2542 lines
79 KiB
2542 lines
79 KiB
** Zabbix
** Copyright (C) 2001-2023 Zabbix SIA
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Class containing methods for operations with users.
class CUser extends CApiService {
public const ACCESS_RULES = [
'get' => ['min_user_type' => USER_TYPE_ZABBIX_USER],
'create' => ['min_user_type' => USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN],
'update' => ['min_user_type' => USER_TYPE_ZABBIX_USER],
'delete' => ['min_user_type' => USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN],
'checkauthentication' => [],
'login' => [],
'logout' => ['min_user_type' => USER_TYPE_ZABBIX_USER],
'unblock' => ['min_user_type' => USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN],
'provision' => ['min_user_type' => USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN]
protected $tableName = 'users';
protected $tableAlias = 'u';
protected $sortColumns = ['userid', 'username'];
public const OUTPUT_FIELDS = ['userid', 'username', 'name', 'surname', 'passwd', 'url', 'autologin', 'autologout',
'lang', 'refresh', 'theme', 'attempt_failed', 'attempt_ip', 'attempt_clock', 'rows_per_page', 'timezone',
'roleid', 'userdirectoryid', 'ts_provisioned'
protected const PROVISIONED_FIELDS = ['username', 'name', 'surname', 'usrgrps', 'medias', 'roleid', 'passwd'];
* Get users data.
* @param array $options
* @param array $options['usrgrpids'] filter by UserGroup IDs
* @param array $options['userids'] filter by User IDs
* @param bool $options['type'] filter by User type [USER_TYPE_ZABBIX_USER: 1, USER_TYPE_ZABBIX_ADMIN: 2, USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN: 3]
* @param bool $options['selectUsrgrps'] extend with UserGroups data for each User
* @param bool $options['getAccess'] extend with access data for each User
* @param bool $options['count'] output only count of objects in result. (result returned in property 'rowscount')
* @param string $options['pattern'] filter by Host name containing only give pattern
* @param int $options['limit'] output will be limited to given number
* @param string $options['sortfield'] output will be sorted by given property ['userid', 'username']
* @param string $options['sortorder'] output will be sorted in given order ['ASC', 'DESC']
* @return array
public function get($options = []) {
$result = [];
$sqlParts = [
'select' => ['users' => 'u.userid'],
'from' => ['users' => 'users u'],
'where' => [],
'order' => [],
'limit' => null
$defOptions = [
'usrgrpids' => null,
'userids' => null,
'mediaids' => null,
'mediatypeids' => null,
// filter
'filter' => null,
'search' => null,
'searchByAny' => null,
'startSearch' => false,
'excludeSearch' => false,
'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null,
// output
'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND,
'editable' => false,
'selectUsrgrps' => null,
'selectMedias' => null,
'selectMediatypes' => null,
'selectRole' => null,
'getAccess' => null,
'countOutput' => false,
'preservekeys' => false,
'sortfield' => '',
'sortorder' => '',
'limit' => null
$options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
// permission check
if (self::$userData['type'] != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN) {
if (!$options['editable']) {
$sqlParts['from']['users_groups'] = 'users_groups ug';
$sqlParts['where']['uug'] = 'u.userid=ug.userid';
$sqlParts['where'][] = 'ug.usrgrpid IN ('.
' SELECT uug.usrgrpid'.
' FROM users_groups uug'.
' WHERE uug.userid='.self::$userData['userid'].
else {
$sqlParts['where'][] = 'u.userid='.self::$userData['userid'];
// userids
if ($options['userids'] !== null) {
$sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('u.userid', $options['userids']);
// usrgrpids
if ($options['usrgrpids'] !== null) {
$sqlParts['from']['users_groups'] = 'users_groups ug';
$sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('ug.usrgrpid', $options['usrgrpids']);
$sqlParts['where']['uug'] = 'u.userid=ug.userid';
// mediaids
if ($options['mediaids'] !== null) {
$sqlParts['from']['media'] = 'media m';
$sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('m.mediaid', $options['mediaids']);
$sqlParts['where']['mu'] = 'm.userid=u.userid';
// mediatypeids
if ($options['mediatypeids'] !== null) {
$sqlParts['from']['media'] = 'media m';
$sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('m.mediatypeid', $options['mediatypeids']);
$sqlParts['where']['mu'] = 'm.userid=u.userid';
// filter
if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
if (array_key_exists('autologout', $options['filter']) && $options['filter']['autologout'] !== null) {
$options['filter']['autologout'] = getTimeUnitFilters($options['filter']['autologout']);
if (array_key_exists('refresh', $options['filter']) && $options['filter']['refresh'] !== null) {
$options['filter']['refresh'] = getTimeUnitFilters($options['filter']['refresh']);
if (isset($options['filter']['passwd'])) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('It is not possible to filter by user password.'));
$this->dbFilter('users u', $options, $sqlParts);
// search
if (is_array($options['search'])) {
if (isset($options['search']['passwd'])) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('It is not possible to search by user password.'));
zbx_db_search('users u', $options, $sqlParts);
// limit
if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
$sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
$userIds = [];
$sqlParts = $this->applyQueryOutputOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
$sqlParts = $this->applyQuerySortOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
$res = DBselect(self::createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $sqlParts['limit']);
while ($user = DBfetch($res)) {
if ($options['countOutput']) {
$result = $user['rowscount'];
else {
$userIds[$user['userid']] = $user['userid'];
$result[$user['userid']] = $user;
if ($options['countOutput']) {
return $result;
* Adding objects
if ($options['getAccess'] !== null) {
foreach ($result as $userid => $user) {
$result[$userid] += ['gui_access' => 0, 'debug_mode' => 0, 'users_status' => 0];
$access = DBselect(
'SELECT ug.userid,MAX(g.gui_access) AS gui_access,'.
' MAX(g.debug_mode) AS debug_mode,MAX(g.users_status) AS users_status'.
' FROM usrgrp g,users_groups ug'.
' WHERE '.dbConditionInt('ug.userid', $userIds).
' AND g.usrgrpid=ug.usrgrpid'.
' GROUP BY ug.userid'
while ($userAccess = DBfetch($access)) {
$result[$userAccess['userid']] = zbx_array_merge($result[$userAccess['userid']], $userAccess);
if ($result) {
$result = $this->addRelatedObjects($options, $result);
// removing keys
if (!$options['preservekeys']) {
$result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
return $result;
* @param array $users
* @return array
public function create(array $users) {
if (self::$userData['type'] != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN) {
_s('No permissions to call "%1$s.%2$s".', 'user', __FUNCTION__)
return ['userids' => array_column($users, 'userid')];
* @param array $users
private static function createForce(array &$users): void {
$ins_users = [];
foreach ($users as $user) {
unset($user['usrgrps'], $user['medias']);
$ins_users[] = $user;
$userids = DB::insert('users', $ins_users);
foreach ($users as $index => &$user) {
$user['userid'] = $userids[$index];
if (array_key_exists('ts_provisioned', $users[0])) {
self::addAuditLogByUser(null, CWebUser::getIp(), CProvisioning::AUDITLOG_USERNAME, CAudit::ACTION_ADD,
CAudit::RESOURCE_USER, $users
else {
self::addAuditLog(CAudit::ACTION_ADD, CAudit::RESOURCE_USER, $users);
* @param array $users
* @throws APIException if the input is invalid.
private function validateCreate(array &$users) {
$locales = LANG_DEFAULT.','.implode(',', array_keys(getLocales()));
$timezones = TIMEZONE_DEFAULT.','.implode(',', array_keys(CTimezoneHelper::getList()));
$themes = THEME_DEFAULT.','.implode(',', array_keys(APP::getThemes()));
$api_input_rules = ['type' => API_OBJECTS, 'flags' => API_NOT_EMPTY | API_NORMALIZE, 'uniq' => [['username']], 'fields' => [
'username' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'flags' => API_REQUIRED | API_NOT_EMPTY, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('users', 'username')],
'name' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('users', 'name')],
'surname' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('users', 'surname')],
'passwd' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'flags' => API_NOT_EMPTY, 'length' => 255],
'url' => ['type' => API_URL, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('users', 'url')],
'autologin' => ['type' => API_INT32, 'in' => '0,1'],
'autologout' => ['type' => API_TIME_UNIT, 'flags' => API_NOT_EMPTY, 'in' => '0,90:'.SEC_PER_DAY],
'lang' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'flags' => API_NOT_EMPTY, 'in' => $locales, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('users', 'lang')],
'refresh' => ['type' => API_TIME_UNIT, 'flags' => API_NOT_EMPTY, 'in' => '0:'.SEC_PER_HOUR],
'theme' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'in' => $themes, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('users', 'theme')],
'rows_per_page' => ['type' => API_INT32, 'in' => '1:999999'],
'timezone' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'in' => $timezones, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('users', 'timezone')],
'roleid' => ['type' => API_ID],
'usrgrps' => ['type' => API_OBJECTS, 'uniq' => [['usrgrpid']], 'fields' => [
'usrgrpid' => ['type' => API_ID, 'flags' => API_REQUIRED]
'medias' => ['type' => API_OBJECTS, 'fields' => [
'mediatypeid' => ['type' => API_ID, 'flags' => API_REQUIRED],
'sendto' => ['type' => API_STRINGS_UTF8, 'flags' => API_REQUIRED | API_NOT_EMPTY | API_NORMALIZE],
'active' => ['type' => API_INT32, 'in' => implode(',', [MEDIA_STATUS_ACTIVE, MEDIA_STATUS_DISABLED])],
'severity' => ['type' => API_INT32, 'in' => '0:63'],
'period' => ['type' => API_TIME_PERIOD, 'flags' => API_ALLOW_USER_MACRO, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('media', 'period')]
'userdirectoryid' => ['type' => API_ID, 'default' => 0]
if (!CApiInputValidator::validate($api_input_rules, $users, '/', $error)) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, $error);
foreach ($users as $i => &$user) {
$user = $this->checkLoginOptions($user);
if (array_key_exists('passwd', $user)) {
if ($user['userdirectoryid'] != 0) {
_s('Not allowed to update field "%1$s" for provisioned user.', 'passwd')
$this->checkPassword($user, '/'.($i + 1).'/passwd');
* If user is created without a password (e.g. for GROUP_GUI_ACCESS_LDAP), store an empty string
* as his password in database.
