You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1066 lines
48 KiB

4 months ago
'use strict';
const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
const inherits = require('util').inherits;
const getSingleProperty = require('./utils').getSingleProperty;
const CommandCursor = require('./command_cursor');
const handleCallback = require('./utils').handleCallback;
const filterOptions = require('./utils').filterOptions;
const toError = require('./utils').toError;
const ReadPreference = require('./core').ReadPreference;
const MongoError = require('./core').MongoError;
const ObjectID = require('./core').ObjectID;
const Logger = require('./core').Logger;
const Collection = require('./collection');
const conditionallyMergeWriteConcern = require('./utils').conditionallyMergeWriteConcern;
const executeLegacyOperation = require('./utils').executeLegacyOperation;
const ChangeStream = require('./change_stream');
const deprecate = require('util').deprecate;
const deprecateOptions = require('./utils').deprecateOptions;
const MongoDBNamespace = require('./utils').MongoDBNamespace;
const CONSTANTS = require('./constants');
const WriteConcern = require('./write_concern');
const ReadConcern = require('./read_concern');
const AggregationCursor = require('./aggregation_cursor');
// Operations
const createListener = require('./operations/db_ops').createListener;
const ensureIndex = require('./operations/db_ops').ensureIndex;
const evaluate = require('./operations/db_ops').evaluate;
const profilingInfo = require('./operations/db_ops').profilingInfo;
const validateDatabaseName = require('./operations/db_ops').validateDatabaseName;
const AggregateOperation = require('./operations/aggregate');
const AddUserOperation = require('./operations/add_user');
const CollectionsOperation = require('./operations/collections');
const CommandOperation = require('./operations/command');
const RunCommandOperation = require('./operations/run_command');
const CreateCollectionOperation = require('./operations/create_collection');
const CreateIndexesOperation = require('./operations/create_indexes');
const DropCollectionOperation = require('./operations/drop').DropCollectionOperation;
const DropDatabaseOperation = require('./operations/drop').DropDatabaseOperation;
const ExecuteDbAdminCommandOperation = require('./operations/execute_db_admin_command');
const IndexInformationOperation = require('./operations/index_information');
const ListCollectionsOperation = require('./operations/list_collections');
const ProfilingLevelOperation = require('./operations/profiling_level');
const RemoveUserOperation = require('./operations/remove_user');
const RenameOperation = require('./operations/rename');
const SetProfilingLevelOperation = require('./operations/set_profiling_level');
const executeOperation = require('./operations/execute_operation');
* @fileOverview The **Db** class is a class that represents a MongoDB Database.
* @example
* const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
* // Connection url
* const url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017';
* // Database Name
* const dbName = 'test';
* // Connect using MongoClient
* MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, client) {
* // Select the database by name
* const testDb = client.db(dbName);
* client.close();
* });
// Allowed parameters
const legalOptionNames = [
* Creates a new Db instance
* @class
* @param {string} databaseName The name of the database this instance represents.
* @param {(Server|ReplSet|Mongos)} topology The server topology for the database.
* @param {object} [options] Optional settings.
* @param {string} [options.authSource] If the database authentication is dependent on another databaseName.
* @param {(number|string)} [options.w] **Deprecated** The write concern. Use writeConcern instead.
* @param {number} [options.wtimeout] **Deprecated** The write concern timeout. Use writeConcern instead.
* @param {boolean} [options.j=false] **Deprecated** Specify a journal write concern. Use writeConcern instead.
* @param {object|WriteConcern} [options.writeConcern] Specify write concern settings.
* @param {boolean} [options.forceServerObjectId=false] Force server to assign _id values instead of driver.
* @param {boolean} [options.serializeFunctions=false] Serialize functions on any object.
* @param {Boolean} [options.ignoreUndefined=false] Specify if the BSON serializer should ignore undefined fields.
* @param {boolean} [options.raw=false] Return document results as raw BSON buffers.
* @param {boolean} [options.promoteLongs=true] Promotes Long values to number if they fit inside the 53 bits resolution.
* @param {boolean} [options.promoteBuffers=false] Promotes Binary BSON values to native Node Buffers.
* @param {boolean} [options.promoteValues=true] Promotes BSON values to native types where possible, set to false to only receive wrapper types.
* @param {boolean} [options.bsonRegExp=false] By default, regex returned from MDB will be native to the language. Setting to true will ensure that a BSON.BSONRegExp object is returned.
* @param {number} [options.bufferMaxEntries=-1] Sets a cap on how many operations the driver will buffer up before giving up on getting a working connection, default is -1 which is unlimited.
* @param {(ReadPreference|string)} [options.readPreference] The preferred read preference (ReadPreference.PRIMARY, ReadPreference.PRIMARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.SECONDARY, ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.NEAREST).
* @param {object} [options.pkFactory] A primary key factory object for generation of custom _id keys.
