/******************************************************************************* * KindEditor - WYSIWYG HTML Editor for Internet * Copyright (C) 2006-2016 kindsoft.net * * @author Roddy * @website http://www.kindsoft.net/ * @licence http://www.kindsoft.net/license.php * @version 4.1.11 (2016-03-31) *******************************************************************************/ (function (window, undefined) { if (window.KindEditor) { return; } if (!window.console) { window.console = {}; } if (!console.log) { console.log = function () {}; } var _VERSION = '4.1.11 (2016-03-31)', _ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), _IE = _ua.indexOf('msie') > -1 && _ua.indexOf('opera') == -1, _NEWIE = _ua.indexOf('msie') == -1 && _ua.indexOf('trident') > -1, _GECKO = _ua.indexOf('gecko') > -1 && _ua.indexOf('khtml') == -1, _WEBKIT = _ua.indexOf('applewebkit') > -1, _OPERA = _ua.indexOf('opera') > -1, _MOBILE = _ua.indexOf('mobile') > -1, _IOS = /ipad|iphone|ipod/.test(_ua), _QUIRKS = document.compatMode != 'CSS1Compat', _IERANGE = !window.getSelection, _matches = /(?:msie|firefox|webkit|opera)[\/:\s](\d+)/.exec(_ua), _V = _matches ? _matches[1] : '0', _TIME = new Date().getTime(); function _isArray(val) { if (!val) { return false; } return Object.prototype.toString.call(val) === '[object Array]'; } function _isFunction(val) { if (!val) { return false; } return Object.prototype.toString.call(val) === '[object Function]'; } function _inArray(val, arr) { for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) { if (val === arr[i]) { return i; } } return -1; } function _each(obj, fn) { if (_isArray(obj)) { for (var i = 0, len = obj.length; i < len; i++) { if (fn.call(obj[i], i, obj[i]) === false) { break; } } } else { for (var key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (fn.call(obj[key], key, obj[key]) === false) { break; } } } } } function _trim(str) { return str.replace(/(?:^[ \t\n\r]+)|(?:[ \t\n\r]+$)/g, ''); } function _inString(val, str, delimiter) { delimiter = delimiter === undefined ? ',' : delimiter; return (delimiter + str + delimiter).indexOf(delimiter + val + delimiter) >= 0; } function _addUnit(val, unit) { unit = unit || 'px'; return val && /^-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/.test(val) ? val + unit : val; } function _removeUnit(val) { var match; return val && (match = /(\d+)/.exec(val)) ? parseInt(match[1], 10) : 0; } function _escape(val) { return val.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(//g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"'); } function _unescape(val) { return val.replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/&/g, '&'); } function _toCamel(str) { var arr = str.split('-'); str = ''; _each(arr, function(key, val) { str += (key > 0) ? val.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + val.substr(1) : val; }); return str; } function _toHex(val) { function hex(d) { var s = parseInt(d, 10).toString(16).toUpperCase(); return s.length > 1 ? s : '0' + s; } return val.replace(/rgb\s*\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\)/ig, function($0, $1, $2, $3) { return '#' + hex($1) + hex($2) + hex($3); } ); } function _toMap(val, delimiter) { delimiter = delimiter === undefined ? ',' : delimiter; var map = {}, arr = _isArray(val) ? val : val.split(delimiter), match; _each(arr, function(key, val) { if ((match = /^(\d+)\.\.(\d+)$/.exec(val))) { for (var i = parseInt(match[1], 10); i <= parseInt(match[2], 10); i++) { map[i.toString()] = true; } } else { map[val] = true; } }); return map; } function _toArray(obj, offset) { return Array.prototype.slice.call(obj, offset || 0); } function _undef(val, defaultVal) { return val === undefined ? defaultVal : val; } function _invalidUrl(url) { return !url || /[<>"]/.test(url); } function _addParam(url, param) { return url.indexOf('?') >= 0 ? url + '&' + param : url + '?' + param; } function _extend(child, parent, proto) { if (!proto) { proto = parent; parent = null; } var childProto; if (parent) { var fn = function () {}; fn.prototype = parent.prototype; childProto = new fn(); _each(proto, function(key, val) { childProto[key] = val; }); } else { childProto = proto; } childProto.constructor = child; child.prototype = childProto; child.parent = parent ? parent.prototype : null; } function _json(text) { var match; if ((match = /\{[\s\S]*\}|\[[\s\S]*\]/.exec(text))) { text = match[0]; } var cx = /[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g; cx.lastIndex = 0; if (cx.test(text)) { text = text.replace(cx, function (a) { return '\\u' + ('0000' + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4); }); } if (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/. test(text.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, '@'). replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, ']'). replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ''))) { return eval('(' + text + ')'); } throw 'JSON parse error'; } var _round = Math.round; var K = { DEBUG : false, VERSION : _VERSION, IE : _IE, GECKO : _GECKO, WEBKIT : _WEBKIT, OPERA : _OPERA, V : _V, TIME : _TIME, each : _each, isArray : _isArray, isFunction : _isFunction, inArray : _inArray, inString : _inString, trim : _trim, addUnit : _addUnit, removeUnit : _removeUnit, escape : _escape, unescape : _unescape, toCamel : _toCamel, toHex : _toHex, toMap : _toMap, toArray : _toArray, undef : _undef, invalidUrl : _invalidUrl, addParam : _addParam, extend : _extend, json : _json }; 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' }; var _useCapture = false; var _INPUT_KEY_MAP = _toMap('8,9,13,32,46,48..57,59,61,65..90,106,109..111,188,190..192,219..222'); var _CURSORMOVE_KEY_MAP = _toMap('33..40'); var _CHANGE_KEY_MAP = {}; _each(_INPUT_KEY_MAP, function(key, val) { _CHANGE_KEY_MAP[key] = val; }); _each(_CURSORMOVE_KEY_MAP, function(key, val) { _CHANGE_KEY_MAP[key] = val; }); function _bindEvent(el, type, fn) { if (el.addEventListener){ el.addEventListener(type, fn, _useCapture); } else if (el.attachEvent){ el.attachEvent('on' + type, fn); } } function _unbindEvent(el, type, fn) { if (el.removeEventListener){ el.removeEventListener(type, fn, _useCapture); } else if (el.detachEvent){ el.detachEvent('on' + type, fn); } } var _EVENT_PROPS = ('altKey,attrChange,attrName,bubbles,button,cancelable,charCode,clientX,clientY,ctrlKey,currentTarget,' + 'data,detail,eventPhase,fromElement,handler,keyCode,metaKey,newValue,offsetX,offsetY,originalTarget,pageX,' + 'pageY,prevValue,relatedNode,relatedTarget,screenX,screenY,shiftKey,srcElement,target,toElement,view,wheelDelta,which').split(','); function KEvent(el, event) { this.init(el, event); } _extend(KEvent, { init : function(el, event) { var self = this, doc = el.ownerDocument || el.document || el; self.event = event; _each(_EVENT_PROPS, function(key, val) { self[val] = event[val]; }); if (!self.target) { self.target = self.srcElement || doc; } if (self.target.nodeType === 3) { self.target = self.target.parentNode; } if (!self.relatedTarget && self.fromElement) { self.relatedTarget = self.fromElement === self.target ? self.toElement : self.fromElement; } if (self.pageX == null && self.clientX != null) { var d = doc.documentElement, body = doc.body; self.pageX = self.clientX + (d && d.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0) - (d && d.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0); self.pageY = self.clientY + (d && d.scrollTop || body && body.scrollTop || 0) - (d && d.clientTop || body && body.clientTop || 0); } if (!self.which && ((self.charCode || self.charCode === 0) ? self.charCode : self.keyCode)) { self.which = self.charCode || self.keyCode; } if (!self.metaKey && self.ctrlKey) { self.metaKey = self.ctrlKey; } if (!self.which && self.button !== undefined) { self.which = (self.button & 1 ? 1 : (self.button & 2 ? 3 : (self.button & 4 ? 2 : 0))); } switch (self.which) { case 186 : self.which = 59; break; case 187 : case 107 : case 43 : self.which = 61; break; case 189 : case 45 : self.which = 109; break; case 42 : self.which = 106; break; case 47 : self.which = 111; break; case 78 : self.which = 110; break; } if (self.which >= 96 && self.which <= 105) { self.which -= 48; } }, preventDefault : function() { var ev = this.event; if (ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); } else { ev.returnValue = false; } }, stopPropagation : function() { var ev = this.event; if (ev.stopPropagation) { ev.stopPropagation(); } else { ev.cancelBubble = true; } }, stop : function() { this.preventDefault(); this.stopPropagation(); } }); var _eventExpendo = 'kindeditor_' + _TIME, _eventId = 0, _eventData = {}; function _getId(el) { return el[_eventExpendo] || null; } function _setId(el) { el[_eventExpendo] = ++_eventId; return _eventId; } function _removeId(el) { try { delete el[_eventExpendo]; } catch(e) { if (el.removeAttribute) { el.removeAttribute(_eventExpendo); } } } function _bind(el, type, fn) { if (type.indexOf(',') >= 0) { _each(type.split(','), function() { _bind(el, this, fn); }); return; } var id = _getId(el); if (!id) { id = _setId(el); } if (_eventData[id] === undefined) { _eventData[id] = {}; } var events = _eventData[id][type]; if (events && events.length > 0) { _unbindEvent(el, type, events[0]); } else { _eventData[id][type] = []; _eventData[id].el = el; } events = _eventData[id][type]; if (events.length === 0) { events[0] = function(e) { var kevent = e ? new KEvent(el, e) : undefined; _each(events, function(i, event) { if (i > 0 && event) { event.call(el, kevent); } }); }; } if (_inArray(fn, events) < 0) { events.push(fn); } _bindEvent(el, type, events[0]); } function _unbind(el, type, fn) { if (type && type.indexOf(',') >= 0) { _each(type.split(','), function() { _unbind(el, this, fn); }); return; } var id = _getId(el); if (!id) { return; } if (type === undefined) { if (id in _eventData) { _each(_eventData[id], function(key, events) { if (key != 'el' && events.length > 0) { _unbindEvent(el, key, events[0]); } }); delete _eventData[id]; _removeId(el); } return; } if (!_eventData[id]) { return; } var events = _eventData[id][type]; if (events && events.length > 0) { if (fn === undefined) { _unbindEvent(el, type, events[0]); delete _eventData[id][type]; } else { _each(events, function(i, event) { if (i > 0 && event === fn) { events.splice(i, 1); } }); if (events.length == 1) { _unbindEvent(el, type, events[0]); delete _eventData[id][type]; } } var count = 0; _each(_eventData[id], function() { count++; }); if (count < 2) { delete _eventData[id]; _removeId(el); } } } function _fire(el, type) { if (type.indexOf(',') >= 0) { _each(type.split(','), function() { _fire(el, this); }); return; } var id = _getId(el); if (!id) { return; } var events = _eventData[id][type]; if (_eventData[id] && events && events.length > 0) { events[0](); } } function _ctrl(el, key, fn) { var self = this; key = /^\d{2,}$/.test(key) ? key : key.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0); _bind(el, 'keydown', function(e) { if (e.ctrlKey && e.which == key && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey) { fn.call(el); e.stop(); } }); } var _readyFinished = false; function _ready(fn) { if (_readyFinished) { fn(KindEditor); return; } var loaded = false; function readyFunc() { if (!loaded) { loaded = true; fn(KindEditor); _readyFinished = true; } } function ieReadyFunc() { if (!loaded) { try { document.documentElement.doScroll('left'); } catch(e) { setTimeout(ieReadyFunc, 100); return; } readyFunc(); } } function ieReadyStateFunc() { if (document.readyState === 'complete') { readyFunc(); } } if (document.addEventListener) { _bind(document, 'DOMContentLoaded', readyFunc); } else if (document.attachEvent) { _bind(document, 'readystatechange', ieReadyStateFunc); var toplevel = false; try { toplevel = window.frameElement == null; } catch(e) {} if (document.documentElement.doScroll && toplevel) { ieReadyFunc(); } } _bind(window, 'load', readyFunc); } if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent('onunload', function() { _each(_eventData, function(key, events) { if (events.el) { _unbind(events.el); } }); }); } K.ctrl = _ctrl; K.ready = _ready; function _getCssList(css) { var list = {}, reg = /\s*([\w\-]+)\s*:([^;]*)(;|$)/g, match; while ((match = reg.exec(css))) { var key = _trim(match[1].toLowerCase()), val = _trim(_toHex(match[2])); list[key] = val; } return list; } function _getAttrList(tag) { var list = {}, reg = /\s+(?:([\w\-:]+)|(?:([\w\-:]+)=([^\s"'<>]+))|(?:([\w\-:"]+)="([^"]*)")|(?:([\w\-:"]+)='([^']*)'))(?=(?:\s|\/|>)+)/g, match; while ((match = reg.exec(tag))) { var key = (match[1] || match[2] || match[4] || match[6]).toLowerCase(), val = (match[2] ? match[3] : (match[4] ? match[5] : match[7])) || ''; list[key] = val; } return list; } function _addClassToTag(tag, className) { if (/\s+class\s*=/.test(tag)) { tag = tag.replace(/(\s+class=["']?)([^"']*)(["']?[\s>])/, function($0, $1, $2, $3) { if ((' ' + $2 + ' ').indexOf(' ' + className + ' ') < 0) { return $2 === '' ? $1 + className + $3 : $1 + $2 + ' ' + className + $3; } else { return $0; } }); } else { tag = tag.substr(0, tag.length - 1) + ' class="' + className + '">'; } return tag; } function _formatCss(css) { var str = ''; _each(_getCssList(css), function(key, val) { str += key + ':' + val + ';'; }); return str; } function _formatUrl(url, mode, host, pathname) { mode = _undef(mode, '').toLowerCase(); if (url.substr(0, 5) != 'data:') { url = url.replace(/([^:])\/\//g, '$1/'); } if (_inArray(mode, ['absolute', 'relative', 'domain']) < 0) { return url; } host = host || location.protocol + '//' + location.host; if (pathname === undefined) { var m = location.pathname.match(/^(\/.*)\//); pathname = m ? m[1] : ''; } var match; if ((match = /^(\w+:\/\/[^\/]*)/.exec(url))) { if (match[1] !== host) { return url; } } else if (/^\w+:/.test(url)) { return url; } function getRealPath(path) { var parts = path.split('/'), paths = []; for (var i = 0, len = parts.length; i < len; i++) { var part = parts[i]; if (part == '..') { if (paths.length > 0) { paths.pop(); } } else if (part !== '' && part != '.') { paths.push(part); } } return '/' + paths.join('/'); } if (/^\//.test(url)) { url = host + getRealPath(url.substr(1)); } else if (!/^\w+:\/\//.test(url)) { url = host + getRealPath(pathname + '/' + url); } function getRelativePath(path, depth) { if (url.substr(0, path.length) === path) { var arr = []; for (var i = 0; i < depth; i++) { arr.push('..'); } var prefix = '.'; if (arr.length > 0) { prefix += '/' + arr.join('/'); } if (pathname == '/') { prefix += '/'; } return prefix + url.substr(path.length); } else { if ((match = /^(.*)\//.exec(path))) { return getRelativePath(match[1], ++depth); } } } if (mode === 'relative') { url = getRelativePath(host + pathname, 0).substr(2); } else if (mode === 'absolute') { if (url.substr(0, host.length) === host) { url = url.substr(host.length); } } return url; } function _formatHtml(html, htmlTags, urlType, wellFormatted, indentChar) { if (html == null) { html = ''; } urlType = urlType || ''; wellFormatted = _undef(wellFormatted, false); indentChar = _undef(indentChar, '\t'); var fontSizeList = 'xx-small,x-small,small,medium,large,x-large,xx-large'.split(','); html = html.replace(/(<(?:pre|pre\s[^>]*)>)([\s\S]*?)(<\/pre>)/ig, function($0, $1, $2, $3) { return $1 + $2.replace(/<(?:br|br\s[^>]*)>/ig, '\n') + $3; }); html = html.replace(/<(?:br|br\s[^>]*)\s*\/?>\s*<\/p>/ig, '

'); html = html.replace(/(<(?:p|p\s[^>]*)>)\s*(<\/p>)/ig, '$1
$2'); html = html.replace(/\u200B/g, ''); html = html.replace(/\u00A9/g, '©'); html = html.replace(/\u00AE/g, '®'); html = html.replace(/\u2003/g, ' '); html = html.replace(/\u3000/g, ' '); html = html.replace(/<[^>]+/g, function($0) { return $0.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); }); var htmlTagMap = {}; if (htmlTags) { _each(htmlTags, function(key, val) { var arr = key.split(','); for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) { htmlTagMap[arr[i]] = _toMap(val); } }); if (!htmlTagMap.script) { html = html.replace(/(<(?:script|script\s[^>]*)>)([\s\S]*?)(<\/script>)/ig, ''); } if (!htmlTagMap.style) { html = html.replace(/(<(?:style|style\s[^>]*)>)([\s\S]*?)(<\/style>)/ig, ''); } } var re = /(\s*)<(\/)?([\w\-:]+)((?:\s+|(?:\s+[\w\-:]+)|(?:\s+[\w\-:]+=[^\s"'<>]+)|(?:\s+[\w\-:"]+="[^"]*")|(?:\s+[\w\-:"]+='[^']*'))*)(\/)?>(\s*)/g; var tagStack = []; html = html.replace(re, function($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) { var full = $0, startNewline = $1 || '', startSlash = $2 || '', tagName = $3.toLowerCase(), attr = $4 || '', endSlash = $5 ? ' ' + $5 : '', endNewline = $6 || ''; if (htmlTags && !htmlTagMap[tagName]) { return ''; } if (endSlash === '' && _SINGLE_TAG_MAP[tagName]) { endSlash = ' /'; } if (_INLINE_TAG_MAP[tagName]) { if (startNewline) { startNewline = ' '; } if (endNewline) { endNewline = ' '; } } if (_PRE_TAG_MAP[tagName]) { if (startSlash) { endNewline = '\n'; } else { startNewline = '\n'; } } if (wellFormatted && tagName == 'br') { endNewline = '\n'; } if (_BLOCK_TAG_MAP[tagName] && !_PRE_TAG_MAP[tagName]) { if (wellFormatted) { if (startSlash && tagStack.length > 0 && tagStack[tagStack.length - 1] === tagName) { tagStack.pop(); } else { tagStack.push(tagName); } startNewline = '\n'; endNewline = '\n'; for (var i = 0, len = startSlash ? tagStack.length : tagStack.length - 1; i < len; i++) { startNewline += indentChar; if (!startSlash) { endNewline += indentChar; } } if (endSlash) { tagStack.pop(); } else if (!startSlash) { endNewline += indentChar; } } else { startNewline = endNewline = ''; } } if (attr !== '') { var attrMap = _getAttrList(full); if (tagName === 'font') { var fontStyleMap = {}, fontStyle = ''; _each(attrMap, function(key, val) { if (key === 'color') { fontStyleMap.color = val; delete attrMap[key]; } if (key === 'size') { fontStyleMap['font-size'] = fontSizeList[parseInt(val, 10) - 1] || ''; delete attrMap[key]; } if (key === 'face') { fontStyleMap['font-family'] = val; delete attrMap[key]; } if (key === 'style') { fontStyle = val; } }); if (fontStyle && !/;$/.test(fontStyle)) { fontStyle += ';'; } _each(fontStyleMap, function(key, val) { if (val === '') { return; } if (/\s/.test(val)) { val = "'" + val + "'"; } fontStyle += key + ':' + val + ';'; }); attrMap.style = fontStyle; } _each(attrMap, function(key, val) { if (_FILL_ATTR_MAP[key]) { attrMap[key] = key; } if (_inArray(key, ['src', 'href']) >= 0) { attrMap[key] = _formatUrl(val, urlType); } if (htmlTags && key !== 'style' && !htmlTagMap[tagName]['*'] && !htmlTagMap[tagName][key] || tagName === 'body' && key === 'contenteditable' || /^kindeditor_\d+$/.test(key)) { delete attrMap[key]; } if (key === 'style' && val !== '') { var styleMap = _getCssList(val); _each(styleMap, function(k, v) { if (htmlTags && !htmlTagMap[tagName].style && !htmlTagMap[tagName]['.' + k]) { delete styleMap[k]; } }); var style = ''; _each(styleMap, function(k, v) { style += k + ':' + v + ';'; }); attrMap.style = style; } }); attr = ''; _each(attrMap, function(key, val) { if (key === 'style' && val === '') { return; } val = val.replace(/"/g, '"'); attr += ' ' + key + '="' + val + '"'; }); } if (tagName === 'font') { tagName = 'span'; } return startNewline + '<' + startSlash + tagName + attr + endSlash + '>' + endNewline; }); html = html.replace(/(<(?:pre|pre\s[^>]*)>)([\s\S]*?)(<\/pre>)/ig, function($0, $1, $2, $3) { return $1 + $2.replace(/\n/g, '\n') + $3; }); html = html.replace(/\n\s*\n/g, '\n'); html = html.replace(/\n/g, '\n'); return _trim(html); } function _clearMsWord(html, htmlTags) { html = html.replace(//ig, '') .replace(//ig, '') .replace(/]*>[\s\S]*?<\/style>/ig, '') .replace(/]*>[\s\S]*?<\/script>/ig, '') .replace(/]+>[\s\S]*?<\/w:[^>]+>/ig, '') .replace(/]+>[\s\S]*?<\/o:[^>]+>/ig, '') .replace(/[\s\S]*?<\/xml>/ig, '') .replace(/<(?:table|td)[^>]*>/ig, function(full) { return full.replace(/border-bottom:([#\w\s]+)/ig, 'border:$1'); }); return _formatHtml(html, htmlTags); } function _mediaType(src) { if (/\.(rm|rmvb)(\?|$)/i.test(src)) { return 'audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin'; } if (/\.(swf|flv)(\?|$)/i.test(src)) { return 'application/x-shockwave-flash'; } return 'video/x-ms-asf-plugin'; } function _mediaClass(type) { if (/realaudio/i.test(type)) { return 'ke-rm'; } if (/flash/i.test(type)) { return 'ke-flash'; } return 'ke-media'; } function _mediaAttrs(srcTag) { return _getAttrList(unescape(srcTag)); } function _mediaEmbed(attrs) { var html = ' 0) { style += 'width:' + width + 'px;'; } if (/\D/.test(height)) { style += 'height:' + height + ';'; } else if (height > 0) { style += 'height:' + height + 'px;'; } var html = ''; return html; } function _tmpl(str, data) { var fn = new Function("obj", "var p=[],print=function(){p.push.apply(p,arguments);};" + "with(obj){p.push('" + str.replace(/[\r\t\n]/g, " ") .split("<%").join("\t") .replace(/((^|%>)[^\t]*)'/g, "$1\r") .replace(/\t=(.*?)%>/g, "',$1,'") .split("\t").join("');") .split("%>").join("p.push('") .split("\r").join("\\'") + "');}return p.join('');"); return data ? fn(data) : fn; } K.formatUrl = _formatUrl; K.formatHtml = _formatHtml; K.getCssList = _getCssList; K.getAttrList = _getAttrList; K.mediaType = _mediaType; K.mediaAttrs = _mediaAttrs; K.mediaEmbed = _mediaEmbed; K.mediaImg = _mediaImg; K.clearMsWord = _clearMsWord; K.tmpl = _tmpl; function _contains(nodeA, nodeB) { if (nodeA.nodeType == 9 && nodeB.nodeType != 9) { return true; } while ((nodeB = nodeB.parentNode)) { if (nodeB == nodeA) { return true; } } return false; } var _getSetAttrDiv = document.createElement('div'); _getSetAttrDiv.setAttribute('className', 't'); var _GET_SET_ATTRIBUTE = _getSetAttrDiv.className !== 't'; function _getAttr(el, key) { key = key.toLowerCase(); var val = null; if (!_GET_SET_ATTRIBUTE && el.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'script') { var div = el.ownerDocument.createElement('div'); div.appendChild(el.cloneNode(false)); var list = _getAttrList(_unescape(div.innerHTML)); if (key in list) { val = list[key]; } } else { try { val = el.getAttribute(key, 2); } catch(e) { val = el.getAttribute(key, 1); } } if (key === 'style' && val !== null) { val = _formatCss(val); } return val; } function _queryAll(expr, root) { var exprList = expr.split(','); if (exprList.length > 1) { var mergedResults = []; _each(exprList, function() { _each(_queryAll(this, root), function() { if (_inArray(this, mergedResults) < 0) { mergedResults.push(this); } }); }); return mergedResults; } root = root || document; function escape(str) { if (typeof str != 'string') { return str; } return str.replace(/([^\w\-])/g, '\\$1'); } function stripslashes(str) { return str.replace(/\\/g, ''); } function cmpTag(tagA, tagB) { return tagA === '*' || tagA.toLowerCase() === escape(tagB.toLowerCase()); } function byId(id, tag, root) { var arr = [], doc = root.ownerDocument || root, el = doc.getElementById(stripslashes(id)); if (el) { if (cmpTag(tag, el.nodeName) && _contains(root, el)) { arr.push(el); } } return arr; } function byClass(className, tag, root) { var doc = root.ownerDocument || root, arr = [], els, i, len, el; if (root.getElementsByClassName) { els = root.getElementsByClassName(stripslashes(className)); for (i = 0, len = els.length; i < len; i++) { el = els[i]; if (cmpTag(tag, el.nodeName)) { arr.push(el); } } } else if (doc.querySelectorAll) { els = doc.querySelectorAll((root.nodeName !== '#document' ? root.nodeName + ' ' : '') + tag + '.' + className); for (i = 0, len = els.length; i < len; i++) { el = els[i]; if (_contains(root, el)) { arr.push(el); } } } else { els = root.getElementsByTagName(tag); className = ' ' + className + ' '; for (i = 0, len = els.length; i < len; i++) { el = els[i]; if (el.nodeType == 1) { var cls = el.className; if (cls && (' ' + cls + ' ').indexOf(className) > -1) { arr.push(el); } } } } return arr; } function byName(name, tag, root) { var arr = [], doc = root.ownerDocument || root, els = doc.getElementsByName(stripslashes(name)), el; for (var i = 0, len = els.length; i < len; i++) { el = els[i]; if (cmpTag(tag, el.nodeName) && _contains(root, el)) { if (el.getAttribute('name') !== null) { arr.push(el); } } } return arr; } function byAttr(key, val, tag, root) { var arr = [], els = root.getElementsByTagName(tag), el; for (var i = 0, len = els.length; i < len; i++) { el = els[i]; if (el.nodeType == 1) { if (val === null) { if (_getAttr(el, key) !== null) { arr.push(el); } } else { if (val === escape(_getAttr(el, key))) { arr.push(el); } } } } return arr; } function select(expr, root) { var arr = [], matches; matches = /^((?:\\.|[^.#\s\[<>])+)/.exec(expr); var tag = matches ? matches[1] : '*'; if ((matches = /#((?:[\w\-]|\\.)