1 year ago | |
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README.md | 1 year ago | |
template_kubernetes_state.yaml | 1 year ago |
Kubernetes cluster state by HTTP
The template to monitor Kubernetes state that work without any external scripts. It works without external scripts and uses the script item to make HTTP requests to the Kubernetes API.
Template Kubernetes cluster state by HTTP
- collects metrics by HTTP agent from kube-state-metrics endpoint and Kubernetes API.
Don't forget change macros {$KUBE.API.URL} and {$KUBE.API.TOKEN}. Also, see the Macros section for a list of macros used to set trigger values.
NOTE. Some metrics may not be collected depending on your Kubernetes version and configuration.
Zabbix version: 7.0 and higher.
Tested versions
This template has been tested on:
- Kubernetes 1.19.10
Zabbix should be configured according to the instructions in the Templates out of the box section.
Install the Zabbix Helm Chart in your Kubernetes cluster. Internal service metrics are collected from kube-state-metrics endpoint.
Template needs to use Authorization via API token.
Set the {$KUBE.API.URL}
such as <scheme>://<host>:<port>
Get the generated service account token using the command:
kubectl get secret zabbix-service-account -n monitoring -o jsonpath={.data.token} | base64 -d
Then set it to the macro {$KUBE.API.TOKEN}
with Kube state metrics endpoint name. See kubectl -n monitoring get ep
. Default: zabbix-kube-state-metrics
NOTE. If you wish to monitor Controller Manager and Scheduler components, you might need to set the --binding-address
option for them to the address where Zabbix proxy can reach them.
For example, for clusters created with kubeadm
it can be set in the following manifest files (changes will be applied immediately):
- /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-controller-manager.yaml
- /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-scheduler.yaml
Depending on your Kubernetes distribution, you might need to adjust {$KUBE.CONTROL_PLANE.TAINT}
macro (for example, set it to node-role.kubernetes.io/master
for OpenShift).
NOTE. Some metrics may not be collected depending on your Kubernetes version and configuration.
Also, see the Macros section for a list of macros used to set trigger values.
Set up the macros to filter the metrics of discovered Kubelets by node names:
Set up macros to filter metrics by namespace:
Set up macros to filter node metrics by nodename:
Note, If you have a large cluster, it is highly recommended to set a filter for discoverable namespaces.
macros for advanced filtering of Kubelets by node labels and annotations.
Notes about labels and annotations filters:
- Macro values should be specified separated by commas and must have the key/value form with support for regular expressions in the value (
key1: value, key2: regexp
). - ECMAScript syntax is used for regular expressions.
- Filters are applied if such a label key exists for the entity that is being filtered (it means that if you specify a key in a filter, entities which do not have this key will not be affected by the filter and will still be discovered, and only entities containing that key will be filtered by the value).
- You can also use the exclamation point symbol (
) to invert the filter (!key: value
For example: kubernetes.io/hostname: kubernetes-node[5-25], !node-role.kubernetes.io/ingress: .*
. As a result, the Kubelets on nodes 5-25 without the "ingress" role will be discovered.
See the Kubernetes documentation for details about labels and annotations:
- https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/
- https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/annotations/
You can also set up evaluation periods for replica mismatch triggers (Deployments, ReplicaSets, StatefulSets) with the macro {$KUBE.REPLICA.MISMATCH.EVAL_PERIOD}
, which supports context and regular expressions. For example, you can create the following macros:
- Set the evaluation period for the Deployment "nginx-deployment" in the namespace "default" to the 3 last values:
{$KUBE.REPLICA.MISMATCH.EVAL_PERIOD:"deployment:default:nginx-deployment"} = #3
- Set the evaluation period for all Deployments to the 10 last values:
{$KUBE.REPLICA.MISMATCH.EVAL_PERIOD:regex:"deployment:.*:.*"} = #10
or {$KUBE.REPLICA.MISMATCH.EVAL_PERIOD:regex:"^deployment.*"} = #10
- Set the evaluation period for Deployments, ReplicaSets and StatefulSets in the namespace "default" to 15 minutes:
{$KUBE.REPLICA.MISMATCH.EVAL_PERIOD:regex:".*:default:.*"} = 15m
Note, that different context macros with regular expressions matching the same string can be applied in an undefined order and simple context macros (without regular expressions) have higher priority. Read the Important notes section in Zabbix documentation
for details.