* @param {object} [options.promiseLibrary] A Promise library class the application wishes to use such as Bluebird, must be ES6 compatible
* @param {object} [options.readConcern] Specify a read concern for the collection. (only MongoDB 3.2 or higher supported)
* @param {ReadConcernLevel} [options.readConcern.level='local'] Specify a read concern level for the collection operations (only MongoDB 3.2 or higher supported)
* @property {(Server|ReplSet|Mongos)} serverConfig Get the current db topology.
* @property {number} bufferMaxEntries Current bufferMaxEntries value for the database
* @property {string} databaseName The name of the database this instance represents.
* @property {object} options The options associated with the db instance.
* @property {boolean} native_parser The current value of the parameter native_parser.
* @property {boolean} slaveOk The current slaveOk value for the db instance.
* @property {object} writeConcern The current write concern values.
* @property {object} topology Access the topology object (single server, replicaset or mongos).
* @fires Db#close
* @fires Db#reconnect
* @fires Db#error
* @fires Db#timeout
* @fires Db#parseError
* @fires Db#fullsetup
* @return {Db} a Db instance.
function Db(databaseName, topology, options) {
options = options || {};
if (!(this instanceof Db)) return new Db(databaseName, topology, options);;
// Get the promiseLibrary
const promiseLibrary = options.promiseLibrary || Promise;
// Filter the options
options = filterOptions(options, legalOptionNames);
// Ensure we put the promiseLib in the options
options.promiseLibrary = promiseLibrary;
// Internal state of the db object
this.s = {
// DbCache
dbCache: {},
// Children db's
children: [],
// Topology
topology: topology,
// Options
options: options,
// Logger instance
logger: Logger('Db', options),
// Get the bson parser
bson: topology ? topology.bson : null,
// Unpack read preference
readPreference: ReadPreference.fromOptions(options),
// Set buffermaxEntries
bufferMaxEntries: typeof options.bufferMaxEntries === 'number' ? options.bufferMaxEntries : -1,
// Parent db (if chained)
parentDb: options.parentDb || null,
// Set up the primary key factory or fallback to ObjectID
pkFactory: options.pkFactory || ObjectID,
// Get native parser
nativeParser: options.nativeParser || options.native_parser,
// Promise library
promiseLibrary: promiseLibrary,
// No listener
noListener: typeof options.noListener === 'boolean' ? options.noListener : false,
// ReadConcern
readConcern: ReadConcern.fromOptions(options),
writeConcern: WriteConcern.fromOptions(options),
// Namespace
namespace: new MongoDBNamespace(databaseName)
// Ensure we have a valid db name
// Add a read Only property
getSingleProperty(this, 'serverConfig', this.s.topology);
getSingleProperty(this, 'bufferMaxEntries', this.s.bufferMaxEntries);
getSingleProperty(this, 'databaseName', this.s.namespace.db);
// This is a child db, do not register any listeners
if (options.parentDb) return;
if (this.s.noListener) return;
// Add listeners
topology.on('error', createListener(this, 'error', this));
topology.on('timeout', createListener(this, 'timeout', this));
topology.on('close', createListener(this, 'close', this));
topology.on('parseError', createListener(this, 'parseError', this));
topology.once('open', createListener(this, 'open', this));
topology.once('fullsetup', createListener(this, 'fullsetup', this));
topology.once('all', createListener(this, 'all', this));
topology.on('reconnect', createListener(this, 'reconnect', this));
inherits(Db, EventEmitter);
Db.prototype.on = deprecate(function() {
return Db.super_.prototype.on.apply(this, arguments);
}, 'Listening to events on the Db class has been deprecated and will be removed in the next major version.');
Db.prototype.once = deprecate(function() {
return Db.super_.prototype.once.apply(this, arguments);
}, 'Listening to events on the Db class has been deprecated and will be removed in the next major version.');
// Topology
Object.defineProperty(Db.prototype, 'topology', {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return this.s.topology;
// Options
Object.defineProperty(Db.prototype, 'options', {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return this.s.options;
// slaveOk specified
Object.defineProperty(Db.prototype, 'slaveOk', {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
if (
this.s.options.readPreference != null &&
(this.s.options.readPreference !== 'primary' ||
this.s.options.readPreference.mode !== 'primary')
) {
return true;
return false;
Object.defineProperty(Db.prototype, 'readConcern', {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return this.s.readConcern;
Object.defineProperty(Db.prototype, 'readPreference', {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
if (this.s.readPreference == null) {
// TODO: check client
return ReadPreference.primary;
return this.s.readPreference;
// get the write Concern
Object.defineProperty(Db.prototype, 'writeConcern', {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return this.s.writeConcern;
Object.defineProperty(Db.prototype, 'namespace', {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return this.s.namespace.toString();
* Execute a command
* @method
* @param {object} command The command hash
* @param {object} [options] Optional settings.
