You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
87 lines
1.9 KiB
87 lines
1.9 KiB
'use strict'
const figgyPudding = require('figgy-pudding')
const index = require('./lib/entry-index')
const memo = require('./lib/memoization')
const write = require('./lib/content/write')
const to = require('mississippi').to
const PutOpts = figgyPudding({
algorithms: {
default: ['sha512']
integrity: {},
memoize: {},
metadata: {},
pickAlgorithm: {},
size: {},
tmpPrefix: {},
single: {},
sep: {},
error: {},
strict: {}
module.exports = putData
function putData (cache, key, data, opts) {
opts = PutOpts(opts)
return write(cache, data, opts).then(res => {
return index.insert(
cache, key, res.integrity, opts.concat({ size: res.size })
).then(entry => {
if (opts.memoize) {
memo.put(cache, entry, data, opts)
return res.integrity
| = putStream
function putStream (cache, key, opts) {
opts = PutOpts(opts)
let integrity
let size
const contentStream =
cache, opts
).on('integrity', int => {
integrity = int
}).on('size', s => {
size = s
let memoData
let memoTotal = 0
const stream = to((chunk, enc, cb) => {
contentStream.write(chunk, enc, () => {
if (opts.memoize) {
if (!memoData) { memoData = [] }
memoTotal += chunk.length
}, cb => {
contentStream.end(() => {
index.insert(cache, key, integrity, opts.concat({ size })).then(entry => {
if (opts.memoize) {
memo.put(cache, entry, Buffer.concat(memoData, memoTotal), opts)
stream.emit('integrity', integrity)
let erred = false
stream.once('error', err => {
if (erred) { return }
erred = true
contentStream.emit('error', err)
contentStream.once('error', err => {
if (erred) { return }
erred = true
stream.emit('error', err)
return stream