gyt 1 month ago
parent 12cf9b7cc1
commit df87ea8e2f

@ -6844,505 +6844,516 @@ function getWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra ) {
return val + "px";
jQuery.each([ "height", "width" ], function( i, name ) {
jQuery.cssHooks[ name ] = {
get: function( elem, computed, extra ) {
if ( computed ) {
if ( elem.offsetWidth !== 0 ) {
return getWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra );
} else {
return jQuery.swap( elem, cssShow, function() {
return getWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra );
// 遍历 height 和 width 数组,为它们添加 cssHooks
jQuery.each(["height", "width"], function (i, name) {
jQuery.cssHooks[name] = {
// 获取元素的 height 或 width 属性值
get: function (elem, computed, extra) {
if (computed) {
// 如果元素的 offsetWidth 不为 0
if (elem.offsetWidth!== 0) {
return getWidthOrHeight(elem, name, extra);
} else {
// 使用 jQuery.swap 方法临时设置元素的样式,然后获取属性值
return jQuery.swap(elem, cssShow, function () {
return getWidthOrHeight(elem, name, extra);
// 设置元素的 height 或 width 属性值
set: function (elem, value) {
// 如果值是数字,添加 px 单位,否则直接返回
return rnum.test(value)? value + "px" : value;
set: function( elem, value ) {
return rnum.test( value ) ?
value + "px" :
if ( !jQuery.support.opacity ) {
jQuery.cssHooks.opacity = {
get: function( elem, computed ) {
// IE uses filters for opacity
return ropacity.test( (computed && elem.currentStyle ? elem.currentStyle.filter : elem.style.filter) || "" ) ?
( parseFloat( RegExp.$1 ) / 100 ) + "" :
computed ? "1" : "";
set: function( elem, value ) {
var style = elem.style,
currentStyle = elem.currentStyle,
opacity = jQuery.isNumeric( value ) ? "alpha(opacity=" + value * 100 + ")" : "",
filter = currentStyle && currentStyle.filter || style.filter || "";
// IE has trouble with opacity if it does not have layout
// Force it by setting the zoom level
style.zoom = 1;
// if setting opacity to 1, and no other filters exist - attempt to remove filter attribute #6652
if ( value >= 1 && jQuery.trim( filter.replace( ralpha, "" ) ) === "" ) {
// Setting style.filter to null, "" & " " still leave "filter:" in the cssText
// if "filter:" is present at all, clearType is disabled, we want to avoid this
// style.removeAttribute is IE Only, but so apparently is this code path...
style.removeAttribute( "filter" );
// if there there is no filter style applied in a css rule, we are done
if ( currentStyle && !currentStyle.filter ) {
// 如果不支持 opacity为 opacity 添加 cssHooks
if (!jQuery.support.opacity) {
jQuery.cssHooks.opacity = {
// 获取元素的 opacity 属性值
get: function (elem, computed) {
// IE 使用 filters 来表示 opacity
return ropacity.test((computed && elem.currentStyle? elem.currentStyle.filter : elem.style.filter) || "")?
(parseFloat(RegExp.$1) / 100) + "" :
computed? "1" : "";
// 设置元素的 opacity 属性值
set: function (elem, value) {
var style = elem.style,
currentStyle = elem.currentStyle,
opacity = jQuery.isNumeric(value)? "alpha(opacity=" + value * 100 + ")" : "",
filter = currentStyle && currentStyle.filter || style.filter || "";
// IE 对于没有布局的元素设置 opacity 会有问题,通过设置 zoom 来强制布局
style.zoom = 1;
// 如果设置 opacity 为 1且没有其他过滤器存在尝试移除 filter 属性 #6652
if (value >= 1 && jQuery.trim(filter.replace(ralpha, "")) === "") {
// 设置 style.filter 为 null 或 "" 或 " " 仍然会在 cssText 中留下 "filter:",如果存在 "filter:"clearType 会被禁用,我们想要避免这个问题
// style.removeAttribute 是 IE 特有的,但这段代码似乎只在 IE 中使用
// 如果没有在 css 规则中应用 filter 样式,完成操作
if (currentStyle &&!currentStyle.filter) {
// otherwise, set new filter values
style.filter = ralpha.test( filter ) ?
