yzl 93958d0fb0 zabbix6.0 2 years ago
.. zabbix6.0 2 years ago
template_cloud_aws_s3_http.yaml zabbix6.0 2 years ago

AWS S3 bucket by HTTP


The template to monitor AWS S3 bucket by HTTP via Zabbix that works without any external scripts.
Most of the metrics are collected in one go, thanks to Zabbix bulk data collection. NOTE This template uses the GetMetricData CloudWatch API calls to list and retrieve metrics. For more information, please refer to the (CloudWatch pricing)[] page.

Additional information about metrics and used API methods:


Zabbix version: 7.0 and higher.

Tested versions

This template has been tested on:

  • AWS S3 bucket by HTTP


Zabbix should be configured according to the instructions in the Templates out of the box section.


The template gets AWS S3 metrics and uses the script item to make HTTP requests to the CloudWatch API.

Before using the template, you need to create an IAM policy for the Zabbix role in your AWS account with the necessary permissions.

Add the following required permissions to your Zabbix IAM policy in order to collect Amazon S3 metrics.


To gather Request metrics, enable Requests metrics on your Amazon S3 buckets from the AWS console.


For more information about manage access keys, see official documentation

Also, see the Macros section for a list of macros used for LLD filters.

Additional information about metrics and used API methods:

Macros used

Name Description Default

Sets HTTP proxy value. If this macro is empty then no proxy is used.


Access key ID.


Secret access key.


Amazon S3 Region code.


S3 bucket requests filter identifier.


S3 bucket name.


Filter of discoverable alarms by name.


Filter to exclude discovered alarms by name.



Name Description Type Key and additional info
AWS S3: Get metrics data

Get bucket metrics.

Full metrics list related to S3:

Script aws.s3.get_metrics


  • Check for not supported value

    Custom on fail: Discard value

AWS S3: Get alarms data

Get alarms data.

DescribeAlarms API method:

Script aws.s3.get_alarms


  • Check for not supported value

    Custom on fail: Discard value

AWS S3: Get metrics check

Data collection check.

Dependent item aws.s3.metrics.check


  • JSON Path: $.error

    Custom on fail: Set value to

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 3h

AWS S3: Get alarms check

Data collection check.

Dependent item aws.s3.alarms.check


  • JSON Path: $.error

    Custom on fail: Set value to

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 3h

AWS S3: Bucket Size

This a daily metric for the bucket.

The amount of data in bytes stored in a bucket in the STANDARD storage class, INTELLIGENT_TIERING storage class, Standard-Infrequent Access (STANDARD_IA) storage class, OneZone-Infrequent Access (ONEZONE_IA), Reduced Redundancy Storage (RRS) class, S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval storage class, Deep Archive Storage (S3 Glacier Deep Archive) class or, S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval (GLACIER) storage class. This value is calculated by summing the size of all objects and metadata in the bucket (both current and noncurrent objects), including the size of all parts for all incomplete multipart uploads to the bucket.

Dependent item aws.s3.bucket_size_bytes


  • JSON Path: $.[?(@.Label == "BucketSizeBytes")].Values.first().first()

    Custom on fail: Discard value

AWS S3: Number of objects

This a daily metric for the bucket.

The total number of objects stored in a bucket for all storage classes.

This value is calculated by counting all objects in the bucket (both current and noncurrent objects) and the total number of parts for all incomplete multipart uploads to the bucket.

Dependent item aws.s3.number_of_objects


  • JSON Path: $.[?(@.Label == "NumberOfObjects")].Values.first().first()

    Custom on fail: Discard value

AWS S3: Requests: All

The total number of HTTP requests made to an Amazon S3 bucket, regardless of type.

If you're using a metrics configuration with a filter, then this metric only returns the HTTP requests that meet the filter's requirements.

Dependent item aws.s3.all_requests


  • JSON Path: $.[?(@.Label == "AllRequests")].Values.first().first()

    Custom on fail: Discard value

AWS S3: Requests: Get

The number of HTTP GET requests made for objects in an Amazon S3 bucket. This doesn't include list operations.

Paginated list-oriented requests, like List Multipart Uploads, List Parts, Get Bucket Object versions, and others, are not included in this metric.

