import protooClient from 'protoo-client'; import * as mediasoupClient from 'mediasoup-client'; import Logger from './Logger'; import { getProtooUrl } from './urlFactory'; import * as cookiesManager from './cookiesManager'; import * as requestActions from './redux/requestActions'; import * as stateActions from './redux/stateActions'; import * as e2e from './e2e'; const VIDEO_CONSTRAINS = { qvga : { width: { ideal: 320 }, height: { ideal: 240 } }, vga : { width: { ideal: 640 }, height: { ideal: 480 } }, hd : { width: { ideal: 1280 }, height: { ideal: 720 } } }; const PC_PROPRIETARY_CONSTRAINTS = { // optional : [ { googDscp: true } ] }; const EXTERNAL_VIDEO_SRC = '/resources/videos/video-audio-stereo.mp4'; const logger = new Logger('RoomClient'); let store; export default class RoomClient { /** * @param {Object} data * @param {Object} - The Redux store. */ static init(data) { store =; } constructor( { roomId, peerId, displayName, device, handlerName, forceTcp, produce, consume, datachannel, enableWebcamLayers, enableSharingLayers, webcamScalabilityMode, sharingScalabilityMode, numSimulcastStreams, forceVP8, forceH264, forceVP9, externalVideo, e2eKey, consumerReplicas } ) { logger.debug( 'constructor() [roomId:"%s", peerId:"%s", displayName:"%s", device:%s]', roomId, peerId, displayName, device.flag); // Closed flag. // @type {Boolean} this._closed = false; // Display name. // @type {String} this._displayName = displayName; // Device info. // @type {Object} this._device = device; // Custom mediasoup-client handler name (to override default browser // detection if desired). // @type {String} this._handlerName = handlerName; // Whether we want to force RTC over TCP. // @type {Boolean} this._forceTcp = forceTcp; // Whether we want to produce audio/video. // @type {Boolean} this._produce = produce; // Whether we should consume. // @type {Boolean} this._consume = consume; // Whether we want DataChannels. // @type {Boolean} this._useDataChannel = Boolean(datachannel); // Force VP8 codec for sending. // @type {Boolean} this._forceVP8 = Boolean(forceVP8); // Force H264 codec for sending. // @type {Boolean} this._forceH264 = Boolean(forceH264); // Force VP9 codec for sending. // @type {Boolean} this._forceVP9 = Boolean(forceVP9); // Whether simulcast or SVC should be used for webcam. // @type {Boolean} this._enableWebcamLayers = Boolean(enableWebcamLayers); // Whether simulcast or SVC should be used in desktop sharing. // @type {Boolean} this._enableSharingLayers = Boolean(enableSharingLayers); // Scalability mode for webcam. // @type {String} this._webcamScalabilityMode = webcamScalabilityMode; // Scalability mode for sharing. // @type {String} this._sharingScalabilityMode = sharingScalabilityMode; // Number of simuclast streams for webcam and sharing. // @type {Number} this._numSimulcastStreams = numSimulcastStreams; // External video. // @type {HTMLVideoElement} this._externalVideo = null; // Enabled end-to-end encryption. this._e2eKey = e2eKey; // MediaStream of the external video. // @type {MediaStream} this._externalVideoStream = null; // Next expected dataChannel test number. // @type {Number} this._nextDataChannelTestNumber = 0; if (externalVideo) { this._externalVideo = document.createElement('video'); this._externalVideo.controls = true; this._externalVideo.muted = true; this._externalVideo.loop = true; this._externalVideo.setAttribute('playsinline', ''); this._externalVideo.src = EXTERNAL_VIDEO_SRC; .catch((error) => logger.warn(' failed:%o', error)); } // Protoo URL. // @type {String} this._protooUrl = getProtooUrl({ roomId, peerId, consumerReplicas }); // protoo-client Peer instance. // @type {protooClient.Peer} this._protoo = null; // mediasoup-client Device instance. // @type {mediasoupClient.Device} this._mediasoupDevice = null; // mediasoup Transport for sending. // @type {mediasoupClient.Transport} this._sendTransport = null; // mediasoup Transport for receiving. // @type {mediasoupClient.Transport} this._recvTransport = null; // Local mic mediasoup Producer. // @type {mediasoupClient.Producer} this._micProducer = null; // Local webcam mediasoup Producer. // @type {mediasoupClient.Producer} this._webcamProducer = null; // Local share mediasoup Producer. // @type {mediasoupClient.Producer} this._shareProducer = null; // Local chat DataProducer. // @type {mediasoupClient.DataProducer} this._chatDataProducer = null; // Local bot DataProducer. // @type {mediasoupClient.DataProducer} this._botDataProducer = null; // mediasoup Consumers. // @type {Map} this._consumers = new Map(); // mediasoup DataConsumers. // @type {Map} this._dataConsumers = new Map(); // Map of webcam MediaDeviceInfos indexed by deviceId. // @type {Map} this._webcams = new Map(); // Local Webcam. // @type {Object} with: // - {MediaDeviceInfo} [device] // - {String} [resolution] - 'qvga' / 'vga' / 'hd'. this._webcam = { device : null, resolution : 'hd' }; if (this._e2eKey && e2e.isSupported()) { e2e.setCryptoKey('setCryptoKey', this._e2eKey, true); } } close() { if (this._closed) return; this._closed = true; logger.debug('close()'); // Close protoo Peer this._protoo.close(); // Close mediasoup Transports. if (this._sendTransport) this._sendTransport.close(); if (this._recvTransport) this._recvTransport.close(); store.dispatch( stateActions.setRoomState('closed')); } async join() { store.dispatch( stateActions.setMediasoupClientVersion(mediasoupClient.version)); const protooTransport = new protooClient.WebSocketTransport(this._protooUrl); this._protoo = new protooClient.Peer(protooTransport); store.dispatch( stateActions.setRoomState('connecting')); this._protoo.on('open', () => this._joinRoom()); this._protoo.on('failed', () => { store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : 'WebSocket连接失败' })); }); this._protoo.on('disconnected', () => { store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : 'WebSocket已断开连接' })); // Close mediasoup Transports. if (this._sendTransport) { this._sendTransport.close(); this._sendTransport = null; } if (this._recvTransport) { this._recvTransport.close(); this._recvTransport = null; } store.dispatch( stateActions.setRoomState('closed')); }); this._protoo.on('close', () => { if (this._closed) return; this.close(); }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars this._protoo.on('request', async (request, accept, reject) => { logger.debug( 'proto "request" event [method:%s, data:%o]', request.method,; switch (request.method) { case 'newConsumer': { if (!this._consume) { reject(403, 'I do not want to consume'); break; } const { peerId, producerId, id, kind, rtpParameters, type, appData, producerPaused } =; try { const consumer = await this._recvTransport.consume( { id, producerId, kind, rtpParameters, // NOTE: Force streamId to be same in mic and webcam and different // in screen sharing so libwebrtc will just try to sync mic and // webcam streams from the same remote peer. streamId : `${peerId}-${appData.share ? 'share' : 'mic-webcam'}`, appData : { ...appData, peerId } // Trick. }); if (this._e2eKey && e2e.isSupported()) { e2e.setupReceiverTransform(consumer.rtpReceiver); } // Store in the map. this._consumers.set(, consumer); consumer.on('transportclose', () => { this._consumers.delete(; }); const { spatialLayers, temporalLayers } = mediasoupClient.parseScalabilityMode( consumer.rtpParameters.encodings[0].scalabilityMode); store.dispatch(stateActions.addConsumer( { id :, type : type, locallyPaused : false, remotelyPaused : producerPaused, rtpParameters : consumer.rtpParameters, spatialLayers : spatialLayers, temporalLayers : temporalLayers, preferredSpatialLayer : spatialLayers - 1, preferredTemporalLayer : temporalLayers - 1, priority : 1, codec : consumer.rtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.split('/')[1], track : consumer.track }, peerId)); // We are ready. Answer the protoo request so the server will // resume this Consumer (which was paused for now if video). accept(); // If audio-only mode is enabled, pause it. if (consumer.kind === 'video' && store.getState().me.audioOnly) this._pauseConsumer(consumer); } catch (error) { logger.error('"newConsumer" request failed:%o', error); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `创建用户时出错: ${error}` })); throw error; } break; } case 'newDataConsumer': { if (!this._consume) { reject(403, 'I do not want to data consume'); break; } if (!this._useDataChannel) { reject(403, 'I do not want DataChannels'); break; } const { peerId, // NOTE: Null if bot. dataProducerId, id, sctpStreamParameters, label, protocol, appData } =; try { const dataConsumer = await this._recvTransport.consumeData( { id, dataProducerId, sctpStreamParameters, label, protocol, appData : { ...appData, peerId } // Trick. }); // Store in the map. this._dataConsumers.set(, dataConsumer); dataConsumer.on('transportclose', () => { this._dataConsumers.delete(; }); dataConsumer.on('open', () => { logger.debug('DataConsumer "open" event'); }); dataConsumer.on('close', () => { logger.warn('DataConsumer "close" event'); this._dataConsumers.delete(; // store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( // { // type : 'error', // text : `${peerId} 退出房间` // })); }); dataConsumer.on('error', (error) => { logger.error('DataConsumer "error" event:%o', error); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `DataConsumer 错误: ${error}` })); }); dataConsumer.on('message', (message) => { logger.debug( 'DataConsumer "message" event [streamId:%d]', dataConsumer.sctpStreamParameters.streamId); // TODO: For debugging. window.DC_MESSAGE = message; if (message instanceof ArrayBuffer) { const view = new DataView(message); const number = view.getUint32(); if (number == Math.pow(2, 32) - 1) { logger.warn('dataChannelTest finished!'); this._nextDataChannelTestNumber = 0; return; } if (number > this._nextDataChannelTestNumber) { logger.warn( 'dataChannelTest: %s packets missing', number - this._nextDataChannelTestNumber); } this._nextDataChannelTestNumber = number + 1; return; } else if (typeof message !== 'string') { logger.warn('ignoring DataConsumer "message" (not a string)'); return; } switch (dataConsumer.label) { case 'chat': { const { peers } = store.getState(); const peersArray = Object.keys(peers) .map((_peerId) => peers[_peerId]); const sendingPeer = peersArray .find((peer) => peer.dataConsumers.includes(; if (!sendingPeer) { logger.warn('DataConsumer "message" from unknown peer'); break; } store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'userMessage', title : `${sendingPeer.displayName}`, text : message, timeout : 5000 })); break; } case 'bot': { store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { title : 'Message from Bot:', text : message, timeout : 5000 })); break; } } }); // TODO: REMOVE window.DC = dataConsumer; store.dispatch(stateActions.addDataConsumer( { id :, sctpStreamParameters : dataConsumer.sctpStreamParameters, label : dataConsumer.label, protocol : dataConsumer.protocol }, peerId)); // We are ready. Answer the protoo request. accept(); } catch (error) { logger.error('"newDataConsumer" request failed:%o', error); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `创建DataConsumer时出错: ${error}` })); throw error; } break; } } }); this._protoo.on('notification', (notification) => { logger.debug( 'proto "notification" event [method:%s, data:%o]', notification.method,; switch (notification.method) { case 'mediasoup-version': { const { version } =; store.dispatch( stateActions.setMediasoupVersion(version)); break; } case 'producerScore': { const { producerId, score } =; store.dispatch( stateActions.setProducerScore(producerId, score)); break; } case 'newPeer': { const peer =; store.dispatch( stateActions.addPeer( { ...peer, consumers: [], dataConsumers: [] })); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { text : `${peer.displayName} 加入房间` })); break; } case 'peerClosed': { const { peerId } =; store.dispatch( stateActions.removePeer(peerId)); break; } case 'peerDisplayNameChanged': { const { peerId, displayName, oldDisplayName } =; store.dispatch( stateActions.setPeerDisplayName(displayName, peerId)); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { text : `${oldDisplayName} is now ${displayName}` })); break; } case 'downlinkBwe': { logger.debug('\'downlinkBwe\' event:%o',; break; } case 'consumerClosed': { const { consumerId } =; const consumer = this._consumers.get(consumerId); if (!consumer) break; consumer.close(); this._consumers.delete(consumerId); const { peerId } = consumer.appData; store.dispatch( stateActions.removeConsumer(consumerId, peerId)); break; } case 'consumerPaused': { const { consumerId } =; const consumer = this._consumers.get(consumerId); if (!consumer) break; consumer.pause(); store.dispatch( stateActions.setConsumerPaused(consumerId, 'remote')); break; } case 'consumerResumed': { const { consumerId } =; const consumer = this._consumers.get(consumerId); if (!consumer) break; consumer.resume(); store.dispatch( stateActions.setConsumerResumed(consumerId, 'remote')); break; } case 'consumerLayersChanged': { const { consumerId, spatialLayer, temporalLayer } =; const consumer = this._consumers.get(consumerId); if (!consumer) break; store.dispatch(stateActions.setConsumerCurrentLayers( consumerId, spatialLayer, temporalLayer)); break; } case 'consumerScore': { const { consumerId, score } =; store.dispatch( stateActions.setConsumerScore(consumerId, score)); break; } case 'dataConsumerClosed': { const { dataConsumerId } =; const dataConsumer = this._dataConsumers.get(dataConsumerId); if (!dataConsumer) break; dataConsumer.close(); this._dataConsumers.delete(dataConsumerId); const { peerId } = dataConsumer.appData; store.dispatch( stateActions.removeDataConsumer(dataConsumerId, peerId)); break; } case 'activeSpeaker': { const { peerId } =; store.dispatch( stateActions.setRoomActiveSpeaker(peerId)); break; } default: { logger.error( 'unknown protoo notification.method "%s"', notification.method); } } }); } async enableMic() { logger.debug('enableMic()'); if (this._micProducer) return; if (!this._mediasoupDevice.canProduce('audio')) { logger.error('enableMic() | cannot produce audio'); return; } let track; try { if (!this._externalVideo) { logger.debug('enableMic() | calling getUserMedia()'); const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true }); track = stream.getAudioTracks()[0]; } else { const stream = await this._getExternalVideoStream(); track = stream.getAudioTracks()[0].clone(); } this._micProducer = await this._sendTransport.produce( { track, codecOptions : { opusStereo : true, opusDtx : true, opusFec : true, opusNack : true } // NOTE: for testing codec selection. // codec : this._mediasoupDevice.rtpCapabilities.codecs // .find((codec) => codec.mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'audio/pcma') }); if (this._e2eKey && e2e.isSupported()) { e2e.setupSenderTransform(this._micProducer.rtpSender); } store.dispatch(stateActions.addProducer( { id :, paused : this._micProducer.paused, track : this._micProducer.track, rtpParameters : this._micProducer.rtpParameters, codec : this._micProducer.rtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.split('/')[1] })); this._micProducer.on('transportclose', () => { this._micProducer = null; }); this._micProducer.on('trackended', () => { store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : '麦克风断开!' })); this.disableMic() .catch(() => {}); }); } catch (error) { logger.error('enableMic() | failed:%o', error); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `启用麦克风时出错: ${error}` })); if (track) track.stop(); } } async disableMic() { logger.debug('disableMic()'); if (!this._micProducer) return; this._micProducer.close(); store.dispatch( stateActions.removeProducer(; try { await this._protoo.request( 'closeProducer', { producerId: }); } catch (error) { store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `关闭服务器端麦克风生成器时出错: ${error}` })); } this._micProducer = null; } async muteMic() { logger.debug('muteMic()'); this._micProducer.pause(); try { await this._protoo.request( 'pauseProducer', { producerId: }); store.dispatch( stateActions.setProducerPaused(; } catch (error) { logger.error('muteMic() | failed: %o', error); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `暂停服务器端麦克风生成器时出错: ${error}` })); } } async unmuteMic() { logger.debug('unmuteMic()'); this._micProducer.resume(); try { await this._protoo.request( 'resumeProducer', { producerId: }); store.dispatch( stateActions.setProducerResumed(; } catch (error) { logger.error('unmuteMic() | failed: %o', error); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `恢复服务器端麦克风生成器时出错: ${error}` })); } } async enableWebcam() { logger.debug('enableWebcam()'); if (this._webcamProducer) return; else if (this._shareProducer) await this.disableShare(); if (!this._mediasoupDevice.canProduce('video')) { logger.error('enableWebcam() | cannot produce video'); return; } let track; let device; store.dispatch( stateActions.setWebcamInProgress(true)); try { if (!this._externalVideo) { await this._updateWebcams(); device = this._webcam.device; const { resolution } = this._webcam; if (!device) throw new Error('no webcam devices'); logger.debug('enableWebcam() | calling getUserMedia()'); const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia( { video : { deviceId : { ideal: device.deviceId }, ...VIDEO_CONSTRAINS[resolution] } }); track = stream.getVideoTracks()[0]; } else { device = { label: 'external video' }; const stream = await this._getExternalVideoStream(); track = stream.getVideoTracks()[0].clone(); } let encodings; let codec; const codecOptions = { videoGoogleStartBitrate : 1000 }; if (this._forceVP8) { codec = this._mediasoupDevice.rtpCapabilities.codecs .find((c) => c.mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/vp8'); if (!codec) { throw new Error('desired VP8 codec+configuration is not supported'); } } else if (this._forceH264) { codec = this._mediasoupDevice.rtpCapabilities.codecs .find((c) => c.mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/h264'); if (!codec) { throw new Error('desired H264 codec+configuration is not supported'); } } else if (this._forceVP9) { codec = this._mediasoupDevice.rtpCapabilities.codecs .find((c) => c.mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/vp9'); if (!codec) { throw new Error('desired VP9 codec+configuration is not supported'); } } if (this._enableWebcamLayers) { // If VP9 is the only available video codec then use SVC. const firstVideoCodec = this._mediasoupDevice .rtpCapabilities .codecs .find((c) => c.kind === 'video'); // VP9 with SVC. if ( (this._forceVP9 && codec) || firstVideoCodec.mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/vp9' ) { encodings = [ { maxBitrate : 5000000, scalabilityMode : this._webcamScalabilityMode || 'L3T3_KEY' } ]; } // VP8 or H264 with simulcast. else { encodings = [ { scaleResolutionDownBy : 1, maxBitrate : 5000000, scalabilityMode : this._webcamScalabilityMode || 'L1T3' } ]; if (this._numSimulcastStreams > 1) { encodings.unshift( { scaleResolutionDownBy : 2, maxBitrate : 1000000, scalabilityMode : this._webcamScalabilityMode || 'L1T3' } ); } if (this._numSimulcastStreams > 2) { encodings.unshift( { scaleResolutionDownBy : 4, maxBitrate : 500000, scalabilityMode : this._webcamScalabilityMode || 'L1T3' } ); } } } this._webcamProducer = await this._sendTransport.produce( { track, encodings, codecOptions, codec }); if (this._e2eKey && e2e.isSupported()) { e2e.setupSenderTransform(this._webcamProducer.rtpSender); } store.dispatch(stateActions.addProducer( { id :, deviceLabel : device.label, type : this._getWebcamType(device), paused : this._webcamProducer.paused, track : this._webcamProducer.track, rtpParameters : this._webcamProducer.rtpParameters, codec : this._webcamProducer.rtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.split('/')[1] })); this._webcamProducer.on('transportclose', () => { this._webcamProducer = null; }); this._webcamProducer.on('trackended', () => { store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : '网络摄像头已断开连接!' })); this.disableWebcam() .catch(() => {}); }); } catch (error) { logger.error('enableWebcam() | failed:%o', error); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `启用网络摄像头时出错: ${error}` })); if (track) track.stop(); } store.dispatch( stateActions.setWebcamInProgress(false)); } async disableWebcam() { logger.debug('disableWebcam()'); if (!this._webcamProducer) return; this._webcamProducer.close(); store.dispatch( stateActions.removeProducer(; try { await this._protoo.request( 'closeProducer', { producerId: }); } catch (error) { store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `关闭服务器端网络摄像头生成器时出错: ${error}` })); } this._webcamProducer = null; } async changeWebcam() { logger.debug('changeWebcam()'); store.dispatch( stateActions.setWebcamInProgress(true)); try { await this._updateWebcams(); const array = Array.from(this._webcams.keys()); const len = array.length; const deviceId = this._webcam.device ? this._webcam.device.deviceId : undefined; let idx = array.indexOf(deviceId); if (idx < len - 1) idx++; else idx = 0; this._webcam.device = this._webcams.get(array[idx]); logger.debug( 'changeWebcam() | new selected webcam [device:%o]', this._webcam.device); // Reset video resolution to HD. this._webcam.resolution = 'hd'; if (!this._webcam.device) throw new Error('no webcam devices'); // Closing the current video track before asking for a new one (mobiles do not like // having both front/back cameras open at the same time). this._webcamProducer.track.stop(); logger.debug('changeWebcam() | calling getUserMedia()'); const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia( { video : { deviceId : { exact: this._webcam.device.deviceId }, ...VIDEO_CONSTRAINS[this._webcam.resolution] } }); const track = stream.getVideoTracks()[0]; await this._webcamProducer.replaceTrack({ track }); store.dispatch( stateActions.setProducerTrack(, track)); } catch (error) { logger.error('changeWebcam() | failed: %o', error); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `无法更改网络摄像头: ${error}` })); } store.dispatch( stateActions.setWebcamInProgress(false)); } async changeWebcamResolution() { logger.debug('changeWebcamResolution()'); store.dispatch( stateActions.setWebcamInProgress(true)); try { switch (this._webcam.resolution) { case 'qvga': this._webcam.resolution = 'vga'; break; case 'vga': this._webcam.resolution = 'hd'; break; case 'hd': this._webcam.resolution = 'qvga'; break; default: this._webcam.resolution = 'hd'; } logger.debug('changeWebcamResolution() | calling getUserMedia()'); const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia( { video : { deviceId : { exact: this._webcam.device.deviceId }, ...VIDEO_CONSTRAINS[this._webcam.resolution] } }); const track = stream.getVideoTracks()[0]; await this._webcamProducer.replaceTrack({ track }); store.dispatch( stateActions.setProducerTrack(, track)); } catch (error) { logger.error('changeWebcamResolution() | failed: %o', error); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `无法更改网络摄像头分辨率: ${error}` })); } store.dispatch( stateActions.setWebcamInProgress(false)); } async enableShare() { logger.debug('enableShare()'); if (this._shareProducer) return; else if (this._webcamProducer) await this.disableWebcam(); if (!this._mediasoupDevice.canProduce('video')) { logger.error('enableShare() | cannot