filter.replace( ralpha, opacity ) :
filter + " " + opacity;
jQuery(function() {
// This hook cannot be added until DOM ready because the support test
// for it is not run until after DOM ready
if ( !jQuery.support.reliableMarginRight ) {
jQuery.cssHooks.marginRight = {
get: function( elem, computed ) {
// WebKit Bug 13343 - getComputedStyle returns wrong value for margin-right
// Work around by temporarily setting element display to inline-block
return jQuery.swap( elem, { "display": "inline-block" }, function() {
if ( computed ) {
return curCSS( elem, "margin-right" );
} else {
return elem.style.marginRight;
// 否则,设置新的 filter 值
style.filter = ralpha.test(filter)?
filter.replace(ralpha, opacity) :
filter + " " + opacity;
if ( jQuery.expr && jQuery.expr.filters ) {
jQuery.expr.filters.hidden = function( elem ) {
var width = elem.offsetWidth,
height = elem.offsetHeight;
return ( width === 0 && height === 0 ) || (!jQuery.support.reliableHiddenOffsets && ((elem.style && elem.style.display) || jQuery.css( elem, "display" )) === "none");
jQuery.expr.filters.visible = function( elem ) {
return !jQuery.expr.filters.hidden( elem );
// These hooks are used by animate to expand properties
margin: "",
padding: "",
border: "Width"
}, function( prefix, suffix ) {
jQuery.cssHooks[ prefix + suffix ] = {
expand: function( value ) {
var i,
// assumes a single number if not a string
parts = typeof value === "string" ? value.split(" ") : [ value ],
expanded = {};
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
expanded[ prefix + cssExpand[ i ] + suffix ] =
parts[ i ] || parts[ i - 2 ] || parts[ 0 ];
return expanded;
// 在 DOM 加载完成后添加 marginRight 的 cssHook
jQuery(function () {
// 这个 hook 直到 DOM 加载完成后才能添加,因为对它的支持测试要在 DOM 加载完成后进行
if (!jQuery.support.reliableMarginRight) {
jQuery.cssHooks.marginRight = {
// 获取元素的 marginRight 属性值
get: function (elem, computed) {
// WebKit Bug 13343 - getComputedStyle 返回错误的 margin-right 值
// 通过临时将元素的显示设置为 inline-block 来解决
return jQuery.swap(elem, {"display": "inline-block"}, function () {
if (computed) {
return curCSS(elem, "margin-right");
} else {
return elem.style.marginRight;
var r20 = /%20/g,
rbracket = /\[\]$/,
rCRLF = /\r?\n/g,
rhash = /#.*$/,
rheaders = /^(.*?):[ \t]*([^\r\n]*)\r?$/mg, // IE leaves an \r character at EOL
rinput = /^(?:color|date|datetime|datetime-local|email|hidden|month|number|password|range|search|tel|text|time|url|week)$/i,
// #7653, #8125, #8152: local protocol detection
rlocalProtocol = /^(?:about|app|app\-storage|.+\-extension|file|res|widget):$/,
rnoContent = /^(?:GET|HEAD)$/,
rprotocol = /^\/\//,
rquery = /\?/,
rscript = /<script\b[^<]*(?:(?!<\/script>)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi,
rselectTextarea = /^(?:select|textarea)/i,
rspacesAjax = /\s+/,
rts = /([?&])_=[^&]*/,
rurl = /^([\w\+\.\-]+:)(?:\/\/([^\/?#:]*)(?::(\d+))?)?/,
// Keep a copy of the old load method
_load = jQuery.fn.load,
/* Prefilters
* 1) They are useful to introduce custom dataTypes (see ajax/jsonp.js for an example)
* 2) These are called:
* - BEFORE asking for a transport
* - AFTER param serialization (s.data is a string if s.processData is true)
* 3) key is the dataType
* 4) the catchall symbol "*" can be used
* 5) execution will start with transport dataType and THEN continue down to "*" if needed
prefilters = {},
/* Transports bindings
* 1) key is the dataType
* 2) the catchall symbol "*" can be used
* 3) selection will start with transport dataType and THEN go to "*" if needed
transports = {},
// Document location
// 检查 jQuery.expr 和 jQuery.expr.filters 是否存在