* @param {(ReadPreference|string)} [options.readPreference] The preferred read preference (ReadPreference.PRIMARY, ReadPreference.PRIMARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.SECONDARY, ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.NEAREST).
* @param {ClientSession} [options.session] optional session to use for this operation
* @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The command result callback
* @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
Db.prototype.command = function(command, options, callback) {
if (typeof options === 'function') (callback = options), (options = {});
options = Object.assign({}, options);
const commandOperation = new RunCommandOperation(this, command, options);
return executeOperation(this.s.topology, commandOperation, callback);
* Execute an aggregation framework pipeline against the database, needs MongoDB >= 3.6
* @method
* @param {object} [pipeline=[]] Array containing all the aggregation framework commands for the execution.
* @param {object} [options] Optional settings.
* @param {(ReadPreference|string)} [options.readPreference] The preferred read preference (ReadPreference.PRIMARY, ReadPreference.PRIMARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.SECONDARY, ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.NEAREST).
* @param {number} [options.batchSize=1000] The number of documents to return per batch. See {@link|aggregation documentation}.
* @param {object} [options.cursor] Return the query as cursor, on 2.6 > it returns as a real cursor on pre 2.6 it returns as an emulated cursor.
* @param {number} [options.cursor.batchSize=1000] Deprecated. Use `options.batchSize`
* @param {'queryPlanner'|'queryPlannerExtended'|'executionStats'|'allPlansExecution'|boolean} [options.explain] The verbosity mode for the explain output.
* @param {boolean} [options.allowDiskUse=false] allowDiskUse lets the server know if it can use disk to store temporary results for the aggregation (requires mongodb 2.6 >).
* @param {number} [options.maxTimeMS] maxTimeMS specifies a cumulative time limit in milliseconds for processing operations on the cursor. MongoDB interrupts the operation at the earliest following interrupt point.
* @param {number} [options.maxAwaitTimeMS] The maximum amount of time for the server to wait on new documents to satisfy a tailable cursor query.
* @param {boolean} [options.bypassDocumentValidation=false] Allow driver to bypass schema validation in MongoDB 3.2 or higher.
* @param {boolean} [options.raw=false] Return document results as raw BSON buffers.
* @param {boolean} [options.promoteLongs=true] Promotes Long values to number if they fit inside the 53 bits resolution.
* @param {boolean} [options.promoteValues=true] Promotes BSON values to native types where possible, set to false to only receive wrapper types.
* @param {boolean} [options.promoteBuffers=false] Promotes Binary BSON values to native Node Buffers.
* @param {boolean} [options.bsonRegExp=false] By default, regex returned from MDB will be native to the language. Setting to true will ensure that a BSON.BSONRegExp object is returned.
* @param {object} [options.collation] Specify collation (MongoDB 3.4 or higher) settings for update operation (see 3.4 documentation for available fields).
* @param {string} [options.comment] Add a comment to an aggregation command
* @param {string|object} [options.hint] Add an index selection hint to an aggregation command
* @param {ClientSession} [options.session] optional session to use for this operation
* @param {Database~aggregationCallback} callback The command result callback
* @return {(null|AggregationCursor)}
Db.prototype.aggregate = function(pipeline, options, callback) {
if (typeof options === 'function') {
callback = options;
options = {};
// If we have no options or callback we are doing
// a cursor based aggregation
if (options == null && callback == null) {
options = {};
const cursor = new AggregationCursor(
new AggregateOperation(this, pipeline, options),
// TODO: remove this when NODE-2074 is resolved
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
callback(null, cursor);
return cursor;
* Return the Admin db instance
* @method
* @return {Admin} return the new Admin db instance
Db.prototype.admin = function() {
const Admin = require('./admin');
return new Admin(this, this.s.topology, this.s.promiseLibrary);
* The callback format for the collection method, must be used if strict is specified
* @callback Db~collectionResultCallback
* @param {MongoError} error An error instance representing the error during the execution.
* @param {Collection} collection The collection instance.
* The callback format for an aggregation call
* @callback Database~aggregationCallback
* @param {MongoError} error An error instance representing the error during the execution.
* @param {AggregationCursor} cursor The cursor if the aggregation command was executed successfully.
* Fetch a specific collection (containing the actual collection information). If the application does not use strict mode you
* can use it without a callback in the following way: `const collection = db.collection('mycollection');`
* @method
* @param {string} name the collection name we wish to access.
* @param {object} [options] Optional settings.
* @param {(number|string)} [options.w] **Deprecated** The write concern. Use writeConcern instead.
* @param {number} [options.wtimeout] **Deprecated** The write concern timeout. Use writeConcern instead.
* @param {boolean} [options.j=false] **Deprecated** Specify a journal write concern. Use writeConcern instead.
* @param {object|WriteConcern} [options.writeConcern] Specify write concern settings.
* @param {boolean} [options.raw=false] Return document results as raw BSON buffers.
