEY}"]
Macros used
Name | Description | Default |
{$CEPH.USER} | zabbix |
{$CEPH.API.KEY} | zabbix_pass |
{$CEPH.CONNSTRING} | https://localhost:8003 |
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Ceph: Get overall cluster status | Zabbix agent | ceph.status["{$CEPH.CONNSTRING}","{$CEPH.USER}","{$CEPH.API.KEY}"] | |
Ceph: Get OSD stats | Zabbix agent | ceph.osd.stats["{$CEPH.CONNSTRING}","{$CEPH.USER}","{$CEPH.API.KEY}"] | |
Ceph: Get OSD dump | Zabbix agent | ceph.osd.dump["{$CEPH.CONNSTRING}","{$CEPH.USER}","{$CEPH.API.KEY}"] | |
Ceph: Get df | Zabbix agent | ceph.df.details["{$CEPH.CONNSTRING}","{$CEPH.USER}","{$CEPH.API.KEY}"] | |
Ceph: Ping | Zabbix agent | ceph.ping["{$CEPH.CONNSTRING}","{$CEPH.USER}","{$CEPH.API.KEY}"] Preprocessing
Ceph: Number of Monitors | The number of Monitors configured in a Ceph cluster. |
Dependent item | ceph.num_mon Preprocessing
Ceph: Overall cluster status | The overall Ceph cluster status, eg 0 - HEALTH_OK, 1 - HEALTH_WARN or 2 - HEALTH_ERR. |
Dependent item | ceph.overall_status Preprocessing
Ceph: Minimum Mon release version | min_mon_release_name |
Dependent item | ceph.min_mon_release_name Preprocessing
Ceph: Ceph Read bandwidth | The global read bytes per second. |
Dependent item | ceph.rd_bytes.rate Preprocessing
Ceph: Ceph Write bandwidth | The global write bytes per second. |
Dependent item | ceph.wr_bytes.rate Preprocessing
Ceph: Ceph Read operations per sec | The global read operations per second. |
Dependent item | ceph.rd_ops.rate Preprocessing
Ceph: Ceph Write operations per sec | The global write operations per second. |
Dependent item | ceph.wr_ops.rate Preprocessing
Ceph: Total bytes available | The total bytes available in a Ceph cluster. |
Dependent item | ceph.total_avail_bytes Preprocessing
Ceph: Total bytes | The total (RAW) capacity of a Ceph cluster in bytes. |
Dependent item | ceph.total_bytes Preprocessing
Ceph: Total bytes used | The total bytes used in a Ceph cluster. |
Dependent item | ceph.total_used_bytes Preprocessing
Ceph: Total number of objects | The total number of objects in a Ceph cluster. |
Dependent item | ceph.total_objects Preprocessing
Ceph: Number of Placement Groups | The total number of Placement Groups in a Ceph cluster. |
Dependent item | ceph.num_pg Preprocessing
Ceph: Number of Placement Groups in Temporary state | The total number of Placement Groups in a pg_temp state |
Dependent item | ceph.num_pg_temp Preprocessing
Ceph: Number of Placement Groups in Active state | The total number of Placement Groups in an active state. |
Dependent item | ceph.pg_states.active Preprocessing
Ceph: Number of Placement Groups in Clean state | The total number of Placement Groups in a clean state. |
Dependent item | ceph.pg_states.clean Preprocessing
Ceph: Number of Placement Groups in Peering state | The total number of Placement Groups in a peering state. |
Dependent item | ceph.pg_states.peering Preprocessing
Ceph: Number of Placement Groups in Scrubbing state | The total number of Placement Groups in a scrubbing state. |
Dependent item | ceph.pg_states.scrubbing Preprocessing
Ceph: Number of Placement Groups in Undersized state | The total number of Placement Groups in an undersized state. |
Dependent item | ceph.pg_states.undersized Preprocessing
Ceph: Number of Placement Groups in Backfilling state | The total number of Placement Groups in a backfill state. |
Dependent item | ceph.pg_states.backfilling Preprocessing
Ceph: Number of Placement Groups in degraded state | The total number of Placement Groups in a degraded state. |
Dependent item | ceph.pg_states.degraded Preprocessing
Ceph: Number of Placement Groups in inconsistent state | The total number of Placement Groups in an inconsistent state. |
Dependent item | ceph.pg_states.inconsistent Preprocessing