if (jQuery.expr && jQuery.expr.filters) {
// 为 jQuery.expr.filters 添加 hidden 过滤器
jQuery.expr.filters.hidden = function (elem) {
var width = elem.offsetWidth,
height = elem.offsetHeight;
// 判断元素是否隐藏,根据宽度和高度是否都为 0 或者不支持 reliableHiddenOffsets 且元素的显示为 none 来判断
return (width === 0 && height === 0) || (!jQuery.support.reliableHiddenOffsets && ((elem.style && elem.style.display) || jQuery.css(elem, "display")) === "none");
// 为 jQuery.expr.filters 添加 visible 过滤器,可见元素就是不隐藏的元素
jQuery.expr.filters.visible = function (elem) {
// Document location segments
// 这些钩子被 animate 函数用来扩展属性
margin: "",
padding: "",
border: "Width"
}, function (prefix, suffix) {
jQuery.cssHooks[prefix + suffix] = {
// 扩展函数,将输入值扩展为包含四个方向属性的对象
expand: function (value) {
var i,
// 如果不是字符串则假设是单个数字,否则将字符串按空格拆分为数组
parts = typeof value === "string"? value.split(" ") : [value],
expanded = {};
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
expanded[prefix + cssExpand[i] + suffix] =
parts[i] || parts[i - 2] || parts[0];
return expanded;
// Avoid comment-prolog char sequence (#10098); must appease lint and evade compression
allTypes = ["*/"] + ["*"];
// #8138, IE may throw an exception when accessing
// a field from window.location if document.domain has been set
try {
ajaxLocation = location.href;
} catch( e ) {
// Use the href attribute of an A element
// since IE will modify it given document.location
ajaxLocation = document.createElement( "a" );
ajaxLocation.href = "";
ajaxLocation = ajaxLocation.href;
var r20 = /%20/g,
rbracket = /\[\]$/,
rCRLF = /\r?\n/g,
rhash = /#.*$/,
rheaders = /^(.*?):[ \t]*([^\r\n]*)\r?$/mg, // IE 在 EOL 处会留下一个 \r 字符
rinput = /^(?:color|date|datetime|datetime-local|email|hidden|month|number|password|range|search|tel|text|time|url|week)$/i,
// #7653, #8125, #8152: 本地协议检测
rlocalProtocol = /^(?:about|app|app\-storage|.+\-extension|file|res|widget):$/,
rnoContent = /^(?:GET|HEAD)$/,
rprotocol = /^\/\//,
rquery = /\?/,
rscript = /<script\b[^<]*(?:(?!<\/script>)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi,
rselectTextarea = /^(?:select|textarea)/i,
rspacesAjax = /\s+/,
rts = /([?&])_=[^&]*/,
rurl = /^([\w+\.\-]+:)(?:\/\/([^\/?#:]*)(?::(\d+))?/,
// 保存旧的 load 方法
_load = jQuery.fn.load,
// Prefilters
// 1) 它们可用于引入自定义数据类型(例如 ajax/jsonp.js 中的示例)
// 2) 它们在请求传输之前和参数序列化之后调用(如果 s.processData 为 true则 s.data 是一个字符串)
// 3) key 是数据类型
// 4) 通配符 "*" 可以使用
// 5) 执行将从传输数据类型开始,然后根据需要继续到 "*"
prefilters = {},
// Transports bindings
// 1) key 是数据类型
// 2) 通配符 "*" 可以使用
// 3) 选择将从传输数据类型开始,然后根据需要到 "*"
transports = {},
// 文档位置
// 文档位置的部分
// 避免注释序言字符序列 (#10098);必须满足 lint 并避免压缩
allTypes = ["*/"] + ["*"];
// #8138, IE 可能在访问 window.location 的字段时抛出异常,如果 document.domain 已设置
try {
// 获取 location.href
ajaxLocation = location.href;
} catch (e) {
// 使用 A 元素的 href 属性
// 因为 IE 会根据 document.location 修改它
ajaxLocation = document.createElement("a");
ajaxLocation.href = "";
ajaxLocation = ajaxLocation.href;
// Segment location into parts
ajaxLocParts = rurl.exec( ajaxLocation.toLowerCase() ) || [];
// Base "constructor" for jQuery.ajaxPrefilter and jQuery.ajaxTransport
function addToPrefiltersOrTransports( structure ) {
// 执行 rurl 正则表达式匹配,将结果存储在 ajaxLocParts 中,如果没有匹配结果则存储空数组
ajaxLocParts = rurl.exec(ajaxLocation.toLowerCase()) || [];
// dataTypeExpression is optional and defaults to "*"
return function( dataTypeExpression, func ) {
if ( typeof dataTypeExpression !== "string" ) {
func = dataTypeExpression;
dataTypeExpression = "*";
if ( jQuery.isFunction( func ) ) {
var dataTypes = dataTypeExpression.toLowerCase().split( rspacesAjax ),
i = 0,
length = dataTypes.length,