* @param {object} [options.pkFactory] A primary key factory object for generation of custom _id keys.
* @param {(ReadPreference|string)} [options.readPreference] The preferred read preference (ReadPreference.PRIMARY, ReadPreference.PRIMARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.SECONDARY, ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.NEAREST).
* @param {boolean} [options.serializeFunctions=false] Serialize functions on any object.
* @param {boolean} [options.strict=false] **Deprecated** Returns an error if the collection does not exist
* @param {object} [options.readConcern] Specify a read concern for the collection. (only MongoDB 3.2 or higher supported)
* @param {ReadConcernLevel} [options.readConcern.level='local'] Specify a read concern level for the collection operations (only MongoDB 3.2 or higher supported)
* @param {Db~collectionResultCallback} [callback] The collection result callback
* @return {Collection} return the new Collection instance if not in strict mode
Db.prototype.collection = deprecateOptions(
name: 'Db.collection',
deprecatedOptions: ['strict'],
optionsIndex: 1
function(name, options, callback) {
if (typeof options === 'function') (callback = options), (options = {});
options = options || {};
options = Object.assign({}, options);
// Set the promise library
options.promiseLibrary = this.s.promiseLibrary;
// If we have not set a collection level readConcern set the db level one
options.readConcern = options.readConcern
? new ReadConcern(options.readConcern.level)
: this.readConcern;
// Do we have ignoreUndefined set
if (this.s.options.ignoreUndefined) {
options.ignoreUndefined = this.s.options.ignoreUndefined;
for (const collectionOptionKey of COLLECTION_OPTION_KEYS) {
if (!(collectionOptionKey in options) && this.s.options[collectionOptionKey] !== undefined) {
options[collectionOptionKey] = this.s.options[collectionOptionKey];
// Merge in all needed options and ensure correct writeConcern merging from db level
options = conditionallyMergeWriteConcern(options, this.s.options);
// Execute
if (options == null || !options.strict) {
try {
const collection = new Collection(
if (callback) callback(null, collection);
return collection;
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof MongoError && callback) return callback(err);
throw err;
// Strict mode
if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
throw toError(`A callback is required in strict mode. While getting collection ${name}`);
// Did the user destroy the topology
if (this.serverConfig && this.serverConfig.isDestroyed()) {
return callback(new MongoError('topology was destroyed'));
const listCollectionOptions = Object.assign({}, options, { nameOnly: true });
// Strict mode
this.listCollections({ name: name }, listCollectionOptions).toArray((err, collections) => {
if (err != null) return handleCallback(callback, err, null);
if (collections.length === 0)
return handleCallback(
toError(`Collection ${name} does not exist. Currently in strict mode.`),
try {
return handleCallback(
new Collection(this, this.s.topology, this.databaseName, name, this.s.pkFactory, options)
} catch (err) {
return handleCallback(callback, err, null);
* Create a new collection on a server with the specified options. Use this to create capped collections.
* More information about command options available at
* @method
* @param {string} name the collection name we wish to access.
* @param {object} [options] Optional settings.
* @param {(number|string)} [options.w] **Deprecated** The write concern. Use writeConcern instead.
* @param {number} [options.wtimeout] **Deprecated** The write concern timeout. Use writeConcern instead.
* @param {boolean} [options.j=false] **Deprecated** Specify a journal write concern. Use writeConcern instead.
* @param {object|WriteConcern} [options.writeConcern] Specify write concern settings.
* @param {boolean} [options.raw=false] Return document results as raw BSON buffers.
* @param {object} [options.pkFactory] A primary key factory object for generation of custom _id keys.
* @param {(ReadPreference|string)} [options.readPreference] The preferred read preference (ReadPreference.PRIMARY, ReadPreference.PRIMARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.SECONDARY, ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.NEAREST).
* @param {boolean} [options.serializeFunctions=false] Serialize functions on any object.
* @param {boolean} [options.strict=false] DEPRECATED: Returns an error if the collection does not exist
* @param {boolean} [options.capped=false] Create a capped collection.
* @param {boolean} [options.autoIndexId=true] DEPRECATED: Create an index on the _id field of the document, True by default on MongoDB 2.6 - 3.0
* @param {number} [options.size] The size of the capped collection in bytes.
* @param {number} [options.max] The maximum number of documents in the capped collection.
* @param {number} [options.flags] Optional. Available for the MMAPv1 storage engine only to set the usePowerOf2Sizes and the noPadding flag.
* @param {object} [options.storageEngine] Allows users to specify configuration to the storage engine on a per-collection basis when creating a collection on MongoDB 3.0 or higher.
* @param {object} [options.validator] Allows users to specify validation rules or expressions for the collection. For more information, see Document Validation on MongoDB 3.2 or higher.
* @param {string} [options.validationLevel] Determines how strictly MongoDB applies the validation rules to existing documents during an update on MongoDB 3.2 or higher.