+)$/.exec(expr))) { arr = byId(matches[1], tag, root); } else if ((matches = /\.((?:[\w\-]|\\.)+)$/.exec(expr))) { arr = byClass(matches[1], tag, root); } else if ((matches = /\[((?:[\w\-]|\\.)+)\]/.exec(expr))) { arr = byAttr(matches[1].toLowerCase(), null, tag, root); } else if ((matches = /\[((?:[\w\-]|\\.)+)\s*=\s*['"]?((?:\\.|[^'"]+)+)['"]?\]/.exec(expr))) { var key = matches[1].toLowerCase(), val = matches[2]; if (key === 'id') { arr = byId(val, tag, root); } else if (key === 'class') { arr = byClass(val, tag, root); } else if (key === 'name') { arr = byName(val, tag, root); } else { arr = byAttr(key, val, tag, root); } } else { var els = root.getElementsByTagName(tag), el; for (var i = 0, len = els.length; i < len; i++) { el = els[i]; if (el.nodeType == 1) { arr.push(el); } } } return arr; } var parts = [], arr, re = /((?:\\.|[^\s>])+|[\s>])/g; while ((arr = re.exec(expr))) { if (arr[1] !== ' ') { parts.push(arr[1]); } } var results = []; if (parts.length == 1) { return select(parts[0], root); } var isChild = false, part, els, subResults, val, v, i, j, k, length, len, l; for (i = 0, lenth = parts.length; i < lenth; i++) { part = parts[i]; if (part === '>') { isChild = true; continue; } if (i > 0) { els = []; for (j = 0, len = results.length; j < len; j++) { val = results[j]; subResults = select(part, val); for (k = 0, l = subResults.length; k < l; k++) { v = subResults[k]; if (isChild) { if (val === v.parentNode) { els.push(v); } } else { els.push(v); } } } results = els; } else { results = select(part, root); } if (results.length === 0) { return []; } } return results; } function _query(expr, root) { var arr = _queryAll(expr, root); return arr.length > 0 ? arr[0] : null; } K.query = _query; K.queryAll = _queryAll; function _get(val) { return K(val)[0]; } function _getDoc(node) { if (!node) { return document; } return node.ownerDocument || node.document || node; } function _getWin(node) { if (!node) { return window; } var doc = _getDoc(node); return doc.parentWindow || doc.defaultView; } function _setHtml(el, html) { if (el.nodeType != 1) { return; } var doc = _getDoc(el); try { el.innerHTML = '' + html; var temp = doc.getElementById('__kindeditor_temp_tag__'); temp.parentNode.removeChild(temp); } catch(e) { K(el).empty(); K('@' + html, doc).each(function() { el.appendChild(this); }); } } function _hasClass(el, cls) { return _inString(cls, el.className, ' '); } function _setAttr(el, key, val) { if (_IE && _V < 8 && key.toLowerCase() == 'class') { key = 'className'; } el.setAttribute(key, '' + val); } function _removeAttr(el, key) { if (_IE && _V < 8 && key.toLowerCase() == 'class') { key = 'className'; } _setAttr(el, key, ''); el.removeAttribute(key); } function _getNodeName(node) { if (!node || !node.nodeName) { return ''; } return node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); } function _computedCss(el, key) { var self = this, win = _getWin(el), camelKey = _toCamel(key), val = ''; if (win.getComputedStyle) { var style = win.getComputedStyle(el, null); val = style[camelKey] || style.getPropertyValue(key) || el.style[camelKey]; } else if (el.currentStyle) { val = el.currentStyle[camelKey] || el.style[camelKey]; } return val; } function _hasVal(node) { return !!_VALUE_TAG_MAP[_getNodeName(node)]; } function _docElement(doc) { doc = doc || document; return _QUIRKS ? doc.body : doc.documentElement; } function _docHeight(doc) { var el = _docElement(doc); return Math.max(el.scrollHeight, el.clientHeight); } function _docWidth(doc) { var el = _docElement(doc); return Math.max(el.scrollWidth, el.clientWidth); } function _getScrollPos(doc) { doc = doc || document; var x, y; if (_IE || _NEWIE || _OPERA) { x = _docElement(doc).scrollLeft; y = _docElement(doc).scrollTop; } else { x = _getWin(doc).scrollX; y = _getWin(doc).scrollY; } return {x : x, y : y}; } function KNode(node) { this.init(node); } _extend(KNode, { init : function(node) { var self = this; node = _isArray(node) ? node : [node]; var length = 0; for (var i = 0, len = node.length; i < len; i++) { if (node[i]) { self[i] = node[i].constructor === KNode ? node[i][0] : node[i]; length++; } } self.length = length; self.doc = _getDoc(self[0]); self.name = _getNodeName(self[0]); self.type = self.length > 0 ? self[0].nodeType : null; self.win = _getWin(self[0]); }, each : function(fn) { var self = this; for (var i = 0; i < self.length; i++) { if (fn.call(self[i], i, self[i]) === false) { return self; } } return self; }, bind : function(type, fn) { this.each(function() { _bind(this, type, fn); }); return this; }, unbind : function(type, fn) { this.each(function() { _unbind(this, type, fn); }); return this; }, fire : function(type) { if (this.length < 1) { return this; } _fire(this[0], type); return this; }, hasAttr : function(key) { if (this.length < 1) { return false; } return !!_getAttr(this[0], key); }, attr : function(key, val) { var self = this; if (key === undefined) { return _getAttrList(self.outer()); } if (typeof key === 'object') { _each(key, function(k, v) { self.attr(k, v); }); return self; } if (val === undefined) { val = self.length < 1 ? null : _getAttr(self[0], key); return val === null ? '' : val; } self.each(function() { _setAttr(this, key, val); }); return self; }, removeAttr : function(key) { this.each(function() { _removeAttr(this, key); }); return this; }, get : function(i) { if (this.length < 1) { return null; } return this[i || 0]; }, eq : function(i) { if (this.length < 1) { return null; } return this[i] ? new KNode(this[i]) : null; }, hasClass : function(cls) { if (this.length < 1) { return false; } return _hasClass(this[0], cls); }, addClass : function(cls) { this.each(function() { if (!_hasClass(this, cls)) { this.className = _trim(this.className + ' ' + cls); } }); return this; }, removeClass : function(cls) { this.each(function() { if (_hasClass(this, cls)) { this.className = _trim(this.className.replace(new RegExp('(^|\\s)' + cls + '(\\s|$)'), ' ')); } }); return this; }, html : function(val) { var self = this; if (val === undefined) { if (self.length < 1 || self.type != 1) { return ''; } return _formatHtml(self[0].innerHTML); } self.each(function() { _setHtml(this, val); }); return self; }, text : function() { var self = this; if (self.length < 1) { return ''; } return _IE ? self[0].innerText : self[0].textContent; }, hasVal : function() { if (this.length < 1) { return false; } return _hasVal(this[0]); }, val : function(val) { var self = this; if (val === undefined) { if (self.length < 1) { return ''; } return self.hasVal() ? self[0].value : self.attr('value'); } else { self.each(function() { if (_hasVal(this)) { this.value = val; } else { _setAttr(this, 'value' , val); } }); return self; } }, css : function(key, val) { var self = this; if (key === undefined) { return _getCssList(self.attr('style')); } if (typeof key === 'object') { _each(key, function(k, v) { self.css(k, v); }); return self; } if (val === undefined) { if (self.length < 1) { return ''; } return self[0].style[_toCamel(key)] || _computedCss(self[0], key) || ''; } self.each(function() { this.style[_toCamel(key)] = val; }); return self; }, width : function(val) { var self = this; if (val === undefined) { if (self.length < 1) { return 0; } return self[0].offsetWidth; } return self.css('width', _addUnit(val)); }, height : function(val) { var self = this; if (val === undefined) { if (self.length < 1) { return 0; } return self[0].offsetHeight; } return self.css('height', _addUnit(val)); }, opacity : function(val) { this.each(function() { if (this.style.opacity === undefined) { this.style.filter = val == 1 ? '' : 'alpha(opacity=' + (val * 100) + ')'; } else { this.style.opacity = val == 1 ? '' : val; } }); return this; }, data : function(key, val) { var self = this; key = 'kindeditor_data_' + key; if (val === undefined) { if (self.length < 1) { return null; } return self[0][key]; } this.each(function() { this[key] = val; }); return self; }, pos : function() { var self = this, node = self[0], x = 0, y = 0; if (node) { if (node.getBoundingClientRect) { var box = node.getBoundingClientRect(), pos = _getScrollPos(self.doc); x = box.left + pos.x; y = box.top + pos.y; } else { while (node) { x += node.offsetLeft; y += node.offsetTop; node = node.offsetParent; } } } return {x : _round(x), y : _round(y)}; }, clone : function(bool) { if (this.length < 1) { return new KNode([]); } return new KNode(this[0].cloneNode(bool)); }, append : function(expr) { this.each(function() { if (this.appendChild) { this.appendChild(_get(expr)); } }); return this; }, appendTo : function(expr) { this.each(function() { _get(expr).appendChild(this); }); return this; }, before : function(expr) { this.each(function() { this.parentNode.insertBefore(_get(expr), this); }); return this; }, after : function(expr) { this.each(function() { if (this.nextSibling) { this.parentNode.insertBefore(_get(expr), this.nextSibling); } else { this.parentNode.appendChild(_get(expr)); } }); return this; }, replaceWith : function(expr) { var nodes = []; this.each(function(i, node) { _unbind(node); var newNode = _get(expr); node.parentNode.replaceChild(newNode, node); nodes.push(newNode); }); return K(nodes); }, empty : function() { var self = this; self.each(function(i, node) { var child = node.firstChild; while (child) { if (!node.parentNode) { return; } var next = child.nextSibling; child.parentNode.removeChild(child); child = next; } }); return self; }, remove : function(keepChilds) { var self = this; self.each(function(i, node) { if (!node.parentNode) { return; } _unbind(node); if (keepChilds) { var child = node.firstChild; while (child) { var next = child.nextSibling; node.parentNode.insertBefore(child, node); child = next; } } node.parentNode.removeChild(node); delete self[i]; }); self.length = 0; return self; }, show : function(val) { var self = this; if (val === undefined) { val = self._originDisplay || ''; } if (self.css('display') != 'none') { return self; } return self.css('display', val); }, hide : function() { var self = this; if (self.length < 1) { return self; } self._originDisplay = self[0].style.display; return self.css('display', 'none'); }, outer : function() { var self = this; if (self.length < 1) { return ''; } var div = self.doc.createElement('div'), html; div.appendChild(self[0].cloneNode(true)); html = _formatHtml(div.innerHTML); div = null; return html; }, isSingle : function() { return !!_SINGLE_TAG_MAP[this.name]; }, isInline : function() { return !!_INLINE_TAG_MAP[this.name]; }, isBlock : function() { return !!_BLOCK_TAG_MAP[this.name]; }, isStyle : function() { return !!_STYLE_TAG_MAP[this.name]; }, isControl : function() { return !!_CONTROL_TAG_MAP[this.name]; }, contains : function(otherNode) { if (this.length < 1) { return false; } return _contains(this[0], _get(otherNode)); }, parent : function() { if (this.length < 1) { return null; } var node = this[0].parentNode; return node ? new KNode(node) : null; }, children : function() { if (this.length < 1) { return new KNode([]); } var list = [], child = this[0].firstChild; while (child) { if (child.nodeType != 3 || _trim(child.nodeValue) !== '') { list.push(child); } child = child.nextSibling; } return new KNode(list); }, first : function() { var list = this.children(); return list.length > 0 ? list.eq(0) : null; }, last : function() { var list = this.children(); return list.length > 0 ? list.eq(list.length - 1) : null; }, index : function() { if (this.length < 1) { return -1; } var i = -1, sibling = this[0]; while (sibling) { i++; sibling = sibling.previousSibling; } return i; }, prev : function() { if (this.length < 1) { return null; } var node = this[0].previousSibling; return node ? new KNode(node) : null; }, next : function() { if (this.length < 1) { return null; } var node = this[0].nextSibling; return node ? new KNode(node) : null; }, scan : function(fn, order) { if (this.length < 1) { return; } order = (order === undefined) ? true : order; function walk(node) { var n = order ? node.firstChild : node.lastChild; while (n) { var next = order ? n.nextSibling : n.previousSibling; if (fn(n) === false) { return false; } if (walk(n) === false) { return false; } n = next; } } walk(this[0]); return this; } }); _each(('blur,focus,focusin,focusout,load,resize,scroll,unload,click,dblclick,' + 'mousedown,mouseup,mousemove,mouseover,mouseout,mouseenter,mouseleave,' + 'change,select,submit,keydown,keypress,keyup,error,contextmenu').split(','), function(i, type) { KNode.prototype[type] = function(fn) { return fn ? this.bind(type, fn) : this.fire(type); }; }); var _K = K; K = function(expr, root) { if (expr === undefined || expr === null) { return; } function newNode(node) { if (!node[0]) { node = []; } return new KNode(node); } if (typeof expr === 'string') { if (root) { root = _get(root); } var length = expr.length; if (expr.charAt(0) === '@') { expr = expr.substr(1); } if (expr.length !== length || /<.+>/.test(expr)) { var doc = root ? root.ownerDocument || root : document, div = doc.createElement('div'), list = []; div.innerHTML = '' + expr; for (var i = 0, len = div.childNodes.length; i < len; i++) { var child = div.childNodes[i]; if (child.id == '__kindeditor_temp_tag__') { continue; } list.push(child); } return newNode(list); } return newNode(_queryAll(expr, root)); } if (expr && expr.constructor === KNode) { return expr; } if (expr.toArray) { expr = expr.toArray(); } if (_isArray(expr)) { return newNode(expr); } return newNode(_toArray(arguments)); }; _each(_K, function(key, val) { K[key] = val; }); K.NodeClass = KNode; window.KindEditor = K; var _START_TO_START = 0, _START_TO_END = 1, _END_TO_END = 2, _END_TO_START = 3, _BOOKMARK_ID = 0; function _updateCollapsed(range) { range.collapsed = (range.startContainer === range.endContainer && range.startOffset === range.endOffset); return range; } function _copyAndDelete(range, isCopy, isDelete) { var doc = range.doc, nodeList = []; function splitTextNode(node, startOffset, endOffset) { var length = node.nodeValue.length, centerNode; if (isCopy) { var cloneNode = node.cloneNode(true); if (startOffset > 0) { centerNode = cloneNode.splitText(startOffset); } else { centerNode = cloneNode; } if (endOffset < length) { centerNode.splitText(endOffset - startOffset); } } if (isDelete) { var center = node; if (startOffset > 0) { center = node.splitText(startOffset); range.setStart(node, startOffset); } if (endOffset < length) { var right = center.splitText(endOffset - startOffset); range.setEnd(right, 0); } nodeList.push(center); } return centerNode; } function removeNodes() { if (isDelete) { range.up().collapse(true); } for (var i = 0, len = nodeList.length; i < len; i++) { var node = nodeList[i]; if (node.parentNode) { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } } } var copyRange = range.cloneRange().down(); var start = -1, incStart = -1, incEnd = -1, end = -1, ancestor = range.commonAncestor(), frag = doc.createDocumentFragment(); if (ancestor.nodeType == 3) { var textNode = splitTextNode(ancestor, range.startOffset, range.endOffset); if (isCopy) { frag.appendChild(textNode); } removeNodes(); return isCopy ? frag : range; } function extractNodes(parent, frag) { var node = parent.firstChild, nextNode; while (node) { var testRange = new KRange(doc).selectNode(node); start = testRange.compareBoundaryPoints(_START_TO_END, range); if (start >= 0 && incStart <= 0) { incStart = testRange.compareBoundaryPoints(_START_TO_START, range); } if (incStart >= 0 && incEnd <= 0) { incEnd = testRange.compareBoundaryPoints(_END_TO_END, range); } if (incEnd >= 0 && end <= 0) { end = testRange.compareBoundaryPoints(_END_TO_START, range); } if (end >= 0) { return false; } nextNode = node.nextSibling; if (start > 0) { if (node.nodeType == 1) { if (incStart >= 0 && incEnd <= 0) { if (isCopy) { frag.appendChild(node.cloneNode(true)); } if (isDelete) { nodeList.push(node); } } else { var childFlag; if (isCopy) { childFlag = node.cloneNode(false); frag.appendChild(childFlag); } if (extractNodes(node, childFlag) === false) { return false; } } } else if (node.nodeType == 3) { var textNode; if (node == copyRange.startContainer) { textNode = splitTextNode(node, copyRange.startOffset, node.nodeValue.length); } else if (node == copyRange.endContainer) { textNode = splitTextNode(node, 0, copyRange.endOffset); } else { textNode = splitTextNode(node, 0, node.nodeValue.length); } if (isCopy) { try { frag.appendChild(textNode); } catch(e) {} } } } node = nextNode; } } extractNodes(ancestor, frag); if (isDelete) { range.up().collapse(true); } for (var i = 0, len = nodeList.length; i < len; i++) { var node = nodeList[i]; if (node.parentNode) { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } } return isCopy ? frag : range; } function _moveToElementText(range, el) { var node = el; while (node) { var knode = K(node); if (knode.name == 'marquee' || knode.name == 'select') { return; } node = node.parentNode; } try { range.moveToElementText(el); } catch(e) {} } function _getStartEnd(rng, isStart) { var doc = rng.parentElement().ownerDocument, pointRange = rng.duplicate(); pointRange.collapse(isStart); var parent = pointRange.parentElement(), nodes = parent.childNodes; if (nodes.length === 0) { return {node: parent.parentNode, offset: K(parent).index()}; } var startNode = doc, startPos = 0, cmp = -1; var testRange = rng.duplicate(); _moveToElementText(testRange, parent); for (var i = 0, len = nodes.length; i < len; i++) { var node = nodes[i]; cmp = testRange.compareEndPoints('StartToStart', pointRange); if (cmp === 0) { return {node: node.parentNode, offset: i}; } if (node.nodeType == 1) { var nodeRange = rng.duplicate(), dummy, knode = K(node), newNode = node; if (knode.isControl()) { dummy = doc.createElement('span'); knode.after(dummy); newNode = dummy; startPos += knode.text().replace(/\r\n|\n|\r/g, '').length; } _moveToElementText(nodeRange, newNode); testRange.setEndPoint('StartToEnd', nodeRange); if (cmp > 0) { startPos += nodeRange.text.replace(/\r\n|\n|\r/g, '').length; } else { startPos = 0; } if (dummy) { K(dummy).remove(); } } else if (node.nodeType == 3) { testRange.moveStart('character', node.nodeValue.length); startPos += node.nodeValue.length; } if (cmp < 0) { startNode = node; } } if (cmp < 0 && startNode.nodeType == 1) { return {node: parent, offset: K(parent.lastChild).index() + 1}; } if (cmp > 0) { while (startNode.nextSibling && startNode.nodeType == 1) { startNode = startNode.nextSibling; } } testRange = rng.duplicate(); _moveToElementText(testRange, parent); testRange.setEndPoint('StartToEnd', pointRange); startPos -= testRange.text.replace(/\r\n|\n|\r/g, '').length; if (cmp > 0 && startNode.nodeType == 3) { var prevNode = startNode.previousSibling; while (prevNode && prevNode.nodeType == 3) { startPos -= prevNode.nodeValue.length; prevNode = prevNode.previousSibling; } } return {node: startNode, offset: startPos}; } function _getEndRange(node, offset) { var doc = node.ownerDocument || node, range = doc.body.createTextRange(); if (doc == node) { range.collapse(true); return range; } if (node.nodeType == 1 && node.childNodes.length > 0) { var children = node.childNodes, isStart, child; if (offset === 0) { child = children[0]; isStart = true; } else { child = children[offset - 1]; isStart = false; } if (!child) { return range; } if (K(child).name === 'head') { if (offset === 1) { isStart = true; } if (offset === 2) { isStart = false; } range.collapse(isStart); return range; } if (child.nodeType == 1) { var kchild = K(child), span; if (kchild.isControl()) { span = doc.createElement('span'); if (isStart) { kchild.before(span); } else { kchild.after(span); } child = span; } _moveToElementText(range, child); range.collapse(isStart); if (span) { K(span).remove(); } return range; } node = child; offset = isStart ? 0 : child.nodeValue.length; } var dummy = doc.createElement('span'); K(node).before(dummy); _moveToElementText(range, dummy); range.moveStart('character', offset); K(dummy).remove(); return range; } function _toRange(rng) { var doc, range; function tr2td(start) { if (K(start.node).name == 'tr') { start.node = start.node.cells[start.offset]; start.offset = 0; } } if (_IERANGE) { if (rng.item) { doc = _getDoc(rng.item(0)); range = new KRange(doc); range.selectNode(rng.item(0)); return range; } doc = rng.parentElement().ownerDocument; var start = _getStartEnd(rng, true), end = _getStartEnd(rng, false); tr2td(start); tr2td(end); range = new KRange(doc); range.setStart(start.node, start.offset); range.setEnd(end.node, end.offset); return range; } var startContainer = rng.startContainer; doc = startContainer.ownerDocument || startContainer; range = new KRange(doc); range.setStart(startContainer, rng.startOffset); range.setEnd(rng.endContainer, rng.endOffset); return range; } function KRange(doc) { this.init(doc); } _extend(KRange, { init : function(doc) { var self = this; self.startContainer = doc; self.startOffset = 0; self.endContainer = doc; self.endOffset = 0; self.collapsed = true; self.doc = doc; }, commonAncestor : function() { function getParents(node) { var parents = []; while (node) { parents.push(node); node = node.parentNode; } return parents; } var parentsA = getParents(this.startContainer), parentsB = getParents(this.endContainer), i = 0, lenA = parentsA.length, lenB = parentsB.length, parentA, parentB; while (++i) { parentA = parentsA[lenA - i]; parentB = parentsB[lenB - i]; if (!parentA || !parentB || parentA !== parentB) { break; } } return parentsA[lenA - i + 1]; }, setStart : function(node, offset) { var self = this, doc = self.doc; self.startContainer = node; self.startOffset = offset; if (self.endContainer === doc) { self.endContainer = node; self.endOffset = offset; } return _updateCollapsed(this); }, setEnd : function(node, offset) { var self = this, doc = self.doc; self.endContainer = node; self.endOffset = offset; if (self.startContainer === doc) { self.startContainer = node; self.startOffset = offset; } return _updateCollapsed(this); }, setStartBefore : function(node) { return this.setStart(node.parentNode || this.doc, K(node).index()); }, setStartAfter : function(node) { return this.setStart(node.parentNode || this.doc, K(node).index() + 1); }, setEndBefore : function(node) { return this.setEnd(node.parentNode || this.doc, K(node).index()); }, setEndAfter : function(node) { return this.setEnd(node.parentNode || this.doc, K(node).index() + 1); }, selectNode : function(node) { return this.setStartBefore(node).setEndAfter(node); }, selectNodeContents : function(node) { var knode = K(node); if (knode.type == 3 || knode.isSingle()) { return this.selectNode(node); } var children = knode.children(); if (children.length > 0) { return this.setStartBefore(children[0]).setEndAfter(children[children.length - 1]); } return this.setStart(node, 0).setEnd(node, 0); }, collapse : function(toStart) { if (toStart) { return this.setEnd(this.startContainer, this.startOffset); } return this.setStart(this.endContainer, this.endOffset); }, compareBoundaryPoints : function(how, range) { var rangeA = this.get(), rangeB = range.get(); if (_IERANGE) { var arr = {}; arr[_START_TO_START] = 'StartToStart'; arr[_START_TO_END] = 'EndToStart'; arr[_END_TO_END] = 'EndToEnd'; arr[_END_TO_START] = 'StartToEnd'; var cmp = rangeA.compareEndPoints(arr[how], rangeB); if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } var nodeA, nodeB, nodeC, posA, posB; if (how === _START_TO_START || how === _END_TO_START) { nodeA = this.startContainer; posA = this.startOffset; } if (how === _START_TO_END || how === _END_TO_END) { nodeA = this.endContainer; posA = this.endOffset; } if (how === _START_TO_START || how === _START_TO_END) { nodeB = range.startContainer; posB = range.startOffset; } if (how === _END_TO_END || how === _END_TO_START) { nodeB = range.endContainer; posB = range.endOffset; } if (nodeA === nodeB) { var diff = posA - posB; return diff > 0 ? 1 : (diff < 0 ? -1 : 0); } nodeC = nodeB; while (nodeC && nodeC.parentNode !== nodeA) { nodeC = nodeC.parentNode; } if (nodeC) { return K(nodeC).index() >= posA ? -1 : 1; } nodeC = nodeA; while (nodeC && nodeC.parentNode !== nodeB) { nodeC = nodeC.parentNode; } if (nodeC) { return K(nodeC).index() >= posB ? 