$user['passwd'] = array_key_exists('passwd', $user)
? password_hash($user['passwd'], PASSWORD_BCRYPT, ['cost' => ZBX_BCRYPT_COST])
: '';
$this->checkDuplicates(array_column($users, 'username'));
$this->checkLanguages(array_column($users, 'lang'));
$roleids = array_flip(array_column($users, 'roleid'));
if ($roleids) {
$this->checkUserGroups($users, []);
$db_mediatypes = $this->checkMediaTypes($users);
$this->validateMediaRecipients($users, $db_mediatypes);
* @param array $users
* @return array
public function update(array $users) {
$this->validateUpdate($users, $db_users);
self::updateForce($users, $db_users);
return ['userids' => array_column($users, 'userid')];
* @param array $users
* @param array $db_users
* @throws APIException if the input is invalid.
private function validateUpdate(array &$users, array &$db_users = null) {
$locales = LANG_DEFAULT.','.implode(',', array_keys(getLocales()));
$timezones = TIMEZONE_DEFAULT.','.implode(',', array_keys(CTimezoneHelper::getList()));
$themes = THEME_DEFAULT.','.implode(',', array_keys(APP::getThemes()));
$api_input_rules = ['type' => API_OBJECTS, 'flags' => API_NOT_EMPTY | API_NORMALIZE, 'uniq' => [['userid'], ['username']], 'fields' => [
'userid' => ['type' => API_ID, 'flags' => API_REQUIRED],
'username' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'flags' => API_NOT_EMPTY, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('users', 'username')],
'name' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('users', 'name')],
'surname' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('users', 'surname')],
'current_passwd' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'flags' => API_NOT_EMPTY, 'length' => 255],
'passwd' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'flags' => API_NOT_EMPTY, 'length' => 255],
'url' => ['type' => API_URL, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('users', 'url')],
'autologin' => ['type' => API_INT32, 'in' => '0,1'],
'autologout' => ['type' => API_TIME_UNIT, 'flags' => API_NOT_EMPTY, 'in' => '0,90:'.SEC_PER_DAY],
'lang' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'flags' => API_NOT_EMPTY, 'in' => $locales, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('users', 'lang')],
'refresh' => ['type' => API_TIME_UNIT, 'flags' => API_NOT_EMPTY, 'in' => '0:'.SEC_PER_HOUR],
'theme' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'in' => $themes, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('users', 'theme')],
'rows_per_page' => ['type' => API_INT32, 'in' => '1:999999'],
'timezone' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'in' => $timezones, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('users', 'timezone')],
'roleid' => ['type' => API_ID],
'usrgrps' => ['type' => API_OBJECTS, 'uniq' => [['usrgrpid']], 'fields' => [
'usrgrpid' => ['type' => API_ID, 'flags' => API_REQUIRED]
'medias' => ['type' => API_OBJECTS, 'fields' => [
'mediatypeid' => ['type' => API_ID, 'flags' => API_REQUIRED],
'sendto' => ['type' => API_STRINGS_UTF8, 'flags' => API_REQUIRED | API_NOT_EMPTY | API_NORMALIZE],
'active' => ['type' => API_INT32, 'in' => implode(',', [MEDIA_STATUS_ACTIVE, MEDIA_STATUS_DISABLED])],
'severity' => ['type' => API_INT32, 'in' => '0:63'],
'period' => ['type' => API_TIME_PERIOD, 'flags' => API_ALLOW_USER_MACRO, 'length' => DB::getFieldLength('media', 'period')]
'userdirectoryid' => ['type' => API_ID]
if (!CApiInputValidator::validate($api_input_rules, $users, '/', $error)) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, $error);
$db_users = $this->get([
'output' => [],
'userids' => array_column($users, 'userid'),
'editable' => true,
'preservekeys' => true
// 'passwd' can't be received by the user.get method
$db_users = DB::select('users', [
'output' => ['userid', 'username', 'name', 'surname', 'passwd', 'url', 'autologin', 'autologout', 'lang',
'refresh', 'theme', 'rows_per_page', 'timezone', 'roleid', 'userdirectoryid'
'userids' => array_keys($db_users),
'preservekeys' => true
if (array_diff_key(array_column($users, 'userid', 'userid'), $db_users)) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PERMISSIONS, _('No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!'));
// Get readonly super admin role ID and name.
[$readonly_superadmin_role] = DBfetchArray(DBselect(
'SELECT roleid,name'.
' FROM role'.
' AND readonly=1'
$superadminids_to_update = [];
$usernames = [];
$check_roleids = [];
$readonly_fields = array_fill_keys(['username', 'passwd'], 1);
foreach ($users as $i => &$user) {
$db_user = $db_users[$user['userid']];
if (array_key_exists('userdirectoryid', $user) && $user['userdirectoryid'] != 0) {
$provisioned_field = array_key_first(array_intersect_key($readonly_fields, $user));
if ($provisioned_field !== null) {
_s('Not allowed to update field "%1$s" for provisioned user.', $provisioned_field)
$user = $this->checkLoginOptions($user);
if (array_key_exists('username', $user) && $user['username'] !== $db_user['username']) {
$usernames[] = $user['username'];
if (array_key_exists('current_passwd', $user)) {
if (!password_verify($user['current_passwd'], $db_user['passwd'])) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Incorrect current password.'));
if (array_key_exists('passwd', $user) && $this->checkPassword($user + $db_user, '/'.($i + 1).'/passwd')) {
if ($user['userid'] == self::$userData['userid'] && !array_key_exists('current_passwd', $user)) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Current password is mandatory.'));
$user['passwd'] = password_hash($user['passwd'], PASSWORD_BCRYPT, ['cost' => ZBX_BCRYPT_COST]);
if (array_key_exists('roleid', $user) && $user['roleid'] && $user['roleid'] != $db_user['roleid']) {
if ($db_user['roleid'] == $readonly_superadmin_role['roleid']) {
$superadminids_to_update[] = $user['userid'];
$check_roleids[] = $user['roleid'];
if ($db_user['username'] !== ZBX_GUEST_USER) {
// Additional validation for guest user.
if (array_key_exists('username', $user) && $user['username'] !== $db_user['username']) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot rename guest user.'));
if (array_key_exists('lang', $user)) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Not allowed to set language for user "guest".'));
if (array_key_exists('theme', $user)) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Not allowed to set theme for user "guest".'));
if (array_key_exists('passwd', $user)) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Not allowed to set password for user "guest".'));
// Check that at least one active user will remain with readonly super admin role.
if ($superadminids_to_update) {
$db_superadmins = DBselect(
' FROM users u'.
' WHERE u.roleid='.$readonly_superadmin_role['roleid'].
' AND '.dbConditionId('u.userid', $superadminids_to_update, true).
' FROM usrgrp g,users_groups ug'.
' WHERE g.usrgrpid=ug.usrgrpid'.
' AND ug.userid=u.userid'.
' GROUP BY ug.userid'.
' AND MAX(g.users_status)='.GROUP_STATUS_ENABLED.
