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export interface Limit {
@param fn - Promise-returning/async function.
@param arguments - Any arguments to pass through to `fn`. Support for passing arguments on to the `fn` is provided in order to be able to avoid creating unnecessary closures. You probably don't need this optimization unless you're pushing a lot of functions.
@returns The promise returned by calling `fn(...arguments)`.
<Arguments extends unknown[], ReturnType>(
fn: (...arguments: Arguments) => PromiseLike<ReturnType> | ReturnType,
...arguments: Arguments
): Promise<ReturnType>;
The number of promises that are currently running.
readonly activeCount: number;
The number of promises that are waiting to run (i.e. their internal `fn` was not called yet).
readonly pendingCount: number;
Run multiple promise-returning & async functions with limited concurrency.
@param concurrency - Concurrency limit. Minimum: `1`.
@returns A `limit` function.
export default function pLimit(concurrency: number): Limit;