Macros used
Name | Description | Default |
{$KUBE.API.URL} | Kubernetes API endpoint URL in the format ://: |
https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local:443 |
{$KUBE.API.READYZ.ENDPOINT} | Kubernetes API readyz endpoint /readyz |
/readyz |
{$KUBE.API.LIVEZ.ENDPOINT} | Kubernetes API livez endpoint /livez |
/livez |
{$KUBE.API.COMPONENTSTATUSES.ENDPOINT} | Kubernetes API componentstatuses endpoint /api/v1/componentstatuses |
/api/v1/componentstatuses |
{$KUBE.API.TOKEN} | Service account bearer token. |
{$KUBE.HTTP.PROXY} | Sets the HTTP proxy to |
{$KUBE.STATE.ENDPOINT.NAME} | Kubernetes state endpoint name. |
zabbix-kube-state-metrics |
{$KUBE.API_SERVER.SCHEME} | Kubernetes API servers metrics endpoint scheme. Used in ControlPlane LLD. |
https |
{$KUBE.API_SERVER.PORT} | Kubernetes API servers metrics endpoint port. Used in ControlPlane LLD. |
6443 |
{$KUBE.CONTROL_PLANE.TAINT} | Taint that applies to control plane nodes. Change if needed. Used in ControlPlane LLD. |
node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane |
{$KUBE.CONTROLLER_MANAGER.SCHEME} | Kubernetes Controller manager metrics endpoint scheme. Used in ControlPlane LLD. |
https |
{$KUBE.CONTROLLER_MANAGER.PORT} | Kubernetes Controller manager metrics endpoint port. Used in ControlPlane LLD. |
10257 |
{$KUBE.SCHEDULER.SCHEME} | Kubernetes Scheduler metrics endpoint scheme. Used in ControlPlane LLD. |
https |
{$KUBE.SCHEDULER.PORT} | Kubernetes Scheduler metrics endpoint port. Used in ControlPlane LLD. |
10259 |
{$KUBE.KUBELET.SCHEME} | Kubernetes Kubelet metrics endpoint scheme. Used in Kubelet LLD. |
https |
{$KUBE.KUBELET.PORT} | Kubernetes Kubelet metrics endpoint port. Used in Kubelet LLD. |
10250 |
{$KUBE.LLD.FILTER.NAMESPACE.MATCHES} | Filter of discoverable metrics by namespace. |
.* |
{$KUBE.LLD.FILTER.NAMESPACE.NOT_MATCHES} | Filter to exclude discovered metrics by namespace. |
{$KUBE.LLD.FILTER.NODE.MATCHES} | Filter of discoverable nodes by nodename. |
.* |
{$KUBE.LLD.FILTER.NODE.NOT_MATCHES} | Filter to exclude discovered nodes by nodename. |
{$KUBE.LLD.FILTER.KUBELET_NODE.MATCHES} | Filter of discoverable Kubelets by nodename. |
.* |
{$KUBE.LLD.FILTER.KUBELET_NODE.NOT_MATCHES} | Filter to exclude discovered Kubelets by nodename. |
{$KUBE.KUBELET.FILTER.ANNOTATIONS} | Node annotations to filter Kubelets (regex in values are supported). See the template's README.md for details. |
{$KUBE.KUBELET.FILTER.LABELS} | Node labels to filter Kubelets (regex in values are supported). See the template's README.md for details. |
{$KUBE.LLD.FILTER.PV.MATCHES} | Filter of discoverable persistent volumes by name. |
.* |
{$KUBE.LLD.FILTER.PV.NOT_MATCHES} | Filter to exclude discovered persistent volumes by name. |
{$KUBE.REPLICA.MISMATCH.EVAL_PERIOD} | The evaluation period range which is used for calculation of expressions in trigger prototypes (time period or value range). Can be used with context. |
#5 |
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Kubernetes: Get state metrics | Collecting Kubernetes metrics from kube-state-metrics. |
Script | kube.state.metrics |
Kubernetes: Control plane LLD | Generation of data for Control plane discovery rules. |
Script | kube.control_plane.lld Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Node LLD | Generation of data for Kubelet discovery rules. |
Script | kube.node.lld Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Get component statuses | HTTP agent | kube.componentstatuses Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Get readyz | HTTP agent | kube.readyz Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Get livez | HTTP agent | kube.livez Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace count | The number of namespaces. |
Dependent item | kube.namespace.count Preprocessing
Kubernetes: CronJob count | Number of cronjobs. |
Dependent item | kube.cronjob.count Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Job count | Number of jobs (generated by cronjob + job). |
Dependent item | kube.job.count Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Endpoint count | Number of endpoints. |
Dependent item | kube.endpoint.count Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Deployment count | The number of deployments. |
Dependent item | kube.deployment.count Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Service count | The number of services. |
Dependent item | kube.service.count Preprocessing
Kubernetes: StatefulSet count | The number of statefulsets. |
Dependent item | kube.statefulset.count Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Node count | The number of nodes. |
Dependent item | kube.node.count Preprocessing
LLD rule API servers discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
API servers discovery | Dependent item | kube.api_servers.discovery |
LLD rule Controller manager nodes discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Controller manager nodes discovery | Dependent item | kube.controller_manager.discovery |