1 : -1; } nodeC = K(nodeB).next(); if (nodeC && nodeC.contains(nodeA)) { return 1; } nodeC = K(nodeA).next(); if (nodeC && nodeC.contains(nodeB)) { return -1; } } else { return rangeA.compareBoundaryPoints(how, rangeB); } }, cloneRange : function() { return new KRange(this.doc).setStart(this.startContainer, this.startOffset).setEnd(this.endContainer, this.endOffset); }, toString : function() { var rng = this.get(), str = _IERANGE ? rng.text : rng.toString(); return str.replace(/\r\n|\n|\r/g, ''); }, cloneContents : function() { return _copyAndDelete(this, true, false); }, deleteContents : function() { return _copyAndDelete(this, false, true); }, extractContents : function() { return _copyAndDelete(this, true, true); }, insertNode : function(node) { var self = this, sc = self.startContainer, so = self.startOffset, ec = self.endContainer, eo = self.endOffset, firstChild, lastChild, c, nodeCount = 1; if (node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === '#document-fragment') { firstChild = node.firstChild; lastChild = node.lastChild; nodeCount = node.childNodes.length; } if (sc.nodeType == 1) { c = sc.childNodes[so]; if (c) { sc.insertBefore(node, c); if (sc === ec) { eo += nodeCount; } } else { sc.appendChild(node); } } else if (sc.nodeType == 3) { if (so === 0) { sc.parentNode.insertBefore(node, sc); if (sc.parentNode === ec) { eo += nodeCount; } } else if (so >= sc.nodeValue.length) { if (sc.nextSibling) { sc.parentNode.insertBefore(node, sc.nextSibling); } else { sc.parentNode.appendChild(node); } } else { if (so > 0) { c = sc.splitText(so); } else { c = sc; } sc.parentNode.insertBefore(node, c); if (sc === ec) { ec = c; eo -= so; } } } if (firstChild) { self.setStartBefore(firstChild).setEndAfter(lastChild); } else { self.selectNode(node); } if (self.compareBoundaryPoints(_END_TO_END, self.cloneRange().setEnd(ec, eo)) >= 1) { return self; } return self.setEnd(ec, eo); }, surroundContents : function(node) { node.appendChild(this.extractContents()); return this.insertNode(node).selectNode(node); }, isControl : function() { var self = this, sc = self.startContainer, so = self.startOffset, ec = self.endContainer, eo = self.endOffset, rng; return sc.nodeType == 1 && sc === ec && so + 1 === eo && K(sc.childNodes[so]).isControl(); }, get : function(hasControlRange) { var self = this, doc = self.doc, node, rng; if (!_IERANGE) { rng = doc.createRange(); try { rng.setStart(self.startContainer, self.startOffset); rng.setEnd(self.endContainer, self.endOffset); } catch (e) {} return rng; } if (hasControlRange && self.isControl()) { rng = doc.body.createControlRange(); rng.addElement(self.startContainer.childNodes[self.startOffset]); return rng; } var range = self.cloneRange().down(); rng = doc.body.createTextRange(); rng.setEndPoint('StartToStart', _getEndRange(range.startContainer, range.startOffset)); rng.setEndPoint('EndToStart', _getEndRange(range.endContainer, range.endOffset)); return rng; }, html : function() { return K(this.cloneContents()).outer(); }, down : function() { var self = this; function downPos(node, pos, isStart) { if (node.nodeType != 1) { return; } var children = K(node).children(); if (children.length === 0) { return; } var left, right, child, offset; if (pos > 0) { left = children.eq(pos - 1); } if (pos < children.length) { right = children.eq(pos); } if (left && left.type == 3) { child = left[0]; offset = child.nodeValue.length; } if (right && right.type == 3) { child = right[0]; offset = 0; } if (!child) { return; } if (isStart) { self.setStart(child, offset); } else { self.setEnd(child, offset); } } downPos(self.startContainer, self.startOffset, true); downPos(self.endContainer, self.endOffset, false); return self; }, up : function() { var self = this; function upPos(node, pos, isStart) { if (node.nodeType != 3) { return; } if (pos === 0) { if (isStart) { self.setStartBefore(node); } else { self.setEndBefore(node); } } else if (pos == node.nodeValue.length) { if (isStart) { self.setStartAfter(node); } else { self.setEndAfter(node); } } } upPos(self.startContainer, self.startOffset, true); upPos(self.endContainer, self.endOffset, false); return self; }, enlarge : function(toBlock) { var self = this; self.up(); function enlargePos(node, pos, isStart) { var knode = K(node), parent; if (knode.type == 3 || _NOSPLIT_TAG_MAP[knode.name] || !toBlock && knode.isBlock()) { return; } if (pos === 0) { while (!knode.prev()) { parent = knode.parent(); if (!parent || _NOSPLIT_TAG_MAP[parent.name] || !toBlock && parent.isBlock()) { break; } knode = parent; } if (isStart) { self.setStartBefore(knode[0]); } else { self.setEndBefore(knode[0]); } } else if (pos == knode.children().length) { while (!knode.next()) { parent = knode.parent(); if (!parent || _NOSPLIT_TAG_MAP[parent.name] || !toBlock && parent.isBlock()) { break; } knode = parent; } if (isStart) { self.setStartAfter(knode[0]); } else { self.setEndAfter(knode[0]); } } } enlargePos(self.startContainer, self.startOffset, true); enlargePos(self.endContainer, self.endOffset, false); return self; }, shrink : function() { var self = this, child, collapsed = self.collapsed; while (self.startContainer.nodeType == 1 && (child = self.startContainer.childNodes[self.startOffset]) && child.nodeType == 1 && !K(child).isSingle()) { self.setStart(child, 0); } if (collapsed) { return self.collapse(collapsed); } while (self.endContainer.nodeType == 1 && self.endOffset > 0 && (child = self.endContainer.childNodes[self.endOffset - 1]) && child.nodeType == 1 && !K(child).isSingle()) { self.setEnd(child, child.childNodes.length); } return self; }, createBookmark : function(serialize) { var self = this, doc = self.doc, endNode, startNode = K('', doc)[0]; startNode.id = '__kindeditor_bookmark_start_' + (_BOOKMARK_ID++) + '__'; if (!self.collapsed) { endNode = startNode.cloneNode(true); endNode.id = '__kindeditor_bookmark_end_' + (_BOOKMARK_ID++) + '__'; } if (endNode) { self.cloneRange().collapse(false).insertNode(endNode).setEndBefore(endNode); } self.insertNode(startNode).setStartAfter(startNode); return { start : serialize ? '#' + startNode.id : startNode, end : endNode ? (serialize ? '#' + endNode.id : endNode) : null }; }, moveToBookmark : function(bookmark) { var self = this, doc = self.doc, start = K(bookmark.start, doc), end = bookmark.end ? K(bookmark.end, doc) : null; if (!start || start.length < 1) { return self; } self.setStartBefore(start[0]); start.remove(); if (end && end.length > 0) { self.setEndBefore(end[0]); end.remove(); } else { self.collapse(true); } return self; }, dump : function() { console.log('--------------------'); console.log(this.startContainer.nodeType == 3 ? this.startContainer.nodeValue : this.startContainer, this.startOffset); console.log(this.endContainer.nodeType == 3 ? this.endContainer.nodeValue : this.endContainer, this.endOffset); } }); function _range(mixed) { if (!mixed.nodeName) { return mixed.constructor === KRange ? mixed : _toRange(mixed); } return new KRange(mixed); } K.RangeClass = KRange; K.range = _range; K.START_TO_START = _START_TO_START; K.START_TO_END = _START_TO_END; K.END_TO_END = _END_TO_END; K.END_TO_START = _END_TO_START; function _nativeCommand(doc, key, val) { try { doc.execCommand(key, false, val); } catch(e) {} } function _nativeCommandValue(doc, key) { var val = ''; try { val = doc.queryCommandValue(key); } catch (e) {} if (typeof val !== 'string') { val = ''; } return val; } function _getSel(doc) { var win = _getWin(doc); return _IERANGE ? doc.selection : win.getSelection(); } function _getRng(doc) { var sel = _getSel(doc), rng; try { if (sel.rangeCount > 0) { rng = sel.getRangeAt(0); } else { rng = sel.createRange(); } } catch(e) {} if (_IERANGE && (!rng || (!rng.item && rng.parentElement().ownerDocument !== doc))) { return null; } return rng; } function _singleKeyMap(map) { var newMap = {}, arr, v; _each(map, function(key, val) { arr = key.split(','); for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) { v = arr[i]; newMap[v] = val; } }); return newMap; } function _hasAttrOrCss(knode, map) { return _hasAttrOrCssByKey(knode, map, '*') || _hasAttrOrCssByKey(knode, map); } function _hasAttrOrCssByKey(knode, map, mapKey) { mapKey = mapKey || knode.name; if (knode.type !== 1) { return false; } var newMap = _singleKeyMap(map); if (!newMap[mapKey]) { return false; } var arr = newMap[mapKey].split(','); for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) { var key = arr[i]; if (key === '*') { return true; } var match = /^(\.?)([^=]+)(?:=([^=]*))?$/.exec(key); var method = match[1] ? 'css' : 'attr'; key = match[2]; var val = match[3] || ''; if (val === '' && knode[method](key) !== '') { return true; } if (val !== '' && knode[method](key) === val) { return true; } } return false; } function _removeAttrOrCss(knode, map) { if (knode.type != 1) { return; } _removeAttrOrCssByKey(knode, map, '*'); _removeAttrOrCssByKey(knode, map); } function _removeAttrOrCssByKey(knode, map, mapKey) { mapKey = mapKey || knode.name; if (knode.type !== 1) { return; } var newMap = _singleKeyMap(map); if (!newMap[mapKey]) { return; } var arr = newMap[mapKey].split(','), allFlag = false; for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) { var key = arr[i]; if (key === '*') { allFlag = true; break; } var match = /^(\.?)([^=]+)(?:=([^=]*))?$/.exec(key); key = match[2]; if (match[1]) { key = _toCamel(key); if (knode[0].style[key]) { knode[0].style[key] = ''; } } else { knode.removeAttr(key); } } if (allFlag) { knode.remove(true); } } function _getInnerNode(knode) { var inner = knode; while (inner.first()) { inner = inner.first(); } return inner; } function _isEmptyNode(knode) { if (knode.type != 1 || knode.isSingle()) { return false; } return knode.html().replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '') === ''; } function _mergeWrapper(a, b) { a = a.clone(true); var lastA = _getInnerNode(a), childA = a, merged = false; while (b) { while (childA) { if (childA.name === b.name) { _mergeAttrs(childA, b.attr(), b.css()); merged = true; } childA = childA.first(); } if (!merged) { lastA.append(b.clone(false)); } merged = false; b = b.first(); } return a; } function _wrapNode(knode, wrapper) { wrapper = wrapper.clone(true); if (knode.type == 3) { _getInnerNode(wrapper).append(knode.clone(false)); knode.replaceWith(wrapper); return wrapper; } var nodeWrapper = knode, child; while ((child = knode.first()) && child.children().length == 1) { knode = child; } child = knode.first(); var frag = knode.doc.createDocumentFragment(); while (child) { frag.appendChild(child[0]); child = child.next(); } wrapper = _mergeWrapper(nodeWrapper, wrapper); if (frag.firstChild) { _getInnerNode(wrapper).append(frag); } nodeWrapper.replaceWith(wrapper); return wrapper; } function _mergeAttrs(knode, attrs, styles) { _each(attrs, function(key, val) { if (key !== 'style') { knode.attr(key, val); } }); _each(styles, function(key, val) { knode.css(key, val); }); } function _inPreElement(knode) { while (knode && knode.name != 'body') { if (_PRE_TAG_MAP[knode.name] || knode.name == 'div' && knode.hasClass('ke-script')) { return true; } knode = knode.parent(); } return false; } function KCmd(range) { this.init(range); } _extend(KCmd, { init : function(range) { var self = this, doc = range.doc; self.doc = doc; self.win = _getWin(doc); self.sel = _getSel(doc); self.range = range; }, selection : function(forceReset) { var self = this, doc = self.doc, rng = _getRng(doc); self.sel = _getSel(doc); if (rng) { self.range = _range(rng); if (K(self.range.startContainer).name == 'html') { self.range.selectNodeContents(doc.body).collapse(false); } return self; } if (forceReset) { self.range.selectNodeContents(doc.body).collapse(false); } return self; }, select : function(hasDummy) { hasDummy = _undef(hasDummy, true); var self = this, sel = self.sel, range = self.range.cloneRange().shrink(), sc = range.startContainer, so = range.startOffset, ec = range.endContainer, eo = range.endOffset, doc = _getDoc(sc), win = self.win, rng, hasU200b = false; if (hasDummy && sc.nodeType == 1 && range.collapsed) { if (_IERANGE) { var dummy = K(' ', doc); range.insertNode(dummy[0]); rng = doc.body.createTextRange(); try { rng.moveToElementText(dummy[0]); } catch(ex) {} rng.collapse(false); rng.select(); dummy.remove(); win.focus(); return self; } if (_WEBKIT) { var children = sc.childNodes; if (K(sc).isInline() || so > 0 && K(children[so - 1]).isInline() || children[so] && K(children[so]).isInline()) { range.insertNode(doc.createTextNode('\u200B')); hasU200b = true; } } } if (_IERANGE) { try { rng = range.get(true); rng.select(); } catch(e) {} } else { if (hasU200b) { range.collapse(false); } rng = range.get(true); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(rng); if (doc !== document) { var pos = K(rng.endContainer).pos(); win.scrollTo(pos.x, pos.y); } } win.focus(); return self; }, wrap : function(val) { var self = this, doc = self.doc, range = self.range, wrapper; wrapper = K(val, doc); if (range.collapsed) { range.shrink(); range.insertNode(wrapper[0]).selectNodeContents(wrapper[0]); return self; } if (wrapper.isBlock()) { var copyWrapper = wrapper.clone(true), child = copyWrapper; while (child.first()) { child = child.first(); } child.append(range.extractContents()); range.insertNode(copyWrapper[0]).selectNode(copyWrapper[0]); return self; } range.enlarge(); var bookmark = range.createBookmark(), ancestor = range.commonAncestor(), isStart = false; K(ancestor).scan(function(node) { if (!isStart && node == bookmark.start) { isStart = true; return; } if (isStart) { if (node == bookmark.end) { return false; } var knode = K(node); if (_inPreElement(knode)) { return; } if (knode.type == 3 && _trim(node.nodeValue).length > 0) { var parent; while ((parent = knode.parent()) && parent.isStyle() && parent.children().length == 1) { knode = parent; } _wrapNode(knode, wrapper); } } }); range.moveToBookmark(bookmark); return self; }, split : function(isStart, map) { var range = this.range, doc = range.doc; var tempRange = range.cloneRange().collapse(isStart); var node = tempRange.startContainer, pos = tempRange.startOffset, parent = node.nodeType == 3 ? node.parentNode : node, needSplit = false, knode; while (parent && parent.parentNode) { knode = K(parent); if (map) { if (!knode.isStyle()) { break; } if (!_hasAttrOrCss(knode, map)) { break; } } else { if (_NOSPLIT_TAG_MAP[knode.name]) { break; } } needSplit = true; parent = parent.parentNode; } if (needSplit) { var dummy = doc.createElement('span'); range.cloneRange().collapse(!isStart).insertNode(dummy); if (isStart) { tempRange.setStartBefore(parent.firstChild).setEnd(node, pos); } else { tempRange.setStart(node, pos).setEndAfter(parent.lastChild); } var frag = tempRange.extractContents(), first = frag.firstChild, last = frag.lastChild; if (isStart) { tempRange.insertNode(frag); range.setStartAfter(last).setEndBefore(dummy); } else { parent.appendChild(frag); range.setStartBefore(dummy).setEndBefore(first); } var dummyParent = dummy.parentNode; if (dummyParent == range.endContainer) { var prev = K(dummy).prev(), next = K(dummy).next(); if (prev && next && prev.type == 3 && next.type == 3) { range.setEnd(prev[0], prev[0].nodeValue.length); } else if (!isStart) { range.setEnd(range.endContainer, range.endOffset - 1); } } dummyParent.removeChild(dummy); } return this; }, remove : function(map) { var self = this, doc = self.doc, range = self.range; range.enlarge(); if (range.startOffset === 0) { var ksc = K(range.startContainer), parent; while ((parent = ksc.parent()) && parent.isStyle() && parent.children().length == 1) { ksc = parent; } range.setStart(ksc[0], 0); ksc = K(range.startContainer); if (ksc.isBlock()) { _removeAttrOrCss(ksc, map); } var kscp = ksc.parent(); if (kscp && kscp.isBlock()) { _removeAttrOrCss(kscp, map); } } var sc, so; if (range.collapsed) { self.split(true, map); sc = range.startContainer; so = range.startOffset; if (so > 0) { var sb = K(sc.childNodes[so - 1]); if (sb && _isEmptyNode(sb)) { sb.remove(); range.setStart(sc, so - 1); } } var sa = K(sc.childNodes[so]); if (sa && _isEmptyNode(sa)) { sa.remove(); } if (_isEmptyNode(sc)) { range.startBefore(sc); sc.remove(); } range.collapse(true); return self; } self.split(true, map); self.split(false, map); var startDummy = doc.createElement('span'), endDummy = doc.createElement('span'); range.cloneRange().collapse(false).insertNode(endDummy); range.cloneRange().collapse(true).insertNode(startDummy); var nodeList = [], cmpStart = false; K(range.commonAncestor()).scan(function(node) { if (!cmpStart && node == startDummy) { cmpStart = true; return; } if (node == endDummy) { return false; } if (cmpStart) { nodeList.push(node); } }); K(startDummy).remove(); K(endDummy).remove(); sc = range.startContainer; so = range.startOffset; var ec = range.endContainer, eo = range.endOffset; if (so > 0) { var startBefore = K(sc.childNodes[so - 1]); if (startBefore && _isEmptyNode(startBefore)) { startBefore.remove(); range.setStart(sc, so - 1); if (sc == ec) { range.setEnd(ec, eo - 1); } } var startAfter = K(sc.childNodes[so]); if (startAfter && _isEmptyNode(startAfter)) { startAfter.remove(); if (sc == ec) { range.setEnd(ec, eo - 1); } } } var endAfter = K(ec.childNodes[range.endOffset]); if (endAfter && _isEmptyNode(endAfter)) { endAfter.remove(); } var bookmark = range.createBookmark(true); _each(nodeList, function(i, node) { _removeAttrOrCss(K(node), map); }); range.moveToBookmark(bookmark); return self; }, commonNode : function(map) { var range = this.range; var ec = range.endContainer, eo = range.endOffset, node = (ec.nodeType == 3 || eo === 0) ? ec : ec.childNodes[eo - 1]; function find(node) { var child = node, parent = node; while (parent) { if (_hasAttrOrCss(K(parent), map)) { return K(parent); } parent = parent.parentNode; } while (child && (child = child.lastChild)) { if (_hasAttrOrCss(K(child), map)) { return K(child); } } return null; } var cNode = find(node); if (cNode) { return cNode; } if (node.nodeType == 1 || (ec.nodeType == 3 && eo === 0)) { var prev = K(node).prev(); if (prev) { return find(prev); } } return null; }, commonAncestor : function(tagName) { var range = this.range, sc = range.startContainer, so = range.startOffset, ec = range.endContainer, eo = range.endOffset, startNode = (sc.nodeType == 3 || so === 0) ? sc : sc.childNodes[so - 1], endNode = (ec.nodeType == 3 || eo === 0) ? ec : ec.childNodes[eo - 1]; function find(node) { while (node) { if (node.nodeType == 1) { if (node.tagName.toLowerCase() === tagName) { return node; } } node = node.parentNode; } return null; } var start = find(startNode), end = find(endNode); if (start && end && start === end) { return K(start); } return null; }, state : function(key) { var self = this, doc = self.doc, bool = false; try { bool = doc.queryCommandState(key); } catch (e) {} return bool; }, val : function(key) { var self = this, doc = self.doc, range = self.range; function lc(val) { return val.toLowerCase(); } key = lc(key); var val = '', knode; if (key === 'fontfamily' || key === 'fontname') { val = _nativeCommandValue(doc, 'fontname'); val = val.replace(/['"]/g, ''); return lc(val); } if (key === 'formatblock') { val = _nativeCommandValue(doc, key); if (val === '') { knode = self.commonNode({'h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,p,div,pre,address' : '*'}); if (knode) { val = knode.name; } } if (val === 'Normal') { val = 'p'; } return lc(val); } if (key === 'fontsize') { knode = self.commonNode({'*' : '.font-size'}); if (knode) { val = knode.css('font-size'); } return lc(val); } if (key === 'forecolor') { knode = self.commonNode({'*' : '.color'}); if (knode) { val = knode.css('color'); } val = _toHex(val); if (val === '') { val = 'default'; } return lc(val); } if (key === 'hilitecolor') { knode = self.commonNode({'*' : '.background-color'}); if (knode) { val = knode.css('background-color'); } val = _toHex(val); if (val === '') { val = 'default'; } return lc(val); } return val; }, toggle : function(wrapper, map) { var self = this; if (self.commonNode(map)) { self.remove(map); } else { self.wrap(wrapper); } return self.select(); }, bold : function() { return this.toggle('', { span : '.font-weight=bold', strong : '*', b : '*' }); }, italic : function() { return this.toggle('', { span : '.font-style=italic', em : '*', i : '*' }); }, underline : function() { return this.toggle('', { span : '.text-decoration=underline', u : '*' }); }, strikethrough : function() { return this.toggle('', { span : '.text-decoration=line-through', s : '*' }); }, forecolor : function(val) { return this.wrap('').select(); }, hilitecolor : function(val) { return this.wrap('').select(); }, fontsize : function(val) { return this.wrap('').select(); }, fontname : function(val) { return this.fontfamily(val); }, fontfamily : function(val) { return this.wrap('').select(); }, removeformat : function() { var map = { '*' : '.font-weight,.font-style,.text-decoration,.color,.background-color,.font-size,.font-family,.text-indent' }, tags = _STYLE_TAG_MAP; _each(tags, function(key, val) { map[key] = '*'; }); this.remove(map); return this.select(); }, inserthtml : function(val, quickMode) { var self = this, range = self.range; if (val === '') { return self; } function pasteHtml(range, val) { val = '' + val; var rng = range.get(); if (rng.item) { rng.item(0).outerHTML = val; } else { rng.pasteHTML(val); } var temp = range.doc.getElementById('__kindeditor_temp_tag__'); temp.parentNode.removeChild(temp); var newRange = _toRange(rng); range.setEnd(newRange.endContainer, newRange.endOffset); range.collapse(false); self.select(false); } function insertHtml(range, val) { var doc = range.doc, frag = doc.createDocumentFragment(); K('@' + val, doc).each(function() { frag.appendChild(this); }); range.deleteContents(); range.insertNode(frag); range.collapse(false); self.select(false); } if (_IERANGE && quickMode) { try { pasteHtml(range, val); } catch(e) { insertHtml(range, val); } return self; } insertHtml(range, val); return self; }, hr : function() { return this.inserthtml('
'); }, print : function() { this.win.print(); return this; }, insertimage : function(url, title, width, height, border, align) { title = _undef(title, ''); border = _undef(border, 0); var html = ''; return self.inserthtml(html); } if (range.isControl()) { var node = K(range.startContainer.childNodes[range.startOffset]); html += '>'; node.after(K(html, doc)); node.next().append(node); range.selectNode(node[0]); return self.select(); } function setAttr(node, url, type) { K(node).attr('href', url).attr('data-ke-src', url); if (type) { K(node).attr('target', type); } else { K(node).removeAttr('target'); } } var sc = range.startContainer, so = range.startOffset, ec = range.endContainer, eo = range.endOffset; if (sc.nodeType == 1 && sc === ec && so + 1 === eo) { var child = sc.childNodes[so]; if (child.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'a') { setAttr(child, url, type); return self; } } _nativeCommand(doc, 'createlink', '__kindeditor_temp_url__'); K('a[href="__kindeditor_temp_url__"]', doc).each(function() { setAttr(this, url, type); }); return self; }, unlink : function() { var self = this, doc = self.doc, range = self.range; self.select(); if (range.collapsed) { var a = self.commonNode({ a : '*' }); if (a) { range.selectNode(a.get()); self.select(); } _nativeCommand(doc, 'unlink', null); if (_WEBKIT && K(range.startContainer).name === 'img') { var parent = K(range.startContainer).parent(); if (parent.name === 'a') { parent.remove(true); } } } else { _nativeCommand(doc, 'unlink', null); } return self; } }); _each(('formatblock,selectall,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,insertorderedlist,' + 'insertunorderedlist,indent,outdent,subscript,superscript').split(','), function(i, name) { KCmd.prototype[name] = function(val) { var self = this; self.select(); _nativeCommand(self.doc, name, val); if (_IERANGE && _inArray(name, 'justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull'.split(',')) >= 0) { self.selection(); } if (!_IERANGE || _inArray(name, 'formatblock,selectall,insertorderedlist,insertunorderedlist'.split(',')) >= 0) { self.selection(); } return self; }; }); _each('cut,copy,paste'.split(','), function(i, name) { KCmd.prototype[name] = function() { var self = this; if (!self.doc.queryCommandSupported(name)) { throw 'not supported'; } self.select(); _nativeCommand(self.doc, name, null); return self; }; }); function _cmd(mixed) { if (mixed.nodeName) { var doc = _getDoc(mixed); mixed = _range(doc).selectNodeContents(doc.body).collapse(false); } return new KCmd(mixed); } K.CmdClass = KCmd; K.cmd = _cmd; function _drag(options) { var moveEl = options.moveEl, moveFn = options.moveFn, clickEl = options.clickEl || moveEl, beforeDrag = options.beforeDrag, iframeFix = options.iframeFix === undefined ? true : options.iframeFix; var docs = [document]; if (iframeFix) { K('iframe').each(function() { var src = _formatUrl(this.src || '', 'absolute'); if (/^https?:\/\//.test(src)) { return; } var doc; try { doc = _iframeDoc(this); } catch(e) {} if (doc) { var pos = K(this).pos(); K(doc).data('pos-x', pos.x); K(doc).data('pos-y', pos.y); docs.push(doc); } }); } clickEl.mousedown(function(e) { if(e.button !== 0 && e.button !== 1) { return; } e.stopPropagation(); var self = clickEl.get(), x = _removeUnit(moveEl.css('left')), y = _removeUnit(moveEl.css('top')), width = moveEl.width(), height = moveEl.height(), pageX = e.pageX, pageY = e.pageY; if (beforeDrag) { beforeDrag(); } function moveListener(e) { e.preventDefault(); var kdoc = K(_getDoc(e.target)); var diffX = _round((kdoc.data('pos-x') || 0) + e.pageX - pageX); var diffY = _round((kdoc.data('pos-y') || 0) + e.pageY - pageY); moveFn.call(clickEl, x, y, width, height, diffX, diffY); } function selectListener(e) { e.preventDefault(); } function upListener(e) { e.preventDefault(); K(docs).unbind('mousemove', moveListener) .unbind('mouseup', upListener) .unbind('selectstart', selectListener); if (self.releaseCapture) { self.releaseCapture(); } } K(docs).mousemove(moveListener) .mouseup(upListener) .bind('selectstart', selectListener); if (self.setCapture) { self.setCapture(); } }); } function KWidget(options) { this.init(options); } _extend(KWidget, { init : function(options) { var self = this; self.name = options.name || ''; self.doc = options.doc || document; self.win = _getWin(self.doc); self.x = _addUnit(options.x); self.y = _addUnit(options.y); self.z = options.z; self.width = _addUnit(options.width); self.height = _addUnit(options.height); self.div = K('