produce video'); return; } let track; store.dispatch( stateActions.setShareInProgress(true)); try { logger.debug('enableShare() | calling getUserMedia()'); const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia( { audio : false, video : { displaySurface : 'monitor', logicalSurface : true, cursor : true, width : { max: 1920 }, height : { max: 1080 }, frameRate : { max: 30 } } }); // May mean cancelled (in some implementations). if (!stream) { store.dispatch( stateActions.setShareInProgress(true)); return; } track = stream.getVideoTracks()[0]; let encodings; let codec; const codecOptions = { videoGoogleStartBitrate : 1000 }; if (this._forceVP8) { codec = this._mediasoupDevice.rtpCapabilities.codecs .find((c) => c.mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/vp8'); if (!codec) { throw new Error('desired VP8 codec+configuration is not supported'); } } else if (this._forceH264) { codec = this._mediasoupDevice.rtpCapabilities.codecs .find((c) => c.mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/h264'); if (!codec) { throw new Error('desired H264 codec+configuration is not supported'); } } else if (this._forceVP9) { codec = this._mediasoupDevice.rtpCapabilities.codecs .find((c) => c.mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/vp9'); if (!codec) { throw new Error('desired VP9 codec+configuration is not supported'); } } if (this._enableSharingLayers) { // If VP9 is the only available video codec then use SVC. const firstVideoCodec = this._mediasoupDevice .rtpCapabilities .codecs .find((c) => c.kind === 'video'); // VP9 with SVC. if ( (this._forceVP9 && codec) || firstVideoCodec.mimeType.toLowerCase() === 'video/vp9' ) { encodings = [ { maxBitrate : 5000000, scalabilityMode : this._sharingScalabilityMode || 'L3T3', dtx : true } ]; } // VP8 or H264 with simulcast. else { encodings = [ { scaleResolutionDownBy : 1, maxBitrate : 5000000, scalabilityMode : this._sharingScalabilityMode || 'L1T3', dtx : true } ]; if (this._numSimulcastStreams > 1) { encodings.unshift( { scaleResolutionDownBy : 2, maxBitrate : 1000000, scalabilityMode : this._sharingScalabilityMode || 'L1T3', dtx : true } ); } if (this._numSimulcastStreams > 2) { encodings.unshift( { scaleResolutionDownBy : 4, maxBitrate : 500000, scalabilityMode : this._sharingScalabilityMode || 'L1T3', dtx : true } ); } } } this._shareProducer = await this._sendTransport.produce( { track, encodings, codecOptions, codec, appData : { share : true } }); if (this._e2eKey && e2e.isSupported()) { e2e.setupSenderTransform(this._shareProducer.rtpSender); } store.dispatch(stateActions.addProducer( { id :, type : 'share', paused : this._shareProducer.paused, track : this._shareProducer.track, rtpParameters : this._shareProducer.rtpParameters, codec : this._shareProducer.rtpParameters.codecs[0].mimeType.split('/')[1] })); this._shareProducer.on('transportclose', () => { this._shareProducer = null; }); this._shareProducer.on('trackended', () => { store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : '共享已断开连接!' })); this.disableShare() .catch(() => {}); }); } catch (error) { logger.error('enableShare() | failed:%o', error); if ( !== 'NotAllowedError') { store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `共享错误: ${error}` })); } if (track) track.stop(); } store.dispatch( stateActions.setShareInProgress(false)); } async disableShare() { logger.debug('disableShare()'); if (!this._shareProducer) return; this._shareProducer.close(); store.dispatch( stateActions.removeProducer(; try { await this._protoo.request( 'closeProducer', { producerId: }); } catch (error) { store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `关闭服务器端共享生成器时出错: ${error}` })); } this._shareProducer = null; } async enableAudioOnly() { logger.debug('enableAudioOnly()'); store.dispatch( stateActions.setAudioOnlyInProgress(true)); this.disableWebcam(); for (const consumer of this._consumers.values()) { if (consumer.kind !== 'video') continue; this._pauseConsumer(consumer); } store.dispatch( stateActions.setAudioOnlyState(true)); store.dispatch( stateActions.setAudioOnlyInProgress(false)); } async disableAudioOnly() { logger.debug('disableAudioOnly()'); store.dispatch( stateActions.setAudioOnlyInProgress(true)); if ( !this._webcamProducer && this._produce && (cookiesManager.getDevices() || {}).webcamEnabled ) { this.enableWebcam(); } for (const consumer of this._consumers.values()) { if (consumer.kind !== 'video') continue; this._resumeConsumer(consumer); } store.dispatch( stateActions.setAudioOnlyState(false)); store.dispatch( stateActions.setAudioOnlyInProgress(false)); } async muteAudio() { logger.debug('muteAudio()'); store.dispatch( stateActions.setAudioMutedState(true)); } async unmuteAudio() { logger.debug('unmuteAudio()'); store.dispatch( stateActions.setAudioMutedState(false)); } async restartIce() { logger.debug('restartIce()'); store.dispatch( stateActions.setRestartIceInProgress(true)); try { if (this._sendTransport) { const iceParameters = await this._protoo.request( 'restartIce', { transportId: }); await this._sendTransport.restartIce({ iceParameters }); } if (this._recvTransport) { const iceParameters = await this._protoo.request( 'restartIce', { transportId: }); await this._recvTransport.restartIce({ iceParameters }); } store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { text : 'ICE 重新启动' })); } catch (error) { logger.error('restartIce() | failed:%o', error); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `ICE 重启失败: ${error}` })); } store.dispatch( stateActions.setRestartIceInProgress(false)); } async setMaxSendingSpatialLayer(spatialLayer) { logger.debug('setMaxSendingSpatialLayer() [spatialLayer:%s]', spatialLayer); try { if (this._webcamProducer) await this._webcamProducer.setMaxSpatialLayer(spatialLayer); else if (this._shareProducer) await