// jQuery.ajaxPrefilter 和 jQuery.ajaxTransport 的基础“构造函数”
function addToPrefiltersOrTransports(structure) {
// dataTypeExpression 是可选的,默认为 "*"
return function (dataTypeExpression, func) {
// 如果 dataTypeExpression 不是字符串,将 func 作为 dataTypeExpression并将 dataTypeExpression 设为 "*"
if (typeof dataTypeExpression!== "string") {
func = dataTypeExpression;
dataTypeExpression = "*";
// For each dataType in the dataTypeExpression
for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
dataType = dataTypes[ i ];
// We control if we're asked to add before
// any existing element
placeBefore = /^\+/.test( dataType );
if ( placeBefore ) {
dataType = dataType.substr( 1 ) || "*";
if (jQuery.isFunction(func)) {
var dataTypes = dataTypeExpression.toLowerCase().split(rspacesAjax),
i = 0,
length = dataTypes.length,
// 对于 dataTypeExpression 中的每个数据类型
for (; i < length; i++) {
dataType = dataTypes[i];
// 检查是否需要添加到已有元素之前
placeBefore = /^\+/.test(dataType);
if (placeBefore) {
dataType = dataType.substr(1) || "*";
// 获取或创建存储结构中对应的数据类型列表
list = structure[dataType] = structure[dataType] || [];
// 根据 placeBefore 的情况将 func 添加到列表的开头或末尾
list[placeBefore? "unshift" : "push"](func);
list = structure[ dataType ] = structure[ dataType ] || [];
// then we add to the structure accordingly
list[ placeBefore ? "unshift" : "push" ]( func );
// Base inspection function for prefilters and transports
function inspectPrefiltersOrTransports( structure, options, originalOptions, jqXHR,
dataType /* internal */, inspected /* internal */ ) {
dataType = dataType || options.dataTypes[ 0 ];
inspected = inspected || {};
inspected[ dataType ] = true;
var list = structure[ dataType ],
i = 0,
length = list ? list.length : 0,
executeOnly = ( structure === prefilters ),
// 预过滤器和传输器的基础检查函数
function inspectPrefiltersOrTransports(structure, options, originalOptions, jqXHR,
dataType /* internal */, inspected /* internal */) {
dataType = dataType || options.dataTypes[0];
inspected = inspected || {};
// 标记已检查的数据类型
inspected[dataType] = true;
for ( ; i < length && ( executeOnly || !selection ); i++ ) {
selection = list[ i ]( options, originalOptions, jqXHR );
// If we got redirected to another dataType
// we try there if executing only and not done already
if ( typeof selection === "string" ) {
if ( !executeOnly || inspected[ selection ] ) {
selection = undefined;
} else {
options.dataTypes.unshift( selection );
selection = inspectPrefiltersOrTransports(
structure, options, originalOptions, jqXHR, selection, inspected );
var list = structure[dataType],
i = 0,
length = list? list.length : 0,
executeOnly = (structure === prefilters),
for (; i < length && (executeOnly ||!selection); i++) {
selection = list[i](options, originalOptions, jqXHR);
// 如果重定向到另一个数据类型
// 如果仅执行且尚未完成,则尝试新的数据类型
if (typeof selection === "string") {
if (!executeOnly || inspected[selection]) {
selection = undefined;
} else {
// 递归调用自身检查新的数据类型
selection = inspectPrefiltersOrTransports(
structure, options, originalOptions, jqXHR, selection, inspected);
// 如果仅执行或未选择任何内容,并且未检查过通配符数据类型
if ((executeOnly ||!selection) &&!inspected["*"]) {
selection = inspectPrefiltersOrTransports(
structure, options, originalOptions, jqXHR, "*", inspected);
// 对于预过滤器不必要,但调用者会忽略
return selection;
// If we're only executing or nothing was selected
// we try the catchall dataType if not done already
if ( ( executeOnly || !selection ) && !inspected[ "*" ] ) {
selection = inspectPrefiltersOrTransports(
structure, options, originalOptions, jqXHR, "*", inspected );
// unnecessary when only executing (prefilters)
