
577 lines
20 KiB

1 year ago
* Description便sqldatanotedata
* SqlDataSqlNote
* Made By CuiCan
public class SqlNote {
* getSimpleName ()
* Made By CuiCan
private static final String TAG = SqlNote.class.getSimpleName();
private static final int INVALID_ID = -99999;
// 集合了interface NoteColumns中所有SF常量17个
public static final String[] PROJECTION_NOTE = new String[] {
NoteColumns.ID, NoteColumns.ALERTED_DATE, NoteColumns.BG_COLOR_ID,
NoteColumns.NOTES_COUNT, NoteColumns.PARENT_ID, NoteColumns.SNIPPET, NoteColumns.TYPE,
NoteColumns.WIDGET_ID, NoteColumns.WIDGET_TYPE, NoteColumns.SYNC_ID,
public static final int ID_COLUMN = 0;
public static final int ALERTED_DATE_COLUMN = 1;
public static final int BG_COLOR_ID_COLUMN = 2;
public static final int CREATED_DATE_COLUMN = 3;
public static final int HAS_ATTACHMENT_COLUMN = 4;
public static final int MODIFIED_DATE_COLUMN = 5;
public static final int NOTES_COUNT_COLUMN = 6;
public static final int PARENT_ID_COLUMN = 7;
public static final int SNIPPET_COLUMN = 8;
public static final int TYPE_COLUMN = 9;
public static final int WIDGET_ID_COLUMN = 10;
public static final int WIDGET_TYPE_COLUMN = 11;
public static final int SYNC_ID_COLUMN = 12;
public static final int LOCAL_MODIFIED_COLUMN = 13;
public static final int ORIGIN_PARENT_ID_COLUMN = 14;
public static final int GTASK_ID_COLUMN = 15;
public static final int VERSION_COLUMN = 16;
private Context mContext;
private ContentResolver mContentResolver;
private boolean mIsCreate;
private long mId;
private long mAlertDate;
private int mBgColorId;
private long mCreatedDate;
private int mHasAttachment;
private long mModifiedDate;
private long mParentId;
private String mSnippet;
private int mType;
private int mWidgetId;
private int mWidgetType;
private long mOriginParent;
private long mVersion;
private ContentValues mDiffNoteValues;
private ArrayList<SqlData> mDataList;
* mIsCreate
* Made By CuiCan
public SqlNote(Context context) {
mContext = context;
mContentResolver = context.getContentResolver();
mIsCreate = true;
mAlertDate = 0;
mBgColorId = ResourceParser.getDefaultBgId(context);
mCreatedDate = System.currentTimeMillis();//调用系统函数获得创建时间
mHasAttachment = 0;
mModifiedDate = System.currentTimeMillis();//最后一次修改时间初始化为创建时间
mParentId = 0;
mSnippet = "";
mType = Notes.TYPE_NOTE;
mWidgetId = AppWidgetManager.INVALID_APPWIDGET_ID;
mOriginParent = 0;
mVersion = 0;
mDiffNoteValues = new ContentValues();
mDataList = new ArrayList<SqlData>();
* mIsCreate
* Made By CuiCan
public SqlNote(Context context, Cursor c) {
mContext = context;
mContentResolver = context.getContentResolver();
mIsCreate = false;
mDataList = new ArrayList<SqlData>();
if (mType == Notes.TYPE_NOTE)
mDiffNoteValues = new ContentValues();
* mIsCreate
* Made By CuiCan
public SqlNote(Context context, long id) {
mContext = context;
mContentResolver = context.getContentResolver();
mIsCreate = false;
mDataList = new ArrayList<SqlData>();
if (mType == Notes.TYPE_NOTE)
mDiffNoteValues = new ContentValues();
* id