'); self.options = options; self._alignEl = options.alignEl; if (self.width) { self.div.css('width', self.width); } if (self.height) { self.div.css('height', self.height); } if (self.z) { self.div.css({ position : 'absolute', left : self.x, top : self.y, 'z-index' : self.z }); } if (self.z && (self.x === undefined || self.y === undefined)) { self.autoPos(self.width, self.height); } if (options.cls) { self.div.addClass(options.cls); } if (options.shadowMode) { self.div.addClass('ke-shadow'); } if (options.css) { self.div.css(options.css); } if (options.src) { K(options.src).replaceWith(self.div); } else { K(self.doc.body).append(self.div); } if (options.html) { self.div.html(options.html); } if (options.autoScroll) { if (_IE && _V < 7 || _QUIRKS) { var scrollPos = _getScrollPos(); K(self.win).bind('scroll', function(e) { var pos = _getScrollPos(), diffX = pos.x - scrollPos.x, diffY = pos.y - scrollPos.y; self.pos(_removeUnit(self.x) + diffX, _removeUnit(self.y) + diffY, false); }); } else { self.div.css('position', 'fixed'); } } }, pos : function(x, y, updateProp) { var self = this; updateProp = _undef(updateProp, true); if (x !== null) { x = x < 0 ? 0 : _addUnit(x); self.div.css('left', x); if (updateProp) { self.x = x; } } if (y !== null) { y = y < 0 ? 0 : _addUnit(y); self.div.css('top', y); if (updateProp) { self.y = y; } } return self; }, autoPos : function(width, height) { var self = this, w = _removeUnit(width) || 0, h = _removeUnit(height) || 0, scrollPos = _getScrollPos(); if (self._alignEl) { var knode = K(self._alignEl), pos = knode.pos(), diffX = _round(knode[0].clientWidth / 2 - w / 2), diffY = _round(knode[0].clientHeight / 2 - h / 2); x = diffX < 0 ? pos.x : pos.x + diffX; y = diffY < 0 ? pos.y : pos.y + diffY; } else { var docEl = _docElement(self.doc); x = _round(scrollPos.x + (docEl.clientWidth - w) / 2); y = _round(scrollPos.y + (docEl.clientHeight - h) / 2); } if (!(_IE && _V < 7 || _QUIRKS)) { x -= scrollPos.x; y -= scrollPos.y; } return self.pos(x, y); }, remove : function() { var self = this; if (_IE && _V < 7 || _QUIRKS) { K(self.win).unbind('scroll'); } self.div.remove(); _each(self, function(i) { self[i] = null; }); return this; }, show : function() { this.div.show(); return this; }, hide : function() { this.div.hide(); return this; }, draggable : function(options) { var self = this; options = options || {}; options.moveEl = self.div; options.moveFn = function(x, y, width, height, diffX, diffY) { if ((x = x + diffX) < 0) { x = 0; } if ((y = y + diffY) < 0) { y = 0; } self.pos(x, y); }; _drag(options); return self; } }); function _widget(options) { return new KWidget(options); } K.WidgetClass = KWidget; K.widget = _widget; function _iframeDoc(iframe) { iframe = _get(iframe); return iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document; } var html, _direction = ''; if ((html = document.getElementsByTagName('html'))) { _direction = html[0].dir; } function _getInitHtml(themesPath, bodyClass, cssPath, cssData) { var arr = [ (_direction === '' ? '' : ''), '', '' ]; if (!_isArray(cssPath)) { cssPath = [cssPath]; } _each(cssPath, function(i, path) { if (path) { arr.push(''); } }); if (cssData) { arr.push(''); } arr.push(''); return arr.join('\n'); } function _elementVal(knode, val) { if (knode.hasVal()) { if (val === undefined) { var html = knode.val(); html = html.replace(/(<(?:p|p\s[^>]*)>) *(<\/p>)/ig, ''); return html; } return knode.val(val); } return knode.html(val); } function KEdit(options) { this.init(options); } _extend(KEdit, KWidget, { init : function(options) { var self = this; KEdit.parent.init.call(self, options); self.srcElement = K(options.srcElement); self.div.addClass('ke-edit'); self.designMode = _undef(options.designMode, true); self.beforeGetHtml = options.beforeGetHtml; self.beforeSetHtml = options.beforeSetHtml; self.afterSetHtml = options.afterSetHtml; var themesPath = _undef(options.themesPath, ''), bodyClass = options.bodyClass, cssPath = options.cssPath, cssData = options.cssData, isDocumentDomain = location.protocol != 'res:' && location.host.replace(/:\d+/, '') !== document.domain, srcScript = ('document.open();' + (isDocumentDomain ? 'document.domain="' + document.domain + '";' : '') + 'document.close();'), iframeSrc = _IE ? ' src="javascript:void(function(){' + encodeURIComponent(srcScript) + '}())"' : ''; self.iframe = K('').css('width', '100%'); self.textarea = K('').css('width', '100%'); self.tabIndex = isNaN(parseInt(options.tabIndex, 10)) ? self.srcElement.attr('tabindex') : parseInt(options.tabIndex, 10); self.iframe.attr('tabindex', self.tabIndex); self.textarea.attr('tabindex', self.tabIndex); if (self.width) { self.setWidth(self.width); } if (self.height) { self.setHeight(self.height); } if (self.designMode) { self.textarea.hide(); } else { self.iframe.hide(); } function ready() { var doc = _iframeDoc(self.iframe); doc.open(); if (isDocumentDomain) { doc.domain = document.domain; } doc.write(_getInitHtml(themesPath, bodyClass, cssPath, cssData)); doc.close(); self.win = self.iframe[0].contentWindow; self.doc = doc; var cmd = _cmd(doc); self.afterChange(function(e) { cmd.selection(); }); if (_WEBKIT) { K(doc).click(function(e) { if (K(e.target).name === 'img') { cmd.selection(true); cmd.range.selectNode(e.target); cmd.select(); } }); } if (_IE) { self._mousedownHandler = function() { var newRange = cmd.range.cloneRange(); newRange.shrink(); if (newRange.isControl()) { self.blur(); } }; K(document).mousedown(self._mousedownHandler); K(doc).keydown(function(e) { if (e.which == 8) { cmd.selection(); var rng = cmd.range; if (rng.isControl()) { rng.collapse(true); K(rng.startContainer.childNodes[rng.startOffset]).remove(); e.preventDefault(); } } }); } self.cmd = cmd; self.html(_elementVal(self.srcElement)); if (_IE) { doc.body.disabled = true; doc.body.contentEditable = true; doc.body.removeAttribute('disabled'); } else { doc.designMode = 'on'; } if (options.afterCreate) { options.afterCreate.call(self); } } if (isDocumentDomain) { self.iframe.bind('load', function(e) { self.iframe.unbind('load'); if (_IE) { ready(); } else { setTimeout(ready, 0); } }); } self.div.append(self.iframe); self.div.append(self.textarea); self.srcElement.hide(); !isDocumentDomain && ready(); }, setWidth : function(val) { var self = this; val = _addUnit(val); self.width = val; self.div.css('width', val); return self; }, setHeight : function(val) { var self = this; val = _addUnit(val); self.height = val; self.div.css('height', val); self.iframe.css('height', val); if ((_IE && _V < 8) || _QUIRKS) { val = _addUnit(_removeUnit(val) - 2); } self.textarea.css('height', val); return self; }, remove : function() { var self = this, doc = self.doc; K(doc.body).unbind(); K(doc).unbind(); K(self.win).unbind(); if (self._mousedownHandler) { K(document).unbind('mousedown', self._mousedownHandler); } _elementVal(self.srcElement, self.html()); self.srcElement.show(); self.iframe.unbind(); self.textarea.unbind(); KEdit.parent.remove.call(self); }, html : function(val, isFull) { var self = this, doc = self.doc; if (self.designMode) { var body = doc.body; if (val === undefined) { if (isFull) { val = '' + body.parentNode.innerHTML + ''; } else { val = body.innerHTML; } if (self.beforeGetHtml) { val = self.beforeGetHtml(val); } if (_GECKO && val == '
') { val = ''; } return val; } if (self.beforeSetHtml) { val = self.beforeSetHtml(val); } if (_IE && _V >= 9) { val = val.replace(/(<.*?checked=")checked(".*>)/ig, '$1$2'); } K(body).html(val); if (self.afterSetHtml) { self.afterSetHtml(); } return self; } if (val === undefined) { return self.textarea.val(); } self.textarea.val(val); return self; }, design : function(bool) { var self = this, val; if (bool === undefined ? !self.designMode : bool) { if (!self.designMode) { val = self.html(); self.designMode = true; self.textarea.hide(); self.html(val); var iframe = self.iframe; var height = _removeUnit(self.height); iframe.height(height - 2); iframe.show(); setTimeout(function() { iframe.height(height); }, 0); } } else { if (self.designMode) { val = self.html(); self.designMode = false; self.html(val); self.iframe.hide(); self.textarea.show(); } } return self.focus(); }, focus : function() { var self = this; self.designMode ? self.win.focus() : self.textarea[0].focus(); return self; }, blur : function() { var self = this; if (_IE) { var input = K('', self.div); self.div.append(input); input[0].focus(); input.remove(); } else { self.designMode ? self.win.blur() : self.textarea[0].blur(); } return self; }, afterChange : function(fn) { var self = this, doc = self.doc, body = doc.body; K(doc).keyup(function(e) { if (!e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey && _CHANGE_KEY_MAP[e.which]) { fn(e); } }); K(doc).mouseup(fn).contextmenu(fn); K(self.win).blur(fn); function timeoutHandler(e) { setTimeout(function() { fn(e); }, 1); } K(body).bind('paste', timeoutHandler); K(body).bind('cut', timeoutHandler); return self; } }); function _edit(options) { return new KEdit(options); } K.EditClass = KEdit; K.edit = _edit; K.iframeDoc = _iframeDoc; function _selectToolbar(name, fn) { var self = this, knode = self.get(name); if (knode) { if (knode.hasClass('ke-disabled')) { return; } fn(knode); } } function KToolbar(options) { this.init(options); } _extend(KToolbar, KWidget, { init : function(options) { var self = this; KToolbar.parent.init.call(self, options); self.disableMode = _undef(options.disableMode, false); self.noDisableItemMap = _toMap(_undef(options.noDisableItems, [])); self._itemMap = {}; self.div.addClass('ke-toolbar').bind('contextmenu,mousedown,mousemove', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }).attr('unselectable', 'on'); function find(target) { var knode = K(target); if (knode.hasClass('ke-outline')) { return knode; } if (knode.hasClass('ke-toolbar-icon')) { return knode.parent(); } } function hover(e, method) { var knode = find(e.target); if (knode) { if (knode.hasClass('ke-disabled')) { return; } if (knode.hasClass('ke-selected')) { return; } knode[method]('ke-on'); } } self.div.mouseover(function(e) { hover(e, 'addClass'); }) .mouseout(function(e) { hover(e, 'removeClass'); }) .click(function(e) { var knode = find(e.target); if (knode) { if (knode.hasClass('ke-disabled')) { return; } self.options.click.call(this, e, knode.attr('data-name')); } }); }, get : function(name) { if (this._itemMap[name]) { return this._itemMap[name]; } return (this._itemMap[name] = K('span.ke-icon-' + name, this.div).parent()); }, select : function(name) { _selectToolbar.call(this, name, function(knode) { knode.addClass('ke-selected'); }); return self; }, unselect : function(name) { _selectToolbar.call(this, name, function(knode) { knode.removeClass('ke-selected').removeClass('ke-on'); }); return self; }, enable : function(name) { var self = this, knode = name.get ? name : self.get(name); if (knode) { knode.removeClass('ke-disabled'); knode.opacity(1); } return self; }, disable : function(name) { var self = this, knode = name.get ? name : self.get(name); if (knode) { knode.removeClass('ke-selected').addClass('ke-disabled'); knode.opacity(0.5); } return self; }, disableAll : function(bool, noDisableItems) { var self = this, map = self.noDisableItemMap, item; if (noDisableItems) { map = _toMap(noDisableItems); } if (bool === undefined ? !self.disableMode : bool) { K('span.ke-outline', self.div).each(function() { var knode = K(this), name = knode[0].getAttribute('data-name', 2); if (!map[name]) { self.disable(knode); } }); self.disableMode = true; } else { K('span.ke-outline', self.div).each(function() { var knode = K(this), name = knode[0].getAttribute('data-name', 2); if (!map[name]) { self.enable(knode); } }); self.disableMode = false; } return self; } }); function _toolbar(options) { return new KToolbar(options); } K.ToolbarClass = KToolbar; K.toolbar = _toolbar; function KMenu(options) { this.init(options); } _extend(KMenu, KWidget, { init : function(options) { var self = this; options.z = options.z || 811213; KMenu.parent.init.call(self, options); self.centerLineMode = _undef(options.centerLineMode, true); self.div.addClass('ke-menu').bind('click,mousedown', function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); }).attr('unselectable', 'on'); }, addItem : function(item) { var self = this; if (item.title === '-') { self.div.append(K('
')); return; } var itemDiv = K('
'), leftDiv = K('
'), rightDiv = K('
'), height = _addUnit(item.height), iconClass = _undef(item.iconClass, ''); self.div.append(itemDiv); if (height) { itemDiv.css('height', height); rightDiv.css('line-height', height); } var centerDiv; if (self.centerLineMode) { centerDiv = K('
'); if (height) { centerDiv.css('height', height); } } itemDiv.mouseover(function(e) { K(this).addClass('ke-menu-item-on'); if (centerDiv) { centerDiv.addClass('ke-menu-item-center-on'); } }) .mouseout(function(e) { K(this).removeClass('ke-menu-item-on'); if (centerDiv) { centerDiv.removeClass('ke-menu-item-center-on'); } }) .click(function(e) { item.click.call(K(this)); e.stopPropagation(); }) .append(leftDiv); if (centerDiv) { itemDiv.append(centerDiv); } itemDiv.append(rightDiv); if (item.checked) { iconClass = 'ke-icon-checked'; } if (iconClass !== '') { leftDiv.html(''); } rightDiv.html(item.title); return self; }, remove : function() { var self = this; if (self.options.beforeRemove) { self.options.beforeRemove.call(self); } K('.ke-menu-item', self.div[0]).unbind(); KMenu.parent.remove.call(self); return self; } }); function _menu(options) { return new KMenu(options); } K.MenuClass = KMenu; K.menu = _menu; function KColorPicker(options) { this.init(options); } _extend(KColorPicker, KWidget, { init : function(options) { var self = this; options.z = options.z || 811213; KColorPicker.parent.init.call(self, options); var colors = options.colors || [ ['#E53333', '#E56600', '#FF9900', '#64451D', '#DFC5A4', '#FFE500'], ['#009900', '#006600', '#99BB00', '#B8D100', '#60D978', '#00D5FF'], ['#337FE5', '#003399', '#4C33E5', '#9933E5', '#CC33E5', '#EE33EE'], ['#FFFFFF', '#CCCCCC', '#999999', '#666666', '#333333', '#000000'] ]; self.selectedColor = (options.selectedColor || '').toLowerCase(); self._cells = []; self.div.addClass('ke-colorpicker').bind('click,mousedown', function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); }).attr('unselectable', 'on'); var table = self.doc.createElement('table'); self.div.append(table); table.className = 'ke-colorpicker-table'; table.cellPadding = 0; table.cellSpacing = 0; table.border = 0; var row = table.insertRow(0), cell = row.insertCell(0); cell.colSpan = colors[0].length; self._addAttr(cell, '', 'ke-colorpicker-cell-top'); for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) { row = table.insertRow(i + 1); for (var j = 0; j < colors[i].length; j++) { cell = row.insertCell(j); self._addAttr(cell, colors[i][j], 'ke-colorpicker-cell'); } } }, _addAttr : function(cell, color, cls) { var self = this; cell = K(cell).addClass(cls); if (self.selectedColor === color.toLowerCase()) { cell.addClass('ke-colorpicker-cell-selected'); } cell.attr('title', color || self.options.noColor); cell.mouseover(function(e) { K(this).addClass('ke-colorpicker-cell-on'); }); cell.mouseout(function(e) { K(this).removeClass('ke-colorpicker-cell-on'); }); cell.click(function(e) { e.stop(); self.options.click.call(K(this), color); }); if (color) { cell.append(K('
').css('background-color', color)); } else { cell.html(self.options.noColor); } K(cell).attr('unselectable', 'on'); self._cells.push(cell); }, remove : function() { var self = this; _each(self._cells, function() { this.unbind(); }); KColorPicker.parent.remove.call(self); return self; } }); function _colorpicker(options) { return new KColorPicker(options); } K.ColorPickerClass = KColorPicker; K.colorpicker = _colorpicker; function KUploadButton(options) { this.init(options); } _extend(KUploadButton, { init : function(options) { var self = this, button = K(options.button), fieldName = options.fieldName || 'file', url = options.url || '', title = button.val(), extraParams = options.extraParams || {}, cls = button[0].className || '', target = options.target || 'kindeditor_upload_iframe_' + new Date().getTime(); options.afterError = options.afterError || function(str) { alert(str); }; var hiddenElements = []; for(var k in extraParams){ hiddenElements.push(''); } var html = [ '
', (options.target ? '' : ''), (options.form ? '
' : '
'), '', hiddenElements.join(''), '', '', '', (options.form ? '
' : ''), '
'].join(''); var div = K(html, button.doc); button.hide(); button.before(div); self.div = div; self.button = button; self.iframe = options.target ? K('iframe[name="' + target + '"]') : K('iframe', div); self.form = options.form ? K(options.form) : K('form', div); self.fileBox = K('.ke-upload-file', div); var width = options.width || K('.ke-button-common', div).width(); K('.ke-upload-area', div).width(width); self.options = options; }, submit : function() { var self = this, iframe = self.iframe; iframe.bind('load', function() { iframe.unbind(); var tempForm = document.createElement('form'); self.fileBox.before(tempForm); K(tempForm).append(self.fileBox); tempForm.reset(); K(tempForm).remove(true); var doc = K.iframeDoc(iframe), pre = doc.getElementsByTagName('pre')[0], str = '', data; if (pre) { str = pre.innerHTML; } else { str = doc.body.innerHTML; } str = _unescape(str); iframe[0].src = 'javascript:false'; try { data = K.json(str); } catch (e) { self.options.afterError.call(self, '' + doc.body.parentNode.innerHTML + ''); } if (data) { self.options.afterUpload.call(self, data); } }); self.form[0].submit(); return self; }, remove : function() { var self = this; if (self.fileBox) { self.fileBox.unbind(); } self.iframe.remove(); self.div.remove(); self.button.show(); return self; } }); function _uploadbutton(options) { return new KUploadButton(options); } K.UploadButtonClass = KUploadButton; K.uploadbutton = _uploadbutton; function _createButton(arg) { arg = arg || {}; var name = arg.name || '', span = K(''), btn = K(''); if (arg.click) { btn.click(arg.click); } span.append(btn); return span; } function KDialog(options) { this.init(options); } _extend(KDialog, KWidget, { init : function(options) { var self = this; var shadowMode = _undef(options.shadowMode, true); options.z = options.z || 811213; options.shadowMode = false; options.autoScroll = _undef(options.autoScroll, true); KDialog.parent.init.call(self, options); var title = options.title, body = K(options.body, self.doc), previewBtn = options.previewBtn, yesBtn = options.yesBtn, noBtn = options.noBtn, closeBtn = options.closeBtn, showMask = _undef(options.showMask, true); self.div.addClass('ke-dialog').bind('click,mousedown', function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); }); var contentDiv = K('
').appendTo(self.div); if (_IE && _V < 7) { self.iframeMask = K('').appendTo(self.div); } else if (shadowMode) { K('
').appendTo(self.div); } var headerDiv = K('
'); contentDiv.append(headerDiv); headerDiv.html(title); self.closeIcon = K('').click(closeBtn.click); headerDiv.append(self.closeIcon); self.draggable({ clickEl : headerDiv, beforeDrag : options.beforeDrag }); var bodyDiv = K('
'); contentDiv.append(bodyDiv); bodyDiv.append(body); var footerDiv = K(''); if (previewBtn || yesBtn || noBtn) { contentDiv.append(footerDiv); } _each([ { btn : previewBtn, name : 'preview' }, { btn : yesBtn, name : 'yes' }, { btn : noBtn, name : 'no' } ], function() { if (this.btn) { var button = _createButton(this.btn); button.addClass('ke-dialog-' + this.name); footerDiv.append(button); } }); if (self.height) { bodyDiv.height(_removeUnit(self.height) - headerDiv.height() - footerDiv.height()); } self.div.width(self.div.width()); self.div.height(self.div.height()); self.mask = null; if (showMask) { var docEl = _docElement(self.doc), docWidth = Math.max(docEl.scrollWidth, docEl.clientWidth), docHeight = Math.max(docEl.scrollHeight, docEl.clientHeight); self.mask = _widget({ x : 0, y : 0, z : self.z - 1, cls : 'ke-dialog-mask', width : docWidth, height : docHeight }); } self.autoPos(self.div.width(), self.div.height()); self.footerDiv = footerDiv; self.bodyDiv = bodyDiv; self.headerDiv = headerDiv; self.isLoading = false; }, setMaskIndex : function(z) { var self = this; self.mask.div.css('z-index', z); }, showLoading : function(msg) { msg = _undef(msg, ''); var self = this, body = self.bodyDiv; self.loading = K('
' + msg + '
') .width(body.width()).height(body.height()) .css('top', self.headerDiv.height() + 'px'); body.css('visibility', 'hidden').after(self.loading); self.isLoading = true; return self; }, hideLoading : function() { this.loading && this.loading.remove(); this.bodyDiv.css('visibility', 'visible'); this.isLoading = false; return this; }, remove : function() { var self = this; if (self.options.beforeRemove) { self.options.beforeRemove.call(self); } self.mask && self.mask.remove(); self.iframeMask && self.iframeMask.remove(); self.closeIcon.unbind(); K('input', self.div).unbind(); K('button', self.div).unbind(); self.footerDiv.unbind(); self.bodyDiv.unbind(); self.headerDiv.unbind(); K('iframe', self.div).each(function() { K(this).remove(); }); KDialog.parent.remove.call(self); return self; } }); function _dialog(options) { return new KDialog(options); } K.DialogClass = KDialog; K.dialog = _dialog; function _tabs(options) { var self = _widget(options), remove = self.remove, afterSelect = options.afterSelect, div = self.div, liList = []; div.addClass('ke-tabs') .bind('contextmenu,mousedown,mousemove', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }); var ul = K('
    '); div.append(ul); self.add = function(tab) { var li = K('
  • ' + tab.title + '