// but it'll be ignored by the caller in that case
return selection;
// A special extend for ajax options
// that takes "flat" options (not to be deep extended)
// Fixes #9887
function ajaxExtend( target, src ) {
var key, deep,
flatOptions = jQuery.ajaxSettings.flatOptions || {};
for ( key in src ) {
if ( src[ key ] !== undefined ) {
( flatOptions[ key ] ? target : ( deep || ( deep = {} ) ) )[ key ] = src[ key ];
// 一个特殊的 ajax 选项扩展函数
// 接受“扁平”选项(不进行深度扩展)
// 修复 #9887 问题
function ajaxExtend(target, src) {
var key, deep,
flatOptions = jQuery.ajaxSettings.flatOptions || {};
for (key in src) {
if (src[key]!== undefined) {
// 根据 flatOptions 决定是否进行深度扩展
(flatOptions[key]? target : (deep || (deep = {})))[key] = src[key];
if (deep) {
jQuery.extend(true, target, deep);
if ( deep ) {
jQuery.extend( true, target, deep );
load: function( url, params, callback ) {
if ( typeof url !== "string" && _load ) {
return _load.apply( this, arguments );
// Don't do a request if no elements are being requested
} else if ( !this.length ) {
return this;
load: function (url, params, callback) {
// 如果 url 不是字符串且 _load 存在,使用 _load 函数
if (typeof url!== "string" && _load) {
return _load.apply(this, arguments);
// 如果没有元素请求,不执行请求,直接返回 jQuery 对象
else if (!this.length) {
return this;
var off = url.indexOf( " " );
if ( off >= 0 ) {
var selector = url.slice( off, url.length );
url = url.slice( 0, off );
// Default to a GET request
var type = "GET";
// If the second parameter was provided
if ( params ) {
// If it's a function
if ( jQuery.isFunction( params ) ) {
// We assume that it's the callback
callback = params;
params = undefined;
// Otherwise, build a param string
} else if ( typeof params === "object" ) {
params = jQuery.param( params, jQuery.ajaxSettings.traditional );
type = "POST";
var self = this;
// Request the remote document
url: url,
type: type,
dataType: "html",
data: params,
// Complete callback (responseText is used internally)
complete: function( jqXHR, status, responseText ) {
// Store the response as specified by the jqXHR object
responseText = jqXHR.responseText;
// If successful, inject the HTML into all the matched elements
if ( jqXHR.isResolved() ) {
// #4825: Get the actual response in case
// a dataFilter is present in ajaxSettings
jqXHR.done(function( r ) {
responseText = r;
// See if a selector was specified
self.html( selector ?
// Create a dummy div to hold the results
// inject the contents of the document in, removing the scripts
// to avoid any 'Permission Denied' errors in IE
.append(responseText.replace(rscript, ""))
var off = url.indexOf(" ");
if (off >= 0) {
var selector = url.slice(off, url.length);
url = url.slice(0, off);
// Locate the specified elements
.find(selector) :
// 默认使用 GET 请求
var type = "GET";
// If not, just inject the full result
responseText );
// 如果提供了第二个参数
if (params) {
// 如果是函数,将其作为回调函数
if (jQuery.isFunction(params)) {
callback = params;
params = undefined;
if ( callback ) {
self.each( callback, [ responseText, status, jqXHR ] );
// 如果是对象,将其转换为参数字符串并使用 POST 请求
else if (typeof params === "object") {
params = jQuery.param(params, jQuery.ajaxSettings.traditional);
type = "POST";
return this;
var self = this;
serialize: function() {
return jQuery.param( this.serializeArray() );
serializeArray: function() {
return this.map(function(){
return this.elements ? jQuery.makeArray( this.elements ) : this;
return this.name && !this.disabled &&
( this.checked || rselectTextarea.test( this.nodeName ) ||
rinput.test( this.type ) );
.map(function( i, elem ){
var val = jQuery( this ).val();
return val == null ?