LLD rule Scheduler servers nodes discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Scheduler servers nodes discovery | Dependent item | kube.scheduler.discovery |
LLD rule Kubelet discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Kubelet discovery | Dependent item | kube.kubelet.discovery |
LLD rule Daemonset discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Daemonset discovery | Dependent item | kube.daemonset.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for Daemonset discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Daemonset [{#NAME}]: Ready | The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have one or more running and ready. |
Dependent item | kube.daemonset.ready[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Daemonset [{#NAME}]: Scheduled | The number of nodes running at least one daemon pod and are supposed to. |
Dependent item | kube.daemonset.scheduled[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Daemonset [{#NAME}]: Desired | The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod. |
Dependent item | kube.daemonset.desired[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Daemonset [{#NAME}]: Misscheduled | The number of nodes running a daemon pod but are not supposed to. |
Dependent item | kube.daemonset.misscheduled[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Daemonset [{#NAME}]: Updated number scheduled | The total number of nodes that are running updated daemon pod. |
Dependent item | kube.daemonset.updated[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
LLD rule PVC discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
PVC discovery | Dependent item | kube.pvc.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for PVC discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] PVC [{#NAME}] Status phase | The current status phase of the persistent volume claim. |
Dependent item | kube.pvc.status_phase[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] PVC [{#NAME}] Requested storage | The capacity of storage requested by the persistent volume claim. |
Dependent item | kube.pvc.requested.storage[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] PVC status phase: Bound, sum | The total amount of persistent volume claims in the Bound phase. |
Dependent item | kube.pvc.status_phase.bound.sum[{#NAMESPACE}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] PVC status phase: Lost, sum | The total amount of persistent volume claims in the Lost phase. |
Dependent item | kube.pvc.status_phase.lost.sum[{#NAMESPACE}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] PVC status phase: Pending, sum | The total amount of persistent volume claims in the Pending phase. |
Dependent item | kube.pvc.status_phase.pending.sum[{#NAMESPACE}] Preprocessing
Trigger prototypes for PVC discovery
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
Kubernetes: NS [{#NAMESPACE}] PVC [{#NAME}]: PVC is pending | count(/Kubernetes cluster state by HTTP/kube.pvc.status_phase[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}],2m,,5)>=2 |
Warning |
LLD rule PV discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
PV discovery | Dependent item | kube.pv.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for PV discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Kubernetes: PV [{#NAME}] Status phase | The current status phase of the persistent volume. |
Dependent item | kube.pv.status_phase[{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: PV [{#NAME}] Capacity bytes | A capacity of the persistent volume in bytes. |
Dependent item | kube.pv.capacity.bytes[{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: PV status phase: Pending, sum | The total amount of persistent volumes in the Pending phase. |
Dependent item | kube.pv.status_phase.pending.sum[{#SINGLETON}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: PV status phase: Available, sum | The total amount of persistent volumes in the Available phase. |
Dependent item | kube.pv.status_phase.available.sum[{#SINGLETON}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: PV status phase: Bound, sum | The total amount of persistent volumes in the Bound phase. |
Dependent item | kube.pv.status_phase.bound.sum[{#SINGLETON}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: PV status phase: Released, sum | The total amount of persistent volumes in the Released phase. |
Dependent item | kube.pv.status_phase.released.sum[{#SINGLETON}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: PV status phase: Failed, sum | The total amount of persistent volumes in the Failed phase. |
Dependent item | kube.pv.status_phase.failed.sum[{#SINGLETON}] Preprocessing
Trigger prototypes for PV discovery
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
Kubernetes: PV [{#NAME}]: PV has failed | count(/Kubernetes cluster state by HTTP/kube.pv.status_phase[{#NAME}],2m,,3)>=2 |
Warning |
