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"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const quote_1 = require("./quote");
const object_1 = require("./object");
const function_1 = require("./function");
* Stringify primitive values.
string: quote_1.quoteString,
number: (value) => (, -0) ? "-0" : String(value)),
boolean: String,
symbol: (value, space, next) => {
const key = Symbol.keyFor(value);
if (key !== undefined)
return `Symbol.for(${next(key)})`;
// ES2018 `Symbol.description`.
return `Symbol(${next(value.description)})`;
bigint: (value, space, next) => {
return `BigInt(${next(String(value))})`;
undefined: String,
object: object_1.objectToString,
function: function_1.functionToString
* Stringify a value recursively.
exports.toString = (value, space, next, key) => {
if (value === null)
return "null";
return PRIMITIVE_TYPES[typeof value](value, space, next, key);