null :
jQuery.isArray( val ) ?
jQuery.map( val, function( val, i ){
return { name: elem.name, value: val.replace( rCRLF, "\r\n" ) };
}) :
{ name: elem.name, value: val.replace( rCRLF, "\r\n" ) };
// Request the remote document
// 请求的 URL
url: url,
// 请求的类型,默认为 GET 或根据前面的处理设置为 POST
type: type,
// 期望的数据类型为 HTML
dataType: "html",
// 请求的数据,可能是参数
data: params,
// 完成回调函数
complete: function (jqXHR, status, responseText) {
// 将响应存储为 jqXHR 对象指定的内容
responseText = jqXHR.responseText;
// 如果请求成功
if (jqXHR.isResolved()) {
// #4825: 获取实际的响应,以防 ajaxSettings 中存在数据过滤器
jqXHR.done(function (r) {
responseText = r;
// 检查是否指定了选择器
// 创建一个虚拟的 div 来存储结果
// 注入文档内容,移除脚本以避免 IE 中的 'Permission Denied' 错误
.append(responseText.replace(rscript, ""))
// 查找指定的元素
.find(selector) :
// 如果没有指定选择器,直接注入完整的结果
// Attach a bunch of functions for handling common AJAX events
jQuery.each( "ajaxStart ajaxStop ajaxComplete ajaxError ajaxSuccess ajaxSend".split( " " ), function( i, o ){
jQuery.fn[ o ] = function( f ){
return this.on( o, f );
if (callback) {
// 为每个元素执行回调函数,传递响应文本、状态和 jqXHR 对象
self.each(callback, [responseText, status, jqXHR]);
jQuery.each( [ "get", "post" ], function( i, method ) {
jQuery[ method ] = function( url, data, callback, type ) {
// shift arguments if data argument was omitted
if ( jQuery.isFunction( data ) ) {
type = type || callback;
callback = data;
data = undefined;
// 返回 jQuery 对象本身
return this;
// serialize 函数,将表单元素序列化为字符串
serialize: function () {
// 使用 jQuery.param 对序列化数组的结果进行处理
return jQuery.param(this.serializeArray());
return jQuery.ajax({
type: method,
url: url,
data: data,
success: callback,
dataType: type
// serializeArray 函数,将表单元素序列化为数组
serializeArray: function () {
return this.map(function () {
// 对于元素集合中的元素,如果有 elements 属性则转换为数组,否则保持不变
return this.elements? jQuery.makeArray(this.elements) : this;
// 过滤元素,只保留满足条件的元素
.filter(function () {
return this.name &&!this.disabled &&
(this.checked || rselectTextarea.test(this.nodeName) ||
// 映射元素,将元素转换为对象,处理元素的值
.map(function (i, elem) {
var val = jQuery(this).val();
return val == null?
null :
// 对于数组类型的值,为每个元素创建对象
jQuery.map(val, function (val, i) {
return {name: elem.name, value: val.replace(rCRLF, "\r\n")};
}) :
// 对于非数组类型的值,创建对象
{name: elem.name, value: val.replace(rCRLF, "\r\n")};
// 为处理常见的 AJAX 事件附加一系列函数
jQuery.each("ajaxStart ajaxStop ajaxComplete ajaxError ajaxSuccess ajaxSend".split(" "), function (i, o) {
// 为 jQuery.fn 扩展事件处理函数,调用 on 方法添加事件监听器
jQuery.fn[o] = function (f) {
return this.on(o, f);
getScript: function( url, callback ) {
return jQuery.get( url, undefined, callback, "script" );
jQuery.each(["get", "post"], function (i, method) {
// 为 jQuery 扩展 get 和 post 方法
jQuery[method] = function (url, data, callback, type) {
// 如果数据参数被省略,调整参数顺序
if (jQuery.isFunction(data)) {
type = type || callback;
callback = data;
data = undefined;
getJSON: function( url, data, callback ) {
return jQuery.get( url, data, callback, "json" );
// 发起 AJAX 请求
return jQuery.ajax({
type: method,
url: url,
data: data,
// 成功回调函数
success: callback,
dataType: type
// Creates a full fledged settings object into target
// with both ajaxSettings and settings fields.