  • '); li.data('tab', tab); liList.push(li); ul.append(li); }; self.selectedIndex = 0; self.select = function(index) { self.selectedIndex = index; _each(liList, function(i, li) { li.unbind(); if (i === index) { li.addClass('ke-tabs-li-selected'); K(li.data('tab').panel).show(''); } else { li.removeClass('ke-tabs-li-selected').removeClass('ke-tabs-li-on') .mouseover(function() { K(this).addClass('ke-tabs-li-on'); }) .mouseout(function() { K(this).removeClass('ke-tabs-li-on'); }) .click(function() { self.select(i); }); K(li.data('tab').panel).hide(); } }); if (afterSelect) { afterSelect.call(self, index); } }; self.remove = function() { _each(liList, function() { this.remove(); }); ul.remove(); remove.call(self); }; return self; } K.tabs = _tabs; function _loadScript(url, fn) { var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || (_QUIRKS ? document.body : document.documentElement), script = document.createElement('script'); head.appendChild(script); script.src = url; script.charset = 'utf-8'; script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function() { if (!this.readyState || this.readyState === 'loaded') { if (fn) { fn(); } script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null; head.removeChild(script); } }; } function _chopQuery(url) { var index = url.indexOf('?'); return index > 0 ? url.substr(0, index) : url; } function _loadStyle(url) { var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || (_QUIRKS ? document.body : document.documentElement), link = document.createElement('link'), absoluteUrl = _chopQuery(_formatUrl(url, 'absolute')); var links = K('link[rel="stylesheet"]', head); for (var i = 0, len = links.length; i < len; i++) { if (_chopQuery(_formatUrl(links[i].href, 'absolute')) === absoluteUrl) { return; } } head.appendChild(link); link.href = url; link.rel = 'stylesheet'; } function _ajax(url, fn, method, param, dataType) { method = method || 'GET'; dataType = dataType || 'json'; var xhr = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new window.XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); xhr.open(method, url, true); xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) { if (fn) { var data = _trim(xhr.responseText); if (dataType == 'json') { data = _json(data); } fn(data); } } }; if (method == 'POST') { var params = []; _each(param, function(key, val) { params.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(val)); }); try { xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); } catch (e) {} xhr.send(params.join('&')); } else { xhr.send(null); } } K.loadScript = _loadScript; K.loadStyle = _loadStyle; K.ajax = _ajax; var _plugins = {}; function _plugin(name, fn) { if (name === undefined) { return _plugins; } if (!fn) { return _plugins[name]; } _plugins[name] = fn; } var _language = {}; function _parseLangKey(key) { var match, ns = 'core'; if ((match = /^(\w+)\.(\w+)$/.exec(key))) { ns = match[1]; key = match[2]; } return { ns : ns, key : key }; } function _lang(mixed, langType) { langType = langType === undefined ? K.options.langType : langType; if (typeof mixed === 'string') { if (!_language[langType]) { return 'no language'; } var pos = mixed.length - 1; if (mixed.substr(pos) === '.') { return _language[langType][mixed.substr(0, pos)]; } var obj = _parseLangKey(mixed); return _language[langType][obj.ns][obj.key]; } _each(mixed, function(key, val) { var obj = _parseLangKey(key); if (!_language[langType]) { _language[langType] = {}; } if (!_language[langType][obj.ns]) { _language[langType][obj.ns] = {}; } _language[langType][obj.ns][obj.key] = val; }); } function _getImageFromRange(range, fn) { if (range.collapsed) { return; } range = range.cloneRange().up(); var sc = range.startContainer, so = range.startOffset; if (!_WEBKIT && !range.isControl()) { return; } var img = K(sc.childNodes[so]); if (!img || img.name != 'img') { return; } if (fn(img)) { return img; } } function _bindContextmenuEvent() { var self = this, doc = self.edit.doc; K(doc).contextmenu(function(e) { if (self.menu) { self.hideMenu(); } if (!self.useContextmenu) { e.preventDefault(); return; } if (self._contextmenus.length === 0) { return; } var maxWidth = 0, items = []; _each(self._contextmenus, function() { if (this.title == '-') { items.push(this); return; } if (this.cond && this.cond()) { items.push(this); if (this.width && this.width > maxWidth) { maxWidth = this.width; } } }); while (items.length > 0 && items[0].title == '-') { items.shift(); } while (items.length > 0 && items[items.length - 1].title == '-') { items.pop(); } var prevItem = null; _each(items, function(i) { if (this.title == '-' && prevItem.title == '-') { delete items[i]; } prevItem = this; }); if (items.length > 0) { e.preventDefault(); var pos = K(self.edit.iframe).pos(), menu = _menu({ x : pos.x + e.clientX, y : pos.y + e.clientY, width : maxWidth, css : { visibility: 'hidden' }, shadowMode : self.shadowMode }); _each(items, function() { if (this.title) { menu.addItem(this); } }); var docEl = _docElement(menu.doc), menuHeight = menu.div.height(); if (e.clientY + menuHeight >= docEl.clientHeight - 100) { menu.pos(menu.x, _removeUnit(menu.y) - menuHeight); } menu.div.css('visibility', 'visible'); self.menu = menu; } }); } function _bindNewlineEvent() { var self = this, doc = self.edit.doc, newlineTag = self.newlineTag; if (_IE && newlineTag !== 'br') { return; } if (_GECKO && _V < 3 && newlineTag !== 'p') { return; } if (_OPERA && _V < 9) { return; } var brSkipTagMap = _toMap('h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,li'), pSkipTagMap = _toMap('p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,li,blockquote'); function getAncestorTagName(range) { var ancestor = K(range.commonAncestor()); while (ancestor) { if (ancestor.type == 1 && !ancestor.isStyle()) { break; } ancestor = ancestor.parent(); } return ancestor.name; } K(doc).keydown(function(e) { if (e.which != 13 || e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey) { return; } self.cmd.selection(); var tagName = getAncestorTagName(self.cmd.range); if (tagName == 'marquee' || tagName == 'select') { return; } if (newlineTag === 'br' && !brSkipTagMap[tagName]) { e.preventDefault(); self.insertHtml('
    ' + (_IE && _V < 9 ? '' : '\u200B')); return; } if (!pSkipTagMap[tagName]) { _nativeCommand(doc, 'formatblock', '

    '); } }); K(doc).keyup(function(e) { if (e.which != 13 || e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey) { return; } if (newlineTag == 'br') { return; } if (_GECKO) { var root = self.cmd.commonAncestor('p'); var a = self.cmd.commonAncestor('a'); if (a && a.text() == '') { a.remove(true); self.cmd.range.selectNodeContents(root[0]).collapse(true); self.cmd.select(); } return; } self.cmd.selection(); var tagName = getAncestorTagName(self.cmd.range); if (tagName == 'marquee' || tagName == 'select') { return; } if (!pSkipTagMap[tagName]) { _nativeCommand(doc, 'formatblock', '

    '); } var div = self.cmd.commonAncestor('div'); if (div) { var p = K('

    '), child = div[0].firstChild; while (child) { var next = child.nextSibling; p.append(child); child = next; } div.before(p); div.remove(); self.cmd.range.selectNodeContents(p[0]); self.cmd.select(); } }); } function _bindTabEvent() { var self = this, doc = self.edit.doc; K(doc).keydown(function(e) { if (e.which == 9) { e.preventDefault(); if (self.afterTab) { self.afterTab.call(self, e); return; } var cmd = self.cmd, range = cmd.range; range.shrink(); if (range.collapsed && range.startContainer.nodeType == 1) { range.insertNode(K('@ ', doc)[0]); cmd.select(); } self.insertHtml('    '); } }); } function _bindFocusEvent() { var self = this; K(self.edit.textarea[0], self.edit.win).focus(function(e) { if (self.afterFocus) { self.afterFocus.call(self, e); } }).blur(function(e) { if (self.afterBlur) { self.afterBlur.call(self, e); } }); } function _removeBookmarkTag(html) { return _trim(html.replace(/]*id="?__kindeditor_bookmark_\w+_\d+__"?[^>]*><\/span>/ig, '')); } function _removeTempTag(html) { return html.replace(/]+class="?__kindeditor_paste__"?[^>]*>[\s\S]*?<\/div>/ig, ''); } function _addBookmarkToStack(stack, bookmark) { if (stack.length === 0) { stack.push(bookmark); return; } var prev = stack[stack.length - 1]; if (_removeBookmarkTag(bookmark.html) !== _removeBookmarkTag(prev.html)) { stack.push(bookmark); } } function _undoToRedo(fromStack, toStack) { var self = this, edit = self.edit, body = edit.doc.body, range, bookmark; if (fromStack.length === 0) { return self; } if (edit.designMode) { range = self.cmd.range; bookmark = range.createBookmark(true); bookmark.html = body.innerHTML; } else { bookmark = { html : body.innerHTML }; } _addBookmarkToStack(toStack, bookmark); var prev = fromStack.pop(); if (_removeBookmarkTag(bookmark.html) === _removeBookmarkTag(prev.html) && fromStack.length > 0) { prev = fromStack.pop(); } if (edit.designMode) { edit.html(prev.html); if (prev.start) { range.moveToBookmark(prev); self.select(); } } else { K(body).html(_removeBookmarkTag(prev.html)); } return self; } function KEditor(options) { var self = this; self.options = {}; function setOption(key, val) { if (KEditor.prototype[key] === undefined) { self[key] = val; } self.options[key] = val; } _each(options, function(key, val) { setOption(key, options[key]); }); _each(K.options, function(key, val) { if (self[key] === undefined) { setOption(key, val); } }); var se = K(self.srcElement || '', ''].join(''), dialog = self.createDialog({ name : name, width : 450, title : self.lang(name), body : html, yesBtn : { name : self.lang('yes'), click : function(e) { var type = K('.ke-code-type', dialog.div).val(), code = textarea.val(), cls = type === '' ? '' : ' lang-' + type, html = '
    \n' + K.escape(code) + '
    '; if (K.trim(code) === '') { alert(lang.pleaseInput); textarea[0].focus(); return; } self.insertHtml(html).hideDialog().focus(); } } }), textarea = K('textarea', dialog.div); textarea[0].focus(); }); }); /******************************************************************************* * KindEditor - WYSIWYG HTML Editor for Internet * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 kindsoft.net * * @author Roddy * @site http://www.kindsoft.net/ * @licence http://www.kindsoft.net/license.php *******************************************************************************/ KindEditor.plugin('emoticons', function(K) { var self = this, name = 'emoticons', path = (self.emoticonsPath || self.pluginsPath + 'emoticons/images/'), allowPreview = self.allowPreviewEmoticons === undefined ? true : self.allowPreviewEmoticons, currentPageNum = 1; self.clickToolbar(name, function() { var rows = 5, cols = 9, total = 135, startNum = 0, cells = rows * cols, pages = Math.ceil(total / cells), colsHalf = Math.floor(cols / 2), wrapperDiv = K('
    '), elements = [], menu = self.createMenu({ name : name, beforeRemove : function() { removeEvent(); } }); menu.div.append(wrapperDiv); var previewDiv, previewImg; if (allowPreview) { previewDiv = K('
    ').css('right', 0); previewImg = K(''); wrapperDiv.append(previewDiv); previewDiv.append(previewImg); } function bindCellEvent(cell, j, num) { if (previewDiv) { cell.mouseover(function() { if (j > colsHalf) { previewDiv.css('left', 0); previewDiv.css('right', ''); } else { previewDiv.css('left', ''); previewDiv.css('right', 0); } previewImg.attr('src', path + num + '.gif'); K(this).addClass('ke-on'); }); } else { cell.mouseover(function() { K(this).addClass('ke-on'); }); } cell.mouseout(function() { K(this).removeClass('ke-on'); }); cell.click(function(e) { self.insertHtml('').hideMenu().focus(); e.stop(); }); } function createEmoticonsTable(pageNum, parentDiv) { var table = document.createElement('table'); parentDiv.append(table); if (previewDiv) { K(table).mouseover(function() { previewDiv.show('block'); }); K(table).mouseout(function() { previewDiv.hide(); }); elements.push(K(table)); } table.className = 'ke-table'; table.cellPadding = 0; table.cellSpacing = 0; table.border = 0; var num = (pageNum - 1) * cells + startNum; for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) { var row = table.insertRow(i); for (var j = 0; j < cols; j++) { var cell = K(row.insertCell(j)); cell.addClass('ke-cell'); bindCellEvent(cell, j, num); var span = K('') .css('background-position', '-' + (24 * num) + 'px 0px') .css('background-image', 'url(' + path + 'static.gif)'); cell.append(span); elements.push(cell); num++; } } return table; } var table = createEmoticonsTable(currentPageNum, wrapperDiv); function removeEvent() { K.each(elements, function() { this.unbind(); }); } var pageDiv; function bindPageEvent(el, pageNum) { el.click(function(e) { removeEvent(); table.parentNode.removeChild(table); pageDiv.remove(); table = createEmoticonsTable(pageNum, wrapperDiv); createPageTable(pageNum); currentPageNum = pageNum; e.stop(); }); } function createPageTable(currentPageNum) { pageDiv = K('
    '); wrapperDiv.append(pageDiv); for (var pageNum = 1; pageNum <= pages; pageNum++) { if (currentPageNum !== pageNum) { var a = K('[' + pageNum + ']'); bindPageEvent(a, pageNum); pageDiv.append(a); elements.push(a); } else { pageDiv.append(K('@[' + pageNum + ']')); } pageDiv.append(K('@ ')); } } createPageTable(currentPageNum); }); }); /******************************************************************************* * KindEditor - WYSIWYG HTML Editor for Internet * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 kindsoft.net * * @author Roddy * @site http://www.kindsoft.net/ * @licence http://www.kindsoft.net/license.php *******************************************************************************/ KindEditor.plugin('filemanager', function(K) { var self = this, name = 'filemanager', fileManagerJson = K.undef(self.fileManagerJson, self.basePath + 'php/file_manager_json.php'), imgPath = self.pluginsPath + name + '/images/', lang = self.lang(name + '.'); function makeFileTitle(filename, filesize, datetime) { return filename + ' (' + Math.ceil(filesize / 1024) + 'KB, ' + datetime + ')'; } function bindTitle(el, data) { if (data.is_dir) { el.attr('title', data.filename); } else { el.attr('title', makeFileTitle(data.filename, data.filesize, data.datetime)); } } self.plugin.filemanagerDialog = function(options) { var width = K.undef(options.width, 650), height = K.undef(options.height, 510), dirName = K.undef(options.dirName, ''), viewType = K.undef(options.viewType, 'VIEW').toUpperCase(), clickFn = options.clickFn; var html = [ '
    ', '
    ', '
    ', ' ', '' + lang.moveup + '', '
    ', '
    ', lang.viewType + ' ', lang.orderType + ' ', '
    ', '
    ', '
    ', '
    ', '
    ' ].join(''); var dialog = self.createDialog({ name : name, width : width, height : height, title : self.lang(name), body : html }), div = dialog.div, bodyDiv = K('.ke-plugin-filemanager-body', div), moveupImg = K('[name="moveupImg"]', div), moveupLink = K('[name="moveupLink"]', div), viewServerBtn = K('[name="viewServer"]', div), viewTypeBox = K('[name="viewType"]', div), orderTypeBox = K('[name="orderType"]', div); function reloadPage(path, order, func) { var param = 'path=' + path + '&order=' + order + '&dir=' + dirName; dialog.showLoading(self.lang('ajaxLoading')); K.ajax(K.addParam(fileManagerJson, param + '&' + new Date().getTime()), function(data) { dialog.hideLoading(); func(data); }); } var elList = []; function bindEvent(el, result, data, createFunc) { var fileUrl = K.formatUrl(result.current_url + data.filename, 'absolute'), dirPath = encodeURIComponent(result.current_dir_path + data.filename + '/'); if (data.is_dir) { el.click(function(e) { reloadPage(dirPath, orderTypeBox.val(), createFunc); }); } else if (data.is_photo) { el.click(function(e) { clickFn.call(this, fileUrl, data.filename); }); } else { el.click(function(e) { clickFn.call(this, fileUrl, data.filename); }); } elList.push(el); } function createCommon(result, createFunc) { K.each(elList, function() { this.unbind(); }); moveupLink.unbind(); viewTypeBox.unbind(); orderTypeBox.unbind(); if (result.current_dir_path) { moveupLink.click(function(e) { reloadPage(result.moveup_dir_path, orderTypeBox.val(), createFunc); }); } function changeFunc() { if (viewTypeBox.val() == 'VIEW') { reloadPage(result.current_dir_path, orderTypeBox.val(), createView); } else { reloadPage(result.current_dir_path, orderTypeBox.val(), createList); } } viewTypeBox.change(changeFunc); orderTypeBox.change(changeFunc); bodyDiv.html(''); } function createList(result) { createCommon(result, createList); var table = document.createElement('table'); table.className = 'ke-table'; table.cellPadding = 0; table.cellSpacing = 0; table.border = 0; bodyDiv.append(table); var fileList = result.file_list; for (var i = 0, len = fileList.length; i < len; i++) { var data = fileList[i], row = K(table.insertRow(i)); row.mouseover(function(e) { K(this).addClass('ke-on'); }) .mouseout(function(e) { K(this).removeClass('ke-on'); }); var iconUrl = imgPath + (data.is_dir ? 'folder-16.gif' : 'file-16.gif'), img = K('' + data.filename + ''), cell0 = K(row[0].insertCell(0)).addClass('ke-cell ke-name').append(img).append(document.createTextNode(' ' + data.filename)); if (!data.is_dir || data.has_file) { row.css('cursor', 'pointer'); cell0.attr('title', data.filename); bindEvent(cell0, result, data, createList); } else { cell0.attr('title', lang.emptyFolder); } K(row[0].insertCell(1)).addClass('ke-cell ke-size').html(data.is_dir ? '-' : Math.ceil(data.filesize / 1024) + 'KB'); K(row[0].insertCell(2)).addClass('ke-cell ke-datetime').html(data.datetime); } } function createView(result) { createCommon(result, createView); var fileList = result.file_list; for (var i = 0, len = fileList.length; i < len; i++) { var data = fileList[i], div = K('
    '); bodyDiv.append(div); var photoDiv = K('
    ') .mouseover(function(e) { K(this).addClass('ke-on'); }) .mouseout(function(e) { K(this).removeClass('ke-on'); }); div.append(photoDiv); var fileUrl = result.current_url + data.filename, iconUrl = data.is_dir ? imgPath + 'folder-64.gif' : (data.is_photo ? fileUrl : imgPath + 'file-64.gif'); var img = K('' + data.filename + ''); if (!data.is_dir || data.has_file) { photoDiv.css('cursor', 'pointer'); bindTitle(photoDiv, data); bindEvent(photoDiv, result, data, createView); } else { photoDiv.attr('title', lang.emptyFolder); } photoDiv.append(img); div.append('
    ' + data.filename + '
    '); } } viewTypeBox.val(viewType); reloadPage('', orderTypeBox.val(), viewType == 'VIEW' ? createView : createList); return dialog; } }); /******************************************************************************* * KindEditor - WYSIWYG HTML Editor for Internet * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 kindsoft.net * * @author Roddy * @site http://www.kindsoft.net/ * @licence http://www.kindsoft.net/license.php *******************************************************************************/ KindEditor.plugin('flash', function(K) { var self = this, name = 'flash', lang = self.lang(name + '.'), allowFlashUpload = K.undef(self.allowFlashUpload, true), allowFileManager = K.undef(self.allowFileManager, false), formatUploadUrl = K.undef(self.formatUploadUrl, true), extraParams = K.undef(self.extraFileUploadParams, {}), filePostName = K.undef(self.filePostName, 'imgFile'), uploadJson = K.undef(self.uploadJson, self.basePath + 'php/upload_json.php'); self.plugin.flash = { edit : function() { var html = [ '
    ', '
    ', '', '  ', '  ', '', '', '', '
    ', '
    ', '', ' ', '
    ', '
    ', '', ' ', '
    ', '
    ' ].join(''); var dialog = self.createDialog({ name : name, width : 450, title : self.lang(name), body : html, yesBtn : { name : self.lang('yes'), click : function(e) { var url = K.trim(urlBox.val()), width = widthBox.val(), height = heightBox.val(); if (url == 'http://' || K.invalidUrl(url)) { alert(self.lang('invalidUrl')); urlBox[0].focus(); return; } if (!/^\d*$/.test(width)) { alert(self.lang('invalidWidth')); widthBox[0].focus(); return; } if (!/^\d*$/.test(height)) { alert(self.lang('invalidHeight')); heightBox[0].focus(); return; } var html = K.mediaImg(self.themesPath + 'common/blank.gif', { src : url, type : K.mediaType('.swf'), width : width, height : height, quality : 'high' }); self.insertHtml(html).hideDialog().focus(); } } }), div = dialog.div, urlBox = K('[name="url"]', div), viewServerBtn = K('[name="viewServer"]', div), widthBox = K('[name="width"]', div), heightBox = K('[name="height"]', div); urlBox.val('http://'); if (allowFlashUpload) { var uploadbutton = K.uploadbutton({ button : K('.ke-upload-button', div)[0], fieldName : filePostName, extraParams : extraParams, url : K.addParam(uploadJson, 'dir=flash'), afterUpload : function(data) { dialog.hideLoading(); if (data.error === 0) { var url = data.url; if (formatUploadUrl) { url = K.formatUrl(url, 'absolute'); } urlBox.val(url); if (self.afterUpload) { self.afterUpload.call(self, url, data, name); } alert(self.lang('uploadSuccess')); } else { alert(data.message); } }, afterError : function(html) { dialog.hideLoading(); self.errorDialog(html); } }); uploadbutton.fileBox.change(function(e) { dialog.showLoading(self.lang('uploadLoading')); uploadbutton.submit(); }); } else { K('.ke-upload-button', div).hide(); } if (allowFileManager) { viewServerBtn.click(function(e) { self.loadPlugin('filemanager', function() { self.plugin.filemanagerDialog({ viewType : 'LIST', dirName : 'flash', clickFn : function(url, title) { if (self.dialogs.length > 1) { K('[name="url"]', div).val(url); if (self.afterSelectFile) { self.afterSelectFile.call(self, url); } self.hideDialog(); } } }); }); }); } else { viewServerBtn.hide(); } var img = self.plugin.getSelectedFlash(); if (img) { var attrs = K.mediaAttrs(img.attr('data-ke-tag')); urlBox.val(attrs.src); widthBox.val(K.removeUnit(img.css('width')) || attrs.width || 0); heightBox.val(K.removeUnit(img.css('height')) || attrs.height || 0); } urlBox[0].focus(); urlBox[0].select(); }, 'delete' : function() { self.plugin.getSelectedFlash().remove(); self.addBookmark(); } }; self.clickToolbar(name, self.plugin.flash.edit); }); /******************************************************************************* * KindEditor - WYSIWYG HTML Editor for Internet * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 kindsoft.net * * @author Roddy * @site http://www.kindsoft.net/ * @licence http://www.kindsoft.net/license.php *******************************************************************************/ KindEditor.plugin('image', function(K) { var self = this, name = 'image', allowImageUpload = K.undef(self.allowImageUpload, true), allowImageRemote = K.undef(self.allowImageRemote, true), formatUploadUrl = K.undef(self.formatUploadUrl, true), allowFileManager = K.undef(self.allowFileManager, false), uploadJson = K.undef(self.uploadJson, self.basePath + 'php/upload_json.php'), imageTabIndex = K.undef(self.imageTabIndex, 0), imgPath = self.pluginsPath + 'image/images/', extraParams = K.undef(self.extraFileUploadParams, {}), filePostName = K.undef(self.filePostName, 'imgFile'), fillDescAfterUploadImage = K.undef(self.fillDescAfterUploadImage, false), lang = self.lang(name + '.'); self.plugin.imageDialog = function(options) { var imageUrl = options.imageUrl, imageWidth = K.undef(options.imageWidth, ''), imageHeight = K.undef(options.imageHeight, ''), imageTitle = K.undef(options.imageTitle, ''), imageAlign = K.undef(options.imageAlign, ''), showRemote = K.undef(options.showRemote, true), showLocal = K.undef(options.showLocal, true), tabIndex = K.undef(options.tabIndex, 0), clickFn = options.clickFn; var target = 'kindeditor_upload_iframe_' + new Date().getTime(); var hiddenElements = []; for(var k in extraParams){ hiddenElements.push(''); } var html = [ '
    ', '
    ', '', '', '