LLD rule Deployment discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Deployment discovery | Dependent item | kube.deployment.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for Deployment discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Deployment [{#NAME}]: Paused | Whether the deployment is paused and will not be processed by the deployment controller. |
Dependent item | kube.deployment.spec_paused[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Deployment [{#NAME}]: Replicas desired | Number of desired pods for a deployment. |
Dependent item | kube.deployment.replicas_desired[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Deployment [{#NAME}]: Rollingupdate max unavailable | Maximum number of unavailable replicas during a rolling update of a deployment. |
Dependent item | kube.deployment.rollingupdate.max_unavailable[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Deployment [{#NAME}]: Replicas | The number of replicas per deployment. |
Dependent item | kube.deployment.replicas[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Deployment [{#NAME}]: Replicas available | The number of available replicas per deployment. |
Dependent item | kube.deployment.replicas_available[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Deployment [{#NAME}]: Replicas unavailable | The number of unavailable replicas per deployment. |
Dependent item | kube.deployment.replicas_unavailable[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Deployment [{#NAME}]: Replicas updated | The number of updated replicas per deployment. |
Dependent item | kube.deployment.replicas_updated[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Deployment [{#NAME}]: Replicas mismatched | The number of available replicas that mismatch the desired number of replicas. |
Dependent item | kube.deployment.replicas_mismatched[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Trigger prototypes for Deployment discovery
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Deployment [{#NAME}]: Deployment replicas mismatch | Deployment has not matched the expected number of replicas during the specified trigger evaluation period. |
min(/Kubernetes cluster state by HTTP/kube.deployment.replicas_mismatched[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}],{$KUBE.REPLICA.MISMATCH.EVAL_PERIOD:"deployment:{#NAMESPACE}:{#NAME}"})>0 and last(/Kubernetes cluster state by HTTP/kube.deployment.replicas_desired[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}])>=0 and last(/Kubernetes cluster state by HTTP/kube.deployment.replicas_available[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}])>=0 |
Warning |
LLD rule Endpoint discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Endpoint discovery | Dependent item | kube.endpoint.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for Endpoint discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Endpoint [{#NAME}]: Address available | Number of addresses available in endpoint. |
Dependent item | kube.endpoint.address_available[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Endpoint [{#NAME}]: Address not ready | Number of addresses not ready in endpoint. |
Dependent item | kube.endpoint.address_not_ready[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Endpoint [{#NAME}]: Age | Endpoint age (number of seconds since creation). |
Dependent item | kube.endpoint.age[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
LLD rule Node discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Node discovery | Dependent item | kube.node.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for Node discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Kubernetes: Node [{#NAME}]: CPU allocatable | The CPU resources of a node that are available for scheduling. |
Dependent item | kube.node.cpu_allocatable[{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Node [{#NAME}]: Memory allocatable | The Memory resources of a node that are available for scheduling. |
Dependent item | kube.node.memory_allocatable[{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Node [{#NAME}]: Pods allocatable | The Pods resources of a node that are available for scheduling. |
Dependent item | kube.node.pods_allocatable[{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Node [{#NAME}]: Ephemeral storage allocatable | The allocatable ephemeral-storage of a node that is available for scheduling. |
Dependent item | kube.node.ephemeral_storage_allocatable[{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Node [{#NAME}]: CPU capacity | The capacity for CPU resources of a node. |
Dependent item | kube.node.cpu_capacity[{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Node [{#NAME}]: Memory capacity | The capacity for Memory resources of a node. |
Dependent item | kube.node.memory_capacity[{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Node [{#NAME}]: Ephemeral storage capacity | The ephemeral-storage capacity of a node. |
Dependent item | kube.node.ephemeral_storage_capacity[{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Node [{#NAME}]: Pods capacity | The capacity for Pods resources of a node. |
