import re import sys import json import httpx import asyncio import websockets import urllib.parse as parser from loguru import logger from configs import configs class Browser(object): @classmethod async def connect(cls): browser = cls(configs['browser']['port']) if configs['browser']['verify'] and not await browser._verify(): return None return browser def __init__(self, dev_port): self.port = dev_port async def _verify(self): # 校验客户端和配置文件中的用户是否相同 try:'[账号校验] | 正在校验账号...') page = await self.wait_for_page(r'https?://.*') user_info = json.loads((await page.eval(''' (function () { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()'POST', '', false) xhr.withCredentials = true xhr.send(null) return xhr.responseText })() '''))['result']['value'])['data'] spider_user = configs['user']['username'] logger.debug(f'[账号校验] | 配置文件用户: {spider_user}') logger.debug(f'[账号校验] | 客户端用户: {json.dumps(user_info, indent=4)}') if str(spider_user) != user_info['mobile'] and str(spider_user) != user_info['username']: logger.warning('[账号校验] | 客户端中登录的账号与配置文件中账号不符') choice = input('[账号校验] | 继续使用可能会出现意料之外的问题,是否继续?[y/N]') if choice.lower() != 'y': exit() else:'[账号校验] | 校验通过') return True except Exception: exceptionInformation = sys.exc_info() logger.warning(f'[账号校验] | 账号校验出错:{exceptionInformation}') async def wait_for_page(self, regexp): # 等待符合条件的页面出现 async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: while True: try: pages = (await client.get(f'{self.port}/json')).json() for page in pages: if re.fullmatch(regexp, page['url']) and 'webSocketDebuggerUrl' in page: return Page(page['url'], page['webSocketDebuggerUrl']) except httpx.ConnectError: pass await asyncio.sleep(2) # noinspection PyTypeChecker async def get_current(self): async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: pages = (await client.get(f'{self.port}/json')).json() for page in pages: params = dict(parser.parse_qsl(parser.urlsplit(page['url']).query)) if 'courseId' not in params: continue if 'bookId' in params: return params['courseId'], params['bookId'] return params['courseId'], None class Page(object): def __init__(self, url, dev_url): = 0 self.url, self.dev_url = url, dev_url async def send(self, command, params): async with websockets.connect(self.dev_url) as devtools: await devtools.send(json.dumps({ 'id':, 'method': command, 'params': params })) += 1 return json.loads(await devtools.recv()) async def eval(self, script): result = await self.send( 'Runtime.evaluate', { 'expression': script, 'awaitPromise': True } ) return result['result'] async def submit(self, book_id, chapter_id, task_id, score, seconds, percent, user_id): # 提交任务点的得分 model = 'NetBrowser.submitTask("%s", "%s", "%s", 0, "%d", %d, %d, "%s");' result = f'%7B%22studentid%22:{user_id},%22testInfo%22:%7B%22answerdata%22:%22%22,%22markdatao%22:%22%22%7D%7D' return await self.eval( model % (book_id, chapter_id, task_id, score, seconds, percent, result) )