    ' ].join(''); var dialogWidth = showLocal || allowFileManager ? 450 : 400, dialogHeight = showLocal && showRemote ? 300 : 250; var dialog = self.createDialog({ name : name, width : dialogWidth, height : dialogHeight, title : self.lang(name), body : html, yesBtn : { name : self.lang('yes'), click : function(e) { if (dialog.isLoading) { return; } if (showLocal && showRemote && tabs && tabs.selectedIndex === 1 || !showRemote) { if (uploadbutton.fileBox.val() == '') { alert(self.lang('pleaseSelectFile')); return; } dialog.showLoading(self.lang('uploadLoading')); uploadbutton.submit(); localUrlBox.val(''); return; } var url = K.trim(urlBox.val()), width = widthBox.val(), height = heightBox.val(), title = titleBox.val(), align = ''; alignBox.each(function() { if (this.checked) { align = this.value; return false; } }); if (url == 'http://' || K.invalidUrl(url)) { alert(self.lang('invalidUrl')); urlBox[0].focus(); return; } if (!/^\d*$/.test(width)) { alert(self.lang('invalidWidth')); widthBox[0].focus(); return; } if (!/^\d*$/.test(height)) { alert(self.lang('invalidHeight')); heightBox[0].focus(); return; } clickFn.call(self, url, title, width, height, 0, align); } }, beforeRemove : function() { viewServerBtn.unbind(); widthBox.unbind(); heightBox.unbind(); refreshBtn.unbind(); } }), div = dialog.div; var urlBox = K('[name="url"]', div), localUrlBox = K('[name="localUrl"]', div), viewServerBtn = K('[name="viewServer"]', div), widthBox = K('.tab1 [name="width"]', div), heightBox = K('.tab1 [name="height"]', div), refreshBtn = K('.ke-refresh-btn', div), titleBox = K('.tab1 [name="title"]', div), alignBox = K('.tab1 [name="align"]', div); var tabs; if (showRemote && showLocal) { tabs = K.tabs({ src : K('.tabs', div), afterSelect : function(i) {} }); tabs.add({ title : lang.remoteImage, panel : K('.tab1', div) }); tabs.add({ title : lang.localImage, panel : K('.tab2', div) }); tabs.select(tabIndex); } else if (showRemote) { K('.tab1', div).show(); } else if (showLocal) { K('.tab2', div).show(); } var uploadbutton = K.uploadbutton({ button : K('.ke-upload-button', div)[0], fieldName : filePostName, form : K('.ke-form', div), target : target, width: 60, afterUpload : function(data) { dialog.hideLoading(); if (data.error === 0) { var url = data.url; if (formatUploadUrl) { url = K.formatUrl(url, 'absolute'); } if (self.afterUpload) { self.afterUpload.call(self, url, data, name); } if (!fillDescAfterUploadImage) { clickFn.call(self, url, data.title, data.width, data.height, data.border, data.align); } else { K(".ke-dialog-row #remoteUrl", div).val(url); K(".ke-tabs-li", div)[0].click(); K(".ke-refresh-btn", div).click(); } } else { alert(data.message); } }, afterError : function(html) { dialog.hideLoading(); self.errorDialog(html); } }); uploadbutton.fileBox.change(function(e) { localUrlBox.val(uploadbutton.fileBox.val()); }); if (allowFileManager) { viewServerBtn.click(function(e) { self.loadPlugin('filemanager', function() { self.plugin.filemanagerDialog({ viewType : 'VIEW', dirName : 'image', clickFn : function(url, title) { if (self.dialogs.length > 1) { K('[name="url"]', div).val(url); if (self.afterSelectFile) { self.afterSelectFile.call(self, url); } self.hideDialog(); } } }); }); }); } else { viewServerBtn.hide(); } var originalWidth = 0, originalHeight = 0; function setSize(width, height) { widthBox.val(width); heightBox.val(height); originalWidth = width; originalHeight = height; } refreshBtn.click(function(e) { var tempImg = K('', document).css({ position : 'absolute', visibility : 'hidden', top : 0, left : '-1000px' }); tempImg.bind('load', function() { setSize(tempImg.width(), tempImg.height()); tempImg.remove(); }); K(document.body).append(tempImg); }); widthBox.change(function(e) { if (originalWidth > 0) { heightBox.val(Math.round(originalHeight / originalWidth * parseInt(this.value, 10))); } }); heightBox.change(function(e) { if (originalHeight > 0) { widthBox.val(Math.round(originalWidth / originalHeight * parseInt(this.value, 10))); } }); urlBox.val(options.imageUrl); setSize(options.imageWidth, options.imageHeight); titleBox.val(options.imageTitle); alignBox.each(function() { if (this.value === options.imageAlign) { this.checked = true; return false; } }); if (showRemote && tabIndex === 0) { urlBox[0].focus(); urlBox[0].select(); } return dialog; }; self.plugin.image = { edit : function() { var img = self.plugin.getSelectedImage(); self.plugin.imageDialog({ imageUrl : img ? img.attr('data-ke-src') : 'http://', imageWidth : img ? img.width() : '', imageHeight : img ? img.height() : '', imageTitle : img ? img.attr('title') : '', imageAlign : img ? img.attr('align') : '', showRemote : allowImageRemote, showLocal : allowImageUpload, tabIndex: img ? 0 : imageTabIndex, clickFn : function(url, title, width, height, border, align) { if (img) { img.attr('src', url); img.attr('data-ke-src', url); img.attr('width', width); img.attr('height', height); img.attr('title', title); img.attr('align', align); img.attr('alt', title); } else { self.exec('insertimage', url, title, width, height, border, align); } setTimeout(function() { self.hideDialog().focus(); }, 0); } }); }, 'delete' : function() { var target = self.plugin.getSelectedImage(); if (target.parent().name == 'a') { target = target.parent(); } target.remove(); self.addBookmark(); } }; self.clickToolbar(name, self.plugin.image.edit); }); /******************************************************************************* * KindEditor - WYSIWYG HTML Editor for Internet * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 kindsoft.net * * @author Roddy * @site http://www.kindsoft.net/ * @licence http://www.kindsoft.net/license.php *******************************************************************************/ KindEditor.plugin('insertfile', function(K) { var self = this, name = 'insertfile', allowFileUpload = K.undef(self.allowFileUpload, true), allowFileManager = K.undef(self.allowFileManager, false), formatUploadUrl = K.undef(self.formatUploadUrl, true), uploadJson = K.undef(self.uploadJson, self.basePath + 'php/upload_json.php'), extraParams = K.undef(self.extraFileUploadParams, {}), filePostName = K.undef(self.filePostName, 'imgFile'), lang = self.lang(name + '.'); self.plugin.fileDialog = function(options) { var fileUrl = K.undef(options.fileUrl, 'http://'), fileTitle = K.undef(options.fileTitle, ''), clickFn = options.clickFn; var html = [ '
    ', '
    ', '', '  ', '  ', '', '', '', '
    ', '
    ', '', '
    ', '
    ', '', '' ].join(''); var dialog = self.createDialog({ name : name, width : 450, title : self.lang(name), body : html, yesBtn : { name : self.lang('yes'), click : function(e) { var url = K.trim(urlBox.val()), title = titleBox.val(); if (url == 'http://' || K.invalidUrl(url)) { alert(self.lang('invalidUrl')); urlBox[0].focus(); return; } if (K.trim(title) === '') { title = url; } clickFn.call(self, url, title); } } }), div = dialog.div; var urlBox = K('[name="url"]', div), viewServerBtn = K('[name="viewServer"]', div), titleBox = K('[name="title"]', div); if (allowFileUpload) { var uploadbutton = K.uploadbutton({ button : K('.ke-upload-button', div)[0], fieldName : filePostName, url : K.addParam(uploadJson, 'dir=file'), extraParams : extraParams, afterUpload : function(data) { dialog.hideLoading(); if (data.error === 0) { var url = data.url; if (formatUploadUrl) { url = K.formatUrl(url, 'absolute'); } urlBox.val(url); if (self.afterUpload) { self.afterUpload.call(self, url, data, name); } alert(self.lang('uploadSuccess')); } else { alert(data.message); } }, afterError : function(html) { dialog.hideLoading(); self.errorDialog(html); } }); uploadbutton.fileBox.change(function(e) { dialog.showLoading(self.lang('uploadLoading')); uploadbutton.submit(); }); } else { K('.ke-upload-button', div).hide(); } if (allowFileManager) { viewServerBtn.click(function(e) { self.loadPlugin('filemanager', function() { self.plugin.filemanagerDialog({ viewType : 'LIST', dirName : 'file', clickFn : function(url, title) { if (self.dialogs.length > 1) { K('[name="url"]', div).val(url); if (self.afterSelectFile) { self.afterSelectFile.call(self, url); } self.hideDialog(); } } }); }); }); } else { viewServerBtn.hide(); } urlBox.val(fileUrl); titleBox.val(fileTitle); urlBox[0].focus(); urlBox[0].select(); }; self.clickToolbar(name, function() { self.plugin.fileDialog({ clickFn : function(url, title) { var html = '' + title + ''; self.insertHtml(html).hideDialog().focus(); } }); }); }); /******************************************************************************* * KindEditor - WYSIWYG HTML Editor for Internet * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 kindsoft.net * * @author Roddy * @site http://www.kindsoft.net/ * @licence http://www.kindsoft.net/license.php *******************************************************************************/ KindEditor.plugin('lineheight', function(K) { var self = this, name = 'lineheight', lang = self.lang(name + '.'); self.clickToolbar(name, function() { var curVal = '', commonNode = self.cmd.commonNode({'*' : '.line-height'}); if (commonNode) { curVal = commonNode.css('line-height'); } var menu = self.createMenu({ name : name, width : 150 }); K.each(lang.lineHeight, function(i, row) { K.each(row, function(key, val) { menu.addItem({ title : val, checked : curVal === key, click : function() { self.cmd.toggle('', { span : '.line-height=' + key }); self.updateState(); self.addBookmark(); self.hideMenu(); } }); }); }); }); }); /******************************************************************************* * KindEditor - WYSIWYG HTML Editor for Internet * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 kindsoft.net * * @author Roddy * @site http://www.kindsoft.net/ * @licence http://www.kindsoft.net/license.php *******************************************************************************/ KindEditor.plugin('link', function(K) { var self = this, name = 'link'; self.plugin.link = { edit : function() { var lang = self.lang(name + '.'), html = '
    ' + '
    ' + '' + '
    ' + '
    ' + '' + '' + '
    ' + '
    ', dialog = self.createDialog({ name : name, width : 450, title : self.lang(name), body : html, yesBtn : { name : self.lang('yes'), click : function(e) { var url = K.trim(urlBox.val()); if (url == 'http://' || K.invalidUrl(url)) { alert(self.lang('invalidUrl')); urlBox[0].focus(); return; } self.exec('createlink', url, typeBox.val()).hideDialog().focus(); } } }), div = dialog.div, urlBox = K('input[name="url"]', div), typeBox = K('select[name="type"]', div); urlBox.val('http://'); typeBox[0].options[0] = new Option(lang.newWindow, '_blank'); typeBox[0].options[1] = new Option(lang.selfWindow, ''); self.cmd.selection(); var a = self.plugin.getSelectedLink(); if (a) { self.cmd.range.selectNode(a[0]); self.cmd.select(); urlBox.val(a.attr('data-ke-src')); typeBox.val(a.attr('target')); } urlBox[0].focus(); urlBox[0].select(); }, 'delete' : function() { self.exec('unlink', null); } }; self.clickToolbar(name, self.plugin.link.edit); }); /******************************************************************************* * KindEditor - WYSIWYG HTML Editor for Internet * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 kindsoft.net * * @author Roddy * @site http://www.kindsoft.net/ * @licence http://www.kindsoft.net/license.php *******************************************************************************/ KindEditor.plugin('media', function(K) { var self = this, name = 'media', lang = self.lang(name + '.'), allowMediaUpload = K.undef(self.allowMediaUpload, true), allowFileManager = K.undef(self.allowFileManager, false), formatUploadUrl = K.undef(self.formatUploadUrl, true), extraParams = K.undef(self.extraFileUploadParams, {}), filePostName = K.undef(self.filePostName, 'imgFile'), uploadJson = K.undef(self.uploadJson, self.basePath + 'php/upload_json.php'); self.plugin.media = { edit : function() { var html = [ '
    ', '
    ', '', '  ', '  ', '', '', '', '
    ', '
    ', '', '', '
    ', '
    ', '', '', '
    ', '
    ', '', ' ', '
    ', '
    ' ].join(''); var dialog = self.createDialog({ name : name, width : 450, height : 230, title : self.lang(name), body : html, yesBtn : { name : self.lang('yes'), click : function(e) { var url = K.trim(urlBox.val()), width = widthBox.val(), height = heightBox.val(); if (url == 'http://' || K.invalidUrl(url)) { alert(self.lang('invalidUrl')); urlBox[0].focus(); return; } if (!/^\d*$/.test(width)) { alert(self.lang('invalidWidth')); widthBox[0].focus(); return; } if (!/^\d*$/.test(height)) { alert(self.lang('invalidHeight')); heightBox[0].focus(); return; } var html = K.mediaImg(self.themesPath + 'common/blank.gif', { src : url, type : K.mediaType(url), width : width, height : height, autostart : autostartBox[0].checked ? 'true' : 'false', loop : 'true' }); self.insertHtml(html).hideDialog().focus(); } } }), div = dialog.div, urlBox = K('[name="url"]', div), viewServerBtn = K('[name="viewServer"]', div), widthBox = K('[name="width"]', div), heightBox = K('[name="height"]', div), autostartBox = K('[name="autostart"]', div); urlBox.val('http://'); if (allowMediaUpload) { var uploadbutton = K.uploadbutton({ button : K('.ke-upload-button', div)[0], fieldName : filePostName, extraParams : extraParams, url : K.addParam(uploadJson, 'dir=media'), afterUpload : function(data) { dialog.hideLoading(); if (data.error === 0) { var url = data.url; if (formatUploadUrl) { url = K.formatUrl(url, 'absolute'); } urlBox.val(url); if (self.afterUpload) { self.afterUpload.call(self, url, data, name); } alert(self.lang('uploadSuccess')); } else { alert(data.message); } }, afterError : function(html) { dialog.hideLoading(); self.errorDialog(html); } }); uploadbutton.fileBox.change(function(e) { dialog.showLoading(self.lang('uploadLoading')); uploadbutton.submit(); }); } else { K('.ke-upload-button', div).hide(); } if (allowFileManager) { viewServerBtn.click(function(e) { self.loadPlugin('filemanager', function() { self.plugin.filemanagerDialog({ viewType : 'LIST', dirName : 'media', clickFn : function(url, title) { if (self.dialogs.length > 1) { K('[name="url"]', div).val(url); if (self.afterSelectFile) { self.afterSelectFile.call(self, url); } self.hideDialog(); } } }); }); }); } else { viewServerBtn.hide(); } var img = self.plugin.getSelectedMedia(); if (img) { var attrs = K.mediaAttrs(img.attr('data-ke-tag')); urlBox.val(attrs.src); widthBox.val(K.removeUnit(img.css('width')) || attrs.width || 0); heightBox.val(K.removeUnit(img.css('height')) || attrs.height || 0); autostartBox[0].checked = (attrs.autostart === 'true'); } urlBox[0].focus(); urlBox[0].select(); }, 'delete' : function() { self.plugin.getSelectedMedia().remove(); self.addBookmark(); } }; self.clickToolbar(name, self.plugin.media.edit); }); /******************************************************************************* * KindEditor - WYSIWYG HTML Editor for Internet * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 kindsoft.net * * @author Roddy * @site http://www.kindsoft.net/ * @licence http://www.kindsoft.net/license.php *******************************************************************************/ (function(K) { function KSWFUpload(options) { this.init(options); } K.extend(KSWFUpload, { init : function(options) { var self = this; options.afterError = options.afterError || function(str) { alert(str); }; self.options = options; self.progressbars = {}; self.div = K(options.container).html([ '
    ', '
    ', '
    ', '', '
    ', '
    ' + options.uploadDesc + '
    ', '', '', '', '
    ', '
    ', '
    ' ].join('')); self.bodyDiv = K('.ke-swfupload-body', self.div); function showError(itemDiv, msg) { K('.ke-status > div', itemDiv).hide(); K('.ke-message', itemDiv).addClass('ke-error').show().html(K.escape(msg)); } var settings = { debug : false, upload_url : options.uploadUrl, flash_url : options.flashUrl, file_post_name : options.filePostName, button_placeholder : K('.ke-swfupload-button > input', self.div)[0], button_image_url: options.buttonImageUrl, button_width: options.buttonWidth, button_height: options.buttonHeight, button_cursor : SWFUpload.CURSOR.HAND, file_types : options.fileTypes, file_types_description : options.fileTypesDesc, file_upload_limit : options.fileUploadLimit, file_size_limit : options.fileSizeLimit, post_params : options.postParams, file_queued_handler : function(file) { file.url = self.options.fileIconUrl; self.appendFile(file); }, file_queue_error_handler : function(file, errorCode, message) { var errorName = ''; switch (errorCode) { case SWFUpload.QUEUE_ERROR.QUEUE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: errorName = options.queueLimitExceeded; break; case SWFUpload.QUEUE_ERROR.FILE_EXCEEDS_SIZE_LIMIT: errorName = options.fileExceedsSizeLimit; break; case SWFUpload.QUEUE_ERROR.ZERO_BYTE_FILE: errorName = options.zeroByteFile; break; case SWFUpload.QUEUE_ERROR.INVALID_FILETYPE: errorName = options.invalidFiletype; break; default: errorName = options.unknownError; break; } K.DEBUG && alert(errorName); }, upload_start_handler : function(file) { var self = this; var itemDiv = K('div[data-id="' + file.id + '"]', self.bodyDiv); K('.ke-status > div', itemDiv).hide(); K('.ke-progressbar', itemDiv).show(); }, upload_progress_handler : function(file, bytesLoaded, bytesTotal) { var percent = Math.round(bytesLoaded * 100 / bytesTotal); var progressbar = self.progressbars[file.id]; progressbar.bar.css('width', Math.round(percent * 80 / 100) + 'px'); progressbar.percent.html(percent + '%'); }, upload_error_handler : function(file, errorCode, message) { if (file && file.filestatus == SWFUpload.FILE_STATUS.ERROR) { var itemDiv = K('div[data-id="' + file.id + '"]', self.bodyDiv).eq(0); showError(itemDiv, self.options.errorMessage); } }, upload_success_handler : function(file, serverData) { var itemDiv = K('div[data-id="' + file.id + '"]', self.bodyDiv).eq(0); var data = {}; try { data = K.json(serverData); } catch (e) { self.options.afterError.call(this, '' + serverData + ''); } if (data.error !== 0) { showError(itemDiv, K.DEBUG ? data.message : self.options.errorMessage); return; } file.url = data.url; K('.ke-img', itemDiv).attr('src', file.url).attr('data-status', file.filestatus).data('data', data); K('.ke-status > div', itemDiv).hide(); } }; self.swfu = new SWFUpload(settings); K('.ke-swfupload-startupload input', self.div).click(function() { self.swfu.startUpload(); }); }, getUrlList : function() { var list = []; K('.ke-img', self.bodyDiv).each(function() { var img = K(this); var status = img.attr('data-status'); if (status == SWFUpload.FILE_STATUS.COMPLETE) { list.push(img.data('data')); } }); return list; }, removeFile : function(fileId) { var self = this; self.swfu.cancelUpload(fileId); var itemDiv = K('div[data-id="' + fileId + '"]', self.bodyDiv); K('.ke-photo', itemDiv).unbind(); K('.ke-delete', itemDiv).unbind(); itemDiv.remove(); }, removeFiles : function() { var self = this; K('.ke-item', self.bodyDiv).each(function() { self.removeFile(K(this).attr('data-id')); }); }, appendFile : function(file) { var self = this; var itemDiv = K('
    '); self.bodyDiv.append(itemDiv); var photoDiv = K('
    ') .mouseover(function(e) { K(this).addClass('ke-on'); }) .mouseout(function(e) { K(this).removeClass('ke-on'); }); itemDiv.append(photoDiv); var img = K('' + file.name + ''); photoDiv.append(img); K('').appendTo(photoDiv).click(function() { self.removeFile(file.id); }); var statusDiv = K('
    ').appendTo(photoDiv); K(['
    ', '
    ', '
    '].join('')).hide().appendTo(statusDiv); K('
    ' + self.options.pendingMessage + '
    ').appendTo(statusDiv); itemDiv.append('
    ' + file.name + '
    '); self.progressbars[file.id] = { bar : K('.ke-progressbar-bar-inner', photoDiv), percent : K('.ke-progressbar-percent', photoDiv) }; }, remove : function() { this.removeFiles(); this.swfu.destroy(); this.div.html(''); } }); K.swfupload = function(element, options) { return new KSWFUpload(element, options); }; })(KindEditor); KindEditor.plugin('multiimage', function(K) { var self = this, name = 'multiimage', formatUploadUrl = K.undef(self.formatUploadUrl, true), uploadJson = K.undef(self.uploadJson, self.basePath + 'php/upload_json.php'), imgPath = self.pluginsPath + 'multiimage/images/', imageSizeLimit = K.undef(self.imageSizeLimit, '1MB'), imageFileTypes = K.undef(self.imageFileTypes, '*.jpg;*.gif;*.png'), imageUploadLimit = K.undef(self.imageUploadLimit, 20), filePostName = K.undef(self.filePostName, 'imgFile'), lang = self.lang(name + '.'); self.plugin.multiImageDialog = function(options) { var clickFn = options.clickFn, uploadDesc = K.tmpl(lang.uploadDesc, {uploadLimit : imageUploadLimit, sizeLimit : imageSizeLimit}); var html = [ '
    ', '
    ', '
    ', '
    ' ].join(''); var dialog = self.createDialog({ name : name, width : 650, height : 510, title : self.lang(name), body : html, previewBtn : { name : lang.insertAll, click : function(e) { clickFn.call(self, swfupload.getUrlList()); } }, yesBtn : { name : lang.clearAll, click : function(e) { swfupload.removeFiles(); } }, beforeRemove : function() { if (!K.IE || K.V <= 8) { swfupload.remove(); } } }), div = dialog.div; var swfupload = K.swfupload({ container : K('.swfupload', div), buttonImageUrl : imgPath + (self.langType == 'zh-CN' ? 'select-files-zh-CN.png' : 'select-files-en.png'), buttonWidth : self.langType == 'zh-CN' ? 72 : 88, buttonHeight : 23, fileIconUrl : imgPath + 'image.png', uploadDesc : uploadDesc, startButtonValue : lang.startUpload, uploadUrl : K.addParam(uploadJson, 'dir=image'), flashUrl : imgPath + 'swfupload.swf', filePostName : filePostName, fileTypes : '*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png;*.bmp', fileTypesDesc : 'Image Files', fileUploadLimit : imageUploadLimit, fileSizeLimit : imageSizeLimit, postParams : K.undef(self.extraFileUploadParams, {}), queueLimitExceeded : lang.queueLimitExceeded, fileExceedsSizeLimit : lang.fileExceedsSizeLimit, zeroByteFile : lang.zeroByteFile, invalidFiletype : lang.invalidFiletype, unknownError : lang.unknownError, pendingMessage : lang.pending, errorMessage : lang.uploadError, afterError : function(html) { self.errorDialog(html); } }); return dialog; }; self.clickToolbar(name, function() { self.plugin.multiImageDialog({ clickFn : function (urlList) { if (urlList.length === 0) { return; } K.each(urlList, function(i, data) { if (self.afterUpload) { self.afterUpload.call(self, data.url, data, 'multiimage'); } self.exec('insertimage', data.url, data.title, data.width, data.height, data.border, data.align); }); setTimeout(function() { self.hideDialog().focus(); }, 0); } }); }); }); /* ******************* */ /* Constructor & Init */ /* ******************* */ (function() { window.SWFUpload = function (settings) { this.initSWFUpload(settings); }; SWFUpload.prototype.initSWFUpload = function (settings) { try { this.customSettings = {}; this.settings = settings; this.eventQueue = []; this.movieName = "KindEditor_SWFUpload_" + SWFUpload.movieCount++; this.movieElement = null; SWFUpload.instances[this.movieName] = this; this.initSettings(); this.loadFlash(); this.displayDebugInfo(); } catch (ex) { delete SWFUpload.instances[this.movieName]; throw ex; } }; /* *************** */ /* Static Members */ /* *************** */ SWFUpload.instances = {}; SWFUpload.movieCount = 0; SWFUpload.version = "2.2.0 2009-03-25"; SWFUpload.QUEUE_ERROR = { QUEUE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED : -100, FILE_EXCEEDS_SIZE_LIMIT : -110, ZERO_BYTE_FILE : -120, INVALID_FILETYPE : -130 }; SWFUpload.UPLOAD_ERROR = { HTTP_ERROR : -200, MISSING_UPLOAD_URL : -210, IO_ERROR : -220, SECURITY_ERROR : -230, UPLOAD_LIMIT_EXCEEDED : -240, UPLOAD_FAILED : -250, SPECIFIED_FILE_ID_NOT_FOUND : -260, FILE_VALIDATION_FAILED : -270, FILE_CANCELLED : -280, UPLOAD_STOPPED : -290 }; SWFUpload.FILE_STATUS = { QUEUED : -1, IN_PROGRESS : -2, ERROR : -3, COMPLETE : -4, CANCELLED : -5 }; SWFUpload.BUTTON_ACTION = { SELECT_FILE : -100, SELECT_FILES : -110, START_UPLOAD : -120 }; SWFUpload.CURSOR = { ARROW : -1, HAND : -2 }; SWFUpload.WINDOW_MODE = { WINDOW : "window", TRANSPARENT : "transparent", OPAQUE : "opaque" }; SWFUpload.completeURL = function(url) { if (typeof(url) !== "string" || url.match(/^https?:\/\//i) || url.match(/^\//)) { return url; } var currentURL = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname + (window.location.port ? ":" + window.location.port : ""); var indexSlash = window.location.pathname.lastIndexOf("/"); if (indexSlash <= 0) { path = "/"; } else { path = window.location.pathname.substr(0, indexSlash) + "/"; } return /*currentURL +*/ path + url; }; /* ******************** */ /* Instance Members */ /* ******************** */ SWFUpload.prototype.initSettings = function () { this.ensureDefault = function (settingName, defaultValue) { this.settings[settingName] = (this.settings[settingName] == undefined) ? defaultValue : this.settings[settingName]; }; this.ensureDefault("upload_url", ""); this.ensureDefault("preserve_relative_urls", false); this.ensureDefault("file_post_name", "Filedata"); this.ensureDefault("post_params", {}); this.ensureDefault("use_query_string", false); this.ensureDefault("requeue_on_error", false); this.ensureDefault("http_success", []); this.ensureDefault("assume_success_timeout", 0); this.ensureDefault("file_types", "*.*"); this.ensureDefault("file_types_description", "All Files"); this.ensureDefault("file_size_limit", 0); this.ensureDefault("file_upload_limit", 0); this.ensureDefault("file_queue_limit", 0); this.ensureDefault("flash_url", "swfupload.swf"); this.ensureDefault("prevent_swf_caching", true); this.ensureDefault("button_image_url", ""); this.ensureDefault("button_width", 1); this.ensureDefault("button_height", 1); this.ensureDefault("button_text", ""); this.ensureDefault("button_text_style", "color: #000000; font-size: 16pt;"); this.ensureDefault("button_text_top_padding", 0); this.ensureDefault("button_text_left_padding", 0); this.ensureDefault("button_action", SWFUpload.BUTTON_ACTION.SELECT_FILES); this.ensureDefault("button_disabled", false); this.ensureDefault("button_placeholder_id", ""); this.ensureDefault("button_placeholder", null); this.ensureDefault("button_cursor", SWFUpload.CURSOR.ARROW); this.ensureDefault("button_window_mode", SWFUpload.WINDOW_MODE.WINDOW); this.ensureDefault("debug", false); this.settings.debug_enabled = this.settings.debug; this.settings.return_upload_start_handler = this.returnUploadStart; this.ensureDefault("swfupload_loaded_handler", null); this.ensureDefault("file_dialog_start_handler", null); this.ensureDefault("file_queued_handler", null); this.ensureDefault("file_queue_error_handler", null); this.ensureDefault("file_dialog_complete_handler", null); this.ensureDefault("upload_start_handler", null); this.ensureDefault("upload_progress_handler", null); this.ensureDefault("upload_error_handler", null); this.ensureDefault("upload_success_handler", null); this.ensureDefault("upload_complete_handler", null); this.ensureDefault("debug_handler", this.debugMessage); this.ensureDefault("custom_settings", {}); this.customSettings = this.settings.custom_settings; if (!!this.settings.prevent_swf_caching) { this.settings.flash_url = this.settings.flash_url + (this.settings.flash_url.indexOf("?") < 0 ? "?" : "&") + "preventswfcaching=" + new Date().getTime(); } if (!this.settings.preserve_relative_urls) { this.settings.upload_url = SWFUpload.completeURL(this.settings.upload_url); this.settings.button_image_url = SWFUpload.completeURL(this.settings.button_image_url); } delete this.ensureDefault; }; SWFUpload.prototype.loadFlash = function () { var targetElement, tempParent; if (document.getElementById(this.movieName) !