, 1);
if (!DBfetch($db_superadmins)) {
_s('At least one active user must exist with role "%1$s".', $readonly_superadmin_role['name'])
self::addAffectedObjects($users, $db_users);
if ($usernames) {
$this->checkLanguages(zbx_objectValues($users, 'lang'));
if ($check_roleids) {
$this->checkUserGroups($users, $db_users);
$db_mediatypes = $this->checkMediaTypes($users);
$this->validateMediaRecipients($users, $db_mediatypes);
* @param array $users
* @param array $db_users
public static function updateForce(array $users, array $db_users): void {
$upd_users = [];
foreach ($users as $user) {
$upd_user = DB::getUpdatedValues('users', $user, $db_users[$user['userid']]);
if ($upd_user) {
$upd_users[] = [
'values' => $upd_user,
'where' => ['userid' => $user['userid']]
if ($upd_users) {
DB::update('users', $upd_users);
self::updateGroups($users, $db_users);
self::updateMedias($users, $db_users);
if (array_key_exists('ts_provisioned', $users[0])) {
self::addAuditLogByUser(null, CWebUser::getIp(), CProvisioning::AUDITLOG_USERNAME, CAudit::ACTION_UPDATE,
CAudit::RESOURCE_USER, $users, $db_users
else {
self::addAuditLog(CAudit::ACTION_UPDATE, CAudit::RESOURCE_USER, $users, $db_users);
* @param array $users
* @param array $db_users
private static function addAffectedObjects(array $users, array &$db_users): void {
$userids = ['usrgrps' => [], 'medias' => []];
foreach ($users as $user) {
if (array_key_exists('usrgrps', $user)) {
$userids['usrgrps'][] = $user['userid'];
$db_users[$user['userid']]['usrgrps'] = [];
if (array_key_exists('medias', $user)) {
$userids['medias'][] = $user['userid'];
$db_users[$user['userid']]['medias'] = [];
if ($userids['usrgrps']) {
$options = [
'output' => ['id', 'usrgrpid', 'userid'],
'filter' => ['userid' => $userids['usrgrps']]
$db_usrgrps = DBselect(DB::makeSql('users_groups', $options));
while ($db_usrgrp = DBfetch($db_usrgrps)) {
$db_users[$db_usrgrp['userid']]['usrgrps'][$db_usrgrp['id']] =
array_diff_key($db_usrgrp, array_flip(['userid']));
if ($userids['medias']) {
$options = [
'output' => ['mediaid', 'userid', 'mediatypeid', 'sendto', 'active', 'severity', 'period'],
'filter' => ['userid' => $userids['medias']]
$db_medias = DBselect(DB::makeSql('media', $options));
while ($db_media = DBfetch($db_medias)) {
$db_users[$db_media['userid']]['medias'][$db_media['mediaid']] =
array_diff_key($db_media, array_flip(['userid']));
* Check for duplicated users.
* @param array $usernames
* @throws APIException if user already exists.
private function checkDuplicates(array $usernames) {
$db_users = DB::select('users', [
'output' => ['username'],
'filter' => ['username' => $usernames],
'limit' => 1
if ($db_users) {
_s('User with username "%1$s" already exists.', $db_users[0]['username'])
* Check user directories, used in users data, exist.
* @param array $users
* @param int $users[]['userdirectoryid'] (optional)
* @throws APIException if user directory do not exists.
private function checkUserdirectories(array $users) {
$userdirectoryids = array_column($users, 'userdirectoryid', 'userdirectoryid');
if (!$userdirectoryids) {
$db_userdirectoryids = API::UserDirectory()->get([
'output' => [],
'userdirectoryids' => $userdirectoryids,
'preservekeys' => true
$ids = array_diff_key($userdirectoryids, $db_userdirectoryids);
if ($ids) {
_s('User directory with ID "%1$s" is not available.', reset($ids))
* Check for valid user groups.
* Check is it allowed to have 'password' field empty.
* @param array $users
* @param int $users[]['userid'] (optional)
* @param array $users[]['passwd'] (optional)
* @param array $users[]['usrgrps'] (optional)
* @param int $users[]['userdirectoryid] (optional)
* @param array $db_users
* @param array $db_users[]['passwd']
* @param int $db_users[]['userdirectoryid']
* @throws APIException if user groups is not exists.
private function checkUserGroups(array $users, array $db_users) {
$usrgrpids = [];
$db_usrgrps = [];
foreach ($users as $user) {
if (array_key_exists('usrgrps', $user)) {
foreach ($user['usrgrps'] as $usrgrp) {
$usrgrpids[$usrgrp['usrgrpid']] = true;
if ($usrgrpids) {
$usrgrpids = array_keys($usrgrpids);
$db_usrgrps = DB::select('usrgrp', [
'output' => ['gui_access'],
'usrgrpids' => $usrgrpids,
'preservekeys' => true
foreach ($usrgrpids as $usrgrpid) {
if (!array_key_exists($usrgrpid, $db_usrgrps)) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('User group with ID "%1$s" is not available.', $usrgrpid));
foreach ($users as $user) {
if (array_key_exists('userid', $user) && array_key_exists($user['userid'], $db_users)) {
$user += $db_users[$user['userid']];
else {
$user += ['userdirectoryid' => 0, 'passwd' => ''];
* Do not allow empty password for users with GROUP_GUI_ACCESS_INTERNAL except provisioned users.
* Only groups passed in 'usrgrps' property will be checked for frontend access.
if ($user['passwd'] === '' && self::hasInternalAuth($user, $db_usrgrps)) {
_s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.', 'passwd', _('cannot be empty'))
* Check if specified language has dependent locale installed.
* @param array $languages
* @throws APIException if language locale is not installed.
private function checkLanguages(array $languages) {
foreach ($languages as $lang) {
if ($lang !== LANG_DEFAULT && !setlocale(LC_MONETARY, zbx_locale_variants($lang))) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Language "%1$s" is not supported.', $lang));
* Check for valid user roles.
* @param array $roleids
* @throws APIException
private function checkRoles(array $roleids): void {
$db_roles = DB::select('role', [
'output' => ['roleid'],
'roleids' => $roleids,
'preservekeys' => true
foreach ($roleids as $roleid) {
if (!array_key_exists($roleid, $db_roles)) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('User role with ID "%1$s" is not available.', $roleid));
* Check does the user belong to at least one group with GROUP_GUI_ACCESS_INTERNAL frontend access.
* Check does the user belong to at least one group with GROUP_GUI_ACCESS_SYSTEM when default frontend access
* If user is without user groups default frontend access method is checked.
* @param array $user
* @param int $user['userdirectoryid']
* @param array $user['usrgrps'] (optional)
* @param string $user['usrgrps'][]['usrgrpid']
* @param array $db_usrgrps
* @param int $db_usrgrps[usrgrpid]['gui_access']
* @return bool
private static function hasInternalAuth($user, $db_usrgrps) {
if ($user['userdirectoryid']) {
return false;
$system_gui_access =
(CAuthenticationHelper::get(CAuthenticationHelper::AUTHENTICATION_TYPE) == ZBX_AUTH_INTERNAL)
if (!array_key_exists('usrgrps', $user) || !$user['usrgrps']) {
return $system_gui_access == GROUP_GUI_ACCESS_INTERNAL;
foreach($user['usrgrps'] as $usrgrp) {
$gui_access = (int) $db_usrgrps[$usrgrp['usrgrpid']]['gui_access'];
$gui_access = ($gui_access == GROUP_GUI_ACCESS_SYSTEM) ? $system_gui_access : $gui_access;
if ($gui_access == GROUP_GUI_ACCESS_INTERNAL) {
return true;
return false;
* Check for valid media types.
* @param array $users Array of users.
* @param array $users[]['medias'] (optional) Array of user medias.
* @throws APIException if user media type does not exist.
* @return array Returns valid media types.
private function checkMediaTypes(array $users) {
$mediatypeids = [];
foreach ($users as $user) {
if (array_key_exists('medias', $user)) {
foreach ($user['medias'] as $media) {
$mediatypeids[$media['mediatypeid']] = true;
if (!$mediatypeids) {
return [];
$mediatypeids = array_keys($mediatypeids);
$db_mediatypes = DB::select('media_type', [
'output' => ['mediatypeid', 'type'],
'mediatypeids' => $mediatypeids,
'preservekeys' => true
foreach ($mediatypeids as $mediatypeid) {
if (!array_key_exists($mediatypeid, $db_mediatypes)) {
_s('Media type with ID "%1$s" is not available.', $mediatypeid)
return $db_mediatypes;
* Check if the passed 'sendto' value is a valid input according to the mediatype. Currently validates
* only e-mail media types.
* @param array $users Array of users.
* @param string $users[]['medias'][]['mediatypeid'] Media type ID.
* @param array|string $users[]['medias'][]['sendto'] Address where to send the alert.
* @param array $db_mediatypes List of available media types.
* @throws APIException if e-mail is not valid or exceeds maximum DB field length.
private function validateMediaRecipients(array $users, array $db_mediatypes) {
if ($db_mediatypes) {
$email_mediatypes = [];
foreach ($db_mediatypes as $db_mediatype) {
if ($db_mediatype['type'] == MEDIA_TYPE_EMAIL) {
$email_mediatypes[$db_mediatype['mediatypeid']] = true;
$max_length = DB::getFieldLength('media', 'sendto');
$email_validator = new CEmailValidator();
foreach ($users as $user) {
if (array_key_exists('medias', $user)) {
foreach ($user['medias'] as $media) {
* For non-email media types only one value allowed. Since value is normalized, need to validate
* if array contains only one item. If there are more than one string, error message is
* displayed, indicating that passed value is not a string.
if (!array_key_exists($media['mediatypeid'], $email_mediatypes)
&& count($media['sendto']) > 1) {
_s('Invalid parameter "%1$s": %2$s.', 'sendto', _('a character string is expected'))
* If input value is an array with empty string, ApiInputValidator identifies it as valid since
* values are normalized. That's why value must be revalidated.
foreach ($media['sendto'] as $sendto) {
if ($sendto === '') {
_s('Invalid parameter "%1$s": %2$s.', 'sendto', _('cannot be empty'))
* If media type is email, validate each given string against email pattern.