* @param {string} [options.validationAction] Determines whether to error on invalid documents or just warn about the violations but allow invalid documents to be inserted on MongoDB 3.2 or higher.
* @param {object} [options.indexOptionDefaults] Allows users to specify a default configuration for indexes when creating a collection on MongoDB 3.2 or higher.
* @param {string} [options.viewOn] The name of the source collection or view from which to create the view. The name is not the full namespace of the collection or view; i.e. does not include the database name and implies the same database as the view to create on MongoDB 3.4 or higher.
* @param {array} [options.pipeline] An array that consists of the aggregation pipeline stage. Creates the view by applying the specified pipeline to the viewOn collection or view on MongoDB 3.4 or higher.
* @param {object} [options.collation] Specify collation (MongoDB 3.4 or higher) settings for update operation (see 3.4 documentation for available fields).
* @param {ClientSession} [options.session] optional session to use for this operation
* @param {Db~collectionResultCallback} [callback] The results callback
* @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
Db.prototype.createCollection = deprecateOptions(
name: 'Db.createCollection',
deprecatedOptions: ['autoIndexId', 'strict', 'w', 'wtimeout', 'j'],
optionsIndex: 1
function(name, options, callback) {
if (typeof options === 'function') (callback = options), (options = {});
options = options || {};
options.promiseLibrary = options.promiseLibrary || this.s.promiseLibrary;
options.readConcern = options.readConcern
? new ReadConcern(options.readConcern.level)
: this.readConcern;
const createCollectionOperation = new CreateCollectionOperation(this, name, options);
return executeOperation(this.s.topology, createCollectionOperation, callback);
* Get all the db statistics.
* @method
* @param {object} [options] Optional settings.
* @param {number} [options.scale] Divide the returned sizes by scale value.
* @param {ClientSession} [options.session] optional session to use for this operation
* @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The collection result callback
* @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
Db.prototype.stats = function(options, callback) {
if (typeof options === 'function') (callback = options), (options = {});
options = options || {};
// Build command object
const commandObject = { dbStats: true };
// Check if we have the scale value
if (options['scale'] != null) commandObject['scale'] = options['scale'];
// If we have a readPreference set
if (options.readPreference == null && this.s.readPreference) {
options.readPreference = this.s.readPreference;
const statsOperation = new CommandOperation(this, options, null, commandObject);
// Execute the command
return executeOperation(this.s.topology, statsOperation, callback);
* Get the list of all collection information for the specified db.
* @method
* @param {object} [filter={}] Query to filter collections by
* @param {object} [options] Optional settings.
* @param {boolean} [options.nameOnly=false] Since 4.0: If true, will only return the collection name in the response, and will omit additional info
* @param {number} [options.batchSize=1000] The batchSize for the returned command cursor or if pre 2.8 the systems batch collection
* @param {(ReadPreference|string)} [options.readPreference] The preferred read preference (ReadPreference.PRIMARY, ReadPreference.PRIMARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.SECONDARY, ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.NEAREST).
* @param {ClientSession} [options.session] optional session to use for this operation
* @return {CommandCursor}
Db.prototype.listCollections = function(filter, options) {
filter = filter || {};
options = options || {};
return new CommandCursor(
new ListCollectionsOperation(this, filter, options),
* Evaluate JavaScript on the server
* @method
* @param {Code} code JavaScript to execute on server.
* @param {(object|array)} parameters The parameters for the call.
* @param {object} [options] Optional settings.
* @param {boolean} [options.nolock=false] Tell MongoDB not to block on the evaluation of the javascript.
* @param {ClientSession} [options.session] optional session to use for this operation
* @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The results callback
* @deprecated Eval is deprecated on MongoDB 3.2 and forward
* @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
Db.prototype.eval = deprecate(function(code, parameters, options, callback) {
const args =, 1);
callback = typeof args[args.length - 1] === 'function' ? args.pop() : undefined;
parameters = args.length ? args.shift() : parameters;
options = args.length ? args.shift() || {} : {};
return executeLegacyOperation(this.s.topology, evaluate, [
}, 'Db.eval is deprecated as of MongoDB version 3.2');
* Rename a collection.
* @method
* @param {string} fromCollection Name of current collection to rename.
* @param {string} toCollection New name of of the collection.
* @param {object} [options] Optional settings.
* @param {boolean} [options.dropTarget=false] Drop the target name collection if it previously exists.
* @param {ClientSession} [options.session] optional session to use for this operation
* @param {Db~collectionResultCallback} [callback] The results callback
* @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
Db.prototype.renameCollection = function(fromCollection, toCollection, options, callback) {
if (typeof options === 'function') (callback = options), (options = {});
options = Object.assign({}, options, { readPreference: ReadPreference.PRIMARY });
// Add return new collection
options.new_collection = true;
const renameOperation = new RenameOperation(
return executeOperation(this.s.topology, renameOperation, callback);
* Drop a collection from the database, removing it permanently. New accesses will create a new collection.