== null) { throw "ID " + this.movieName + " is already in use. The Flash Object could not be added"; } targetElement = document.getElementById(this.settings.button_placeholder_id) || this.settings.button_placeholder; if (targetElement == undefined) { throw "Could not find the placeholder element: " + this.settings.button_placeholder_id; } tempParent = document.createElement("div"); tempParent.innerHTML = this.getFlashHTML(); targetElement.parentNode.replaceChild(tempParent.firstChild, targetElement); if (window[this.movieName] == undefined) { window[this.movieName] = this.getMovieElement(); } }; SWFUpload.prototype.getFlashHTML = function () { var classid = ''; if (KindEditor.IE && KindEditor.V > 8) { classid = ' classid = "clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"'; } return ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''].join(""); }; SWFUpload.prototype.getFlashVars = function () { var paramString = this.buildParamString(); var httpSuccessString = this.settings.http_success.join(","); return ["movieName=", encodeURIComponent(this.movieName), "&uploadURL=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.upload_url), "&useQueryString=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.use_query_string), "&requeueOnError=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.requeue_on_error), "&httpSuccess=", encodeURIComponent(httpSuccessString), "&assumeSuccessTimeout=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.assume_success_timeout), "&params=", encodeURIComponent(paramString), "&filePostName=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.file_post_name), "&fileTypes=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.file_types), "&fileTypesDescription=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.file_types_description), "&fileSizeLimit=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.file_size_limit), "&fileUploadLimit=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.file_upload_limit), "&fileQueueLimit=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.file_queue_limit), "&debugEnabled=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.debug_enabled), "&buttonImageURL=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.button_image_url), "&buttonWidth=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.button_width), "&buttonHeight=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.button_height), "&buttonText=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.button_text), "&buttonTextTopPadding=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.button_text_top_padding), "&buttonTextLeftPadding=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.button_text_left_padding), "&buttonTextStyle=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.button_text_style), "&buttonAction=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.button_action), "&buttonDisabled=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.button_disabled), "&buttonCursor=", encodeURIComponent(this.settings.button_cursor) ].join(""); }; SWFUpload.prototype.getMovieElement = function () { if (this.movieElement == undefined) { this.movieElement = document.getElementById(this.movieName); } if (this.movieElement === null) { throw "Could not find Flash element"; } return this.movieElement; }; SWFUpload.prototype.buildParamString = function () { var postParams = this.settings.post_params; var paramStringPairs = []; if (typeof(postParams) === "object") { for (var name in postParams) { if (postParams.hasOwnProperty(name)) { paramStringPairs.push(encodeURIComponent(name.toString()) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(postParams[name].toString())); } } } return paramStringPairs.join("&"); }; SWFUpload.prototype.destroy = function () { try { this.cancelUpload(null, false); var movieElement = null; movieElement = this.getMovieElement(); if (movieElement && typeof(movieElement.CallFunction) === "unknown") { for (var i in movieElement) { try { if (typeof(movieElement[i]) === "function") { movieElement[i] = null; } } catch (ex1) {} } try { movieElement.parentNode.removeChild(movieElement); } catch (ex) {} } window[this.movieName] = null; SWFUpload.instances[this.movieName] = null; delete SWFUpload.instances[this.movieName]; this.movieElement = null; this.settings = null; this.customSettings = null; this.eventQueue = null; this.movieName = null; return true; } catch (ex2) { return false; } }; SWFUpload.prototype.displayDebugInfo = function () { this.debug( [ "---SWFUpload Instance Info---\n", "Version: ", SWFUpload.version, "\n", "Movie Name: ", this.movieName, "\n", "Settings:\n", "\t", "upload_url: ", this.settings.upload_url, "\n", "\t", "flash_url: ", this.settings.flash_url, "\n", "\t", "use_query_string: ", this.settings.use_query_string.toString(), "\n", "\t", "requeue_on_error: ", this.settings.requeue_on_error.toString(), "\n", "\t", "http_success: ", this.settings.http_success.join(", "), "\n", "\t", "assume_success_timeout: ", this.settings.assume_success_timeout, "\n", "\t", "file_post_name: ", this.settings.file_post_name, "\n", "\t", "post_params: ", this.settings.post_params.toString(), "\n", "\t", "file_types: ", this.settings.file_types, "\n", "\t", "file_types_description: ", this.settings.file_types_description, "\n", "\t", "file_size_limit: ", this.settings.file_size_limit, "\n", "\t", "file_upload_limit: ", this.settings.file_upload_limit, "\n", "\t", "file_queue_limit: ", this.settings.file_queue_limit, "\n", "\t", "debug: ", this.settings.debug.toString(), "\n", "\t", "prevent_swf_caching: ", this.settings.prevent_swf_caching.toString(), "\n", "\t", "button_placeholder_id: ", this.settings.button_placeholder_id.toString(), "\n", "\t", "button_placeholder: ", (this.settings.button_placeholder ? "Set" : "Not Set"), "\n", "\t", "button_image_url: ", this.settings.button_image_url.toString(), "\n", "\t", "button_width: ", this.settings.button_width.toString(), "\n", "\t", "button_height: ", this.settings.button_height.toString(), "\n", "\t", "button_text: ", this.settings.button_text.toString(), "\n", "\t", "button_text_style: ", this.settings.button_text_style.toString(), "\n", "\t", "button_text_top_padding: ", this.settings.button_text_top_padding.toString(), "\n", "\t", "button_text_left_padding: ", this.settings.button_text_left_padding.toString(), "\n", "\t", "button_action: ", this.settings.button_action.toString(), "\n", "\t", "button_disabled: ", this.settings.button_disabled.toString(), "\n", "\t", "custom_settings: ", this.settings.custom_settings.toString(), "\n", "Event Handlers:\n", "\t", "swfupload_loaded_handler assigned: ", (typeof this.settings.swfupload_loaded_handler === "function").toString(), "\n", "\t", "file_dialog_start_handler assigned: ", (typeof this.settings.file_dialog_start_handler === "function").toString(), "\n", "\t", "file_queued_handler assigned: ", (typeof this.settings.file_queued_handler === "function").toString(), "\n", "\t", "file_queue_error_handler assigned: ", (typeof this.settings.file_queue_error_handler === "function").toString(), "\n", "\t", "upload_start_handler assigned: ", (typeof this.settings.upload_start_handler === "function").toString(), "\n", "\t", "upload_progress_handler assigned: ", (typeof this.settings.upload_progress_handler === "function").toString(), "\n", "\t", "upload_error_handler assigned: ", (typeof this.settings.upload_error_handler === "function").toString(), "\n", "\t", "upload_success_handler assigned: ", (typeof this.settings.upload_success_handler === "function").toString(), "\n", "\t", "upload_complete_handler assigned: ", (typeof this.settings.upload_complete_handler === "function").toString(), "\n", "\t", "debug_handler assigned: ", (typeof this.settings.debug_handler === "function").toString(), "\n" ].join("") ); }; /* Note: addSetting and getSetting are no longer used by SWFUpload but are included the maintain v2 API compatibility */ SWFUpload.prototype.addSetting = function (name, value, default_value) { if (value == undefined) { return (this.settings[name] = default_value); } else { return (this.settings[name] = value); } }; SWFUpload.prototype.getSetting = function (name) { if (this.settings[name] != undefined) { return this.settings[name]; } return ""; }; SWFUpload.prototype.callFlash = function (functionName, argumentArray) { argumentArray = argumentArray || []; var movieElement = this.getMovieElement(); var returnValue, returnString; try { returnString = movieElement.CallFunction('' + __flash__argumentsToXML(argumentArray, 0) + ''); returnValue = eval(returnString); } catch (ex) { throw "Call to " + functionName + " failed"; } if (returnValue != undefined && typeof returnValue.post === "object") { returnValue = this.unescapeFilePostParams(returnValue); } return returnValue; }; /* ***************************** -- Flash control methods -- Your UI should use these to operate SWFUpload ***************************** */ SWFUpload.prototype.selectFile = function () { this.callFlash("SelectFile"); }; SWFUpload.prototype.selectFiles = function () { this.callFlash("SelectFiles"); }; SWFUpload.prototype.startUpload = function (fileID) { this.callFlash("StartUpload", [fileID]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.cancelUpload = function (fileID, triggerErrorEvent) { if (triggerErrorEvent !== false) { triggerErrorEvent = true; } this.callFlash("CancelUpload", [fileID, triggerErrorEvent]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.stopUpload = function () { this.callFlash("StopUpload"); }; /* ************************ * Settings methods * These methods change the SWFUpload settings. * SWFUpload settings should not be changed directly on the settings object * since many of the settings need to be passed to Flash in order to take * effect. * *********************** */ SWFUpload.prototype.getStats = function () { return this.callFlash("GetStats"); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setStats = function (statsObject) { this.callFlash("SetStats", [statsObject]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.getFile = function (fileID) { if (typeof(fileID) === "number") { return this.callFlash("GetFileByIndex", [fileID]); } else { return this.callFlash("GetFile", [fileID]); } }; SWFUpload.prototype.addFileParam = function (fileID, name, value) { return this.callFlash("AddFileParam", [fileID, name, value]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.removeFileParam = function (fileID, name) { this.callFlash("RemoveFileParam", [fileID, name]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setUploadURL = function (url) { this.settings.upload_url = url.toString(); this.callFlash("SetUploadURL", [url]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setPostParams = function (paramsObject) { this.settings.post_params = paramsObject; this.callFlash("SetPostParams", [paramsObject]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.addPostParam = function (name, value) { this.settings.post_params[name] = value; this.callFlash("SetPostParams", [this.settings.post_params]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.removePostParam = function (name) { delete this.settings.post_params[name]; this.callFlash("SetPostParams", [this.settings.post_params]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setFileTypes = function (types, description) { this.settings.file_types = types; this.settings.file_types_description = description; this.callFlash("SetFileTypes", [types, description]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setFileSizeLimit = function (fileSizeLimit) { this.settings.file_size_limit = fileSizeLimit; this.callFlash("SetFileSizeLimit", [fileSizeLimit]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setFileUploadLimit = function (fileUploadLimit) { this.settings.file_upload_limit = fileUploadLimit; this.callFlash("SetFileUploadLimit", [fileUploadLimit]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setFileQueueLimit = function (fileQueueLimit) { this.settings.file_queue_limit = fileQueueLimit; this.callFlash("SetFileQueueLimit", [fileQueueLimit]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setFilePostName = function (filePostName) { this.settings.file_post_name = filePostName; this.callFlash("SetFilePostName", [filePostName]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setUseQueryString = function (useQueryString) { this.settings.use_query_string = useQueryString; this.callFlash("SetUseQueryString", [useQueryString]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setRequeueOnError = function (requeueOnError) { this.settings.requeue_on_error = requeueOnError; this.callFlash("SetRequeueOnError", [requeueOnError]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setHTTPSuccess = function (http_status_codes) { if (typeof http_status_codes === "string") { http_status_codes = http_status_codes.replace(" ", "").split(","); } this.settings.http_success = http_status_codes; this.callFlash("SetHTTPSuccess", [http_status_codes]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setAssumeSuccessTimeout = function (timeout_seconds) { this.settings.assume_success_timeout = timeout_seconds; this.callFlash("SetAssumeSuccessTimeout", [timeout_seconds]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setDebugEnabled = function (debugEnabled) { this.settings.debug_enabled = debugEnabled; this.callFlash("SetDebugEnabled", [debugEnabled]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setButtonImageURL = function (buttonImageURL) { if (buttonImageURL == undefined) { buttonImageURL = ""; } this.settings.button_image_url = buttonImageURL; this.callFlash("SetButtonImageURL", [buttonImageURL]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setButtonDimensions = function (width, height) { this.settings.button_width = width; this.settings.button_height = height; var movie = this.getMovieElement(); if (movie != undefined) { movie.style.width = width + "px"; movie.style.height = height + "px"; } this.callFlash("SetButtonDimensions", [width, height]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setButtonText = function (html) { this.settings.button_text = html; this.callFlash("SetButtonText", [html]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setButtonTextPadding = function (left, top) { this.settings.button_text_top_padding = top; this.settings.button_text_left_padding = left; this.callFlash("SetButtonTextPadding", [left, top]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setButtonTextStyle = function (css) { this.settings.button_text_style = css; this.callFlash("SetButtonTextStyle", [css]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setButtonDisabled = function (isDisabled) { this.settings.button_disabled = isDisabled; this.callFlash("SetButtonDisabled", [isDisabled]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setButtonAction = function (buttonAction) { this.settings.button_action = buttonAction; this.callFlash("SetButtonAction", [buttonAction]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.setButtonCursor = function (cursor) { this.settings.button_cursor = cursor; this.callFlash("SetButtonCursor", [cursor]); }; /* ******************************* Flash Event Interfaces These functions are used by Flash to trigger the various events. All these functions a Private. Because the ExternalInterface library is buggy the event calls are added to a queue and the queue then executed by a setTimeout. This ensures that events are executed in a determinate order and that the ExternalInterface bugs are avoided. ******************************* */ SWFUpload.prototype.queueEvent = function (handlerName, argumentArray) { if (argumentArray == undefined) { argumentArray = []; } else if (!(argumentArray instanceof Array)) { argumentArray = [argumentArray]; } var self = this; if (typeof this.settings[handlerName] === "function") { this.eventQueue.push(function () { this.settings[handlerName].apply(this, argumentArray); }); setTimeout(function () { self.executeNextEvent(); }, 0); } else if (this.settings[handlerName] !== null) { throw "Event handler " + handlerName + " is unknown or is not a function"; } }; SWFUpload.prototype.executeNextEvent = function () { var f = this.eventQueue ? this.eventQueue.shift() : null; if (typeof(f) === "function") { f.apply(this); } }; SWFUpload.prototype.unescapeFilePostParams = function (file) { var reg = /[$]([0-9a-f]{4})/i; var unescapedPost = {}; var uk; if (file != undefined) { for (var k in file.post) { if (file.post.hasOwnProperty(k)) { uk = k; var match; while ((match = reg.exec(uk)) !== null) { uk = uk.replace(match[0], String.fromCharCode(parseInt("0x" + match[1], 16))); } unescapedPost[uk] = file.post[k]; } } file.post = unescapedPost; } return file; }; SWFUpload.prototype.testExternalInterface = function () { try { return this.callFlash("TestExternalInterface"); } catch (ex) { return false; } }; SWFUpload.prototype.flashReady = function () { var movieElement = this.getMovieElement(); if (!movieElement) { this.debug("Flash called back ready but the flash movie can't be found."); return; } this.cleanUp(movieElement); this.queueEvent("swfupload_loaded_handler"); }; SWFUpload.prototype.cleanUp = function (movieElement) { try { if (this.movieElement && typeof(movieElement.CallFunction) === "unknown") { this.debug("Removing Flash functions hooks (this should only run in IE and should prevent memory leaks)"); for (var key in movieElement) { try { if (typeof(movieElement[key]) === "function") { movieElement[key] = null; } } catch (ex) { } } } } catch (ex1) { } window["__flash__removeCallback"] = function (instance, name) { try { if (instance) { instance[name] = null; } } catch (flashEx) { } }; }; /* This is a chance to do something before the browse window opens */ SWFUpload.prototype.fileDialogStart = function () { this.queueEvent("file_dialog_start_handler"); }; /* Called when a file is successfully added to the queue. */ SWFUpload.prototype.fileQueued = function (file) { file = this.unescapeFilePostParams(file); this.queueEvent("file_queued_handler", file); }; /* Handle errors that occur when an attempt to queue a file fails. */ SWFUpload.prototype.fileQueueError = function (file, errorCode, message) { file = this.unescapeFilePostParams(file); this.queueEvent("file_queue_error_handler", [file, errorCode, message]); }; /* Called after the file dialog has closed and the selected files have been queued. You could call startUpload here if you want the queued files to begin uploading immediately. */ SWFUpload.prototype.fileDialogComplete = function (numFilesSelected, numFilesQueued, numFilesInQueue) { this.queueEvent("file_dialog_complete_handler", [numFilesSelected, numFilesQueued, numFilesInQueue]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.uploadStart = function (file) { file = this.unescapeFilePostParams(file); this.queueEvent("return_upload_start_handler", file); }; SWFUpload.prototype.returnUploadStart = function (file) { var returnValue; if (typeof this.settings.upload_start_handler === "function") { file = this.unescapeFilePostParams(file); returnValue = this.settings.upload_start_handler.call(this, file); } else if (this.settings.upload_start_handler != undefined) { throw "upload_start_handler must be a function"; } if (returnValue === undefined) { returnValue = true; } returnValue = !!returnValue; this.callFlash("ReturnUploadStart", [returnValue]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.uploadProgress = function (file, bytesComplete, bytesTotal) { file = this.unescapeFilePostParams(file); this.queueEvent("upload_progress_handler", [file, bytesComplete, bytesTotal]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.uploadError = function (file, errorCode, message) { file = this.unescapeFilePostParams(file); this.queueEvent("upload_error_handler", [file, errorCode, message]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.uploadSuccess = function (file, serverData, responseReceived) { file = this.unescapeFilePostParams(file); this.queueEvent("upload_success_handler", [file, serverData, responseReceived]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.uploadComplete = function (file) { file = this.unescapeFilePostParams(file); this.queueEvent("upload_complete_handler", file); }; /* Called by SWFUpload JavaScript and Flash functions when debug is enabled. By default it writes messages to the internal debug console. You can override this event and have messages written where you want. */ SWFUpload.prototype.debug = function (message) { this.queueEvent("debug_handler", message); }; /* ********************************** Debug Console The debug console is a self contained, in page location for debug message to be sent. The Debug Console adds itself to the body if necessary. The console is automatically scrolled as messages appear. If you are using your own debug handler or when you deploy to production and have debug disabled you can remove these functions to reduce the file size and complexity. ********************************** */ SWFUpload.prototype.debugMessage = function (message) { if (this.settings.debug) { var exceptionMessage, exceptionValues = []; if (typeof message === "object" && typeof message.name === "string" && typeof message.message === "string") { for (var key in message) { if (message.hasOwnProperty(key)) { exceptionValues.push(key + ": " + message[key]); } } exceptionMessage = exceptionValues.join("\n") || ""; exceptionValues = exceptionMessage.split("\n"); exceptionMessage = "EXCEPTION: " + exceptionValues.join("\nEXCEPTION: "); SWFUpload.Console.writeLine(exceptionMessage); } else { SWFUpload.Console.writeLine(message); } } }; SWFUpload.Console = {}; SWFUpload.Console.writeLine = function (message) { var console, documentForm; try { console = document.getElementById("SWFUpload_Console"); if (!console) { documentForm = document.createElement("form"); document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(documentForm); console = document.createElement("textarea"); console.id = "SWFUpload_Console"; console.style.fontFamily = "monospace"; console.setAttribute("wrap", "off"); console.wrap = "off"; console.style.overflow = "auto"; console.style.width = "700px"; console.style.height = "350px"; console.style.margin = "5px"; documentForm.appendChild(console); } console.value += message + "\n"; console.scrollTop = console.scrollHeight - console.clientHeight; } catch (ex) { alert("Exception: " + ex.name + " Message: " + ex.message); } }; })(); (function() { /* Queue Plug-in Features: *Adds a cancelQueue() method for cancelling the entire queue. *All queued files are uploaded when startUpload() is called. *If false is returned from uploadComplete then the queue upload is stopped. If false is not returned (strict comparison) then the queue upload is continued. *Adds a QueueComplete event that is fired when all the queued files have finished uploading. Set the event handler with the queue_complete_handler setting. */ if (typeof(SWFUpload) === "function") { SWFUpload.queue = {}; SWFUpload.prototype.initSettings = (function (oldInitSettings) { return function () { if (typeof(oldInitSettings) === "function") { oldInitSettings.call(this); } this.queueSettings = {}; this.queueSettings.queue_cancelled_flag = false; this.queueSettings.queue_upload_count = 0; this.queueSettings.user_upload_complete_handler = this.settings.upload_complete_handler; this.queueSettings.user_upload_start_handler = this.settings.upload_start_handler; this.settings.upload_complete_handler = SWFUpload.queue.uploadCompleteHandler; this.settings.upload_start_handler = SWFUpload.queue.uploadStartHandler; this.settings.queue_complete_handler = this.settings.queue_complete_handler || null; }; })(SWFUpload.prototype.initSettings); SWFUpload.prototype.startUpload = function (fileID) { this.queueSettings.queue_cancelled_flag = false; this.callFlash("StartUpload", [fileID]); }; SWFUpload.prototype.cancelQueue = function () { this.queueSettings.queue_cancelled_flag = true; this.stopUpload(); var stats = this.getStats(); while (stats.files_queued > 0) { this.cancelUpload(); stats = this.getStats(); } }; SWFUpload.queue.uploadStartHandler = function (file) { var returnValue; if (typeof(this.queueSettings.user_upload_start_handler) === "function") { returnValue = this.queueSettings.user_upload_start_handler.call(this, file); } returnValue = (returnValue === false) ? false : true; this.queueSettings.queue_cancelled_flag = !returnValue; return returnValue; }; SWFUpload.queue.uploadCompleteHandler = function (file) { var user_upload_complete_handler = this.queueSettings.user_upload_complete_handler; var continueUpload; if (file.filestatus === SWFUpload.FILE_STATUS.COMPLETE) { this.queueSettings.queue_upload_count++; } if (typeof(user_upload_complete_handler) === "function") { continueUpload = (user_upload_complete_handler.call(this, file) === false) ? false : true; } else if (file.filestatus === SWFUpload.FILE_STATUS.QUEUED) { continueUpload = false; } else { continueUpload = true; } if (continueUpload) { var stats = this.getStats(); if (stats.files_queued > 0 && this.queueSettings.queue_cancelled_flag === false) { this.startUpload(); } else if (this.queueSettings.queue_cancelled_flag === false) { this.queueEvent("queue_complete_handler", [this.queueSettings.queue_upload_count]); this.queueSettings.queue_upload_count = 0; } else { this.queueSettings.queue_cancelled_flag = false; this.queueSettings.queue_upload_count = 0; } } }; } })(); /******************************************************************************* * KindEditor - WYSIWYG HTML Editor for Internet * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 kindsoft.net * * @author Roddy * @site http://www.kindsoft.net/ * @licence http://www.kindsoft.net/license.php *******************************************************************************/ KindEditor.plugin('pagebreak', function(K) { var self = this; var name = 'pagebreak'; var pagebreakHtml = K.undef(self.pagebreakHtml, '
