You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
785 lines
22 KiB
785 lines
22 KiB
'use strict';
const deprecate = require('util').deprecate;
const Logger = require('../core').Logger;
const MongoCredentials = require('../core').MongoCredentials;
const MongoError = require('../core').MongoError;
const Mongos = require('../topologies/mongos');
const NativeTopology = require('../topologies/native_topology');
const parse = require('../core').parseConnectionString;
const ReadConcern = require('../read_concern');
const ReadPreference = require('../core').ReadPreference;
const ReplSet = require('../topologies/replset');
const Server = require('../topologies/server');
const ServerSessionPool = require('../core').Sessions.ServerSessionPool;
const emitDeprecationWarning = require('../utils').emitDeprecationWarning;
const emitWarningOnce = require('../utils').emitWarningOnce;
const fs = require('fs');
const WriteConcern = require('../write_concern');
const CMAP_EVENT_NAMES = require('../cmap/events').CMAP_EVENT_NAMES;
let client;
function loadClient() {
if (!client) {
client = require('../mongo_client');
return client;
const legacyParse = deprecate(
'current URL string parser is deprecated, and will be removed in a future version. ' +
'To use the new parser, pass option { useNewUrlParser: true } to MongoClient.connect.'
DEFAULT: 'default',
PLAIN: 'plain',
GSSAPI: 'gssapi',
'MONGODB-CR': 'mongocr',
'MONGODB-X509': 'x509',
'MONGODB-AWS': 'mongodb-aws',
'SCRAM-SHA-1': 'scram-sha-1',
'SCRAM-SHA-256': 'scram-sha-256'
const monitoringEvents = [
const validOptionNames = [
// CMAP options
const ignoreOptionNames = ['native_parser'];
const legacyOptionNames = ['server', 'replset', 'replSet', 'mongos', 'db'];
// Validate options object
function validOptions(options) {
const _validOptions = validOptionNames.concat(legacyOptionNames);
for (const name in options) {
if (ignoreOptionNames.indexOf(name) !== -1) {
if (_validOptions.indexOf(name) === -1) {
if (options.validateOptions) {
return new MongoError(`option ${name} is not supported`);
} else {
emitWarningOnce(`the options [${name}] is not supported`);
if (legacyOptionNames.indexOf(name) !== -1) {
`the server/replset/mongos/db options are deprecated, ` +
`all their options are supported at the top level of the options object [${validOptionNames}]`
const LEGACY_OPTIONS_MAP = validOptionNames.reduce((obj, name) => {
obj[name.toLowerCase()] = name;
return obj;
}, {});
function addListeners(mongoClient, topology) {
topology.on('authenticated', createListener(mongoClient, 'authenticated'));
topology.on('error', createListener(mongoClient, 'error'));
topology.on('timeout', createListener(mongoClient, 'timeout'));
topology.on('close', createListener(mongoClient, 'close'));
topology.on('parseError', createListener(mongoClient, 'parseError'));
topology.once('open', createListener(mongoClient, 'open'));
topology.once('fullsetup', createListener(mongoClient, 'fullsetup'));
topology.once('all', createListener(mongoClient, 'all'));
topology.on('reconnect', createListener(mongoClient, 'reconnect'));
function assignTopology(client, topology) {
client.topology = topology;
if (!(topology instanceof NativeTopology)) {
topology.s.sessionPool = new ServerSessionPool(topology.s.coreTopology);
// Clear out all events
function clearAllEvents(topology) {
monitoringEvents.forEach(event => topology.removeAllListeners(event));
// Collect all events in order from SDAM
function collectEvents(mongoClient, topology) {
let MongoClient = loadClient();
const collectedEvents = [];
if (mongoClient instanceof MongoClient) {
monitoringEvents.forEach(event => {
topology.on(event, (object1, object2) => {
if (event === 'open') {
collectedEvents.push({ event: event, object1: mongoClient });
} else {
collectedEvents.push({ event: event, object1: object1, object2: object2 });
return collectedEvents;
function resolveTLSOptions(options) {
if (options.tls == null) {
['sslCA', 'sslKey', 'sslCert'].forEach(optionName => {
if (options[optionName]) {
options[optionName] = fs.readFileSync(options[optionName]);
function connect(mongoClient, url, options, callback) {
