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export function newMessages() {
return {
'default': 'Validation error on field %s',
required: '%s is required',
'enum': '%s must be one of %s',
whitespace: '%s cannot be empty',
date: {
format: '%s date %s is invalid for format %s',
parse: '%s date could not be parsed, %s is invalid ',
invalid: '%s date %s is invalid'
types: {
string: '%s is not a %s',
method: '%s is not a %s (function)',
array: '%s is not an %s',
object: '%s is not an %s',
number: '%s is not a %s',
date: '%s is not a %s',
boolean: '%s is not a %s',
integer: '%s is not an %s',
float: '%s is not a %s',
regexp: '%s is not a valid %s',
email: '%s is not a valid %s',
url: '%s is not a valid %s',
hex: '%s is not a valid %s'
string: {
len: '%s must be exactly %s characters',
min: '%s must be at least %s characters',
max: '%s cannot be longer than %s characters',
range: '%s must be between %s and %s characters'
number: {
len: '%s must equal %s',
min: '%s cannot be less than %s',
max: '%s cannot be greater than %s',
range: '%s must be between %s and %s'
array: {
len: '%s must be exactly %s in length',
min: '%s cannot be less than %s in length',
max: '%s cannot be greater than %s in length',
range: '%s must be between %s and %s in length'
pattern: {
mismatch: '%s value %s does not match pattern %s'
clone: function clone() {
var cloned = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this));
cloned.clone = this.clone;
return cloned;
export var messages = newMessages();