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<tspan x= "837" dy= "62" unicode-bidi= "embed" > " r" )) == NULL</tspan>
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<tspan x= "1488" dy= "62" unicode-bidi= "embed" > Output " Failure to open</tspan>
<tspan x= "1488" dy= "62" unicode-bidi= "embed" > score.txt!\n" </tspan>
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<tspan x= "837" dy= "62" unicode-bidi= "embed" > Input fp, " %d\t%d" , n, m</tspan>
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<g >
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<tspan x= "1519" dy= "62" unicode-bidi= "embed" > Input fp, " %10s" , stu[i].name</tspan>
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<tspan x= "2201" dy= "62" unicode-bidi= "embed" > Input fp, " %10f" , & stu[i].score</tspan>
<tspan x= "2201" dy= "62" unicode-bidi= "embed" > [j]</tspan>
<g >
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<tspan x= "1860" dy= "62" unicode-bidi= "embed" > Next</tspan>
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<tspan x= "1410" dy= "62" unicode-bidi= "embed" > Done</tspan>
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<tspan x= "1519" dy= "62" unicode-bidi= "embed" > Input fp, " %10f%10f" , & stu[i].</tspan>
<tspan x= "1519" dy= "62" unicode-bidi= "embed" > sum, & stu[i].aver</tspan>
<g >
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<tspan x= "728" dy= "62" unicode-bidi= "embed" > Done</tspan>