options = Object.assign({}, options);
// If callback is null throw an exception
if (callback == null) {
throw new Error('no callback function provided');
let didRequestAuthentication = false;
const logger = Logger('MongoClient', options);
// Did we pass in a Server/ReplSet/Mongos
if (url instanceof Server || url instanceof ReplSet || url instanceof Mongos) {
return connectWithUrl(mongoClient, url, options, connectCallback);
const useNewUrlParser = options.useNewUrlParser !== false;
const parseFn = useNewUrlParser ? parse : legacyParse;
const transform = useNewUrlParser ? transformUrlOptions : legacyTransformUrlOptions;
parseFn(url, options, (err, _object) => {
// Do not attempt to connect if parsing error
if (err) return callback(err);
// Flatten
const object = transform(_object);
// Parse the string
const _finalOptions = createUnifiedOptions(object, options);
// Check if we have connection and socket timeout set
if (_finalOptions.socketTimeoutMS == null) _finalOptions.socketTimeoutMS = 0;
if (_finalOptions.connectTimeoutMS == null) _finalOptions.connectTimeoutMS = 10000;
if (_finalOptions.retryWrites == null) _finalOptions.retryWrites = true;
if (_finalOptions.useRecoveryToken == null) _finalOptions.useRecoveryToken = true;
if (_finalOptions.readPreference == null) _finalOptions.readPreference = 'primary';
if (_finalOptions.db_options && _finalOptions.db_options.auth) {
delete _finalOptions.db_options.auth;
// resolve tls options if needed
// Store the merged options object
mongoClient.s.options = _finalOptions;
// Apply read and write concern from parsed url
mongoClient.s.readPreference = ReadPreference.fromOptions(_finalOptions);
mongoClient.s.writeConcern = WriteConcern.fromOptions(_finalOptions);
// Failure modes
if (object.servers.length === 0) {
return callback(new Error('connection string must contain at least one seed host'));
if (_finalOptions.auth && !_finalOptions.credentials) {
try {
didRequestAuthentication = true;
_finalOptions.credentials = generateCredentials(
} catch (err) {
return callback(err);
if (_finalOptions.useUnifiedTopology) {
return createTopology(mongoClient, 'unified', _finalOptions, connectCallback);
'Current Server Discovery and Monitoring engine is deprecated, and will be removed in a future version. To use the new Server Discover and Monitoring engine, pass option { useUnifiedTopology: true } to the MongoClient constructor.'
// Do we have a replicaset then skip discovery and go straight to connectivity
if (_finalOptions.replicaSet || _finalOptions.rs_name) {
return createTopology(mongoClient, 'replicaset', _finalOptions, connectCallback);
} else if (object.servers.length > 1) {
return createTopology(mongoClient, 'mongos', _finalOptions, connectCallback);
} else {
return createServer(mongoClient, _finalOptions, connectCallback);
function connectCallback(err, topology) {
const warningMessage = `seed list contains no mongos proxies, replicaset connections requires the parameter replicaSet to be supplied in the URI or options object, mongodb://server:port/db?replicaSet=name`;
if (err && err.message === 'no mongos proxies found in seed list') {
if (logger.isWarn()) {
// Return a more specific error message for MongoClient.connect
return callback(new MongoError(warningMessage));
if (didRequestAuthentication) {
mongoClient.emit('authenticated', null, true);
// Return the error and db instance
callback(err, topology);
function connectWithUrl(mongoClient, url, options, connectCallback) {
// Set the topology
assignTopology(mongoClient, url);
// Add listeners
addListeners(mongoClient, url);
// Propagate the events to the client
relayEvents(mongoClient, url);
let finalOptions = Object.assign({}, options);
// If we have a readPreference passed in by the db options, convert it from a string
if (typeof options.readPreference === 'string' || typeof options.read_preference === 'string') {
finalOptions.readPreference = new ReadPreference(
options.readPreference || options.read_preference
const isDoingAuth = finalOptions.user || finalOptions.password || finalOptions.authMechanism;