Ceph: Number of Placement Groups in Unknown state | The total number of Placement Groups in an unknown state. |
Dependent item | ceph.pg_states.unknown Preprocessing
Ceph: Number of Placement Groups in remapped state | The total number of Placement Groups in a remapped state. |
Dependent item | ceph.pg_states.remapped Preprocessing
Ceph: Number of Placement Groups in recovering state | The total number of Placement Groups in a recovering state. |
Dependent item | ceph.pg_states.recovering Preprocessing
Ceph: Number of Placement Groups in backfill_toofull state | The total number of Placement Groups in a backfill_toofull state. |
Dependent item | ceph.pg_states.backfill_toofull Preprocessing
Ceph: Number of Placement Groups in backfill_wait state | The total number of Placement Groups in a backfill_wait state. |
Dependent item | ceph.pg_states.backfill_wait Preprocessing
Ceph: Number of Placement Groups in recovery_wait state | The total number of Placement Groups in a recovery_wait state. |
Dependent item | ceph.pg_states.recovery_wait Preprocessing
Ceph: Number of Pools | The total number of pools in a Ceph cluster. |
Dependent item | ceph.num_pools Preprocessing
Ceph: Number of OSDs | The number of the known storage daemons in a Ceph cluster. |
Dependent item | ceph.num_osd Preprocessing
Ceph: Number of OSDs in state: UP | The total number of the online storage daemons in a Ceph cluster. |
Dependent item | ceph.num_osd_up Preprocessing
Ceph: Number of OSDs in state: IN | The total number of the participating storage daemons in a Ceph cluster. |
Dependent item | ceph.num_osd_in Preprocessing
Ceph: Ceph OSD avg fill | The average fill of OSDs. |
Dependent item | ceph.osd_fill.avg Preprocessing
Ceph: Ceph OSD max fill | The percentage of the most filled OSD. |
Dependent item | ceph.osd_fill.max Preprocessing
Ceph: Ceph OSD min fill | The percentage fill of the minimum filled OSD. |
Dependent item | ceph.osd_fill.min Preprocessing
Ceph: Ceph OSD max PGs | The maximum amount of Placement Groups on OSDs. |
Dependent item | ceph.osd_pgs.max Preprocessing
Ceph: Ceph OSD min PGs | The minimum amount of Placement Groups on OSDs. |
Dependent item | ceph.osd_pgs.min Preprocessing
Ceph: Ceph OSD avg PGs | The average amount of Placement Groups on OSDs. |
Dependent item | ceph.osd_pgs.avg Preprocessing
Ceph: Ceph OSD Apply latency Avg | The average apply latency of OSDs. |
Dependent item | ceph.osd_latency_apply.avg Preprocessing
Ceph: Ceph OSD Apply latency Max | The maximum apply latency of OSDs. |
Dependent item | ceph.osd_latency_apply.max Preprocessing
Ceph: Ceph OSD Apply latency Min | The minimum apply latency of OSDs. |
Dependent item | ceph.osd_latency_apply.min Preprocessing
Ceph: Ceph OSD Commit latency Avg | The average commit latency of OSDs. |
Dependent item | ceph.osd_latency_commit.avg Preprocessing
Ceph: Ceph OSD Commit latency Max | The maximum commit latency of OSDs. |
Dependent item | ceph.osd_latency_commit.max Preprocessing
Ceph: Ceph OSD Commit latency Min | The minimum commit latency of OSDs. |
Dependent item | ceph.osd_latency_commit.min Preprocessing
Ceph: Ceph backfill full ratio | The backfill full ratio setting of the Ceph cluster as configured on OSDMap. |
Dependent item | ceph.osd_backfillfull_ratio Preprocessing
Ceph: Ceph full ratio | The full ratio setting of the Ceph cluster as configured on OSDMap. |
Dependent item | ceph.osd_full_ratio Preprocessing
Ceph: Ceph nearfull ratio | The near full ratio setting of the Ceph cluster as configured on OSDMap. |
Dependent item | ceph.osd_nearfull_ratio Preprocessing
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
Ceph: Can not connect to cluster | The connection to the Ceph RESTful module is broken (if there is any error presented including AUTH and the configuration issues). |
last(/Ceph by Zabbix agent 2/ceph.ping["{$CEPH.CONNSTRING}","{$CEPH.USER}","{$CEPH.API.KEY}"])=0 |