* Additionally, total length of emails must be checked, because all media type emails are
* separated by newline and stored as a string in single database field. Newline characters
* consumes extra space, so additional validation must be made.
if (array_key_exists($media['mediatypeid'], $email_mediatypes)) {
foreach ($media['sendto'] as $sendto) {
if (!$email_validator->validate($sendto)) {
_s('Invalid email address for media type with ID "%1$s".',
elseif (strlen(implode("\n", $media['sendto'])) > $max_length) {
_s('Maximum total length of email address exceeded for media type with ID "%1$s".',
* Additional check to exclude an opportunity to deactivate himself.
* @param array $users
* @param array $users[]['usrgrps'] (optional)
* @throws APIException
private function checkHimself(array $users) {
foreach ($users as $user) {
if (bccomp($user['userid'], self::$userData['userid']) == 0) {
if (array_key_exists('roleid', $user) && $user['roleid'] != self::$userData['roleid']) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('User cannot change own role.'));
if (array_key_exists('usrgrps', $user)) {
$db_usrgrps = DB::select('usrgrp', [
'output' => ['gui_access', 'users_status'],
'usrgrpids' => zbx_objectValues($user['usrgrps'], 'usrgrpid')
foreach ($db_usrgrps as $db_usrgrp) {
if ($db_usrgrp['gui_access'] == GROUP_GUI_ACCESS_DISABLED
|| $db_usrgrp['users_status'] == GROUP_STATUS_DISABLED) {
_('User cannot add himself to a disabled group or a group with disabled GUI access.')
* Additional check to exclude an opportunity to enable auto-login and auto-logout options together..
* @param array $user
* @param int $user[]['autologin'] (optional)
* @param string $user[]['autologout'] (optional)
* @throws APIException
private function checkLoginOptions(array $user) {
if (!array_key_exists('autologout', $user) && array_key_exists('autologin', $user) && $user['autologin'] != 0) {
$user['autologout'] = '0';
if (!array_key_exists('autologin', $user) && array_key_exists('autologout', $user)
&& timeUnitToSeconds($user['autologout']) != 0) {
$user['autologin'] = 0;
if (array_key_exists('autologin', $user) && array_key_exists('autologout', $user)
&& $user['autologin'] != 0 && timeUnitToSeconds($user['autologout']) != 0) {
_('Auto-login and auto-logout options cannot be enabled together.')
return $user;
* Terminate all active sessions for user whose password was successfully updated.
* @static
* @param array $users
private static function terminateActiveSessionsOnPasswordUpdate(array $users): void {
foreach ($users as $user) {
if (array_key_exists('passwd', $user)) {
DB::update('sessions', [
'values' => ['status' => ZBX_SESSION_PASSIVE],
'where' => ['userid' => $user['userid']]
* @param array $users
* @param null|array $db_users
private static function updateGroups(array &$users, array $db_users = null): void {
$ins_groups = [];
$del_groupids = [];
foreach ($users as &$user) {
if (!array_key_exists('usrgrps', $user)) {
$db_groups = $db_users !== null
? array_column($db_users[$user['userid']]['usrgrps'], null, 'usrgrpid')
: [];
foreach ($user['usrgrps'] as &$group) {
if (array_key_exists($group['usrgrpid'], $db_groups)) {
$group['id'] = $db_groups[$group['usrgrpid']]['id'];
else {
$ins_groups[] = [
'userid' => $user['userid'],
'usrgrpid' => $group['usrgrpid']
$del_groupids = array_merge($del_groupids, array_column($db_groups, 'id'));
if ($del_groupids) {
DB::delete('users_groups', ['id' => $del_groupids]);
if ($ins_groups) {
$groupids = DB::insert('users_groups', $ins_groups);
foreach ($users as &$user) {
if (!array_key_exists('usrgrps', $user)) {
foreach ($user['usrgrps'] as &$group) {
if (!array_key_exists('id', $group)) {
$group['id'] = array_shift($groupids);
* Auxiliary function for updateMedias().
* @param array $medias
* @param string $mediatypeid
* @param string $sendto
* @return int
private static function findMediaIndex(array $medias, $mediatypeid, $sendto) {
foreach ($medias as $index => $media) {
if (bccomp($media['mediatypeid'], $mediatypeid) == 0 && $media['sendto'] === $sendto) {
return $index;
return -1;
* @param array $users
* @param null|array $db_users
private static function updateMedias(array &$users, array $db_users = null): void {
$ins_medias = [];
$upd_medias = [];
$del_mediaids = [];
foreach ($users as &$user) {
if (!array_key_exists('medias', $user)) {
$db_medias = $db_users !== null ? $db_users[$user['userid']]['medias'] : [];
foreach ($user['medias'] as &$media) {
$media['sendto'] = implode("\n", $media['sendto']);
$index = self::findMediaIndex($db_medias, $media['mediatypeid'], $media['sendto']);
if ($index != -1) {
$db_media = $db_medias[$index];
$upd_media = DB::getUpdatedValues('media', $media, $db_media);
if ($upd_media) {
$upd_medias[] = [
'values' => $upd_media,
'where' => ['mediaid' => $db_media['mediaid']]
$media['mediaid'] = $db_media['mediaid'];
else {
$ins_medias[] = ['userid' => $user['userid']] + $media;
$del_mediaids = array_merge($del_mediaids, array_column($db_medias, 'mediaid'));
if ($del_mediaids) {
DB::delete('media', ['mediaid' => $del_mediaids]);
if ($upd_medias) {
DB::update('media', $upd_medias);
if ($ins_medias) {
$mediaids = DB::insert('media', $ins_medias);
foreach ($users as &$user) {
if (!array_key_exists('medias', $user)) {
foreach ($user['medias'] as &$media) {
if (!array_key_exists('mediaid', $media)) {
$media['mediaid'] = array_shift($mediaids);
* @param array $userids
* @return array
public function delete(array $userids) {
$this->validateDelete($userids, $db_users);
self::addAuditLog(CAudit::ACTION_DELETE, CAudit::RESOURCE_USER, $db_users);
return ['userids' => $userids];
* Delete data from users table, also delete related rows from tables:
* media, profiles, users_groups, tokens, event_suppress.
* @param array $userids Array of userid.
public static function deleteForce(array $userids): void {
DB::delete('media', ['userid' => $userids]);
DB::delete('profiles', ['userid' => $userids]);
DB::delete('users_groups', ['userid' => $userids]);
DB::update('token', [
'values' => ['creator_userid' => null],
'where' => ['creator_userid' => $userids]
DB::update('event_suppress', [
'values' => ['userid' => null],
'where' => ['userid' => $userids]
$tokenids = DB::select('token', [
'output' => [],
'filter' => ['userid' => $userids],
'preservekeys' => true
CToken::deleteForce(array_keys($tokenids), false);
DB::delete('users', ['userid' => $userids]);
* @param array $userids
* @param array $db_users
* @throws APIException if the input is invalid.
private function validateDelete(array &$userids, array &$db_users = null) {
$api_input_rules = ['type' => API_IDS, 'flags' => API_NOT_EMPTY, 'uniq' => true];
if (!CApiInputValidator::validate($api_input_rules, $userids, '/', $error)) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, $error);
$db_users = $this->get([
'output' => ['userid', 'username', 'roleid'],
'userids' => $userids,
'editable' => true,
'preservekeys' => true
// Get readonly super admin role ID and name.
$db_roles = DBfetchArray(DBselect(
'SELECT roleid,name'.
' FROM role'.
' AND readonly=1'
$readonly_superadmin_role = $db_roles[0];
$superadminids_to_delete = [];
foreach ($userids as $userid) {
if (!array_key_exists($userid, $db_users)) {
_('No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!')
$db_user = $db_users[$userid];
if (bccomp($userid, self::$userData['userid']) == 0) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('User is not allowed to delete himself.'));
if ($db_user['username'] == ZBX_GUEST_USER) {
_s('Cannot delete Zabbix internal user "%1$s", try disabling that user.', ZBX_GUEST_USER)
if ($db_user['roleid'] == $readonly_superadmin_role['roleid']) {
$superadminids_to_delete[] = $userid;
// Check that at least one user will remain with readonly super admin role.
if ($superadminids_to_delete) {
$db_superadmins = DBselect(
' FROM users u'.
' WHERE u.roleid='.$readonly_superadmin_role['roleid'].
' AND '.dbConditionId('u.userid', $superadminids_to_delete, true).
' FROM usrgrp g,users_groups ug'.
' WHERE g.usrgrpid=ug.usrgrpid'.
' AND ug.userid=u.userid'.