if (isDoingAuth && !finalOptions.credentials) {
try {
finalOptions.credentials = generateCredentials(
} catch (err) {
return connectCallback(err, url);
return url.connect(finalOptions, connectCallback);
function createListener(mongoClient, event) {
const eventSet = new Set(['all', 'fullsetup', 'open', 'reconnect']);
return (v1, v2) => {
if (eventSet.has(event)) {
return mongoClient.emit(event, mongoClient);
mongoClient.emit(event, v1, v2);
function createServer(mongoClient, options, callback) {
// Pass in the promise library
options.promiseLibrary = mongoClient.s.promiseLibrary;
// Set default options
const servers = translateOptions(options);
const server = servers[0];
// Propagate the events to the client
const collectedEvents = collectEvents(mongoClient, server);
// Connect to topology
server.connect(options, (err, topology) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
// Clear out all the collected event listeners
// Relay all the events
relayEvents(mongoClient, server);
// Add listeners
addListeners(mongoClient, server);
// Check if we are really speaking to a mongos
const ismaster = topology.lastIsMaster();
// Set the topology
assignTopology(mongoClient, topology);
// Do we actually have a mongos
if (ismaster && ismaster.msg === 'isdbgrid') {
// Destroy the current connection
// Create mongos connection instead
return createTopology(mongoClient, 'mongos', options, callback);
// Fire all the events
replayEvents(mongoClient, collectedEvents);
// Otherwise callback
callback(err, topology);
function registerDeprecatedEventNotifiers(client) {
client.on('newListener', eventName => {
`The \`${eventName}\` event is no longer supported by the unified topology, please read more by visiting`,
function createTopology(mongoClient, topologyType, options, callback) {
// Pass in the promise library
options.promiseLibrary = mongoClient.s.promiseLibrary;
const translationOptions = {};
if (topologyType === 'unified') translationOptions.createServers = false;
// Set default options
const servers = translateOptions(options, translationOptions);
// determine CSFLE support
if (options.autoEncryption != null) {
const Encrypter = require('../encrypter').Encrypter;
options.encrypter = new Encrypter(mongoClient, options);
options.autoEncrypter = options.encrypter.autoEncrypter;
// Create the topology
let topology;
if (topologyType === 'mongos') {
topology = new Mongos(servers, options);
} else if (topologyType === 'replicaset') {
topology = new ReplSet(servers, options);
} else if (topologyType === 'unified') {
topology = new NativeTopology(options.servers, options);
// Add listeners
addListeners(mongoClient, topology);
// Propagate the events to the client
relayEvents(mongoClient, topology);
// Open the connection
assignTopology(mongoClient, topology);
// initialize CSFLE if requested
if (options.autoEncrypter) {
options.autoEncrypter.init(err => {
if (err) {
topology.connect(options, err => {
if (err) {
options.encrypter.connectInternalClient(error => {
if (error) return callback(error);
callback(undefined, topology);
// otherwise connect normally
topology.connect(options, err => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
callback(undefined, topology);
function createUnifiedOptions(finalOptions, options) {
const childOptions = [
const noMerge = ['readconcern', 'compression', 'autoencryption'];
const skip = ['w', 'wtimeout', 'j', 'journal', 'fsync', 'writeconcern'];
for (const name in options) {
if (skip.indexOf(name.toLowerCase()) !== -1) {
} else if (noMerge.indexOf(name.toLowerCase()) !== -1) {
finalOptions[name] = options[name];
} else if (childOptions.indexOf(name.toLowerCase()) !== -1) {
finalOptions = mergeOptions(finalOptions, options[name], false);
} else {
if (
options[name] &&
typeof options[name] === 'object' &&
!Buffer.isBuffer(options[name]) &&
) {
finalOptions = mergeOptions(finalOptions, options[name], true);
} else {
finalOptions[name] = options[name];
// Handle write concern keys separately, since `options` may have the keys at the top level or
// under `options.writeConcern`. The final merged keys will be under `finalOptions.writeConcern`.
