import asyncio
import ctypes
import json
import re
import httpx
import websockets
from loguru import logger
from configs import configs
_default_port = configs['browser']['port']
_executable = configs['browser']['executable']
_args = configs['browser']['args']
class Browser(object):
def connect(cls):
return cls(_default_port)
def launch(cls):
None, 'runas', _executable,
' '.join([f'--remote-debugging-port={_default_port}', *_args]),
None, 1
return cls(_default_port)
def __init__(self, dev_port):
self.port = dev_port
async def wait_for_book(self): # 等待「教材学习」页面
async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
while True:
pages = (await client.get(f'{self.port}/json')).json()
for page in pages:
if re.match(r'.*me.ismartlearning.cn/center/student/course/bookLearn\.html.*', page['url']):
return Page(page['url'], page['webSocketDebuggerUrl'])
except httpx.ConnectError:
await asyncio.sleep(2)
async def any_http_page(self): # 等待任意 http 页面
async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
while True:
pages = (await client.get(f'{self.port}/json')).json()
for page in pages:
if re.match(r'https?://.*', page['url']):
return Page(page['url'], page['webSocketDebuggerUrl'])
except httpx.ConnectError:
await asyncio.sleep(2)
class Page(object):
def __init__(self, url, dev_url):
self.id = 0
self.url, self.dev_url = url, dev_url
async def send(self, command, params):
async with websockets.connect(self.dev_url) as devtools:
await devtools.send(json.dumps({
'id': self.id,
'method': command,
'params': params
self.id += 1
return json.loads(await devtools.recv())
async def eval(self, script):
result = await self.send(
'Runtime.evaluate', {
'expression': script,
'awaitPromise': True
return result['result']
async def submit(self, book_id, chapter_id, task_id, score, seconds, percent, user_id):
model = 'NetBrowser.submitTask("%s", "%s", "%s", 0, "%d", %d, %d, "%s");'
result = f'%7B%22studentid%22:{user_id},%22testInfo%22:%7B%22answerdata%22:%22%22,%22markdatao%22:%22%22%7D%7D'
return await self.eval(
model % (book_id, chapter_id, task_id, score, seconds, percent, result)