' GROUP BY ug.userid'.
' AND MAX(g.users_status)='.GROUP_STATUS_ENABLED.
, 1);
if (!DBfetch($db_superadmins)) {
_s('At least one active user must exist with role "%1$s".', $readonly_superadmin_role['name'])
// Check if deleted users used in actions.
$db_actions = DBselect(
'SELECT a.name,om.userid'.
' FROM opmessage_usr om,operations o,actions a'.
' WHERE om.operationid=o.operationid'.
' AND o.actionid=a.actionid'.
' AND '.dbConditionInt('om.userid', $userids),
if ($db_action = DBfetch($db_actions)) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('User "%1$s" is used in "%2$s" action.',
$db_users[$db_action['userid']]['username'], $db_action['name']
// Check if deleted users have a map.
$db_maps = API::Map()->get([
'output' => ['name', 'userid'],
'userids' => $userids,
'limit' => 1
if ($db_maps) {
_s('User "%1$s" is map "%2$s" owner.', $db_users[$db_maps[0]['userid']]['username'],
// Check if deleted users have dashboards.
$db_dashboards = API::Dashboard()->get([
'output' => ['name', 'userid'],
'filter' => ['userid' => $userids],
'limit' => 1
if ($db_dashboards) {
_s('User "%1$s" is dashboard "%2$s" owner.', $db_users[$db_dashboards[0]['userid']]['username'],
// Check if deleted users used in scheduled reports.
$db_reports = DBselect(
'SELECT r.name,r.userid,ru.userid AS recipientid,ru.access_userid AS user_creatorid,'.
'rug.access_userid AS usrgrp_creatorid'.
' FROM report r'.
' LEFT JOIN report_user ru ON r.reportid=ru.reportid'.
' LEFT JOIN report_usrgrp rug ON r.reportid=rug.reportid'.
' WHERE '.dbConditionInt('r.userid', $userids).
' OR '.dbConditionInt('ru.userid', $userids).
' OR '.dbConditionInt('ru.access_userid', $userids).
' OR '.dbConditionInt('rug.access_userid', $userids),
if ($db_report = DBfetch($db_reports)) {
if (array_key_exists($db_report['userid'], $db_users)) {
_s('User "%1$s" is report "%2$s" owner.', $db_users[$db_report['userid']]['username'],
if (array_key_exists($db_report['recipientid'], $db_users)) {
_s('User "%1$s" is report "%2$s" recipient.', $db_users[$db_report['recipientid']]['username'],
if (array_key_exists($db_report['user_creatorid'], $db_users)
|| array_key_exists($db_report['usrgrp_creatorid'], $db_users)) {
$creator = array_key_exists($db_report['user_creatorid'], $db_users)
? $db_users[$db_report['user_creatorid']]
: $db_users[$db_report['usrgrp_creatorid']];
_s('User "%1$s" is user on whose behalf report "%2$s" is created.', $creator['username'],
public function logout($user) {
$api_input_rules = ['type' => API_OBJECT, 'fields' => []];
if (!CApiInputValidator::validate($api_input_rules, $user, '/', $error)) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, $error);
$sessionid = self::$userData['sessionid'];
$db_sessions = DB::select('sessions', [
'output' => ['userid'],
'filter' => [
'sessionid' => $sessionid,
'limit' => 1
if (!$db_sessions) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot log out.'));
if (CAuthenticationHelper::isLdapProvisionEnabled(self::$userData['userdirectoryid'])) {
DB::delete('sessions', [
'userid' => $db_sessions[0]['userid']
DB::update('sessions', [
'values' => ['status' => ZBX_SESSION_PASSIVE],
'where' => ['sessionid' => $sessionid]
self::addAuditLog(CAudit::ACTION_LOGOUT, CAudit::RESOURCE_USER);
self::$userData = null;
return true;
* @param array $user
* @return string|array
public function login(array $user) {
$api_input_rules = ['type' => API_OBJECT, 'fields' => [
'username' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'flags' => API_REQUIRED, 'length' => 255],
'password' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8, 'flags' => API_REQUIRED, 'length' => 255],
'userData' => ['type' => API_FLAG]
if (!CApiInputValidator::validate($api_input_rules, $user, '/', $error)) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, $error);
$new_user = [];
$ldap_userdirectoryid = CAuthenticationHelper::get(CAuthenticationHelper::LDAP_USERDIRECTORYID);
$default_auth_type = CAuthenticationHelper::get(CAuthenticationHelper::AUTHENTICATION_TYPE);
$sensitive = CAuthenticationHelper::get(CAuthenticationHelper::LDAP_CASE_SENSITIVE) == ZBX_AUTH_CASE_SENSITIVE;
$user_data = $this->findAccessibleUser($user['username'], $sensitive, $default_auth_type, true);
if (!array_key_exists('db_user', $user_data) && $user['username'] !== ZBX_GUEST_USER
&& $default_auth_type == ZBX_AUTH_LDAP
&& CAuthenticationHelper::isLdapProvisionEnabled($ldap_userdirectoryid)) {
$idp_user_data = API::UserDirectory()->test([
'userdirectoryid' => $ldap_userdirectoryid,
'test_username' => $user['username'],
'test_password' => $user['password']
if ($idp_user_data['usrgrps']) {
$new_user = $this->createProvisionedUser($idp_user_data);
$user_data = $this->findAccessibleUser($new_user['username'], true, ZBX_AUTH_LDAP, false);
if (array_key_exists('error', $user_data)) {
self::addAuditLogByUser(array_key_exists('db_user', $user_data) ? $user_data['db_user']['userid'] : null,
CWebUser::getIp(), $user['username'], CAudit::ACTION_LOGIN_FAILED, CAudit::RESOURCE_USER
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, $user_data['error']);
$db_user = $this->addExtraFields($user_data['db_user'], $user_data['permissions']);
if ($db_user['attempt_failed'] >= CSettingsHelper::get(CSettingsHelper::LOGIN_ATTEMPTS)) {
$sec_left = timeUnitToSeconds(CSettingsHelper::get(CSettingsHelper::LOGIN_BLOCK))
- (time() - $db_user['attempt_clock']);
if ($sec_left > 0) {
self::addAuditLogByUser($db_user['userid'], $db_user['userip'], $db_user['username'],
_('Incorrect user name or password or account is temporarily blocked.')
try {
switch ($db_user['auth_type']) {
if ($new_user) {
$ldap_auth_enabled = CAuthenticationHelper::get(CAuthenticationHelper::LDAP_AUTH_ENABLED);
if ($ldap_auth_enabled == ZBX_AUTH_LDAP_DISABLED) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_INTERNAL, _('LDAP authentication is disabled.'));
$userdirectoryid = $db_user['userdirectoryid'] != 0
? $db_user['userdirectoryid']
: $user_data['permissions']['userdirectoryid'];
$exists = false;
if ($userdirectoryid != 0) {
$exists = API::UserDirectory()->get([
'countOutput' => true,
'userdirectoryids' => $userdirectoryid,
'filter' => ['idp_type' => IDP_TYPE_LDAP]
]) > 0;
if (!$exists) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_INTERNAL, _('Cannot find user directory for LDAP.'));
$idp_user_data = API::UserDirectory()->test([
'userdirectoryid' => $userdirectoryid,
'test_username' => $user['username'],
'test_password' => $user['password']
if (CAuthenticationHelper::isLdapProvisionEnabled($db_user['userdirectoryid'])) {
$db_user['deprovisioned'] = true;
$idp_user_data['userid'] = $db_user['userid'];
$upd_user = $this->updateProvisionedUser($idp_user_data);
if ($upd_user) {
$user_data = $this->findAccessibleUser($db_user['username'], true, ZBX_AUTH_LDAP, false);
$db_user = $this->addExtraFields($user_data['db_user'], $user_data['permissions']);
if ($db_user['userdirectoryid'] != 0) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PERMISSIONS, _('No permissions for system access.'));
if (!password_verify($user['password'], $db_user['passwd'])) {
_('Incorrect user name or password or account is temporarily blocked.')
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PERMISSIONS, _('No permissions for system access.'));
catch (APIException $e) {
if ($e->getCode() == ZBX_API_ERROR_PERMISSIONS && $db_user && !$db_user['deprovisioned']) {
$attempt_failed = $db_user['attempt_failed'] + 1;
DB::update('users', [
'values' => [
'attempt_failed' => $attempt_failed,
'attempt_clock' => time(),
'attempt_ip' => substr($db_user['userip'], 0, 39)
'where' => ['userid' => $db_user['userid']]
$users = [['userid' => $db_user['userid'], 'attempt_failed' => $attempt_failed]];
$db_users = [$db_user['userid'] => $db_user];
self::addAuditLogByUser($db_user['userid'], $db_user['userip'], $db_user['username'],
CAudit::ACTION_UPDATE, CAudit::RESOURCE_USER, $users, $db_users
self::addAuditLogByUser($db_user['userid'], $db_user['userip'], $db_user['username'],
if ($attempt_failed >= CSettingsHelper::get(CSettingsHelper::LOGIN_ATTEMPTS)) {
_('Incorrect user name or password or account is temporarily blocked.')