Average | |
Ceph: Cluster in ERROR state | last(/Ceph by Zabbix agent 2/ceph.overall_status)=2 |
Average | Manual close: Yes | |
Ceph: Cluster in WARNING state | last(/Ceph by Zabbix agent 2/ceph.overall_status)=1 |
Warning | Manual close: Yes Depends on:
Ceph: Minimum monitor release version has changed | A Ceph version has changed. Acknowledge to close the problem manually. |
last(/Ceph by Zabbix agent 2/ceph.min_mon_release_name,#1)<>last(/Ceph by Zabbix agent 2/ceph.min_mon_release_name,#2) and length(last(/Ceph by Zabbix agent 2/ceph.min_mon_release_name))>0 |
Info | Manual close: Yes |
LLD rule OSD
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
OSD | Zabbix agent | ceph.osd.discovery["{$CEPH.CONNSTRING}","{$CEPH.USER}","{$CEPH.API.KEY}"] |
Item prototypes for OSD
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Ceph: [osd.{#OSDNAME}] OSD in | Dependent item | ceph.osd[{#OSDNAME},in] Preprocessing
Ceph: [osd.{#OSDNAME}] OSD up | Dependent item | ceph.osd[{#OSDNAME},up] Preprocessing
Ceph: [osd.{#OSDNAME}] OSD PGs | Dependent item | ceph.osd[{#OSDNAME},num_pgs] Preprocessing
Ceph: [osd.{#OSDNAME}] OSD fill | Dependent item | ceph.osd[{#OSDNAME},fill] Preprocessing
Ceph: [osd.{#OSDNAME}] OSD latency apply | The time taken to flush an update to disks. |
Dependent item | ceph.osd[{#OSDNAME},latency_apply] Preprocessing
Ceph: [osd.{#OSDNAME}] OSD latency commit | The time taken to commit an operation to the journal. |
Dependent item | ceph.osd[{#OSDNAME},latency_commit] Preprocessing
Trigger prototypes for OSD
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
Ceph: OSD osd.{#OSDNAME} is down | OSD osd.{#OSDNAME} is marked "down" in the osdmap. |
last(/Ceph by Zabbix agent 2/ceph.osd[{#OSDNAME},up]) = 0 |
Average | |
Ceph: OSD osd.{#OSDNAME} is full | min(/Ceph by Zabbix agent 2/ceph.osd[{#OSDNAME},fill],15m) > last(/Ceph by Zabbix agent 2/ceph.osd_full_ratio)*100 |
Average | ||
Ceph: Ceph OSD osd.{#OSDNAME} is near full | min(/Ceph by Zabbix agent 2/ceph.osd[{#OSDNAME},fill],15m) > last(/Ceph by Zabbix agent 2/ceph.osd_nearfull_ratio)*100 |
Warning | Depends on:
LLD rule Pool
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Pool | Zabbix agent | ceph.pool.discovery["{$CEPH.CONNSTRING}","{$CEPH.USER}","{$CEPH.API.KEY}"] |
Item prototypes for Pool
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Ceph: [{#POOLNAME}] Pool Used | The total bytes used in a pool. |
Dependent item | ceph.pool["{#POOLNAME}",bytes_used] Preprocessing
Ceph: [{#POOLNAME}] Max available | The maximum available space in the given pool. |
Dependent item | ceph.pool["{#POOLNAME}",max_avail] Preprocessing
Ceph: [{#POOLNAME}] Pool RAW Used | Bytes used in pool including the copies made. |
Dependent item | ceph.pool["{#POOLNAME}",stored_raw] Preprocessing
Ceph: [{#POOLNAME}] Pool Percent Used | The percentage of the storage used per pool. |
Dependent item | ceph.pool["{#POOLNAME}",percent_used] Preprocessing
Ceph: [{#POOLNAME}] Pool objects | The number of objects in the pool. |
Dependent item | ceph.pool["{#POOLNAME}",objects] Preprocessing
Ceph: [{#POOLNAME}] Pool Read bandwidth | The read rate per pool (bytes per second). |
Dependent item | ceph.pool["{#POOLNAME}",rd_bytes.rate] Preprocessing
Ceph: [{#POOLNAME}] Pool Write bandwidth | The write rate per pool (bytes per second). |
Dependent item | ceph.pool["{#POOLNAME}",wr_bytes.rate] Preprocessing
Ceph: [{#POOLNAME}] Pool Read operations | The read rate per pool (operations per second). |
Dependent item | ceph.pool["{#POOLNAME}",rd_ops.rate] Preprocessing
Ceph: [{#POOLNAME}] Pool Write operations | The write rate per pool (operations per second). |
Dependent item | ceph.pool["{#POOLNAME}",wr_ops.rate] Preprocessing
Please report any issues with the template at https://support.zabbix.com
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