* @method
* @param {string} name Name of collection to drop
* @param {Object} [options] Optional settings
* @param {(number|string)} [options.w] **Deprecated** The write concern. Use writeConcern instead.
* @param {number} [options.wtimeout] **Deprecated** The write concern timeout. Use writeConcern instead.
* @param {boolean} [options.j=false] **Deprecated** Specify a journal write concern. Use writeConcern instead.
* @param {object|WriteConcern} [options.writeConcern] Specify write concern settings.
* @param {ClientSession} [options.session] optional session to use for this operation
* @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The results callback
* @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
Db.prototype.dropCollection = function(name, options, callback) {
if (typeof options === 'function') (callback = options), (options = {});
options = options || {};
const dropCollectionOperation = new DropCollectionOperation(this, name, options);
return executeOperation(this.s.topology, dropCollectionOperation, callback);
* Drop a database, removing it permanently from the server.
* @method
* @param {Object} [options] Optional settings
* @param {ClientSession} [options.session] optional session to use for this operation
* @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The results callback
* @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
Db.prototype.dropDatabase = function(options, callback) {
if (typeof options === 'function') (callback = options), (options = {});
options = options || {};
const dropDatabaseOperation = new DropDatabaseOperation(this, options);
return executeOperation(this.s.topology, dropDatabaseOperation, callback);
* Fetch all collections for the current db.
* @method
* @param {Object} [options] Optional settings
* @param {ClientSession} [options.session] optional session to use for this operation
* @param {Db~collectionsResultCallback} [callback] The results callback
* @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
Db.prototype.collections = function(options, callback) {
if (typeof options === 'function') (callback = options), (options = {});
options = options || {};
const collectionsOperation = new CollectionsOperation(this, options);
return executeOperation(this.s.topology, collectionsOperation, callback);
* Runs a command on the database as admin.
* @method
* @param {object} command The command hash
* @param {object} [options] Optional settings.
* @param {(ReadPreference|string)} [options.readPreference] The preferred read preference (ReadPreference.PRIMARY, ReadPreference.PRIMARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.SECONDARY, ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.NEAREST).
* @param {ClientSession} [options.session] optional session to use for this operation
* @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The command result callback
* @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
Db.prototype.executeDbAdminCommand = function(selector, options, callback) {
if (typeof options === 'function') (callback = options), (options = {});
options = options || {};
options.readPreference = ReadPreference.resolve(this, options);
const executeDbAdminCommandOperation = new ExecuteDbAdminCommandOperation(
return executeOperation(this.s.topology, executeDbAdminCommandOperation, callback);
* Creates an index on the db and collection.
* @method
* @param {string} name Name of the collection to create the index on.
* @param {(string|object)} fieldOrSpec Defines the index.
* @param {object} [options] Optional settings.
* @param {(number|string)} [options.w] **Deprecated** The write concern. Use writeConcern instead.
* @param {number} [options.wtimeout] **Deprecated** The write concern timeout. Use writeConcern instead.
* @param {boolean} [options.j=false] **Deprecated** Specify a journal write concern. Use writeConcern instead.
* @param {object|WriteConcern} [options.writeConcern] Specify write concern settings.
* @param {boolean} [options.unique=false] Creates an unique index.
* @param {boolean} [options.sparse=false] Creates a sparse index.
* @param {boolean} [options.background=false] Creates the index in the background, yielding whenever possible.
* @param {boolean} [options.dropDups=false] A unique index cannot be created on a key that has pre-existing duplicate values. If you would like to create the index anyway, keeping the first document the database indexes and deleting all subsequent documents that have duplicate value
* @param {number} [options.min] For geospatial indexes set the lower bound for the co-ordinates.
* @param {number} [options.max] For geospatial indexes set the high bound for the co-ordinates.
* @param {number} [options.v] Specify the format version of the indexes.
* @param {number} [options.expireAfterSeconds] Allows you to expire data on indexes applied to a data (MongoDB 2.2 or higher)
* @param {string} [] Override the autogenerated index name (useful if the resulting name is larger than 128 bytes)
* @param {object} [options.partialFilterExpression] Creates a partial index based on the given filter object (MongoDB 3.2 or higher)
* @param {ClientSession} [options.session] optional session to use for this operation
* @param {(number|string)} [options.commitQuorum] (MongoDB 4.4. or higher) Specifies how many data-bearing members of a replica set, including the primary, must complete the index builds successfully before the primary marks the indexes as ready. This option accepts the same values for the "w" field in a write concern plus "votingMembers", which indicates all voting data-bearing nodes.