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PERMISSIONS, $e->getMessage());
if ($db_user['deprovisioned'] || $db_user['roleid'] == 0) {
_('Incorrect user name or password or account is temporarily blocked.')
// Start session.
$db_user = self::createSession($db_user);
return array_key_exists('userData', $user) && $user['userData'] ? $db_user : $db_user['sessionid'];
* This method should not be listed in CUser::ACCESS_RULES to disallow call it via http API.
* Login user by username. Return array with user data.
* @param string $username User username to search for.
* @param bool|null $case_sensitive Perform case-sensitive search.
* @param int|null $default_auth Default system authentication type.
* @return array
public function loginByUsername($username, $case_sensitive = null, $default_auth = null) {
$user_data = $this->findAccessibleUser($username, $case_sensitive, $default_auth, false);
if (array_key_exists('error', $user_data)) {
self::addAuditLogByUser(array_key_exists('db_user', $user_data) ? $user_data['db_user']['userid'] : null,
CWebUser::getIp(), $username, CAudit::ACTION_LOGIN_FAILED, CAudit::RESOURCE_USER
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, $user_data['error']);
$db_user = $this->addExtraFields($user_data['db_user'], $user_data['permissions']);
$db_user = self::createSession($db_user);
return $db_user;
* Checks if user is authenticated by session ID or by API token.
* @param array $session
* @param string $session[]['sessionid'] Session ID to be checked.
* @param string $session[]['token'] API token to be checked.
* @param bool $session[]['extend'] Optional. Used with 'sessionid' to extend the user session which updates
* 'lastaccess' time.
* @throws APIException
* @return array
public function checkAuthentication(array $session): array {
$api_input_rules = ['type' => API_OBJECT, 'fields' => [
'sessionid' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8],
'extend' => ['type' => API_MULTIPLE, 'rules' => [
['if' => function (array $data): bool {
return !array_key_exists('token', $data);
}, 'type' => API_BOOLEAN, 'default' => true],
['else' => true, 'type' => API_UNEXPECTED]
'token' => ['type' => API_STRING_UTF8]
if (!CApiInputValidator::validate($api_input_rules, $session, '/', $error)) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, $error);
$session += ['sessionid' => null, 'token' => null];
if (($session['sessionid'] === null && $session['token'] === null)
|| ($session['sessionid'] !== null && $session['token'] !== null)) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Session ID or token is expected.'));
$time = time();
// Access DB only once per page load.
if (self::$userData !== null && self::$userData['sessionid'] === $session['sessionid']) {
return self::$userData;
if ($session['sessionid'] !== null) {
$db_session = self::sessionidAuthentication($session['sessionid']);
$userid = $db_session['userid'];
else {
$db_token = self::tokenAuthentication($session['token'], $time);
$userid = $db_token['userid'];
$db_users = DB::select('users', [
'output' => ['userid', 'username', 'name', 'surname', 'url', 'autologin', 'autologout', 'lang', 'refresh',
'theme', 'attempt_failed', 'attempt_ip', 'attempt_clock', 'rows_per_page', 'timezone', 'roleid',
'userdirectoryid', 'ts_provisioned'
'userids' => $userid
$db_user = $db_users[0];
$permissions = $this->getUserGroupsPermissions($db_user);
$db_user = $this->addExtraFields($db_user, $permissions);
if (!$db_user['deprovisioned'] && CAuthenticationHelper::isTimeToProvision($db_user['ts_provisioned'])
&& CAuthenticationHelper::isLdapProvisionEnabled($db_user['userdirectoryid'])
&& !$this->provisionLdapUser($db_user)) {
$db_user['deprovisioned'] = true;
if ($session['sessionid'] !== null) {
$autologout = timeUnitToSeconds($db_user['autologout']);
// Check system permissions.
if (($autologout != 0 && $db_session['lastaccess'] + $autologout <= $time)
|| $permissions['users_status'] == GROUP_STATUS_DISABLED
|| $db_user['deprovisioned']) {
DB::delete('sessions', [
'userid' => $db_user['userid']
DB::update('sessions', [
'values' => ['status' => ZBX_SESSION_PASSIVE],
'where' => ['sessionid' => $session['sessionid']]
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Session terminated, re-login, please.'));
if ($session['extend'] && $time != $db_session['lastaccess']) {
DB::update('sessions', [
'values' => ['lastaccess' => $time],
'where' => ['sessionid' => $session['sessionid']]
self::$userData = $db_user + ['sessionid' => $session['sessionid']];
$db_user['sessionid'] = $session['sessionid'];
$db_user['secret'] = $db_session['secret'];
else {
// Check permissions.
if ($permissions['users_status'] == GROUP_STATUS_DISABLED || $db_user['deprovisioned']) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_NO_AUTH, _('Not authorized.'));
DB::update('token', [
'values' => ['lastaccess' => $time],
'where' => ['tokenid' => $db_token['tokenid']]
self::$userData = $db_user + ['token' => $session['token']];
return $db_user;
* Authenticates user based on API token.
* @param string $auth_token API token.
* @param int $time Current time unix timestamp.
* @throws APIException
* @return array
private static function tokenAuthentication(string $auth_token, int $time): array {
$db_tokens = DB::select('token', [
'output' => ['userid', 'expires_at', 'tokenid'],
'filter' => ['token' => hash('sha512', $auth_token), 'status' => ZBX_AUTH_TOKEN_ENABLED]
if (!$db_tokens) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_NO_AUTH, _('Not authorized.'));
$db_token = $db_tokens[0];
if ($db_token['expires_at'] != 0 && $db_token['expires_at'] < $time) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PERMISSIONS, _('API token expired.'));
return $db_token;
* Authenticates user based on session ID.
* @param string $sessionid Session ID.
* @throws APIException
* @return array
private static function sessionidAuthentication(string $sessionid): array {
$db_sessions = DB::select('sessions', [
'output' => ['userid', 'lastaccess', 'secret'],
'sessionids' => $sessionid,
'filter' => ['status' => ZBX_SESSION_ACTIVE]
if (!$db_sessions) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Session terminated, re-login, please.'));
return $db_sessions[0];
* Unblock user account.
* @param array $userids
* @throws APIException
* @return array
public function unblock(array $userids): array {
$api_input_rules = ['type' => API_IDS, 'flags' => API_NOT_EMPTY, 'uniq' => true];
if (!CApiInputValidator::validate($api_input_rules, $userids, '/', $error)) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, $error);
$db_users = $this->get([
'output' => ['userid', 'username', 'attempt_failed'],
'userids' => $userids,
'editable' => true,
'preservekeys' => true
if (count($db_users) != count($userids)) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PERMISSIONS, _('No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!'));
$users = [];
$upd_users = [];
foreach ($userids as $userid) {
$upd_user = DB::getUpdatedValues('users', ['userid' => $userid, 'attempt_failed' => 0], $db_users[$userid]);
if ($upd_user) {
$upd_users[] = [
'values' => $upd_user,
'where' => ['userid' => $userid]
$users[] = $upd_user + ['userid' => $userid];
else {
if ($upd_users) {
DB::update('users', $upd_users);
self::addAuditLog(CAudit::ACTION_UPDATE, CAudit::RESOURCE_USER, $users, $db_users);
return ['userids' => $userids];
* Provision users. Only users with IDP_TYPE_LDAP userdirectory will be provisioned.
* @param array $userids
public function provision(array $userids): array {
$api_input_rules = ['type' => API_IDS, 'flags' => API_NOT_EMPTY, 'uniq' => true];
if (!CApiInputValidator::validate($api_input_rules, $userids, '/', $error)) {
self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, $error);
$db_users = API::User()->get([
'output' => ['userid', 'username', 'userdirectoryid'],
'userids' => $userids,
'preservekeys' => true
$userdirectoryids = array_column($db_users, 'userdirectoryid', 'userdirectoryid');
$provisionedids = [];
$db_userdirectoryids = [];
if ($userdirectoryids) {
$db_userdirectoryids = array_column(API::UserDirectory()->get([
'output' => ['userdirectoryid', 'idp_type'],
'userdirectoryids' => $userdirectoryids,
'filter' => ['provision_status' => JIT_PROVISIONING_ENABLED]
]), 'idp_type', 'userdirectoryid');
if (array_diff_key($userdirectoryids, $db_userdirectoryids)) {
_('No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!')
if ($db_userdirectoryids) {
$db_user_userdirectory = array_column($db_users, 'userdirectoryid', 'userid');
foreach (array_keys($db_userdirectoryids, IDP_TYPE_LDAP) as $db_userdirectoryid) {
$provisioning = CProvisioning::forUserDirectoryId($db_userdirectoryid);
$provision_users = array_keys($db_user_userdirectory, $db_userdirectoryid);
$provision_users = array_intersect_key($db_users, array_flip($provision_users));
$config = $provisioning->getIdpConfig();
$ldap = new CLdap($config);
if ($ldap->bind_type == CLdap::BIND_DNSTRING) {
foreach ($provision_users as $provision_user) {
$user = array_merge(
$ldap->getProvisionedData($provisioning, $provision_user['username'])
$provisionedids[] = $provision_user['userid'];
return ['userids' => $provisionedids];
* Create user in database from provision data.