Dependent item | kube.node.pods_capacity[{#NAME}] Preprocessing
LLD rule Pod discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Pod discovery | Dependent item | kube.pod.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for Pod discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Pod [{#NAME}] Phase: Pending | Pod is in pending state. |
Dependent item | kube.pod.phase.pending[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Pod [{#NAME}] Phase: Succeeded | Pod is in succeeded state. |
Dependent item | kube.pod.phase.succeeded[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Pod [{#NAME}] Phase: Failed | Pod is in failed state. |
Dependent item | kube.pod.phase.failed[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Pod [{#NAME}] Phase: Unknown | Pod is in unknown state. |
Dependent item | kube.pod.phase.unknown[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Pod [{#NAME}] Phase: Running | Pod is in unknown state. |
Dependent item | kube.pod.phase.running[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Pod [{#NAME}]: Containers terminated | Describes whether the container is currently in terminated state. |
Dependent item | kube.pod.containers_terminated[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Pod [{#NAME}]: Containers waiting | Describes whether the container is currently in waiting state. |
Dependent item | kube.pod.containers_waiting[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Pod [{#NAME}]: Containers ready | Describes whether the containers readiness check succeeded. |
Dependent item | kube.pod.containers_ready[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Pod [{#NAME}]: Containers restarts | The number of container restarts. |
Dependent item | kube.pod.containers_restarts[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Pod [{#NAME}]: Containers running | Describes whether the container is currently in running state. |
Dependent item | kube.pod.containers_running[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Pod [{#NAME}]: Ready | Describes whether the pod is ready to serve requests. |
Dependent item | kube.pod.ready[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Pod [{#NAME}]: Scheduled | Describes the status of the scheduling process for the pod. |
Dependent item | kube.pod.scheduled[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Pod [{#NAME}]: Unschedulable | Describes the unschedulable status for the pod. |
Dependent item | kube.pod.unschedulable[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Pod [{#NAME}]: Containers CPU limits | The limit on CPU cores to be used by a container. |
Dependent item | kube.pod.containers.limits.cpu[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Pod [{#NAME}]: Containers memory limits | The limit on memory to be used by a container. |
Dependent item | kube.pod.containers.limits.memory[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Pod [{#NAME}]: Containers CPU requests | The number of requested cpu cores by a container. |
Dependent item | kube.pod.containers.requests.cpu[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Pod [{#NAME}]: Containers memory requests | The number of requested memory bytes by a container. |
Dependent item | kube.pod.containers.requests.memory[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Trigger prototypes for Pod discovery
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Pod [{#NAME}]: Pod is not healthy | min(/Kubernetes cluster state by HTTP/kube.pod.phase.failed[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}],10m)>0 or min(/Kubernetes cluster state by HTTP/kube.pod.phase.pending[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}],10m)>0 or min(/Kubernetes cluster state by HTTP/kube.pod.phase.unknown[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}],10m)>0 |
High | ||
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Pod [{#NAME}]: Pod is crash looping | Containers of the pod keep restarting. This most likely indicates that the pod is in the CrashLoopBackOff state. |
(last(/Kubernetes cluster state by HTTP/kube.pod.containers_restarts[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}])-min(/Kubernetes cluster state by HTTP/kube.pod.containers_restarts[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}],15m))>1 |
Warning |
LLD rule ReplicaSet discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
ReplicaSet discovery | Dependent item | kube.replicaset.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for ReplicaSet discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] ReplicaSet [{#NAME}]: Replicas | The number of replicas per ReplicaSet. |
Dependent item | kube.replicaset.replicas[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] ReplicaSet [{#NAME}]: Desired replicas | Number of desired pods for a ReplicaSet. |
Dependent item | kube.replicaset.replicas_desired[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] ReplicaSet [{#NAME}]: Fully labeled replicas | The number of fully labeled replicas per ReplicaSet. |
