using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; [RequireComponent(typeof(Image))] public class ScrollDetailTexture : MonoBehaviour { public bool uniqueMaterial = false; public Vector2 scrollPerSecond =; Matrix4x4 m_Matrix; Material mCopy; Material mOriginal; Image mSprite; Material m_Mat; void OnEnable () { mSprite = GetComponent(); mOriginal = mSprite.material; if (uniqueMaterial && mSprite.material != null) { mCopy = new Material(mOriginal); = "Copy of " +; mCopy.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; mSprite.material = mCopy; } } void OnDisable () { if (mCopy != null) { mSprite.material = mOriginal; if (Application.isEditor) UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(mCopy); else UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(mCopy); mCopy = null; } mOriginal = null; } void Update () { Material mat = (mCopy != null) ? mCopy : mOriginal; if (mat != null) { Texture tex = mat.GetTexture("_DetailTex"); if (tex != null) { mat.SetTextureOffset("_DetailTex", scrollPerSecond * Time.time); // TODO: It would be better to add support for MaterialBlocks on UIRenderer, // because currently only one Update() function's matrix can be active at a time. // With material block properties, the batching would be correctly broken up instead, // and would work with multiple widgets using this detail shader. } } } }