* Made By CuiCan
private void loadFromCursor(long id) {
Cursor c = null;
try {
c = mContentResolver.query(Notes.CONTENT_NOTE_URI, PROJECTION_NOTE, "(_id=?)",
new String[] {
}, null);//通过id获得对应的ContentResolver中的cursor
if (c != null) {
//SqlNote(Context context, long id)与SqlNote(Context context, long id)的实现方式基本相同
} else {
Log.w(TAG, "loadFromCursor: cursor = null");
} finally {
if (c != null)
* Made By CuiCan
private void loadFromCursor(Cursor c) {
mId = c.getLong(ID_COLUMN);
mAlertDate = c.getLong(ALERTED_DATE_COLUMN);
mBgColorId = c.getInt(BG_COLOR_ID_COLUMN);
mCreatedDate = c.getLong(CREATED_DATE_COLUMN);
mHasAttachment = c.getInt(HAS_ATTACHMENT_COLUMN);
mModifiedDate = c.getLong(MODIFIED_DATE_COLUMN);
mParentId = c.getLong(PARENT_ID_COLUMN);
mSnippet = c.getString(SNIPPET_COLUMN);
mType = c.getInt(TYPE_COLUMN);
mWidgetId = c.getInt(WIDGET_ID_COLUMN);
mWidgetType = c.getInt(WIDGET_TYPE_COLUMN);
mVersion = c.getLong(VERSION_COLUMN);
* content
* Made By CuiCan
private void loadDataContent() {
Cursor c = null;
try {
c = mContentResolver.query(Notes.CONTENT_DATA_URI, SqlData.PROJECTION_DATA,
"(note_id=?)", new String[] {
}, null);
if (c != null) {
if (c.getCount() == 0) {
Log.w(TAG, "it seems that the note has not data");
while (c.moveToNext()) {
SqlData data = new SqlData(mContext, c);
} else {
Log.w(TAG, "loadDataContent: cursor = null");
} finally {
if (c != null)
* content
* Made By CuiCan
public boolean setContent(JSONObject js) {
try {
JSONObject note = js.getJSONObject(GTaskStringUtils.META_HEAD_NOTE);
if (note.getInt(NoteColumns.TYPE) == Notes.TYPE_SYSTEM) {
Log.w(TAG, "cannot set system folder");
} else if (note.getInt(NoteColumns.TYPE) == Notes.TYPE_FOLDER) {
// for folder we can only update the snnipet and type
String snippet = note.has(NoteColumns.SNIPPET) ? note
.getString(NoteColumns.SNIPPET) : "";
if (mIsCreate || !mSnippet.equals(snippet)) {
mDiffNoteValues.put(NoteColumns.SNIPPET, snippet);
mSnippet = snippet;
int type = note.has(NoteColumns.TYPE) ? note.getInt(NoteColumns.TYPE)
: Notes.TYPE_NOTE;
if (mIsCreate || mType != type) {
mDiffNoteValues.put(NoteColumns.TYPE, type);
mType = type;
} else if (note.getInt(NoteColumns.TYPE) == Notes.TYPE_NOTE) {
JSONArray dataArray = js.getJSONArray(GTaskStringUtils.META_HEAD_DATA);
long id = note.has(NoteColumns.ID) ? note.getLong(NoteColumns.ID) : INVALID_ID;
if (mIsCreate || mId != id) {
mDiffNoteValues.put(NoteColumns.ID, id);
mId = id;
long alertDate = note.has(NoteColumns.ALERTED_DATE) ? note
.getLong(NoteColumns.ALERTED_DATE) : 0;
if (mIsCreate || mAlertDate != alertDate) {
mDiffNoteValues.put(NoteColumns.ALERTED_DATE, alertDate);
mAlertDate = alertDate;
int bgColorId = note.has(NoteColumns.BG_COLOR_ID) ? note
.getInt(NoteColumns.BG_COLOR_ID) : ResourceParser.getDefaultBgId(mContext);
if (mIsCreate || mBgColorId != bgColorId) {
mDiffNoteValues.put(NoteColumns.BG_COLOR_ID, bgColorId);
mBgColorId = bgColorId;
long createDate = note.has(NoteColumns.CREATED_DATE) ? note