Dependent item | kube.replicaset.fully_labeled_replicas[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] ReplicaSet [{#NAME}]: Ready | The number of ready replicas per ReplicaSet. |
Dependent item | kube.replicaset.ready[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] ReplicaSet [{#NAME}]: Replicas mismatched | The number of ready replicas that mismatch the desired number of replicas. |
Dependent item | kube.replicaset.replicas_mismatched[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Trigger prototypes for ReplicaSet discovery
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] RS [{#NAME}]: ReplicaSet mismatch | ReplicaSet has not matched the expected number of replicas during the specified trigger evaluation period. |
min(/Kubernetes cluster state by HTTP/kube.replicaset.replicas_mismatched[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}],{$KUBE.REPLICA.MISMATCH.EVAL_PERIOD:"replicaset:{#NAMESPACE}:{#NAME}"})>0 and last(/Kubernetes cluster state by HTTP/kube.replicaset.replicas_desired[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}])>=0 and last(/Kubernetes cluster state by HTTP/kube.replicaset.ready[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}])>=0 |
Warning |
LLD rule StatefulSet discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
StatefulSet discovery | Dependent item | kube.statefulset.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for StatefulSet discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] StatefulSet [{#NAME}]: Replicas | The number of replicas per StatefulSet. |
Dependent item | kube.statefulset.replicas[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] StatefulSet [{#NAME}]: Desired replicas | Number of desired pods for a StatefulSet. |
Dependent item | kube.statefulset.replicas_desired[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] StatefulSet [{#NAME}]: Current replicas | The number of current replicas per StatefulSet. |
Dependent item | kube.statefulset.replicas_current[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] StatefulSet [{#NAME}]: Ready replicas | The number of ready replicas per StatefulSet. |
Dependent item | kube.statefulset.replicas_ready[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] StatefulSet [{#NAME}]: Updated replicas | The number of updated replicas per StatefulSet. |
Dependent item | kube.statefulset.replicas_updated[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] StatefulSet [{#NAME}]: Replicas mismatched | The number of ready replicas that mismatch the number of replicas. |
Dependent item | kube.statefulset.replicas_mismatched[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Trigger prototypes for StatefulSet discovery
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] StatefulSet [{#NAME}]: StatefulSet is down | (last(/Kubernetes cluster state by HTTP/kube.statefulset.replicas_ready[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}]) / last(/Kubernetes cluster state by HTTP/kube.statefulset.replicas_current[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}]))<>1 |
High | ||
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] StatefulSet [{#NAME}]: StatefulSet replicas mismatch | StatefulSet has not matched the number of replicas during the specified trigger evaluation period. |
min(/Kubernetes cluster state by HTTP/kube.statefulset.replicas_mismatched[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}],{$KUBE.REPLICA.MISMATCH.EVAL_PERIOD:"statefulset:{#NAMESPACE}:{#NAME}"})>0 and last(/Kubernetes cluster state by HTTP/kube.statefulset.replicas[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}])>=0 and last(/Kubernetes cluster state by HTTP/kube.statefulset.replicas_ready[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}])>=0 |
Warning |
LLD rule PodDisruptionBudget discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
PodDisruptionBudget discovery | Dependent item | kube.pdb.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for PodDisruptionBudget discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] PodDisruptionBudget [{#NAME}]: Pods healthy | Current number of healthy pods. |
Dependent item | kube.pdb.pods_healthy[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] PodDisruptionBudget [{#NAME}]: Pods desired | Minimum desired number of healthy pods. |
Dependent item | kube.pdb.pods_desired[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] PodDisruptionBudget [{#NAME}]: Disruptions allowed | Number of pod disruptions that are allowed. |
Dependent item | kube.pdb.disruptions_allowed[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] PodDisruptionBudget [{#NAME}]: Pods total | Total number of pods counted by this disruption budget. |
Dependent item | kube.pdb.pods_total[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
LLD rule CronJob discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
CronJob discovery | Dependent item | kube.cronjob.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for CronJob discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] CronJob [{#NAME}]: Suspend | Suspend flag tells the controller to suspend subsequent executions. |