Dependent item aws.s3.get_requests


  • JSON Path: $.[?(@.Label == "GetRequests")].Values.first().first()

    Custom on fail: Discard value

AWS S3: Requests: Put

The number of HTTP PUT requests made for objects in an Amazon S3 bucket.

Dependent item aws.s3.put_requests


  • JSON Path: $.[?(@.Label == "PutRequests")].Values.first().first()

    Custom on fail: Discard value

AWS S3: Requests: Delete

The number of HTTP DELETE requests made for objects in an Amazon S3 bucket.

This also includes Delete Multiple Objects requests. This metric shows the number of requests, not the number of objects deleted.

Dependent item aws.s3.delete_requests


  • JSON Path: $.[?(@.Label == "DeleteRequests")].Values.first().first()

    Custom on fail: Discard value

AWS S3: Requests: Head

The number of HTTP HEAD requests made to an Amazon S3 bucket.

Dependent item aws.s3.head_requests


  • JSON Path: $.[?(@.Label == "HeadRequests")].Values.first().first()

    Custom on fail: Discard value

AWS S3: Requests: Post

The number of HTTP POST requests made to an Amazon S3 bucket.

Delete Multiple Objects and SELECT Object Content requests are not included in this metric.

Dependent item aws.s3.post_requests


  • JSON Path: $.[?(@.Label == "PostRequests")].Values.first().first()

    Custom on fail: Discard value

AWS S3: Requests: Select

The number of Amazon S3 SELECT Object Content requests made for objects in an Amazon S3 bucket.

Dependent item aws.s3.select_requests


  • JSON Path: $.[?(@.Label == "SelectRequests")].Values.first().first()

    Custom on fail: Discard value

AWS S3: Requests: Select, bytes scanned

The number of bytes of data scanned with Amazon S3 SELECT Object Content requests in an Amazon S3 bucket.

Statistic: Average (bytes per request).

Dependent item aws.s3.select_bytes_scanned


  • JSON Path: The text is too long. Please see the template.

    Custom on fail: Discard value

AWS S3: Requests: Select, bytes returned

The number of bytes of data returned with Amazon S3 SELECT Object Content requests in an Amazon S3 buckets.

Statistic: Average (bytes per request).

Dependent item aws.s3.select_bytes_returned


  • JSON Path: The text is too long. Please see the template.

    Custom on fail: Discard value

AWS S3: Requests: List

The number of HTTP requests that list the contents of a bucket.

Dependent item aws.s3.list_requests


  • JSON Path: $.[?(@.Label == "ListRequests")].Values.first().first()

    Custom on fail: Discard value

AWS S3: Requests: Bytes downloaded

The number of bytes downloaded for requests made to an Amazon S3 bucket, where the response includes a body.

Statistic: Average (bytes per request).

Dependent item aws.s3.bytes_downloaded


  • JSON Path: $.[?(@.Label == "BytesDownloaded")].Values.first().first()

    Custom on fail: Discard value

AWS S3: Requests: Bytes uploaded

The number of bytes uploaded that contain a request body, made to an Amazon S3 bucket.

Statistic: Average (bytes per request).

Dependent item aws.s3.bytes_uploaded


  • JSON Path: $.[?(@.Label == "BytesUploaded")].Values.first().first()

    Custom on fail: Discard value

AWS S3: Requests: Errors, 4xx

The number of HTTP 4xx client error status code requests made to an Amazon S3 bucket with a value of either 0 or 1.

The average statistic shows the error rate, and the sum statistic shows the count of that type of error, during each period.

Statistic: Average (reports per request).

Dependent item aws.s3.4xx_errors


  • JSON Path: $.[?(@.Label == "4xxErrors")].Values.first().first()

    Custom on fail: Discard value

AWS S3: Requests: Errors, 5xx

The number of HTTP 5xx server error status code requests made to an Amazon S3 bucket with a value of either 0 or 1.

The average statistic shows the error rate, and the sum statistic shows the count of that type of error, during each period.

Statistic: Average (reports per request).

Dependent item aws.s3.5xx_errors


  • JSON Path: $.[?(@.Label == "5xxErrors")].Values.first().first()

    Custom on fail: Discard value

AWS S3: First byte latency, avg

The per-request time from the complete request being received by an Amazon S3 bucket to when the response starts to be returned.

Statistic: Average.