.getLong(NoteColumns.CREATED_DATE) : System.currentTimeMillis();
if (mIsCreate || mCreatedDate != createDate) {
mDiffNoteValues.put(NoteColumns.CREATED_DATE, createDate);
mCreatedDate = createDate;
int hasAttachment = note.has(NoteColumns.HAS_ATTACHMENT) ? note
.getInt(NoteColumns.HAS_ATTACHMENT) : 0;
if (mIsCreate || mHasAttachment != hasAttachment) {
mDiffNoteValues.put(NoteColumns.HAS_ATTACHMENT, hasAttachment);
mHasAttachment = hasAttachment;
long modifiedDate = note.has(NoteColumns.MODIFIED_DATE) ? note
.getLong(NoteColumns.MODIFIED_DATE) : System.currentTimeMillis();
if (mIsCreate || mModifiedDate != modifiedDate) {
mDiffNoteValues.put(NoteColumns.MODIFIED_DATE, modifiedDate);
mModifiedDate = modifiedDate;
long parentId = note.has(NoteColumns.PARENT_ID) ? note
.getLong(NoteColumns.PARENT_ID) : 0;
if (mIsCreate || mParentId != parentId) {
mDiffNoteValues.put(NoteColumns.PARENT_ID, parentId);
mParentId = parentId;
String snippet = note.has(NoteColumns.SNIPPET) ? note
.getString(NoteColumns.SNIPPET) : "";
if (mIsCreate || !mSnippet.equals(snippet)) {
mDiffNoteValues.put(NoteColumns.SNIPPET, snippet);
mSnippet = snippet;
int type = note.has(NoteColumns.TYPE) ? note.getInt(NoteColumns.TYPE)
: Notes.TYPE_NOTE;
if (mIsCreate || mType != type) {
mDiffNoteValues.put(NoteColumns.TYPE, type);
mType = type;
int widgetId = note.has(NoteColumns.WIDGET_ID) ? note.getInt(NoteColumns.WIDGET_ID)
if (mIsCreate || mWidgetId != widgetId) {
mDiffNoteValues.put(NoteColumns.WIDGET_ID, widgetId);
mWidgetId = widgetId;
int widgetType = note.has(NoteColumns.WIDGET_TYPE) ? note
if (mIsCreate || mWidgetType != widgetType) {
mDiffNoteValues.put(NoteColumns.WIDGET_TYPE, widgetType);
mWidgetType = widgetType;
long originParent = note.has(NoteColumns.ORIGIN_PARENT_ID) ? note
.getLong(NoteColumns.ORIGIN_PARENT_ID) : 0;
if (mIsCreate || mOriginParent != originParent) {
mDiffNoteValues.put(NoteColumns.ORIGIN_PARENT_ID, originParent);
mOriginParent = originParent;
for (int i = 0; i < dataArray.length(); i++) {
JSONObject data = dataArray.getJSONObject(i);
SqlData sqlData = null;
if (data.has(DataColumns.ID)) {
long dataId = data.getLong(DataColumns.ID);
for (SqlData temp : mDataList) {
if (dataId == temp.getId()) {
sqlData = temp;
if (sqlData == null) {
sqlData = new SqlData(mContext);
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
return false;
return true;
* contentnote
* Made By CuiCan
public JSONObject getContent() {
try {
JSONObject js = new JSONObject();
if (mIsCreate) {
Log.e(TAG, "it seems that we haven't created this in database yet");
return null;
JSONObject note = new JSONObject();
if (mType == Notes.TYPE_NOTE) {//类型为note时
note.put(NoteColumns.ID, mId);
note.put(NoteColumns.ALERTED_DATE, mAlertDate);
note.put(NoteColumns.BG_COLOR_ID, mBgColorId);
note.put(NoteColumns.CREATED_DATE, mCreatedDate);
note.put(NoteColumns.HAS_ATTACHMENT, mHasAttachment);
note.put(NoteColumns.MODIFIED_DATE, mModifiedDate);
note.put(NoteColumns.PARENT_ID, mParentId);
note.put(NoteColumns.SNIPPET, mSnippet);