Dependent item | kube.cronjob.spec_suspend[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] CronJob [{#NAME}]: Active | Active holds pointers to currently running jobs. |
Dependent item | kube.cronjob.status_active[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] CronJob [{#NAME}]: Last schedule | LastScheduleTime keeps information of when was the last time the job was successfully scheduled. |
Dependent item | kube.cronjob.last_schedule_time[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] CronJob [{#NAME}]: Next schedule | Next time the cronjob should be scheduled. The time after lastScheduleTime, or after the cron job's creation time if it's never been scheduled. Use this to determine if the job is delayed. |
Dependent item | kube.cronjob.next_schedule_time[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] CronJob [{#NAME}]: Failed | The number of pods which reached Phase Failed and the reason for failure. |
Dependent item | kube.cronjob.status_failed[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] CronJob [{#NAME}]: Succeeded | The number of pods which reached Phase Succeeded. |
Dependent item | kube.cronjob.status_succeeded[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] CronJob [{#NAME}]: Completion succeeded | Number of job has completed its execution. |
Dependent item | kube.cronjob.completion.succeeded[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] CronJob [{#NAME}]: Completion failed | Number of job has failed its execution. |
Dependent item | kube.cronjob.completion.failed[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
LLD rule Job discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Job discovery | Dependent item | kube.job.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for Job discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Job [{#NAME}]: Failed | The number of pods which reached Phase Failed and the reason for failure. |
Dependent item | kube.job.status_failed[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Job [{#NAME}]: Succeeded | The number of pods which reached Phase Succeeded. |
Dependent item | kube.job.status_succeeded[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Job [{#NAME}]: Completion succeeded | Number of job has completed its execution. |
Dependent item | kube.job.completion.succeeded[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Kubernetes: Namespace [{#NAMESPACE}] Job [{#NAME}]: Completion failed | Number of job has failed its execution. |
Dependent item | kube.job.completion.failed[{#NAMESPACE}/{#NAME}] Preprocessing
LLD rule Component statuses discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Component statuses discovery | Dependent item | kube.componentstatuses.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for Component statuses discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Kubernetes: Component [{#NAME}]: Healthy | Cluster component healthy. |
Dependent item | kube.componentstatuses.healthy[{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Trigger prototypes for Component statuses discovery
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
Kubernetes: Component [{#NAME}] is unhealthy | count(/Kubernetes cluster state by HTTP/kube.componentstatuses.healthy[{#NAME}],#3,,"True")<2 and length(last(/Kubernetes cluster state by HTTP/kube.componentstatuses.healthy[{#NAME}]))>0 |
Warning |
LLD rule Readyz discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Readyz discovery | Dependent item | kube.readyz.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for Readyz discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Kubernetes: Readyz [{#NAME}]: Healthcheck | Result of readyz healthcheck for component. |
Dependent item | kube.readyz.healthcheck[{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Trigger prototypes for Readyz discovery
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
Kubernetes: Readyz [{#NAME}] is unhealthy | count(/Kubernetes cluster state by HTTP/kube.readyz.healthcheck[{#NAME}],#3,,"ok")<2 and length(last(/Kubernetes cluster state by HTTP/kube.readyz.healthcheck[{#NAME}]))>0 |
Warning |
LLD rule Livez discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Livez discovery | Dependent item | kube.livez.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for Livez discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Kubernetes: Livez [{#NAME}]: Healthcheck | Result of livez healthcheck for component. |
Dependent item | kube.livez.healthcheck[{#NAME}] Preprocessing
Trigger prototypes for Livez discovery
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
Kubernetes: Livez [{#NAME}] is unhealthy | count(/Kubernetes cluster state by HTTP/kube.livez.healthcheck[{#NAME}],#3,,"ok")<2 and length(last(/Kubernetes cluster state by HTTP/kube.livez.healthcheck[{#NAME}]))>0 |
Warning |
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