* User media are sanitized removing media with malformed or empty 'sendto'.
* @param array $idp_user_data
* @param string $idp_user_data['username']
* @param string $idp_user_data['name']
* @param string $idp_user_data['surname']
* @param int $idp_user_data['roleid']
* @param array $idp_user_data['media'] Required to be set, can be empty array.
* @param int $idp_user_data['media'][]['mediatypeid']
* @param array $idp_user_data['media'][]['sendto']
* @param string $idp_user_data['media'][]['sendto'][]
* @param array $idp_user_data['usrgrps'] Required to be set, can be empty array.
* @param int $idp_user_data['usrgrps'][]['usrgrpid']
* @param int $idp_user_data['userdirectoryid']
* @return array of created user data in database.
public function createProvisionedUser(array $idp_user_data): array {
$attrs = array_flip(array_merge(self::PROVISIONED_FIELDS, ['userdirectoryid']));
$user = array_intersect_key($idp_user_data, $attrs);
$user['medias'] = $this->sanitizeUserMedia($user['medias']);
$users = [$user];
$users[0]['ts_provisioned'] = time();
return reset($users);
* Update provisioned user in database. Return empty array when user is deprovisioned.
* @param int $db_userid
* @param array $idp_user_data
* @param array $idp_user_data['userid']
* @param array $idp_user_data['usrgrps'] (optional) Array of user matched groups.
* @param array $idp_user_data['medias'] (optional) Array of user matched medias.
* @return array
public function updateProvisionedUser(array $idp_user_data): array {
$attrs = array_flip(array_merge(self::PROVISIONED_FIELDS, ['userdirectoryid', 'userid']));
$user = array_intersect_key($idp_user_data, $attrs);
$userid = $user['userid'];
$db_users = DB::select('users', [
'output' => ['userid', 'username', 'name', 'surname', 'roleid', 'userdirectoryid', 'ts_provisioned'],
'userids' => [$userid],
'preservekeys' => true
$user['ts_provisioned'] = time();
$users = [$userid => $user];
if (array_key_exists('medias', $user)) {
$users[$userid]['medias'] = $this->sanitizeUserMedia($user['medias']);
$db_users[$userid]['medias'] = DB::select('media', [
'output' => ['mediatypeid', 'mediaid', 'sendto'],
'filter' => ['userid' => $userid]
if (array_key_exists('usrgrps', $user)) {
$db_users[$userid]['usrgrps'] = DB::select('users_groups', [
'output' => ['usrgrpid', 'id'],
'filter' => ['userid' => $userid]
if (!$user['usrgrps']) {
$users[$userid]['usrgrps'] = [[
'usrgrpid' => CAuthenticationHelper::get(CAuthenticationHelper::DISABLED_USER_GROUPID)
$users[$userid]['roleid'] = 0;
$user = [];
self::updateForce(array_values($users), $db_users);
return $user;
* Returns user groups permissions of specific user.
* @param array $user
* @return array
private function getUserGroupsPermissions(array $user): array {
$permissions = [
'users_status' => GROUP_STATUS_ENABLED,
'gui_access' => GROUP_GUI_ACCESS_SYSTEM,
'deprovisioned' => false,
'userdirectoryid' => 0
$deprovision_groupid = CAuthenticationHelper::get(CAuthenticationHelper::DISABLED_USER_GROUPID);
$db_usrgrps = DBselect(
'SELECT g.usrgrpid,g.debug_mode,g.users_status,g.gui_access,g.userdirectoryid'.
' FROM usrgrp g,users_groups ug'.
' WHERE g.usrgrpid=ug.usrgrpid'.
' AND ug.userid='.$user['userid']
$has_user_groups = false;
$userdirectoryids = [];
while ($db_usrgrp = DBfetch($db_usrgrps)) {
$has_user_groups = true;
if ($db_usrgrp['debug_mode'] == GROUP_DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED) {
$permissions['debug_mode'] = GROUP_DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED;
if ($db_usrgrp['usrgrpid'] == $deprovision_groupid && $user['userdirectoryid'] !== '0') {
$permissions['deprovisioned'] = true;
if ($db_usrgrp['users_status'] == GROUP_STATUS_DISABLED) {
$permissions['users_status'] = GROUP_STATUS_DISABLED;
if ($db_usrgrp['gui_access'] > $permissions['gui_access']) {
$permissions['gui_access'] = $db_usrgrp['gui_access'];
$userdirectoryids = [];
if ($permissions['gui_access'] == $db_usrgrp['gui_access']
&& ($db_usrgrp['gui_access'] == GROUP_GUI_ACCESS_LDAP
|| ($db_usrgrp['gui_access'] == GROUP_GUI_ACCESS_SYSTEM
&& CAuthenticationHelper::get(CAuthenticationHelper::AUTHENTICATION_TYPE) == ZBX_AUTH_LDAP
))) {
$userdirectoryids[$db_usrgrp['userdirectoryid']] = true;
if (!$has_user_groups) {
$permissions['gui_access'] = GROUP_GUI_ACCESS_INTERNAL;
if ($userdirectoryids) {
if (array_key_exists(0, $userdirectoryids)) {
$default_userdirectoryid = CAuthenticationHelper::get(CAuthenticationHelper::LDAP_USERDIRECTORYID);
if ($default_userdirectoryid != 0) {
$userdirectoryids[$default_userdirectoryid] = true;
if (count($userdirectoryids) === 1) {
$permissions['userdirectoryid'] = array_keys($userdirectoryids)[0];
elseif (count($userdirectoryids) > 1) {
$db_userdirectoryids = API::UserDirectory()->get([
'output' => [],
'userdirectoryids' => array_keys($userdirectoryids),
'sortfield' => ['name'],
'limit' => 1,
'preservekeys' => true
$permissions['userdirectoryid'] = array_keys($db_userdirectoryids)[0];
return $permissions;
* Returns user type.
* @param string $roleid
* @return int
private function getUserType(string $roleid): int {
if (!$roleid) {
return DBfetchColumn(DBselect('SELECT type FROM role WHERE roleid='.zbx_dbstr($roleid)), 'type')[0];
protected function addRelatedObjects(array $options, array $result) {
$result = parent::addRelatedObjects($options, $result);
$userIds = zbx_objectValues($result, 'userid');
// adding usergroups
if ($options['selectUsrgrps'] !== null && $options['selectUsrgrps'] != API_OUTPUT_COUNT) {
$relationMap = $this->createRelationMap($result, 'userid', 'usrgrpid', 'users_groups');
$dbUserGroups = API::UserGroup()->get([
'output' => $options['selectUsrgrps'],
'usrgrpids' => $relationMap->getRelatedIds(),
'preservekeys' => true
$result = $relationMap->mapMany($result, $dbUserGroups, 'usrgrps');
// adding medias
if ($options['selectMedias'] !== null && $options['selectMedias'] != API_OUTPUT_COUNT) {
$db_medias = API::getApiService()->select('media', [
'output' => $this->outputExtend($options['selectMedias'], ['userid', 'mediaid', 'mediatypeid']),
'filter' => ['userid' => $userIds],
'preservekeys' => true
// 'sendto' parameter in media types with 'type' == MEDIA_TYPE_EMAIL are returned as array.
if (($options['selectMedias'] === API_OUTPUT_EXTEND || in_array('sendto', $options['selectMedias']))
&& $db_medias) {
$db_email_medias = DB::select('media_type', [
'output' => [],
'filter' => [
'mediatypeid' => zbx_objectValues($db_medias, 'mediatypeid'),
'preservekeys' => true
foreach ($db_medias as &$db_media) {
if (array_key_exists($db_media['mediatypeid'], $db_email_medias)) {
$db_media['sendto'] = explode("\n", $db_media['sendto']);
$relationMap = $this->createRelationMap($db_medias, 'userid', 'mediaid');
$db_medias = $this->unsetExtraFields($db_medias, ['userid', 'mediaid', 'mediatypeid'],
$result = $relationMap->mapMany($result, $db_medias, 'medias');
// adding media types
if ($options['selectMediatypes'] !== null && $options['selectMediatypes'] != API_OUTPUT_COUNT) {
$mediaTypes = [];
$relationMap = $this->createRelationMap($result, 'userid', 'mediatypeid', 'media');
$related_ids = $relationMap->getRelatedIds();
if ($related_ids) {
$mediaTypes = API::Mediatype()->get([
'output' => $options['selectMediatypes'],
'mediatypeids' => $related_ids,
'preservekeys' => true
$result = $relationMap->mapMany($result, $mediaTypes, 'mediatypes');
// adding user role
if ($options['selectRole'] !== null && $options['selectRole'] !== API_OUTPUT_COUNT) {
if ($options['selectRole'] === API_OUTPUT_EXTEND) {
$options['selectRole'] = ['roleid', 'name', 'type', 'readonly'];
$db_roles = DBselect(
'SELECT u.userid'.($options['selectRole'] ? ',r.'.implode(',r.', $options['selectRole']) : '').