    '); self.clickToolbar(name, function() { var cmd = self.cmd, range = cmd.range; self.focus(); var tail = self.newlineTag == 'br' || K.WEBKIT ? '' : ''; self.insertHtml(pagebreakHtml + tail); if (tail !== '') { var p = K('#__kindeditor_tail_tag__', self.edit.doc); range.selectNodeContents(p[0]); p.removeAttr('id'); cmd.select(); } }); }); /******************************************************************************* * KindEditor - WYSIWYG HTML Editor for Internet * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 kindsoft.net * * @author Roddy * @site http://www.kindsoft.net/ * @licence http://www.kindsoft.net/license.php *******************************************************************************/ KindEditor.plugin('plainpaste', function(K) { var self = this, name = 'plainpaste'; self.clickToolbar(name, function() { var lang = self.lang(name + '.'), html = '
    ' + '
    ' + lang.comment + '
    ' + '' + '
    ', dialog = self.createDialog({ name : name, width : 450, title : self.lang(name), body : html, yesBtn : { name : self.lang('yes'), click : function(e) { var html = textarea.val(); html = K.escape(html); html = html.replace(/ {2}/g, '  '); if (self.newlineTag == 'p') { html = html.replace(/^/, '

    ').replace(/$/, '

    ').replace(/\n/g, '

    '); } else { html = html.replace(/\n/g, '
    $&'); } self.insertHtml(html).hideDialog().focus(); } } }), textarea = K('textarea', dialog.div); textarea[0].focus(); }); }); /******************************************************************************* * KindEditor - WYSIWYG HTML Editor for Internet * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 kindsoft.net * * @author Roddy * @site http://www.kindsoft.net/ * @licence http://www.kindsoft.net/license.php *******************************************************************************/ KindEditor.plugin('preview', function(K) { var self = this, name = 'preview', undefined; self.clickToolbar(name, function() { var lang = self.lang(name + '.'), html = '

    ' + '' + '
    ', dialog = self.createDialog({ name : name, width : 750, title : self.lang(name), body : html }), iframe = K('iframe', dialog.div), doc = K.iframeDoc(iframe); doc.open(); doc.write(self.fullHtml()); doc.close(); K(doc.body).css('background-color', '#FFF'); iframe[0].contentWindow.focus(); }); }); /******************************************************************************* * KindEditor - WYSIWYG HTML Editor for Internet * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 kindsoft.net * * @author Roddy * @site http://www.kindsoft.net/ * @licence http://www.kindsoft.net/license.php *******************************************************************************/ KindEditor.plugin('quickformat', function(K) { var self = this, name = 'quickformat', blockMap = K.toMap('blockquote,center,div,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,p'); function getFirstChild(knode) { var child = knode.first(); while (child && child.first()) { child = child.first(); } return child; } self.clickToolbar(name, function() { self.focus(); var doc = self.edit.doc, range = self.cmd.range, child = K(doc.body).first(), next, nodeList = [], subList = [], bookmark = range.createBookmark(true); while(child) { next = child.next(); var firstChild = getFirstChild(child); if (!firstChild || firstChild.name != 'img') { if (blockMap[child.name]) { child.html(child.html().replace(/^(\s| | )+/ig, '')); child.css('text-indent', '2em'); } else { subList.push(child); } if (!next || (blockMap[next.name] || blockMap[child.name] && !blockMap[next.name])) { if (subList.length > 0) { nodeList.push(subList); } subList = []; } } child = next; } K.each(nodeList, function(i, subList) { var wrapper = K('

    ', doc); subList[0].before(wrapper); K.each(subList, function(i, knode) { wrapper.append(knode); }); }); range.moveToBookmark(bookmark); self.addBookmark(); }); }); /******************************************************************************* * KindEditor - WYSIWYG HTML Editor for Internet * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 kindsoft.net * * @author Roddy * @site http://www.kindsoft.net/ * @licence http://www.kindsoft.net/license.php *******************************************************************************/ KindEditor.plugin('table', function(K) { var self = this, name = 'table', lang = self.lang(name + '.'), zeroborder = 'ke-zeroborder'; function _setColor(box, color) { color = color.toUpperCase(); box.css('background-color', color); box.css('color', color === '#000000' ? '#FFFFFF' : '#000000'); box.html(color); } var pickerList = []; function _initColorPicker(dialogDiv, colorBox) { colorBox.bind('click,mousedown', function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); }); function removePicker() { K.each(pickerList, function() { this.remove(); }); pickerList = []; K(document).unbind('click,mousedown', removePicker); dialogDiv.unbind('click,mousedown', removePicker); } colorBox.click(function(e) { removePicker(); var box = K(this), pos = box.pos(); var picker = K.colorpicker({ x : pos.x, y : pos.y + box.height(), z : 811214, selectedColor : K(this).html(), colors : self.colorTable, noColor : self.lang('noColor'), shadowMode : self.shadowMode, click : function(color) { _setColor(box, color); removePicker(); } }); pickerList.push(picker); K(document).bind('click,mousedown', removePicker); dialogDiv.bind('click,mousedown', removePicker); }); } function _getCellIndex(table, row, cell) { var rowSpanCount = 0; for (var i = 0, len = row.cells.length; i < len; i++) { if (row.cells[i] == cell) { break; } rowSpanCount += row.cells[i].rowSpan - 1; } return cell.cellIndex - rowSpanCount; } self.plugin.table = { prop : function(isInsert) { var html = [ '
    ', '
    ', '', lang.rows + '   ', lang.cols + ' ', '
    ', '
    ', '', lang.width + '   ', '   ', lang.height + '   ', '', '
    ', '
    ', '', lang.padding + '   ', lang.spacing + ' ', '
    ', '
    ', '', '', '
    ', '
    ', '', lang.borderWidth + '   ', lang.borderColor + ' ', '
    ', '
    ', '', '', '
    ', '
    ' ].join(''); var bookmark = self.cmd.range.createBookmark(); var dialog = self.createDialog({ name : name, width : 500, title : self.lang(name), body : html, beforeRemove : function() { colorBox.unbind(); }, yesBtn : { name : self.lang('yes'), click : function(e) { var rows = rowsBox.val(), cols = colsBox.val(), width = widthBox.val(), height = heightBox.val(), widthType = widthTypeBox.val(), heightType = heightTypeBox.val(), padding = paddingBox.val(), spacing = spacingBox.val(), align = alignBox.val(), border = borderBox.val(), borderColor = K(colorBox[0]).html() || '', bgColor = K(colorBox[1]).html() || ''; if (rows == 0 || !/^\d+$/.test(rows)) { alert(self.lang('invalidRows')); rowsBox[0].focus(); return; } if (cols == 0 || !/^\d+$/.test(cols)) { alert(self.lang('invalidRows')); colsBox[0].focus(); return; } if (!/^\d*$/.test(width)) { alert(self.lang('invalidWidth')); widthBox[0].focus(); return; } if (!/^\d*$/.test(height)) { alert(self.lang('invalidHeight')); heightBox[0].focus(); return; } if (!/^\d*$/.test(padding)) { alert(self.lang('invalidPadding')); paddingBox[0].focus(); return; } if (!/^\d*$/.test(spacing)) { alert(self.lang('invalidSpacing')); spacingBox[0].focus(); return; } if (!/^\d*$/.test(border)) { alert(self.lang('invalidBorder')); borderBox[0].focus(); return; } if (table) { if (width !== '') { table.width(width + widthType); } else { table.css('width', ''); } if (table[0].width !== undefined) { table.removeAttr('width'); } if (height !== '') { table.height(height + heightType); } else { table.css('height', ''); } if (table[0].height !== undefined) { table.removeAttr('height'); } table.css('background-color', bgColor); if (table[0].bgColor !== undefined) { table.removeAttr('bgColor'); } if (padding !== '') { table[0].cellPadding = padding; } else { table.removeAttr('cellPadding'); } if (spacing !== '') { table[0].cellSpacing = spacing; } else { table.removeAttr('cellSpacing'); } if (align !== '') { table[0].align = align; } else { table.removeAttr('align'); } if (border !== '') { table.attr('border', border); } else { table.removeAttr('border'); } if (border === '' || border === '0') { table.addClass(zeroborder); } else { table.removeClass(zeroborder); } if (borderColor !== '') { table.attr('borderColor', borderColor); } else { table.removeAttr('borderColor'); } self.hideDialog().focus(); self.cmd.range.moveToBookmark(bookmark); self.cmd.select(); self.addBookmark(); return; } var style = ''; if (width !== '') { style += 'width:' + width + widthType + ';'; } if (height !== '') { style += 'height:' + height + heightType + ';'; } if (bgColor !== '') { style += 'background-color:' + bgColor + ';'; } var html = '') + ''; } html += ''; } html += ''; if (!K.IE) { html += '
    '; } self.insertHtml(html); self.select().hideDialog().focus(); self.addBookmark(); } } }), div = dialog.div, rowsBox = K('[name="rows"]', div).val(3), colsBox = K('[name="cols"]', div).val(2), widthBox = K('[name="width"]', div).val(100), heightBox = K('[name="height"]', div), widthTypeBox = K('[name="widthType"]', div), heightTypeBox = K('[name="heightType"]', div), paddingBox = K('[name="padding"]', div).val(2), spacingBox = K('[name="spacing"]', div).val(0), alignBox = K('[name="align"]', div), borderBox = K('[name="border"]', div).val(1), colorBox = K('.ke-input-color', div); _initColorPicker(div, colorBox.eq(0)); _initColorPicker(div, colorBox.eq(1)); _setColor(colorBox.eq(0), '#000000'); _setColor(colorBox.eq(1), ''); rowsBox[0].focus(); rowsBox[0].select(); var table; if (isInsert) { return; } table = self.plugin.getSelectedTable(); if (table) { rowsBox.val(table[0].rows.length); colsBox.val(table[0].rows.length > 0 ? table[0].rows[0].cells.length : 0); rowsBox.attr('disabled', true); colsBox.attr('disabled', true); var match, tableWidth = table[0].style.width || table[0].width, tableHeight = table[0].style.height || table[0].height; if (tableWidth !== undefined && (match = /^(\d+)((?:px|%)*)$/.exec(tableWidth))) { widthBox.val(match[1]); widthTypeBox.val(match[2]); } else { widthBox.val(''); } if (tableHeight !== undefined && (match = /^(\d+)((?:px|%)*)$/.exec(tableHeight))) { heightBox.val(match[1]); heightTypeBox.val(match[2]); } paddingBox.val(table[0].cellPadding || ''); spacingBox.val(table[0].cellSpacing || ''); alignBox.val(table[0].align || ''); borderBox.val(table[0].border === undefined ? '' : table[0].border); _setColor(colorBox.eq(0), K.toHex(table.attr('borderColor') || '')); _setColor(colorBox.eq(1), K.toHex(table[0].style.backgroundColor || table[0].bgColor || '')); widthBox[0].focus(); widthBox[0].select(); } }, cellprop : function() { var html = [ '
    ', '
    ', '', lang.width + '   ', '   ', lang.height + '   ', '', '
    ', '
    ', '', lang.textAlign + ' ', lang.verticalAlign + ' ', '
    ', '
    ', '', lang.borderWidth + '   ', lang.borderColor + ' ', '
    ', '
    ', '', '', '
    ', '
    ' ].join(''); var bookmark = self.cmd.range.createBookmark(); var dialog = self.createDialog({ name : name, width : 500, title : self.lang('tablecell'), body : html, beforeRemove : function() { colorBox.unbind(); }, yesBtn : { name : self.lang('yes'), click : function(e) { var width = widthBox.val(), height = heightBox.val(), widthType = widthTypeBox.val(), heightType = heightTypeBox.val(), padding = paddingBox.val(), spacing = spacingBox.val(), textAlign = textAlignBox.val(), verticalAlign = verticalAlignBox.val(), border = borderBox.val(), borderColor = K(colorBox[0]).html() || '', bgColor = K(colorBox[1]).html() || ''; if (!/^\d*$/.test(width)) { alert(self.lang('invalidWidth')); widthBox[0].focus(); return; } if (!/^\d*$/.test(height)) { alert(self.lang('invalidHeight')); heightBox[0].focus(); return; } if (!/^\d*$/.test(border)) { alert(self.lang('invalidBorder')); borderBox[0].focus(); return; } cell.css({ width : width !== '' ? (width + widthType) : '', height : height !== '' ? (height + heightType) : '', 'background-color' : bgColor, 'text-align' : textAlign, 'vertical-align' : verticalAlign, 'border-width' : border, 'border-style' : border !== '' ? 'solid' : '', 'border-color' : borderColor }); self.hideDialog().focus(); self.cmd.range.moveToBookmark(bookmark); self.cmd.select(); self.addBookmark(); } } }), div = dialog.div, widthBox = K('[name="width"]', div).val(100), heightBox = K('[name="height"]', div), widthTypeBox = K('[name="widthType"]', div), heightTypeBox = K('[name="heightType"]', div), paddingBox = K('[name="padding"]', div).val(2), spacingBox = K('[name="spacing"]', div).val(0), textAlignBox = K('[name="textAlign"]', div), verticalAlignBox = K('[name="verticalAlign"]', div), borderBox = K('[name="border"]', div).val(1), colorBox = K('.ke-input-color', div); _initColorPicker(div, colorBox.eq(0)); _initColorPicker(div, colorBox.eq(1)); _setColor(colorBox.eq(0), '#000000'); _setColor(colorBox.eq(1), ''); widthBox[0].focus(); widthBox[0].select(); var cell = self.plugin.getSelectedCell(); var match, cellWidth = cell[0].style.width || cell[0].width || '', cellHeight = cell[0].style.height || cell[0].height || ''; if ((match = /^(\d+)((?:px|%)*)$/.exec(cellWidth))) { widthBox.val(match[1]); widthTypeBox.val(match[2]); } else { widthBox.val(''); } if ((match = /^(\d+)((?:px|%)*)$/.exec(cellHeight))) { heightBox.val(match[1]); heightTypeBox.val(match[2]); } textAlignBox.val(cell[0].style.textAlign || ''); verticalAlignBox.val(cell[0].style.verticalAlign || ''); var border = cell[0].style.borderWidth || ''; if (border) { border = parseInt(border); } borderBox.val(border); _setColor(colorBox.eq(0), K.toHex(cell[0].style.borderColor || '')); _setColor(colorBox.eq(1), K.toHex(cell[0].style.backgroundColor || '')); widthBox[0].focus(); widthBox[0].select(); }, insert : function() { this.prop(true); }, 'delete' : function() { var table = self.plugin.getSelectedTable(); self.cmd.range.setStartBefore(table[0]).collapse(true); self.cmd.select(); table.remove(); self.addBookmark(); }, colinsert : function(offset) { var table = self.plugin.getSelectedTable()[0], row = self.plugin.getSelectedRow()[0], cell = self.plugin.getSelectedCell()[0], index = cell.cellIndex + offset; index += table.rows[0].cells.length - row.cells.length; for (var i = 0, len = table.rows.length; i < len; i++) { var newRow = table.rows[i], newCell = newRow.insertCell(index); newCell.innerHTML = K.IE ? '' : '
    '; index = _getCellIndex(table, newRow, newCell); } self.cmd.range.selectNodeContents(cell).collapse(true); self.cmd.select(); self.addBookmark(); }, colinsertleft : function() { this.colinsert(0); }, colinsertright : function() { this.colinsert(1); }, rowinsert : function(offset) { var table = self.plugin.getSelectedTable()[0], row = self.plugin.getSelectedRow()[0], cell = self.plugin.getSelectedCell()[0]; var rowIndex = row.rowIndex; if (offset === 1) { rowIndex = row.rowIndex + (cell.rowSpan - 1) + offset; } var newRow = table.insertRow(rowIndex); for (var i = 0, len = row.cells.length; i < len; i++) { if (row.cells[i].rowSpan > 1) { len -= row.cells[i].rowSpan - 1; } var newCell = newRow.insertCell(i); if (offset === 1 && row.cells[i].colSpan > 1) { newCell.colSpan = row.cells[i].colSpan; } newCell.innerHTML = K.IE ? '' : '
    '; } for (var j = rowIndex; j >= 0; j--) { var cells = table.rows[j].cells; if (cells.length > i) { for (var k = cell.cellIndex; k >= 0; k--) { if (cells[k].rowSpan > 1) { cells[k].rowSpan += 1; } } break; } } self.cmd.range.selectNodeContents(cell).collapse(true); self.cmd.select(); self.addBookmark(); }, rowinsertabove : function() { this.rowinsert(0); }, rowinsertbelow : function() { this.rowinsert(1); }, rowmerge : function() { var table = self.plugin.getSelectedTable()[0], row = self.plugin.getSelectedRow()[0], cell = self.plugin.getSelectedCell()[0], rowIndex = row.rowIndex, nextRowIndex = rowIndex + cell.rowSpan, nextRow = table.rows[nextRowIndex]; if (table.rows.length <= nextRowIndex) { return; } var cellIndex = cell.cellIndex; if (nextRow.cells.length <= cellIndex) { return; } var nextCell = nextRow.cells[cellIndex]; if (cell.colSpan !== nextCell.colSpan) { return; } cell.rowSpan += nextCell.rowSpan; nextRow.deleteCell(cellIndex); self.cmd.range.selectNodeContents(cell).collapse(true); self.cmd.select(); self.addBookmark(); }, colmerge : function() { var table = self.plugin.getSelectedTable()[0], row = self.plugin.getSelectedRow()[0], cell = self.plugin.getSelectedCell()[0], rowIndex = row.rowIndex, cellIndex = cell.cellIndex, nextCellIndex = cellIndex + 1; if (row.cells.length <= nextCellIndex) { return; } var nextCell = row.cells[nextCellIndex]; if (cell.rowSpan !== nextCell.rowSpan) { return; } cell.colSpan += nextCell.colSpan; row.deleteCell(nextCellIndex); self.cmd.range.selectNodeContents(cell).collapse(true); self.cmd.select(); self.addBookmark(); }, rowsplit : function() { var table = self.plugin.getSelectedTable()[0], row = self.plugin.getSelectedRow()[0], cell = self.plugin.getSelectedCell()[0], rowIndex = row.rowIndex; if (cell.rowSpan === 1) { return; } var cellIndex = _getCellIndex(table, row, cell); for (var i = 1, len = cell.rowSpan; i < len; i++) { var newRow = table.rows[rowIndex + i], newCell = newRow.insertCell(cellIndex); if (cell.colSpan > 1) { newCell.colSpan = cell.colSpan; } newCell.innerHTML = K.IE ? '' : '
    '; cellIndex = _getCellIndex(table, newRow, newCell); } K(cell).removeAttr('rowSpan'); self.cmd.range.selectNodeContents(cell).collapse(true); self.cmd.select(); self.addBookmark(); }, colsplit : function() { var table = self.plugin.getSelectedTable()[0], row = self.plugin.getSelectedRow()[0], cell = self.plugin.getSelectedCell()[0], cellIndex = cell.cellIndex; if (cell.colSpan === 1) { return; } for (var i = 1, len = cell.colSpan; i < len; i++) { var newCell = row.insertCell(cellIndex + i); if (cell.rowSpan > 1) { newCell.rowSpan = cell.rowSpan; } newCell.innerHTML = K.IE ? '' : '
    '; } K(cell).removeAttr('colSpan'); self.cmd.range.selectNodeContents(cell).collapse(true); self.cmd.select(); self.addBookmark(); }, coldelete : function() { var table = self.plugin.getSelectedTable()[0], row = self.plugin.getSelectedRow()[0], cell = self.plugin.getSelectedCell()[0], index = cell.cellIndex; for (var i = 0, len = table.rows.length; i < len; i++) { var newRow = table.rows[i], newCell = newRow.cells[index]; if (newCell.colSpan > 1) { newCell.colSpan -= 1; if (newCell.colSpan === 1) { K(newCell).removeAttr('colSpan'); } } else { newRow.deleteCell(index); } if (newCell.rowSpan > 1) { i += newCell.rowSpan - 1; } } if (row.cells.length === 0) { self.cmd.range.setStartBefore(table).collapse(true); self.cmd.select(); K(table).remove(); } else { self.cmd.selection(true); } self.addBookmark(); }, rowdelete : function() { var table = self.plugin.getSelectedTable()[0], row = self.plugin.getSelectedRow()[0], cell = self.plugin.getSelectedCell()[0], rowIndex = row.rowIndex; for (var i = cell.rowSpan - 1; i >= 0; i--) { table.deleteRow(rowIndex + i); } if (table.rows.length === 0) { self.cmd.range.setStartBefore(table).collapse(true); self.cmd.select(); K(table).remove(); } else { self.cmd.selection(true); } self.addBookmark(); } }; self.clickToolbar(name, self.plugin.table.prop); }); /******************************************************************************* * KindEditor - WYSIWYG HTML Editor for Internet * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 kindsoft.net * * @author Roddy * @site http://www.kindsoft.net/ * @licence http://www.kindsoft.net/license.php *******************************************************************************/ KindEditor.plugin('template', function(K) { var self = this, name = 'template', lang = self.lang(name + '.'), htmlPath = self.pluginsPath + name + '/html/'; function getFilePath(fileName) { return htmlPath + fileName + '?ver=' + encodeURIComponent(K.DEBUG ? K.TIME : K.VERSION); } self.clickToolbar(name, function() { var lang = self.lang(name + '.'), arr = ['
    ', '
    ', '
    ', lang. selectTemplate + '
    ', '
    ', ' ', '
    ', '
    ', '
    ', '', '
    '].join(''); var dialog = self.createDialog({ name : name, width : 500, title : self.lang(name), body : html, yesBtn : { name : self.lang('yes'), click : function(e) { var doc = K.iframeDoc(iframe); self[checkbox[0].checked ? 'html' : 'insertHtml'](doc.body.innerHTML).hideDialog().focus(); } } }); var selectBox = K('select', dialog.div), checkbox = K('[name="replaceFlag"]', dialog.div), iframe = K('iframe', dialog.div); checkbox[0].checked = true; iframe.attr('src', getFilePath(selectBox.val())); selectBox.change(function() { iframe.attr('src', getFilePath(this.value)); }); }); }); /******************************************************************************* * KindEditor - WYSIWYG HTML Editor for Internet * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 kindsoft.net * * @author Roddy * @site http://www.kindsoft.net/ * @licence http://www.kindsoft.net/license.php *******************************************************************************/ KindEditor.plugin('wordpaste', function(K) { var self = this, name = 'wordpaste'; self.clickToolbar(name, function() { var lang = self.lang(name + '.'), html = '
    ' + '
    ' + lang.comment + '
    ' + '' + '
    ', dialog = self.createDialog({ name : name, width : 450, title : self.lang(name), body : html, yesBtn : { name : self.lang('yes'), click : function(e) { var str = doc.body.innerHTML; str = K.clearMsWord(str, self.filterMode ? self.htmlTags : K.options.htmlTags); self.insertHtml(str).hideDialog().focus(); } } }), div = dialog.div, iframe = K('iframe', div), doc = K.iframeDoc(iframe); if (!K.IE) { doc.designMode = 'on'; } doc.open(); doc.write('WordPaste'); doc.write(''); if (!K.IE) { doc.write('
    '); } doc.write(''); doc.close(); if (K.IE) { doc.body.contentEditable = 'true'; } iframe[0].contentWindow.focus(); }); }); KindEditor.plugin('fixtoolbar', function (K) { var self = this; if (!self.fixToolBar) { return; } function init() { var toolbar = K('.ke-toolbar'); var originY = toolbar.pos().y; K(window).bind('scroll', function () { if (toolbar.css('position') == 'fixed') { if(document.body.scrollTop - originY < 0){ toolbar.css('position', 'static'); toolbar.css('top', 'auto'); } } else { if (toolbar.pos().y - document.body.scrollTop < 0) { toolbar.css('position', 'fixed'); toolbar.css('top', 0); } } }); } if (self.isCreated) { init(); } else { self.afterCreate(init); } });