// If target is omitted, writes into ajaxSettings.
ajaxSetup: function( target, settings ) {
if ( settings ) {
// Building a settings object
ajaxExtend( target, jQuery.ajaxSettings );
} else {
// Extending ajaxSettings
settings = target;
target = jQuery.ajaxSettings;
ajaxExtend( target, settings );
return target;
ajaxSettings: {
url: ajaxLocation,
isLocal: rlocalProtocol.test( ajaxLocParts[ 1 ] ),
global: true,
type: "GET",
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
processData: true,
async: true,
timeout: 0,
data: null,
dataType: null,
username: null,
password: null,
cache: null,
traditional: false,
headers: {},
accepts: {
xml: "application/xml, text/xml",
html: "text/html",
text: "text/plain",
json: "application/json, text/javascript",
"*": allTypes
// getScript 函数,用于获取脚本资源
getScript: function (url, callback) {
// 调用 jQuery.get 方法,指定数据类型为 script
return jQuery.get(url, undefined, callback, "script");
contents: {
xml: /xml/,
html: /html/,
json: /json/
// getJSON 函数,用于获取 JSON 资源
getJSON: function (url, data, callback) {
// 调用 jQuery.get 方法,指定数据类型为 json
return jQuery.get(url, data, callback, "json");
responseFields: {
xml: "responseXML",
text: "responseText"
// ajaxSetup 函数,创建完整的设置对象,可对 ajaxSettings 进行扩展或更新
ajaxSetup: function (target, settings) {
if (settings) {
// 构建一个新的设置对象,将 ajaxSettings 扩展到 target 中
ajaxExtend(target, jQuery.ajaxSettings);
} else {
// 如果没有 settings 参数,将 target 视为 settings将 ajaxSettings 作为目标扩展对象
settings = target;
target = jQuery.ajaxSettings;
// 扩展目标对象,将 settings 的属性添加到目标对象中
ajaxExtend(target, settings);
return target;
// List of data converters
// 1) key format is "source_type destination_type" (a single space in-between)
// 2) the catchall symbol "*" can be used for source_type
converters: {
ajaxSettings: {
// 请求的默认 URL
url: ajaxLocation,
// 判断是否为本地请求
isLocal: rlocalProtocol.test(ajaxLocParts[1]),
// 全局标志,默认为 true
global: true,
// 请求的默认类型为 GET
type: "GET",
// 默认的内容类型
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
// 是否处理数据,默认为 true
processData: true,
// 请求是否异步,默认为 true
async: true,
timeout: 0,
data: null,
dataType: null,
username: null,
password: null,
cache: null,
traditional: false,
headers: {},
accepts: {
// 不同数据类型的可接受内容
xml: "application/xml, text/xml",
html: "text/html",
text: "text/plain",
json: "application/json, text/javascript",
"*": allTypes
// Convert anything to text
"* text": window.String,
contents: {
// 不同数据类型的内容匹配规则
xml: /xml/,
html: /html/,
json: /json/
// Text to html (true = no transformation)
"text html": true,
responseFields: {
// 不同数据类型对应的响应字段
xml: "responseXML",
text: "responseText"
// Evaluate text as a json expression
"text json": jQuery.parseJSON,
// 数据转换器列表
// 1) 键的格式是 "source_type destination_type"(中间有一个空格)
// 2) 通配符 "*" 可用于 source_type
converters: {
// Parse text as xml
"text xml": jQuery.parseXML
// 将任何类型转换为文本
"* text": window.String,
// For options that shouldn't be deep extended:
// you can add your own custom options here if
// and when you create one that shouldn't be
// deep extended (see ajaxExtend)
flatOptions: {
context: true,
url: true
// 将文本转换为 htmltrue 表示无转换)
"text html": true,
// 将文本解析为 json 表达式
"text json": jQuery.parseJSON,
// 将文本解析为 xml
"text xml": jQuery.parseXML
// 对于不应该深度扩展的选项:
// 你可以在此处添加自己的自定义选项,当你创建一个不应该深度扩展的选项时(见 ajaxExtend 函数)
flatOptions: {
context: true,
url: true
ajaxPrefilter: addToPrefiltersOrTransports( prefilters ),
ajaxTransport: addToPrefiltersOrTransports( transports ),