' FROM users u,role r'.
' WHERE u.roleid=r.roleid'.
' AND '.dbConditionInt('u.userid', $userIds)
foreach ($result as $userid => $user) {
$result[$userid]['role'] = [];
while ($db_role = DBfetch($db_roles)) {
$userid = $db_role['userid'];
$result[$userid]['role'] = $db_role;
return $result;
* Initialize session for user. Returns user data array with valid sessionid.
* @param array $db_user User data from database.
* @return array
private static function createSession(array $db_user): array {
$db_user['sessionid'] = CEncryptHelper::generateKey();
$db_user['secret'] = CEncryptHelper::generateKey();
DB::insert('sessions', [[
'sessionid' => $db_user['sessionid'],
'userid' => $db_user['userid'],
'lastaccess' => time(),
'secret' => $db_user['secret']
]], false);
self::$userData = $db_user;
if ($db_user['attempt_failed'] != 0) {
$upd_user = ['attempt_failed' => 0];
DB::update('users', [
'values' => $upd_user,
'where' => ['userid' => $db_user['userid']]
$users = [$upd_user + ['userid' => $db_user['userid']]];
$db_users = [$db_user['userid'] => $db_user];
self::addAuditLog(CAudit::ACTION_UPDATE, CAudit::RESOURCE_USER, $users, $db_users);
return $db_user;
* Find accessible user by username.
* @param string $username User username to search for.
* @param bool $case_sensitive Perform case sensitive search.
* @param int $default_auth System default authentication type.
* @param bool $do_group_check Is actual only when $case_sensitive equals false. In HTTP authentication case
* user username string is case insensitive string even for groups with frontend
* @return array The array with the following keys:
* - 'error' - (optional) the error message;
* - 'db_user' - contains user data when at least one user is found;
* - 'permissions' - (optional) contains user permissions data.
public function findAccessibleUser(string $username, bool $case_sensitive, int $default_auth,
bool $do_group_check): array {
$db_users = [];
$group_to_auth_map = [
GROUP_GUI_ACCESS_SYSTEM => $default_auth,
$fields = ['userid', 'username', 'name', 'surname', 'passwd', 'url', 'autologin', 'autologout', 'lang',
'refresh', 'theme', 'attempt_failed', 'attempt_ip', 'attempt_clock', 'rows_per_page', 'timezone', 'roleid',
if ($case_sensitive) {
$db_users = DB::select('users', [
'output' => $fields,
'filter' => ['username' => $username]
else {
$db_users_rows = DBfetchArray(DBselect(
'SELECT '.implode(',', $fields).
' FROM users'.
' WHERE LOWER(username)='.zbx_dbstr(strtolower($username))
if ($do_group_check) {
// Users with ZBX_AUTH_INTERNAL access attribute 'username' is always case sensitive.
foreach($db_users_rows as $db_user_row) {
$permissions = $this->getUserGroupsPermissions($db_user_row);
if ($group_to_auth_map[$permissions['gui_access']] != ZBX_AUTH_INTERNAL
|| $db_user_row['username'] === $username) {
$db_users[] = $db_user_row;
else {
$db_users = $db_users_rows;
if (!$db_users) {
return ['error' => _('Incorrect user name or password or account is temporarily blocked.')];
$db_user = reset($db_users);
if (count($db_users) > 1) {
return ['error' => _s('Authentication failed: %1$s.', _('supplied credentials are not unique')),
'db_user' => $db_user
$permissions = $this->getUserGroupsPermissions($db_user);
if ($permissions['users_status'] == GROUP_STATUS_DISABLED) {
return ['error' => _('No permissions for system access.'), 'db_user' => $db_user];
return ['db_user' => $db_user, 'permissions' => $permissions];
* Adds extra fields to database user data.
* @param array $db_user
* @param array $group_attrs
* @param string $group_attrs['debug_mode']
* @param string $group_attrs['gui_access']
* @param string $group_attrs['userdirectoryid']
* @param bool $group_attrs['deprovisioned']
* @return array $db_user array with extra fields set.
private function addExtraFields(array $db_user, array $group_attrs): array {
$db_user['type'] = $this->getUserType($db_user['roleid']);
$db_user['userip'] = CWebUser::getIp();
$db_user['debug_mode'] = $group_attrs['debug_mode'];
$db_user['gui_access'] = $group_attrs['gui_access'];
$db_user['deprovisioned'] = $group_attrs['deprovisioned'];
if ($db_user['lang'] === LANG_DEFAULT) {
$db_user['lang'] = CSettingsHelper::getGlobal(CSettingsHelper::DEFAULT_LANG);
if ($db_user['timezone'] === TIMEZONE_DEFAULT) {
$db_user['timezone'] = CSettingsHelper::getGlobal(CSettingsHelper::DEFAULT_TIMEZONE);
$gui_access = $db_user['gui_access'];
if ($gui_access == GROUP_GUI_ACCESS_SYSTEM) {
$gui_access = CAuthenticationHelper::get(CAuthenticationHelper::AUTHENTICATION_TYPE) == ZBX_AUTH_INTERNAL
switch ($gui_access) {
$db_user['auth_type'] = ZBX_AUTH_INTERNAL;
$userdirectoryid = $db_user['userdirectoryid'] == 0
? $group_attrs['userdirectoryid']
: $db_user['userdirectoryid'];
if ($userdirectoryid != 0) {
$userdirectories = DB::select('userdirectory', [
'output' => ['idp_type'],
'userdirectoryids' => [$userdirectoryid]
if ($userdirectories && $userdirectories[0]['idp_type'] == IDP_TYPE_LDAP) {
$db_user['auth_type'] = ZBX_AUTH_LDAP;
$db_user['auth_type'] = ZBX_AUTH_LDAP;
$db_user['auth_type'] = ZBX_AUTH_NONE;
return $db_user;
* Sets the default user timezone used by all date/time functions.
* @param string|null $timezone
private function setTimezone(?string $timezone): void {
if ($timezone !== null && $timezone !== ZBX_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE) {
* Function to validate if password meets password policy requirements.
* @param array $user
* @param string $user['username'] (optional)
* @param string $user['name'] (optional)
* @param string $user['surname'] (optional)
* @param string $user['passwd']
* @param string $path Password field path to display error message.
* @throws APIException if the input is invalid.
* @return bool
private function checkPassword(array $user, string $path): bool {
$context_data = array_filter(array_intersect_key($user, array_flip(['username', 'name', 'surname'])));
$passwd_validator = new CPasswordComplexityValidator([
'passwd_min_length' => CAuthenticationHelper::get(CAuthenticationHelper::PASSWD_MIN_LENGTH),
'passwd_check_rules' => CAuthenticationHelper::get(CAuthenticationHelper::PASSWD_CHECK_RULES)
if ($passwd_validator->validate($user['passwd']) === false) {
_s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.', $path, $passwd_validator->getError())
return true;
* For user provisioned by IDP_TYPE_LDAP update user provisioned attributes. Will return empty array
* when user is deprovisioned.
* @param array $user_data
* @param int $user_data['userid']
* @param string $user_data['username']
* @return array
protected function provisionLdapUser(array $user_data): array {
$provisioning = CProvisioning::forUserDirectoryId($user_data['userdirectoryid']);
$config = $provisioning->getIdpConfig();
$ldap = new CLdap($config);
if ($ldap->bind_type != CLdap::BIND_ANONYMOUS && $ldap->bind_type != CLdap::BIND_CONFIG_CREDENTIALS) {
return $user_data;
$user = $ldap->getProvisionedData($provisioning, $user_data['username']);
$user['username'] = $user_data['username'];
$user['userid'] = $user_data['userid'];
return $this->updateProvisionedUser($user);
* Remove invalid medias.
* @param array $medias
* @param array $medias[]['mediatypeid']
protected function sanitizeUserMedia(array $medias): array {
if (!$medias) {
return $medias;
$user_medias = [];
$email_mediatypeids = [];
$max_length = DB::getFieldLength('media', 'sendto');
$mediatypeids = array_column($medias, 'mediatypeid', 'mediatypeid');
$email_validator = new CEmailValidator();
if ($mediatypeids) {
$email_mediatypeids = array_keys(DB::select('media_type', [
'output' => ['mediatypeid'],
'filter' => ['type' => MEDIA_TYPE_EMAIL],
'mediatypeids' => $mediatypeids,
'preservekeys' => true
foreach ($medias as $media) {
$sendto = array_filter($media['sendto'], 'strlen');
if (in_array($media['mediatypeid'], $email_mediatypeids)) {
$sendto = array_filter($media['sendto'], [$email_validator, 'validate']);
while (mb_strlen(implode("\n", $sendto)) > $max_length && count($sendto) > 0) {
if ($sendto) {
$user_medias[] = [
'mediatypeid' => $media['mediatypeid'],
'sendto' => $sendto
return $user_medias;