import sys
from loguru import logger
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from random import uniform, randint
from configs import configs
from .devtools import Browser
from .spider import Spider
_paper_config = configs['paper']
async def list_books(detail):
async with Spider() as spider:
await spider.login(**configs['user'])
courses = await spider.get_courses()
for cr in courses:
if detail:
hint = f'{cr["courseName"]}({cr["teacherName"]})'
hint = cr['courseName']
logger.info(f'[课程信息] | {hint}')
books = await spider.get_books(cr["courseId"])
for book in books:
if detail:
hint = f'[{cr["courseId"]}-{book["bookId"]}] {book["bookName"]}({book["percent"]}%)'
hint = f'{book["bookName"]}'
logger.info(f'[书籍信息] | {hint}')
except Exception:
exceptionInformation = sys.exc_info()
logger.warning(f'[读取信息] | 读取信息出错:{exceptionInformation}')
async def _random(spider, paper_id): # 随机的分数和学习时长
paper = BeautifulSoup((await spider.get_paper(paper_id))['paperData'], 'lxml-xml')
questions = paper.select('element[knowledge]:has(> question_type)')
if not questions:
return 100, 5
total = 0
score, time = 0, 0
for q in questions:
q_type = int(q.select_one('question_type').text)
q_score = float(q.select_one('question_score').text)
total += q_score
ranges = _paper_config['random-score']
if q_type <= len(ranges) and ranges[q_type - 1] is not None:
r = ranges[q_type - 1]
if not isinstance(r, list):
r = [r, r]
score += q_score * uniform(*r)
q_no = q.select_one('question_no').text
logger.warning(f'[任务点信息] | 题[{q_no}] 未知题型')
if _paper_config['defaults'] == 'pause':
score += float(input('[任务点信息] | 请手动输入该题得分 [0-1]:'))
else: # defaults
score += q_score * uniform(*_paper_config['defaults'])
time += randint(*_paper_config['random-time'])
return int(100 * score / total), time
except Exception:
exceptionInformation = sys.exc_info()
logger.warning(f'[处理随机数据] | 处理随机数据出错:{exceptionInformation}')
async def _flash(course_id, book_id, spider):
async def dfs(node, depth=0):
task = node.task
logger.info(f"[刷任务点] | {PLACEHOLDER * depth} {task['name']}")
if _paper_config['skip-finished'] and task['unitStudyPercent'] == 100:
logger.info(f"[刷任务点] | {PLACEHOLDER * depth} 跳过")
if 'paperId' in task: # 如果有任务则提交
chapter_id = task['chapterId']
task_id = task['id']
score, time = await _random(spider, task['paperId'])
result = await page.submit(book_id, chapter_id, task_id, score, time, 100, user_id)
if result['wasThrown'] or not result['result']['value']:
logger.warning(f'[刷任务点] | 任务[{task["name"]}]可能提交失败,请留意最终结果')
for ch in node.child:
await dfs(ch, depth + 1)
browser = await Browser.connect()
page = await browser.wait_for_page(r'https?://pc\.ismartin\.com.*')
# With Spider
await spider.login(**configs['user'])
user_id = (await spider.user_info())['data']['uid']
book_type = (await spider.book_info(book_id))['bookType']
root = await spider.get_tasks(book_id, book_type, course_id)
await dfs(root)
except Exception:
exceptionInformation = sys.exc_info()
logger.warning(f'[刷任务点] | 刷任务点出错:{exceptionInformation}')
async def flash_by_id(identity):
async with Spider() as spider:
await _flash(*identity.split('-'), spider)
async def flash_current(): # 对当前课程或书籍执行刷课
browser = await Browser.connect()
course_id, book_id = await browser.get_current()
async with Spider() as spider:
if book_id:
await _flash(course_id, book_id, spider)
await spider.login(**configs['user'])
books = await spider.get_books(course_id)
for book in books:
await _flash(course_id, book['bookId'], spider)
async def flash_all():
async with Spider() as spider:
await spider.login(**configs['user'])
courses = await spider.get_courses()
for course in courses:
course_id = course['courseId']
books = await spider.get_books(course_id)
for book in books:
await _flash(course_id, book['bookId'], spider)