Dependent item aws.s3.first_byte_latency.avg


  • JSON Path: $.[?(@.Label == "FirstByteLatency")].Values.first().first()

    Custom on fail: Discard value

AWS S3: First byte latency, p90

The per-request time from the complete request being received by an Amazon S3 bucket to when the response starts to be returned.

Statistic: 90 percentile.

Dependent item aws.s3.first_byte_latency.p90


  • JSON Path: $.[?(@.Label == "FirstByteLatency")].Values.first().first()

    Custom on fail: Discard value

AWS S3: Total request latency, avg

The elapsed per-request time from the first byte received to the last byte sent to an Amazon S3 bucket.

This includes the time taken to receive the request body and send the response body, which is not included in FirstByteLatency.

Statistic: Average.

Dependent item aws.s3.total_request_latency.avg


  • JSON Path: The text is too long. Please see the template.

    Custom on fail: Discard value

AWS S3: Total request latency, p90

The elapsed per-request time from the first byte received to the last byte sent to an Amazon S3 bucket.

This includes the time taken to receive the request body and send the response body, which is not included in FirstByteLatency.

Statistic: 90 percentile.

Dependent item aws.s3.total_request_latency.p90


  • JSON Path: The text is too long. Please see the template.

    Custom on fail: Discard value

AWS S3: Replication: Latency

The maximum number of seconds by which the replication destination Region is behind the source Region for a given replication rule.

Dependent item aws.s3.replication_latency


  • JSON Path: The text is too long. Please see the template.

    Custom on fail: Discard value

AWS S3: Replication: Bytes pending

The total number of bytes of objects pending replication for a given replication rule.

Dependent item aws.s3.bytes_pending_replication


  • JSON Path: The text is too long. Please see the template.

    Custom on fail: Discard value

AWS S3: Replication: Operations pending

The number of operations pending replication for a given replication rule.

Dependent item aws.s3.operations_pending_replication


  • JSON Path: The text is too long. Please see the template.

    Custom on fail: Discard value


Name Description Expression Severity Dependencies and additional info
AWS S3: Failed to get metrics data length(last(/AWS S3 bucket by HTTP/aws.s3.metrics.check))>0 Warning
AWS S3: Failed to get alarms data length(last(/AWS S3 bucket by HTTP/aws.s3.alarms.check))>0 Warning

LLD rule Bucket Alarms discovery

Name Description Type Key and additional info
Bucket Alarms discovery

Discovery bucket alarms.

Dependent item aws.s3.alarms.discovery


  • JavaScript: The text is too long. Please see the template.

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 3h

Item prototypes for Bucket Alarms discovery

Name Description Type Key and additional info
AWS S3 Alarms: ["{#ALARM_NAME}"]: State reason

An explanation for the alarm state, in text format.

Alarm description:


Dependent item aws.s3.alarm.state_reason["{#ALARM_NAME}"]


  • JSON Path: $.[?(@.AlarmName == "{#ALARM_NAME}")].StateReason.first()

    Custom on fail: Discard value

  • Discard unchanged with heartbeat: 3h

AWS S3 Alarms: ["{#ALARM_NAME}"]: State

The state value for the alarm. Possible values: 0 (OK), 1 (INSUFFICIENT_DATA), 2 (ALARM).

Alarm description:


Dependent item aws.s3.alarm.state["{#ALARM_NAME}"]


  • JSON Path: $.[?(@.AlarmName == "{#ALARM_NAME}")].StateValue.first()

    Custom on fail: Set value to: 3

  • JavaScript: The text is too long. Please see the template.

Trigger prototypes for Bucket Alarms discovery

Name Description Expression Severity Dependencies and additional info
AWS S3 Alarms: "{#ALARM_NAME}" has 'Alarm' state

Alarm "{#ALARM_NAME}" has 'Alarm' state.

last(/AWS S3 bucket by HTTP/aws.s3.alarm.state["{#ALARM_NAME}"])=2 and length(last(/AWS S3 bucket by HTTP/aws.s3.alarm.state_reason["{#ALARM_NAME}"]))>0 Average
AWS S3 Alarms: "{#ALARM_NAME}" has 'Insufficient data' state last(/AWS S3 bucket by HTTP/aws.s3.alarm.state["{#ALARM_NAME}"])=1 Info


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