this._shareProducer.setMaxSpatialLayer(spatialLayer); } catch (error) { logger.error('setMaxSendingSpatialLayer() | failed:%o', error); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `设置最大发送视频空间层时出错: ${error}` })); } } async setConsumerPreferredLayers(consumerId, spatialLayer, temporalLayer) { logger.debug( 'setConsumerPreferredLayers() [consumerId:%s, spatialLayer:%s, temporalLayer:%s]', consumerId, spatialLayer, temporalLayer); try { await this._protoo.request( 'setConsumerPreferredLayers', { consumerId, spatialLayer, temporalLayer }); store.dispatch(stateActions.setConsumerPreferredLayers( consumerId, spatialLayer, temporalLayer)); } catch (error) { logger.error('setConsumerPreferredLayers() | failed:%o', error); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `设置用户首选图层时出错: ${error}` })); } } async setConsumerPriority(consumerId, priority) { logger.debug( 'setConsumerPriority() [consumerId:%s, priority:%d]', consumerId, priority); try { await this._protoo.request('setConsumerPriority', { consumerId, priority }); store.dispatch(stateActions.setConsumerPriority(consumerId, priority)); } catch (error) { logger.error('setConsumerPriority() | failed:%o', error); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `设置用户优先级时出错: ${error}` })); } } async requestConsumerKeyFrame(consumerId) { logger.debug('requestConsumerKeyFrame() [consumerId:%s]', consumerId); try { await this._protoo.request('requestConsumerKeyFrame', { consumerId }); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { text : '为视频用户请求关键帧' })); } catch (error) { logger.error('requestConsumerKeyFrame() | failed:%o', error); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `为用户请求关键帧时出错: ${error}` })); } } async enableChatDataProducer() { logger.debug('enableChatDataProducer()'); if (!this._useDataChannel) return; // NOTE: Should enable this code but it's useful for testing. // if (this._chatDataProducer) // return; try { // Create chat DataProducer. this._chatDataProducer = await this._sendTransport.produceData( { ordered : false, maxRetransmits : 1, label : 'chat', priority : 'medium', appData : { info: 'my-chat-DataProducer' } }); store.dispatch(stateActions.addDataProducer( { id :, sctpStreamParameters : this._chatDataProducer.sctpStreamParameters, label : this._chatDataProducer.label, protocol : this._chatDataProducer.protocol })); this._chatDataProducer.on('transportclose', () => { this._chatDataProducer = null; }); this._chatDataProducer.on('open', () => { logger.debug('chat DataProducer "open" event'); }); this._chatDataProducer.on('close', () => { logger.error('chat DataProducer "close" event'); this._chatDataProducer = null; store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : '聊天数据生成器已关闭' })); }); this._chatDataProducer.on('error', (error) => { logger.error('chat DataProducer "error" event:%o', error); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `聊天数据生成器错误: ${error}` })); }); this._chatDataProducer.on('bufferedamountlow', () => { logger.debug('chat DataProducer "bufferedamountlow" event'); }); } catch (error) { logger.error('enableChatDataProducer() | failed:%o', error); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `启用聊天数据生成器时出错: ${error}` })); throw error; } } async enableBotDataProducer() { logger.debug('enableBotDataProducer()'); if (!this._useDataChannel) return; // NOTE: Should enable this code but it's useful for testing. // if (this._botDataProducer) // return; try { // Create chat DataProducer. this._botDataProducer = await this._sendTransport.produceData( { ordered : false, maxPacketLifeTime : 2000, label : 'bot', priority : 'medium', appData : { info: 'my-bot-DataProducer' } }); store.dispatch(stateActions.addDataProducer( { id :, sctpStreamParameters : this._botDataProducer.sctpStreamParameters, label : this._botDataProducer.label, protocol : this._botDataProducer.protocol })); this._botDataProducer.on('transportclose', () => { this._botDataProducer = null; }); this._botDataProducer.on('open', () => { logger.debug('bot DataProducer "open" event'); }); this._botDataProducer.on('close', () => { logger.error('bot DataProducer "close" event'); this._botDataProducer = null; store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : 'Bot DataProducer closed' })); }); this._botDataProducer.on('error', (error) => { logger.error('bot DataProducer "error" event:%o', error); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `Bot DataProducer 错误: ${error}` })); }); this._botDataProducer.on('bufferedamountlow', () => { logger.debug('bot DataProducer "bufferedamountlow" event'); }); } catch (error) { logger.error('enableBotDataProducer() | failed:%o', error); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `启用bot DataProducter时出错: ${error}` })); throw error; } } async sendChatMessage(text) { logger.debug('sendChatMessage() [text:"%s]', text); if (!this._chatDataProducer) { store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : '无聊天 DataProducter' })); return; } try { this._chatDataProducer.send(text); } catch (error) { logger.error('chat DataProducer.send() failed:%o', error); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `聊天DataProducter.send()失败: ${error}` })); } } async sendBotMessage(text) { logger.debug('sendBotMessage() [text:"%s]', text); if (!this._botDataProducer) { store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : 'No bot DataProducer' })); return; } try { this._botDataProducer.send(text); } catch (error) { logger.error('bot DataProducer.send() failed:%o', error); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `bot DataProducer.send() failed: ${error}` })); } } async changeDisplayName(displayName) { logger.debug('changeDisplayName() [displayName:"%s"]', displayName); // Store in cookie. cookiesManager.setUser({ displayName }); try { await this._protoo.request('changeDisplayName', { displayName }); this._displayName = displayName; store.dispatch( stateActions.setDisplayName(displayName)); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { text : '显示名称已更改' })); } catch (error) { logger.error('changeDisplayName() | failed: %o', error); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `无法更改显示名称: ${error}` })); // We need to refresh the component for it to render the previous // displayName again. store.dispatch( stateActions.setDisplayName()); } } async getSendTransportRemoteStats() { logger.debug('getSendTransportRemoteStats()'); if (!this._sendTransport) return; return this._protoo.request( 'getTransportStats', { transportId: }); } async getRecvTransportRemoteStats() { logger.debug('getRecvTransportRemoteStats()'); if (!this._recvTransport) return; return this._protoo.request( 'getTransportStats', { transportId: }); } async getAudioRemoteStats() { logger.debug('getAudioRemoteStats()'); if (!this._micProducer) return; return this._protoo.request( 'getProducerStats', { producerId: }); } async getVideoRemoteStats() { logger.debug('getVideoRemoteStats()'); const producer = this._webcamProducer || this._shareProducer; if (!producer) return; return this._protoo.request( 'getProducerStats', { producerId: }); } async getConsumerRemoteStats(consumerId) { logger.debug('getConsumerRemoteStats()'); const consumer = this._consumers.get(consumerId); if (!consumer) return; return this._protoo.request('getConsumerStats', { consumerId }); } async getChatDataProducerRemoteStats() { logger.debug('getChatDataProducerRemoteStats()'); const dataProducer = this._chatDataProducer; if (!dataProducer) return; return this._protoo.request( 'getDataProducerStats', { dataProducerId: }); } async getBotDataProducerRemoteStats() { logger.debug('getBotDataProducerRemoteStats()'); const dataProducer = this._botDataProducer; if (!dataProducer) return; return this._protoo.request( 'getDataProducerStats', { dataProducerId: }); } async getDataConsumerRemoteStats(dataConsumerId) { logger.debug('getDataConsumerRemoteStats()'); const dataConsumer = this._dataConsumers.get(dataConsumerId); if (!dataConsumer) return; return this._protoo.request('getDataConsumerStats', { dataConsumerId }); } async getSendTransportLocalStats() { logger.debug('getSendTransportLocalStats()'); if (!this._sendTransport) return; return this._sendTransport.getStats(); } async getRecvTransportLocalStats() { logger.debug('getRecvTransportLocalStats()'); if (!this._recvTransport) return; return this._recvTransport.getStats(); } async getAudioLocalStats() { logger.debug('getAudioLocalStats()'); if (!this._micProducer) return; return this._micProducer.getStats(); } async getVideoLocalStats() { logger.debug('getVideoLocalStats()'); const producer = this._webcamProducer || this._shareProducer; if (!producer) return; return producer.getStats(); } async getConsumerLocalStats(consumerId) { const consumer = this._consumers.get(consumerId); if (!consumer) return; return consumer.getStats(); } async applyNetworkThrottle({ uplink, downlink, rtt, secret, packetLoss }) { logger.debug( 'applyNetworkThrottle() [uplink:%s, downlink:%s, rtt:%s, packetLoss:%s]', uplink, downlink, rtt, packetLoss); try { await this._protoo.request( 'applyNetworkThrottle', { secret, uplink, downlink, rtt, packetLoss }); } catch (error) { logger.error('applyNetworkThrottle() | failed:%o', error); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `应用网络节流时出错: ${error}` })); } } async resetNetworkThrottle({ silent = false, secret }) { logger.debug('resetNetworkThrottle()'); try { await this._protoo.request('resetNetworkThrottle', { secret }); } catch (error) { if (!silent) { logger.error('resetNetworkThrottle() | failed:%o', error); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `重置网络节流阀时出错: ${error}` })); } } } async _joinRoom() { logger.debug('_joinRoom()'); try { this._mediasoupDevice = new mediasoupClient.Device( { handlerName : this._handlerName }); store.dispatch(stateActions.setRoomMediasoupClientHandler( this._mediasoupDevice.handlerName )); const routerRtpCapabilities = await this._protoo.request('getRouterRtpCapabilities'); await this._mediasoupDevice.load({ routerRtpCapabilities }); // NOTE: Stuff to play remote audios due to browsers' new autoplay policy. // // Just get access to the mic and DO NOT close the mic track for a while. // Super hack! { const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true }); const audioTrack = stream.getAudioTracks()[0]; audioTrack.enabled = false; setTimeout(() => audioTrack.stop(), 120000); } // Create mediasoup Transport for sending (unless we don't want to produce). if (this._produce) { const transportInfo = await this._protoo.request( 'createWebRtcTransport', { forceTcp : this._forceTcp, producing : true, consuming : false, sctpCapabilities : this._useDataChannel ? this._mediasoupDevice.sctpCapabilities : undefined }); const { id, iceParameters, iceCandidates, dtlsParameters, sctpParameters } = transportInfo; this._sendTransport = this._mediasoupDevice.createSendTransport( { id, iceParameters, iceCandidates, dtlsParameters : { ...dtlsParameters, // Remote DTLS role. We know it's always 'auto' by default so, if // we want, we can force local WebRTC transport to be 'client' by // indicating 'server' here and vice-versa. role : 'auto' }, sctpParameters, iceServers : [], proprietaryConstraints : PC_PROPRIETARY_CONSTRAINTS, additionalSettings : { encodedInsertableStreams: this._e2eKey && e2e.isSupported() } }); this._sendTransport.on( 'connect', ({ iceParameters, dtlsParameters }, callback, errback) => // eslint-disable-line no-shadow { this._protoo.request( 'connectWebRtcTransport', { transportId :, iceParameters, dtlsParameters }) .then(callback) .catch(errback); }); this._sendTransport.on( 'produce', async ({ kind, rtpParameters, appData }, callback, errback) => { try { // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow const { id } = await this._protoo.request( 'produce', { transportId :, kind, rtpParameters, appData }); callback({ id }); } catch (error) { errback(error); } }); this._sendTransport.on('producedata', async ( { sctpStreamParameters, label, protocol, appData }, callback, errback ) => { logger.debug( '"producedata" event: [sctpStreamParameters:%o, appData:%o]', sctpStreamParameters, appData); try { // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow const { id } = await this._protoo.request( 'produceData', { transportId :, sctpStreamParameters, label, protocol, appData }); callback({ id }); } catch (error) { errback(error); } }); } // Create mediasoup Transport for receiving (unless we don't want to consume). if (this._consume) { const transportInfo = await this._protoo.request( 'createWebRtcTransport', { forceTcp : this._forceTcp, producing : false, consuming : true, sctpCapabilities : this._useDataChannel ? this._mediasoupDevice.sctpCapabilities : undefined }); const { id, iceParameters, iceCandidates, dtlsParameters, sctpParameters } = transportInfo; this._recvTransport = this._mediasoupDevice.createRecvTransport( { id, iceParameters, iceCandidates, dtlsParameters : { ...dtlsParameters, // Remote DTLS role. We know it's always 'auto' by default so, if // we want, we can force local WebRTC transport to be 'client' by // indicating 'server' here and vice-versa. role : 'auto' }, sctpParameters, iceServers : [], additionalSettings : { encodedInsertableStreams: this._e2eKey && e2e.isSupported() } }); this._recvTransport.on( 'connect', ({ iceParameters, dtlsParameters }, callback, errback) => // eslint-disable-line no-shadow { this._protoo.request( 'connectWebRtcTransport', { transportId :, iceParameters, dtlsParameters }) .then(callback) .catch(errback); }); } // Join now into the room. // NOTE: Don't send our RTP capabilities if we don't want to consume. const { peers } = await this._protoo.request( 'join', { displayName : this._displayName, device : this._device, rtpCapabilities : this._consume ? this._mediasoupDevice.rtpCapabilities : undefined, sctpCapabilities : this._useDataChannel && this._consume ? this._mediasoupDevice.sctpCapabilities : undefined }); store.dispatch( stateActions.setRoomState('connected')); // Clean all the existing notifcations. store.dispatch( stateActions.removeAllNotifications()); // store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( // { // isMe : true, // text : '你已成功加入房间', // timeout : 3000 // })); for (const peer of peers) { store.dispatch( stateActions.addPeer( { ...peer, consumers: [], dataConsumers: [] })); } // Enable mic/webcam. if (this._produce) { // Set our media capabilities. store.dispatch(stateActions.setMediaCapabilities( { canSendMic : this._mediasoupDevice.canProduce('audio'), canSendWebcam : this._mediasoupDevice.canProduce('video') })); this.enableMic(); const devicesCookie = cookiesManager.getDevices(); if (!devicesCookie || devicesCookie.webcamEnabled || this._externalVideo) this.enableWebcam(); this._sendTransport.on('connectionstatechange', (connectionState) => { if (connectionState === 'connected') { this.enableChatDataProducer(); this.enableBotDataProducer(); } }); } // NOTE: For testing. if (window.SHOW_INFO) { const { me } = store.getState(); store.dispatch( stateActions.setRoomStatsPeerId(; } } catch (error) { logger.error('_joinRoom() failed:%o', error); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `无法加入房间: ${error}` })); this.close(); } } async _updateWebcams() { logger.debug('_updateWebcams()'); // Reset the list. this._webcams = new Map(); logger.debug('_updateWebcams() | calling enumerateDevices()'); const devices = await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices(); for (const device of devices) { if (device.kind !== 'videoinput') continue; this._webcams.set(device.deviceId, device); } const array = Array.from(this._webcams.values()); const len = array.length; const currentWebcamId = this._webcam.device ? this._webcam.device.deviceId : undefined; logger.debug('_updateWebcams() [webcams:%o]', array); if (len === 0) this._webcam.device = null; else if (!this._webcams.has(currentWebcamId)) this._webcam.device = array[0]; store.dispatch( stateActions.setCanChangeWebcam(this._webcams.size > 1)); } _getWebcamType(device) { if (/(back|rear)/i.test(device.label)) { logger.debug('_getWebcamType() | it seems to be a back camera'); return 'back'; } else { logger.debug('_getWebcamType() | it seems to be a front camera'); return 'front'; } } async _pauseConsumer(consumer) { if (consumer.paused) return; try { await this._protoo.request('pauseConsumer', { consumerId: }); consumer.pause(); store.dispatch( stateActions.setConsumerPaused(, 'local')); } catch (error) { logger.error('_pauseConsumer() | failed:%o', error); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `暂停用户时出错: ${error}` })); } } async _resumeConsumer(consumer) { if (!consumer.paused) return; try { await this._protoo.request('resumeConsumer', { consumerId: }); consumer.resume(); store.dispatch( stateActions.setConsumerResumed(, 'local')); } catch (error) { logger.error('_resumeConsumer() | failed:%o', error); store.dispatch(requestActions.notify( { type : 'error', text : `恢复用户时出错: ${error}` })); } } async _getExternalVideoStream() { if (this._externalVideoStream) return this._externalVideoStream; if (this._externalVideo.readyState < 3) { await new Promise((resolve) => ( this._externalVideo.addEventListener('canplay', resolve) )); } if (this._externalVideo.captureStream) this._externalVideoStream = this._externalVideo.captureStream(); else if (this._externalVideo.mozCaptureStream) this._externalVideoStream = this._externalVideo.mozCaptureStream(); else throw new Error('video.captureStream() not supported'); return this._externalVideoStream; } }