note.put(NoteColumns.TYPE, mType);
note.put(NoteColumns.WIDGET_ID, mWidgetId);
note.put(NoteColumns.WIDGET_TYPE, mWidgetType);
note.put(NoteColumns.ORIGIN_PARENT_ID, mOriginParent);
js.put(GTaskStringUtils.META_HEAD_NOTE, note);
JSONArray dataArray = new JSONArray();
for (SqlData sqlData : mDataList) {
JSONObject data = sqlData.getContent();
if (data != null) {
js.put(GTaskStringUtils.META_HEAD_DATA, dataArray);
} else if (mType == Notes.TYPE_FOLDER || mType == Notes.TYPE_SYSTEM) {//类型为文件夹或者
note.put(NoteColumns.ID, mId);
note.put(NoteColumns.TYPE, mType);
note.put(NoteColumns.SNIPPET, mSnippet);
js.put(GTaskStringUtils.META_HEAD_NOTE, note);
return js;
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
return null;
* idid
* Made By CuiCan
public void setParentId(long id) {
mParentId = id;
mDiffNoteValues.put(NoteColumns.PARENT_ID, id);
* idGtaskid
* Made By CuiCan
public void setGtaskId(String gid) {
mDiffNoteValues.put(NoteColumns.GTASK_ID, gid);
* idid
* Made By CuiCan
public void setSyncId(long syncId) {
mDiffNoteValues.put(NoteColumns.SYNC_ID, syncId);
* Made By CuiCan
public void resetLocalModified() {
mDiffNoteValues.put(NoteColumns.LOCAL_MODIFIED, 0);
* id
* Made By CuiCan
public long getId() {
return mId;
* idid
* Made By CuiCan
public long getParentId() {
return mParentId;
* 便
* Made By CuiCan
public String getSnippet() {
return mSnippet;
* 便
* Made By CuiCan
public boolean isNoteType() {
return mType == Notes.TYPE_NOTE;
* commit
* Made By CuiCan
public void commit(boolean validateVersion) {
if (mIsCreate) {
if (mId == INVALID_ID && mDiffNoteValues.containsKey(NoteColumns.ID)) {
Uri uri = mContentResolver.insert(Notes.CONTENT_NOTE_URI, mDiffNoteValues);
try {
mId = Long.valueOf(uri.getPathSegments().get(1));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Get note id error :" + e.toString());
throw new ActionFailureException("create note failed");
if (mId == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Create thread id failed");
if (mType == Notes.TYPE_NOTE) {
for (SqlData sqlData : mDataList) {//直接使用sqldata中的实现
sqlData.commit(mId, false, -1);
} else {
if (mId <= 0 && mId != Notes.ID_ROOT_FOLDER && mId != Notes.ID_CALL_RECORD_FOLDER) {
Log.e(TAG, "No such note");
throw new IllegalStateException("Try to update note with invalid id");
if (mDiffNoteValues.size() > 0) {
mVersion ++;
int result = 0;
if (!validateVersion) {//构造字符串
result = mContentResolver.update(Notes.CONTENT_NOTE_URI, mDiffNoteValues, "("
+ NoteColumns.ID + "=?)", new String[] {
} else {
result = mContentResolver.update(Notes.CONTENT_NOTE_URI, mDiffNoteValues, "("
+ NoteColumns.ID + "=?) AND (" + NoteColumns.VERSION + "<=?)",
new String[] {
String.valueOf(mId), String.valueOf(mVersion)
if (result == 0) {
Log.w(TAG, "there is no update. maybe user updates note when syncing");
if (mType == Notes.TYPE_NOTE) {
for (SqlData sqlData : mDataList) {
sqlData.commit(mId, validateVersion, mVersion);
// refresh local info
if (mType == Notes.TYPE_NOTE)
mIsCreate = false;