// This way, `fromOptions` will warn once if `options` is using deprecated write concern options
const optionsWriteConcern = WriteConcern.fromOptions(options);
if (optionsWriteConcern) {
finalOptions.writeConcern = Object.assign({}, finalOptions.writeConcern, optionsWriteConcern);
return finalOptions;
function generateCredentials(client, username, password, options) {
options = Object.assign({}, options);
// the default db to authenticate against is 'self'
// if authententicate is called from a retry context, it may be another one, like admin
const source = options.authSource || options.authdb || options.dbName;
// authMechanism
const authMechanismRaw = options.authMechanism || 'DEFAULT';
const authMechanism = authMechanismRaw.toUpperCase();
const mechanismProperties = options.authMechanismProperties;
if (!VALID_AUTH_MECHANISMS.has(authMechanism)) {
throw MongoError.create({
message: `authentication mechanism ${authMechanismRaw} not supported', options.authMechanism`,
driver: true
return new MongoCredentials({
mechanism: AUTH_MECHANISM_INTERNAL_MAP[authMechanism],
function legacyTransformUrlOptions(object) {
return mergeOptions(createUnifiedOptions({}, object), object, false);
function mergeOptions(target, source, flatten) {
for (const name in source) {
if (source[name] && typeof source[name] === 'object' && flatten) {
target = mergeOptions(target, source[name], flatten);
} else {
target[name] = source[name];
return target;
function relayEvents(mongoClient, topology) {
const serverOrCommandEvents = [
// APM
// Legacy
serverOrCommandEvents.forEach(event => {
topology.on(event, (object1, object2) => {
mongoClient.emit(event, object1, object2);
// Replay any events due to single server connection switching to Mongos
function replayEvents(mongoClient, events) {
for (let i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
mongoClient.emit(events[i].event, events[i].object1, events[i].object2);
function transformUrlOptions(_object) {
let object = Object.assign({ servers: _object.hosts }, _object.options);
for (let name in object) {
const camelCaseName = LEGACY_OPTIONS_MAP[name];
if (camelCaseName) {
object[camelCaseName] = object[name];
const hasUsername = _object.auth && _object.auth.username;
const hasAuthMechanism = _object.options && _object.options.authMechanism;
if (hasUsername || hasAuthMechanism) {
object.auth = Object.assign({}, _object.auth);
if (object.auth.db) {
object.authSource = object.authSource || object.auth.db;
if (object.auth.username) {
object.auth.user = object.auth.username;
if (_object.defaultDatabase) {
object.dbName = _object.defaultDatabase;
if (object.maxPoolSize) {
object.poolSize = object.maxPoolSize;
if (object.readConcernLevel) {
object.readConcern = new ReadConcern(object.readConcernLevel);
if (object.wTimeoutMS) {
object.wtimeout = object.wTimeoutMS;
object.wTimeoutMS = undefined;
if (_object.srvHost) {
object.srvHost = _object.srvHost;
// Any write concern options from the URL will be top-level, so we manually
// move them options under `object.writeConcern` to avoid warnings later
const wcKeys = ['w', 'wtimeout', 'j', 'journal', 'fsync'];
for (const key of wcKeys) {
if (object[key] !== undefined) {
if (object.writeConcern === undefined) object.writeConcern = {};
object.writeConcern[key] = object[key];
object[key] = undefined;
return object;
function translateOptions(options, translationOptions) {
translationOptions = Object.assign({}, { createServers: true }, translationOptions);
// If we have a readPreference passed in by the db options
if (typeof options.readPreference === 'string' || typeof options.read_preference === 'string') {
options.readPreference = new ReadPreference(options.readPreference || options.read_preference);
// Do we have readPreference tags, add them
if (options.readPreference && (options.readPreferenceTags || options.read_preference_tags)) {
options.readPreference.tags = options.readPreferenceTags || options.read_preference_tags;
// Do we have maxStalenessSeconds
if (options.maxStalenessSeconds) {
options.readPreference.maxStalenessSeconds = options.maxStalenessSeconds;
// Set the socket and connection timeouts
if (options.socketTimeoutMS == null) options.socketTimeoutMS = 0;
if (options.connectTimeoutMS == null) options.connectTimeoutMS = 10000;
if (!translationOptions.createServers) {
// Create server instances
return => {
return serverObj.domain_socket
? new Server(serverObj.domain_socket, 27017, options)
: new Server(, serverObj.port, options);
module.exports = { validOptions, connect };