* @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The command result callback
* @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
Db.prototype.createIndex = function(name, fieldOrSpec, options, callback) {
if (typeof options === 'function') (callback = options), (options = {});
options = options ? Object.assign({}, options) : {};
const createIndexesOperation = new CreateIndexesOperation(this, name, fieldOrSpec, options);
return executeOperation(this.s.topology, createIndexesOperation, callback);
* Ensures that an index exists, if it does not it creates it
* @method
* @deprecated since version 2.0
* @param {string} name The index name
* @param {(string|object)} fieldOrSpec Defines the index.
* @param {object} [options] Optional settings.
* @param {(number|string)} [options.w] **Deprecated** The write concern. Use writeConcern instead.
* @param {number} [options.wtimeout] **Deprecated** The write concern timeout. Use writeConcern instead.
* @param {boolean} [options.j=false] **Deprecated** Specify a journal write concern. Use writeConcern instead.
* @param {object|WriteConcern} [options.writeConcern] Specify write concern settings.
* @param {boolean} [options.unique=false] Creates an unique index.
* @param {boolean} [options.sparse=false] Creates a sparse index.
* @param {boolean} [options.background=false] Creates the index in the background, yielding whenever possible.
* @param {boolean} [options.dropDups=false] A unique index cannot be created on a key that has pre-existing duplicate values. If you would like to create the index anyway, keeping the first document the database indexes and deleting all subsequent documents that have duplicate value
* @param {number} [options.min] For geospatial indexes set the lower bound for the co-ordinates.
* @param {number} [options.max] For geospatial indexes set the high bound for the co-ordinates.
* @param {number} [options.v] Specify the format version of the indexes.
* @param {number} [options.expireAfterSeconds] Allows you to expire data on indexes applied to a data (MongoDB 2.2 or higher)
* @param {number} [] Override the autogenerated index name (useful if the resulting name is larger than 128 bytes)
* @param {ClientSession} [options.session] optional session to use for this operation
* @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The command result callback
* @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
Db.prototype.ensureIndex = deprecate(function(name, fieldOrSpec, options, callback) {
if (typeof options === 'function') (callback = options), (options = {});
options = options || {};
return executeLegacyOperation(this.s.topology, ensureIndex, [
}, 'Db.ensureIndex is deprecated as of MongoDB version 3.0 / driver version 2.0');
Db.prototype.addChild = function(db) {
if (this.s.parentDb) return this.s.parentDb.addChild(db);
* Add a user to the database.
* @method
* @param {string} username The username.
* @param {string} password The password.
* @param {object} [options] Optional settings.
* @param {(number|string)} [options.w] **Deprecated** The write concern. Use writeConcern instead.
* @param {number} [options.wtimeout] **Deprecated** The write concern timeout. Use writeConcern instead.
* @param {boolean} [options.j=false] **Deprecated** Specify a journal write concern. Use writeConcern instead.
* @param {object|WriteConcern} [options.writeConcern] Specify write concern settings.
* @param {object} [options.customData] Custom data associated with the user (only Mongodb 2.6 or higher)
* @param {object[]} [options.roles] Roles associated with the created user (only Mongodb 2.6 or higher)
* @param {ClientSession} [options.session] optional session to use for this operation
* @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The command result callback
* @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
Db.prototype.addUser = function(username, password, options, callback) {
if (typeof options === 'function') (callback = options), (options = {});
options = options || {};
// Special case where there is no password ($external users)
if (typeof username === 'string' && password != null && typeof password === 'object') {
options = password;
password = null;
const addUserOperation = new AddUserOperation(this, username, password, options);
return executeOperation(this.s.topology, addUserOperation, callback);
* Remove a user from a database
* @method
* @param {string} username The username.
* @param {object} [options] Optional settings.
* @param {(number|string)} [options.w] **Deprecated** The write concern. Use writeConcern instead.
* @param {number} [options.wtimeout] **Deprecated** The write concern timeout. Use writeConcern instead.
* @param {boolean} [options.j=false] **Deprecated** Specify a journal write concern. Use writeConcern instead.
* @param {object|WriteConcern} [options.writeConcern] Specify write concern settings.
* @param {ClientSession} [options.session] optional session to use for this operation
* @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The command result callback
* @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
Db.prototype.removeUser = function(username, options, callback) {
if (typeof options === 'function') (callback = options), (options = {});
options = options || {};
const removeUserOperation = new RemoveUserOperation(this, username, options);
return executeOperation(this.s.topology, removeUserOperation, callback);
* Set the current profiling level of MongoDB
* @param {string} level The new profiling level (off, slow_only, all).
* @param {Object} [options] Optional settings
* @param {ClientSession} [options.session] optional session to use for this operation
* @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The command result callback.
* @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
Db.prototype.setProfilingLevel = function(level, options, callback) {
if (typeof options === 'function') (callback = options), (options = {});
options = options || {};
const setProfilingLevelOperation = new SetProfilingLevelOperation(this, level, options);
return executeOperation(this.s.topology, setProfilingLevelOperation, callback);
* Retrieve the current profiling information for MongoDB
* @param {Object} [options] Optional settings
* @param {ClientSession} [options.session] optional session to use for this operation
* @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The command result callback.
* @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
* @deprecated Query the system.profile collection directly.
Db.prototype.profilingInfo = deprecate(function(options, callback) {
if (typeof options === 'function') (callback = options), (options = {});
options = options || {};
return executeLegacyOperation(this.s.topology, profilingInfo, [this, options, callback]);
}, 'Db.profilingInfo is deprecated. Query the system.profile collection directly.');
* Retrieve the current profiling Level for MongoDB
* @param {Object} [options] Optional settings
* @param {ClientSession} [options.session] optional session to use for this operation
* @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The command result callback
* @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
Db.prototype.profilingLevel = function(options, callback) {
if (typeof options === 'function') (callback = options), (options = {});
options = options || {};
const profilingLevelOperation = new ProfilingLevelOperation(this, options);
return executeOperation(this.s.topology, profilingLevelOperation, callback);
* Retrieves this collections index info.
* @method
* @param {string} name The name of the collection.
* @param {object} [options] Optional settings.
* @param {boolean} [options.full=false] Returns the full raw index information.
* @param {(ReadPreference|string)} [options.readPreference] The preferred read preference (ReadPreference.PRIMARY, ReadPreference.PRIMARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.SECONDARY, ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.NEAREST).
* @param {ClientSession} [options.session] optional session to use for this operation
* @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The command result callback
* @return {Promise} returns Promise if no callback passed
Db.prototype.indexInformation = function(name, options, callback) {
if (typeof options === 'function') (callback = options), (options = {});
options = options || {};
const indexInformationOperation = new IndexInformationOperation(this, name, options);
return executeOperation(this.s.topology, indexInformationOperation, callback);
* Unref all sockets
* @method
* @deprecated This function is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version.
Db.prototype.unref = function() {
* Create a new Change Stream, watching for new changes (insertions, updates, replacements, deletions, and invalidations) in this database. Will ignore all changes to system collections.
* @method
* @since 3.1.0
* @param {Array} [pipeline] An array of {@link|aggregation pipeline stages} through which to pass change stream documents. This allows for filtering (using $match) and manipulating the change stream documents.
* @param {object} [options] Optional settings
* @param {string} [options.fullDocument='default'] Allowed values: default, updateLookup. When set to updateLookup, the change stream will include both a delta describing the changes to the document, as well as a copy of the entire document that was changed from some time after the change occurred.
* @param {object} [options.resumeAfter] Specifies the logical starting point for the new change stream. This should be the _id field from a previously returned change stream document.
* @param {number} [options.maxAwaitTimeMS] The maximum amount of time for the server to wait on new documents to satisfy a change stream query
* @param {number} [options.batchSize=1000] The number of documents to return per batch. See {@link|aggregation documentation}.
* @param {object} [options.collation] Specify collation settings for operation. See {@link|aggregation documentation}.
* @param {ReadPreference} [options.readPreference] The read preference. Defaults to the read preference of the database. See {@link|read preference documentation}.
* @param {Timestamp} [options.startAtOperationTime] receive change events that occur after the specified timestamp
* @param {ClientSession} [options.session] optional session to use for this operation
* @return {ChangeStream} a ChangeStream instance.
*/ = function(pipeline, options) {
pipeline = pipeline || [];
options = options || {};
// Allow optionally not specifying a pipeline
if (!Array.isArray(pipeline)) {
options = pipeline;
pipeline = [];
return new ChangeStream(this, pipeline, options);
* Return the db logger
* @method
* @return {Logger} return the db logger
* @ignore
Db.prototype.getLogger = function() {
return this.s.logger;
* Db close event
* Emitted after a socket closed against a single server or mongos proxy.
* @event Db#close
* @type {MongoError}
* Db reconnect event
* * Server: Emitted when the driver has reconnected and re-authenticated.
* * ReplicaSet: N/A
* * Mongos: Emitted when the driver reconnects and re-authenticates successfully against a Mongos.
* @event Db#reconnect
* @type {object}
* Db error event
* Emitted after an error occurred against a single server or mongos proxy.
* @event Db#error
* @type {MongoError}
* Db timeout event
* Emitted after a socket timeout occurred against a single server or mongos proxy.
* @event Db#timeout
* @type {MongoError}
* Db parseError event
* The parseError event is emitted if the driver detects illegal or corrupt BSON being received from the server.
* @event Db#parseError
* @type {MongoError}
* Db fullsetup event, emitted when all servers in the topology have been connected to at start up time.
* * Server: Emitted when the driver has connected to the single server and has authenticated.
* * ReplSet: Emitted after the driver has attempted to connect to all replicaset members.
* * Mongos: Emitted after the driver has attempted to connect to all mongos proxies.
* @event Db#fullsetup
* @type {Db}
// Constants
module.exports = Db;